Ahhh... not quite sure how this is considered "cutest animal pictures" but it's evidence that kitten can't be trusted... I'm allowed to chase this one, right? Look at it's doing to the poor innocent wabbit @poke...
Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian are lost in a desert somewhere in Middle East. Thirsty and exhausted they come across a the magic lamp, and get 3 wishes, one for each.
So the Finn wishes first: "Yeah I wish I'd be back in Finland at my summer cabin by the lake"
well, the wish gets fulfilled and Finn finds himself back in Finland. Norwegian is pining for the fiords, naturally, and so wishes he would get there.
@poke I point this out only because I know you are a typographical perfectionist - in your "all out" section you have "fixiated" instead of "fixated" and "beginneres" instead of "beginners". Extra vowels probably representative of the rage you were feeling whilst writing it ;)
I love his "when I use one function, I get an error, but when I use another to do the same thing via a specified safe method, I don't" as an argument for a bad language.
I have just realised I have spent the last 10 minutes with the computer auto-playing videos of a man playing with grown bears and speaking in a language I don't understand. We live in a strange world.
anyone know if there's a canonical way to get total Lines of Code out of Pycharm? I feel like it should be simpler than it is - tried a couple of plugins, but nada.
@AndyK "no true arrogant talks about their mistakes" (I know that No True Scotsman isn't exactly this, but your reasoning is also horribly flawed in my opinion)
@poke let me guess: putting the butt back in rebuttal?
@JonClements Yeah. Still, for the most part, I was thinking “this is so nicer written compared to mine” and then I reached the final section which is ultimately signed with a “Fuck you.”
@AndyK arrogance is not a binary state. It's not "(I'm infallible if arrogant else humility)"
just because an arrogant person claims they are aware that they might not be infallible doesn't make them not arrogant, it makes them not-entirely-detached-from-reality
the least thing you expect from a mod is for them to know that they make mistakes, it's not a final plus that should make you vote on somebody
my point is that a single instance of somebody saying "I don't know everything in the world" doesn't mean that they're not assholes or arrogant otherwise, or often, or regularly
@AndyK I'm fully aware that I'm not infallible, and you'll often hear me admit that I'm wrong, and even worse: somebody else was right instead. Yet most people will agree that I'm an arrogant arse myself.
> No one can even offer to help you, because instead of examples of real problems you’ve had, you gave two trivial toys and then yelled a lot about how the whole Python project is releasing mind-altering chemicals into the air.
@JonClements he comes over as a has-been, too slow to keep up with change. And most of all, dangerously ignorant about the subject he purports to teach.
Most people have crank-like opinions on something or other. His, given his hobbies, are just displayed in public. If it weren't for the effects on beginners I think it would be more polite to pass over it in silence.
How to adjust row width based on content in XLWT? For Ex. sheet_1 = book.add_sheet('Pricing details', cell_overwrite_ok=True) sheet_1.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 4, 'Here is big content & which is dynamic..so i cant adjust height & width for that')
Hmmph, I have to get up and go to work today. :-/ Yesterday was very productive, even though (because?) I tossed large amounts of code, but I think I used up my brainpower for the week.
@poke The classic line from that one in my opinion > If only there were a book that could explain it to beginners in more depth than “you have to fix this if you’re foreign”.
Only a few people recommended to use Sphinx at the beginning of the year.
Sphinx has developed rather fast recently. I noted today that Sage has made a change from direct editing with LaTex to Sphinx. This is evident in William Stein's answer on 2nd April about Sage's tutorial
The tutorial i...