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what's fun and exciting
not much
I'm struggling with reconstructing my original python module pile on debian
I'm also getting weird errors with matplotlib
makes me a saaaaad panda
3 hours later…
python for ever!
first time chatting
Cabbage :-)
3 hours later…
@tristan that's a weird simile
@MorganThrapp I don't mind the occasional use of function attributes, but that code is just horrible. FWIW, I met that OP a bit earlier, when I hammered this; maybe I should've just voted to close it as unclear...
Yo Antti !
cbg everyone
How is this week turning out ?
meeting cbg
pycon finland was rather nice
Eyy, I'm glad you enjoyed it. What were the talks you liked about ?
first snow cbg
Hey khajvah
I hate snow
@khajvah why? :|
cbg, all
cold, slippery, dirty and inconvenient
I am not romantic about snow
morning @holdenweb - I have you pencilled in for a coffee later, is today still good?
Sure - 12:30 - 2:00 is open, what time would suit you best?
12:45? I have a meeting (bah) at 2, so earlier is better.
That's fine. Where to meet?
<< moved to t'other room.
@thefourtheye Your variable names are better than mine. But my code uses less RAM. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/40358056/…
I need polymorphic behavior for my SQL INSERT query
but the best I can think of is passing the different piece of query by argument and constructing the query from it and it's ugly
@PM2Ring Oh, I thought that I'll come back to that later. The zip still has to create two tuples, right?
@thefourtheye zip is pretty efficient. But dicts take quite a bit of RAM compared to a simple list of tuples, since they also need space for a hash table. And hash tables need to have a fair bit of empty space in them to minimize hash collisions, although the dicts in 3.6+ are much more economical on that score.
@PM2Ring Agree that dicts over-allocate. If all they want is to sort then it might be overkill here
@thefourtheye Its not that they over-allocate, but thats just the way hashmaps are designed.
Yeah, I don't see the benefit of using a dict here. OTOH, your code is a little more readable than mine. Maybe you're getting more upvotes because dict comps are cooler than list comps. :)
Yeah the dict comp didn't make sense to me at first, just because I'm not used to reading it over multiple lines, but as soon as my brain woke up I thought it was a cool and readable way of doing it.
@GamesBrainiac What if the elements are added to buckets maintained as linkedlists? (I know its a naive implementation, just for the sake of argument :D)
@thefourtheye then traversal is likely to be quite slow.
I mean you always try to optimize for reads over writes in most situations.
Skewing... and in worst case, lookup could be O(N)
I am actually trying to wrap my mind around this insanity, right now github.com/jed/140bytes/wiki/Byte-saving-techniques
More like yak-shaving.
Hey Andras
Is there a way to dynamically put arguments into a method?
argument_list = (arg='string', 2, 'string', [1,2,3])
result = method(argument_list)
Sorry for the formatting mess >_>
What you can do is create a tuple of positionals, and pass them with a * which turns them into individual arguments:
@Gemtastic argument_list is not valid tuple
@khajvah Yeah, it's pseudo code
def f(a, b, c): print(a, b, c)

t = (1, 2, 3)
Because that's the line I don't know how to do
Should print '1 2 3'
what holden said, or a dictionary with named arguments
You can do the same with a dict, to give keyword args using **:
Well, the issue is that argument_list is how the method looks like
def f(a=1, b=2): print(a, b)

d = {'a': 10, 'b': 20}
The more exact example is argparse's .add_argument() method
will print '10 20'
@Gemtastic what you mean?
And you can mix the * and ** arguments with regular positionals and keyword arguments (avoiding ambiguous definitions like the same keyword as an argument and a key to the kwargs dict)
Pseudo code:
def get_args(description, arguments):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    for argument in arguments:
I want to dynamically add the arguments through an array of arguments
If it's possible
The problem with a dictionary is that I dunno what the keys should be
@Gemtastic how don't you?
how do you plan to pass kwargs with no name?
guess I should read context
ignore me, I'm off to walk to doggo
That's what I'm wondering about :P
Perhaps it would help if you want to tell us why you think such contortions are necessary? Maybe someone has already faced this problem ...
the obvious solution is passing *args,**kwargs:P
Hmm, I suppose I gotta look up those :P
Thank you
You have these things, that you want to pass to a method, but you don't know enough about the methods to know what to call the things. Did I get that right?
