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Ah, I dislike learning from web, that's why I ordered this one
@AndrasDeak Elementary school ?
by Mark Lutz, published by O'Reilly
@randomhopeful well, 7th grade or something
maybe 8th?
@Andras I learnt pascal in high school xD
I learned it for fun, my dad was a sysadmin so we had loads of IT-related books
@AndrasDeak That's still impressive AF
well, I wasn't exactly a Zuckerberg, I just got familiar with the basics:D
What other languages you know?
then I learned perl when I needed to write some scripts for an IRC client, that was really motivating
but I've forgotten most of perl, I'd have to relearn almost all of it
then I gathered some C and fortran and MATLAB and python, and routinely use minor things such as awk and some bash if that counts
That's nice
I only shifted from MATLAB to python ~ a year ago
We learnt pascal in 2nd year, then in 4th Delphi
The famous plotting transition
Also learnt c++, but only basics, nothing impressive
We learned some Pascal in high school, it was pretty horrifying
Yeah, I hated Pascal, however in c++ I had a lot of fun, I had hard time understanding pointers though
@AndrasDeak Did you study them in school/uni or learnt them by yourself?
all sorts
C was formal university education, MATLAB is informal university education, fortran informal research and work, python myself
oh, forgot latex, which is Turing complete, but people usually don't consider it to be a programming language:D
Latex sounds funny :D . I take classes for python in uni,next is java. I am thinking of taking Data Mining next year, what do you think?
nothing in particular
I'm a physicist, and mostly dabble in programming. So I'm not the person to ask such questions from:)
Oh, I see :)
Honestly, I dislike C, maybe because it's low level, don't know.
I have assembly aswell..Which I like..
If anything C would be less high level than Python, but not to be qualified as fully low level
@BlueMonday then it's not about level
It's about the motion of the ocean, man
Thank you everybody, good night !
are you actually leaving?
Good night, no honestly I don't know why I don't like C
Yes Andras :D So really, good night and laters
Tchousse Blue
haha, OK:D
Auf Widdersen :D ( if that's the correct grammar)
if you mean spelling, it's Wiedersehen
"again-seeing" or something
Yeah. :D
but it should only be as well-spellt as Tchousse:D
Haha :D
OK I'm torn between well-spellt and well-spelled, and I suspect that neither is correct
I believe spelled is correct, not quite sure
Or spelt? o.o
right, "spellt" is definitely wrong
I looked into a "differences between perl5 and perl6" and I can see why people claim that it's not even the same language anymore
With two l's yeah, but "spelt", I think it's correct
in the right context, sure
I guess yeah
Yeah, I'm off to bed aswell, I'll try to solve this tommorow. Good night.
good night
@AndrasDeak they lost me at the perl 4->5 transition. I don't even say I know perl anymore. I was really good at perl before. now, lost
seems like they broke every idiom in the language at 4 to 5 transition. probably did similar in 5 to 6
I learned 5 back in the day
So, I'm 99% sure that this line of code deals with the carry bit and that's amazing. Can anyone confirm?

checksum = sum([ord(c) for c in order])
I'm probably missing context
that looks like a very simple and vulnerable hash to me
simple sum is a crap hash function. ab and ba have same hash
"crap hash" is surprisingly visual out of context
what's going on tonight
trying to get my doggo out for a walk
aaaaand success
good night
Wait was that "crap hash" stuff directed at me?
Because I found that line of code here on stack overflow lolol
simply summing ascii values is about as bad as a hash function can get. rearranging the order of the input has no effect
depends though. might be good enough. I'm speaking generally
evian and naive have the same hash with that code
well, the message will strictly be typed on a keyboard. So it shouldn't have any issues with them not being ascii correct?
they're coming in using things like cin (in c), raw_input (in my python code), etc (for other languages)
I think I've finished honestly :D
Hey, could someone pm and help me walk through building a web scraper. I'm halfway done but am confused on acouple parts
1 hour later…
Hola @tristan
Hey @ZachThompson, what's up?
