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@MohamedAhmed open a javascript console in any browser, enter: unescape('hello%20world')
@AnttiHaapala I have no motivation to do day 11 at all
snap me out of it
@idjaw it is rather easy, if you have done A* already
OK. Well, if that is the approach, it might help me enough to move forward with it then.
I haven't written my own A*....but if that is the approach to take. I'll go with it
you just need a heuristic function for lower bound of moves that you need for a given position
I didn't have proper A*
but mine was slow
I still haven't rewritten it
if you have a bad heuristic you will overshoot the minimum.
@idjaw also remember that the elevator position is part of your state.
Thanks for the bits of info. This should help push me to start writing
supper awaits, then hockey. I'll probably start writing some test cases tonight
thanks @AnttiHaapala 😀
wow, ive just written an awesome algorithm. its an image remapping function that takes an image, and any number of source/destination points. it then warps the image, such that the source points in the original image will move to the destination locations in the warped image. and i did all of that with crazy division by zero infinity tricks and numpy, scipy and opencv. and most astoundingly with only 15 lines of code!!!
yes, python IS productive :D
pastebin.com/S7NWgyUd if anyone is interested and pastebin.com/fXhdWmG0 to proove my 15 lines of code ;)
@MarioDekena That's 16 lines
well i didnt count the function header since its not containing any logic. but i am fine with 16 too ;)
@MarioDekena two calls to swapaxes is a single call to transpose: x = np.mgrid[:3,:4]; np.all(x.transpose(1,2,0) == x.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(0,1))
oh thank you! didnt know that.
found it in some so answer i think ;) actually quite new to numpy and this stuff
And you have to check, but I believe the following two are equivalent (from line 45):
    # original
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        influencePercentage = np.divide(influences, influenceSum[..., None])
    influencePercentage[np.isnan(influencePercentage)] = 1

    # alternative
    influencePercentage = np.where(influenceSum[..., None], influences/influenceSum[..., None], 1) # inf vs nan might be off
I'm not familiar with np.errstate, so I'm not sure if the infs are turned to nans; if infs should be kept, my alternative won't work:)
it only filters according to the denominator
hmm, altough the division might still throw a division-by-zero warning inside the where...I'm not sure
anyway, np.where is a useful tool, which is my main point:)
so alternative works
but throws the error i was trying to avoid
but i got a problem with your first suggestion
OK, then just leave your original. What about my first suggestion?
@AnttiHaapala Thaaanks, this is great feature, glad to know it
@MarioDekena here are some transpose/swapaxes/rollaxis alternatives
seems like DSM prefers the double-swapaxes approach:P
are you suggesting that instead of
pixelGrid = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height].swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(0,1)
i could use
pixelGrid = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height]
(he's a regular and room owner here)
@MarioDekena no, np.all is just to convince you that it does the same thing:) I was suggesting np.mgrid[0:width,0:height].transpose(1,2,0)
or a call to rollaxis, although to me transpose is always the clearest choice
yeah i knew i was stupid :D dont know numpy functions by heart, just typed what you where writing ;)
well, you didn't, you removed half of what I wrote:P
i i know :D :D
I wrote np.all(... == ...) and you removed half of the stuff inside the parentheses:D
sorry for the confusion, though:)
although I suggest that you also get closely familiar with native python itself too; often one starts doing everything in numpy (which is a third-party library, just like scipy and opencv), even though there is an efficient/simple native python approach to the given problem:)
i actually started coding in python because i realized that when it comes to math things, it is so much faster to get results, especially with numpy etc.
it's great
i wrote this algorithm some time ago in c# (or java or c++ i dont know exactly). my point is, i am pretty sure i needed a few classes and a LOT of code.
sure, they are definitely not cut out for linear algebra
and there's way too much boilerplate
aand i think i used cuda too, but thats a different story. btw. do you know if numpy can somehow use the gpu for large matrix computations
things like numba might be applicable, but I have zero experience with any of those tools
how could i assume it would be easy :D
this is the only thing, where i am still kinda c++ guy. performance...
use fortran:P
python+performance don't mix well
numpy uses compiled code under the hood, so if most of your computations are calls to such functions, it can be pretty fast
but a native python loop, for instance, is quite slow
then gain some numpy functions utilize multiple cpu cores if they can, which can be useful, but I think that's only true for a small subset (np.dot is the only one I'm sure of)
scroll comments on answer, i did benchmark
quite interesting to see
in the spirit of "no free lunch", it's hard to find a convenient and efficient approach to high-performance programming problems
@MarioDekena if you want to learn some numpy, go read through Divakar's answers;)
a.k.a. the dude with the vectorization gold badge
gonna do that
he has a habit of unrolling loops by injecting a few singleton dimensions and permuting 6d arrays and the like:D
that's mostly the vectorization side of numpy
sound like we have to charge up our vector shields to compensate the flux flow
I'm pretty sure some of Divakar's thought processes work in subspace
:) you know googles TensorFlow? its a neural net framework for python. they took an interesting approach working around pythons performance limitations.
heard of it
you can specify a calculation graph in python code and when it gets executed everything is native c.
sounds like hell to maintain, though:D
its google though ;)
ok, really have to take a nap. tomorrow's going to be early :D

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