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@AndrasDeak Another copy-paste on 9gag. I saw it first a few weeks ago :D
@AndrasDeak It even has a linesman's :D I'd love to see that being used
@BhargavRao reposts, reposts everywhere
Hey can anyone take a look at the training data - spreadsheet and suggest me the best model for prediction - drive.google.com/open?id=0BwUusXozWAMjaWVWbW5PczVlU3M
@wolframalpha Are sure that the data that you just linked can be shared with others?
yes obviously !!
BTW I have preprocessed, cleaned and one hot encoded the training data into a DataFrame , even there is a ready-to-go working template (running) to test out the models - I just need some guidance here to improve the current accuracy(60)
I think you might find better help in the Stats room if you want the best model for prediction.
haha, the close to empty !
That's besides the point.
I don't know what BFSI is, but it looks like some kind of qualification thing.
Maybe you should be doing this yourself, rather than asking for help from strangers off the internet.
Isn't the motive of the SO to help and guide others
Here's the link to the stats room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/18/ten-fold. Read their rules before asking.
No, actually it's not.
@wolframalpha Nope, It is to create a repo of good Q&A.
That's it.
The motive of SO is to put together a repository of knowledge, if the questions help someone along the way then that's a side goal.
But even if it was the aim to help people, if you're doing qualifications then the aim of them is to test you, not us.
Ya maybe that's why I asked you for a kind of guidance and not the solution
Good luck doing it yourself.
Guidance is still help.
OK ! Sure , that for the help ;)
Hello guys
@Bhargav Rao Thanks :)
Anyway, Tis time for me to get going. Rhubarb all.
I can't understand how Pool.map function work ? does it call a function and wait until it finishes to run it on the next item ?
I don't understand the question, and have you read the documentation and experimented with a dummy example?
Yes I did many times
and what is your conclusion?:)
Basically I want a function to be applied on a list of items all at one time .
define all at one time
that usually won't happen
I thaught that Pool.map could help
map() will make a function act on multiple elements of an iterable
Let's say I got a large list of 33k item and I want to apply a function to every 4 items at the same time .
multiprocesing.Pool.map() will do that in parallel, over multiple python processes
Which one should I choose ? map ? map_async ? I already know the difference but I'm still confused a bit .
why using map over map_async ? that's my main confusion point .
Are you sure you know the difference? You still haven't stated that you understand and need the multiprocessing part of multiprocessing, but map_async comes into play only with multiprocessing (whereas map() is also a built-in)
Okay so basically if I have a list of 30k item, should I create a pool with 4 process in order to apply my function to 4 items at the same time ?
Yeah, you don't understand it.
using map
@Ffisegydd @Ffisegydd *I thought all of you meant it ;) But I guess you are alone
Simplest example of what I mean: you could turn a 12-element list [a[0]a[1],a[2],...,a[11]] into a tuple in groups of 4: [(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]),([a[4],...),...], then use the built-in map() to use a function that takes 4 input arguments on this list-of-tuples
@wolframalpha we all meant it
that pastSnape was a fool. So many ignorant decisions.
there's just no need to redundantly state that Ffisegydd is right
quotes - The motive of SO is to put together a repository of knowledge, if the questions help someone along the way then that's a side goal.
he used the exact wording I'd have used if I spoke English as good as he does ^
and now currentSnape has to fix them at 21:40 on a Saturday night. Bah.
@wolframalpha I don't understand what you're trying to say.
@JRichardSnape um...get drunk and make him suffer together with futureSnape?
@Ffisegydd he's trying to say that your opinion is that of a minority, and neener neener
Ah I see. Well, there you go.
at least that's how I read it
@AndrasDeak Okay, so If I understood your example, the map function will go over each tuple apply the function to it ? so how can I know how many processes to use in the pool ?
@AnisSouames the bult-in map() works on a single process
Nice advice as always @andras. I'm off the booze presently, unfortunately.
multiprocessing.Pool.map is different, and you have to tell it how many to use (unless it has some default)
with 33k elements in groups of 4, I'd use 8250 processes
I mean, if you have that many cores in your processor
I don't
Hopefully it's only a temporary predicament. The abstinence, I mean. The poor decision making of pastSnape is, I fear, permanent.
@JRichardSnape :(
I'm talking about the Pool.map one .
@AnisSouames cool
I could use dummy which use threads .
It has the same API
but with threads
I'm off, because..something:)
good luck with the threads
just ping Fizzy if you need help
(no, not really)
Oooof. You'd better run now - I spy a kicking boot !!
How many threads I can use on a double core pc ?
@JRichardSnape that guy needs to learn a lot of empathy
Ha, yeah, I reckon so
is it a lot of work to be done?
BTW @anis - those two things are not really connected. I would seriously recommend some reading before trying to get more info on this here. You're only likely to get frustrated and frustrating responses which won't help you much.
@AndrasDeak Not really, it's just me hacking around some nasty old code shuddering as I wonder why I wrote it that way.
at least there's that...
consider it like this: "wow, I've grown a lot along the way!"
