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@corvid What I would do is, before writing any code, document in great detail exactly what collision-detection and other such things entail. If you can't articulate what they entail, then you put your foot down and refuse to implement them.
I suppose this is in violation of Python's breezy quick prototyping philosophy, but a good craftsman uses more than one tool.
@BhargavRao cbg
Cbg, BR.
hmm, I had a new datastructure idea for python.
a doubly-linked list, implemented properly
and in C
all the other implementations are naturally wrong :D
@corvid This might give you some ideas: Force-directed graph drawing
But... But... O(N) indexing.
Morning cabbage.
I had a dream last night in which I thought @MorganThrapp and @tristan were part of a terrorist plot, but it turned out Morgan was just attending a friend's memorial.
@Kevin the thing is, in a proper linked list insertion, deletion and so on is O(1), but no one ever writes a C structure that does this, for arbitrary python objects.
@DSM Well that's a relief.
I don't think I do insertion/deletion often enough that the O(1)-ness of it would be attractive to me
bead of sweat drips down forehead
my solution would be to have LinkedList('forwardattr', 'backwardattr') written in C, where the forwardattr and backwardattr are just 2 random attr names
@DSM The mysterious "package" they keep talking about "delivering" is actually just a casserole for the post-memorial potluck.
@DSM powerful dream
@Kevin Yeah. Writing code for a new business from scratch has exactly this as an extreme peril.
@DSM Wait, was I the dead friend?
Tristan's terrorist plot: first, be dead.
Wait, also, how did you imagine me in the dream? Was I my avatar or was it just a vague concept that you knew "was me"?
It was a very unusual dream, mostly because it was one of those very realistic ones. I can still remember the artwork at the memorial, which took place in a university lecture hall. Morgan was on stage as part of the ceremony.
At least for me, commander keen has much more innate tristanness than the man in the little facecam square from that one Fallout stream.
@tristan: as Kevin says, it was game-head tristan. Well, not just your head, but that's what you looked like.
@Kevin The third one is coming up soon! I think I know most of the buttons and spent 30 minutes learning the little base making system.
I'm also curious to know what I looked like in this dream.
Scary statue me? Or beard and kitten me?
Much like you do now, although for part of it you were in disguise. As if you were homeless, pushing a cart containing stuff you were going out of your way to hide. Which I think was the wine and beer you bought at the store where I ran into you and tristan.
This all made sense at the time, of course.
...Yeah, that sounds like me.
We went to a wine and beer store? Yeah this is starting to sound like a premonition of things to come.
I've always assumed I'll end up as an alcoholic hobo, so no surprise there.
Is it possible to make a property object subscriptable? Example other.my_property[5]
I currently get TypeError: 'property' object is not subscriptable
alcoholic hobo sounds better than sober hobo
@jakebird451 Sure, it just needs to implement __getitem__.
I always find it reassuring that I have beer and wine at home and yet it sits there while I think "yeah, I'll have some milk instead," or maybe "this diet ice tea is really tasty".
> I like to think of Jesus like a dirty old bum.
> And he comes up to me, I'm about to sock him one 'cause he's a dirty old bum.
> Then I said, "Wait a minute, I better not sock this guy.
> Somethin' special about him." Yeah.
> And it turns out it's Jesus.
Angels unawares, as they say.
@jakebird451 erm, you're doing it wrong
@jakebird451 you'd never do anything with a property object itself
@MorganThrapp Its a property though, so how would I get a property entity to inherit __getitem__?
so sounds like an xy problem
@jakebird451 I think we need an [mcve]. You shouldn't ever be interacting with a property object directly.
Grrr, why don't magic links work in chat. :/
@MorganThrapp: a wizard did it.
@MorganThrapp feature team is busy trying to make that documentation money
@MorganThrapp magic links?
A wizard did a half-ass job of it, so it works on the main site but not chat
just relative links on stackoverflow
(shakes head) Never hire someone you can't fire. Like a wizard, because he has magic missiles.
@MorganThrapp What do you mean by "interacting with a property object directly"
@tristan True that!
I thought that was ultimately how you used properties
Wizards only participate in capitalism because it's funny to them. They don't need food water and shelter, because those are second first and fourth level spells respectively.
@jakebird451 Your property should be returning something.
@jakebird451 Post your code or what you're trying to do and maybe someone can help.
If you hire a wizard, they'll probably get bored and turn you into a newt.
But yeah, that.
