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OK. So I think we can let least_squares use every (x,y) point as an individual component, and minimize the residuals like that
come to think of it, we might be able to make curve_fit do it, but let's stick with least_squares for now
Can you guys check out this? What do you think about the whole "print() is a side effect and shouldn't be in list comps" thing?
@Joran are your x,y,z data numpy arrays?
sure ....
lol :P
fun = lambda (w1,w2,w3),x=x,y=y,z=z: w1*exp(x*w2-w3*(y+272))-z
TempKlvin = x[2]+272
@MattDMo that's consensus, I believe. [plt.close(k) for k in range(10)] is frowned upon, only do a list comp if you need a list
ok let me try that ...
@MattDMo Print isn't a side effect. One could say it's command/query isolation or something.
@Joran the above function will take w1,w2,w3 as a 3d parameter over which minimization is performed
@AndrasDeak Hmm, interesting. I've never run across that before. I often use a list comp to replace a simple for loop
@MattDMo I can dig up the transcript where I asked this, if you'd like
@tristan that's what I thought. It's not changing global state at all....
@MattDMo it depends on what the for loop is for
not going to break your focus cause least_squares definitely works for this but you can pass curve_fit a multidimensional array for the independent variables (i.e. you are correct, it could do this as well) @AndrasDeak
@AndrasDeak sure. BTW, I gotta tuck the kids in to bed in a few minutes, but I'll be back
@Joran so you need to give an x0 which is actuall a starting (w1,w2,w3) tuple, and the result will be the optimal (w1,w2,w3) tuple (with the default optimization params)
@MattDMo I'll tuck myself in soon, but I'll find it first:)
@JGreenwell can I? Poo:P
is that just normal math.exp? or is that np.exp(?
the example Andras is doing has nothing to do with a list, but just a loop
meh i assume np.exp
@JoranBeasley np.exp
Tristan's flow chart of when to use a list comp vs not: does its use solve the problem for you without introducing new problems? use a list comp.
@JGreenwell crap you're right:)
@tristan ..even if you don't use the resulting list for anything?
:) - I literally had to think "how do I do this is matlab?" cause that was the last time I did this (actually, last time was with Fortran but don't ask)
@Augusta Eh. If I used a set/list comp, I had some reason.
There have been a lot of times when I've thought to use, [do_thing(x) for x in xlist] but I don't actually need the list it produces.
@Augusta I don't necessarily use the resulting list, either. Often I do, of course, because that's what comps were invented for, but they don't have to be used that way.
Meh! It's just Python.
I mean, I could also use map(do_thing, xlist) but I guess the result is the same.
@tristan A reason to use the list-comp or a use for the list it produces (rather than just as a convenient iterator)?
I used to use list comp a lot cause the head researcher hated map (now I'm just used to it while I have to stop and remember map syntax)
Kind of flippant, but if I was so obsessed about shaving off 0.00000003 seconds or a couple bytes of RAM, I wouldn't be using a very high level language/Python
@JoranBeasley curve_fit should be much more elegant(?)/clear:
xy = np.array([x.ravel(),y.ravel()])
fun = lambda (x,y),(w1,w2,w3): w1*exp(x*w2-w3*(y+272))
rbrb - kid time
oh, pretty @Andras
that looks awesome andras ... testing it atm
@Joran Of course
1. np.concatenate/stack would be preferable to building `xy`, but I suck.
2. Celsius to Kelvins is closer to 273, actually consider using scipy.constants.zero_Celsius
3. curve_fit often acts up if you don't specify a starting guess for parameters (everything gets set to 1, and they don't budge)
running a function call in a list comp costs you 8 bytes per None that gets popped off the frame on return of a void function and 64 bytes for the list setup. if you don't assign it to a var, the GC should be able to reclaim almost immediately
hmm...my lambda there has a syntax error
you might have to index into those tuples/arrays in the formula
something something lambda argument unpacking
I like that you named your function fun
fun = lambda xy,w13: w13[0]*exp(xy[0,:]*w13[1]-w13[2]*(y[0,:]+272))
@JGreenwell well if it is;)
it's still erroneous in the curve_fit, let me figure this out...
