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I only like toasts if I drench them in garlic, mmmhmmm (literal garlic, this time)
the only way I like large amounts of garlic
I'll put garlic on almost anything
I love garlic
I dislike garlic.
I like my toasts only with cheese, nothing else.
sounds French
if I'm going to eat toast, I really make it count and stuff it with all sorts of things
the messier the sandwich, the better
Haha :D
@Andras Actually I feel you, believe or not I have like 5-6 people constantly asking me to solve their homework.
@BlueMonday I don't find that hard to believe at all
I may not be experienced as much as you, but I still have some knowledge xD
I'm sure you expect all those people to listen to you with all their attention, and take heed of what you're saying:) I'm sure you also hate repeating yourself
@AndrasDeak toasts need to be enjoyed hot, with real butter, cheese, ham, russian pickles and crispy bacon
Yeah, indeed :D
no need for garlic
@BlueMonday so, you might see our stance as well:P
@Andras Yeah and I am sorry for that :D
@BlueMonday no worries:)
garlic butter baguette is a different thing then
@Antti, No ham, nor russian pickles, nor bacon.
@AnttiHaapala I think we've already established that our tastes are very different...
@BlueMonday eww
I just realized(by a missclicking on my upper arrow) that you can edit your message that way. WOAH
@AnttiHaapala yes. this guys knows how to eat.
I've never eaten ham, nor bacon..
@BlueMonday too bad :D
Yeah..not for me :D
@BlueMonday ham's nice, bacon has its uses. I'll just leave before the the second half of the previous sentence costs me a death sentence.........
here in BaconLand
which seems to be 95% of the internet:D
the other 5% is occupied by vegans
damn I can't type today
bacon has a place in almost everything. Love, food, arguments. You throw bacon in the middle of an argument, it will be diffused
diffused and digested
everyone wins
Actaully, I've never even tried bacon.
@BlueMonday so don't diss it
But ham, I've tried and...never again.
although if you dislike ham...did you eat proper ham? Or something claimed to be ham?
@BlueMonday ham... there are 100000s kinds of ham
What do you mean by proper ham? :D
I'm only familiar with the kind that's made from a pig, or turned into a burger.
Mostly what Antti said. Here we have luxury hams such as Parma ham, we have regular kind of hams, and then we have artificial, factory-constructed "hams" that are a disgrace to meatkind
something that is processed I wouldn't call proper ham
Nah, I am not familiar with those, probably just some regular ham..
yeah, anything processed, I just categorize as cold-cuts
well, @AndrasDeak as it was established, we can't agree on food :D
when I have ham, I get the real thing that I slow cook in the oven for hours
maple glaze
I actually like this, the stuff it's on pizza..I forgot it's name
Pepperoni, yeah.
@AnttiHaapala well, food is one of those subjects where it's perfectly fine to disagree:)
perfectly fine to disagree and perfectly fine to lose respect too
don't bring poutine into this...
this is why we will never enter BFF territory. You refuse to accept it's beauty
I just googled poutine, it actually looks delicious
in Finland we have lots of hams besides the oven ham that are perfectly good and not "processed meats"
@BlueMonday Thank you, man..
^^Andras take notes
for example Saunapalvi, ham that is cooked in sauna :D
@BlueMonday If it has a Finnish name, don't overthink it.
it sounds weird, it's probably weird:P
Hahah, :D
That's why Finns are not allowed in Saunas. They keep bringing ham with them. They still don't get it.
Man that looks disgusting..
smetana.fi, sounds legit
(means sour cream in Russian, right?)
@AndrasDeak yeap
Well, who am I to judge.. The past month I've eaten only pizzas and toasts..
that sounds and looks like steamed Easter ham, so it should be pretty good
@BlueMonday yep...definitely a student 😛 I wasn't any better when I was in school
Yeah :D
I feel like I am going to get sick if I don't start preparing some nice meals lol
though Finnish distinguishes between smetana and creme fraiche and ordinary sour cream, and cream yoghurt and kermaviili
@idjaw Please don't be exclusionist. Just because somebody eats shit all the time doesn't necessarily make them a student:P
@BlueMonday I think your young age is probably helping you here...but by the time you graduate, it will all balance out. Don't worry 😛
@AndrasDeak you're right...student or Andras
better? :P
Haha :D
@AnttiHaapala I'm pretty sure I can't distinguish any of those things
@idjaw much:D
@AndrasDeak it is smoked on the outside but so that the smoke really doesn't permeate the meat
I'm fine with smoked meat
but I guess you mean "not smoked inside, unlike easter ham"
The thing is, here we have student coupons with which you get free pizza :D
I study in Slovenia btw.
Does it get its salt content from the sweat of the people inside the sauna?
@idjaw the Finnish Christmas tradition is the Christmas oven ham.
with mustard-breadcrumb coating + cloves
Montreal has the best smoked meat :)
hold on
screw it...full google image search here
mm nice :d
I could have that
but you cannot beat the multitude of cold-smoked meats in Oulu
@AnttiHaapala it is delicious. We have a restaurant that also sells them as full brisket. So you can take it home
cold-smoked reindeer + cold-smoked horse...
