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pandas is kind of a weird tag... lucky to be able to get an answer in from the 3/4 that pounce on things... just enjoying looking at the stuff I have no idea how to do and trying something out...
Yeah, j. surpassed me as #5 a while back. These days I just kibitz and point out problems/better ways.
Plus a lot of my tricks are now known so my competitive advantage is gone!!
yeah.. but you've already got the gold badge grumble grumble
OTOH I just got pinged on a ticket where they asked "hey DSM, you ever going to finish this?"..
@DSM isn't the reply to that: "all good things come to those who wait" ?
Eventually you've got to do the code though (the hard part is done, but they asked me to write some tests for existing code as part of the PR and I got bored..)
ahh... how long can "eventual" be though? :p
I think we're finding out now.. anyway, pycon Canada is about to start (only reason I'm up so early on a Saturday!). Will report if anything super cool comes up!
@DSM have fun, rhubarb:)
This should be closed, but I'm curious about the gift
@DSM have fun!
@DSM so, how did the talk about pycon budget go with the chair?
also cbg folks! :)
@JonClements long time no see old friend. how goes it?
cabbage @Games
@BhargavRao cbg :)
so, hows life?
Going on, as usual :)
What bout you?
just had the flu
so recovering from that
:( glad you're feeling better though
other than that, doing some research on postgres LISTEN and NOTIFY. Man, I love those two commands.
@tristan I didn't recognize you there, you change your hair? ;)
i decided my new avatar is just the helmet on other things
haha, I see
@tristan It could be something like Bart's chalkboard or Futurama opening one liners
i need a photoshop license
@GamesBrainiac yo! Not bad matey... how's yourself!?
What's with Anthony Weiner missing bu the way ?
@JonClements just recovering from the flu. Hows the startup going mate?
@GamesBrainiac ouch, hope you are doing well now. :(
@BhargavRao btw, hows the job? are you enjoying it?
Yep, it's awesome
@GamesBrainiac not too bad - hard work - but looking promising - paws crossed and all that
@JonClements hey, if anyone can make it, its you. If you need any help from my end, please let me know.
cheers buddy - I assume you've noticed there's an election on? (a proper one not the US one :p)
@tristan gimp too poopy?
@JonClements I have. I think two of our guys are running.
you'd be correct :)
@AndrasDeak yeah. adobe stuff seems to be cloud only, so i guess i just won't do high quality photo edits
you'll just have to 8bit everything before editing
> I'd like to join the moderator team and spend my life serving you all
@BhargavRao your _life_ ?
the mouse i use for this computer is broken anyway (click doesn't hold)
Yep :D
I really think people take this moderator thing too seriously.
@GamesBrainiac well it's been a while since the last sacrifice, it would be timed well
@AndrasDeak Yes, you're right. The sacrificial stone is getting dusty.
How come deceze never wins?
I thought he would already be mod by now.
Dunno, I voted for him last year. Antti has an issue with his reviewing activity, I guess he's not alone with that
I'm going to write in Bernie Sanders
"there's way too much crap on SO" is a pretty good campaign pitch:P
@AndrasDeak Antti has issues with a lot of things.
@tristan Imma write in Chuck Norris.
Beat that.
@GamesBrainiac Yeah, but he kind of has a point. Whoever finds review queues boring, might not be the best candidates
@GamesBrainiac spelling his name wrong is one of those :D
@BhargavRao :DD
just don't let @Ant​ii notice
@BhargavRao Done, thanks for the check. I always seem to get it wrong.
Should have told that after 2 mins :D
But yea, voting for deceze this time around.
Lets see who can be second pick.
Dunno, the guy seems a little trigger happy.
btw, Madara hasn't been nominated?
Thats strange.
@GamesBrainiac Madara is a mod already :)
Oh! Thank goodness.
@GamesBrainiac you been hiding under a rock matey? :p
So is Undo, FYI
formerly undo
@JonClements Haven't been here for a while mate. Life gets in the way.
Some of the questions to nominees are quite aggressive. I'm not fond of : "You didn't specify that you don't do X. Are you a big fat x addict ?"
