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Getting a kitten cabbage for all!
has anyone worked much with the rotten tomatoes API? They recently plugged a loophole I was hoping to get around :\
new tobacco act in effect here on next monday
Reminds me of a loophole in the boardgamegeek.com voting system. You could rank any game 1 to 5 stars, but if you messed with the page source, you could rank using any 16 bit int.
@PM2Ring the Australian model on tobacco packaging here ^
@MorganThrapp record videos :3
A small group of users discovered this and got Life to the top ten best games list by giving it thirty two thousand stars out of five.
@Kevin So I can rank Tomb Raider 65,535 stars?
(assuming unsigned I guess)
If Rotten Tomatoes uses the same voting system, yes.
@tristan Oh I will. Don't you worry.
Anyone got a dupe target for Python - Fastest way to create a tuple from a list with computations? I'm pretty sure I've seen the debate "what's faster? list comp or generator?" like a million times.
@MorganThrapp Pics.
@Ffisegydd I'm getting it around 1PM EST, so I'll have pics tonight/tomorrow.
No chance of a livestream?
@Kevin not really
@Kevin this is for constructign a tuple
when the real xy problem is "why do you need to do a tuple" :d
I'm thinking something like one of those unboxing videos on youtube, except instead of a new phone inside, it's a cat.
@Kevin I'll see what I can do.
"Will It Blend?"
Early in the video you make a Schrodinger's Box joke, but decide halfway through it's in poor taste
The front facing speakers on this model are quite loud.
The anti-theft toesies are extremely sharp"
do you know what kind of kitten?
@tristan Whatever kind the shelter has.
Something in the 4-8 month range.
Why only 1? Why not 2?
oh, cool. do you have a name picked out?
The GF wants a female cat, because she's scared of cat penises.
yeah, if you have 1 cat, it's almost the same effort to have 2
@tristan Bellatrix. GF is a huge Harry Potter nerd.
Plus, I think that's a good name for a cat.
Gluten free tend to be kind of nerdy, yeah.
Bellatrix Le Strange Cat
Tyrion if it's a boy.
[i used google]
Name your cat Kevin or Steve
Catface McCatterson
@MorganThrapp I mean, there's a practical solution to that., which is generally a good idea anyway...
@Withnail Get a new girlfriend, but I don't think he wants to hear that
You can't name your cat before you see it. How are you supposed to extract the correct name from the collective earth consciousness if you haven't pair bonded yet?
I was going with "Blind her so she can't see it" but tomato potato
@Withnail I mean, we're going to have it spayed/neutered anyway.
Cats only have a 6-12 month lifespan, so what difference does it make if you bond
That's not what neutering does
I thought they took the whole junk off on cats?
Nah, just the dangly bits.
oh, huh.
Yours don't dangle?
Mine clang around
Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?
Classin' up the joint
Hey, we're still talking about pythons.
wink wink nudge nudge.
re: dangling
@MorganThrapp I do not like this, Morg-I-Am.
I don't know what it is. I'm a pretty decent cook, but whenever I make scrambled eggs, I mess them up so bad that I have to suppress my gag reflex when I eat them
ruby is starting to annoy me :| way too much "magic" stuff happening
How do you mess up scrambled eggs? The whole point is that you're meant to mess them up.
@Ffisegydd I do not know. I'm like a painter that can not paint hands, so he always paints them in mittens
That's genuinely baffling.
Misread that message and wondered what an "egg reflex" was.
I could show you, but it'll cost extra.
your pan is too hot @tristan? (that is the common way that people mess up that dish)
Does everyone but me have an egg reflex? Is everyone laughing at me behind my back? I didn't ask for this!
cause it causes milk to curdle and eggs burn or just cook to fast to allow white to rise (i.e. make fluffy)
TL;DR salt before hand and let sit for 15 minutes, then add some milk.
@JGreenwell That and/or too much milk and too much/not enough salt and cook too long/little
Don't stir too much in the pan. Let it cook for a while then fold them gently.
bake them instead
You think I'm exaggerating, but I almost just legitimately threw up. It's not a weak stomach thing, trust me. I eat like a garbage disposal with a food sized hole where self-esteem should go
same mix, whip instead of mix with spoon (with whisk to add air) and like 8-10 minutes in 365 oven = raised fritata like egg-y-ness
@corvid Were you around where I mentioned the fact that you could do some metaprogramming so that 4th+32nd was valid syntax, and would result it 36th?
@WayneWerner Hm, not sure... I just hate how there's no imports anywhere
you can cook scrambled eggs on a high heat but you have to fold constantly and you don't get that fluffiness (have to do that while camping sometimes)
@MorganThrapp No, you shouldn't salt eggs before cooking!
no load or require?
