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Hats are gone :(
I took a screen shot of my waffle hat
it's all I wanted
The waffle king can live eternally
3 hours later…
> You have a typo: remove the comma at the end of the stuff1 = line.
I can't escape, even on GitHub. github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/issues/457
hey, I got a Necromancer badge woot!
@davidism and after the stuff2 = ... line, too
Thanks, adjusted the comment.
I hate the typo bugs because my eyes just skim over them looking for something related to the library.
I wish there wasn't such a disparity between the effort it takes to post a bug and the effort it takes me to confirm that, no, it's not some obscure weird behavior.
I really need to make some time to contribute to an OSS project.
That should be my New Year's resolution, me thinks.
Well, you're in the right place, there's at least a few maintainers in here.
I guess it depends on what you're interested in.
I have my own github. One project is an Android app at about 20k lines. Tried to attract other developers but not much luck.
I've checked out a few Android libraries and am considering working on something along those lines. Something in Python could be interesting, too.
Most of my repos are half-baked and unfinshed projects ;-(
2 hours later…
Flask-WTF now has 100% branch coverage, as well as verified docs builds. I rewrote the whole thing in pytest, which turned out to be awesome but way more work than I expected to get to 100%. github.com/lepture/flask-wtf/compare/pytest
> Showing with 887 additions and 1,091 deletions
200 fewer lines of code for better results.
it was the last day of hats
nice, I won't feel bad for having only 2 of those any more
Can anyone find a better dupe target for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/41536024/… There are a couple of suggestions in the comments, including one with an answer by Martijn that I found a little while ago. That one asks about dicts instead of lists, but I reckon that's close enough, and I think it's better than the original dupe target I selected.
I wanna write a PEP for async wsgi
but I am too dumb
cbg o/
getting error in phantomjs
i have extracted correctly put the enviorment variable
did everything correct
but my code is still giving phantom js error
@SohaibAsif is this Python related?
\o Andy
cbg guys
hey Bhargav
It's been a silent morning, Guess everyone's still in the week end mode
Hi , i am new python bird
is it a good choice to write complex CLI apps
was doing some initial search confuse between RUBY and PYTHON
any advice on this
@Pradeep You can write complex applications with Python, yes. CLI too.
Is it a good choice? Depends on whether you like the language or not, and also what your application is supposed to.
You can do the same with Ruby too, so it depends
i have few 4-5 costume command
and want to run command like "CD" from my script
as far i understand for doing CD from my command line tool i have to start new bash process and than run CD
So do you want to write a CLI application, or a command line interpreter?
CLI application,
want to write set of few command
Choose Python, we like Python more than Ruby
Then what is a “cd” supposed to do?
cd—as in change directory—makes zero sense outside of command line interpreters. That’s why it’s not an executable on Linux but one of the few commands that are actually baked into the shell.
i have a costume command which forks a repo from github using command i want to CD in that newly forked /clone repo
that i need cd
Note :: user dont need to run CD manually
it should happen right after fork automatically after forke /clone
well, it's not "cd"
Use something like GitPython then. Again, calling cd usually has zero use outside of command line interpreters. If you don’t plan your application to start a single shell in which it executes commands, then cd will not do anything useful for you.
got u
i want in general sense that python is goos enough for writing CLI apps
Writing CLI apps != consuming command line tools
how about ruby ?
Language doesn’t matter.
unless we are talking about PHP
then, language matters
second that
i just read this somewhere , sorry i am new to python n ruby both
"Ruby is best known as a web development language, but in its early days it was mainly used on the command line. "
@khajvah You can execute PHP separately too, so the same really applies there as well.
Rails made Ruby popular
I just spend 1 hour on debugging a piece of code and only then realized that I was using a wrong database
I would like to do my cli app in python
cbg @PM2Ring
I would like to do my cli app in python but i have to convince my team because what we are trying to copy n implement is actually written in ruby here github.com/learn-co/learn-co
@PradeepJaiswar I think you mean "custom command" not "costume command".
sorry for typo its custom command
Why do you want to reimplement it when it already exists?
they will our competitor we are building the same tool as they
competitor is not write word
we are trying to clone them and add some more in INDIA here
happy-new-year cabbage to all
@PradeepJaiswar why not just fork it
@holdenweb Happy New Cabbage
Cabbage Cbg Cabbage
already forked it and working
just becoz out entire stack is in python
@PradeepJaiswar Python is great for writing CLI applications. But of course a Python program runs on an interpreter so it generally won't run as fast as a program that's compiled to machine code, and it will generally use more RAM. OTOH, it's generally easier & faster to write a program in Python than to write the equivalent in C/C++.
