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Ah, someone else replied and he's on my side... Now it's two against one.
... Until the admin signs in, skims the first post, says "I already fixed this, stop necroing posts", and hammers the whole thing. Then it's two against one plus infinity.
oh poo, I was going to read your bugreport update but then I forgot
Oh snap, the original guy agrees with me now too. And he embedded the images of the test case in the page, which I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to do.
It's like Christmas ◕‿◕
Hey guys
I have a simple question about python
Is teher anyway
to run python codes on apache web server
without cgi
coz i don't have access to httpd.conf
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Whats that?
I'm 60% sure that it's possible and I'm 100% sure I don't know how to do it personally
I have no clue.
Just help me a little i will search for it
The last time I used Apache was in approximately 2007, so it's lucky I even remember using it
If there is no way to run python on apache web server then whats the point of learning python?
I should always buy a VPS and run flask?
But VPS is expensive
flask is coded in python...... and there's other point for learning python...
Flask is web server for executing python
I mean whats the point of learning python at all?
I'd love to protect Python's honor and give you a solution, but that's squeezing blood from a stone I'm afraid
@Matarata I'm very confused with your rant right now
Flask is not a web server
Django and flask are not web servers?
The "[technology] is bad because I can't do [thing]" approach only works if your audience knows how to do [thing] but is ordinarily unwilling to instruct you. I'm not unwilling, I'm just flat-out ignorant.
@Matarata no they are frameworks
And running python on an apache service is definitely doable
whatever is the wrong answer here when making the mistake between framework and web server
they are two different things
I didn't know coz i just started to learn python
Then you shouldn't make blanket statements like that :)
Python is so cool but i wonder how can i execute it?
what do you mean by execute?
what exactly are you trying to do
Python is not plain text like php right?
so need to be executed to work
python is a programming language, that needs a compiler to 'run'
From context, I'm guessing "execute" means "execute from a web browser with the script sitting on an Apache server, without using cgi"
@Kevin Yes exactly
@Matarata: you're enough of a beginner that asking rhetorical questions is probably not going to be an effective way to learn.
@Matarata I recommend going through the official python tutorial first
@DSM Thats not true
@KevinMGranger I can write a reverse shell will python
and i just did
and test my code
so i'm not that beginner
I can share my code with you
How can you know if your code works if you can't execute it?
I bought a VPS
@Matarata I'm confused now. What are you trying to do? What is your goal?
and run my code using flask
So, how 'bout them Jays? Any chance we get Bautista back?
so you are trying to host a site on your VPS that you have your code in Flask?
My problem is that i want to run my python code on apache web server without CGI
@DSM his pride won't let him resign for less than 17.5m for one year
and my question is if there is no way to do this then whats the use of python?
Well, you just figured it out. Python is useless.
Its not
sure we can do a combo multi year deal with him but it won't be anywhere near what he wants .... since we still have holes to fill (bullpen and outfield and a hammer hitter)
Its super cool actually
No, it's entirely useless unless you want to write web applications using CGI. We try to keep it secret so we keep getting paid.
Generally the saying "If you love something, set it free..." is illustrated by means of releasing a bird from its cage. A jay is a kind of bird, so narrative causality suggests that any player traded away from the Jays will eventually return, iff the fans truly loved them.
@MooingRawr: yeah, I'm a little pessimistic about our chances this year.
There's an entire section of the flask docs about deploying using various CGI methods, including apache
@DSM hmmm. Ok then. Tnx for help
If you don't get Bautista back, then you only need to wish harder. The power was within you all along!
@Kevin: that's actually possible, given that lots of players sign one-day contracts so they can retire with their favourite team.
I've made it this far in my employment convincing people to use Python knowing how useless it is just so that I stay employed and I end up being the only snake charmer in the office
@DSM we still have a solid team, just need 2 guys who can hit .300 or get on base. Also I'm kinda okie with moving towards a base hitting team rather than a slugging team. slugging teams generally don't win long term, only when they are hot. hitting teams win games, it's not as pretty or what not but it gets the job done.
@DSM Aw, that's nice :-)
I'm still upset over EE's agent messing up on that 4 year 80 mill deal
@Kevin Why the hell you discuss about Bautista in python room in stackoverflow
@Matarata We are a pretty flexible group here and we do try to keep things on topic. But we also talk about other things.