Tristan's next stream should be Twitch Makes Scrambled Eggs. With our guidance, you can't miss!
@Kevin lol. i'd do that.
@holdenweb Read the article, they did a whole bunch of tests and found that you should.
I tend to trust Kenji Lopez-Alt.
@tristan I'd watch it.
@MorganThrapp well, if you really really care you should, but it doesn't really matter
i'll drink peaty whiskey with the eggs too so it enhances the chances i'll spew
"Put your finger on the pan to determine how hot it is. We'll tell you when you can let go"
I don't see any at the top of any files, there's some kind of "autoloader"
Ah. That's depressing magic garbage, no doubt
@WayneWerner Yeah, it's more of "if you're trying to make the perfect egg".
yeah, we're already saying "salt/don't salt" the eggs, so i'm in trouble
@tristan Just drink whisky flips instead.
@MorganThrapp oh, it's just like a hot punch with egg
Personally, I like my eggs just straight up scrambled with some Tony Chachere's thrown on top
@tristan Except it's cold.
oh, so it's like a cold, hot punch with egg
(note, that's pronounced Tony Sa-cha-ree, silly creole language)
Actually, though, if up to me, you also throw in a ton of garlic powder.
I do rosemary and shredded cheese.
I'm going to get food poisoning and die.
my wife, and the discerning daughter both prefer the eggs mixed with milk before hand, though
the whiskey flip sounds like it would be better with only egg white
@tristan That's some other drink that I can't remember the name of now. The flip benefits from the creaminess of the yolk.
Whiskey flip... I think I did one of those in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater once.
I've never had a whisky flip, but I've made a bunch of other flips.
Now the problem comes into focus. It's much harder to cook an egg while you're on a skateboard. Try using a razor scooter instead.
no the yolk adds a lot of flavor to the flip
If the skillet is hot, no problem
Stop making me hungee.
ugh, we're basically back to eggnog with egg flips
i'll allow it
todo: get a santa suit and thoroughly wrecked on eggnog and decorate the house for xmas while the girlfriend is at work
decorate == spew ?
made the wife Shakshouka for breakfast - still one of my favorite egg dishes
oh, i stopped eating. i found a portion that was both burned and raw and decided it wasn't for me
ah man @JGreenwell that is the best
what's your recipe?
shakshouka is amazing. i use a varation of this recipe toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/2010/07/… -- replacing red pepper for orange, and adding gumball sized pockets of mozzarella
@JGreenwell I just made that for the first time a month or two ago. My god that stuff is delicious.
one of my favourite things, so good.
morning guys. Back from vacation!
and we're talking about food
perfect timing
of course we are. we're a pretty food-motivated group
Welcome back, idjaw!
I crush my canned tomatoes (jarred really) for sauce with Worcester (or soy and cut back on salt), little honey, and dash of cumin @Withnail
@Kevin Just cook it on the brake, those things get hot. My bare foot should know.
That's like 95% of what we talk about.
that's why I love you guys so much
ohh, interesting re: worcester. I can see how that'd work, yeah
So far this morning has been kittens and food. It's like you never left.
Interesting recipe that link, we kind of more poach the eggs, than have them on top.
yeah, its one of the rare recipes I follow as it came from mi tia (aunt)
@JGreenwell I got the mental image of you crushing the tomatoes along with the can. Good way to get iron in your diet, I suppose.
> (be careful with the cayenne... it is extremely spicy!).
Mighty food (TM)
@WayneWerner pffft
Whoa, idjaw, someone's trying to take over your turf. stackoverflow.com/users/131100/levesque They're Canadian too.
puts ghost pepper flakes on his food
suspicious that wayne's a zombie.
@MorganThrapp Thanks. Adding him to the watch list.
Intructions: crush tomatoes thoroughly. "Well, what PSI? I need to know which pneumatic press to use."
Not a zombie, I just love hot foods. I used cayenne pepper when I was like, 5.
I saw Suicide Squad last night. It wasn't as horrible as the reviewers made it out to be. My wife really wanted to love it, but she absolutely hated it.
@WayneWerner When I worked at a deli, we did that to this kid who kept talking about how he could handle spice so much better than any of us. So we put ghost pepper hot sauce on his shift sandwich one day. He uh, he stopped bragging after that. :P
Ouch. I love ghost pepper, but I still use it in moderation.
Cayenne pepper I use with abandon
What would be the unit for crushing tomatoes thoroughly? Pascals? Newtons? Joules?
cayenne peppers are tasty, but not hot
@tristan Someone Italian I would assume. Fermis?
Yeah, with cayenne, you only really can make it too hot if you burn it.
