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@AnttiHaapala I think people sometimes forget that a large percentage of people who were killed by Hilter were non-Jews
Ugh bagels are the nazis of breakfast
So in what way is this "recruitment try-out" like slavery? Are the Finns now planning to kidnap people, force them do unpaid labour, and regularly assault them?
@AndrasDeak so this new thing is called "recruitment try-out", a person can "volunteer" to work for a free as a "test" for a company for one month - the company makes an agreement with the labour office about it. The person, after this "try-out" starts cannot stop it without sanctions however. At the end of the period, the company must recruit the said person or tell the labour office the reason why they don't employ him.
So.. it's an unpaid internship where you sign a contract. And this resembles slavery to you.
That doesn't sound bad. International hires are a risk, especially from regions where the colleges are exceedingly subpar.
@tristan these are not international hires
these are for Finns
Okay, so this sounds like a personal choice thing.
in Finland, and they must be professionally qualified
@tristan read the "volunteer" part
I "read" it
This sounds like slavery in no way whatsoever. Is there a translation problem?
"did" you, eh?
I guess it's bad if this becomes the 100% standard practice of an industry
I can't tell if hyperbole, bad joke, or that you're just equating personal choice with zomg nazi slavery ebola
ebola is the worst though
"cannot stop it without sanctions" sounds like the pertinent part. What sort of sanctions? Fine? Jail time?
@AndrasDeak I read it and I don't get it. Seems like he stopped receiving or caring about feedback a long time ago.
@Kevin they will take out your basic living grant
there was a similar system before already
@tristan I think it's about Randall's obsession and endless knowledge of weird words (snark), but ultimately it's an all-too-long buildup for an almost non-existent punchline
Wait, so there's a "basic living grant" that you'd lose if you tried to get a job? Should I start laughing at the system now or is there more?
Which country is the one where to get welfare payments you have to go to the unemployment center and spend two hours a day putting together toy jewelry and two hours a day taking apart toy jewelry?
haha, sounds like Hungary
but no, not really
@Kevin Finland?
you only need to work for negligible wage, and accept whatever work is given to you, and sometimes vote according to how the mayor likes it
in Finland the gov has paid some companies that they take people recovering from mental health issues and put them to work
and spend most of your time renovating the street and garden of said mayor, or his relatives
... to make overpriced design items
Argh, CORS and cookies are incredibly frustrating. Everything on the Internet says that if I use Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true and xhr.withCredentials = true, then cookies will be sent with CORS requests. But it's only sending the cookies for the local domain, not the domain the requests are made to.
that was mandatory, otherwise you'd lose your grant, which in Finland means: you really start to suffer. Not a tropical country really.
how dare they
then it sounds like the logical choice in finland is "don't try"
@AnttiHaapala does grant mean central heating?
I feel like this whole this is wrong anyway, if you're writing a JS frontend, you should use an authorization header and server side sessions, not cookies.
you shouldn't be using cookies for anything yes
@davidism but can't you just use about any set-cookie header anyhow
This is one of those cases where confirming the behavior was exponentially more complicated than the original bug github.com/lepture/flask-wtf/issues/219.
if cors allowed
Especialy with the new silly laws about cookies that make me have to press all sorts of OK buttons when browsing *shakes fist*
I just want magic to happen
@AndrasDeak is that a law that you have to mash "ok" or is it just bad websites not understanding it
ha! screw all these fancy pomodoro services. Straight from Mother-Google -> google.ca/…
I think I'm just going to close it with "you're doing it wrong, between cors and browsers disallowing third party cookies".
I just find it weird that every resource on the Internet says that withCredentials will add the remote server's credentials, but all they're doing is adding the local page's ones.
@idjaw lol I'm writing a slide right now about context switching and keep thinking I should do pomodoro again
@tristan it is the 1984 way.
This may be a rare time when I venture into the JavaScript room.
Say hi to Benjamin!
hi @Benjamin!
I'll be in there :) I'm pre-coffee, so I'm not entirely sure what's happening
I'm just going to move all these messages instead of typing it again.
@tristan I honestly don't know what it's about, let me google it
@davidism copy paste
just because you can move a kind-of on-topic doesn't mean you should remove the content from in here
@davidism the problem is that you'd need several different csrf methods
@tristan this law (EU)
Actually, moving it this case probably won't work, since it interleaves the messages in the new room.
@AnttiHaapala what do you mean?
OWASP suggests several strategies, like double-send-cookie, storing token in session etc...
The CSRF in Flask-WTF sets a token in the session cookie (which is signed), and adds a separately signed version of the token to the form or request headers.
cabbage, It has been a while
The issue is that the cookie is not behaving correctly for AJAX/CORS requests.