Off topic question: say that you wanted to buy movie tickets for next Monday. Would you expect the workflow to be "select movie -> select date" or "select date -> select movie?"
hey guys, just thinking, the most starred item on the starboard is about a room owner being promoted to a role wherein they'd be actually doing even less python. When do we get anyone become a CPython coredev or M2BDFL or something like
@tristan select date -> select movie
if both do not work, it is going to suck
@AnttiHaapala When someone decides to put in the effort to become part of Python core
because the discussion always goes like "hey, how about we go watch a movie tomorrow?"
and then "ah ok, which one?"
@tristan Wow, got it. I was setting a property object to the object instance itself instead of to the class.
See, I'm the other way around.
and it is like ... "oh shit here be 1000 films, which ones they show on Monday."
There's normally only 1 or 2 movies I'm interested in seeing, and I don't care when I see it.
@tristan: in my experience my date usually has her own opinions on which movie to see, so date first.
@AnttiHaapala thanks yeah, there's a subtle "weirdness" in my site's workflow where selecting a date and a time may filter out locations/things you're interested in because there's no suitable reservation at that time, but showing all interesting results and then going time-based may be disappointing if there are no available tickets/reservations
@tristan Movie, then date. I usually go to movies long after they've premiered, so there's a very good chance the thing I want to see isn't being screened any more. If Civil War isn't available at all, I want to fail out of the workflow as fast as possible.
@DSM Oh, nice. That's a whole other business.
I don't want to go "well maybe it's not available on Friday, I'll check Thursday and Wednesday just to be sure"
Though I see now that you're talking about booking for a specific day, so I guess it makes sense to do date first.
I'm glad I asked -- if nothing else, getting differing opinions suggests that I'm not totally out of touch with how others plan things
both flows must work. Fortunately there are only 2 venues in Oulu.
both websites support both readily
I think for your specific use case, the date first might work better, just because the user is already in the mindset of "What do I do for this specific day".
but the truth is it has been almost 60/40 for "which date first" or "which film first" this year, for our family
Yeah I saw both.
What if there was a little switch above the results that said "plan for [now]" vs "plan for [datetime]"?
@tristan would work, but then it is just that the default view would be the dateview for today, and not showing the past times
@AnttiHaapala I'm never showing past-date results, but yeah, it would mean "for today/ASAP"
and make all movie names clickable links that would open a view that would show the "this one is shown at all these times" with infinite scroll + datefilter.
@AnttiHaapala interesting, i'll do something similar to this
thanks everyone
@idjaw shit, I read "web-based standalone app for linux"
@AnttiHaapala "Skype for Life."
yeah... rather "Run for (your) Life"
@idjaw so I guess the "web-based standalone app for Linux" is the reason why nothing reportedly works on it.
^^ it's the reason our whole department unified with our fellow Linux users who had problems and moved to slack
we're happy with our slack overlords
slacks is nice
much superior to hipchat, imo
I do like slack.
and... the travesty that is SE chat, hahahaa
I like to slack
what would be even better is if I can integrate exchange in to my slack so I have a personal channel that just gives me emails so I never have to open outlook either
though the direct reply to is such a nice feature
and do outlooky things in slack too. like reserve a room, etc.
See, I'd rather go the other way. I prefer thunderbird to the slack client, so I wish I could get slack in Thunderbird.
@idjaw well you could...
@AnttiHaapala this?
@idjaw do you have non-free levels?
doesn't the slack meail integration work?
@AnttiHaapala Unfortunately, no. We are still using free.
I'm guessing the paid model allows this
Maybe this is more of a reason to help justify paying for it.
I am pretty much hopeless
in this one organization of 70 that I am doing part-time, I am the only one having issues with Shype for biz, Offlook and Jammer... not to mention Scarepoint.
paid slack is crazy expensive
^^ that is why we still haven't moved to paying. It's just way too expensive for how we use it right now
@idjaw Wow, there's a sopython slack channel o_O
and the 10k is more than enough :P
That's the Dark Council for sure
Yeah, we thought about moving to paid slack, but then we decided we wanted water instead.
@BhargavRao what a weird link
truly amazing. my mind is blown
@idjaw Just so that you know, Copy a slack channel's link in a private browsing session and share the redirected URL. In that way you don't disclose the name of the slack group.
Yeah...I wasn't paying attention to details on that one =/
weird that you registered that slack channel
what slack channel?