@Matarata I dunno, it seemed interesting.
Our commitment to remaining on topic is... Tenuous. It has always ever been thus.
@idjaw lol. cool
Don't know what you are trying to achieve with that comment (the way you phrased it) @Matarata but DSM has been in this room LONG before you have so he must be doing something right..
@idjaw: I heard about some.. mode wsiggy? can't remember.. something once but I blocked it out of my memory because it felt useless..
@MooingRawr Yeah right
@MooingRawr: yeah, it was a pretty bad miss. Apparently they're liking him down in Cleveland.
@DSM oh that yeah.....someone mentioned a woosidgee? ha...I made sure we got rid of that person fast
Well hey, it's natural to ask "what's with these guys not sticking to programming related conversation in this, the programming conversation room?" if you haven't been exposed to our idiosyncrasies yet
@DSM 3 year 65 mill isn't bad... did you see the photo shoot and his "smile" ? I felt really bad
so @idjaw
you said that python is useless ha?
and i should stop learning?
once we signed morales, I knew we werent getting EE since we won't be offering that much money to EE ... >.>. morales = a mini EE I guess in terms of production
@Matarata I guess humour doesn't transfer well. But, please refer to what Kevin M just linked to from a previous comment he made.
The problem with the Maple Leafs is, they always try to walk it in. And of course it's a penalty to take off your skates, so that's a big problem.
skate it in, Kevin
come on...
@idjaw: dude, that's the joke..
oh btw, any thoughts or comment on Patrick Laine's concussion or the hit on him ?
I once quoted that Arsenal line to a bunch of people and they thought I was being serious -- and what's worse is that they agreed with me
And now I was sucked into a conversation I knew nothing about
@DSM Sorry....hockey is the "no humour allowed" trigger for my Canadianess
@Kevin not to ruin your joke or anything. but Mike.B has been trying telling our 3 and 4th line to dump the puck in and chase it.... been actually pretty well
@MarcusS that's hilarious....because their style really is to do that. They are a passing team
In theory you can still walk something in even if you yourself are not walking, since it describes the path of the ball and not your feet.
Ok have a good day!
@MarcusS MARCUS!!! I was waiting for you to come on. Is there a better method to finding the last 2 digits of a powered number? I've been reading about Chinese Remainder Theorem on wiki...
Is there a single word for "ball or puck"? Projectile?
pow(x, y, 10^2)
Thing which you want to get in the goal?
@MooingRawr: same on Morales, but I think it was an improvment in production/value. I didn't actually see the hit so can't comment, but it sucked to hear.
@MooingRawr Look up "modular exponentiation" (through repeated squaring if you want to do it in logarithmic time)
@MarcusS thanks mate
I saw a SO question earlier that got deleted and it got me thinking.
I can't even remember the word meaning "parent word that encompasses several children". :-(
a^b = (a^(b/2))^2 if b is even, and a^b = a * a^(b-1) if b is odd
from this you can compute a^b quickly
and if you take the result mod 10^2 at each step
you get the last two digits at the end of it all
What about peliväline? @AnttiHaapala
I see nice.
thank you marcus, im reading about modular exponentiation before my lunch break ends xD
@DSM well that could include sticks and bats too... or let me check :d
@Code-Apprentice cbg \o how goes it
hi, is phantomjs compatible with pyhon?
\o cbg wim
@titusAdam what are you trying to do
Doing well. Trying to answer some SO questions this morning.
@MooingRawr Yeah, you can use CRT and Euler's Theorem / Fermat's Little Theorem to simplify the work in some of the trickier cases
@DSM that word is not really defined, everyone would understand that you say that the "peliväline in ice hockey is called a puck"
Define "compatible"
what do you mean by "compatible with python"? ^^
@Code-Apprentice may the upvotes be with you
Python can run pretty much any other program using the subprocess module, although you're not going to get "deep" integration that way, per se
waiting on my IDE so I can work through a sample for the answer.
but ... then if you ask the other way, then "yeah, a hockey stick is a peliväline"... idk :P
@DSM @idjaw do you guys follow the raptors or the NBA scene too ? What about TFC? also do you care about rugby (Toronto is getting a pro rugby team, not sure how that will turn out)
@MooingRawr I heard that phantomjs is not the list of python packages, and that it is no longer compatible with python.