@AnttiHaapala that is why I think I would love a food adventure in Finland. I love that kind of stuff
cold meats, with pickles, bread....
not necessarily even in a sandwich
just assorted on a table
what's this fancy google page?
is that not how Hungarian Google looks like?
wow, google.ca is special!
btw I like "&safe=off", you're going all-out on hams
and then my absolute favourite: salt-cured + cold-smoked salmon
@AndrasDeak haha
@AnttiHaapala We limit our purchase of that at home, because it finishes too quickly. 😀
pretty much we eat it like that....lemon, capers, onions
we might have sour cream on the side with a good bread
hmm :D
that bread looks almost like perunarieska (potato-flatbread)
maybe it is...I took the first picture that resembled what I was looking for
but probably is just wheat :?
and very popular dish in montreal....Montreal style bagel with salmon and cream cheese: l7.alamy.com/zooms/58bb29cc69c347d299e25f410d19a8a6/…
and before any of you New Yorkers try anything. Montreal bagels >> New York bagels
@idjaw there are plenty of saltcured salmon + cold-smoked salmon but near Oulu they make one that is perfect combination of the 2
@AndrasDeak Wow. My .ca view is what you see as .com
that's really interesting
that's even weirder
I've never seen what I see for .ca......
OOOOOH extra weird
if I let google.ca through no-script, it becomes the .com version
Why do they do that? The JS-blocked version looks much better!
@idjaw in Finland we have lots of different kinds of bread... lots, all traditions are colliding here.
I might not be the target group of the design team...
I actually prefer the LHS view
me too...
ack..@AnttiHaapala I can't find the video where Anthony Bourdain refused to say Montreal bagels were better than New York bagels.
it was pretty funny.
you can see the owner of the bagel shop staring him down wanting him to say it, and he refused to.
"average Finn eats 40 kg bread / year"
Alright, I'm out. See ya
later @BlueMonday
though perhaps Germany has yet better selection
I love Finnish names.
simply, I like how they sound. Ignorantly, I don't know what they mean 😀 But a lot of them sound nice to me
I am Mr. Aspenhouse and that guy over there is Mr. Sprucewoods
reference -> wooosh
my head ->
@idjaw just saying that if you read that article that I linked, "Kuusisto =~ Sprucewoods"
now you know what they mean :D
oooh ok 😀
or if you just mean the name of dishes, then, they're like "garlic soup", "salmon soup", "potato flat bread", "cabbage roll"...
I was actually more referring to people's names
that doesn't stop them from sounding nice
Finnish is a very melodic language
I love to listen to it
My third kid will be named kinkkuvoileipä
it will go well with their last name
let's see what Antti translates that to
because I used Google for that
so that's why "how's garlic soup then?" sounded funny, because, "what garlic soup", there is no "the garlic soup", I've not even had garlic soup in Finland, like, ever :D
@idjaw discussed like 1000 times already
@idjaw that literally is ham - butter - bread :P
I put ham sandwich
because we don't have a word for sandwich
we use voileipä to mean sandwich even without butter...
@AndrasDeak that would be sand witch :P
what's your point?:P
this is a sand witch
not edible
this is a sandwich
fancy google strikes again
is edible
Fancy Google keep it up, fancy Google dandy.......
@idjaw the Finnish voileipä means any non-sweet bread with toppings. Kerrosvoileipä for many layers. Unfortunately we don't really have a good word for two-toast sandwich
Hmm... I have a quantity with both lower and upper indices, and I want to mutate it yet again with another index. I'm midlly tempted to put it in the upper left corner of the symbol........
@AnttiHaapala it's interesting how languages work that way.
even these are voileipä
I call those "killitwithfire"
@AndrasDeak look up "scary cakes"
for some gruesome cakes
nooooo Idon'twanna:D
that are pretty well done in their detail
intentionally gruesome cakes are no fun
eat those intestines
the accidentally hideous ones are gems
@idjaw I only get sick from vomit-related stuff
@AndrasDeak that's not enjoyable for anyone
I know, right?:D
I wouldn't have any trouble eating any of those on the first few pages of google image search
yes yes...it's a cake. Trust me.
incidentally, python
Afterwards Andras was shortly taken to the hospital
I'm OK with sneks:P
that wouldn't help me facing one, but still
I can't read any more...
read what?
Antti crashed
anything :D
ps -ef | grep antti
kill -9 pid
nohup antti &
try again
I misread ~1/3 of all sentences in the chat today.
You killed Antti! You bastards!
you should at least allow him to die gracefully, you monster
sometimes a bit of tough love is needed to wake someone up
someone noted that Patrik Laine answers questions like Trump, and also has similar hairstyle... "when did Trump visit Finland... when was Patrik born?"
Are you implying that he went to Finland to grab a few things?
@AndrasDeak might be
if by few things you mean Jon's favourite food. But let's not get sidetracked too far :D
so elegant
that looks almost as bad as the "I missed a touchdown because I dropped the egg early" cases
@idjaw fortunately I had just finished drinking my coffee
hehe...I'm still playing it over
Hey, I'm having issues binding to a port on my friends machine. I'm trying to send him a message over the network and if I understand it correctly I should be binding to the machine to which the packet is being sent. I attempt this by using

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind((nextSlaveIP, calculatedPortNumber))
I've confirmed that nextSlaveIP is the IP address on his machine, and the calculatedPortNumber is the correct port number.

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