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Morning cbg
Hello every body!
Mornin' all
It's night here :D
ehh, would be much easier if earth were flat ;p
Good night to you sir!
Lol, That was 3 years ago
@AnttiHaapala Erm, We need some help from the diamonds to close those. They are all old ones and need 5 of our votes :(
> You have no more close votes today; come back in 13 hours.

Yeah that's the saddest feeling, same with flags.
I've never run out of flags
the saddest feeling is: out of delves
I've run out of flags on more than 100 days
Ohhh, That's worst
2,722 Votes Cast delves cast
hehe I've cast more delves than upvotes :d
(and way more delves than downvotes) :D
5,365 CV
Mine's at 2k delv votes. 10.5k close votes, 14k flags.
I go through 10k tools
triaging them: "will be roombaed / dies / let someone else kill this"
Q: Synonymize Very Bad Amalgam tags ([excel-vba], [access-vba], [word-vba], [powerpoint-vba], [outlook-vba]) to be language-agnostic and precise

Zev SpitzThe Microsoft object models for the various Office applications are language-agnostic; they can (generally1) be used equally well from any OLE-Automation-supporting language. Use of the API is the same between all these languages; there is nothing specifically VBA about the object models. Moreove...

so much hate there, upvoted that, downvoted answer
cabbage Poke \o
@poke What do you mean by 'Cabbage!'?
cabbage jagdish
is it possible to change your identicon
it’s based on your IP and/or email address
so no then
@TheOneWhoLikesToKnow you can change your avatar, obviously, but you have the one built-in identicon (well, actually two, since gravatar has been broken for months)
but you can always use someone else's identicon if you'd like
can i start another python script from one using os.fork ()?
deja vu
well, not exactly, I remembered this:
21 hours ago, by Kevin
@jagdish Perhaps you're referring to subprocess.Pipe, but you should almost never use that to execute one python script from another.
@jagdish What're you trying to do?
@IntrepidBrit some context might be before what I linked
I only skimmed it when it was fresh, and can't say that I got a clear picture
okay, time to find some good p2 to p3 documentation and start porting
i wants to start 1.py(some python script) from main.py as a process and i wants to give input and take output to&from main.py
gotta say byebye to 2.7 one day or the other, might as well be now
i wants to show output/input from main.py(like main process gives input and takes output from it's child process)
Weird, I tried creating an enviroment variable from C on Windows with SetEnvironmentVariable and it didn't work. Checked os.environ and it was there. Even more interesting, if I did os.environ[same_key] = same_path it worked.
@Marius +1, @Antti will be proud
@jagdish Sure, you can start a process by using the multiprocessing module, and using Queues to exchange data between the processes
But you might want to check out some of the asynchronous python stuff, depending on what 1.py is doing
@AndrasDeak i feel if that i script my python changes with 2to3, i wouldnt learn anything
would not*
@Marius possibly, but I'm also pretty sure that 2to3 won't fix it by itself;D
good luck
hehe thanks!
1.py is just simple file which will take inut untill quit is entered but
while giving input to 1.py in between can i change or halt that 1.py process and execute 2.py ?
oh, i gotta decode byte objects in p3.. This will be a major rewrite :P
To the few non-arachnophobic people: cutie pie spider camouflages as dry leaf, awwww
@Marius yup:P
I'm sure you'll learn a lot
1.py and 2.py both are simple file taking input from user
main i wants to know is about how to commincate between main.py &1.py ,main.py &2.py and 1.py &2.py
Well, I think you may be over-complicating things, but here: docs.python.org/3/library/…
@jagdish can't you just turn one of the scripts into a module/function and import it from the other file?
@AndrasDeak nah that's the task "commicating between process"
I see...
@jagdish Have you said that earlier when you asked about this? This approach of "I have two python scripts and I want them to communicate" sounds pretty weird and forced until you explain that it's an assignment with these parameters
if you don't specify that it's intentionally weird, people will keep wanting to help you do it right
it's project
can someone help me
i have tried to make it simple as i can that's it
i just need to run a for loop on my list
i dont know where i am wrong
@SohaibAsif what stops you from doing that?
i am just a beginer to python
here is my little code pybin.pw/fhkGBe8f
I saw that link
what's pybin.pw?
in this group someone told me not to paste the code here instead paste on pybin
so i pasted there
people usually use pastebin or gist.github.com, I've just never seen this pybin before
my employer apparently thinks pybin is malicious, so I cant open it
@jagdish You okay with the link I provided you with?
okay i will paste on pastebin
perfect, thanks
make sure you include the problem specification somewhere
missing a colon from the end of the first for
what's the error?
and "iff" instead of "if" on first line
what's the error?
trying to learn
morning everyone
morning @corv
I needs me some new music
quick question on dev in general and not only python:
New to python here. Parsing XML seems to be a PITA
is there anything liek ruby's Nokogiri?
let's say you would like to produce web reports that can be easily be build and quickly deployed?