Hey, not much!
gotta figure out which function in binascii let's me print a number as a binary string because my checksum algorithm was WRONG
still related to sockets?
yeah haha
Everything is working right I'm pretty sure
except I fucked up the checksum and it's causing my program to crash. Pretty sure when I fix it it's gonna run perfectly.
not that you need encouragement, but when i do stuff with sockets, i still oscillate between "HACK THE PLANET!!!" and "oh fuck wrong payload"
anyway. i'm going to hop off stackoverflow. have a good night
lmfao that's more or less my mindset
sorry I went to buy a pack of smokes
would a site map generator help with extracting certain sign in forms and appending them to a list?
plus returning the URL value that the sign in form came from?
2 hours later…
morning everyone
@AnttiHaapala Do you know of any resources regarding debugging emdedded Python?
good morning
1 hour later…
I got shitfaced last night
my eyes are blurry now
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@AshishAhuja whatcha doin here?:P
@AndrasDeak o/. I came to ask a doubt in Py related to matplotlib, I solved it using a different way myself later, and then deleted the message.
if you need matplotlib help next time, let me know (if I'm around, of course)
sure, will do.
my job is solved for now because I'm using gnuplot, and that seems to be pretty good.
unless you want pretty:PP :D
gotta go afk a bit, take care, Ashish:)
is there any way to change current running child process to another parallel running process ?
using it's pid ?
I feel like we've been here before, but anyway: define "change current running child process"
yes that one
how do i change current running process /
@jagdish what does that mean?
explain the situation better, please.
what is the problem you are trying to solve
cbg all
here is my code
--d age.py (to start new process)
I'm not running your code to troubleshoot it, sorry.
just tell me little things
I don't know what to tell you. Because I don't know what it is you are trying to do. You have code, you run the code. When the code is running, are you looking to invoke another process that replaces that running process?
age.py is running with pid 50 (taking input and showing output )
parallel par.py is running with pid 60(taking input and showing output )
i wants to switch between this process using pid and don't want to kill them
switch form what context?
yes invoke already running process
switch from current running 1.py to 2.py(both are running taking some input and output)
so you have two running processes waiting for input. Are you able to interact with them from your shell?
when i start 2nd new process while 1 process is already running 1st process goes in waiting state
and 2nd process takes input and shows output
If I redirect stdout and stdin in C before python is initialized shouldn't that reflect in sys.stdout and sys.stdin?
but i wants to go back to 1st process
@Jovito in C how? Calling python from C?
Any good algorithm course for a absolute beginner?
Was going through code golfing... What is the shortest (in terms of code) way to determine if the given input is a list?
@ThomasSebastian there are some tutorial tips here
eval and type.
Thanks @AndrasDeak
@BhargavRao eval?
@ThomasSebastian I'm personally unfamiliar with them, but regulars usually say that the official tutorial assumes some programming knowledge
so if you're new in programming altogether, look at the others, and their descriptions
@thefourtheye Yup, Go the evil way.
@thefourtheye list as in "not tuple", or list as in "not scalar"?
But we want the shortest way now.. Code golfing :D
@thefourtheye use Pyth...
@AndrasDeak Python list
@thefourtheye what's the type of the input? (string, python object?)
Yeah, That's the shortest way. Hmm, Is there any other way?
@vaultah Input could be anything. All we have to do is to determine if the input is a list or not.
@AndrasDeak I am not new to programming, but not very good in data structures and algorithms. The links that you shared are for learning python which isn't what I really need..
@ThomasSebastian then maybe you didn't formulate your needs properly
@BhargavRao I think so ;-) Saw a code golf answer. I'll share in sometime.
3 mins ago, by Thomas Sebastian
Any good algorithm course for a absolute beginner?
then something like Project Euler?
@AndrasDeak Well I mean beginner in those areas..
I'm unfamiliar with those too, I only know about Euler and the-other-one-I-don't-remember
@ThomasSebastian your initial question made it seem you were an absolute beginner :)
I am sorry for the confusion guys
>>> type(eval(s))==list
>>> isinstance(eval(s),list)
Everyone probably has their favourite. I have to leave, but I really liked this book: amazon.ca/Algorithm-Design-Manual-Steven-Skiena/dp/1848000693
@ThomasSebastian ^^
rbrb everyone
rhubarb @idjaw
@AndrasDeak Yep.
@idjaw That is one awesome book
Maybe I actually need to store both files in sys.stdout and sys.stdin.
@idjaw Thank you. I hope that will get me started.
