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Some of us are partial to baby foxes.
@BlueMonday post just an url that ends with .jp*g or .gif or .png
Oh, I see, thanks.
but yeah, especially pics of cute animals
(sorry, I had to) :D
Wow, What did I enter into?
@joncle I like how you pop in just for cute animal pictures.
@poke what can I say - instinct? :p
@BhargavRao normality?
@JonClements Kinda yeah ;)
These pictures were exactly what was required. I am soothed.
I have an exam in 5 hours and I am here looking at animal pictures, haha
Sounds like the best option
Ahhh... not quite sure how this is considered "cutest animal pictures" but it's evidence that kitten can't be trusted... I'm allowed to chase this one, right? Look at it's doing to the poor innocent wabbit @poke...
Gah - just clicked on Antti's link to nopython3. This is internet rant click bait.
@JRichardSnape :D
read the link below for more rants :d
@JonClements Naughty!
@JonClements You are a terrible person.
@JRichardSnape Afterwards, click on the link directly pinned above by me.
@poke yes... lucky I'm a puppy...? :p
@poke Reading it now.
@poke have you got Zed out to kill you yet? :p
I’m actually disappointed by the missing backlash
In fact, it was his assertion about Turing completeness that "got my dander up"
> I’ll just ignore the rest of this section because it makes no sense.
I registered on CodeWars yesterday, I like it so far.
What do you think about it?
this one is better for "we have normality"
I posted a video few days ago and got kicked :D
It was funny and not vulgar or anything, lol
@BlueMonday it wasn't good
and not a single bit funny
I was stuck on the weird side of youtube for 2 hours
then do not drag others there...
Understood :D
you're like the Swedish guy in the desert
let's see if Johan sees this :P
I'm not familiar with that
Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian are lost in a desert somewhere in Middle East. Thirsty and exhausted they come across a the magic lamp, and get 3 wishes, one for each.
So the Finn wishes first: "Yeah I wish I'd be back in Finland at my summer cabin by the lake"
well, the wish gets fulfilled and Finn finds himself back in Finland. Norwegian is pining for the fiords, naturally, and so wishes he would get there.
and the Swedish guy asked for his friends back? :D
The Swede is alone in the desert, and thinks "now where did the Finn and Norwegian go... wish they'd come back"
:D :D
What about a funny video, with a..cat?!
@poke I point this out only because I know you are a typographical perfectionist - in your "all out" section you have "fixiated" instead of "fixated" and "beginneres" instead of "beginners". Extra vowels probably representative of the rage you were feeling whilst writing it ;)
I really wanted to see poke writing that :D
What do you think about this? :D
@AnttiHaapala :D :D
@JRichardSnape Thanks, will fix that
because I think poke must have been way angrier than me yesterday
I don’t have a clear memory of how I felt yesterday..
and couple this with poke being a teetotaller ...
Have you watched the video where man and bear spook each other?
@JRichardSnape Overall, I’m pretty happy with the amount of mistakes I did. I didn’t even proofread it..
@BlueMonday let me find bear videos for you
@AnttiHaapala TIL that word
@poke Absolutely - it's a good piece. I haven't quite finished it yet, but I very much like the style.
Thanks a lot :)
(guess I really should write more often after all…)
I can't wait to attend a hackathon next week
I am so excited
I am not sure, but I think I saw a gunner here? @DSM or?
I love his "when I use one function, I get an error, but when I use another to do the same thing via a specified safe method, I don't" as an argument for a bad language.
Oh, no @idjaw
Oh, sorry, you're talking about hockey..
@BlueMonday :D:D
@BlueMonday @IljaEverilä is known to have gunned down cute animals :D
well, if hares are cute
I am talking about "gunners" (Arsenal FC fans), not sure what are you talking about though :D
lol there are million meanings for gunner though :D
and idjaw, dsm are from canada
so sportball is least of their interest there :D
Yeah, I searched the chat and saw they're talking about hockey :D
Because I remember someone said "I'm an Arsenal fan"
It was idjaw but referring to hockey club :D
@BlueMonday gooners*
I am pretty sure it's gunners :D
^^ that
The team are 'the gunners', fans are 'gooners'.
@AnttiHaapala hares are cute, until they scream
@BlueMonday Arsenal fans call themselves gooners
@Withnail ninjaed
that's a couple of times in the last few days i've managed that
I just assumed that gunner was ~hunter because we've just been viewing these cute animals here :D
take it as an indictment of problems i'm thinking through
@Withnail sensei(Martijn) is proud
out of context
I have just realised I have spent the last 10 minutes with the computer auto-playing videos of a man playing with grown bears and speaking in a language I don't understand. We live in a strange world.
@JRichardSnape the strange world is the one not on youtube surely? :p
Atleast, you're not stuck at the weird part of youtube...