Are there a solution that can do the trick?
@AndyK R has rmarkdown capabilities by producing html reports. A few examples: rmarkdown.rstudio.com/gallery.html
@PeterVaro - easy, break one glass pane, save 78 glass bowls. Then sell 14 glass bowls to replace broken window pane.
oh i just noticed there were answers already
^ that's why I linked
very very good ones!
I like the "flood the house, they will sink more slowly" approach
@RomanLuštrik that's way cool, mate.
@AndyK Come to R side
can anyone share a good link of example of how to work with pipes with parent and child process
@BhargavRao it has to be deployed, fast and the other requirement is they are easy to build
The daRk side can do all that and much moRe
@BhargavRao what would I need to do, to do web deployment? I would need a R install obviously but can I link it to another webserver than the default R web server?
do you have any docs by any chance?
Erm, I have no idea how to do complex stuff in R. But you can always ask in the R Public room. There'll be no one there (Except me), But I can help you get some advice. :)
@AndyK you could also just use a Jupyter notebook
because it has markdown, and you can export to .html then FTP it wherever you want
Oh for that you can use any markdown tool. Ubuntu comes with one pre-installed, IIRC. Just run markdown nameoffile.md and it'll convert to HTML files.
@WayneWerner that's an idea
I would like to start some prototype reports with a database, basic stats, to show peep what can be done
Yeah, just convert a .md file to whatever you want.
protip for linking markdown files: [the other file](otherfile_name.html) (just use .html instead of .md)
ok Roman
I need to check more
Although it's fairly easy to do that sort of analysis in R and publish it.
@AndyK Jupyter notebooks would be pretty nice for that, since you can include the code to connect to the DB
That's basically what I do on a daily basis. Here are some oldish examples: rpubs.com/RomanL
If you're already in Python universe, a Jupyter notebook as posters before me advised is probably an easier option.
@RomanLuštrik your stuff is neat... impressive
(the only drawback is, it is not showing in FF except than that, it is neat ...)
You don't say. :D
will double check at home
@WayneWerner I will have a look for Jupyter
Jupyter also has the added benefit of being able to work with Julia and R, and probably some other things ;)
need to dig now
Start digging, we need to find the ....
@Kevin Does it have to be a red one?
It's not defined in the specification, but if you don't use red, all versions of Windows HerringSlap 3.1 and up will segfault.
now, that was a steal: bought 6 shirts, 20 € total, cashier said I got discount of 240 €
wonder how much profit they still made :D
A shirt doesn't really cost more than a dollar to make.
Most things are actually really easy to make - it's just moving the atoms around that's the tricky business
Yeah, It's easy to make gold also. Just buy a kilo of Mercury and remove a proton from each of them.
Most atoms are always moving, but typically not in the desired direction.
This describes all problems.
The Bhuddists might answer: "all unhappiness springs from desire. Let the atoms be where they want"
> This planet has—or rather had—a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.
@Kevin you just need finite improbability field:
The odds of me having such a thing are very nearly zero.
Hmm, I was hoping narrative causality would cause it to pop into existence on my desk, but nothing happened.
I got lucky, in City of Oulu library there is a shelf where visitors can leave their used books and they can be taken for free; I got H2G2 parts 1-4 in Swedish for free.
@AnttiHaapala I need your help
@Jovito you do?
Yes, please
The rest of us are chopped liver ;_;
@AnttiHaapala The Infinite Improbability Drive
@AnttiHaapala I'm setting the TCL_LIBRARY enviroment variable to the path of tcl.init script that Tcl needs to run by calling putenv() on C code, but it doesn't work for some reason. It does work if I set the enviroment variable from Python, though. I have no idea why this is.
Finite but arbitrarily large improbability should be good enough for me.
os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] fixes it somehow.
Any idea on what the problem could be?
@AnttiHaapala that sounds like a compound more than a book
@holdenweb no, this is for moving the atoms to make a shirt, it requires only finite improbability.
theproc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "1.py"])
is it creating process ?
or subprocess ?
@Jovito hmhm, many possibilities
cbg....just got my first Facebook stalker sending me code
print(type(theproc)) should tell you exactly what's being created.
do I get a badge for that?
@idjaw cabbage
social media hunter badge
@idjaw I got some on Google Plus
@idjaw I got a phone call wishing me best of luck for the mod elections. The call was from Belgium (Atleast that was what my Android phone told me) :D
and Twitter
hahah this is great
freaks :D
Thanks for sharing
<class 'subprocess.Popen'> i does this means it;s a process ?