mah so many errors
xy = np.array([x.ravel(),y.ravel()])
fun = lambda xy,w1,w2,w3: w1*np.exp(xy[0,:]*w2-w3*(xy[1,:]+272))
popt = opt.curve_fit(fun,xy,z,p0=[1,2,3])
there we go
if your x, y are 1d arrays, xy = np.vstack((x,y)) is probably more proper
@JoranBeasley ^
sorry, the return value is (popt,pcov), an optimized parameter array and a covariance matrix:)
hmm...I'm torn about this question: I added a related answer (this operation is common with tokenize or building one's own recursive regex) but not sure it is a dupe
If the OP would add his attempted for loop I'd probably upvote (even if marked as dupe cause good dupes, hard to find ones, are okay)
And to top it off, @JoranBeasley:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d')
xp,yp = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),20),np.linspace(y.min(),y.max(),20))
zp = fun(np.array([xp.ravel(),yp.ravel()]),*popt).reshape(xp.shape)
if the fit is good, this should be reasonably meaningful (the fitted surface along with the points used for the fit)
I guess looking at the numeric difference between fit and input is clearer, I just like pretty plots:D
i like pretty graphics too :P
sorry got sidetracked by a colleague
that's OK, I'm off to bed soon anyway:)
and at this point I'll just make it worse than it is
hmmm doesnt seem to give me the expected answer ... yet at least
Firstly, I could've screwed up;) Secondly, you should check if the optimized parameters changed with respect to the initial point
ok ... well ill mess with it tomorrow ... (well ill assign it to my intern while i take tomorrow off)
GL intern
that's the best kind of work
at least its really interesting if he can solve it
its better than fetching coffee ... or other various busy work
if it doesn't want to converge, check your model, and if all seems well, try with least_squares or something lower-level that outputs convergence information
anyway, I'm off to sleep now, good luck with it:)
thanks for help :)
No worries. Especially with multiple iterations of messing up:D
night Andras
that's the best work to have as an intern cause it actually applies as work experience and on a resume
oh your asides above might be helpful esp the initial guess...
@JGreenwell yeah, I wouldn't mind doing actual useful work as an intern:)
nm its not still not converging ... its just returning my initial guess
oh well hopefully intern learns math tomorrow
there's a buttload of parameters for leastsq that can be passed on through curve_fit
with inf for the COV ... wich makes me think it doesnt think it converges ... (which it doesnt best fit may not be a very good fit but it should still exist)
if the initial params don't budge, it's useless
cool i will drop your hints to the intern and if he cannot get it ill retackle it wednesday
OK, let me know if you do:)
oh, right, setting bounds for the parameters surely helps a lot
and that can be done on the level of curve_fit
bye for real now:D \o
nah, be boundless! Look to the horizon!
I'm bounding for the bed
night * 2 Andras
@AndrasDeak thanks
2 hours later…
@WayneWerner awesome video btw. :D
1 hour later…
I am willing to pay someone to help me write thease python flask models i relationship problems >.<
@DavidGonzalez codementor.com, airpair.com
1 hour later…
Tit for tat
@Ffisegydd >:D
@Ffisegydd fi.pycon.org/2016/#schedule <- schedule, with talks, 6 weeks before.
and the organizers are the most lazy-ass ones imaginable.
Looks like a much smaller roster though :p
Organising talks for 5 days is probably a bit more complex
it is
the question is were there too many days
I don't think there were: there was 1 open day, 3 conference days, and then 1 workshop day.
I skipped the open day because I wasn't that interested in the talks
Though I admit that next year I will wait until the programme releases and probably go to less days, just to reduce tiredness levels.
Possibly of interest to you, but maybe not now I've skimmed it
I thought at first it was actually doing astrophysics with pandas, but actually it's looking at the weather conditions for telescope usage D:
Good morning, everyone
Cbg, all
Homework duplicates, but not actual duplicates
they're actual duplicates
@Ffisegydd missing continue / elif
+ assigning new random number in each branch
Ah fair enough, I only skimmed the start of the answers and missed it.
+ martijn's answer helps them both
need to get back to sharpening my python skills
Answering SO questions is one way ...
@AndyK find the hardest Python question among the featured ones and solve it :)
@holdenweb indeed
@AnttiHaapala let's try that
my baby skills need to be nurtured more
(sharpen means)
@Ffisegydd the Scala saga continues: couldn't understand implicit classes properly, so watched an hour-long video on Youtube at 4am and now get it a bit more and am now tired
@RobertGrant :D
Yeah I didn't like implicit at all at first. It just felt wrong and weird to me. I kept on reading though and kinda got the idea, but it's not something I'd use explicitly (pun intended)
@Ffisegydd @JGreenwell @AndrasDeak etc, how are maths, physics, chemistry taught at your highschools
@AnttiHaapala What do you mean by "how"?
... :D
I am just worried that "the message is too long" :D
I mean: a) which kind of calculator were you allowed to use in exams, b) what did you need to remember and if you had a cheatsheet of formulas, or say valencies or densities?