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen cabbage
just started university :D studying Computer Systems Engineering at Carleton University
learning some really neat stuff
Congratulations! When does the Rideau freeze over?
Is that a Canadian "when pigs fly"?:)
probably not:D
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen Congratulations!
Nope. :-) The Canal is just fun to skate on.
^^ yes
too bad, it sure sounded like an awesome diss (to ignorant me)
not sure when it is going to freeze but when it does it will still take a while before it opens
FWIW skating is fun
Winterlude is at the end of January? Start of Feb maybe? I like the sculptures.
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen Congrats and best of luck.
@BhargavRao thanks, how have you been? has the campaigns thing stopped?
@AnttiHaapala If this is the official site for it, it's adorable how it transitions into a sales pitch for a vendor.
    for i in range(1):

    if i > .5:
        print 'Direct Hit!'
Finally we are free of the assignment statement
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen Nope, We're giving Drew a bit of rest. The sobotics room has taken over his job. Campaigns is still there, But atm, it's there only for C#
@DSM @TadhgMcDonald-Jensen I might be making my way there with the family to skate on the canal. :) Will be one of the first times my kids will skate. Should be fun
The suspense is killing me: is i>0.5?
@idjaw this might be a very naive question, but don't you have skating rinks there?
@AndrasDeak rinks are not the same to skate on.... mostly because they rarely have beaver tails
is that some exotic Canadian state of skating matter? Like, bumpy ice?
There's also something more enjoyable about skating on something so big you can't see the other side. Hard to put into words.
no, it's food
I really need a google-based infobox in my sopython tab
@DSM of course, no doubt about that:) I've skated on small but deadly ponds in the past, and it's great. I just thought that idjaw could also try introducing skating to the kids beforehand, so that they get the most out of the big one.
No, literal beaver tails. When the river freezes, some beavers are in mid-dive at the time, and get stuck with their tails protruding above the ice. Skaters can come by and break them off for a quick snack. Don't worry, it's humane. The beavers are too numb to feel anything, are freed from the ice, and it grows back by next winter.
oh btw, does anyone know of a function/command/recipe in IPython to prompt the user to upload a file within the shell? I'm adapting a library made by my programming prof that uses tkinter to work with IPython and that is the only function I can't directly recreate.
but Hungarians aren't born with skates on their feet, so this might make all the difference
I know I struggled with learning to adequately skate for many years
no luck in the JS room so far
@Kevin no wonder those poor beasts damn your rivers in retaliation
They might do that too, I guess, but it'd be kind of self-defeating..
how so?
you mean regarding the experience?
@AndrasDeak My fellow Canadians provided valid answers. it's more for the event/place/beaver tails (most delicious thing ever)
and a rink is more something set in a park with really bad ice that you go to for an hour to play shinny (pick-up hockey)
let me read the details about those appendages
@AndrasDeak: third-rate homonym joke. "dam", to build a barrier; "damn", to curse.
Oh sorry, I thought you were talking about the "why don't you take the kids to the rink to practice first" :)
beaver tails....not real beaver tails.
@idjaw I'm losing interest here fast
I want to move to rural canada, buy an acreage, and freeze to death live out in the woods somewhere
it's a dessert. It looks like a beaver's tail
@idjaw I thought that desserts are hot and full of sand, not cold and full of ice
(sorry, I'll stop)
@enderland You should move somewhere where you can make an ample supply of maple syrup and grow apples and just open a shop for people to visit seasonally.
You will make good money....maybe :P
@idjaw I'd eat all the maple syrup, get really fat, and then die of diabetes though
@AndrasDeak That dessert is hot...:P
> The BeaverTails pastry is similar to several other fried dough pastries and is topped with a choice of sweet condiments and confections, such as whipped cream, banana slices, crumbled oreos, cinnamon sugar, and chocolate hazelnut.
so...why the fried dough?
@enderland If you're talking about out in the actual rural/cold parts of canada, you could get away with eating a lot more without getting fat
@tristan hmmmm depends on how much maple syrup there is though. good, real maple syrup is ridiculously good
Doughnuts are fried dough.
@idjaw please reassure me that the dough is sweet in that thing. Because we have fried dough-based foods here, but they are all salty. Edit: except doughnuts ^
you will turn in to this guy:
@enderland ^^
that place is real btw
@QuestionC good point
@idjaw ha. there's something appealing about going out into the woods and eschewing all technology
or at least, a lot of technology
@idjaw That guy is immaculately groomed for a pirate.