It's in that horrible state of "well, it kinda works, but I really should refactor". pastSnape even left a few comments to that effect, so he wasn't completely devoid of empathy ;)
The joys laziness of coding for academia.
that's just rationalization
"TODO do this properly" is only enough to silence your guilty conscience
I have 8 TODOs in 44 python scripts right now, some of them say "#TODO!!!!????" :D
Oh yeah, I'm a TODO master ;) Although !!!!???? is a special task in anyone's book :D
@AnttiHaapala wow that's a pretty crappy coincidence
@idjaw number is getting lower
only 100k households without power :P
nice you can see our cable failure on that chart too, elo 26 at 21:00 there is this little rectangular area...
@AnttiHaapala neat. Hard for me to link to it now since I'm on mobile, but there was a power failure a little while ago at the country house we were staying at had a real time update of the status of the broken line and eta of restoration
What planet do you guys live on? Our ETAs are "it'll be fixed in a few days. Hopefully" :P
@AndrasDeak You know I can easily raise that : D
Mister Bill Jesus over here thinks he's worthy of electricity
@idjaw now I found the numbers, in Oulu, 8 % of 110 kV is underground, 63 % of mid-voltage, and 85 % of low voltage.
but then I read that every single cable in the Netherlands is underground...
@AnttiHaapala *underwater, FTFY
@AndrasDeak not yet...
it's just a matter of how you look at it:D
Hi again so I've done some reading of concurrency and parallelism, and I'd like to know whether using map will make it concurrent, parallel or both at the same time ?
Reminder to self, RTFM before just trying stuff out. In this case could've just read that statistics.mean has a very specific support for certain numeric types only.
Though it was fun figuring out why this happened:
In [20]: bl = [True, True, True, True, True, False]

In [21]: mean(bl)
Out[21]: 0.16666666666666666

In [22]: 1 - mean(bl)
Out[22]: 0.8333333333333334

In [23]: sum(bl) / len(bl)
Out[23]: 0.8333333333333334
wat? :D
@IljaEverilä did you try statistics._sum?
what does it return
statistics._sum casts to given type or int, which was the issue
That's why you should use numpy;) Or jquery
>>> statistics._sum([True, True, True, True, True, False])
(<class 'int'>, Fraction(5, 1), 6)
In [24]: statistics._sum(bl)
Out[24]: True
3.5.2 here
On this machine, py3.5.1
>>> statistics.mean([True, True, True, True, True, False])
>>> statistics.mean([True, True, True, True, True, False])
python 3.4.3
@AndrasDeak statistics.mean is probably better than numpy's
lalalalalalala can't hear you lalalalala
rofl :D
(I know, better precision and whatnot)
>>> n = numpy.array([1e50, 1, -1e50])
>>> statistics.mean(n)
>>> numpy.mean(n)
Who the hell sums 1e50 with 1 anyway?
"Issue #25177: Fixed problem with the mean of very small and very large numbers. As a side effect, statistics.mean and statistics.variance should be significantly faster."
Men who just want to watch the world burn?
well the sum of 1e50 and -1e50 +O(1) is 0 for all intents and purposes:P
1e50 still is O(1)
you know what I mean
in this context O(1) is whatever a physicist rounds to 0
so somewhere below 1e5 in absolute value
Temporary cabbage for all.
you know I thought setting np.mean to use float64 would cause it to give the .333~ answer but surprisingly still get 0.0
the problem is that 1e50+1==1e50, I assume
extrapolating from my limited knowledge that eps(1)~1e-16
or something:D
can't even write a list comp right now, so I should not make too definitive statements
>>> np.spacing(1)
I'm trying to type with a two-year old on my lap - so writing anything is difficult right now
>>> np.spacing(1e50)
Late Thursday night I was asked to look into a problem at work. Someone may have made a serious mistake -- although as I try to emphasize when this stuff comes up, no one person can ever make a serious mistake; at the very least there was a failure of process which put someone in that situation -- and cost the firm a substantial amount of money. So instead of predrinking before the bachelor's party tonight, I'm plotting data up in a Jupyter notebook and trying to play detective..
>>> np.mean([10**50, 1, -10**50])
@Antti ^ ;)
@DSM oh:S
ouch, my condolences @DSM
whose bachelor party is it?
@AndrasDeak: my officemate from grad school, who is also my former boss. :-)
wow, sounds complicated;)
at least not your own?:/
sorry to hear that
though pre-drinking before a bachelor party is often a terrible idea - at least the ones I went to and then just have an small chunk of "I don't remember what happened" before waking up in a tree
ah, the elusive technology of teleportation
Heheh, sounds like last night.
I don't remember leaving the bar. :P Made it home without losing anything or getting hurt, so I call it a win.
and rightly so:D
Ehh, I never get that drunk. Some people are fun drunks, I just get quieter and more melancholy when I drink too much, and then very sleepy. So it's good from a health-maintenance perspective, although it means I never have very interesting stories.
"So, did you drink a lot last night?" "Yeah, totally! I left at ten-thirty to sleep."
It depends on where I'm drinking. If it's just me at home, I'll just pass out in front of the TV.
