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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

How do I construct an array a in numpy such that a[i][j] == (i, j)
I imagine it has something to do with index arrays and meshgrid
But I can't seem to get the alignment right
@Carlos do you really need that in the first place?
n = 5
m = 4
arr = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(np.arange(n),np.arange(m))).transpose((1,0,2))
result is nxmx2, and element [i,j] is [i,j]
you probably want to use array broadcasting instead
if you tell me what you really want to do, I can probably help
3 hours later…
No one can hear me, so this is perfect. I made the transition from 2.7 to 3.5 today!
rbrb now
3 hours later…
very proud of myself for not responding to those comments
and cbg \o
1 hour later…
"datetime is a mess. Let's make it a somewhat bigger mess"
what is the best cross-platform app (linux/android) for taking notes?
and for todos?
linux-side can be browser
@AnttiHaapala pass? :p
keep doesn't have an api
@pari please check the indentation of your source code.
additionally, you should give an example of the desired output
I had a question: I don't know python, but I was trying to figure out how this function works. It basically reloads the program after getting the new code from GH, but where does it compile it and you know reload the program? I couldn't understand
Presumably it's running in a shell that branches on the exit status and does the needful :)
So is it possible to do the same in other languages also?
Like C?
ah. I didn't see that. got it
@pari Your indentation is still incorrect. Also, please read the chat room rules, especially the part about not linking to your own recent question.
@PM 2Ring thank you for the suggestion, I have added my desired output
Don't forget @tristan's game stream at 3pm EST (1900 UTC)
@AshishAhujaツ The regulars in Charcoal HQ may be able to point you in the right direction.
bromance <3
@pari answered :P
@PM2Ring I know that. On weekends, there aren't many there and most of the devs aren't in my timezone. I even asked one of the dev there but he has still not come active. So I'm waiting..
@AshishAhujaツ Ah, fair enough.
@AshishAhujaツ isn't that pretty clear?
Strange thing on my laptop: it has two fingered scroll, but once you've started scrolling you can release one finger.
(And it'll keep scrolling.)
Wow... Chrome on Windows is so unreliable...
@AshishAhujaツ there are 2 requests it does, to check if a build was successful and if it was...
@JonClements use firefox
Okay... I can remove "Wow... Chrome on" there but...
firefox rocks. It has code written by me in it, unlike chrome.
Fascinating :)
@AnttiHaapala I don't know python. I mainly understood it in the morning when Jon linked me to nocrash.py, but i left the message in charcoal before i asked here
and yes, you can do that in C,
just exit(3)
but the request processing would be some hundred lines or several carefully selected extension libraries
I see.
so... rather than doing that perhaps just run a python script, that exits with status 3, meaning that the C code should exit(3) too
note that the python code absolutely doesn't restart itself!
instead it just kills itself
the program that starts that python program will restart the program if $? = 3
No, but my bot is in C so the rebooting wasn't a problem, I could do it with a few lines of code. But the command pull in smokey which will get code from GH and restart itself with that code was pretty new to me. To my knowledge, that is the only bot on SE with that command. So I just checked out the code as I was curious
@AnttiHaapala now I know how to defend myself when anyone disses me for using firefox:P
Now I know why I'll never use Firefox again.
Is it dis Antti day or something? :p
import diss
@Martijn ahh... just realised that Aurora is from Norway :)
oh hey @Ashish, didn't notice you
firefox and chrome have feature parity
it's odd, isn't it?
so why'd you use chrome, except to brownnose google once more
Norway, the home of 2nd strangest music in the world right after Finland
that's heavy metal for 3-year-olds
In Finland the most popular Norwegian music is called "church-burner heavy"
I'm off for a little while guys - stuff to do and all that...
sorry the official term is church burning heavy. = black metal which you play before going on an arson spree.
@AndrasDeak I find that cool. \m/ (^.^) \m/
But if you are really looking for metal for 3-year-olds:
Perhaps I should change my name to "Double-word Admiral"
then byte commander needs to call me "sir"
I don't really understand what you mean...
@ByteCommander he means that as you are a "commander", if antii changes his name to admiral, you will need to call him "sir". Because Admiral is always a higher rank than a commander
and double-word is much more than 1 byte :d
@AnttiHaapala thank you for the algorithm but I am still not sure to implement this, do you mean to have a for loop until K moves for the paths function above and how will I omit the "to" parameter in the function as this "to" is not fixed. Please help me to implement this
@AshishAhujaツ @AnttiHaapala Aha. I was just confused because I did not even directly talk to Antti...
Besides that, you will probably never see my calling somebody "Sir" anyway.
lmao "Police in Florida have used the incident as an opportunity to issue guidelines for teenagers and parents on safely playing the game." Maybe Police should issue guidelines for not shooting at teenagers, Murica!
TIL that using tuples can be significantly faster than using lists. stackoverflow.com/questions/38374462/… For some reason, I assumed that concatenating lists would be faster than doing it with tuples.
Hey Guys, I think this is a sign I'm tired:
>>> for star in all_stars: if star > 0: print star
File "<stdin>", line 1
for star in all_stars: if star > 0: print star
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Look above that line.
Look above the prompt line?
It's a fresh python shell and all I have is a
all_stars = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Python 3?
are two blocks on the same line OK?
Probably because you're trying to put it all on one line.
oneliners are overrated
Indeed they are on the one line. I'm should have mentioned this context, but I'm trying to get it into a pdb prompt
triple-quote-delimited string?
That won't work anywhere.
won't it?
I just tried it in a file (the double block on one line)
oh, that
Ummm, like pdb will take in arbitrary code that it will evaluate at different points in the program. I chucked it into the python interpreter so that I could debug my debugging
so give it arbitrary working code
That output isn't from pdb, because it doesn't work yet
That double-block-on-one-line will never work.
It won't work in pdb, it won't work in the console, it won't work in a file.
@cdilga so what's the problem?
I know I'm correct.
Problem is I can't express what I want to, i.e. that block spread over multi lines in pdb
How are you passing it into pdb?
that ^
Via the prompt
I should google pdb prompt at this point
Just typing the code?
Just typing the code
shift-enter for multiline input?
wild guess, haven't googled pdb prompt yet
Tried that ;)
Yeah great minds think alike
don't use a prompt, but pass a string instead?
@cdilga have you tried googling for your problem?
I had, but with your input it helped me rephrase the googles
Q: How to execute multi-line statements within Python's own debugger (PDB)