There's still so much we don't know about HTML. Even now, scientists are discovering new tags almost every day
@titusAdam Well what are you trying to do ? Python can almost do anything, maybe not 'well' but still able....
Orteil get off of twitter and update Cookie Clicker already
@MooingRawr I want to use phantomjs with scrapy.
(I actually haven't played in like a year so I don't know how relevant this joke is)
I feel like this tweet is something @corvid would say.
@MooingRawr is there an alternative that is compatible with python?
@DSM even the Finnish language dictionary says "sticks/bats and other 'game devices'", so...
Corvid doesn't have the attention span to write 140 characters in a row ;-P
@titusAdam Bro python is entirely useless. Thats what i discover here :)
@davidism <blink>you're right</blink>
@MooingRawr Selenium isn't headless!
hence I deleted it
T.T I'm sorry
@AnttiHaapala: aww, too bad..
@Matarata What are you doing here then? :)
hmm I guess I have to write a comment there :D
"Sport apparatus" works for me.
@titusAdam I came here to tell you this.
Bro Python -- now that would be interesting
@Matarata thanks
Just yesterday I was planning out a tool to help me evolve fake languages for reasons we don't need to dwell upon. Now I need to make sure there's a word for "sports projectile".
@Kevin what is funniest is that in Vietnamese there is no single word for noodle/pasta
it is impossible to translate into Vietnamese the sentence "I had noodle soup for breakfast" without knowing which kind of noodle that was and of which cereal it was made of.
It's interesting how different languages have different standards for what should and should not be a one-word concept.
@MooingRawr Not a Basketball fan. Not since The Jordan era
while there is a single word for wheat noodle (which also means wheat), there is not even a single word for rice noodle.
omg....postman crafts your calls in to python requests....how did I never discover this
@idjaw probably because so many people were doing it wrong and then complaining on SO that their app didn't get JSON data.
this is just so beautiful. I'm testing out API calls and getting them beautifully crafted to put in to my code
I'm so happy right now
I'm going to make a coffee to celebrate
this tweet has me thinking: what's the fastest way to calculate the number of days in the year, using only amateur astronomics equipment and your backyard? The null case being "measure the time between two equinoxes and multiply by two", which in the worst case takes just shy of a year.
Could you do it in a day? Could you do it in half an hour?
Well, peliväline can be used for this, but it is not limited to just the "projectiles" - even the New Dictionary of Modern Finnish gives the example ~"Sticks and other [game devices]". — Antti Haapala 18 secs ago
If "amateur astronomics equipment" includes a smartphone, then I could do it in less than a minute
Internet access is acceptable but any information you get off of it should be considered untrustworthy unless you can empirically replicate its claims.
@AnttiHaapala: thanks, one less ambiguous claim on the internet about Finnish analogues of nonexistent English hypernyms. My work here is clearly done.
So you can, idk, read Galileo's journal, but then you have to do the same experiments he did to make sure they work
@Kevin number of days to which accuracy?
How about... +/- one day.
365? .2? ...4? ...
If your answer starts with "364" or "365" or "366", that's close enough
well it is possible within a day at least...
What assumptions are we starting out with
@Kevin need to have a good clock
you'd just measure the length of the sidereal day.
I actually kinda want to try this...
length of sidereal day vs the solar day
Hmm, ok, then from those two measurements you can find the length of the year. Uh, I think.
so if you can measure arcs precisely faster then you can do it in much less time
"Because Earth orbits the Sun once a year, the sidereal time at any given place and time will gain about four minutes against local civil time, every 24 hours, until, after a year has passed, one additional sidereal "day" has elapsed compared to the number of solar days that have gone by."
Like I know you can use parallax to derive all sorts of stuff -- but it also depends on how accurately you can make your measurements
so, basically you could establish that a day is 24 hours long...
If you can measure angles to a precision of one degree and times to a precision of one second, I bet that's enough to get within one day of the year length.
then for sidereal day you track a star and find the time that it is in exactly the same position the following time
@Kevin well, not with this yet...
