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@AnttiHaapala I'm down to 76 chars ... :P
using an obsolete version of python
aoc is now a code golf? :)
just call the input 'i' instead of 'input' :P
it's only 2 characters longer using python 3
so still beats yours :P
ENV_SOURCE = 'EE' if ENV_SOURCE is None or (
    ENV_SOURCE is not 'EE' or ENV_SOURCE is not 'GE' or ENV_SOURCE is not 'LE'
Is this not valid syntax?
val1 if cond else val2, right?
A conditional expression needs an else, yes
you need an else for the ternary syntax
hence ternary
done derped
Thank you.
Consider the simpler example:
>>> x = 1 if True
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x = 1 if True
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> x = 1 if True else 2
oops misread it
I'm glad I don't work with that guy
and sometimes you need parentheses around the ternary to make it unambiguous
and yeah, wim has a good point
better write that out in a proper if, unless you're into security by obfuscation
which doesn't work, but screws with the good guys
Also, you're not supposed to use is to compare to strings.
that too
and it seems that the result of the assigment is either a string or a bool, which might be bad design (or I'm confused already)
big = 1
x = big if True
ping @neet_jn -------^
You don't actually need to compare to None, come to think of it, because the second half of the conditional will evaluate to True in that case anyway...
So you can just do
Should I use != or is there some Py string comparison func built into 2.7?
if ENV_SOURCE not in ("EE", "GE", "LE"):
@ None
That would be if the environmental variable does not exist
didnt give you the full sample
@neet_jn Yeah, !=.
stackoverflow.com/q/41002326 typo, didn't call function
Oh, also, you shouldn't use or in the parenthesized bit, because (a != "X" or a!= "Y") always evaluates to True no matter what
Should I use ||?
Because when a is "X", it evaluates to "False or True", and when a is "Y", it evaluates to "True or False", and when a is anything else, it evaluates to "True or True"
@neet_jn just throw it away and write it once again from scratch ;)
No, you should use and. Alternatively, you shouldn't use and or or, and you should use if ENV_SOURCE not in ("EE", "GE", "LE"):
3 mins ago, by Kevin
if ENV_SOURCE not in ("EE", "GE", "LE"):
When negating the logic of conditionals containing and/or, never don't forget De Morgan's Laws
@neet_jn if you make people repeat themselves when answering your questions, you're doing it wrong
@Kevin: you're completely right of course, but just because I'm in that sort of mood:
>>> a != "X" or a != "Y"
Thanks for the tips everyone.
>>> class Troll:
...     def __ne__(self, other):
...             return False
>>> a = Troll()
>>> a != "X" or a != "Y"
But this sort of thing tends to only happen in mystical Well-Actually-Land
"mystical Well-Actually-Land" aka room 6
I think similar things happen to me a little more than the typical person because I do a lot of work which uses NaNs, which by virtue of not being equal to themselves manage to find a lot of corner cases.
given a tuple (x,y) is there a better way to compare the values in it's own self other than doing tuple[0] == tuple[1]? to see if x == y ?
@AndrasDeak ~200 N's in the parade, 1192 € per N pledged :D
Yeah, don't you hate it when your nan interferes with your work?
@MooingRawr I'm not sure why you'd want to do this, but operator.eq(*tup)?
@MooingRawr IIRC I got into an argument last month about whether if len(set(tuple)) == 1 is ever a good idea to use in production-quality code
@AnttiHaapala haha, I hope they pay up:D
@AndrasDeak me too
Or, no, it had something to do with an order-insensitive comparison between two tuples. That's right. It was if set(a) == set(b):, where a and b were tuples of length two.
@Kevin did u come up with a conclusion ?
@KevinMGranger thanks. and no reason at all. I was just reading some questions on SO and I thought of the question about tuple comparison to itself...
@MooingRawr defer to the most clear solution. tuple[0] == tuple[1] is extremely readable, comparable only to x, y = tup; x == y
I think I begrudgingly accepted that I shouldn't do if set(a) == set(b): unless I was supremely confident in the ability of anyone that would ever maintain the code in the future
@Kevin what if the tuple contains something unhashable?
can somebody explain the meaning of this syntax.. (its javascript but i see the same syntax in python)

var fbo = createFBO(gl, shape[, options])
... Which I necessarily can't, as I don't have psychic powers.
specifically the (param, param[, option]) the [ straddling the , part..