@randomhopeful all of those root in prior knowledge of the nominees, I'm sure
But guys, no matter who gets voted for into moderator, nothing much is going to change.
"I know you're iffy concerning X, please convince us that you're not actually iffy concerning X"
@randomhopeful Yeah... but in some sense the response to that is an indication of how the candidates will handle much worse being thrown at 'em :)
@GamesBrainiac except a few more room 6 mods and we can burninate
Why would we want to do that?
@GamesBrainiac Just means more crap gets handled more expediently...
Does anyone use Ruby anymore?
just kidding, I have nothing against ruby:D
some of my friends are rubies
@tristan Only hipsters.
@tristan I heard she was taking her love to town...
The way I see it, the most dangerous tool in the moderator's arsenal is deleting/hiding content.
@AndrasDeak I guess so, too
@tristan define "dangerous" ?
@JonClements Martial art style. I can understand that point of view
Honestly, I really think we shouldn't have tag hammers.
I wish there was a vote on that.
@Games wow - you're be going against the tide on that one... the community wants more close voting powers based on tag badges...
Q: How can we downvote the use of the mighty Mjölnir?

jwwI've seen some questionable uses of the mighty Mjölnir. I'd like to start downvoting them so the site can gather statistics on the improper uses of it, and possible remove the privilege from robo-reviewing gold badges. How can we downvote the use of the hammer? My apologies for the discussion t...

@GamesBrainiac I disagree. We need more close-vote weight for gold badgers
@GamesBrainiac dezece guy wants to become a moderator but hasn't done any moderating work really
if he cared about the site enough then he'd have at least a single steward
from the CV queue
@AnttiHaapala Hmm, makes sense.
@JonClements In that it shapes the culture/content of the site. A certain moderator went into a comment section and removed a bunch of my (non-offensive) content, and it totally f'd the argument I was building. Also, we've had a few people complain that SO is sexist and blah blah blah and a sycophant moderator could silence criticism/refuting arguments, which becomes important later when people cite meta as if decisions made there matter
@AndrasDeak I dunno man. I don't like all this rep worship.
@tristan Wow, this actually happened?
Which is important, because people that really want to obey the rules will change their behavior/what thoughts they express.
@GamesBrainiac we should have more
gold badge hammers.
the typo
Is this still relating to comments re: a certain room on a meta post that caused various discussions @tristan? I didn't bother getting involved with that... and not going to at this stage...
also hammer is as easily opened by a gold-badge holder
SO is very popular, but it's just another "web 2.0" site of "you create the content, we keep the profit". The benefit for the unpaid content creators is in the exchange of ideas and experience.
@GamesBrainiac though there should be a way to penalize too eager hammerers, that has happened too
but they're a minority :D
@JonClements Happened more than once, and yeah, leaving off where/when because "tedious" and don't want to drag the bigger/more important nature of the issue into an x/y
another should be that a Python question could be closed only as a duplicate of a python question, because Tigerhawk did close a python question as a duplicate of a java one...
@GamesBrainiac it's not rep worship, it's experience worship
somebody with 1k score in a tag is more than qualified to determine if a question is crap
if a question has been seen before
a gold tag badge should weight more than the equivalent amount of rep ^^
@AndrasDeak my second best answer was to a question that had CV's already
it had too broad or unable to reproduce and what not
If you attempt to reproduce this, please run the test multiple times in different execution orders. – Regardless of the result and the odd-ness of this, I think the question is not particularly valuable for SO. — poke Apr 11 at 12:49
it was @poke who called that not interesting for stack overflow but I believed otherwise, now no one wants to cv it.
@vaultah And the hammer falls! :P
@AndrasDeak that not all reasons need to have a hammer
@GamesBrainiac moreover about deceze:
@AnttiHaapala oh, that's fine with me. But typos and some kind of blatantly off-topic should be
the more the merrier, if you ask me
@GamesBrainiac people did complain about the lack of steward and revq activity during the last elections... now if the guy took these in any way seriously, he could have gotten a single steward badge in the CV queue on those cherished PHP questions, over a year, no?
