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I will be glad to help. May be I will sound dumb, but I have never contributed to any open-source project. So I am newbie. How may I get to know about the feature which is getting introduced for which I may contribute?
@MoinuddinQuadri you should contribute to what you're interested in, familiar with, and want to see grow. If you can't think of anything, do more of your own projects first to discover those three things.
Can someone throw some light on the way it works?
@davidism: Exactly. I am more interested in knowing how it works. How may I work for any community/group and contribute. OR, do i have to just write the code and raise pull request, and wait for others to accept it??
Yes, submit patches to issues in the tracker.
There's plenty of indirect contributions too: documentation, testing, triage old bugs, answer questions on SO.
@davidism thanks. will start with fixing issues for some of the libraries and try to learn the protocol.Then will be starting with doing major changes
there is nothing worse than slow internet
There are at least 100 Christmas songs?
at least..!
@PeterVaro: You should watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=7Ztji6ZiGvw I saw it few hours back and made my day :P
watch it till the end
On the topic of the holidays. I got this for my son. lostmy.name/personalized-products/lost-my-name-book
Pretty neat concept
pretty neat illustrations!
@idjaw why not a snek toy?
Yeah. I was sold on it quite quickly.
@khajvah Python shall be introduced on his sixth birthday. I tried introducing him to some small programming problems already that we tried doing. He's more in to his trains right now. Understandable. He's still a small fry.
I should teach my 12 year old bro some programming
12 is old enough to learn it the hard way. Lock them up in a room where they have to code their way out of it
The problem is English
@khajvah IMO if you want to grab their attention, do some HW programming
start with something as easy as littlebits
and then you can go straight up to micropython
@idjaw the hard way, you mean
never tried them myself -- but I guess, if I want to step forward in hardware programming from littlebits, I would use LEGO NXT as it will be compatible with the existing legos s/he already has
and then I would move to micropython + breadboard + cheap electronic parts from ebay
micropython seems cool
it is more than cool -- it is fantastic :)
I truly love it, eventhough most of the time I use C when it comes to embedded or Arduino -- I love the former, hate the latter though
yes but it needs boards which I can't find
however quick HW sketches in micropython is definitely a thing
@khajvah you mean the pyboard?
@idjaw that's the one!
Any cool hardware projects?
I live in a far away land where nobody ships products
I can find famous stuff like arduino
@idjaw well, it will certainly work with python, but for a kid a LabView like node-based environment is just better than python
or any other real code as a matter of fact
(age 12-14)
@PeterVaro Oh yeah...the Python was more for me 😛
:) :) :)
If I can get a train that can have a programming interface for young ones, I think my son would be more inclined to mess around with it
Right now his entire life revolves around trains and re-creating the train station he keeps going to, to watch all the people and trains.
wait until he finds out, that some stations have hidden platforms (9 3/4), which leads to magical worlds..
I think that will be the point where the magical world will be more interesting than the train or the station itself
Especially since a train is involved in going to that magical world!
> This repository is currently disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice.
what the hell
which repo?
why do they take down the code?
I was trying to find node.js projects to read the code
that's a touchy one.
I kinda get it
so much for "official" in popcorn-official
Did any of you check out the new GH pages? It's kinda awesome.
@BhargavRao ?
@MarcusS Oooh, I thought the DMCA was somehow sent by popcorn peeps
@PeterVaro If you've got any repo on Github with a README, Just turn on GH Pages from the settings menu and you've got a website from that.
@BhargavRao that's new O.O
do you have any link for this feature's announcement?
hence "new GH pages"? :P
@PeterVaro Yeah, it was announced on Dec 9th
I never knew anything like popcorn time existed. I once wanted to write this kind of application. feelingguilty
It was announced on the GH blog. github.com/blog/…
wait...>@khajvah what exactly are you trying to find...am I thinking of the right popcorn app?
@BhargavRao neat, cheers!
the streaming movie/tv one?
bittorrent/streaming, yes, apparently
@idjaw nah I googled "open source node.js applications"
I just wanted ot read the code :D
@BhargavRao although I have to say, if they were just half as active on solving an almost 3 years old issue as with this one, I would be very happy, that is adding https support for custom domain'd gh-pages
Oh yeah, what happened to that issue? I remember reading bout that an year back.