We were allowed non-graphical calculators, so we weren't allowed ones that could do e.g. differentiation or plotting on the screen. You're given a cheatsheet of important mathematical and physical constants.
Depending on the exams, you might be given a formulae booklet too with basic formulae
in Finland even before 1998 graphical calculators were allowed, but non-symbolic - for high school, not at the university.
and we had a whole cheatbook in highschool.
but then, it seems in Vietnam it was a bit different - while a shitty function calculator was allowed, they'd not have any formulas or tables at all.
We wouldn't be given every formula
so my wife is a walking encyclopedia of physical constants: "what's the density of tin?"
If I remember correctly, it was a long time ago, you'd be given some formulae up to the level below what you were being tested on.
So if you were being tested on advanced calculus, you might get given the basic calculus formulae.
'Ello, Python lovers !
yeah, here you get the book that contains pretty much everything, including number theory etc, with next to no explanations ofc.
@borgmater cbg
I am so sorry but ..
I do not understand the meaning of "cbg"
@borgmater cbg is an abbreviation of the word cabbage.
@AnttiHaapala only non-graphing calculator, paper and pen, if I remember correctly
hahahah :D
explained in the room rules
for the A-levels we could use the "table of functions" which also contained the entirety of basic scientific formulae
@AndrasDeak so did you need to remember the densities of tin and such
No we'd be given those if necessary for the problem
@AnttiHaapala of course not, who the hell cares about meaningless numbers?
@AndrasDeak vietnamese apparently
@Ffisegydd hell no
they don't even know what actual numbers are
Melon for the link :)
Theoretical physicists care about meaningless numbers too, because their numerical results are meaningless :D
the closest they ever get to actual numbers is א
so, my mathematics final exam in highschool was like this: 6 hours time to answer, 10 questions out of so many... but any mistake was taxed
Heh, to this date I still write x as א, even in actual words.
@AnttiHaapala you'd only have to memorize the specific formulae you need to use (like, addition of trig functions on a trig exam), and the most important physical constants for physics
... graphing calculator allowed, and a book
no senseless learning of lexical information
thank goodness
... and I never memorized the adding of trig functions...
@AnttiHaapala you only have to memorize it as long as you don't know complex numbers
@PM2Ring cabbage:)
@AndrasDeak I mean we were allowed to have this book in all exams.
yeah, I see
no notes
@PM2Ring cbg
OP just self-deleted after he was spoon-fed a homework answer. stackoverflow.com/questions/39588444/python-sort-based-on-gcd
@PM2Ring why undelete?
Undelete it so we can downvote it more!
... so when the math exam started, I had a big thermos bottle full of coffee, 6 sandwiches with ham, cheese and pickles...
ooooh good point
... cinnamon buns... some juice
Our exams were 2 hours each in high school.
ours too
exam starts, I ate, drank coffee and read the whole exam for 1 hour :P
the length of a usual lecture
yeah, midterm exams were notably shorter
it was the least stressful time in the entire highschool
like "I have got 6 hours to answer 10 selected tasks perfectly here"
@AndrasDeak no, kanelipulla, or we call it "korvapuusti", earslap :D
the exam is national and the grades are assigned using gaussian distribution out of the whole population
Q: How to install Flask on Centos6?

최원우I want to apply my Flask project on my workplace Centos6. So I followed guide from google to install pip, virtualenv, and flask. but it doesn't work. What I have done is this: 1) http://sharadchhetri.com/2014/05/30/install-pip-centos-rhel-ubuntu-debian/ #rpm -ivh httplink://dl.fedoraproject.or...

I'm not sure what happened to make them go so far off the rails, but wow.
@WayneWerner downvoted the answer: "it is better to use virtualenv"
Yeah, I was super confused by that... I think they were as confused as the OP
I read the dude's question. Such a mess ...
@AndrasDeak Because self-deleting an answered question is a form of vandalism. And a common tactic of homework cheats.
Back shortly (it's dinner time).
@WayneWerner they did do the get-pip correctly
that is the pypa repo
I guess it is a copy-paste error
httplink://, though?