Yeah, but for me, becoming a moderator is not about closing questions. Pretty much anyone with good rep can do that. What I want from a moderator is the maturity to handle delicate topics, and I think he's been here long enough to be able to handle that with finesse.
I mean, I'm not a moderator, and I can close plenty of things.
@GamesBrainiac Well put.
@GamesBrainiac the point is that mods do queues and tedious shit a lot
whoever doesn't go work the queues as a non-mod might not be a good candidate for this reason
@GamesBrainiac my point is does that guy want to deal with shit or get a diamond
if the latter then fine, he can run for it, but not going to get my vote.
I will give my vote to a person who has demonstrated the ability to deal with shit and in delicate manner too
there is no set amount of reputation where one deserves a diamond.
i'd prefer someone that deals with shit by being direct.
well being direct in a tactful manner then :D
less important to me. people aren't entitled to being coddled
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, but there are plenty of high rep people already dealing with shit that we know of. I mean, whats the point of electing a glorified janitor? There are plenty of people with strong rep powers that can do plenty of janitorial stuff already.
because a mod is a janitor with more power
To me a mod is a person who sets the tone.
I'd like that person to have some idea of what it was like throughout the years of SO than to be a new kid on the block.
"member for 8 years"
vs "member for 2 years"
From what I understood, giving closing powers to high rep users serves the lines of a self-sustained community (ideally, that is) while mods serve to administer more specific penalties (Deactivating user accounts, reversing serial up/down votes).
I see it making sense
mods handle the mod flag queue
that is the thing they do the most
deactivating, reversing and so on are just the corner cases
Oh I see. Well that still makes sense
being a member on the site for a long time and/or being an active janitor aren't important criteria for my decision
the vote reversal is often automatic
@tristan what is important in your opinion?
As for dealing with mediocrity in content and behavior, it's tricky thing to rate its efficiency since it's very swarm like
it says here
A lot of the moderation work is mundane: deleting obvious spam, closing blatantly off-topic questions, and culling some of the worst-rated posts on the site. The ideal moderator does as little as possible, but those little actions may be powerful, visible, and highly concentrated.
@AnttiHaapala directness, honesty, being earnest, and having what i perceive to be a sane stance on what's offensive/unacceptable
@tristan naturally.
a good manager knows how to sweep the floors, but doesn't let sweeping the floors take up most of his time
but they apply that to the flag queue
that is where the things happen, a moderator cannot possibly read all the questions and comments
of course, but flag queue is meaningfully distinct from edit queue
@Antti Brad put it quite well in an MSE post on a dispose of moderators post: Moderators are not kings, we're janitors and sometimes policemen. We don't rule communities, or impose policy. We're just there to handle the things that community moderation can't. We clean up spam, voting fraud, outright trash, abusive users, etc.
@JonClements Exactly. But here's the thing, you do need to be somewhat of a policeman, and you need to know what is abusive and what is not.
That requires judgement.
By that description, I'd say that RO experience is way more important than time spent doing janitor queues.
@tristan lucky I have some of that then I guess? :p
@tristan I totally agree. I'd like to nominate you if I could.
@JonClements Yes.
@Games it's definitely more of a people job than a tech job for sure
@JonClements you got my vote last time.
@GamesBrainiac Ha, no thanks. I don't have much interest and there's a certain amount of giving shoulder rubs to douchebags that I'm not willing to do.
SO exists to make money, so their moderators can't be as direct with users as may be needed.
I can imagine tristan trying to be "nice".
I've known Tristian for a while now, and he can be nice. But then he'd get too mushy.
I'm sure you can -- I'm perfectly nice very often. I framed direct questions in a nice way in the nominations questions post, even when the person I was asking was trying to manipulate me and others.
wow, I didn't know programmers has been renamed
that's a welcome thing
now I am much more interested in following it
What do we call ourselves now?
@AnttiHaapala what has it been ranamed to?
Is this what we're talking about? softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
software engineering
@tristan dat comment on the pixel thing XD
If you have a question about...