@WayneWerner Pathetic attempt. Still crust showing.
habaneros can be - tricky little bastards too; eat one with no heat then second one from same batch is 3 times as hot
Barely any red pepper on the table. What a cheap owner.
I apply my red pepper like that, then lift up the pizza just because red pepper flakes are annoying to chew
You could do a reduce in olive oil and then separate the flakes.
I just pour hot sauce on my pizza - don't like chewing through flakes
Did you hear about the pizza shop owner that hired the lazy tomatoes?
That's actually why I prefer ghost pepper - I can't put enough red pepper on the pizza to get the heat I want and not have crunchy pizza ^^^
He ended up canning them.
@tristan Did he have to tell them to ketchup?
Also acceptable.
@WayneWerner Pro tip: use aleppo pepper instead of crushed red pepper. Tastes very good with tomatoes and olive oil
okay, finally cleared all the Tkinter stuff out of NLTK (....still cannot believe so many had upvotes)
@corvid Mmm, yummy!
@JGreenwell I'm impressed with your tenacity and commitment to examples docs
I hate incorrect stuff - plus I got sick of seeing people with more than 2000 rep from it so started looking for cleaning up (deleting typically) examples
So... I have a pandas df and I want to group by one column, but I want to add or subtract based on the value of two other columns. Like I might do something like this...
I'm pretty sure all our collective hatred of incorrect stuff is being harnessed as an energy source to keep the lights on in SO headquarters.
plus students and peers seem to be finding it (esp. JS) and driving me nuts with their code
stackoverflow is a machine that turns laziness, entitlement, and futile optimism into ad revenue
^ quality code
counts = Counter()
for datum in data:
    if datum[1] == datum[2]:
    elif datum[1] - datum[2] < 0:
        counts[datum[0]] -= 1
        counts[datum[0]] += 1
@JGreenwell I've seen that code
and now imagine that JavaScript knowledge (and jquery/library/framework) comes from SOD and you'll see the horror
You know you're a javascript engineer when you've written more config files than actual code.
Oh boy. There's a bug in this project where it crashes if the user goes to search.aspx before they go to main.aspx. Apparently the front page has some kind of crucial initialization step that doesn't happen anywhere else.
I have a feeling that this is not good web page design.
Should have used JS brah.
"ES6 + bugfixes + cutting out some surprising behavior" would be a respectable language
I've always said (and anyone that finds evidence to the contrary will be kicked) that vanilla JS isn't too bad apart from a few surprises.
When you add ES6 and ES7, it starts to look a lot closer to a real language
Eh. EH.
JS is a lot more tolerable if, whenever I read about a feature that's only available in EcmaScript 2017, I just assume that all of my user's browsers will support it out of the box.
just make the behavior of let be the new var, clean up this, allow data properties in objects, and we're headed in the right direction
Yeah that's browser's fault though, not really JS.
I actually used a Map the other day rather than just bastardizing an object.
If I page someone from chat using @name, can they see the comment?
"look, it's not my fault that my customers don't all have 6gigglehertz processors"
@2501 If they're in the room and you @ the user, they'll get notified.
Also if they're not in the room but were in it recently.
@tristan What if they are not in the room?
No clue what the time cutoff is.
~3 days
How can I get a hold of someone?
Stalking their Facebook
If they've never been in the room, it won't ping them. This is good, otherwise every Kevin on the site would get all of the messages meant for me.
@2501 Do you want to get in touch with an arbitrary user from the site?
Also what does this have to do with Python?
@tristan Not an arbitrary user, otherwise yes
You might be better asking in one of the meta chatrooms, people might have better ideas.
@2501 Post a comment on one of their questions or answers. Preferably on one that's directly related to the thing you want to talk to them about.
I don't see any other option that leave a comment on a random answer of theirs.
@2501 Do you mean someone who is in the chatroom? Are you basically looking for a private message system on StackExchange?
heh....last code I got from someone who used SOD got this message back (we were in hangout chat): j980[pujp;j; j89jp j - it was my head hitting my keyboard
I wish to discuss something, but documentation beta doesn't have a comment option.
If the thing you want to talk to them about isn't related to any of their questions or answers, then it's more likely than not that they don't want to hear about it
@2501 that's because SO doesn't provide a way for users to contact users.
(Thank god)
stackoverflow.com/questions/549/… too broad, oh cabbage why?!
SOD has comment but only on proposed changes
@davidism Good target to move to documentation
@Kevin You forgot examples(tm)
@tristan it was on meta actually.
, which don't have comments.
If direct messaging were possible, then Jon Skeet would get ten thousand pings a day, and he would destroy the site in his righteous fury.
@2501 in any way, is this Python related or related to a regular of this room?