@Pradeep Then what stops you from rewriting it in Python? I don’t understand what you are trying to ask.
@PM2Ring I so want pypy to succeed
Dec 3 '15 at 13:02, by PM 2Ring
Translating Python bytecode directly to machine code rather than doing it via C like Cython does would be painful. And if you expect that machine code to be more efficient due to direct translation, forget it. A good C compiler is generally better at producing efficient machine code than a human is, except for trivially small programs. But while we're dreaming, how about a chip that runs Python bytecode as its native machine code? :)
For example, the PyBoard or the WiPy or anything based on the ESP8266?
@PM2Ring it will be faster due to JIT
I wonder if building a chip that could run Python bytecode would ever work. I think bytecode is far too high-level for that.
You would have to implement the core object model in hardware…
@khajvah True. Which would make it more attractive to use on mobile devices as an alternative to Java.
will it be possible to translate Python to LLVM bytecode?
or whatever it is called
Wasn’t there this Google project… Unladen Swallow?
> The project had stated a goal of a speed improvement by a factor of five over CPython;[36] this goal was not met.[37]
Also stopped.
Guess just because you use something that can make languages fast, that doesn’t mean that you actually get it fast… what a surprise.
so they spent only about a year and stopped development.
that's stupid
It’s probably a bad idea to want a single language to work well for all possible targets, in this case something that it clearly wasn’t designed for.
Programming languages that depend on a GC are probably always going to be difficult to compile into native.
@khajvah Why stupid? If they couldn't see a sensible way forward, why persist with an unhelpful direction?
@holdenweb obviously I don't have much insight but they were competing against CPython. Of course it would take more time to optimize
Also a difficult timing with Python 3 coming out.
how much time have they spent on clang to be close to gcc?
for example
Are they close yet?
gcc is still the status quo, isn’t it?
morning cabbage
cbg @IntrepidBrit
yeah, it is. But they are close I think
Last time I wrote actual productive C code, I actually built it with Intel’s compiler…
@poke Yeah, it probably is far too high-level for it to be efficient. And Python's objects aren't really suited to being treated like native CPU data entities. My idea is that you write the Python bytecode interpreter directly in the chip's microcode, so the interpreter is permanently resident on the chip, and it can dirrectly use the chip's registers and cache space when there's benefit to doing that.
But I really don't understand what's going on to allow .decode('unicode-escape') to successfully decode the 4 byte form... unless Python 2 is doing some invisible coding steps...
@MoinuddinQuadri I spent a little bit of time playing with that code, and I agree that it works (at least, it works on Python 2). But I'm surprised that .decode('unicode-escape') works on the 4 byte string "\xed\xf3\xb4\x90". As I said yesterday, it makes sense that it works on a raw string, eg the 16 byte string r"\xed\xf3\xb4\x90" or those 16 chars read from a text file or raw_input, which is equivalent to '\\xed\\xf3\\xb4\\x90'.
I guess this comment explains it:
This works only because unicode-escape assumes the bytes are encoded in latin1. There are no Unicode escapes in the OP's string and the correct codec to use is latin1. — Mark Tolonen 15 hours ago
Sorry about the weird ordering of those posts: I had to hit retry a couple of times, so post 35501225 ended up before post 35501227 but they should be the other way around.
Has anyone ever seen usage such as import os as _os? One of my devs is suggesting that this "provides better encapsulation," but is just seems completely anti-pythonic to me
better encapsulation?
I don't get why
Doesn't it mean that it doesn't get imported by a third library
ie - library A imports library B, but doesn't allow library C to access B via A
If that made any sense
@holdenweb on the contrary.
it is used in the stdlib
the reason for that is that one doesn't magically assume that some symbol should be imported from that file
(incl. stupid ide's)
random.py:from warnings import warn as _warn
random.py:from types import MethodType as _MethodType, BuiltinMethodType as _BuiltinMethodType
random.py:from math import log as _log, exp as _exp, pi as _pi, e as _e, ceil as _ceil
random.py:from math import sqrt as _sqrt, acos as _acos, cos as _cos, sin as _sin
random.py:from os import urandom as _urandom
random.py:from binascii import hexlify as _hexlify
random.py:import hashlib as _hashlib
still, minority of import statements
@AnttiHaapala I don't get it. What symbol?
can you give an example?
