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could you please suggest me, what am i doing wrong?

it's marked with '#split of loops'
I'm wondering how many languages say "proba"
@AndrasDeak thankfully they didnt added probability instead, would be a lot of typo errors :D
oh it's short for probability:D
@AndrasDeak yes
for j in range(5):
spot the difference ^
@AndrasDeak sorry, it was a typo. It's j and still the same issue.
are you sure?
@AndrasDeak yes, i cross checked it now again
but did your output changed compared to the typo version?
And with two screenfuls of ipython output you still failed to specify what your issue exactly is. Are scores and scorez supposed to be the same but they're not?
I don't want to sound mean but your MCVE is just an E
: no, the output is still different
here is the edited version of notebook with outputs: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/38fa99d45b3f8b8548b64209816cef5e
@AndrasDeak i am really sorry about creating trouble for you and taking your time...
So without knowing sklearn, here's my guess: I'd think that when you call _.fit with _ in rf, lda, lr, you train it. So why should you expect to get the same result if you keep probing your model during training step by step, compared to when you've trained it fully, and finally asking it what it will predict?
isn't scorez[:,j] constant with respect to j, with that column being the same as scores[:,-1]?
haha, yes it is:D
so there you go
@AndrasDeak : ah! but once the model is trained, i can use a new test data anytime
Consider the thought experiment: there's guy1 with a stopwatch, and guy2 who keeps asking the current timer state from guy1.
Scenario 1: stopwatch is running, guy2 asks guy1 5 times about the time, gets 5 different answers.
Scenario 2: stopwatch runs, guy1 stops it, guy2 asks 5 times about the time, gets the final time 5 times
@AndrasDeak nicely explained, makes total sense
and yes, in my completely limited opinion, you first have to train your model, then use it
ideally you have a training set to teach it; a testing set to verify how well you taught it; and eventually your actual data you want to classify (with fingers crossed)
being busy just looks up long enough to add Andras is right and fit just runs a randomized PCA on the data (one can use a fit_transform since default settings are used)
thanks for backup:D
right! i am using this stack of different models to get a better result, which is working now with scores. But the whole algo keeps re-training itself whenever i give a new test data.
is there a way to separate these two?
i also tried saving the classifiers, but that too gives different results
So, a few suggestions for future hopeful-non-reference, @tourist. An MCVE should be M for minimal. Your gist has a buttload of irrelevant stuff that's garbage to whoever is looking at your problem. Even more so since you're loading data from a csv that's unavailable to me, which kills V for verifyable. Your MCVE should contain the few lines of import, two calls to numpy.random.rand to generate X and y data, and the loops causing the problem. You would've seen the exact same issue in that MCVE.
I know it's not always clear what's relevant and what not to a problem, but don't tell me you'd expect your problem to be related to load_data and compute_features
That is referred to as Model Persistence but you are making a mistake about what fitting does
also, if you do put together an MCVE, do it in a py file, that I can just paste into my terminal
@AndrasDeak certainly, i will keep these things in mind from next time :)
thanks, please do
technically the first one is an answer to your question but the second link answers your actual problem
I'll pretend that this is the first time you're running into communication difficulties here when asking for help...
@JGreenwell solving X and Y in the same sentence, smooth;)
I find myself doing that a lot more often now-a-days
thanks for the links, i tried saving my model in a similar way- 3 diff classifiers > rf, ld, lr, and then loaded the models and used on just scores. but the result is still different.
could you please suggest me what am i doing wrong while saving my classifier?
don't call fit or other training-ish stuff when you just want to test?:P
the fact that your result didn't change in the second loop shows that testing won't change your model
Speaking as a layman, testing should not change the state of your model. Assuming that the sklearn guys agree, and considering your confusion that JG noted, I'd wager that you're not (just) testing when you think you're testing.
@AndrasDeak i am not doing any training stuff, scorez is just doing predict. The results change in my second loop on the same dataset.