Adding SSL to gh pages would actually be interesting.
Also SO is half way on the road to HTTPS
oh nice. Just read the GH pages blog. So, now each repo can have its own page?
Hmm, how does it resolve conflicts? Brb, testing time.
I'm half watching this show about New Horizons
some of the engineering problems are pretty interesting. Like the limited and inaccurate data to calculate the precise location of Pluto.
@PeterVaro That's a pretty involved break down. Very interesting. Is ColdFusion there because it's lingering around from old stuff that wont die that has to be supported? And in asking this, I looked up ColdFusion, and it's still active...??
@Code-Apprentice they binned all the "Planetary data of Pluto" when they removed its planet status, right?
and not enough "dwarf-planetary data of Pluto" has been gathered since:P
What do you mean by "binned"?
threw it out
disposed of
according to the NatGeo show I just watched the accuracy of data and limited amounts were more of a problem. They didn't say anything about throwing data away.
I might have been joking
Pluto has a 250-ish year orbit.
so it hasn't made a complete one since its discovery.
I should've just let this question be, but I was curious myself
now I've got a downvote and enough effort in the answer that I don't want to delete it =/
don't worry too much about downvotes. We all have a few of them.
@heather Yeah, this is part of the learning curve of starting to answer questions on SO and how some in the community react to certain questions that should not be answered, due to their poor quality.
I've been there too.
yup, I downvote answers like that too
The comment on your answer is on point, in which your answer is fine (so don't think your answer is wrong), it is just that the quality of question does not deserve that answer
"I want a program..." starts the post
as it also encourages poor questions to keep coming up because they get answered
that ^
I still have a problem with feeding the help vampires.
LOL. In our series "crappier than the shit itself": Episode umpteen: RabbitMQ
^^ are you listening to a webcast?
can you link it?
configuring heartbeat timeout. Guess what is the difference between
or are you hating on rabbitMQ?
{heartbeat, 60} and {heartbeat, 60},
in rabbitmq.config...
answer: former works. Latter gives [5387421.980077] async_4[18879]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000536a81 sp 00007f134b198e50 error 4 in beam[400000+203000]
comma at the end
this is some erlang shit format, they're comma separated items in a list, except the last one cannot have comma after it.
so you just uncomment the line and get sigsegv
I'm surprised you didn't get a syntax error, though.
that's the part I'm surprised by
@idjaw I ended up saving the text of the answer elsewhere and deleting it.
the question is: who idiot in their right mind thinks this is a good configuration file format
I set my phone to Spanish a while back because I'm trying to improve my language skills. I set it back to English after only a few days, but I still get random webpages in Spanish, even on Chrome on my desktop.
It's kind of fun(ny)
@AnttiHaapala to keep the validity of your rant, change who to which.
time's ticking for the edit, Antti.
this reminds me of the time in highschool I wrote down that I was a genious :D
to my surprise I hadn't used that
ugh...freezing rain outside....I can hear the endless scraping of people trying to get ice off their windshields
definitely a stay at home day today
my fav weather
every day is stay at home day
black ice and everything <3
I'm glad my daughter is taking a very long nap. Helps the excuse to stay at home
why would you even leave home?
excellent day for a biking trip
sad but true story: in my school there's a wall with pieces of paper. Written on them is one word that students thought described themselves. I'd never really looked at it, but I was waiting for the library to open, and there was "singer", "writer", "quiet", "intellegent". intellegent. Seriously, this is 8th graders we're talking about here. So I took my pencil and in faintly drew a line over the "e" and wrote an "i" above it.
my shoulder still hurts a bit, I fell off my bike 2 weeks ago
I haven't rode a bike since I was 14
well not turn but veer slightly
well let's leave no evidence :P
I like living safely and healthy, so I try not to ride a bike
or walk
or run
or move
we know
@idjaw so how did you move after you turned 15?
I ran everywhere
I moved to rollerblading actually
What percentage of accidents happen in a person's home?
@khajvah or breathe?
or live?
Considering my last three days. 100% of my accidents were all home
Do you know the #1 cause of death in the world?
death by peanut butter sandwich on the toilet?
so let's ban all life. That will decrease the death rates to 0.