@AlexBollbach they are...*optional* arguments
@AlexBollbach Square brackets in documentation typically indicate an optional variable
you can call it with 2 or 3 input params
@KevinMGranger yeah i was thinking about solutions with out unpacking it back i was getting no where lol
Oops beaten, but repeating a fact lends credence to it
can you give me a generic example that shows how the syntax relates to the optionality of which param??
@AndrasDeak then it will crash and you shouldn't use it.
@Kevin no, we're a cool duo of sort-of-fact-providers
like someFunc(param, param[, these, are, optional?])
set(tuple) is just crazy for this use...
@AlexBollbach yes
@AlexBollbach I would read that like that if I saw it in documentation, yes.
can't you try it?
it will create a new set, and discard it. It will need to hash both a and b... then check the equality...
so nothing to do with arrays then
@AlexBollbach in python it would be function_name(arg1,arg2,*arg3)
@AlexBollbach No:)
@AlexBollbach why not try it and see? Experimentation is useful
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, I'd rather just do if tup[0] == tup[1]:.
arg3 being a list of extra parameter and arg1 and arg2 are a must
if it's simple enough to do with a quick if statement, then just use that
[,...] should break most parsers as an array index
I don't necessarily endorse all of the terrible suggestions that come out of my mouth.
while t[0] == t[1] will just index, do equality check, and a return one of the 2 singleton bools
i just cann't grok the syntax
it's not syntax
Any tensorflow experts here ?
its not executable syntax u mean
someFunc(param1,param2) and someFunc(param1,param2,optparam) are both valid calls, and this is denoted as someFunc(param,param[,option]) in the docs
[,...] is invalid, [...,] is valid python syntax
It looks like a mix between executable and documentation syntax. It's kinda weird
@AkshayLAradhya sopython.com/chatroom please read the rules, as we don't really want a new question asked posted in here.
especially with a onebox
@MooingRawr Sorry
ok i think i understand the rationale for haveing the opening "[" before the comma as the commas indicates more parameters (which are optional) ... ok i'm cool now
I dimly recall that the python docs actually discuss the exact syntax of function signature documentation (which is different from actual Python syntax), going into detail about what square brackets etc mean. I can't find it off-hand, though.
I might have misremembered and they only talk about BNF
@Kevin: I tend to just sort them. For me "sorted" means "order-insensitive-but-multiplicity-sensitive".
I think python docs specifically use a strict, regular language description
As I see it, docs are usually pulled out of one's various orifices, so one shouldn't take them too seriously
@DSM Yeah, the set trick doesn't even work for tuples of size greater than 2. Then (1,2,2) and (1,1,2) are incorrectly identified as being equal.
this understanding will also help me parse unix man pages haha
Then the destructuring one would be better, unless you don't want ValueErrors being thrown
@AlexBollbach yup
@Kevin if Counter(a)==Counter(b) perhaps
does python have a concept of observables?
Sure, callables in a list that are called from @properties :P
@corvid looking for something like stackoverflow.com/q/1904351/4464570 maybe or are you talking about a different concept?
antti's is syntax error , but I can't spot the problem
print(*"".join(sorted(c,key=c.count)[x]for c in zip(*open("input")))for x in(-1,0))
parens are balanced
is this some python3.7 feature Antti ??
seems to need a pair of parens after * and in the end
You didn't close print
I don't think it likes having * and for in the same context
Consider the simpler example
>>> print(* 1 for x in range(10))
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    print(* 1 for x in range(10))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Meanwhile print(*[1 for x in range(10)]) executes happily
That was it
print(*["".join(sorted(c,key=c.count)[x]for c in zip(*open("input")))for x in(-1,0)])
Should be able to use () as well. Needs to be a genexp or a comp.
A sad day for python3 golfing
@wim Is that today's AoC golfed? Both parts combined?
I needed 109 bytes because I imported itertools.Counter
yes, that's what it was
for f in max,min:print''.join(f(x,key=x.count)for x in zip(*open('i')))
Man... worldbuilding has turned into a really bizarre world of asking all the weird questions you want to
71 bytes is the best I could find
I hate worldbuilding. Wish I could block it from the hot questions sidebar
Nice job. I was arguing with a friend that todays puzzle should fit in one single line that does not exceed the 80 char limit. This morning I lost, but now I can present them that version... ^__^
@wim there's always network_bar_filter.user.js
... Assuming the SO front page hasn't been redesigned in the 11 months since I last updated that script
your blacklist is very permissive
I think at the time I merely wanted to avoid spoilers for... Some really hyped movie. Was it Star Wars? When did that come out?