I couldn't get out for 2 hours..
I don't think I should visit the weird part of youtube at work...
anyone know if there's a canonical way to get total Lines of Code out of Pycharm? I feel like it should be simpler than it is - tried a couple of plugins, but nada.
(or AN other way.)
@khajvah you're right, I just googled.
A “Gooner” is a fan of Arsenal Football Club.

A “Gunner” is a footballer who plays for Arsenal Football Club.
@BlueMonday I am a fan too
We deserved a win yesterday.
i haven't watched the yesterday's game though :(
Good performance but still.. Iwobi should be benched in big games..
First where? :D
@Withnail Easy, tiger ;) Fighting PyCharm got you worked up?
Let's hope for a win this weekend..
uch, the horror of connecting local Windows machines to my nice clean AWS linux machine, more than anything
how 'bout just using wc on the files you're bothered about to get LOC count?
@Withnail Sounds icky.
super icky.
Alright mates, I'm off to my faculty to study more, wish me luck.
excellent entry Andras 8/10
your excellents have somewhat deflated along the years
it's all the fault of Brexit
No one is a ten. ;)
is it thanksgiving in the land of free
The Case for Python 3 by eevee – a bit different compared to my response
@AndyK "no true arrogant talks about their mistakes" (I know that No True Scotsman isn't exactly this, but your reasoning is also horribly flawed in my opinion)
@poke let me guess: putting the butt back in rebuttal?
@poke still just as scathing though :)
@JonClements Yeah. Still, for the most part, I was thinking “this is so nicer written compared to mine” and then I reached the final section which is ultimately signed with a “Fuck you.”
Guess I worry way too much about things xD
@poke lol
that was unexpected
it was
@poke yup - does descend into a quite a bit of yamming there :)
> This is because you don’t know what you’re talking about, and you should shut up.
@AndrasDeak why?
@khajvah I really liked that one
@poke overall, it was nicely written
I've seen some very arogant people, full of themselves and where I live, they are very very very commin
If you live on Earth, that seems likely.
@AndyK arrogance is not a binary state. It's not "(I'm infallible if arrogant else humility)"
just because an arrogant person claims they are aware that they might not be infallible doesn't make them not arrogant, it makes them not-entirely-detached-from-reality
the least thing you expect from a mod is for them to know that they make mistakes, it's not a final plus that should make you vote on somebody
@DSM lol and true
my point is that a single instance of somebody saying "I don't know everything in the world" doesn't mean that they're not assholes or arrogant otherwise, or often, or regularly
I got your point Andras
it is true that even if they say they don't know everything, they can be arse
Usually, when I meet an arse, the arse know everything
but it is true that I have to englob case when they don't know everything and can be super arse yet
@AndyK you seem to have developed a certain fascination with the rear end... are you okay today? :p
@JonClements I'm a bit tired today, maybe the reason ... ;)))
skimmed over eevee's post, delightful:D
@AndyK I'm fully aware that I'm not infallible, and you'll often hear me admit that I'm wrong, and even worse: somebody else was right instead. Yet most people will agree that I'm an arrogant arse myself.
so you really need to recalibrate your arsedar
@poke: that rebuttal is gold.
> No one can even offer to help you, because instead of examples of real problems you’ve had, you gave two trivial toys and then yelled a lot about how the whole Python project is releasing mind-altering chemicals into the air.
Yeah... everyone knows it's the governments that do that - not the Python project :p
sniffing too much chemtrail can actually do that to you
@JonClements he comes over as a has-been, too slow to keep up with change. And most of all, dangerously ignorant about the subject he purports to teach.
emphasis on dangerous
one crackpot is fine; a crackpot in charge of crackpot factory is dangerous
not to The Estabishment, but to good taste and all those who were non-cracked pots originally
@MartijnPieters I know... I read his "advice"... the rebuttals are more entertaining though :)
@JonClements we can only hope this means there'll never be a LPTHW for Py3.
Let the book and the author sink into obscurity.
there's no such thing as bad publicity, eh?
Even after thinking about it for a day, I still feel the same way:
22 hours ago, by DSM
Most people have crank-like opinions on something or other. His, given his hobbies, are just displayed in public. If it weren't for the effects on beginners I think it would be more polite to pass over it in silence.
Hello..SO Guys...
Anybody of us ever use XLWT for excel writting?
@Niks Welcome to the Python chatroom, See our rules sopython.com/chatroom. TL;DR, Don't ask if anyone knows something, Just ask the question.
@DSM I still agree:P
@BhargavRao are you a bot?
He's a mod, which is similar..
@khajvah Yep. :P
@MartijnPieters Given how opposed Zed is to Py3 I find it highly unlikely...