And nobody was about to realize that :P
what slack?
whiskey is delicious
C'mon idjaw, you're slacking.
So are cookies
Mmmm, whiskey.
I always forget there's a slack channel.
I always forget.
I don't much like slack
@DSM is there? is it active? I should join it
@enderland It's not active (in channels that you'd be able to enter)
which could be due to the fact that there's no real command line access to it
We have an RO channel in there that we use to talk about you.
Plus there's gitter, which is free
In other news, painkillers and an egg is not sufficient breakfast.
Gitter is pretty bad.
and Rivyr? Ryver? River?
glitter. I put that $#@* on everything
Gitter has github flavored markdown - which means you can do tables ;)
Feb 2 at 11:14, by Ffisegydd
@tristan replied. I agree that that Bhargav guy needs to be gotten rid of.
hides in a corner
^^ that's my corner, go find another.
runs behind the ninja puppy; realizes that the puppy is too small
Fizzy takes out some hot sauce....Bhargav has nowhere else to run to
We're becoming a mini worldbuilding.se
Just in time!
Phew, 3 secs were left for editin
@WayneWerner and gitter works from my IRC client
@AnttiHaapala Exactly - irssi FTW
Interesting point of fact - it's really easy to disassociate from Twitter if you're just reading through in irssi
(hooray for bitlbee!)
It's easy to get addicted because of all the shiny
but the content isn't really all that impressive
that's what I love about command line - you have to have compelling content
Trying to find out what it is exactly about IntelliJ's indexing that is so resource intensive. My fan always goes off really loudly when it happens.
Heh. Probably building the database?
@Shelter, No SIR! I did not bother searching anything, I thought first step is to ask on Stackoverflow and get suggestions from Shellter about what needs to be done. Thanks for the tip. The reason I mentioned is "cron in my only optio"n is to get someone speak of an alternative tool — Doe J 20 hours ago
Not sure if Markov bot or just terrible communicator.
> and get suggestions from Shellter [sic]
Like... wait what? Do you think that Shelter == SO?
I think it's supposed to be sarcasm.
Fun fact: the first IRC server, or irc.oulu.fi of Universitas Ouluensis, says it is located in Unixverstas Olutensin Finlandia Vodka, which means: Unixworkshop Beerfirst and the last two words should be apparent
Or are you trying to flatter some random person on SO?
As in, they're saying "Yes I searched" (but I'm terrible at it and refuse to put in the effort)
Oh, that could be. Wow, that interpretation never crossed my mind lol
Setup AHK so that CTRL+=, CTRL+> inserts => — Wayne Werner 12 secs ago
The call of the snark was too strong
AHK... ahhh so great
I used that extensively when I was on windows
it's seriously too hard to deal with =>? really?
I pretty much never did. Though I do wonder if it would have worked well for this process that we had that was quite literally insane
(Oh, IKR? =>? I'm pretty sure the entire process of writing that question was worth all the => you'll ever type in the rest of your life, but OK)
@JonClements why am I the one who keeps defending your answer?
Because you are not impressed.
@davidism I'm just ignoring it for now - feel free to do the same :)
There were a bunch of these applications that computed rate tables for different shipping companies. We manually went through the applications so we could load the rate tables.
Delightfully we charged $60/hr for the privilege
+opportunity cost
Q: Convert 2 digit year to 4 digit python

kyreniaIs there an elegant way in python to convert a 2-digit year to a 4-digit one (i.e. 99 becomes 1999 and 01 [or just 1 if it is an integer] becomes 2001). I currently just use a lookup dict (i.e. {99:1999, 0:2000, 2:2001}), but wondering if three is a better way, whcih doesn't require a dictionary...

It's not helped by the fact that it's an impostor Kevin misunderstanding the op over and over again, something the real, pure-hearted Kevin would never do.
I love the title of that question
I'm not sure if I want to see the process that turns a 2 digit year into a 4 digit python
Also, what does a snake look like with 4 fingers?
@idjaw like, wtf, where would you use => in Python
Well, Google Images says it's that
Oh yeah, nice find! Hammertime! :D
Congrats on ya hammer
I love the noises pugs make when they sleep. Our office pug is fast asleep and doing a snore/whine/snort thing and it's adorable.
Heh. Nice :)
My wife <3's pugs
A nice one popped up on the local Facebook yardsale for pretty reasonable - like $150 or $200 or something?