How? I saw n equal columns in your second dump
also, there might be some randomness involved in the estimate (test)
@AndrasDeak please check the print values for scores & scorez: gist.github.com/anonymous/38fa99d45b3f8b8548b64209816cef5e
read the first answer and whether cross-validate fits (hint it does not) so recalling fit is not redundant
he's not talking about training; he's talking about testing
or she
print scorez

[[ 0.00169747  0.00169747  0.00169747  0.00169747  0.00169747]
 [ 0.00166103  0.00166103  0.00166103  0.00166103  0.00166103]
 [ 0.00165279  0.00165279  0.00165279  0.00165279  0.00165279]
 [ 0.49512769  0.49512769  0.49512769  0.49512769  0.49512769]
 [ 0.49270901  0.49270901  0.49270901  0.49270901  0.49270901]
 [ 0.49066809  0.49066809  0.49066809  0.49066809  0.49066809]]
yeah, they're totally different columns
yes, my results are acceptable with scores, NOT with scorez.
i am just doing this split to save the time of retraining data on every time i give a new dataset.
Laters everybody [N :
@tourist I must ask you to garlic take your time and learn about how machine learning works before trying to use it.
@randomhopeful rhubarb
@AndrasDeak true, but this is a part of my learning task :)
Don't expect us to spoon-feed you with the very basics of the tool you're trying to use. The fact that I am baffled by your lack of understanding is a horribly bad sign (see my recent discussion with JGreenwell about my not knowing any machine learning). At least after my previous comments you should start to think for yourself and wonder about what exactly you're doing with your code.
see also this and other sources of folklore
@AndrasDeak : agreed, i will spend more time on the brushing up my basics.
good luck
@AndrasDeak sorry for wasting everyone's time here, i learned new things and some good rules too.
it's never too late to improve:)
good night, all
5 hours later…
@DSM that's strange, in Finland no one really needs to "predrink" for a bachelor's party...
Hi @AnttiHaapala
I can't do concurrent read in sqllite db.
pool = Pool(processes=10)
If I increase the processes to > 1 , it shows malformed db error.
@AvinashRaj are you simply reading from it
or did you also create it?
@AnttiHaapala only read operation...
Hmm, That's quite slow.
Still 68,000 left.
any idea?
Morning all
@AvinashRaj what i mean is that did it exist before
why oh why
"I am new to python"
print "Hello world"
from now on I will start downvoting all newbie questions that use Python 2. How can they be well-researched and useful if the OP decided to use Python 2 :D
umpteenth time "my repr oh why thou not unicode"
@MartijnPieters that pineapple_essence69 must be a troll...
who comes up with a user name like that :D
@AnttiHaapala I had to look up who you mean; didn't even look at the name of the poster of that question..
@MartijnPieters hehe impartial moderator :D
What do you do when you are 8 stories up, have a laser pointer, and see some dogs on the street below?
@AnttiHaapala isn't the international state of pre-drunkness the baseline in Finland?:P
@AndrasDeak you're very correct, sir.
However bachelor parties are the exception to the rule.
@MartijnPieters Make a video and add silly music? :)
Dear OP. Your crappy data file format bears little resemblance to any actual CSV file format dialect, so why do you give it a .csv extension? stackoverflow.com/questions/39189324/…
@PM2Ring Makes you wonder what c in csv stands for in that example...
Person who wrote that parser clearly has nothing to do with down-stream analysis of the data.
@PM2Ring because it is enhanced CSV. Who wouldn't want #######A Result:######### delimiters to split out row groups?!
@MartijnPieters Fair point, I don't know how this isn't the standard yet.
At first, I thought that maybe it was tab-separated, and the tabs got converted to spaces. But that theory doesn't work because the column widths are all over the place.
@PM2Ring delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True should handle variable-width whitespace delimiters.
@MartijnPieters Sure, but those section headers are still a PITA for a normal CSV reader. The file format is pretty easy to parse, and I've certainly parsed far worse :) . I just object to the sadly common practice of using "CSV" to refer to text-based data formats when they aren't directly parseable by standard CSV tools.