Btw. I really think we should co-author a Learn Python 3 The Easy Way book @Antti @Martijn
@poke "Room 6 Publications"? :p
you could kickstart it
And I promise that I won’t just start writing and eventually just release it on my own without involving you! (like with that article yesterday..)
@poke when the muse takes you - you've gotta go with the flow!
well, if that book comes out that good...:P
Seriously though, we could cover so many great topics based on our SO experience and the canon
@poke we should
I so reckon you should
@JonClements "we"
Yes, you’re included there Jon
Don’t exclude yourself from the great sopy book project!
Err... I can be chief biscuit eater?
You could at least proofread?
POOFread, ninja smoke screen
Just wondering if we could do with a practical uses for itertools section...
or woofread?
it should start as a beginner book for sure
How to adjust row width based on content in XLWT?
For Ex.
sheet_1 = book.add_sheet('Pricing details', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
sheet_1.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 4, 'Here is big content & which is dynamic..so i cant adjust height & width for that')
@Niks that' sa tough one
I’d say anything goes. We could always release multiple volumes…
it would make it hard to claim no conflict of interest if you're trying to point SO noobs to your book:P
@poke but the beginner book is what's clearly missing
We could cross publish on SOD
@AnttiHaapala But not impossible..Right?
@poke ...
@AndrasDeak (that was actually a serious idea)
I'm not sure the world needs another Python book. (He said, hiding his notes for "data ninjitsu with Python".)
@poke I'll just ignore that remark due to your recent burst of wit in the form of your rebuttal
@DSM why not :D
the last python book
learn python the last way
Learn Python the Last Time :D
@AndrasDeak (I was only suggesting it, so we could link to it)
see my above message:P
I'd rather not give Zed exposure by referencing his book..
me neither :D
@JRichardSnape Yeah, gave up and went with this approach in the end. Quarter of a million LOC for what is, basically, an underpowered CRM \o/
better not call it by a referencing name
Hmmph, I have to get up and go to work today. :-/ Yesterday was very productive, even though (because?) I tossed large amounts of code, but I think I used up my brainpower for the week.
but some ninja memes would be good, and the book should be full of Monty Python references too
like the manual
dictionary example could reference:
if you find a weird quirk in the language, I suggest the ministry of silly walks
if it was python2, hovercraft would be great for encode/decode
 hungarian_to_english = {
        'A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal': 'My hovercraft is full of eels'
real talk: I find imperative claims like that on any book off-putting
"read this because everybody else is an idiot"
@AndrasDeak Obviously. But all ORLY books are like that
@Andras would a little "(this may or may not be True)" disclaimer work
Btw. I’m disappointed the orly appstore does not have a rabbit image…
ah not all titles are imperatives
@AndrasDeak YARLY
@AnttiHaapala I was mostly referencing the “off-putting” part xD
@JonClements (is or is not True) and let all hell break loose
I know that one
that looks like a rattlesnake tho
it is.
rattle and venomous
Using a snake would have been too on-topic
python3, obviously, toxic to our culture
how about moray for
"My book is full of eels" :D
but I'd really like some ninja references
oh here goes the book idea, we can't agree on the title :D
but I guess martijn is right here. We don't want to refer to Zedas' book in any way...
Maybe just write the book first, decide on a title later?
hmm I've never written a book collaboratively
have you ever done it non-collaboratively?
some Finns did write a highschool textbook
Umm.... "The Snake and the Philosopher's Stone"?
and then... follow up of "The Snake and The Chamber Of Secrets?"
charmer of sneks
Parseltongue for Dummies
Or “The Snake Strikes Back”, ”Return of the Snake”
omfg... I so love "Parseltongue for Dummies" :)
That one would need a subtitle though
“This is not about Harry Potter”
and a sub-sub-title: "although it's magical!" :p
“Yes, this book is really non-fiction and should be here in the computer stuff section of your library”
@poke The classic line from that one in my opinion > If only there were a book that could explain it to beginners in more depth than “you have to fix this if you’re foreign”.
“Parseltongue for Python-Muggles”?
Although, I'm also loving the huge crunching gear-shift in tone towards the end.
How about: "The A-Y Of Python" and a subtitle of "Definitely no Zed here!" :p
@JRichardSnape xD
@JonClements I C what U did there
@JonClements Nice.
they sprinted 4 high school math text books in Finland in one marathon...
while poke is pe-occupied with the title, the others can get a head start on the material
but alas, they don't have full history in github, grr.
sphinx :D
Q: Is Sphinx better than LaTex in writing manuals/books?

MasiOnly a few people recommended to use Sphinx at the beginning of the year. Sphinx has developed rather fast recently. I noted today that Sage has made a change from direct editing with LaTex to Sphinx. This is evident in William Stein's answer on 2nd April about Sage's tutorial The tutorial i...

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