@holdenweb that's what I gathered...
@holdenweb it's actually mostly curiosity as to what you can do with function calls
Where are these methods coming from?
Curiosity is good when directed towards an end: what are you trying to learn?
The XY of a problem it would solve is reusing a parser between scripts
But as I said: I'm mostly curious as to if you can substitute the arguments with an object containing them
I've done something similar in other languages
IoC could also fix my issue but I dunno if I should use it
@Gemtastic Your own defined objects?
And it still doesn't remove duplicated code
@khajvah yes
I don't see why you would do that, tbh
Like in the above example when I tried to make something tulpe-ish
For the glory of satan ofc!
I guess holdenweb's earlier examples cover it, but this may also be of interest.
def pack_args(*args, **kwargs):
    return args, kwargs

args, kwargs = pack_args(1, 2, 3, b=4, c=5)
print(args, kwargs)
print('{b} {c}'.format(**kwargs))
# output
(1, 2, 3) {'b': 4, 'c': 5}
1 2 3
4 5
@PM2Ring that looks very nice, and it tells me a lot more about what I can do. Thanks :)
No worries!
I saw a post asking about "free energy generators" over on SE.Physics, and I couldn't help myself...
@hdhondt They don't work for powering an automobile, but they work quite well at transferring money from the gullible to the unscrupulous. ;) — PM 2Ring 6 hours ago
what to do with this?
I saw this nice forum post from 2009: "Scrape" vs "Scrap". I thought it was a recent phenomenon, but I guess it isn't...
> Any thoughts, ideas on how to make web.py even more performant than it already is ?
I'd call that too broad
to be honest, the boldface alone makes me want to demolish that
@AndrasDeak Yeah, too broad. And I guess POB.
> My question is in ENHANCEMENT. I want to start the web.py project right away with high performance in design from the very beginning. What I want to do with web.py is to make it hyper-multithreaded and performant by:
and implicit tool rec even, possibly
What does the parent_template filter do in Django ?
@Cody cabbage
Speaking of too broad, this one's already closed: stackoverflow.com/questions/40359853/…
@AndrasDeak Banana
@AndrasDeak Watermelon
@Cody did you google already?
I hope my questions aren't too much "RTFM", I've got some manual to read, and I know it :(
@Gemtastic depends on your questions
if your question is "how can I pass arguments to a function", that can probably be solved by RingTFM
If I read enough I should be able to figure my question out, however, i won't know if there's a better solution to the XY or if that's an established anti-pattern
My question was on the topic of passing arguments though
well if you've RTFM, and come up with a solution that works, you can still ask here whether it's an idiomatic solution
a working MCVE will help others answer you quickly
I suppose
P.s. it says it deprecated
@khajvah Yes but I didn't find any thing related to it
lol js ecosystem. github.com/JedWatson/react-select has 160mb of dev dependencies if you want to run the examples locally
@tristan and it's nothing more than a select
it's a pretty looking select, i'll give it that
After seeing the new Independence Day and your descriptions of the "JS ecosystem", I'm starting to think that the inside of the alien ship is what JS really is.
hey, it's November!
I went to a phone store yesterday and was really really unpleasantly surprised. Soooo many people bought $1000+ iphone 7s on credits
that they can't afford
materialism is a big threat
Phone store?
they're just courageous
@AndrasDeak yeah we have those. They sell unlocked phones only.
and the credit is like 17%
@tristan lol
Early adoption is a way of life!
Morning cabbage.
A really stupid way of life
This raises many questions.