And this :D
i got a letter yesterday from stackoverflow: welcome to the epic python chat. man i was hyped up
n1 rao
@AnttiHaapala Like what?
@idjaw I got a message in Facebook from an African lady telling that she needs to talk urgently with me, usually they'd talk about my distant Nigerian relatives, but this time it was... "I believe you're a Python developer"
@idjaw \o joe how goes it with the stalker ;3
and stalking is such a strong word, i prefer to call it "unpaid, unhired, and unlicensed private investigator
@AnttiHaapala haha. Python Developer....I have an important task for you, if you choose to accept.
@idjaw wrong again "Your mission Pythonista, should you choose to accept it..." ---- NO THAT'S MISSION IMPOSSIBRU!
Haha better
when i get unsolicited requests for help with code, i just respond with an invoice
@BhargavRao I don’t even
I sent back a polite reply.
@AnttiHaapala I thought of two possibilities. Maybe Tcl has a different copy of the environment that the C code is, but this doesn't make sense since everything is executing in the same process. Or there's something else I need to do besides setting the enviroment variable to make this work that I'm not doing in C but Python does automatically when you modify the os.environ dict.
@BhargavRao wo, good thing you are not using home email server for business
cbg btw
So what does os.environ[var] = value do (if anything) other than call putenv?
that the C code has*
there are so few Python developers in my country that I can secure an interview for senior python developer, while still being a bachalors student
and having 2 years of professional experienc
I aint even mad
Spread the light of Python everywhere
class _Environ(MutableMapping):

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        key = self.encodekey(key)
        value = self.encodevalue(value)
        self.putenv(key, value)
        self._data[key] = value
anyone got experience in creating their own syntax highlighting in sublime text 2? For some reason my .YAML-tmLanguage isn't showing up in the syntax option drop down list.
There's this guy called Matt D Mo. Catch him. :D
"This mapping is captured the first time the os module is imported, typically during Python startup as part of processing site.py. Changes to the environment made after this time are not reflected in os.environ, except for changes made by modifying os.environ directly."
Maybe if I modify os.environ directly through CPython...
I'm interviewing with this company, and the document they gave me listing their "core competencies" starts with "Our core support is in the following 4 areas: Cyber Solutions".
I can't wait to help with Cyber Solutions.
Do I get a port into the matrix?
@MorganThrapp What sort of role?
Morgan, are they hiring you to erotically flirt with people in online chatrooms?
@tristan I'm not totally sure yet. Probably backend stuff. They do contracting, so they have lots of different types of projects.
@IntrepidBrit I mean, they haven't said they're not.
has anyone here worked with Pytables? pytables.org/usersguide/installation.html
It's tangentially related to the email I'm currently writing explaining why, even with a number of potential grants and preferential treatment, I'm not hiring in an area.
cabbage all
cbg, davidism.
Gui Boratto is entertaining -- good live too. cbg davidism
Thursday cabbage for all.
Hey everybody
^ Swagonometry
@randomhopeful checking it out
@randomhopeful thanks...digging it
It's all in the A-a-a-a aaa aaa
I want to write a userscript which involves a little expandable tab that lives on the side of the screen. I want the tab to always be visible on top of any existing page elements, but I don't know any of their z-orders ahead of time. Every potential solution I come up with, I can faintly feel Raymond Chen judging me from a great distance.
@Sagar My team uses pytables, though I have little personal experience with the code
I guess I could put the regular page content in one frame, and put the tab in another frame... Geocities page design ahoy
It's windows all the way up.
Ha! It took much longer than it should have, but compiz is now no longer taking 60% of the CPU on this virtualbox. #thursday
I feel like Greasemonkey ought to have, like, a makeSuperTopmost(element) function or something.
It'd probably be a nightmare for the GM devs to implement though
I imagine that it's easier to hook into the javascript engine than the page rendering engine
can someone explain me this line
conn.send([42, None, 'hello'])
it's from here https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#exchanging-objects-between-processes
News Just in, The 1,000,000th PHP question was asked and deleted within a few minutes
where this 42,hello will be send ?
To the other end of the connection.
is it sending to child process ?
In that example code, to the child process created by p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,))
If I'm reading right it's the child process which is sending to the parent.
args=child_conn so this data is send to child or parent ?
It's received on the side of the pipe named "parent_conn".
Whoops bamboozled by ambiguous variable names.
The Process call starts up a process which calls f with the child connection (I shouldn't call it the child process, that's confusing.) f does "hey, child_connection, send a message along your connection".
[42, None, 'hello'] it is just a list ?
Without context it's not totally clear whether parent_conn means "the connection that sends messages to, and receives messages from, the parent" or "the connection other processes use to communicate with me, the parent"
@jagdish Yeah.
i am bit confused there
Just run the code. Play with it. That's how you learn.
yesterday, by Kevin
Your instructor really threw you in the deep end here
parent and child are confusing. You could swap the two names and it would still behave exactly the same way.