@PM2Ring I don't disagree :-)
@PM2Ring and... the person who thought that comma is a perfectly valid separator for numeric data when half the world uses that as a decimal separator should be [insert your favourite punishment here].
@AnttiHaapala Fair point (pun intended). I guess you can blame some American. :)
Morning all
s/decimal separator/decimal mark/
And in that half of the world that uses . as the decimal mark we use comma as a thousand separator, so comma was a pretty dumb choice for a field separator.
ooo... new gold badge... happened yesterday but didn't really notice... not a bad start to a Sunday :)
@NinjaPuppy Congrats Puppy :-) Party!!!
@thefourtheye can't always stand by when my evil twin has more rep and gold badges than myself can I :p
@NinjaPuppy Nothing can stand in the way of a Ninja Puppy, who is also secretly the Doctor Who :D
@NinjaPuppy not dst-safe :P
@Antti nope :) Didn't intend it to be :)
one thing that I love about Europe is the multitude of beers, wines and cheeses
@thefourtheye That's be an interesting regeneration - Dr Who actually turns into a puppy... :)
@NinjaPuppy Even the Daleks cannot hate him then ;-)
@NinjaPuppy Congrats!
... and sausages <3
@Antti? And why ping Martijn?
@NinjaPuppy we just answered a q by that op 1 hour ago :P
hmm "I am new with Python" - user has asked a Python question 10 months ago :D
Typo or Cannot Reproduce django wsgi.py cannot recognize settings file - banzai‎ - 2016-08-28 10:05:10Z
Too Broad Image recognition: how create pattern? - Tehada‎ - 2016-08-28 09:53:57Z
No MCVE Python code won't run? - samuel‎ - 2016-08-28 09:37:04Z
Your question is missing a question. — Antti Haapala 5 secs ago
@AnttiHaapala heck - I'm still "new" - I'm still learning :)
how can someone upvote a "question" that doesn't even have a question.
is there a simpler way to rewrite this
x = [key for key, value in data]
y = [value for key, value in data]
data is a dictionary
>>> d = {1:2,3:4}
>>> d.keys()
[1, 3]
>>> d.values()
[2, 4]
Oh, data is dict........
KISS Principle
@BhargavRao prefer list(d) for keys
Ah, Yeah. That too.
Eh. If you're using it with d.values() then prefer d.keys()
cbg anyway
As it's explicit and they're complimentary.
complementary? :P
@FlorianMargaine .keys() and .values() return lists in Python 2.x - in Python 3.x they return view objects - iterating over a dict return its keys, so using list works for both
@Andras both.
@NinjaPuppy ah, right, python3.
Python2 is the best. (Hoping that Antti is not there)
yeah im using python 2
Well that's your first mistake.
In any case, I'd say that d.keys() is better when used along side d.values()
@Inthuson Hey, That previous message was sarcastic.
@NinjaPuppy the fact that list(d) returns the keys and not the values is not obvious
unless you're Dutch
@FlorianMargaine maybe - but you can't argue it's not exactly as documented...
that's a terrible argument, broadly speaking
@FlorianMargaine although it's great to see you here, what brings you to this neck of the woods - I thought I was in the wrong room for a moment :p
cf. EULAs
@NinjaPuppy ah... what's your older username that I know?
It's not exactly hard to guess :)
@Inthuson What type of object is data?
I'm getting old, memory is fading
oh wait, data is a sorted dictionary
Puppy from the lounge?
and when i printed it
it gave a list containing tuples
For those who need some help --- normalhuman.github.io/oldusernames
I am trying to create a histogram with matplotlib and some x,y coordinates
@FlorianMargaine There's 19 moderators... it's not hard to guess who changed their name... :p
If it's not a dict but a list of 2-element tuples, my deleted answer will work:P
@NinjaPuppy mods come and go
In [13]: x,y=zip(('a',1),('b',2))

In [14]: x
Out[14]: ('a', 'b')

In [15]: y
Out[15]: (1, 2)
(and even less hard when you consider there's only so many active in chat...)
mods come and go, But puppies remain forever.