December 18, 2015... It very nearly fits the timeline, I guess?
I only just figured out why a = a[0] = [[]] does what it does. That's the coolest thing I've seen all day.
I hope everyone has been enjoying #AdventOfCode! Today ends the warmup puzzles. It's uphill from here!
There is no way downhill from day6
for a, a[0] in [[[[]]] * 2]: pass
Now for stage 2 of AoC, AKA "the living will envy the dead"
Day 07. Santa has to deliver presents to all the cities in the world, visiting each city exactly once, traveling the shortest possible distance...
Just watching the final episode of Westworld, looks like the hosts are programmed in ES6.
Further proof that Node.js is the best language.
Day 08. As a cost cutting measure, the elves must pack multiple toys into large rectangular bins. Given N toys and M bins and dimensions for each, find the most efficient packing...
Day 09. Santa appears before you and offers you two boxes, one opaque and the other transparent. Assuming Santa's oracular naughty/nice powers also extend to future events, determine the optimal choice...
keep going ..
Day 10. Santa appears before you with three wrapped presents, one containing what you asked for, the other two containing low-quality stuffed goats...
hmm...I'm pretty sure I'm following the rules on what I have to validate for day 3....but my answer is wrong...obviously I'm doing something wrong...but....quoi...
Write an essay justifying your choice to switch (or not) to your mathematically illiterate grandmother.
actually my grandmother was a mathematics teacher
not even kidding
A mathematically illiterate grandmother will be assigned to you. Standby.
@idjaw there's your problem --> github.com/idjaw/advent_of_code/blob/master/day_three/… you have to write some code first.
Day 11. Santa is trapped in a hailstorm, and the tumultuous winds toss his sleigh up and down according to this formula: for even altitudes, halve his altitude; for odd altitudes, multiply by three and add one. For any arbitrary starting altitude, will Santa always eventually reach an altitude of one?
haha collatz
@idjaw Perhaps you had the same problem I did?
yesterday, by Kevin
Day 3 tripped me up because I thought triangles with collinear vertices were valid triangles.
they are, on the equator.
Day3's question was annoying to figure out what they wanted
Incidentally, all geometry problems taking place in AoC stage 2 will be non-euclidean.
you write good santa speak
Provide answers for both a spherical and hyperbolic universe, and show your work
do goldbach's next !
I've been trying to come up with a way to make primes festive for the last four days but it's tricky
*13 with jazz hands*
@wim :P hehe
thinking to try to turn my aoc answers into one liners
print getAocAnswer(day, part)
@MooingRawr That's easy if you do it all in Lisp :D
I just got it btw....very stupid problem -> view spoiler as a small example
@MarcusS throws syntax error
@idjaw You're in good company, I'm pretty sure that was my problem too.
let me fix that for you > print(getAocAnswer(day,part))
Not in Python 2
@Kevin high five
I fived my keyboard.
@Kevin im pretty sure alot of people fell in that trap
ik ,
@Kevin in solidarity I just did that same
I had to do it twice because the first mashing wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough
I have a function
scrape_page = urllib2.Request(ourl, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
return urllib2.urlopen(scrape_page).read()
trying to find a math solution for day 1 part 2 >.> life stinks
it says
return urllib2.urlopen(scrape_page).read()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@IsabelCariod Because you probably have to check the line above
or line(s) above
The line directly above it looks OK. probably you need to look higher.
Just those two lines parse ok on my machine:
>>> def f():
...     scrape_page = urllib2.Request(ourl, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
...     return urllib2.urlopen(scrape_page).read()
There really should be such a thing as "festive primes"
@MarcusS define it then
Are you using any improper spaces as indentation? Like NBSP?
Or mixed tabs and spaces?
Color primes red and green, in accordance to whether p mod 3 equals 1 or 2...
(3 itself can be white)
@IsabelCariod, what does the line above scrape_page = ... look like?
I have forgotten a term. What do you call it when you can decompose a set into distinct subsets along some other set of characteristics? The integers into evens and odds, for instance.
I don't know but it totally sounds like something that has a name.
def getStatus(ourl):
scrape_page = urllib2.Request(ourl, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
return urllib2.urlopen(scrape_page).read()
return "Invalid URL", ourl
oh no, bare excepts attacks once again :(
I'm even pretty sure the name starts with 'c', but it's gone, gone. Math chat?
