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i'm working on a music based thing where i need to get information about some audio, like freq spectrum, also possibly place filters over audio at selected band, then get power at a certain freq.. etc..
and i find the conceptual requirements for working with the DSP stuff in for example numpy to be a bit much
does anybody know of any libs or whatever that solve such a problem
@user5797668 i assume you've googled, tried some popular ones, and ran into an issue?
i've tried
what comes up is a lot of hardcore dsp stuff
2 hours later…
How is everybody?
I'm a Python 2 newbie looking to chat and collaborate with other python aficionados, both newbie and more advanced.
@SeanValdivia Welcome to the SO python chat Sean! =] You can read up on room rules here if you're new to the chat.
@Karin are you always here now? :p
@NinjaPuppy I try to stop by every now and then, but I tend to not stick around for too long XD was last here 9 hours ago haha
I'm not sure how to feel about revisions like this: stackoverflow.com/posts/39340345/revisions
To me that kind of code editing in a question I disagree with.
You shouldn't refactor someone's code in a question
me too =\ and the guy then edited my answer half-way to match the edits he made...
yeah that's ridiculous
his edits should be rolled back. That shouldn't have been done
I feel like foo is a worse name for a list than list1 too >_>
cbg @AnttiHaapala
tbf if(x%2==0) always did bug me..
it is
@user5797668 yeah it should be if x & 1 :P
@Karin I rolled it back. Feel free to rollback your answer
and on that note I should have been in bed 2 hours ago
can anyone help me with FIR filters?
not me :D
@IljaEverilä might remember something
i'm simply trying to implement some bandpass filter function and i find the mathematics involved to be way over my head
but i think i may be able to scrape by just enough to get this bandpass to work
@idjaw thanks! done
Q: Why cant PyBrain Learn Binary

EvanI am attempting to get a network (pybrain) to learn binary. This my code and it keeps return values around 8, but it should be return 9 when i activate with this target. from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork from pybrain.structure import * from pybrain.datasets import * from pybrain.s...

so i have a concrete example of a filter failure if anybody knows dsp
what i end up with is pure distortion
@user5797668 sampling rate is not Nyquist f.
"For example, audio CDs have a sampling rate of 44100 samples/sec. The Nyquist frequency is therefore 22050 Hz."
ah sorry :P
I thought you were passing in 44100 as nyq...
naturally one'd need to know what you pass in for low, high
so if i do y *= 0.001, i begin to hear what seems lkie the properly band passed signal..
i may have to do 0.0001 as the filters output seems not normalized
filtered = butter_bandpass_filter(data, 200, 300, 44100, order=2)
filtered *= 0.001
wavfile.write("audio/windowedsnippet.wav", 44100, filtered)
however regardless of whatthe low and high parameters are it should output sensible dynamic ranges
@Ffisegydd word up
@holdenweb I see your job ads have gone live :)
cbg folks
Cabbage :-)
cbg cbg
cbg cbg cbg
@user5797668 The range is sensible, but the data type is off; you're probably reading integer sample values, but after filtering you get floats. They still have the same range as the original, but as the data type has changed to float wavfile.write gets confused. It expects floats in the range [-1.0, 1.0], but you're probably passing it values in the range of thousands.
ah great
hadn't thought of that
i will look into it
maybe you could help me with onset detection
So, either normalize the filtered results, or cast to original integer type.
i've been looking through libraries for a while and found this one called modal
Sorry, but I've no experience with that
the installation is throwing me for a loop. it seems it is programmed in c++ and an API in python is offered. so it has me doing all the cmake and python setup.py stuff
is that common in python?