A: Find the "Recursive Size" of a List

xnorPython, 42 bytes f=lambda x:x*0==[]and len(x)+sum(map(f,x)) For a non-list, output 0. For a list, output its length plus the sum of the recursive outputs for its elements. Lists fall above numbers and below strings in the Python 2 ordering, requiring []<=x<''. Instead, we check x*0==[], whe...

@BhargavRao ^^
Thanks, Reading that
@AndrasDeak I don't know much C++, but thanks :)
@thefourtheye nice
@Jovito ah, now I see that the guy wrote his own emb module, nevermind then
@AndrasDeak That's fine, I've done it before too. What makes it a little bit harder to understand is the C++ code.
Which reminds me: I needz to learn cxx.
This helped a little.
@thefourtheye note that it will fail if the input doesn't support multiplication
@vaultah You mean like a custom object, hmmm.. Then it will not work :-/
there're built-in types that don't support multiplication e.g. set
> Challenge

Write a program or function that outputs the Recursive Size of any given list in as few bytes as possible.

The input list and may contain numbers, strings (if your language has them), and similar lists.
it's codegolf, doesn't have to be foolproof
most codegolf answers don't have to work if the input is a giraffe
@vaultah Oh, true. I didn't think of that.
Cabbage gentlemen
I'm not feeling this Saturday. It's got meh - written all over it
I know what you're thinking, guys.
It's because you didn't drink yet, Random Hopeful. Why aren't you drinking yet, Random Hopeful. Go buy some alcohol quick before the stores close, Random Hopeful.
And you're right
become a young alcoholic, Random Hopeful:P
:D Done, and done
cbg Fizzy, how's civ treating you?
@randomhopeful nah
Yo Antti, what up [ : ?
election mania
@randomhopeful you should get 100 more rep :D
@randomhopeful you should have spent some time before elections answering questions and editing some shitty posts :D
But true, I would've loved to vote for Bhargav and Vaultah, in this election.
@Jovito stay on the good side :D
Then I can have one of these "I made you what you are !" moments
@AnttiHaapala It's not really a choice if you're an audio programmer.
C++ is a crap language, no matter what programmer you are.
I'm learning audio programming. Slowly, but surely.
If you want to make audio applications, you have to know C++. It's just the way things are.
who says?
The industry?
@Jovito Nice man. Like DAWs ?
@randomhopeful Yep, and VSTs.
@AnttiHaapala What would you recommend, then ?
@idjaw I guess my friend had a good lunch in Vietnam, went to eat the same set at the same restaurant at Hà Ná»™i where/which Anthony Bourdain invited Obama to have while in VN.
@randomhopeful C naturally :D
@Jovito well, too bad
C++ isn't "that bad", but it is bad.
@AnttiHaapala the horror
C++ compared to C is somehow less horror?
Nope, it's a Hillary/Trump scenario.
@Jovito That's pretty cool. Good luck, man
I'd guess C would be way more verbose though.
How to shoot yourself in the foot in different programming languages:
C: You shoot yourself in the foot.
C++: You accidentally create a dozen instances of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Providing emergency medical assistance is impossible since you can't tell which are bitwise copies and which are just pointing at others and saying, "That's me, over there."
and for comparison, Python:
You shoot yourself in the foot and then brag for hours about how much more elegantly you did it than if you had been using C or (God forbid) Perl.
If only we could train monkeys to comment our code.
The first programming language I tried to learn was C++. This without knowing absolutely anything about anything... Needless to say it was a disaster.
though, I guess this one is still the best: 370 JCL: You send your foot down to MIS and include a 300-page document explaining exactly how you want it to be shot. Two years later, your foot comes back deep-fried.
@randomhopeful :)
@AnttiHaapala But the bullet takes ages to reach your foot
@randomhopeful only by a constant factor
is it possible to put current communicating child process in the waiting state and start communicate with another child process(already running in background) using their pid?
i am using os.fork() to start new process and pipes to communicate between parent and child process
just communicate with the other child
but how ?
your problem
do you ever actually try anything before you come here to ask
@AnttiHaapala I had to google to understand your counter-zing
That's reassuring to know
@AnttiHaapala I think I've found a way to debug embedded python code.
Two, actually.
Already tested with winpdb and it worked.