How peculiar, that code seems to parse fine on my machine: (assuming your indentation is correct)
@IsabelCariod is this indentation correct?
>>> def getStatus(ourl):
...     try:
...         scrape_page = urllib2.Request(ourl, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
...         req = urllib2.urlopen(scrape_page).read()
...     except:
...         return "Invalid URL", ourl
But I assume the indentation isn't a problem because then you'd be getting an IndentationError instead of a SyntaxError
@cphlewis How about:
In mathematics, a partition of a set is a grouping of the set's elements into non-empty subsets, in such a way that every element is included in one and only one of the subsets. == Definition == A partition of a set X is a set of nonempty subsets of X such that every element x in X is in exactly one of these subsets (i.e., X is a disjoint union of the subsets). Equivalently, a family of sets P is a partition of X if and only if all of the following conditions hold: P does not contain the empty set. The union of the sets in P is equal to X. (The sets in P are said to cover X.) The intersection of...
It's a little broader than your definition because you can have more than two subsets, but it's pretty close
Which reminds me, we had a partition problem last year in AoC somewhere
Thank you! That's what I meant! Two sets was just the simplest example.
so my part 2 of day 1 aoc is getting messier and messier all because I refuse to keep track of where I've been ><
I should put negative weight on my "I think it begins with" feelings.
Finishing day 1 part 2 with a constraint like that would be an impressive feat
@cphlewis In this context you might be thinking of complement sets
I really really don't like my day 1 solution
But, I'm not going to re-visit it
moving on
that makes me seem more with-it than I am, I'll take it.
go joe go
@MooingRawr How do you expect to be able to know where you have been if you don't remember it and the steps you do are a fixed list of instructions that got created randomly once?
I prefer compliment sets, such as {"I'm so very proud of you"}
@ByteCommander if I knew I would be done by now wouldnt I ?
Just interested if you had any ideas to start with so far
i have a few ideas that im toying with on my "breaks" (inbetween my work compiles)
And suggesting that it sounds non-trivial (read "impossible") to me between the lines...
im pretty sure it might be impossible or borderline impossible but still wanna try it out .. for the sake of trying it out
guys dumb question, but how is a transform perspective matrix derived?
that's not a dumb question.
i dont even know what that is
Is there a partition on the set of compliments?
perspective transform matrix?
I know what a matrix is and I have a rough idea of the term "perspective", but neither do I know how to combine those two nor how to transform anything there.
It's the last matrix you run your vertices through before its rendered
Ugh, graphics...
crawls deeper into the back-end of his dark cave
@AnttiHaapala yeah, I want to make one via CSS and matrix3d
Giraffics programming
I find that much cuter than I should.
Looks like the guy from the giraffe high diving video
@Ffisegydd what a cutie, is that yours?
I support cats looking at things with their heads tilted.
The keyboard is a giveaway, the letters aren't in the lost script of the Necronomicon.
I support head tilts in general
I'm going to go hibernate until Westworld S2 starts
Oh, it's over? I kept meaning to give it a try, but haven't made the time yet.
I actually managed to forget that there was a final episode of Westworld until earlier today, so no talking about it.
Was at a friend's on Sunday, playing FFXV on Monday.
It's fantastic.
I still haven't forgiven @Kevin for spoiling Stranger Things for me.
I've got a reminder in my phone so I don't forget again playing The Last Guardian today.
I wish those games came to the PC
It's out?
It's being delivered to my house as we chat.
Although Amazon says there's a couple hour delay on the truck.
cbg everyone
\o how goes it
I still won't believe it until I see it on my TV
I'll post a pic of the TV screen, even though the PS4 has a screenshot feature.
it's the right thing to do
My tv. You could fake it, you could be part of the conspiracy.
@MooingRawr, good, and how are you?
trying to think of a solution to a problem that I have over complicated by quite a bit just for snacks and giggles.....
snacks and giggles?
\o/ day 3 complete. slowly getting there.
I'm trying to do a SQLAlchemy thing where I've got a couple of tables that don't have a relationship, technically, but I'm trying to join them, a la
from sqlalchemy import matchmaker
session.query(this.orm.model).outerjoin(that.orm.model, this.orm.model.val == that.orm.model.val)
but what it's not doing is giving me any of the columns from that.orm.model
Yeah, the emitted SQL is definitely not including those columns :(
it's doing the join... just not doing anything with the table
I tried add_entity but that... didn't work, or the way I expected it to, for sure
I actually have homework I have to do =/
coding is so much more fun
true story

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