It is related to users of SO.
My grammar is trash lately. I don't know what happened
Lesser Anthropic Principle: tech sites don't have PMs because the ones that do get smited by Jon Skeet.
Anyway thanks for the information.
No worries, good luck
I suspect Documentation was created so SO would get better output from their outrage-powered turbines
Can I have funding for not supporting 2.x?
200k? That seems like not a lot
About time.
A lot of the devs are free help IIRC
@corvid 4 developers part time.
I would think like, two mid-level developers for one year
Patiently waits for KevinScript check
@corvid different economies have different price points for mid-level devs.
I know that some of these core devs live in eastern europe, where 50k goes a very long way.
In UK we write it as "cheque" rather than "check" when referring to the financial bit of paper
Do you not do the same?
I really don't understand that tbh. Like if a developer in Boston gets paid ~$80k, and a developer in Beijing gets paid $20k, why are developers in America hired? Economy is weird.
@Kevin you sure you don't want any code contributions on that? If I helped you wouldn't even need to change the credits
Yeah it's my designated "I get to be selfish and only allow my own contributions" project :-)
It's important to have an outlet for my tyrannical impulses so they don't emerge in regular life
@corvid lots of places are very bad at remote.
Plus depending on the area you may not want remote workers anyway
Also, if you're an Old School manager, the ability to storm down the corridor and shout at someone can't be overestimated.
Or you may not be allowed foreign workers.
@Ffisegydd My perception is, the majority of people in my immediate cultural bubble spell it "check", but if they spelled it "cheque" I would not immediately categorize them as "using the unAmerican spelling"
We should ask @DSM too
He's good for soundings on "NA vs The Rest Of The World" language differences
It's not a clear signal of UKness the way "colour" and "crisps" are
I'm about to have a conversation with the co-founder of an American startup in 20 minutes, I need to clear my accent lest his ears bleed.
Or, as Jimmy Carr says, "I don't have an accent. This is just how English sounds when it's pronounced properly." [paraphrased]
I basically imagine your accent to sound like Josie from Fresh Meat, Fizz.
Ooh, I just noticed some of my debug code made it into production...
while True:
        print "Could not thing!"
No idea who or what that is
That explains the mystery of Why The Page Is Hanging Forever
Ah well :(
Imagine an intricate blend of Welsh, Scouce, and Yorkshire accents seasoned liberally with inflammatory comments and swearing.
That's intriguing. Although any hint of scouse and swearing together is surely tautology. Like 'belligerent scotsman'.
Hi @Withnail
@Bob please read our room rules: sopython.com/chatroom. Don't ping random people. This is not the first time you've done this.
Sorry for the inconvenience...I am very new to linux....and i was facing some problems launching chrome ...trying to sort the problem but could not be able to solve it
@Bob that doesn't sound related to Python
Hey, what do you recomend? I have to python programs, A and B, which I want to run on different cores (so one's performance does not impact the other).
The A program will be a GUI which will be accessing a database and drawing a realtime graph. The B program is something that will be watching for changes a board's GPIO.
Thing is I want to be able to send commands from A to B. I don't know what approach to take...
Not to mention you asked the question on stack overflow 15 hours ago
stackoverflow.com/questions/38861807/… Nothing to do with programming at all. Should be on UL.
@Kelthar I believe the typical approach is to use the multiprocessing module, which AFAIK supports multiple cores and interprocess communication. I don't know any details about the specifics, however.
Or queues and have two totally separate processes.
well that was a long meeting
at least it was agile
otherwise it would have been a waste of time
Or zeromq if you want to waste way too much time figuring it out but end up with something cool.
Queues can bridge between two totally separate processes? Neat. I've only ever used them for threads.
@Kevin I meant a third party queue, something like RabbitMQ.
I use RabbitMQ
Or unix sockets?
So A sends a message to C with instructions and B picks up the instructions from C.
There is Manager which is built-in.
Then you could have A and B on totally different computers, as long as there was a network connection
I'm eventually going to need interprocess communication for rabbit, so I guess I should be taking notes here
Me and Intrepid have decided to use RabbitMQ for now for the link rot stuff
Well rabbit will have to use rabbitMQ otherwise that's just confusing
His name is Terry!
"Use this because the other SOPython guys are using it" is unironically the easiest way to convince me to use a thing.
... For SOPython-related projects specifically. You can't trick me into wearing a silly hat with that logic, for example.
Hmm, is terry aio or tornado based? pika (the defacto rabbitmq library) only has a tornado client I think.
hmm. and tell me something, you all suggested using multiprocessing. But is there a way that two threads from the same process run on different cores?
No we didn't.
We didn't all suggest multiprocessing at all.

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