I would stop lifeing if I could
but I like beer too much. Without lifeing I can't beer
@heather vandalism! :P
Andras, quick...go tell on her.
Send an anonymous letter to the high school. Concerned Internet Citizen
ok popcorntime source code is bad
all software is bad
that's true
but mine are worse usually
it does MVC in a really stupid way
or rather, uses MVC framework but fetches stuff in views
@khajvah You an Android dev?
@MarcusS no, web dev
@AndrasDeak yep
terrible, i know.
@idjaw actually, middle school, but yeah, sure =P
hooligans! *shakes cane*
I just tried singing to my daughter and she yelled at me "No, only grandma"
well....OK then.
Haha:D Apply cold water.
yeah...that one stings
Hackers will be freeeee
oh my that was hard to get through
Hello everyone, I'm currently making a snake game in python using pygame and the current problem Im facing is figuring to properly rotate the object by 90 degrees based on the cardinal direction that the image is facing. I was able to solve this problem with a solution that I dont quite like. Do you guys know of a better way to do this? Here is my code with only the relevant class methods in my snake class that are involved in rotating the image. paste.ofcode.org/3bHSBm5dkYB2nAtPKG7rGxz
code pasting site with variable-width fonts?:P
minor note: I'd call MAXMIUM as MAXIMUM instead
but I gotta go now
rhubarb till later
opps ya, and currentangle should be self.currentAngle and it starts at 90 degrees because the snakehead image that I am using is facing north initially.
Here are the minor changes with some additional comments. paste.ofcode.org/WsbCrbrjQWmFKtUmJRriQd
JS promises are cool
@khajvah not different from python promises
except python sucks with functions
do they exist?
like in sql we have offset in same way in django orm for offset what can we do ?
I think
thanks it worked :)
Alright here is my new solution, paste.ofcode.org/9s2DtTjDGrVg7LCkKReTHN
@LuisAverhoff I wouldn't assign "None" to anything; in python that should just be None
@PeterVaro that is a spectacular fail.
Sidenote: what would you have done if it answered "yes"?
@LuisAverhoff You are dealing with strings when assigning stuff to headDirection. Using "None" is very misleading. Just keep it as an empty string ""
Alright fair enough
Also...I don't know what your goal is with your overall code...however, as an added suggestions, you should check out the style guide
even better: have an else branch of your if
@idjaw The goal is to rotate the head of a snake image by 90 or 180 degrees.
@LuisAverhoff Yeah. I was commenting more on the style/structure of the code.
angle = (angle + angle_delta) % 360 where angle_delta = +/- 90, 180, etc
cbg @AnttiHaapala
@MarcusS not even that; I think whatever uses the angle should handle 360 periodicity itself:)
although it's probably better not to wind the angle up up up
Out of curiosity, anyone here use a calorie / food tracker at all?
hi... i'm fine you?
I was thinking of something along that line marcus but the problem I was having was assigning an angle to each direction. Like, it made sense for right to be -90 and left to be 90 but what about Up and down? Initally I had a dict that was right: 0, Up: 90, left: 180, Down: 270. It almost worked except when I did down right and right down.
pretty good....your name was too tempting to not have fun with your name 😛
eh? you mean to have fun
hey-men-whatsup....hey man what is up?
no?...am I the only one?
I think that was implied...
tough crowd
I need a better fan club
Yup. They would never disappoint me
Btw I need to learn Python to do some statistical stuff
@LuisAverhoff down 270 -> +90=360, mod 360 -> 0, right, works
Java is so laggy
what you described is the standard polar parametrization of the plane
0 angle is along +x axis, angles increase counterclockwise
in this representation a line in angle alpha contains the point (cos(alpha),sin(alpha))
this gif is annoying :/
oop, too late, sorry
the knives were hungry
they weren't fed in a little while
it was either that or the bunny.....and I want the bunny
@Hey-men-whatsup make sure you learn python first:)
I just pre-heated my oven....jump in there rabbit.