(papered, of course, because who in their right mind pays more than vet fees for a dog without papers?)
itertools is a cool package
@enderland no, it isn't
oh. it lets you do a lot of cool things @AnttiHaapala :P
I need this box of kittens in my life.
>>> from itertools.baz import bar
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'itertools.baz'; 'itertools' is not a package
@enderland ^ nitpick++
@enderland Here's a cool itertools trick: c = count(); result = [list(g) for i, g in groupby(lst, key=lambda x: x-next(c))], just posted by Moses stackoverflow.com/a/39597329/4014959 See if you can figure out what it does before clicking the link (or testing it :) ).
also, itertools still doesn't have consume
Yeah, that's a bit annoying.
@PM2Ring: I think I learned that trick from Jon, back in the day..
I'd want itertools to have consume that also returned the count
To avoid sum(1 for elem in group)?
@DSM yes
because I am pretty sure the sum doesn't special case ints
so it is slooow
@DSM I've done a similar thing before using enumerate instead of count, but you then have to strip the desired data out of the tuples produced by enumerate.
@PM2Ring this makes my head hurt not being able to focus on it, lol
I'm not familiar with itertools at all (so none of those funcs)
@AnttiHaapala Well, sum uses 0 as the default empty sum, but I guess it could be faster if it "cheated" and used C integers instead of Python integers.
@enderland Oh, ok. Despite Antti's bad-mouthing, it's still a good idea to get familiar with the functions in itertools.
@PM2Ring oh that's slick
@enderland itertools.count is just a generator for producing an endless arithmetic progression. count(start, step) is equivalent to range(start, infinity, step)
@davidism Maybe it's his evil Kevin account?
@PM2Ring I figured it had to be, or the next(c) made no sense
Anyone have advice on generating a WSDL from scratch?
I know I can copy/paste/notepad.exe it, but there's gotta be a better way.
maybe I'm missing something but google suggests a million tools to generate WSDL
itertools.groupby is a fun toy. lst.sort(key=keyfunc); for k, g in groupby(lst, key=keyfunc): groups together all the items in the sorted lst that compare equal according to keyfunc.
A million isn't really a small enough number to form an educated choice from so I'm asking a room full of professionals.
Isn't more based on what tools are ou using that can do it for you? For example I remember when using eclipse it had a feature that generated it for me
you should base it off of how to do it from your toolset
I remember doing this for WADL too I think
If I have multiple git remotes, can I selectively push files? Eg, I want master to have all the files, but the other remote should only have the files for deploying.
I'm currently trying to find Visual Studio's way of doing this but it's a long road littered with google queries like "What is ASP.net?"
Nice : D So nice
I'm pretty sure we have a WSDL here at HugeCo but it's always been the responsibility of someone other than me
@MorganThrapp nope, unless you want to maintain 2 separate branches. I'm going to guess you'll really want something like git-annex or git-lfs
@MorganThrapp not without separating your commits/branches
@QuestionC have you tried checking WSDL when your service is running? It might just be there?
Ah, alright. Oh well.
Something like that
I'm trying to remember my WSDL days
The model of development I was taught was to make the WSDL, then use wsdl.exe to create machine generated code for the service. Sensei was kind of a dud though, so I'm thinking he taught me backwards.
maybe that is the way. I'm just spitting things out from my "once upon I used this" part of my brain.
Hello friends! I have a question about vectorizing dictionaries. I am using sklearn dict vectorizer. Am I supposed to convert the dictionary values to strings prior to using the vectorizer? I have some floats as values...
@PM2Ring and a dictionary would do this faster:D
@PM2Ring I wasn't badmouthing, I just proved that it is not a package :D
In [3]: %timeit deque(range(100000), maxlen=0)
100 loops, best of 3: 1.94 ms per loop

In [4]: %timeit sum(1 for i in range(100000))
100 loops, best of 3: 6.95 ms per loop
fun fact: deque maxlen=0 has been optimized to efficiently consume an iterator without other side effects
Rhubarb all, Bit busy
I might get through this meeting without having to say anything. success_kid.png
This is one of those "the grass that stands out most gets cut the most" deals
I made it through a 9:00 AM meeting this morning without saying anything. Made me happy, although also made me think it would have worked if I'd come in at 10 like I usually do..
I've been working in Delphi all morning. I miss Python. You know what I miss most? A freaking hashmap/dictionary. Delphi does not have a native hashmap.
Tonight is going to be a scotch night.