@WayneWerner must be some copypaste thingie
Ooops - does anyone know how to sort a pandas dataframe using a lambda or something? Cause this person is trying to sort a string column that contains partial numeric information: stackoverflow.com/questions/39590055/…
becuase it comes in pip output as well.
i.e. sso_1000, sso_1500, sso_2000, sso_500 and they want sso_500 to come first, I believe
@Ffisegydd this guy said he used it for things like db transactions - if there's an implicit transaction object then use it, otherwise make one and add it to implicit scope
And also he said it's a good idea to make a custom mini-object to wrap what you actually want, to avoid clashes
But yeah, it did seem like a niche thing; I just came across it fairly early in a tutorial I was reading and wanted to investigate
@PM2Ring OK, but at least that weighs in huge in a question ban; and I find it a bit ironic that we undelete it, when otherwise we'd be voting to delete:D
@AnttiHaapala now that's evil
not working towards an objective set of point limits, but against your peers
no wonder y'all are depressed all the time
childhood trauma
It's called "survival of the fittest"
I can't find it for the life of me, but I saw the results for some A-levels a few years ago, in Romania if I remember correctly (or Hungary, possibly). There was a part in the test where the teachers could give some points fairly subjectively. The global end result of the test resembled a Gaussian, with an anomalous dip just before the minimal points necessary to pass the test:)
everyone tried to push those few dummies across to passing if it was only by a few points
@AnttiHaapala "12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (om nom)", sounds real professional:D
@WayneWerner you'd probably have to sort with a key that's int(elem[4:])
oh, already answered and accepted, nevermind:D
ah, there's no key in sort_values
Yeah, I would have answered but I don't actually know pandas that much
me neither, but it usually has good documentation
my main difficulty is always setting up a dataframe that resembles that of OP:D
@AndrasDeak Fair point. OTOH, we don't want OPs to get away with deleting their answered homework questions, even if the question isn't great. We managed to get the OP to post some code, pity he couldn't edit it into the question body. The answer was originally a code dump, he added the explanation after getting a downvote. I was about to explain to him that he probably got the downvote for doing the OP's homework &/or answering with a code dump, but the question got deleted.
well now it's undeleted, so you can instruct them about the perils of self-deletion
ah you've already left a comment
@AndrasDeak I guess I should leave one for the answerer too.
@AndrasDeak it is sarcasm :D and as we know, sarcasm is about as professional as it can get :d
Yeah that looks so much like sarcasm
because the worst part of organizing a conference in that HTC house on the 2 previous years has been the lunch.
Ah. Do they serve Finnish food?
Don't tell me the dessert is salmiakki:P
no, they serve non-Finnish food that tastes like Finnish food.
and Finnish food tastes like nothing.
All I remember from my short stay in Turku is that every dish had some fish in it
so, I cannot remember what were the dishes, not that it matters, I felt hungry before, and not hungry afterwards.
but it wasn't bad, mind you
@AndrasDeak that's not common, for every dish to have fish
well, I was surprised that my salad had fish in it too, I'm only used to floral salads:D
there probably were a few which didn't involve wet lifeforms, don't really remember
ah, then you should go to vietnam
@AndrasDeak are you a vegetarian?
I didn't say "like", I said "used to"
Fish allergic
I like meat a lot:P Not the bacon-with-bacon way, but I prefer my meals to have meat in them. And I don't really like veggies.
@Ffisegydd said tutorial introduces the implicit stuff before the == operator, so possibly it's not a great tutorial
And I don't have anything against fish as long as it doesn't taste very fishy and there isn't too much of it:P
@RobertGrant The book I sent you is great
I was an ovo-lacto-vegetarian for 3 years just for fun
well it was fun :D could annoy people like "sorry, I don't eat that, I don't eat meat or fish"
then they look at you and... "you?!?!"
the biggest problem was that I gained weight...
I'm not sure what would wound me more: being a vegetarian or giving up milk
I didn't give up milk! ^
I know, I'm just musing
but in Vietnam they have almost-vegan food that is really tasty
I'm seriously thinking about giving up red meat
the only thing the Buddhist and Cao dai do that differs from full vegan food is that they use honey.
@randomhopeful not a big deal
Well, not giving up - giving up, but eating it scarcely
@AnttiHaapala It is for me. I need that big chunk of hard chewable meat. But my teeth aren't what they used to be
+ I get what people mean by cholesterol, now
nah, it is not :D
you just need to use spices
not that my food was exactly low-cholesterol anw during those 3 years
I can't eat plants, man. I really tried to, but I can't. Fries and fresh tomatoes and lettuce are fine but not much else
everything tastes good, except goat cheese and brie and liver.
and vietnamese fermented shrimp paste.
and raw bell peppers
Come on, Brie is the shizzle
@AnttiHaapala Says the man who eats 100 year old eggs...
brie is shizzle
: D
Fine ! More Brie for old randy : D
they're far better than brie
brie is bland cheese wrapped in mould
"Old Randy" should not be a name you aspire to
I don't really like eating mould at all but the taste of blue cheese more than offsets the mould...
roquefort <3
but brie... yuck
docker docs are bad
They're really not.