software development methods and practices
requirements, architecture, and design
quality assurance and testing
configuration management, build, release, and deployment

...then you're probably in the right place to ask your question.
lol there's a webmasters network webmasters.stackexchange.com
what year is it?
"How to get company logo as contact icon in Gmail and Inbox?" :D:D
but that software engineering sounds much saner in scope now
@tristan The year is still 1993. And the month is still September.
@PM2Ring It is known.
@tristan I disagree, if being direct means being quick to make up an opinion, then that's not what a mod should be. Sometimes, you could beat around the bushes (for lack of better terms to describe an alternative to being direct) because you're prone to wrong interpretation and you could corner a user into being a dick because that user also prefer being direct than try to understand what's going on better
@PM2Ring yes, Sat Sep 8474 17:50:16 EET 1993
@randomhopeful Being direct can also mean asking someone "what, specifically, do you mean by that?" When I'm direct with someone in here, I'm very rarely still forming my opinion
well, you could say even better, "Someone could read that as X. What did you intend to say by that?"
@tristan I see
@AnttiHaapala Well that, you could and should :D
in small doses review queues can be enjoyable
who knew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
wow, my debian upgrade ruined the shrug emoticon
does the table flip work?
well the shrug works too, it just looks awful
I should probably set font aliasing and hinting and whatnot again, that I set when I installed my previous debian
one sqrt call too many
@vaultah they're enjoyable if you can do something about that shit
especially closevote when searching for dupe q's with filters
HIV queue (Help and ImproVement) is never enjoyable
cbg all!
is anyone at PyCon this weekend?
o/ @inspectorG4dget
I think @DSM is there right now
quick question
quick answer
@AndyK no.
(answered it already) :D
ok guys :))
@AndyK .......
I'm trying to understand a bit more about decorators
and I found this example very odd
you said it was quick...
and you build it with preambles and so on ... where's the code man :D:D
Antti stop throwing morse code in your typing :P
In [41]: def foo(x,y):
   ....:     print(locals())
   ....:     return x - y
I can't translate it fast enough
... --- ...
when running it
@idjaw damn! I miss you guys
I have the correct results
Which makes -1
@inspectorG4dget I'm not there unfortunately. I really wanted to be there. But couldn't make it work.
I am mummified here already :D
The question is how Python does it know that...?
how does python know that 2 - 3 is -1?
or ... know what?
hmm... that is unfortunate. Apparently our benevolent dictator (praise be) is there...
I don't see decorators anywhere...
how does it know that x=1 and y=3 because the function starts with def foo(x,y)
so ultimately the natural order should be x=1 and y=1
stupid me
where is the decorator though?
wait what?! What natural order?
I just tried foo(a=2,z=33)
and it did not work
@AndyK welcome to the wonderful world of keyword arguments.
ok I was making it something complex when it was an easy one
@AndyK explained on 4.7.2 More Control Flow Tools of Python 3 tutorial.
@AndyK why would it... If it doesn't match a named argument or the function accepts kwargs...?
>>> def foo(x, y):
...  return x - y
>>> print(foo(1, 2))
>>> print(foo(2, 1))
>>> print(foo(x=2, y=1))
>>> print(foo(y=2, x=1))
>>> print(foo(a=2, b=1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: foo() got an unexpected keyword argument 'a' or the function accepts kwargs
foo foo...the foo train is here
foo foo
OMG Antti. I did not know about that one!!!
@AndyK you should really read the whole Python tutorial in entirety if you've not yet done, lots of these are pretty nicely explained there
Can someone help me with an algorithmic question. I was doing interview prep and i needed some help
I'm trying to grab piece by piece. To be honest, there are lack of time but maybe I can start with 30 minutes each day on any tutorial
@ShrijanAryal Welcome. Please just ask your question.
there has been people who have behaved like they're gurus in Python yet have problems with something that is in the tutorial.