@khajvah name
in case of os
@khajvah well first of all, if someone is stupid enough to use star-imports and there is no __all__, they'd pull in os.
oooh got it
but... consider another case... that some file only imports something from another file
a user dirs that module and finds Something there, and thinks that it is a legitimate place to import that from.
but by that logic, every import should be with _
yeah, perhaps they should be :P
or ...
what I'd like more would be that the exports would be explicit
That was my thinking - I don't see the compelling advantages. Maybe I'll ask on python-dev ...
I really do not like the python modules way at all.
that would be great
python is rather unique in its way of making everything available to outside.
it leads to bad coding: "no need to fix that, you can just monkeypatch it if you want"
@AnttiHaapala Javascript>Python :P
@khajvah yea, in this, but in many other aspects - not so much.
have you guys tried Gunicorn async workers? Does it work well with psycopg2 ?
I dislike its monkeypatching hack but it would solve so many problems I have
I got an e-mail from our Ministry of Human Resources, and they call themselves the Ministry of Human Capacities. Does the latter make any sense in English? I'm fairly certain that it's actually the former.
@PM2Ring Happy New Year! Thanks for the link - I did rather like this and it turns out the whole set seems to be on Youtube in separate numbers :)
@AndrasDeak My capacity is much reduced these days - probably only a few pints ;)
Happy new year all!
happy new year!:)
Happy new year prof!
Thanks. I return to work today (to find that I've broken my model by making a very minor change on the last day of work). None of the runs over the holiday worked. Ho hum. So far 2017 looks like 2016...
happy new year @AndrasDeak !
@JRichardSnape bah:( I'm sorry to hear that
borked batch is the worst
next time just slack off on the last week of work like everyone should;)
Yeah - you're right. I'd have had much more success by just doing sweet FA in the last week!
@JRichardSnape Cool! There's so much stuff from the Sant Andreu's kids on YouTube that it's hard to keep track. :) Here's a bossa piece recorded last August, featuring Elia on "speed" vocals & violin, with Andrea & Rita on backup vocals. Baiao De Quatro Toques
@JRichardSnape sorry, too many possibilities for FA for me:D Could you please narrow the context?
@AndrasDeak Hmm - how to put this - no there is no polite way "F*ck All".
aaah, I see, thanks:D
So I put a question on python-dev about import thing as _thing and will let you know what I discover (if anything)
I wouldn't ask anyone on python-dev
except perhaps guido
Fortunately I am unconstrained by your prejudices ;-)
@Antti Mitä kuuluu?
@holdenweb my point is that some of the coredevs seem to be rather ignorant of the large software problems etc.
@BhargavRao eipä kummempia
translate: eipä kummempia
(from Finnish) no further ADO
something like that
I wonder what translator they use
@AnttiHaapala well, I'll see what they have to say and then take that with a pinch of salt
@holdenweb like, I was discussing with Ezio Melotti about the difficulty of writing polyglot python code for libraries, and he said "well just use 2to3, then maintain a separate branch for your library for each python minor version, and publish bug fixes in each branch".
Because why wouldn't we want to make unnecessary work for ourselves?
@holdenweb thus, closing as a duplicate of 3 years before.
free NAA flag
@vaultah lol +2 -1, that's all of arun's rep
wow that was fast
lol arun @1 rep
@AnttiHaapala thanks, but still not convinced enough of the benefits
so what are the drawbacks?
the use of os in there is just an implementation detail.
ahha :D
I now invented it...
a sealed module
so upon import it would - instead of itself - add a sealed version of itself into sys.modules
(I'm even more confused now)
import sealed

module = sealed.module(__name__)

foo = 42

def bar(argument):
      return foo
that would actually work.
Maybe I don't get what you're doing, but should that be module.export('foo'), without the @?
yes it should :P
wish I could use the annotations :/
but it could be tricky.
one could write:
foo: module.export = 42
And the point is that only objects that are explicitly exported are visible in the code that imports the sealed module?
and they could be made read-only/final references
though I suspect that pycharm wouldn't like this :D
What is sealed? I don’t understand what this is supposed to do..
but I’m also super tired, so maybe it’s just me.