@AnttiHaapala jealous....I keep track of places he has been, to make sure I visit them when/if I visit those areas.
yup....I watch a lot of Anthony Bourdain's shows. I love him
really good-looking Bún chả
@AnttiHaapala Did you read Kitchen Confidential?
if you are in to food/travel, and a fan of Anthony Bourdain, you should really read that
great book
Anthony Bourdain is second only to Keith Floyd
Keith R.I.P.
though Bourdain's no reservations Finland is kinda shit
his Montreal ones were actually pretty good
I mean the Finnish one was authentic as hell, but didn't show that part of the food culture that I cherish :D
on that note, I would love to explore Finnish food.
nice...watching soon...going to get my lunch first, so I don't eat my arm while watching this
my quick Google search does not bring up any Finnish restaurants in Montreal.
Antti, come open one up here.
You're done with dev.
naah, wife would kill me
Rhubarb Jovito
The Antti Place - Only groups of three or more. Anything with the number 2 is forbidden
the first restaurant at 3:00 is from my hometown, the number one pokestops in the city were next to that
@AnttiHaapala check this out. It's over so I can't attend. But interesting: facebook.com/events/769672899801681
But seems like I'd have to integrate myself in to the Finnish community
dunno :D
it might be good or bad :d
@idjaw my wife always complains that there are no really good Finnish dishes
I wish I tried at least one
well, it is a lie actually, there are good ingredients, but often too little spices
ah you should also watch Gordon Ramsay shooting a reindeer: youtube.com/watch?v=pOQuw1MXLGQ
@AnttiHaapala The Nakkikastike one look pretty efficient and delicious to fight winter
Antti said "pokestops"
@AndrasDeak yeap
quick search...so far things I think I'd like: Lohikeitto, Kaalikääryleet, Hernekeitto, Kaalilaatikko, Kalakukko (OMG YES), Perunarieska, Silakat, Kalakeitto
I thought I'd acknowledge that:D
Ok...I'm going to stop
It seems like me and Finnish food will get along...there is a seafood trend
@AndrasDeak that very restaurant made national headlines, because they complained to Niantic about too many pokestops
how is that bad for business?
bring in the wrong crowd probably
depends on the busines
some want it, some don't
you just need to draw a blastoise into the establishment
@idjaw all of them are good but for example kaalikääryleet is just not spicy at all... Salmon soup with real cream is my wife's favourite though.
or something that is cool, I'm not particularly familiar with those things
@AndrasDeak they have this outside dining area, and there were just 100 12-year-old kids shouting things like "OMG I just caught a 1000 cp Golduck" 2 meters from there
ah...I see
that's a slow day though :D
They are doing that mannequin challenge? :D
though the restaurant was stupid too, I went there to enjoy a pint, and as soon as I had sat down, a waiter comes and states that the best seats (pokestop-wise) were reserved for diners, so I didn't go drink beer there any longer.
ugh.....it's so hard not to eat the kids leftover lunch
so full now
Err, Why would you eat your kids lunch.
They didn't finish it
Perfectly good food. I don't want to throw it away.
Plus it was fish...I had to eat it. 😛
I <3 fish
> Kalakukko (OMG YES)
Do you love tuna?
@BhargavRao I like canned tuna in olive oil
I love tuna
sardines too
your talk of fish summonned the nuppy:P
@AndrasDeak of course not!
Nah, The cats that followed summoned him. :D
But if there's any fish going spare... yee haa! :p
"What cats?" asked Jon, with a fluffy tail sticking out from between his teeth
I am going to use else in try
@AnttiHaapala No man, think of the kids !
<DO IT video>
I donth knog wharg yare tarrkng boot burps
anyone see the fish I just caught?
@idjaw you'd love fried vendace/European cisco
Nope, We saw the cat that Jon ate
@idjaw yeah, it was at least 3 metres long.
@AnttiHaapala oh nice. Reminds me of fried smelt
@AndrasDeak that one looks like it's trying to get in - they normally try to escape :)
I think kitty is trying to get the other kitty out
"there's something stuck between your molars..."
Ah the Tunisian mind
That's pizza with reverse pizza as topping
That's got cat meat?
@idjaw we have that too, but smelt is not really kept in value here.
Because last time Finns had some, it smelt bad
@randomhopeful I know that! :)
@randomhopeful yummy

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