@tristan there is a video of Anthony Bourdain visiting that place. It's trippy
that's the sugar shack, right?
last night I went to a restaurant that served nigiri that had seared foie gras on top. I posted it on the tweeter if anyone is interested. It was so good. That entire evening had a ridiculous menu put together by an incredible chef: Martin Picard.
(I'm food obsessed...I apologize I talk about it so much)
On twitter? You monster! What do you think instagram is for?
Kind of related: I've been thinking lately about what a twitter/instagram/social network (this room, linkedin (kind of), and a couple slack channels are the extent of my 'social networking') that I'd want to use looks like
@AndrasDeak no tweeter, a loudspeaker designed to reproduce high frequencies.
@tristan all depends on the inhabitants, does it not?
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen silly me
@AndrasDeak Kind of. The system under which people operate shapes discussion/behavior
ok I need to rhbrb or I'm never going to get anything done on a "low motivation Monday"
@tristan mhm *knowledgable nod*
e.g. twitter is meant for the "right opinions" and surface-witty content. it's a perfectly designed machine to produce feigned offense and internet bullshit when running at scale, with long-tails for the N-1 relationships
Anybody seen anything wrong with this response to that CSRF/CORS/Cookie bug I was complaining about? github.com/lepture/flask-wtf/issues/219#issuecomment-255782137
Seems reasonable to me.
I was expecting a comment as "response" *facepalm*
for what it's worth, I've been coming down with a cold, so I can claim to have some cognitive dysfunctions right now
@davidism I'm more of a "work around" than "must be correct" guy when it comes to webdev, so the only part that I'd ask if given that response is "why can't I store my token in the cookie"
Because I can't find a reproducible example where cookies work for CORS requests but the session doesn't. Either the cookies don't work at all, so you'd have to use server side sessions with a token, or they do work. Either way, storing in the session still works and requires no code changes.
I'd put that in your response as it seems more like "if you think this should work, please provide me with an example, because I can't find one" and less of a "this isn't supported, but you can do this work-around"
Yeah, added to the end to explain why I'm asking for a reproducible example.
@davidism looks perfect - that's what I'd do
a+, i'd be satisfied with that response
@davidism ah, you're doing a cross-site request there.
StackOverflow is a business?!???
being a business is one thing, cutting the branch under yourself is another:)
@AndrasDeak that is the Hungarian business notation
@AndrasDeak The new feature is Dev Story? o_O
@BhargavRao the new feature is redirecting new users from "how to not fuck up the site in the easiest way" to "please fill out this ad space"
Yeah. True :D
Bit Rbrb, I'll bbl
@davidism I read MDN docs as: "you need to do withCredentials request to have the server set the cookie, then subsequently when you do withCredentials".
thus the first GET request ignores the set-cookie header, not that POST wouldn't send it.
it receives the cookie
there is a set-cookie header in the response
"XMLHttpRequest from a different domain cannot set cookie values for their own domain unless withCredentials is set to true before making the request. The third-party cookies obtained by setting withCredentials to true will still honor same-origin policy and hence can not be accessed by the requesting script through document.cookie or from response headers"
so I should make the get request with withCredentials also?
I guess so
I'll give it a shot
(I think it is to stupid to use cookies anyhow, just use an auth header instead. you're doing cross-site-requests already)
I agree, using cookies is not the best solution here.
@AnttiHaapala it worked, thanks for reading the docs more thoroughly than me.
Suddenly I feel very depressed. I am listening to Tampere City Council debate about whether or not they should build an Express Tramway through the city
What would not be depressing about listening to Finns talk to each other?:P
@BhargavRao OK, I like this new feature more
Listening to Finns trying to convince other Finns that we need to stop urbanization.
@tristan you're not enlightened y'know
Book chat. This week I am reading Too Like The Lightning, a scifi novel which asks "what would society look like if consumer-grade vehicles could reach any point on the planet in under an hour?" and also "what if you could bring toys to life magically? Wouldn't that be cool?" which is a strange combination but let's run with it.
@AndrasDeak That guy is a real charmer. Did you see his profile?
@Kevin that would be kewl...
@tristan I have:D "SO is shit but I'll try to make it better" or something, I confess I didn't read all the way through
@Kevin "How about we have Sichuan for dinner?" "Ok" (goes to Chengdu)
@AndrasDeak He thinks he's a champion of the people or something. Total roll-eyes.
At least you can shine your enlightenment on them:D
Sharpening the axe. I like how he suggests that you can't post something critical on meta when my top meta answer is telling StackOverflow Corp that their new feature is without an audience
I'm halfway through the book and the first premise has been examined very thoroughly. 90% of the planet has "floating citizenship", meaning they have no loyalty to a physical territory. Instead they identify themselves in accordance with various philosophies. Ex. The Humanist "hive" is devoted to perfecting the physical form.
also, it would be easier to go to PyCon...
