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cbg all!
good night everyone
how to protect an excel sheet by allowing the sort,autofilter options using xlsxwriter
3 hours later…
Morning Cabbage :-)
2 hours later…
office cbg
anyone awake
1 hour later…
How do i make it so I can pick what it returns?
def image(self):
im = Image.open(self)
width, height = im.size
return width, height
 def image(self):
    im = Image.open(self)
    width, height = im.size
    return width, height
Cbg all
@ChrisEthanFox your question is terribly unclear
@vaultah When i run the function it returns both width and height I want to be able to pick what it returns
Just fyi: you can edit your messages.
Ok thanks
@ChrisEthanFox it returns a tuple, which supports indexing: width = image()[0]
Thanks that really helped I couldnt find it on google
    class get_image(object):

        def width(self):
            im = Image.open(self)
            width = im.size[0]
cbg morning
zombie apocalypse is a real thing
this is like left 4 dead when boomer throws up on you
@khajvah At least the mood is happier than the original black friday
what's the original?
But I doubt they named it to commemorate that one in particular + there are countless black fridays
I had several myself when I used to work and had to punch in in weekends
Those are the blackest, IMO
How do I write this c++ code in python ? for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1)
@WayneWerner that'd be right. :)
@johnsmith what are you trying to do
I just had a lecture about numerical solutions to PDEs, sooo damn cool
@corvid Having used a variety of language options over the last 5 years, I wouldn't bother with Rosetta stone. things like Memrise/Duolingo do the same thing for a fraction of the price. My preferred combo is Memrise + 'Colloquial {{Language X}}' books by collins.
do you guys know if it is ok to copy the loading thing of youtube?
on the top?
Gitlab uses it too, I think
@johnsmith you mean in one line?
@khajvah I am trying to understand a c++ code which is used to implement segment trees here is the link to whole code codeforces.com/blog/entry/18051
Hmm, Can anyone check if this is a dupe? stackoverflow.com/questions/40861301/…. I'm actually 100% sure of that particular target. I've left a comment for both the OP and the hammerer, but need a second opinion.
@khajvah the what now?
Scratch that, I re-duped it.
stackoverflow.com/questions/2792650/… the link of the top answer doesnt work anymore
oh, i can edit myself, didnt know lol :D
@manuzi1 Already fixed it :)
@manuzi1 You can suggest an edit, yes. Once you get enough reputation, SO community will entrust you with full editing powers.
ok haha, sry didnt know :)
cabbage @Pm and @poke \o
@manuzi1 You should take a look at the Privileges page.
Hi, Bhargav.
It's unusually quiet in here for this time of day / week. Where is everybody?
Dunno, I think they're taking a early christmas break :)
one day I will make a robot / userscript / something, that once per hour just sends "cbg" to the chat. Can stop doing this
@PM2Ring I was out this morning, extending my identity card
you will officially qualify as human for a few more years?
Isn’t that crazy!?
Anyway, I got to be witness of the crazy bureaucracy.
I went to the photographer to get photos taken with a high-end full frame camera. Those photos were then printed in 3.5x4.5 cm, only to be scanned in again at the registry office…
I don’t want to think about the quality that got lost in that process… it makes me sad.
@poke At least they don't fax the photos to the registry office. :)
I don’t want to think about what happens on the way from the registry office to the institute responsible for actually printing the ID…
artist's impression via phone
I keep missing DSM & Fizzy. I want to know if any of our data science / probability experts have any suggestions re the question Andras & I answered the other day: stackoverflow.com/q/40828527/4014959
Why do you want us to be shamed?
That sounds like you trust neither yourself nor Andras…
makes me a saaad panda
@AnttiHaapala Done:
// ==UserScript==
// @name        cbg-interval
// @namespace   poke
// @include     chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/python
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
function postCbg () {
  var frm = new FormData();
  frm.append('text', 'cbg');
  frm.append('fkey', window.fkey().fkey);
  fetch('/chats/6/messages/new', {
    method: 'post',
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    body: frm