Because there's 360 degrees in a circle, and 365 days in a year, so [ARGUMENT MISSING] therefore the two are equivalent.
but in 24 hours you wouldn't need to measure angles...
only find the second that a given constellation is in the same position...
Depends on whether "the target star has just passed directly overhead for the second time" counts as an angle measurement
no, it is not.
Or would the horizon work better? "the target star has just passed behind my house" doesn't require a protractor
well, it wouldn't really work...
I bet this would be easier if Earth didn't have axial tilt.
@AnttiHaapala Don't you need to measure the angle to some amount of accuracy to determine its position for comparison between each night?
if you want to measure a year and you know the earth orbits the sun, wouldn't you need the distance to the sun and your velocity along the orbit?
not for this.
the sun is at the same direction = 1 solar day.
stars at the same direction = 1 stellar day;
Here, let me throw some more wrenches into the works:
> The length of a solar day varies through the year, and the accumulated effect produces seasonal deviations of up to 16 minutes from the mean. The effect has two main causes. First, Earth's orbit is an ellipse, not a circle, so the Earth moves faster when it is nearest the Sun (perihelion) and slower when it is farthest from the Sun (aphelion)
hmmmm damn :D
I guess this is why Galileo's journal is more than one page long.
Sidereal day length is also affected by nutation but I'm guessing that's relatively small compared to this
16 minutes still falls within your +/1 day error threshold though
@MarcusS doesn't really
sidereal day is 4 minutes shorter... so it definitely doesn't fit :P
@Kevin but it is accumulated effect
earth's nutation amplitudes are less than one arcminute
Well, if you can somehow get accurate mean solar/sidereal times, then the math is easy:
>>> sidereal = 23.9344699
>>> solar = 24
>>> sidereal / (solar-sidereal)
I need some advice; Should I specialize in python?
That way I would earn more money as a specialist. And enjoy my job more, since I will be programming more with my favorite language.
A con could be finding a job could cause troubles, since a lot of job doesn't require the need of python. And as a specialist in it, do you think that my changes of finding a job might be too slim?
tiobe.com/tiobe-index indicates that Python isn't that rare.
4 hours ago, by Kevin M Granger
The real money is in PHP. At leas I assume that's why you see $ everywhere in PHP code.
... Depending on your definition of "rare"
@SebastianNielsen why should you specialize
"Most jobs do not involve [programming language]" is true for literally every programming language.
good programmers are good in many programming languages but they might have preferences
I heard that specializing in a language would result in a higher salary, isn't that true?
@Kevin java?
@KevinMGranger you didn't get it
17% is 33% short of "most"
If you can prove that you're definitely an "expert" in what they're looking for, it helps with negotiating.
@Kevin it feels like 99% :/
Antti its not that I only are going to learn 1 langauge, I will master that 1 language, and have decent amount of knowledge around other languages too.
@SebastianNielsen You can't be an expert in one language and know no other languages, unfortunately
@SebastianNielsen that's what I was originally hired for, but then I was forced onto PHP.
Define "master"
When you know your "shit"
@Kevin Martijn
and can get your work done
@Programmer lol, you Martijned me about a Martijn comment
I'm of the opinion that being a good developer/engineer is more than what syntax you are married to
thats the definiton of mastering a language
Being an expert in the language doesn't really mean much if you define that as simply having memorized a bunch of syntax / language paradigms / etc -- eventually you'll have to know how to actually do stuff and apply it, and those skills are largely language-agnostic
sorry, haven't heard the term "agnostic" before, could you elaborate?
language-agnostic -- without respect to any particular language
With sufficient experience in a variety of languages, you begin to see their commonalities and you can quickly become productive in a new language once you recognize it as "like [thing I already know] except [new feature / paradigm]"
As a good engineer you are more valuable knowing about the different technologies involved in crafting an efficient solution. Knowing the trade-offs, advantages, disadvantages
And you can even ignore those features/paradigms and just use the parts you're familiar with, if you're truly only interested in getting things done and not, like, adhering to the specific idioms of the community.
and knowing what to use when
Then, the language is the way to carry out what the solution is

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