@RobertGrant the paradox is that most of the early adopters don't need anything more than iphone 5
Blocked, category "Other Adult Materials"
@khajvah when you say "need", I assume you mean "don't need but would quite like the features of" :-)
What is Satan's end game here? Is he trying to propagate the suffering of mortals? But his victim doesn't seem to be suffering. He's quite chipper, and will likely continue to be so for as long as he remains in the loop.
Is he trying to deprive the man's friends and family of his presence? But surely there are easier ways to do that. Like sending him back in time once to the Jurassic.
Yes but then he will stop being in the loop, and the worst suffering of all, FOMO, will kick in
other people buying stuff they don't need? ugh. anyone else getting stuff from the steam sale?
@Kevin well, we are talking about time-travel here, so I guess this infinite loop goes on and on for eternity.. which will kind of occupy satan for the rest of his life.. which he doesn't have..
Unless going back in time five seconds is easier than going back a hundred million years?
@tristan omygoshispentsomuch
@RobertGrant The only visible feature of 7 that 5s doesn't have is maybe a better camera
so basically he is the one who will suffer the most, won't he?
@Kevin certainly you don't have to translate your location as much because the Earth has only spun / Earth has only orbited / Solar System has only moved / Milky Way has only moved / universe has only expanded for 5s
Well, perhaps Satan just enjoys trickery for the sake of trickery. So he's content to manipulate this mortal for all time even if there's no negative consequence for the mortal, because manipulation has value in its own right.
That would definitely form the basis of my time travel movie: we travelled back in time 2 hours, which puts us in space, with the Earth hitting us two hours from now
@Kevin he's probably just an asshole
That is in line with my theory yes
Maybe Satan is aiming at hurting his nemeses, the guys upstairs. Who can only watch helplessly as poor chosen humans are being screwed with, even without their knowing.
@RobertGrant That type of time travel rustles my jimmies because the Universe probably doesn't have a preferred frame of reference. "go back in time but stay in the same place" is an incoherent concept because there's no such thing as "same place"
@Kevin yeah, I'd also hate to be the guy who invents antigravity
satan just leaves a cursor to $position
@PM2Ring Yours got accepted :-)
I prefer time travel where 1) you gradually rewind backwards through time, traveling continuously through space as normal; or 2) you travel instantaneously through space and time from one well-established landmark to another (say, the two end points of a wormhole, or a time machine that remains where it is and moves its contents to earlier/later versions of itself)
I like it when coffee shops brew their coffee with just a trace of tea. You get that little sweet flavor at the end of the sip and think "yeah, that's kind of nice."
I had a dream last night. It was a quest to find the key to the GIL. I found it, but then the dream ended.
I like when there's a single onion ring in my order of fries.
@thefourtheye It did! And I just got another accept, on his follow-on question. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/40359938/…
Yeah, that rogue onion ring. Or a sweet potato fry.
@GamesBrainiac GIL is not a problem
@davidism: I don't understand the need for this Flask patch.
Why recursively check for the __mro__ of parent classes from the __mro__? All classes in those MROs are already contained in the starting MRO, otherwise it'd be an invalid MRO.
There is no explanation in the patch, no test to prove it fixed an issue.
That code is doing a lot of busy work with a set that is entirely and utterly useless.
@Kevin yeah possibly the universe rotating/expanding is the frame of reference
The co-moving frame of the CMBR is a pretty good frame of reference.
The cosmic background radiation has a frame of reference? I kind of figured it was like a skybox in a game. Wherever you go, it's always the same distance away from you.
"How would that even work, Kevin?" you ask. I don't know. Remnants from the primordial birth of existence don't necessarily make sense.
@tristan thanks for the help yesterday, it took me forever but I figured it out :)
@anshanno no worries; good job :)
@Kevin It's the frame where the CMBR is equally red-shifted by the same amount in every direction.