setInterval(postCbg, 60 * 60 * 1000);
@khajvah Not a single one of those were actually at a Walmart store. Also probably none of those were from 2016...
Sigh, I thought this would direct install it chat.stackoverflow.com/message/34315080?plain=true
@BhargavRao TIL plain=true
That's the first thing that you learn when you create a chat bot :D
No it’s not.
Hmm, Maybe second, or third?
I’ve written a chat bot and I didn’t know.
Ah, Did you write the chat library also?
@poke Oh, I know my code works, (and I assume Andras's does, too : ) ), but as I said in my answer, I assume there's some well-known way of generating the counts list that doesn't require that tedious Python double for loop. Even if it uses an existing random distribution function in the random module that does exactly the same thing as my code except that it does the loops at C speed, I'd be happy.
@BhargavRao Yeah, I wrote a bot framework from scratch. RABBIT was originally meant to use it.
what python double for loop?:P
@PM2Ring I see (didn’t actually read the question/answers)
@poke K, Then plain=true would be of help to you :)
So you’re just looking for an “elegant” way
@Bhargav Why? :o
mine has a single 3-element for loop for laziness, just sayin':P
@poke You don't need to decode it on the client side. (in the chat lib).
Just a sec. Am I confusing you?
Is this about consuming the transcript, or interpreting the live chat?
@poke Elegance is nice, but my actual goal is improved efficiency. Why do a for loop if there's a nice formula that can generate the desired numbers?
Interpreting the live chat
but the live chat messages come through the websocket. Why would I want to send off an additional request for every single line?
I'm not sure about that. I'm was looking at a Java chat lib that was already written, which had a getPlainMessage function. That would read the data from the plain=true message and return it.
Hmm, On a second look, @poke, It was not interpreting live chat. It's reading from the transcript.
Sry, I confused you also :(
It’s okay :) Glad we figured it out :D
Yep, I learnt some Java code in the meanwhile :D
that’s.. great..? :/
Kinda, yes. I'm learning Java, so, yes :D
I’m sorry.
move to Scala
Scala is cute
Jun 15 at 7:36, by Bhargav Rao
I took a java job just coz they pay more than a py job. Yet to start working
yeah nobody will pay you to do Scala
I'd rather do Xtend!
I know, we had this discussion already
see the video
it is just a java precompiler that produces rather readable java code too
@AnttiHaapala ugly website
Eclipse desperately need designer
@AnttiHaapala Ugh, I don’t like the resulting code at all… but maybe I don’t know ruby / coffeescript enough
so why can't python 3 do that, huh?
can't explain that
@AndrasDeak It’s not turing complete!
well, I don't like the implicit return, otherwise it is good :D
I don't like the resulting sayHello methjod
@poke but then scala is much worse :D
it's weird
@Antti I also don’t like the string returning thing either. If you have a language feature that’s built to only ever return strings, then your language is moving to be a templating language. And we all know how that ends (php)
And square brackets for loops are just weird.
@poke they're the lambda syntax
not loop brackets
And square brackets for lambda bodies are just weird.
And in proper OOP languages, members defaulting to public is bad.
methods default to public
data doesn't
Poke is Antti-ing Anttis suggestion
Even worse, it’s inconsistent, so you have to remember which is the default.
But as I said, maybe I just don’t read enough ruby or coffeescript to enjoy this :P
I’m fine with people using that though if they prefer writing it like that.
I wouldn’t.
But luckily, I don’t do Java anyway.
the type inference is the cool thing
does the new Java have type inference?
string returning function isn't specialized.
yeah, but I wouldn’t sacrifice all the other stuff for that xD
@khajvah no... the only type inference in java is <>
@AnttiHaapala Scala has it too
@khajvah but scala has something really horrible:
you can pass expressions into functions lazily...
I’m not sure if I understand that.
why is it horrible?
How do you pass stuff lazily?
like in Haskell
*here you go, whatever
@poke it is like haskell but then not...
Can you give an example?
I am trying to google
try harder
So, something like this?
def f(x):
    print("frobbing input...")
    #do something with x here, finally evaluating it
f(print("Hello, world!"))
#"frobbing input..."
#"Hello, world!"
Seems like it would be hard to tell when, if ever, any particular piece of code you write gets executed
But isn’t that basically just async?
but it's not by default, as far as I know
*sorry meant this, call by name arguments
so you have a function call:
foo(bar, baz + 5)
if baz + 5 is call-by-name argument, the baz + 5 will be re-evaluated every time the argument is accessed within a function. You wouldn't know it just from the function call
@poke :D:D
I guess that is the automatic one
argh, browser crashed
it is xD
@Antti That’s a terrible feature. It’s basically hidden function evaluation :/
Or a hidden promise even
synchronous promise..
.. which is a function
@AnttiHaapala but you would know it from the signature right?
so people try to find ways to make the most awful way to do that...
>_> I’m tired.
@khajvah you would know it from the function signature yes,
but how do you see the function signature by just casually browsing source
I’m glad people will always go out of their way to abuse terrible things to show how terrible it is.
even the in-out parameters/arguments were an awful idea, but this is it²
Devil's advocate: if you write code that is free from side-effects, then it doesn't matter whether a parameter is pass-by-name or not.
I am not sure what is its usecase but if it is used, you shouldn't care, I guess?
@Kevin *slowclap*
Only naughty people write functions that actually do things, and they get what's coming to them
who knows how to edit an integer value of a cell in a csv file through python?
morning everyone
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow we all do
@corvid morning
@khajvah how do you do it?
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow I bet the csv module can do that.
@Kevin yeah i have that
import csv