neither do I, but I am also dumb, so maybe it's just me too
<3 @khajvah
@khajvah speaks the truths about poke
alright, I started a war, time to leave
mission accomplished
/me keeps getting more confused…
@poke I am just poke'ing fun at you
knowing that doesn’t reduce my confusion though :/
3 hours ago, by Antti Haapala
what I'd like more would be that the exports would be explicit
the thing that bugs with Python modules is that you cannot say "this is my interface." you just can't.
this is unlike so many languages (except besides perhaps QBasic)
@AnttiHaapala applies to classes too
yes, applies to classes too
it makes programming harder because it isn't obvious what is part of the public interface and what isn't
Are you referring to ownership or to statical types?
no, encapsulation
Hey @khajvah An hour or so ago, the jazz program I was listening to had an interview with pianist Zela Margossian, a talented young woman of Armenian heritage. Her grandparents moved to Lebanon, where she grew up, but she's been back to Armenia, although she now lives in Australia.
here goes Python programmers are responsible argument
@khajvah python programmers are responsible...
I never program when I drink and derive
Python programmers are all consenting adults
No by Guido means no.
... but this is more like... if python core developers designed a human, then "skin is unnecessary. Everyone knows which are their own internal organs and which are the partner's"
Still seems completely unpythonic to me. Python's features include direct attribute access. Of course if __all__ was used for named as well as wildcard imports that would solve the problem in a far more pythonic manner
"Ya gotta have skin; skin'd what keeps your insides in" (to the tune of "You gotta have heart")
@PM2Ring Cool. One way of know if she is Armenian or not. Armenian Surnames end with "ian" or "yan".
Lando Calrissian!
@AndrasDeak ... doesn't work all the time :D
@khajvah also: "Trevelyan, whose name is Armenian, is supposed to be the son of a Cossack. There was never any such thing as an Armenian Cossack."
> Trevelyan is a Cornish surname derived from the ancient British estate called Tre- (place name element) + Velyan, meaning "farmstead of Elian".
@khajvah Rightio. I wish I could find a link for her music. The couple of pieces I heard were light and breezy. And she sounds like a really nice positive person.
@khajvah go complain to imdb :P
@PM2Ring I found some in youtube
well only one
Pour toi Armenie ?
the child in me
She started out as a classical player, but has been studying jazz for a few years now.
Wotcha peeps. Little help?
no thanks, don't need any
Q: How to rearrange a list based on a list of index

Anis SouamesI have a list of 10 items, and another list of 10 randomly not repeated numbers as following : l = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j] m = [1,4,5,9,2,6,3,7,8,10] I want to rearrange l, so each item in l takes it's corresponding index from m . For example, b should become the fourth and e sould become the s...

@ZeroPiraeus wotcha
@ZeroPiraeus yes?
@PM2Ring Very nice. What's the rendering time for that like?
No biggie, but an accepted answerer is refusing to update an answer they acknowledge is incorrect.
Don't want to get into an argument; maybe if a couple of others weigh in they'll see the error of their ways?
I'm not sure piling on would help, but you're right
and downvotes wouldn't prevent deletion
we could ask cricket to flag for deletion
now they edited
Ah, they have relented :-)
Good, all is well in the world :-)
you could also edit, you know:P
@ZeroPiraeus the whole q has been duped
in case they wouldn't have budged
@PM2Ring cute. Have you heard about Tigran Hamasyan?
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, but People Don't Read, you know?
@Kevin It depend on how high I set the antialiasing options (and the frame size, of course). I'm currently doing a new version that takes about a minute per frame (size=512x384) on my 2GHz machine with moderately high antialiasing. But this new one has a reflective sphere in it.
My own implementation is cheating a little by calculating all of the ray collisions just once and then applying them the same way to each frame. ofc this only works if your scene stays completely static except for textures
You may notice that in that gifanim I "cheated" and used a finite plane instead of an infinite one. The current version's on a proper infinite plane. Here's a stereo pair (for cross-eyed viewing) of a single frame of the new version.
If you do it that way you can get O(number of reflective spheres + number of frames) instead of O(number of reflective spheres * number of frames)
@PM2Ring I wondered why the tile pattern didn't quite converge to a point at the horizon but I chalked it off to a lower viewing angle or something
@PM2Ring will you be posting the animated version of that?:)
That image I just posted used insanely high supersampling, the pair of frames took around 15 minutes.
\o cbg
does the infinite canvas render for O(inf)?
@AndrasDeak Yes, but I'm using lower settings for the antialiasing on the anim. And it's not in stereo. It'd be easy to make it in stereo at high antialiasing, it'd just take more time. :)
Only when rendering to a screen with infinite resolution, available now for infinity dollars at Fry's Electronics
low antialias + stereo? :P
@PM2Ring did you write your own raytracer or are you using maya or something?