@user5797668 I've used echonest api in my past life
though it is an online API...
well onset detection seems well solved
i've used a few so far.. aubio, a popular one works fine, but it operates on files
I am not sure what they do now, I used them to find beats
yeah echonest also works on files
what i'm doing is a lot of constant filtering and detection, essentially to convolve over features in different bands and ... well.. do more stuff
so i'm trying to find one that operates on arrays
not files
it seems modal does that.. but the isntallation process is more tedious than 'pip install foo' for instance i don't know cmake lol
@user5797668 it's got setup.py
im doing that now
i presumed it needs c++ as well and the python is a binding..?
ah yeah...
anyway i ran python setup build / install as sudo
which OS are you using
and i def see it in my site-packages
but import isn't seeing it!
i'm on el-capitan
well you need to do the C++ library too...
i did all that
i got cmake and all the deps and its in my path now
last thing i wanna try it running setup.py IN the sitepackages dir but i can't find where it is
setup.py is not installed
how do u know
like, in general.
how do you know it isn't installed
also what is installed..
nvm, busy now, ask a question on the site with enough detail
i see the egg in site-packages so it seems to have worked
nice, speed record of 4G networks in Finland, 1.9Gbps
i'm on 1-5mbps ;)
@BhargavRao o/
did you go see intellipaat yet
Nope, Going today at 8:30pm IST
remember to take some photos :D
like, intellipaat hq:
Haha, I will try to. But I wanna remain as inconspicuous as possible there.
Just act like a normal interested student
or the main office:
ah of course not inside :D
Yep, I will try to get some photos
@BhargavRao good that you don't have a good photo
like, if I went there and said "I am interested in some python courses"
they'd be like "wtf, aren't you the guy from whom we've copied all of our material" :D
@Karin What idjaw said. The edits to the question text were ok, but changing the code was pointless. Even if the OP uses list as a variable name, the usual procedure is to tell them why that's bad (either in a comment or your answer) and use a better name in your answer's code. FWIW, you can @ping the author of an edit but you do have to type their username since the system won't auto-complete it for you.
@AnttiHaapala Haha, Epic. Imagine Martijn's Ninja doll walking upto their office :P
@BhargavRao I am reading about Royal Challengers :P
quite a spread in salaries :D
The Cricket team?
Yeah, they make a lot of money.
not all.
I am wondering, the foreign players, this rookie is listed earning $15000 a year, but...
Travis Michael Head (born 29 December 1993) is an Australian cricketer, currently contracted to South Australia and the Adelaide Strikers for domestic matches. He made his Twenty20 International debut for Australia on 26 January 2016 against India. He made his One Day International (ODI) debut on 13 June 2016 against the West Indies. From Adelaide, where he played at underage levels for the Craigmore Cricket Club, Head represented South Australia at both under-17 and under-19 level, making his debut in the National Under-19 Championships at the age of 17. He went on to play 18 under-19 One Day...
Good morning [ :
how does one play for 4 teams at the same time :D
I'm hearing his name for the first time
@randomhopeful Morning \o
@BhargavRao signed this year
This year the IPL clashed with my project demo dates. So I did not follow.
(or must be some other reason, But I did not see the league stages)
paid 15k/year, moving to India, would earn more in any job in australia, like cleaner, dogsitter :D
so I guess they consider it as a big opportunity
Bit afk, will bbl.
not many would come to play ice hockey to finland for 5 times as much
@BhargavRao ah nvm :D actually they do come for less :P
nice I got rid of all globals
Yo @BhargavRao [ :
@khajvah that's a good start
Now I need to fix my cache and I am all set
I hate the fact that I explicitly have to clear keys in cache when editing
it makes it ugly
@khajvah which cache?
I have one on top of redis
implemented my own
now when I save smth in db, I have to explicitly tell it to clear
Here we go again. A simple query that is PITA in Django
btw @JGreenwell eventhough Martha is the least favourite among all the companions, I think she has the best musical theme -- it is just elegant, sensual and full of sadness and joy at the same time -- all-in-all: very classical woman like :) (I'm listening to the OSTs, and just got to Martha's theme, that's why the late thougt :))
@PeterVaro cbg :)
@khajvah I'm curious, what is it?
@RobertGrant Query over 3 tables with ForeignKeys and ManyToMany field
dunno how to explain
It doesn't let you do that even when your relationships are set up correctly in the ORM?