I wouldn't think that such a frame exists, considering the horror show that is the CMBR's small-scale distribution
But maybe the CMBR is just naturally red above us and blue below us, and we only think we're moving in relation to a homogeneous background. Checkmate scientists B-)
sounds bulletproof
whaddup room6. What's the story
The usual response to "how do you tell the difference between a red-shifted star and a regular red star?" is "that's not how spectrography works", but I don't know if that applies to photons that weren't emitted by ordinary chemical reactions
@PM2Ring Nice :-)
@idjaw ... morning glory, what's the tale, nightengale?
@AndrasDeak Fair point, but you can choose a velocity for Earth that makes the CMB approximately isotropic, and then the deviations from exactly isotropic are on the order of 1 part in 100,000, which is isotropic enough for me. :)
@WayneWerner wait wait....I know this.....something about Hugo
"did you hear about Hugo and Kim?"
GAH! Yah!
that's it
cabbage all, I'm back
cbg davidism!
I thought we were going to segue into an Oasis sing-a-long, there, they seem to be around/back again.
really? I thought the Gallagher brothers hated each other too much.
Noel Gallagher's solo stuff is awesome.
I played the part that Dick Van Dyke played, when I was in youth theatre
@davidism: there's a comment Protect from geniuses who might create circular references in __mro__, but Python already doesn't allow for that. And even if that was a possibility, why add parent class __mro__ still? A set would suffice in that case.
Think they love money more, there's been a lot of songs on the radio recently, maybe they've released a collection or special edition or something equally only-in-it-for-the-filthy-lucre
Naturally, I didn't dance as well as he does(did)
@Kevin The surface that we "perceive" the CMB to be emitted from is called the surface of last scattering. Also see ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March03/Lineweaver/…
@Withnail this gives some context to the "feud". it's comical -> consequenceofsound.net/2016/09/…
> Consider an infinite field full of people screaming. The circles are their heads. You are screaming too.
I think that's probably the best quote I've read all week
@MartijnPieters gah, that error handling seems like a huge mess. I'm aware of it but haven't had time to dig into it. There's an issue related to it somewhere, hold on.
@WayneWerner It's great, isn't it. :) I've witnessed a close approximation to that at huge concerts when the crowd shuts up almost instantly as the lights come up on the main act, but you still hear an "echo" of the previous noise for a second or so.
Hmm, can't find the issue at the moment. There was some big change in the error handler system about a year/year-and-a-half ago.
"This leads to the paradoxical result that, on their way to us, photons are actually moving away from us until they reach regions of space that are receding at less than the speed of light. From then on they get closer to us."
@Kevin I actually tried that with my kid, and he was just like "Yeah, obviously" and gave me a great explanation of why it made sense (which I now can't remember). /surpassedalready
@Kevin...... why xD ? I loved that comic and I remember that comic, wasn't it something to do with the outer edge of the disk having "wider" "groves" to offset the speed or something ?
now you got my curious, I wonder if my workplace bans calvin and hobbes
It sounds reasonable to me that the outer rim of a record has peaks & troughs set wider apart to account for the apparently greater linear velocity of the needle, but I don't think that's what the paradox is supposed to be
then I don't understand the paradox, please explain
For me it was always "how can all of the component pieces of a solid rigid body be moving at different speeds?"
What's the best way to do this?
from sqlalchemy import Integer, Column, String, ForeignKey, orm, Text
db = flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy(app)
class Foo(db.Model):
	id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
	type = # Instance of FooType based on foo_type string

	def __init__(self, foo_type):
		type = # Instance of FooType based on foo_type string

class FooType(db.Model):
	id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
	type_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False, unique=True)
@MartijnPieters can't find an exact reference for that commit, but I think these discussions are related: github.com/pallets/flask/pull/1291 github.com/pallets/flask/pull/1295
Where foo_type is a string, ideally.
I remember being bothered by that huge commit and not really understanding why everything was changing the way it was, but that was from before I became a maintainer.
It's not actually a paradox if you chart out all the forces etc, but it can violate one's intuition about solid objects.