@PM2Ring where's the anim
It's 15 minutes * number_of_frames in the future
@AndrasDeak No, because the camera ignores stuff that won't have an effect on the image. And the "film" in the camera is quantised. :) The antialiasing process involves recursively subdividing pixels. You have a few parameters to tweak it with, primarily the recursion depth & a threshold setting. If the difference between neighbouring sub-pixels is less than the threshold then the recursion bails out.
@AnttiHaapala There's a link to the 1st one on the star board. The new version is currently rendering the last frame. Then it'll take me a minute or 2 to do some post-processing and converting it to GIF.
.... :D
you need a faster computer... you know...
GPU would help?
@Code-Apprentice I'm using POV-Ray. I've been using it since it was new, and before that I used its predecessor, DKBTrace, which was originally developed on the Amiga.
I should learn how GPUs work. [cat_reading_newspaper.png]
So I have ray-tracing scene files here that are over 20 years old that can still run on the latest version of POV-Ray.
@AnttiHaapala I don't think so. I've been out of touch with the POV-Ray community for a few years. For a while I spent a lot of time reading & writing on news.povray.org...
"G" is four higher than "C" therefore your programs will execute four times faster using the GPU
@Kevin just 7/4
Ok. It's finished rendering the 64 frames. Here are some stats:
Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage
Plane                        686622494       235031203     34.23
Sphere                       959176654       803161158     83.73
Bounding Box                1045289317       873080644     83.53
@Antti Oops, my mistake. You're a real alphematician.
damn this looks awesome
but yeah, that's just meshes and such, not actual algorithmic stuff
Reading that link, I'm surprised that POVRay doesn't already use the GPU pretty much everywhere. Knowing absolutely nothing about the technology, it seems to me that a Unit designed for Graphical Processing would be a pretty good thing to integrate into your graphical processing software.
@PM2Ring the real time raytracing in that software is damn awesome^
yeah, that little green progress bar, "hold on a sec, rendering your shit and the rest of the universe"
of course the guy probably doesn't use an Intel HD Graphics card
Finally we discover what the computers in The Matrix were using all of humanity to calculate.
@Kevin Changing your calculations in a way that they can go through the GPU takes some effort though if you didn’t plan for that in the first place.
and povray folks naturally didn't plan... since back then... there was no damn GPUs
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Graphics this was the bleeding edge :D
Also GPUs do stuff that POV-Ray doesn't need. Although you can build stuff from meshes if you want to, the core objects in POV are pure spheres, planes, cones, etc. But I guess now that people use GPUs for stuff that's totally unrelated to graphics that it wouldn't be hard to harness a GPU in the povray executable.
Graphics cards were so simple back then…
Look at that, you can actually count pins!
Also no noisy fan! Take that present day graphics cards!
so S3 would have commands for blitting a bmp from one part of video memory to another, yay.
FWIW, the main povray executable is still quite small. On my 32 bit Linux it's only 2971828 bytes. And because in Ancient times (when clock speeds were only a couple of MHz) people would split up a single frames to render it in strips on multiple machines, you can easily parallelize stuff if you want to.
nokia's new phones will be released in china only
@Antti Would you want to buy a Nokia phone?
I would
if it was ok
meh, there goes my joke
unrelated: @Antti have you heard Mark Hamill quote Trump? It's just entered local media:D
I just tried to upload the anim directly, but it failed. Oh well, I guess I'll have to use Photobucket again.
apparently 6 MB is too much is all we know
that badly needs stereo, just sayin':P
I think I posted this one when I did it. It shows spheres being packed in geometric progression into the corners of a cube.
oversimplified 3d Mandelbrot
without the mandelbrot yeah…
you hungry?
@AndrasDeak You like stereo? Here's a static one I did a few years ago:
I love it:)
@AndrasDeak Saying that’s a oversimplified 3d mandelbrot is like saying a circle is an oversimplified square…
we had a few of those "magic eye" books and it was indeed magic when I figured them out as a kid
@poke is it not?:P
Not in a useful sense, no :P
sheesh, you Germans and your usefulness
I'm renewing the sopython.com domain for 3 years, so the deal is we have to survive for 3 years.
No going mad with power, ok? Looking at you, @Kevin.
@PM2Ring awesome. thanks:)

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