@Inthuson In that case, something like:
data = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
x, y = zip(*data)
print x, y
('a', 'b', 'c') (1, 2, 3)
Jul 21 at 18:11, by Andras Deak
@JonClements pupternity
sorry, I don't see who you are
thanks @AndrasDeak @PM2Ring
anyway, I'm here because I've been doing python lately, so, well
wait, I'm missing a splat operator...
@FlorianMargaine read the message above yours
oh, yes, I put the arguments there manually
nevermind, just see what PM wrote
@FlorianMargaine welcome to the "light-side" - is there actually a "light-side"... anyway - welcome to the non-dark-side? :p
@NinjaPuppy py2 :(
in the land of fucked up scoping
@BhargavRao ah, thanks
FWIW, in Python 2 zip returns a list of tuples, but in Python 3 it returns an iterator. However, x, y = zip(*data) still works in Python 3.
yup, that's what I was checking, hence not the splat version:)
@AndrasDeak the x, y = does the unpacking... so on the RHS you can have any two-tuple iterable
try x, = iter([1]) if you really fancied :)
@Florian I hope you're having to use Python 2.7 at least?
cool, thanks:)
@NinjaPuppy yes
moving to python3 whenever possible, but some large libraries have only added py3 support in the last year, so we couldn't really help it
Missing the curly brackets yet? :p
I'm mostly missing the parentheses
I'm a Lithp guy
(x) = ((((([k**2 for k in range(10)])))))
I know it's not the same:P
definitely not
these days, I mostly enjoy C though, but really because it's the only language able to do what I want
i managed to unpack the values but when i use pyplot.hist(data) i get a pretty messed up random histogram
eventhough data is just a list containing values
(say, not-super-painfully)
@Inthuson data was different 5 minutes ago...are you sure?
And what do you mean by "messed up random histogram"? Do you know what it should look like? How can you tell it's not correct?
@AndrasDeak And errr, what did you think throwing a load of () around stuff would change? :p
all that said, I really like python for all the domain-specific battery-included libraries
@NinjaPuppy make Florian less homesick
@Florian it's a great get stuff done and very quickly language
@NinjaPuppy I mean, not necessarily for that, but rather for the "don't reinvent the wheel you don't know a lot about" kind of thing
(although you have to carefully choose your libraries sometimes...)
e.g. find me a library that can do atomic writes on a file
(most of them don't fsync)
(and none of them fsync the directory)
but you can - libraries are meant to assist... not make such choices
sure, I mean that if you want atomic writes, and a library has a method named "safe_write", you expect this to work
a good example is this library that is supposed to be "stdlib on steroids"...
can't remember the name
@FlorianMargaine it might be expected but does the author of the library guarantee such behaviour?
son is waking up from his nap... bbl
take care and hopefully see you around a bit more :)
Howdeeho [ :
hi de hi!?
True different instances same class, I believe
Hi, random.
I forgot to mention before: I'm seeing that gravatar bug with Inthuson's avatar. The large ones are mustard yellow but the small ones are red.
@FlorianMargaine atomic in what way?
1 hour later…
Weekend cabbage.
Woah, @Morgan Your beard looks like your hair and vice-versa
Hahaha. It's funny, it does in that picture. In real life, my beard is bright red and my hair is darkish brown.
Nice pic tho :)
Cabbage everyone !
Guys I cant' find the right thread number to use
when using 100 threads sometimes the programe takes 6 sec and seomtimes 15 sec ...
Use the 42nd one, that's the best.
That's the best :)
Joking apart, I am not sure of the initial problem, So I can't help much. Sorry.
cause it is THE Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
@JGreenwell "it fit my model". I guess they don't get the "science" part of "data science". :) In science, you're supposed to try and show that your model is wrong. If it survives everything you can throw at it, then you can't say that your model is correct. You can say that it's useful. For the time being. It's not "data art", where you try to come up with convincing stories that make your model look good. :)
Exactly! :)
Hi, folks! I don't know whether it is the right place to ask my question. How can I write a web application which enable users to have video chat with each other over HTTP protocol?