@Kevin It gets tricky when the disk is spinning at a relativistic speed. Unfortunately, it's hard to investigate empirically, because nothing made of atoms can spin that fast without shattering. IIRC, the record (pun intended) is micron diameter diamond spheres spun up by laser to around a million RPM.
That sounds insane
The Ehrenfest paradox concerns the rotation of a "rigid" disc in the theory of relativity.
yeah, perfect rigidity and relativity don't mix
In my unittests, when I'm trying to assert certain data structures I've been using pyhamcrest. What do you folks typically use for asserting certain data structures? Do you write up a small little comparator yourselves? Or do you use something similar to pyhamcrest that gives you these features?
I love the quotation around rigid
already the translation of a rigid body violates causality
I'm also asking because there is a question using py.test asking for asserting a list that could contain duplicates but order is unknown. In pyhamcrest you can do somethign along the lines of containsInAnyOrder
I just assert that some condition is true...
are they trying to assert that there are duplicates in a list?
because assert len(set(data)) < len(data) would do that
(assuming it's a set-able collection)
I think so, yes. here is the question for those interested.
@WayneWerner So yeah. Ultimately, it was a matter of, is there a method that is supported that does the work for you, or would you just write up a simple assertion yourself to validate
@WayneWerner A quick search shows my information was wrong (or out of date). The current record seems to be for a 4 micron diameter calcium carbonate sphere spinning at 6E8 RPM.
@PM2Ring geeze. Even more crazy. What do they even spin that on, or in?
@davidism: pull request sent.
@idjaw I'm not really aware of any pytest special assertions besides the .raises(SomeException) - mostly one just does assert this == that or whatever
@WayneWerner They suspend it in a near vacuum, manipulating it with lasers. I guess they suspend it with light pressure, and they use light to spin it.
@davidism: those references predate the patch that introduced the queue with recursive MRO adding and a set.
@WayneWerner Thanks for the input.
@davidism: I was looking into this code to answer stackoverflow.com/questions/40359630/….
Thanks for the patch, just waiting for tests to finish.
@davidism that's the thing; there is no test to cover the 'circular MRO' case, or a case where the MRO of a baseclass includes classes the exception MRO doesn't already contain. Not that you could create such a test..
Yeah, if unti wants to add it back in I'll ask for a PR next time.
TFW you found out someone is a developer for one of your favorite web framework that is part of the community.... and he/she watches chuunibyou. (insert school girl squeal-
@BhargavRao cbg
I was considering changing my avatar for Halloween, but forgot.
I do like discovering weebs that are more or less ordinary human beings.
Yes, that's right, I'm ordinary. Tell them, @Martijn!
Everyone, davidism is extra-ordinary. With lots of extras.
The most interaction I get with the anime subculture is through 4chan, and their trademark mix of anonymity and filterlessness makes them seem more like, I dunno, formless goo monsters that like cartoons, than people.
I made it work now :D
Finding people with diverse interests reminds me that I too can be more than a formless goo monster.
My interest is to be a formless goo monster
But maybe not in the 4chan way, cuz that is sure to have illegal porn context
I finished watching Dark Matter season 2 yesterday. It got really good.
In a transhumanist society I wouldn't mind being formless goo if it's an intermediary step to being transcendent light or a hyperintelligent shade of blue.
Ended on a huge cliffhanger, but they're renewed for a third season.
A formless goo monster is what I became from lack of exercise
I could fix that
i will weeb out so much if I could. making sites for my favourite characters as a hobby.... going to cons for them... coding black box method for my company using anime terms..... my dream is to become a professional NEET
If food wasn't so good
But we don't live in a transhumanist society and there aren't a lot of accessibility advocates for goo monsters these days. How you gonna use the bus if you fall through a sewer grate on the curb?
and just weeb all day if I could, since that wouldn't happen, python with anime is my next goal
I'm working on an Angular 1 Github page about birds because information in my native language is scarse
Because I also have birds as an interest after rescuing one
Tori-chan wa totemo kawaii desu.