Yeah, I plan to buy books
then comes numpy/scipy/pandas or whatever you have/want to use
i looked at this page and i saw a rabbit
@heather you're welcome
very cute
@AndrasDeak High point of my day
I once posted another bunny but it got removed:P
removed eaten
i think i had rabbit once
it was good
me too, it was tasty
although I'm not a huge meat-connoisseur, I can hardly differentiate between pork and poultry and whatnot
so the fact that I liked it only means that it was a nice stew:P
coffee time!
(only 10 PM soon, you're not my real dad)
@AndrasDeak Well thanks for your help and I hope that the rest of your day goes well.
thank you?
Just say "you're welcome", Andras. It's cool. I know you're not used to it 😛
this isn't your fault.
Ah ok. This is all new to me.
You are wel-l-come.
Well done.
This is a big step for you. I hope you're feeling proud.
I wish I discovered Portishead earlier :[
They are amazing, and I love the lead singer's voice
@idjaw how can I tell if I do?
@AndrasDeak It's like this feeling that kinda makes you smile and think..."hey...I did something that is nice"
well...wait...this can be relative.
This might be more complicated than I thought
@vaultah oh! Which album? I loooove Portishead
Check out Hooverphonic as well. They aren't as "dark" and melancholic, but really good.
the wife gave me one of their albums in high school:)
portishead or hooverphonic?
@idjaw currently listening to their self-titled album, but I like Third too
@vaultah you have to listen to "Dummy". At least for myself, their best album.
that's what I got, I think
Yeah. Dummy is such a great album. I think I'm going to listen to it now 😀
@idjaw I'll let you be a woman
wait, it should be "give me a reason to be..." :D
the reason is that you are letting me 😛
oh man...I miss this album. Thanks for bringing this up @vaultah
you're welcome :D
I think the first Portishead song I heard was Roads
did you hear it live, or a recording?:D
recording :P
roads is my favourite song from them
gets me every single time
Hey there, I am looking for an easy way to print a part of a matrix as a tree.
The matrix could look like this:
[[], ['NP'], [], [], [], [], [], ['S']]
[[], [], ['V'], [], [], [], ['VP'], []]
[[], [], [], ['Det'], [], ['NP', 'NP0'], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], ['N'], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], ['P'], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ['Det'], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ['N']]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
@RobertMcHardy edit, ctrl+k for code formatting
It is formatted.
it isn't.
and, how is it supposed to look when it is printed, that doesn't really look like a tree to me...
I asssume it's an adjacency matrix with labels as nodes
anyway, close with no MCVE
those do not look like labels, but part of speech ids
oh, possible, I know exactly 0 NLP
Every row has the same length. Uhm, so I have got a grammar (in chomsky normal form) and the symbol in the upper right corner is the start symbol. Basically it is a parsed sentence (with that grammar) and I want to print out the parse tree. In this example that would be: S -> NP VP, NP -> Det N and so on (according to the rules)
The matrix is the result of the CYK parsing algorithm.
I won't be able to help, but if anybody wanted to use your example input, you'd need the repr() of your matrix rather than its str()
idk, just the first google match :d
Thanks I will take a look at it. I didn't want to use NLTK.
have you checked if there is anything in NLTK
Because it is for an assignment.
why not
for an assignment...
University assignment
why are all these assignments detached from real world.
university. university never changes
Because of ... University?
"reinvent gunpowder"
Yeah exactly
@AnttiHaapala you're forgetting the process to make the gun powder without the process to make the gun powder
just because
Depends on what you want your tree to look like / if it's actually a tree or if it's a graph with cycles instead / etc
similar to graphing NFA diagrams when doing regex
It is actually a tree, like this (but of course less fancy and LaTex-like) kitt.cl.uzh.ch/kitt/clglossar/images/Syntaxbaum.jpg.
That actually looks quite good. I will have a look at it. Thank you!
how can I change identity in git before pushing to Github from terminal?
@neoDev 1) probably not related to Python 2) you really shouldn't post the same message in multiple rooms
@vaultah thank you for helping!
Do anyone know a tool that convert URL to its unsafe format, eg: hello%20world to hello world ?
>>> urllib.parse.unquote('hello%20world')
'hello world'
.....I just tried upvoting you vaultah
@vaultah Sorry, do have online tool, I'm .NET guy, I came here because all rooms are asleep :D
come on man.
seriously :D
Yeah, unfortunately :D
cbg again

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