@khajvah join the dark side of sqla
Sorry, you said PITA, not not possible
yeah I don't know how to do that actually with one query
Wow, what a coincidence! Two users named Taryn posting almost identical questions. stackoverflow.com/questions/39343687/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/39344990/… ;)
@khajvah Lots of __'ing I'm guessing :)
bbl phone calls to make
Hello, this is Ninj... err... Jon speaking
@NinjaPuppy that or a lot of .somfunt().someother().yetanother().damnanother()
the problem is I have to "start" from a table that I don't really need
so the result is returned as instance of the model that I don't want
[cv:pls] off-topic/unclear: stackoverflow.com/questions/39343687/…
User also posted same exact question from another account.
I've given up on the windows console because of its unicode 'support'. I'm going to give ConEmu a try and see if it gets rid of the encoding headache that is Python and codepage 65001
@Aaron3468 wghat's codepage?
@khajvah letters/text is stored on a computers as numbers. Codepages tell the computer how to read those numbers into letters/text for us. Unfortunately, there's 50+ different ways to read numbers with a few common ones.
@Aaron3468 what's wrong with Python?
utf-8 is the most useful codepage; it is a compact representation of unicode, which includes nearly every language and symbols like emoji. But on windows, cmd doesn't support utf-8; codepage 65001 is supposed to be utf-8, but it's glitchy. Python doesn't support 65001, so some programs crash because Python defaults to an 1252 encoding, which can't show utf-8
as far as I see, Windoze is the problem
Install Linux
So then you get UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 49-50: character maps to <undefined> all over the place until you place a .encode('utf-8') on literally any text being output.
command line applications shouldn't exist on windows anyways
Windows has so many programs and games I rely on that whether or not I develop on linux, I need at least one windows machine. And windows is a thin wrapper over a DOS backbone, so it's pretty much the epitome of a shitty command line application
@Aaron3468 I wouldn't call it a thin wrapper but yeah command line sucks
cmd is especially poor, because it's so tightly coupled to the system that pretty much everything else on windows is built on top of it
@NinjaPuppy yeap 5 __s did it
@Aaron3468 poor excuse
I play on linux, but then starcraft 2 is the latest game that I play :P
works pretty ok on my 6 year 7 year old computer that wasn't even built for gaming, and ubuntu 16.04.
I shoot zombies in left 4 dead 2
works great
everything else can be run in virtualbox
last windows game I played was Limbo, but that even ran on wine
@Aaron3468 and are you using Python 3?
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, I've moved to Python 3. Windows still has a few games and programs I rely on that are not in a unix environment. Particularly EA games...
hi good morning friend it is my example code dpaste.com/1PTJYD1 , i have pass arg is "first" means First object will call if any other arg means Second object will call but here is only call Second object only i have ref this stackoverflow.com/questions/14206015/… please help
Don't get me wrong though, it's getting much better and a lot of the support is there.
@Aaron3468 starcraft 2 is a windows-only game...
@Antti this just in: the new history books for 5th graders are in the news. There's a quote from Orban in 2015 when he said that immigration is bad because Hungary is culturally homogeneous and he doesn't want to change that (lol on multiple levels). And among other manipulative features and Orban-worship, there's this in the book: "The most important attribute of left-wing politics is radicalism [as opposed to right-wing]" :D
there is also GPU passthrough for near native performance on virtual machines
@AnttiHaapala please help me
@ReeganMiranda why are you pinging Antti with that?
@ReeganMiranda have you read the rules?
Sorry ....
sorry team member....
why are 2k people watching this?
and get excited every time a car is passing
the internet is a beautiful, strange place
livestream on youtube, that's new to me
Wow, I saw a car pass!!
it also fails to load for me
why people seems to have a feeling of connection when there are terrorists attack?