@Kevin are the said vehicles self-driving?
The second premise hasn't yet been explained. The magical toy-animating boy is just magical apparently. I'm not prepared to rule out sufficiently advanced technology, although it would be way beyond what's depicted as plausible in the setting
@AnttiHaapala Largely, although the migratory patterns of large flocks of vehicles are directed by "set sets", people that have more-or-less immersed themselves matrix-style into computer interfaces.
@tristan what, where?
> Obtain their consent, such as by using Optanon, and give them some control.
Then it leads here : "With licence fees of £345 plus VAT per year including support..."
@tristan you must have had another link...
The society depicted is very alien to what we've got today. A lot of scifi falls into the trap of "exactly like today, but with laser guns", but TLTL steers well clear of that.
@AnttiHaapala the one andras linked. OOOH crap. my bad.
Nor does it fall into the Star Trek trap of "everything about our society is totally sweet, when we're not being attacked by sentient nebulas"
@tristan then why ping me :D
clicked the wrong reply-to button while making breakfast (sorry)
Haha, there was a "documentation update" on meta. I forgot so docs existed
@tristan that isn't the official page naturally
@AnttiHaapala can u pls give me the link of C programming chat room?
eh. who knows. europe seems to be pretty happy to hand out contracts
@Ananthu search in the chat interface.
network is slow not getting loaded
:| we know which parent to ask when we want to stay out late
C is a tricky room to search for because it will just show you every room with the letter C in its title or description.
51 pages of results but thankfully the C room appears on page 2. But I expect most people give up at the end of page 1.
I'd consider a minimum amount of effort to be a feature of the link.
Programming in C requires the same true grit needed to look at the second page of search results. If you can't find the room, you wouldn't have fit in anyway :-P
Kevin got Kevin'd
look at me, i'm the starlord now
Indeed I did. But repeating what has been said only makes me twice as right as usual.
Oh I didn't realize that was tristan. I've never seen that dominant color in your avatar before.
we are all tristan
The Kevins will have to discuss that statement.
If you go back far enough, everyone is cousins with everyone else. See you at the family reunion.
i didn't descend from no kevin (whooooo, playing to an audience of 2)
Nerd snipe: Given name popularity rankings for the last 300 years, determine the likelihood that one of tristan's great-great-...-grandfathers was named Kevin.
@Kevin does it have to be spelled as "kevin" or can it be a kevin-form?
(e.g. "Kevin"-only or are "Kevyn", "Caoimhin", "Coemgein", "Kevan", "Cefin" allowed?)
I'll accept direct antecedents Caoimhín / Caoimhghín / Cóemgein, but not parallel evolutions like Kelvin.
What about indirect antecedents like "Jacob" and "he who is snark"
Nerd snipe success: very yes
At the very least it needs to lead with a hard C.
Cabbage everyone
@tristan ah, OK. I don't think that's an official site, there's no official site. Just a vote passed in the EU that you need your users' consent for using cookies on them (it's super effective!). That link just happened to explain the basic idea, and it was one of the first google hits (surprise)
It could be a nice name for a bar, the Smashed cabbage
@AndrasDeak Your gravatar would be a tip top logo
@tristan Kevan is Kevin D:
*mind blown*
I usually spot the typoed name variants in A Song of Ice and Fire
@tristan ... thats keens helmet... although definately not keen ...
@tristan also, your enlightenment comment thread has been nuked
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
But not fabricated, so really you only died a little.
@Ffisegydd \o/
is everything OK?
@AndrasDeak I saw that. If anything, SO is "too nice" in that it protects people from honest feedback/dealing with being talked to like an adult. That's the real issue with SO culture, not some surface level bullshit niceness.
@Ffisegydd WELCOME BACK YOU WONDERFUL GOODNESS YOU. I hope you're still Fizzy
and TIL today - BATS - Bash Automated Test System....it exists, and I'm currently using it....I'm unit testing bash.
@tristan well...yup
@idjaw I'd rather not be there the day bash breaks
then you'll be thankful you started using BATS
@JoranBeasley halloween avatar :)
Ah, for once I can log in to trello without having to reset my password. Only took me four PWs or so to break that streak...
@tristan Green Bart is my favorite Halloween costume.
I don't get this reference
It kinda looks like Bart Simpson.
Also, it's blue.
Oh, neat.
@MorganThrapp One of us is very colorblind.
See, the humor comes from me not actually recognizing what the actual character is.
Nope, it's definitely purple. I'm not color blind.
That is one red avatar.