I mean technology stack and libraries or all the terminologies which help me research further?
Google First
There are tons of tools to use
one last night had a lot of gaps and needed to study more - must know what "fitting" is. Which I mean as what fitting data is and why it is done not what sklearn.fit does (though should know that too)
@HFA When you are unsure of the place, then see the room rules! sopython.com/chatroom
@JGreenwell Unfortunately, many people coming from a business background just don't get the whole scientific mindset. And I guess that applies to those in politics too.
yeah, the CS majors here are definitely in the business leaning over science (not necessarily bad just different focus) and that tends to hit the ones who try and switch to data badly.
Particularly the ones who just think the term data scientist is "hot and sexy"
It is hot and sexy :P
I will admit to my wife wearing just a lab coat and high heels once - so certainly can qualify ;)
@JGreenwell Yeah. It's hard enough learning how to use sophisticated tools properly as it is. But when you don't really understand what those tools are for it can be very confusing. And when people try to explain stuff to you there's a good chance that you'll misunderstand it by trying to shoehorn it into the incorrect perceptions that you currently have. When reading through last night's transcripts I got a strong feeling there was a bit of that going on...
@AnisSouames can you please tell me some of those tools? I would really appreciate that!
@HFA It's best if you do some research on the area.
That'll give you a sound understanding of the area.
@HFA a ton of tools means just that: there are a huge amount of tools. Go forth and research, gain knowledge, then ask based on gained knowledge
Rather than relying on some stranger's opinion
@Ffisegydd I have came across WebRTC, Red5, Janus, Kurento , ...
@HFA HTTP isn't really suitable for video streaming. Take a look at RTP. You can do some pretty interesting stuff with rtp using ffmpeg, and there's tons of info on the net about using ffmpeg for that sort of thing.
@HFA well Flask if you want to keep things clean and minimal, django if you're willing to work with a larger framework,
Requests for APIS
Like I said it's ton of tools (DB, Video Compression....)
dang, both people last night. I had forgotten about the wolfram person
Guys If I have 2 core cpu, how many process would be the best ?
Using just two is slow
@JGreenwell Yeah glad I missed that.
@Anis why not test it and see?
I wasn't going to touch that with a 1000 ft pole once I looked at the data he posted
why do people not understand how to make random, or controlled manual/auto, data to determine model validity and better make MVCEs?....other then its hard I guess
I tried, with 6 processes it's the best
And what research have you done on the subject? I just googled around and found some quite interesting articles on the subject.
@Ffisegydd But I'd like to know whether I can use a pool of threads in side each process in pool of process ?
Hey, Tristan. Streaming today?
@MorganThrapp I am! 1pm. DOOM again because we must be at the end
@tristan Awesome! I'll be there.
Good, I'm glad :)
@tristan Yeah we're on the final level or so.
What do you want to watch if we finish in an hour?
Just you.
I played cities skylines for 13 hours yesterday
Time is a vacuum
@Ffisegydd My understanding of these setups means I should go get an anime outfit and ramen to eat on camera?
I will sponsor the shit out of your patreon if you do that.
let me grow out a full beard and sign up for patreon real quick
tristan is eating ramen and cosplaying for $3.61/mo
You can borrow my beard for the stream.
I'll mail it.