code=input('Enter code to search: ')

stock = open ('Stock Levels.csv', 'rt')
file = csv.reader(stock)

for row in file:
    for field in row:
        if field==code:
            print('Record found! \n')
            print('Code: '+row[0])
            print('Product name: '+row[1])
            print('Target level: '+row[2])
            print('Current level: '+row[3]+'\n')
the pro side of that is that you can make shortcircuiting boolean logic say
so far i have this
I imagine it goes something like: 1) load the file using a csv function. 2) modify the data somehow. 3) save the file.
it only searches though
Modifying the data may or may not look something like row[something] = something
@khajvah something likely already is something else than row[something] :P
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow You will likely have to read the file, then modify the data, and then write the whole data back.
a question
How To Run/Instantiate a Dag(Airflow) on Parallel basis for multiple categories?
@poke what do you mean by write the whole data back?
is it possible or not?
@SohaibAsif good question
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow Basically this:
data = loadFromCsv()
data = modifyData(data)
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow also, use with open...
@poke ill try it
any guidance?
@poke when you said data in writeToCsv was it the data variable or the new value?
I don't know what Dag is, or Airflow, or Parallel if that's the name of a project and not just an adjective meaning "always keeping the same distance"
I’m assuming modifyData takes the old data and returns the modified data (which is then stored in data).
because you would want to write the modified data, not the original stuff
@Kevin noob
@Kevin not that adjective, it is the adjective "not intersecting"
@Kevin In Airflow, a DAG – or a Directed Acyclic Graph – is a collection of all the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies.
The world is full of things that I don't know about. I assume. I don't know how many there are, because I don't know about them.
its a python library in simple words
@poke it said this:
data = loadFromCsv()
NameError: name 'loadFromCsv' is not defined
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow then try data = useTheActualThingThatLoadsFromCsvHere()
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow Yeah, that code won't actually run. Poke was only describing the general shape of the possible answer.
It's really unlikely that anyone is going to just give you full working code that you can copy-paste and execute right away.
^ what Kevin said. I was only showing you how you would want to proceed.
@poke you need a nap :D or a spellchecker. Proceed.
Obviously, there are not built-in functions modifyData that modify your highly specialized data exactly the way you want it to..
the thing is that i dont know what command to use to load the data
It would be especially difficult for anyone to hand you completely working code, because we don't actually know where you want to edit your csv or how.
@AnttiHaapala nap
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow You already loaded it with file = csv.reader(stock) :-)
@Kevin could you elaborate?
We can't write your program because we don't know what it's supposed to do.
it needs to take a value and change it
thats it
what value? Change it to what?
def yourProgram (value):
    return value + 5
There. That’s your program. Does that help you? Probably not.
i have a csv file which has GTIN-8 codes, names, target stock levels and current stock levels
Hi, I tried to create a report generation using Python-Behave. But still I don't find a way to make it? Any suggestions
Point is: The general solution to “I want to change one thing in a file” is to (1) read the whole file, (2) edit the data to perform your change, and then (3) write the whole data back to the file.
i need my python code to be able to take a value from the current stock level column and modify it so that it is higher or equal to the target stock level
In your case, you have an additional step (1.5) which parses the CSV, and a step (2.5) which serializes the data as CSV.
please bear in mind that i am only 15 years old
Your age has nothing to do with that. Don’t blame it on your age.
@poke I wish there was somebody to tell me that when I was 15
@khajvah You should have come to me back then.
what i mean is that i dont understand some of the things that you are saying
“some of the things” – which exactly?
yeeeeaaah, when I was 15, I thought I was too young to program
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow your age still doesn't affect this.
for example i still dont understand 'parsing'
it is not because of your age, but because you're ignorant.
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow There are dictionaries for that: google.com/search?q=define+parsing
usually ignorance diminishes over time, yes, with older people being less ignorant than younger people.
But in general, when you don’t understand something, then don’t ignore everything, but learn to ask about that specific something. Otherwise, we cannot help you. And when you just keep ignoring everything because you don’t understand it in total, then we’re just getting annoyed by you and stop helping altogether.
here you're using your age as an excuse for your helplessness.

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