(now wondering if "deal" meaning "thing" is universally recognized slang, or something local to my cultural bubble)
Wiktionary lists its diminutive form as "US Slang" so I guess it's semi-universal.
what about "thang"?
I mean, I definitely grokked it, but I'm in a pretty similar culture bubble to you.
Should've gone with "jawn" which is apparently chiefly Philadelphian
"jawn" is an interesting jawn.
Huh, never heard that one.
why do recruiters say "I have this C++ job, you look like a good fit for it", when I have literally a month of C++ experience?
I just use "potato" as a general interchangable noun.
Or verb. Or adjective.
@corvid do you wonder why people that work at best buy try to sell you things?
cooked lunch steak. completely rare in the middle, but i already cooled the pan. looks like i'm gonna roll the dice
sometimes yes, "You casually play video games on PC? you look like you could use a PS4"
@corvid Maybe you have other qualities that make you a good programmer regardless of your skill at a specific language, which are invisible to you but not others?
cause recuriters think that's enough to learn it @corvid
it's almost like it's a commission-based sales model
also they don't care as long as you get to interview
rare in the middle is correct @tristan
i mean rare, rare on a 3" cut
steak tartare then ;)
As I understand it, the bad stuff you want to kill with heat tends to accumulate on the surface, and has a hard time penetrating to the interior.
Compare to ground beef, where the act of grinding disperses the bad stuff everywhere so you need to make sure even the middle is cooked
i'll just drink extra whiskey later.
yeah, alcohol will kill everything
Yeah, and with ground beef, there's a chance for the producer to mix in past date/non-salable cuts
also have to take the prep tools into consideration (knife is easier to keep clean then a grinder)
haha, as if grinders/slicers get cleaned
And one ground beef patty might contain meat from N animals, making it N times more likely that it contains foodborne illness, compared to steak which comes from exactly 1 animal
Lesson: eat only steak, forever
I used to grind my own meat cause it was way cheaper for good quality stuff and tasted better (even texturually)
I should get the grinder attachment for my stand mixer.
sucked to clean
no matter how "easy to clean" the marketers tried to pretend it was
just soak a sponge in detergent and grind it to clean
My stomach has gotten to the point where I may need to stop drinking entirely, so I guess I actually have to get a meat thermometer now :/
Now trying to determine the power set of Tristan's stand, 「Mixer」.
Whoops, I'm doing it again. When's that pipe organ going to get here?
{kitchen, aid}
oooh, interesting. power setting, gives the idea for meatbread, meatcake
The combat applications are obvious.
ha ha yeah, totally, but just in case we lost Kevin M on that one...what do you mean?
"these pies are delicious"
haha oh, you mean make my enemies into meatbread. dark!
Yeah p. much
it is lunch time
Howdy. I'm looking for pythonic opinions :) I want to count the number of items from a list expression and can do that with len(), but wonder if there is a "better" way of doing it. So nowlen([a for a in my_iter]
len([a for a in my_iter]) gives the number of a's made. But is there a "better" way?
I'm inclined to do len(list(my_iter))
Q: Getting number of elements in an iterator in Python

user248237dfsfIs there an efficient way to know how many elements are in an iterator in Python, in general, without iterating through each and counting?

Are you doing anything interesting in my_iter? If so, just increment your counter when thing_happens()
@ShawnMehan we just discussed it above
assuming this means a finite iterator
yup. thanks. Tristan beat me to the count with my poorly worded question. I am doing something functional in the list expression. so i want to count
sum(1 for i in iterator)
ahh, sweet
thx, antti
that's a way
but it won't help me here methinks. here i need to do something.
usually when programming, one needs to do something
more specific example: [user.make_active() for user in User.query.filter_by(type=4)]
so i wish to know how many users were made active
so len() is giving me the count now. just wondered if there was a "better" way
db_users = User.query.filter_by(type=4)
[user.make_active() for user in db_users]
I thought of that, but erred on my len([list_expression]) as it seemed more ... elegant...
sorry, cat knocked over trash can
but might have too much "implied" in it
@tristan you can't take the length of a query like that, you'd have to call .all().
yeah, i missed the .all() in my example, my bad
I make no assumptions that User.query... is django ORM or sqlalchemy
not tristan
len([thing]) will be 1 no matter what.
ah yeah, you have to do full flavor list()
stupid python, not magically guessing what i want
Or use tee like the answer @vaultah linked shows.
@ShawnMehan wat
that's abuse of a list comprehension
code doesn't have feelings

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