@Kevin, in Monmusu, they got around that by putting them in rubber boots, but that was only able because the slime monsters could take on a human form and "walk" around..... but if you are talking more of a traditional slime mob that has to "crawl" around, I forget the show where they lined the bottom of the slime with basically a rubber mat to keep them from falling.
@MartijnPieters merged
Morning cabbage.
\o cbg @DSM
It's National Novel Writing Month and I'm still trying to decide if I'm a bad enough dude to participate
do you have a novel idea?
I'm too busy to write a novel, but I have thought of using this as an excuse to make time for some of my screenplays.
I had a pretty crazy apocalyptic/scifi/fantasy dream the other night
it could work
Maybe I'll just write 50,000 words on the 30th ;)
No but I have several tired hackney ideas
Maybe this will be the month that I sit down and write Nerdcop Begins (it won't be)
(To be fair, most of my screenplays are in "cool opening scene.. [stuff goes here].. another cool set piece.. [more stuff].. cool ending scene" format, which is not that different from having done no work on them at all.)
The vast majority of my writing clocks in at less than 150 characters per discrete concept so it would be challenging to stay on topic for 1.6k words per day
what's Nerdcop about? Is it like RobotCop but an admin at his desk doing social interweb justice by providing sources, and creating memes? @tristan
@davidism fast turn-around, I like!
Please wait 6-8 weeks for the next release. ;-) ... :-/
@MooingRawr it's "the hard-hitting 1989 cyborg, renegade cop thriller cancelled after a stunning 5 episode run"
Hmm, bit of a garden path sentence there... "Why is Kevin writing about clocks?"
@Kevin: I'm okay with the few-thousand-words level. I run out of energy pretty soon after that.
I think my primary failure mode would be a reluctance to have any kind of connective tissue in the story. "I need to get Ford from the shuttle to the bridge, but I can't just say 'Ford walked to the bridge', it needs to be -~memorable~-"
>OP: Why does it say this file is missing!
Me: Does it exist?
OP: Yeah, but in a different place. Why can't my computer just find it?
I'm a checkpoint writer -- i'll outline major plot events, make note of where continuity may break, and then pepper in the setup needed to drive the plot to the next checkpoint
"Ford walked memorably to the bridge."
/pat @MorganThrapp it's okie you love your hobby xD
That's definitely a phrase I'm not going to forget, tristan..
Just remember, "Tell me don't show me".
Remember working IT is the best feeling in the world!
@MorganThrapp haha
@Kevin @DSM do you listen to Writing Excuses? writingexcuses.com/2015/01/04/… Start with season 10 if you haven't.
it's important to just demand your audience care about your characters and their relationships
and then kill them savagely
GRRM knows
If you don't tell your readers that a character is important, how will they know who to care about?
speaking of which. westworld is a real yawn fest
"Ford walked to the bridge in a way unlike the reader's mother, who is too fat to move about easily"
Really? I'm enjoying it
I read Howard Tayler's Shlock Mercenary webcomic
(skims) My longest story published online is ~10k words, so that definitely seems to be my upper limit.
@Kevin Easy there, Douglas Adams
@WayneWerner: you have impeccable taste.
@MorganThrapp i think in the hands of better directors and if not on HBO, it would be better.
Almost entirely, but not quite, unlike tea.
@tristan I'm going to be ripping off homaging good old D.A. a lot this month, if I'm doing anything
@DSM His wife does some pretty amazing stuff, too. They're definitely some of my favorite people
@tristan It's a little slow at times, but I don't mind a bit of slow burn. It feels like they're still building the world.
How many episodes have you seen so far? I haven't seen EP5 yet.
there's a clean short story in there, maybe even a fun concept, but the show's need sex/violence/filling out a season are just like a nagging kid that say "hey, look over here instead"
I've only seen 1-4. Already bored of the HBO-ification.
See, I don't mind that. It feels pretty realistic to me. The kind of people who are going to drop 40k a day are going to want sex/violence.