Might as well call them "Fred" and "flower87".
yes @kevin but some parts covered up
Covered up as in "hidden from the public"?
I don't know what you mean.
from yesterday after doing alot of googling learned alot about this python thing
I checked out Moonwalking With Einstein this week so I could do better at Board Game Night, but it was a bust because I didn't read far enough to learn how to remember numbers.
That's covered on page 204, but I guess you won't remember that.
"Place memorable scenes in your memory palace, taking care to include evocative sensory detail". Ok, how do I make "27" evocative?
This 27 is spiky, red, and sticky like the floor of a movie theater. It is of the highest craftsmanship.
I haven't got synesthesia so I don't think that's going to work
I'm guessing from the book title I'm supposed to develop a mapping between people/actions and numbers. Moonwalking might equal 2, and Einstein might equal 7.
But then, how do I remember the mapping? There's a hole in the bucket.
I'm definitely a 5 guy.
Joshua Foer has taught me nothing except how to remember Joshua Foer's name.
You can remember how it's spelled despite the homonym, so that's something.
Actually, I guess that would depend on how it's pronounced, which I don't know.
I'm going to guess he equals 4
And that there's a profession called "chicken sexer" that identifies the gender of newborn chicks by squeezing them until they poop and inspecting the marks on their rear end, but that is not practical data.
Obviously the hidden point of the whole book.
Expert chicken sexers can sex two chickens at once, one in each hand. It is an advanced technique.
@DSM -> tsn.ca/…
@randomhopeful that youtube link you tagged me in has branched out in to exactly the playlist I've been wanting to listen to today. Thank you again :)
@Kevin Filed into the list of professions that shouldn't exist
Apparently it's quite lucrative.
Then my handheld gene tester tool should be quite profitable.
I can be the new Theranos!
Realtalk: an automated chicken gender determinator would basically revolutionize the industry.
@idjaw: huh.
I'm pretty sure that chicken tendies aren't gender-specific.
youtube.com/watch?v=Yp_DydcUPNI (warning for headphone users)
why input("give me something:") is not showing untill i enter data some data ?
well that youtube playlist now triggered a direction of bad dance music....it was fun while it lasted. Back to spotify.
I had a similar question the last time I played around with communciate. It seemed like things were happening out of order. In the end I got frustrated and gave up without learning anything.
shenanigans are happening on my end...those "goo.gl" links don't load for me. It happened yesterday too
I had some trouble with them yesterday, but not today. I chalked it up to my spotty wifi.
related: we should add a rule about no link shorteners. annoying to see a tracking link that goes to another site
tutorialspoint gave me sorted link
great, that's not our problem
so what's solution ?
We generally prefer code snippets to be hosted on pastebin.
@jagdish you seem to be confusing this community with a personal help desk that is obligated to help you. it's not.
@tristan somewhat related. I turned off ad-blocker on Forbes for science and Ghostery gave me a whopping 38
Nice. I had to whitelist a jquery thing for SO Chat. Even that made me consider just not using SO Chat
You know ghostery itself tracks you, right? As an alternative, there's Privacy Badger
@idjaw try youtube, I hit like 200 before a page transition
@KevinMGranger i'm fine with that :)
The logo is also less spoopy
@davidism woah....So, every time you go to another video, a new tracker comes up. The counter just keeps going up
The only good privacy app is one you wrote yourself
Preferably running on a complete tech stack that you invented
Can you really trust the hardware, though?
silicon wafers smelted in a kiln in your backyard
Hang on, I think we've had this exact conversation before.
You can't trust your memory, the government might have altered it while you slept
mine is soldered to the laptop. good luck servicing a macbook air, US gov
All we know for sure is something about chicken checkers.
Once you sleep, you wake up a new person. existentialcomics.com/comic/1
@KevinMGranger oh, like star trek teleporters
except you don't die in the process
ah, that's what the link is about:P
Thanks to yesterday's conversation, I now understand xkcd.com/587
@AnttiHaapala I figured it out :)
@KevinMGranger reminds me of this short story from australian sci-fi author greg egan will.tip.dhappy.org/blog/Visualizing%20History/.../blog/…
Wouldn't all teleporters work that way?
I mean, hopefully they do. You don't want them to work like Stephen King's short story The Jaunt
Can someone please tell Microsoft that measurements of distance are COMPLETELY USELESS IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT UNIT YOU'RE USING. /rant.
Just assume it's planck lengths
They have this awesome function in MSSQL, STDistance, which returns the distance between two lat long points, but the docs don't tell you what unit they're using for that distance.

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