I also didn't like them at first glance
I have a question
I wanna know how docker deals with duplicate containers. I.E. if the same containers are in 2 different containers' inheritance tree
if you run those 2 containers on the same docker host
From what I recall, you don't have a tree.
You have a list
If that's what you mean?
when dockerfile does "FROM smth"
No wait that's not what you meant.
that tree
I thought you wanted to do two FROM in the same file
What do you want to know about it though?
let's say I have 2 images both have "FROM ubuntu"
what happens to "ubuntu"?
Well it's an image, not a container
does it duplicate ubuntu
That's the whole point of docker and FROM
@RobertGrant Yeah, not quite "Pythonic", I admit. Old RandHop is more like it, I feel.
It caches common images to be used across repeatedly
I gotta say I was thinking about Fizzy when coming up of that meta-nickname because I want to be one when I grow up
@Ffisegydd what if the one is ubuntu, the other is debian? that's the main problem I am having
Hey, I'm trying to move 3 widgets in QVBoxLayout. Does any1 know where I can read up on it? I can move widget, but when I try to move 2+ widgets they dont move correctly.
I either have to write my own images for everything or have different OS images
@Ffisegydd what about the ubuntu itself? Do those 2 containers use the exact same OS loaded in the same memory location?
I think you're confusing images and containers
When you do FROM ubtunu you build a new image on top of the ubuntu image
When you then do docker run derp you're creating a container from your new image
If you do docker run herp then you're creating a different container from a different, new image
ubuntu image is the whole OS right?
Both can inherit from the ubuntu image
I don't know if it's the "whole OS"
In the sense that I don't know what's included
But it's enough for the OS to get going, if that's what you mean
ok some part of it, for inherited container to run, it has to load the OS right?
It creates a container based on the image
That container will contain the OS code
alright I am confused, let me read the docs again
don't want to waste more of your time
Let's say you have two images that both inherit from ubuntu, right? You've created two distinct images. If you run both of them, they will create two distinct containers.
Those containers will not share computing resources, even though their images have a shared parent.
ah ok, that was my question
Because your modifications (in your Dockerfile) might change part of the OS code, so they can't trust each other
They will share disk space resources though, you only have to download ubuntu once
yeah got it
thanks a lot
No worries
Once you understand it, it's pretty simple (and makes sense)
Can't have two containers using the same underlying process, as they may do things that break the other
yeah docs say that I shouldn't run 2 processes in the same container but having different OSs for nginx and uwsgi makes no sense to me
Well, docs say one thing but people do the other :P
I'd definitely say that you use a common OS to cut down on memory space
In production it's a good idea to have one container do one job (UNIX way and all that)
But I've built containers that have everything in them for demo purposes, that way I can give an image to my tech lead and he can run one single container that does everything for demos.
Not good for prod, but easier to run (one command)
I guess having them in different containers is more flexible. I can later on add more of whatever server I need.
Exactly, or you can scale them out horizontally by adding more containers on different computers
Or you can tear one container down if it's malfunctioning and bring a new one up, without tearing down all your services
And you can network them together so the containers can see each other across the network, but from the outside can't be accessed
yeah the only disadvantage left is the memory usage I guess
@AndrasDeak iltalehti.fi/uutiset/2016092022345131_uu.shtml here the hero (in blue jacket) is mauling some security staff at a soccer match. The members of parliament from the Finns party have published statements saying that "the victim was at fault for taunting such a fearsome guy in a public square."
Eh. Memory is cheap.
@AnttiHaapala "lol"
@AnttiHaapala Scientific calculator only, cheatsheet was allowed to be made (for formulas/equations) but one had to memorize a few at least due to time restraints. I definitely do not remember having to memorize the density of tin
@Ffisegydd yeah, now that I think about it, it makes sense. It just felt really weird to have different OS instances of different processes :D
guy got a lifetime ban to football matches...
@AnttiHaapala Here there were payed thugs of one of the government's oligarchs who prevented a politician from submitting their own referendum suggestion to the authorities, physically hindering him while a government-friendly person submitted the proper referendum suggestion
@khajvah You can generally get extremely minimalist OSs, like alpine, that mean that the overhead is severely reduced
@JGreenwell yeah, we were not allowed to make our own cheatsheets, only one standard book with absolutely no markings allowed, even with highlighter, only one's name was allowed.

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