@AndrasDeak Oh, we watch Ice Hockey championships live here! We watched Suomi vs Kanada last time and @Antti was the host. :P
I wonder what color the next car will be. I bet blue or red.
it's like twitch plays pokemon without the playing
BLUE! idk. I'm pretty into it now.
it is like watching my windows.
the first time I needed to allow googleapis through noscript
@AndrasDeak nice
It's strange that the town would put their town security cameras up on youtube -- seems like an invasion of privacy
damn 3 cars
lol the chat is funny
In Finland the word "Town Square" means something else, not a square-shaped centre of a 4-way crossing.
suomi mainittu torilla tavataan, Oops, I should say that when a non-Fin says it.
A town square is an open public space commonly found in the heart of a traditional town used for community gatherings. Other names for town square are civic center, city square, urban square, market square, public square, piazza, plaza, and town green. Most town squares are hardscapes suitable for open markets, music concerts, political rallies, and other events that require firm ground. Being centrally located, town squares are usually surrounded by small shops such as bakeries, meat markets, cheese stores, and clothing stores. At their center is often a fountain, well, monument, or statue. Many...
well, if you quote it, then you can say that :D
Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan! FIFY
guys this is getting intense, there are alwasy a few cars passing
"why are 2k people watching this?" gets 3 more people to watch it
shit just got real when a bus passed
The people in that chat are really crazy :D
@BhargavRao yes... but that means we're all normal to each other :)
Haha, Yeah. We don't get excited when a bus passes ....... Oh, there's a garbage truck!
Well, pup may try to chase it down the street
@tristan Nope, He chases only postmen! :D
cbg all.
Any other better dupe for this?, the linked post is certainly not a dupe.
@Withnail cbg \o
I haff returned from my mega-holiday
not that anyone noticed. :D
where'd you travel?
The room was without nails :(
Glad you're back!
All over the Balkans, Hungary down to Macedonia and Montenegro.
@tristan I only chase parked cars... hurts my nose though :(
Hmm, flashing red signals on a crossroads (sorry, intersection) are a new one on me.
Here, they flash the amber ones.
Red means stop, then go. Yellow here means "go cautiously (don't stop)". Typical configurations at a four way stop here are "all red" or "red in one direction, yellow in the other", with the latter being used when there's enough visibility and a low enough speed for that to be safe.
my linkedin page is miserable
I have 2 connections
I have 0
I have no linkedIn page
You can have my junk ones if you want.
I registered out of interest when M$oft bought it
That seems a weird piece of logic
Awful company X buy awful product B - registers for awful product B.
they paid lots of money, I thought it's not aweful
I have five or six hundred connections, but probably only really know like three hundred something of them
here it is blinking yellow as well,
I doubt I even know 300 people
in real life
blinking yellow == the same as no light.
@khajvah that feeling when you meet a stranger, then ask for their name and they say they're your facebook friend :P
Haha. Almost as bad as 'oh hey, I follow you on twitter!'
@AnttiHaapala I never have that feeling :(
Same, because no Facebook
I have 180 friends in facebook
so it's easy to remember all of them
@AnttiHaapala Lol, Blinking yellow means "proceed with caution" (what tristan mentioned) :D
It's not same as no light.
@tristan \o/
@BhargavRao No it means go as fast as you can, as it's dangerous
and +1 blinking yellow here
There was a meme on 9Gag about traffic lights. Lemme see if it's still there.
it surely is
as 9gag works with the same 500 posts, last time I checked;)
9gag is terrible
unless you like cat gifs
who doesn't?
This one, It's the same in many other countries also :D
the middle and top one are "ripe green" lights here
@BhargavRao it was like yellow when it just turned red in Armenia before they put cameras on every crossroad
Many traffic accidents here, occur because of overspeeding when the signal turns yellow.
Isn't India one of those "OMG don't drive a car there if you want to live" countries? Like Egypt?:)
and France
Basically everywhere that's not the UK, Germany or Scandinavia, ime
@AndrasDeak I drive a car, I am alive
I went to Sweden once. I went to a pedestrian crossing, no, just thought about going to the pedestrian crossing, and the cars stopped to let me across. I didn't know what was happening.