But only if you do an unboxing video.
i'll wash it before i return it, thanks
unboxing of a box of hair :|
lol @TTIP :D
Germany’s Vice-Chancellor said in 14 rounds of talks neither side had agreed on a single common chapter out of the 27 being deliberated
Americans being stubborn I'd beat
we're like that :P ;)
Microsoft disabled searching for Office templates and models from its website, only if your version has the option to search for models online you can search through templates like a sire
@JGreenwell I'd wager it's on europe being european with their demands (not in a judgmental way really, but last i heard, it was "wait we have to do work to make money from this?" holding it up)
@randomhopeful I assume you can still use their free template site directly and download then load from disk - still odd (wonder if it is a bug....wouldn't be the first time)
I guess @IntrepidBrit would be happy, but now of course that Brexit will happen, UK will undoubtedly make something similar.
yes, blame Europe! but not Britain cause that's not Europe anymore ;)
> President Hollande said he would "never accept" the deal in its current guise because of the rules it enforces on France and the rest of Europe – particularly in relation to farming and culture – claiming they are too friendly to US businesses
"Campaigners have said previously that the UK may end up with “TTIP on steroids” if it does leave the EU."
"may end up with" wheee fear mongering
if you're not in the EU you're going to be bleeding out in hell, uk
@JGreenwell you assume right and it's not a bug, that's Microsoft's idea of being competitive and paid functionalities
i'm allergic to the strategies of making free stuff a gateway to paid stuff, that's all
yeah, MS has also done the "Oh, you can still do it but we want you to go through a few hoops in order to do it if you are using a lesser license (they don't have free)" so also not surprised - also don't care in this case cause it is such a minor inconvenience compared to other problems and (this part) is a valid model if annoying
the fact that you cannot use a bibliography file at all online is my biggest pet peeve - having to update references by hand all the time makes me use LaTex even in reports I will eventually have to do in Word
@JGreenwell you're right about the concept of lesser licenses, the extra effort for peasants and the more alarming problems
@tristan you gotta appreciate the karma that hit ie after the browser wars
heya guys
@randomhopeful yeah, google made sure they locked that down. i think google is well on the path of being microsoft-level of control, if not more so
hey idjaw
cbg @idjaw
@JGreenwell the more i read about latex, the more i like the idea behind it
@randomhopeful it's awesome
incomparable to office
although I'm biased, I write science, and my statement holds in that context
Hehe, LaTeX is the most beautiful thing that you can ever lay your eyes upon.
<programming languages.gif>
@tristan that's true. i hope they'll improve their revenue models before they unleash their inner dickishness
Yeah that ^
@AndrasDeak i already rely heavily on macro, when using word, because i'm tired of their wisiwyg which should be what you'd like to see is what you'll never get
then go latex:P
it's wonderful, Donald Knuth is a genius
(Leslie Lamport is also pretty good:P)
it's on for switching to latex, then. yet another step to forsake my previous overlords : D
@randomhopeful what, you don't like the "we are your friends" model of selling your data and providing you with products that grab more of your data?
@tristan Haha ! i'm dreading the guilt i'll feel once i'll stop helping Microsoft improve its products' quality
Just resist to Change All The Things™ when using latex, it does all the heavy lifting for you.
leave typography to the compiler:)
i'll keep that in mind [ :
rhubarb guys, Sunday's over for me.
rhubarb, @Bhargav
take care
having that bored moment where I don't know what to do, to the point that I am refreshing the same three pages I keep visiting.
@idjaw Yup, sounds like my weekend.
@idjaw we're going to play violent video games and talk about that in 10 minutes if you're still bored
@tristan any vague idea for the kind of game after doom?:)
dang, idk. i meant to think about that, but warmed up with cs:go
I'm tethering off my phone...limited data and no gaming machine here :(
i think i'll hop on FTL after (if stream ends within 2 hours) and we can decide for next week
I meant in the long run, I probably won't be able to make it today anyway
(we're at the in-laws...)
note to self: piss off father-in-law by bringing gaming rig next time and take over the living room yelling out obscenities ruining the beauty of the wilderness
lol do ittttt
fuck nature, bunch of trees and relaxation
definitely lacking the serene hum of headshots and panic attacks
I started playing DOOM again.
Am up to the level where you go for the Crucible.
no one tried AOE II HD ? it's awesome
@randomhopeful gets back, sees ping, and sees that the "Joys of LaTex" have already been explained
@idjaw I swear I yell more obscenities in the "wilderness" then anywhere else
that area must not be that wild
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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