@Kevin googling for "halloween avatar image" and picking one from above the fold
Don't worry, colors aren't real.
How Can Colors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
Gah, Kevin'd.
Oh, I thought it might be a sports thing. Gooooo Holland Emerald Tulips!
inb4 every Dutch person is triggered outside Holland
maybe Morgan got f.luxed
Remember, Kevin can only distinguish between about three European countries on a good day.
Spain is the one on the left, Germany looks like a head, and Italy is the boot. Identifying anyone else is a crap shoot.
UK? Iceland? Westeros?
Without looking it up I can't tell you the difference between UK / Britain / Great Britain / England, so that's out. Nor can I consistently remember which of Iceland / Greenland is the big one.
Eh, those are pretty easy. Veteran mode kicks in once you go beyond Belgium
Iceland is the one with green lands, Greenland is the one with ice lands.
That is helpful if and only if I'm looking at a satellite imagery map. On ordinary maps they're both just pastel colored.
I do a pretty okay job, except for when you go south of Hungary and east of Italy
Surely it depends what colour crayon you used to colour the map in?
Whatever they have on the table of the restaurant. Duh
I don't always use pastel-coloured crayons...
My handlers won't let me have more vibrant colors because I keep eating them.
"Uhm yes, I'll have the house chicken tendies" goes back to coloring map
@Kevin Them sure are shiny
Listen. If Crayola makes a crayon labeled "Mac & Cheese", I would be remiss in not attempting to eat it.
Non-toxic is basically the same as "food item".
Mmmm, I love a delicious food item.
I hear company makes the most delicious food item.
I thought they only served that at restaurant? The one in mall?
Said brand exists, I can't remember the name, though. For obvious reasons.
Ok, I'm done.
@Kevin This is nobel prize material
I for one think it's important to know which of my favourite sugary breakfast treats is asbestos free
What would I give to shop for my sandwichs in under 2 minutes
My cereals need to be free of flesh-eating viruses and government mind control rays. Asbestos I can take or leave.
Lol this city council meeting is like a monkey cage in a zoo.
Well, human geniuses sure don't do politics
half the people want to table the motion: but they also want to continue discussing about it...
chairwoman shouting face red...
@Kevin Do you know when that comic was made?
Sept 25 2009, apparently
Ah, cool. Way to steal a joke, XKCD
There's always money in the banana stand
I don't really get y'all
Seasons 1-3 of Arrested Development were so good :)
Man, you need to find some time to watch Arrested Development
I'm not going to die on this hill but perhaps both xkcd and Arrested Development are making the same humorous observation of a real-world phenomenon
Or a wink, I can see Randall Munroe watching at least an episode or two
@tristan Yeah it was. I kind of regret wishing for that Netflix-only season using my monkey's paw, though.
@Kevin Don't you see how incredibly important this is?
My next wish for yet another season is sure to go well, though!
Yeah, Netflix needs to not try to revive shows.
See also: The Killing
Hey, Voltron wasn't bad...
I don't watch animes
I haven't heard of a single "yes ___ are bringing ___ back" that hasn't been a disappointment
Let the dead stay dead.
Post-cancellation Futurama had some good moments.
You can't spell "cripping depression" without "press on"
Stranger Things showed the right way to appeal to nostalgia: in spirit.
None of which come to mind at the moment but I choose to believe it is the case regardless
@Ffisegydd May I introduce you to the joys of compartmentalization
@Ffisegydd cbg
Tristan Prediction: Stranger Things Season 2 will be awful.
@Ffisegydd long time no C
I never got into Futurama, it always stayed in "occasionally made air come out of my nostrils quicker" territory
I've heard good things about the Black Mirror reboot.
It's yamming awful.
Black Mirror is a reboot?
mildly interesting: featured takeover
Let's argue about whether Doctor Who, Eccleston-onwards, counts as a "revival"
I don't know about awful, but nothing can live up to the reception the first had
@KevinMGranger Oh that wasn't a problem for me
I've always seen it called a "soft reboot". Does Matt Smith also count as a "soft reboot" is another question.
I hated it since ending 1
@Kevin it's a "regeneration", for a new generation
Season 1 & 2 of Black Mirror was good, maybe even very good. Season 3 lacks any of the charm, wit, or insight that made Black Mirror.
Doctor Who's continuity has always had the structural integrity of tapioca, so any reboot must necessarily be a soft reboot
Wibbly-wobbley timey-wimey tapioca.
... And fish sticks.
It's just a twilight zone in a post-HBO Showtime era, just sayin'
Doctor Who is just silly schlock, so it's not demanding of its writers.
Guys you need to be watching Westworld.

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