And is it your responsibility in a sense to fix the firm issue, or are you the only one capable of conjuring the demonic planes to succeed?
there was the one where someone dared me to drink a half a bottle of Scotch - which I still regret
cause drinking Scotch when your too drunk is just a waste of good Scotch
Yeah, I did that with cheap gin as a teen. Bad, bad idea.
my relationship with alcohol is well demonstrated by the fact that my main use for gin would be to put it into tonic and find a UV light to make it glow...
We don't even know what the issue is at the moment, and a number of the people who know the most are on vacation. So I'm trying to track it down by interrogating the rather underwhelming log in increasingly clever ways.
demonic planes it is!
also being a DD (designated driver) can get some fun stories - no drinking on your part required
funnest part of those stories is telling the person the next day who was blacked out
<insert mature pun on DD>
drunk and playing D&D is also fun :)
That does sound great. My d&d playing years and my drinking years don't overlap, but I'd love to get back into it some day.
I played some tabletop until I was in my late 20s with work mates and a group in military (great activity when deployed cause it only takes paper) - so there was some overlap
had a house-rule in military one where one could be affected by a condition that caused you to continually become more confused unless cured - which required the player to take a shot ever so many minutes
the network of words to discover and understand is getting denser and intricate, and that's only for OOP through wikipedia and documents
exciting, but gut testing for the least
like wanting a kid but instead of sex you've got to rtfm
I think it's usually the other way around: you want sex and the kid is the side-effect
and I'm not sure wikipedia is the best programming tutorial site out there [citation needed]
Hey! i have a scikit-learn classifier fit and predict in one loop. When I split my loop into two different loops, it’s giving me a different result. Anybody knows, why?
@AndrasDeak I'm done with tutorials
@randomhopeful using videos also helps - esp. if you take written notes - as these add two more forms of comprehension to build memory
I'm reading wikipedia only to find deeper definitions of terms
@tourist I assure you, nobody does.
@AndrasDeak haha!! kinda stuck, its just splitting the loop :/
and places like MIT (and a whole bunch of others) post full lectures online which means you can trust the source and that it will involve depth
@randomhopeful OK, but I'd expect wikipedia to be overly definition-based, which inherently tries to classify things, inevitably leading to pigeonholing (if this makes any sense in English). You can read about how references and pass-by-value work in programming languages, but that might just confuse you when it comes to python.
@tourist 1. it's obviously not, 2. even if it is, are you sure that "just splitting the loop" will lead to the same behaviour?
@JGreenwell True [ : I'm at the point of highlighting passages just to be bothered with redundant sugar in YT that MIT course we talked about, and broad stuff from people who know what they're talking about (rob c. martin, fowler)
if you want to know Python in depth just go through Martjin's answers - he's got a number of gems :)
@AndrasDeak : I looked into it, looks similar to me.
@AndrasDeak wikipedia is the most neutral fact-checkable, term googlable destination I've got. I'm aware for its limitations, but I believe I can work around them [ : *
@randomhopeful OK then:)
@tourist OK
@AndrasDeak would you mind taking a look?
wikipedia is good but only if you follow the references (always check as these are were true reliability and depth lies)
@tourist I'd only take a look if you have an MCVE, and even then I'd have to tell you that I don't know anything about scikit
what is with all the broad sklean questions today?
@JGreenwell now that you mention it, I also have a problem in my scikit thingy. It should foo the bar, but it bazes the frobnic instead.
@JGreenwell Also true [ : And that goes for all of you guys
@AndrasDeak thanks, give me few mins to prep one.
@tourist OK, just make sure that your MCVE still produces your problem (that's the "C" in MCVE by the way)
@AndrasDeak sure thing.
well, partly
"C" = reprodues the problem and is self-contained
is it a fiscal quarter ending again, last time I was bombarded (and I have a few outside SO for today) that was the reason
I'm installing sklearn to demonstrate my good will
I would have thought you had sklearn installed already (then again you don't use machine learning or AI that much it seems and there are other libraries for the more statistical/math stuff)
s/that much/at all/
I'm a neural noob. No, not even that, I know as much as Jon Snow when it comes to machine learning.
@JGreenwell Is the practical research in AI fields focusing on making it as close to sentient as it can be, or some other subtle goal ?
the closest I got to AI was using opencv to find round objects in the output of a simulation:P
you know graph theory, probability, set theory, and logic then are not a complete noob to AI ;)
s/graph theory|set theory|logic//g
in CHATLAB and Talktave, Jun 23 at 12:21, by Andras Deak
discrete maths and I don't mix
@randomhopeful there is research into both but the current focus is more on building back propagation and other such models
after that it depends on the field
@AndrasDeak huh, thought I heard you say something about that field but must have just been thinking about some probability thing or something - my bad Jon Snow :)
@JGreenwell I see a little bit [ :
Probably yes;) And I know about the tensorflow playground, but that's just dots and colours.
If you want to know about deep learning ANN check out Nielson's online book its a good intro
Hi guys. Could anyone help with a little question about Django? There are url namespaces. In a doc (for example the code from docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/… ) i found such var app_name = 'polls' in polls/urls.py. Are namespaces and app_name the same things, i.e. it is the same thing, which can be defined whether in URLConf or in app's url.py?
@JGreenwell thanks
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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