Their openness/honesty with the mental health struggles that they face is one of the best things about Howard and Sandra. We need more people like that
@WayneWerner I read through the extensive archive a year or two back, and enjoyed it, but couldn't sustain enthusiasm once I had to wait a day to read three panels.
Same problem with Freefall.
@Kevin Just wait a week and then you'll have several panels! :D
I'll just wait five minus (one or two) years, and do another archive run.
I check in every few months. Same with Sluggy Freelance.
back before Google pulled The Dick Move of the Centuryâ„¢ (i.e. shuttering Google Reader), my MO was to read through the archives of a webcomic and then add it to my RSS feed
binge reading is bad for the GDP
@WayneWerner can't you do that with another feed reader?
I did the same and continue to do so with liferea
I had like 20-30 webcomics that I subscribed to
I migrated to Feedly after the Great Dicking Over, but it's not as good as Google Reader was.
I had to write my own userscript to add a "open all new items in individual tabs" button. Come on, that's basic functionality.
a.k.a. firefox killer
@MorganThrapp I feel like it just gets in the way. I'd prefer fewer boobs and dongs and more exploration into how the livestock/hosts teleport in/out of the maintenance areas. Why is it important to replace them ASAP -- wouldn't that break immersion for someone in Westworld that saw the character die? What does it mean to "code" a character? What happens if a visitor shoots another visitor? How do the whores not spread STDs between guests? If the hosts can be remotely controlled/shutdown,
I probably could move to something else, e.g. Feedly... but I just can't really get into anything the way I was Google Reader
iff there's a RSS why isn't there a PSS (poor site summary)? We need equality in the summary world!
why do they need to send people in to clean up instead of having non-damaged hosts gather in one place? Is this actually a place in Wyoming? Why aren't there just arbitrary animals that sneak in?
Newsbeuter is the closest thing I found... but for webcomics I do need that online interface
@tristan: some of those questions verge on spoilery territory.. (I haven't watched yet but plan to..)
Yeah, that's fair. I feel like they're moving in that direction. Honestly, I'm also okay with it because I think it'll attract a wider audience that way so it might not get canceled, as happens with so many high-concept sci-fi shows.
@DSM All of that is from ~10 minutes into ep1.
@tristan a wizard did it. Probably a native shaman, to retain verisimilitude.
But it's been 4 episodes and all we've gotten is "someone that helped build this place died", "there's a deeper level to the game", and lots of pointless nudity/violence.
@Kevin I thought it was just a dream?
I watched The Fly last night. It was great. It was the first time I watched the whole thing. Brundlefly!!!
There's such a dearth of good sci-fi on right now that I'm willing to give it through at least season 1.
@tristan That's probably what annoys me the most about mostly movies/ softcore porn television. At least when books devolve into sexual gratification of the author I can skip a few pages.
I'm writing an asyncio client/server in 3.5, but a 2.7 library is going to need to access it. I've confirmed that I can send messages old-school using socket on that side. How difficult would it be to use trollius (sp?) to fake asyncio in 2.7?
Douglas Adams had the decency to inform the reader that they could skip the sex chapter.
(I'd prefer not to maintain two separate interfaces.)
@Kevin: I still remember something like "which is a good bit and has Marvin in it"..
@DSM I think trollius does support the async model, though it's through the decorator API
Yeah, that's it :-)
@DSM And using something like ZeroMQ is right out?
@tristan: eh, not necessarily, although I have to admit I thought any external lib would be overkill (before I fully thought through the implications of the fact some of our teams are still running 2).
Makes sense, just asking as you're heading out of the standard lib anyway
Oooh, Anthony Hopkins, neat!
@davidism Cool, definitely going to give this a listen.
this can't be normal for this time of the year
It was eighty degrees last Sunday and I'm concerned Jersey will be swallowed by the vast and rising sea
Something that it richly deserves, but I'd prefer not to be around for it
I wish we had some snow here. All we've got is 80ºF :(
I'm getting a variable number of references to an argument I'm passing to an C extension function. Is this normal?

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