(@AndrasDeak I spent a few minutes while out jogging in Budapest shouting 'Ön András?' at people, to no avail)
@BhargavRao still alive*
@Withnail lol:D although it's a common name;)
@Withnail also, I'd add the caveat that you shouldn't be a pedestrian if you want to live in the UK
@AndrasDeak terrible you can cross from wherever you want in here
when the ped lights blink, drivers are already putting pedal to metal
@AndrasDeak But yeah, Nobody gives a damn to the rules coz 1. The fines are tooo less (100 rupees, cost of car is 500000 rupees). 2. Less police officials (thanks to cameras, their work load has decreased.)
6 lane street- no problem, just cross from the middle
@AndrasDeak well just don't cross the road then!
yeah, don't be a chicken
That's where you're going wrong. Just stay on your urban island surrounded by traffic
Trufact - this is why London invented the Tube, so people wouldn't have to cross roads
underground place for crossing just 5 meters away- naaaah, just cross from the middle
nods sagely
@AndrasDeak Same in Halifax, NS. I was surprised as hell. I stopped at the crossroads to take a pic, All the cars stopped too :D
yamming tourists
so @Withnail you weren't mugged or anything, I hope?
Nope! We were only there for a couple of days, but felt as safe as ever there, really. Have to say, I kinda preferred it in Winter, although that might've been because we landed when Sziget was on, so there was a lot of "BRO" happening.
hello, i was wondering if there is anyone who develops multimedia applications
@Withnail oh, yeah, that's not good for one's comfort zones:/
my question is about restream some rtsp stream
just ask your question
Got stuck on the train (holy hell that was slow) next to the DULLEST english guy going to Belgrade after Sziget, chatting to other long-term travellers about long-term travelling and going to festivals while long term travelling, and I just wanted to end myself after 7 hours on that train. :|
chatty extroverts are the worst travel companions
especially if you didn't volunteer
yeah I figured:D
was there air conditioning on the train?
He quietened down after my kid piped up "Why is that man talking so loudly daddy? He should use his indoor voice, shouldn't he?". pats head
the question is general
Yeah, but they turned it off when we stopped at the border for 90 minutes.
haha, good kid:D
@AndrasDeak Nice. I don't talk at all. is it ok
^^ best traveller. Read your book, look out the window. Sit in Awkward Robot Silence for 9 hours.
exactly, like proper people:P
@Withnail Ob Monty Python reference:
I can't talk about anything to a total stranger
although @Withnail himself must have been a risk, with a kid...
Same here.
But hey, I am going to Intellipaat today! I need to make notes about what I need to speak there :S
@AnttiHaapala ------^
good luck, it was nice knowing you
there are very very few people though that I can communicate with even though being strangers
Sometimes I'll just say "sorry no english" when people talk at me in public/on transit
Sorry, I'm deaf
Yeah, I'll be sticking with mine.
Heh. After nearly a month of travelling, I can say conclusively that my kid travels better than 95% of grownups. Mostly he just reads. I have trained him well.
good little nerd:)
I also have the tendency of becoming a nasty person when traveling for too long
I choose night rides, Only bcoz, people will be sleeping.
@Withnail Yeah, I'm planning on raising my kids, if ever, into being comfortable with their own thoughts (not flee silence) and reading books. How did you initiate him into that ?
If you don't read books, See what'll happen next
@randomhopeful don't let them become too silent
like me
@Bhargav I'm forever grateful to sleeping passengers on long rides whenever I'm driving.
I sometimes sleep when I am driving.
Emm, good question. I'm not really sure. Both of us are fairly inclined that way anyway, so I guess there's a dual bit of nature/nurture happening there - we model it even if it's not genetically there, sort of thing. Have to say, screen time is super minimal though, which (warning:anecdata follows) seems to contrast harshly with my nephews who are terrible at being bored/entertaining themselves.
@khajvah Well it depends, if they're silent because they're socially disinterested or can't gather enough courage or vocab to speak, that would be a failure. Otherwise, one less noisy human is always nice : D

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