maybe no one will notice that - whistles
it will definitely help
@AndyK you should read the tutorial first, it is the foundation, in a natural order :D
I value your advice
there are many things, which I'm not familiar yet and which are simple or should be known
30 mns, can do that
yeah 30 minutes you can skim through one chapter :D
you wasted 5 minutes trying to understand something that you'd have read about already :D
But if you want the info to really sink in you can't just read a tutorial, you have to work through it: copy the code, run it & modify it, so you get familiar with what's going on.
well of course :D
on that note, I actually found what helped me was not even copying, but actually writing out the code itself, even if it was re-typing
it helped sink in better
I'd be honest
I learnt a lot since being here
I know things that I was totally unfamiliar with last year
but part of me is impatient
impatience is good if it is directed :D
i have a function with 2 parameters ([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],k) where k is any integer 1,2,3,4,5 or 6, lets call it offset. so lets say for k=2 , my program should print 3,6,9 but it should not just stop there, it should also go on to print 2,5,8,1,4,7,10. So the output will finally will be 3,6,9,2,5,8,1,4,7,10. I wont be able to use any standard libraries because it wont be allowed in the interview
but I guess I have to go through the drudge, again and again
@ShrijanAryal so what are you allowed to use
@ShrijanAryal Great. What did you try so far?
def offsets(L, k):
    return [L[i::k] for i in range(k)]
but it uses range
Eyyy, that someone retweeted my message and said it was very much appreciated ! No more feeling self-cringe for this guy
@ShrijanAryal Are you allowed to use the standard built-in functions that are available without doing an import?
def printskipped(arr,offset):
if len(arr) == 0:
dict = {}
for each in arr:
dict[each] = 1
for i in range (offset, len(arr),offset+1):
print (arr[i])
print ("\n")
return printskipped(arr,offset)
@AndrasDeak Small price to pay for awesomeness, dude. We all have to make sacrifices
@ShrijanAryal edit your question and hit ctrl-k to format the code
make sure you indent properly too
if you're having trouble, then use pastebin
@ShrijanAryal not going to work, you need 2 things: offset and stride
your stride is obviously initial offset + 1
@AnttiHaapala true. But that can be fixed with this:
@ShrijanAryal also, what is the purpose of the dict there
def range(n):
    i = -1
    while i<n:
        i += 1
        yield i
that is useless, and putting it within a code would mean that you'd fail in my interview.
no i was trying to implement dictionary and removing value if the number had already been printed. So i was in the middle of writing the code and I pasted it
hmm but does that work too? removing the numbers, yeah that wouldn't naturally work either.
@ShrijanAryal you can't really remove items from a list while iterating over it.
i dont know why but i am not able to use cmd + k like in stackoverflow
the best thing to do is to not modify the list at all
just note that you will have stride = offset + 1;
then you loop offset down to 0, printing every strideth element starting from current offset.
@ShrijanAryal ctrl-k
and getting every strideth element starting from offset can be easily done on a list by using extended slicing
@ShrijanAryal The key left to your option, at the bottom. Sorry*
@randomhopeful oh good... Last time someone contacted me on Twitter SO was a death threat from a deranged person that didn't like his question deleted or something.
..... :(
probably too late to code-edit his post now
@JonClements Dear God, the inner stalk fu was strong within this one
My friend who was debugging it found that the error lied in cube_prime and quad_prime. The program works fine if I use square_prime for all three for loops, it just is not as efficient unless i add an if statement to break out when the value is above 50mil. So, I can either leave the sieve or update the code to a slightly less optimized, but more condensed version. regardless, thanks for the assistance — Trever Wagenhals 14 mins ago
... ok whatever... casting pearls here
>>> def print_skipped(seq, k):
...     print([u for i in range(k+1) for u in seq[k-i::k+1]])
>>> print_skipped([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], 2)
[3, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 10]
@inspectorG4dget: yeah, here
@DSM heya! How is it there? Is it as magical as we all hope and expect?
@randomhopeful heck... I was flattered in a perverse way ;-)
ah, I thought you were there gadget?
I can't make it. It's too soon, post surgery. I can't even walk for extended periods of time
@inspectorG4dget didn't know that - you okay?
(feeling awful now for not keeping up with friends properly)
@JonClements :D This I can understand

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