MikeSo I am running a Python script within which I am calling Python's debugger, PDB by writing: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() (iPython's version of PDB, though for the matter I don't think it makes a difference; I use it for the colored output only). Now, when I get to the debugger I want to exe...

@cdilga the other one I found was stackoverflow.com/questions/15078087/…
If you have a command you want to use over and over, that one is probably better.,
Yep +1 for the pdbrc config
@ZeroPiraeus howdy
Wotcha :-)
How ya been "Tonks"? :p
Fine and dandy ... if 2016 gets any weirder I'm going to run out of popcorn though.
if I were you, I'd better raid the stores for popcorn now :)
@Zero SSDD :p
I'll wait til the looting starts ;-)
Olympics are looking good :)
Oof, I don't even know what the current state of play is in the Brazilian coup. Gets hard to keep up ..
A Google recruiter tried to persuade me to move to São Paulo a couple of years ago ... pretty much laughed in their face, and haven't changed my mind.
Well - you can work remotely for PuppyCo when it's turning over enough :p
Awesome :-) I've spent the last few days putting off getting started on a near-perfect gig marred only by the fact that I'll have to read (but not write) a lot of PHP.
@Zero so you're a masochist then? :p
I'd rather read PHP than Ruby
@tristan wow...
Three months to rewrite a web-based business admin app from scratch in Django, complete decision-making autonomy, the client somehow has the impression I'm some kind of coding god ...
Ruby at leasts makes an inkling of sense and doesn't seem to be thrown together by a guy off his rocker on scotch and LSD :p
@ZeroPiraeus Just let 'em keep thinking that :p
Yeah, just return the last thing you touched in the function. Also, hope you like memes and a crappy environment setup
Yeah... definitely don't like the "return" thingy :)
reminds me for no real reason of VB where to return a value you assign to the name of the function... wtf was that about?
What's the programmer equivalent of that early scene in Alien where the engineers fill the corridor with steam to make it look like they're heroically battling a crisis? I should do something like that.
that's what ruby feels like to me
right area, but all the details are fucked
One day more!
Another day, another destiny.
This never-ending road to Calvary;
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time.
One day more!
puppy's in a musical mood...
@ZeroPiraeus Set logging to debug and STDOUT
Hahaha yeah that'll work :-)
So what's this stream I see in the starred list @tristan?
@Zero it's a game stream... where he sacrifices innocent puppies to try and get an oxygen module or something :p
@ZeroPiraeus Doing an FTL stream later today.
My gaming PC won't be built until next week and the green screen hasn't arrived yet, but it should still be a relatively high quality play
We don't really want to see you anyway
Yes sir.
Link for stream: twitch.tv/0xkeen starting at 1900 UTC
oh oh... our Julia set got out the wrong side of bed this morning :p
That's not valid hex.
Is it wrong that my first thought is that, that's not valid hex
balls - ninja'd by @Ffisegydd
That's okay. It's actually kind of endearing and humbling that my chief cyber bully is a goddamn PhD
Whoa hey now. Less of the b-word.
Yeah, well, every name is taken on Twitch.
Every name? Even Snark Charmer?
@tristan \o/
I need to make a pypi library called snark_charmer that tries to predict sarcasm using NLP.
pew pew pip py py pi
snarkcharmer was taken, but i wanted a name i'd be using in-game for the multiplayers, and anything over a handful of letters results in people getting confused
i need to make a library called scrumpy that lists nearby scrumpy for purchase
@tristan go_read_a_dictionary_its_good_for_you
I'll try to make it to the game:)
Is it going to just be Twitch?
Please do. If the timing is wrong, please let me know and I'll do another stream as long as at least 5 people can hop on.
@Ffisegydd I think so, yeah. The video encoding to broadcast to twitch + google hangouts would mean very little CPU left for the game itself
Ah yeah
In a future one (when i can get my hands on the video card i want), it will be running through a 4Ghz i7, so i'll have gobs of cycles to spare, so I'll do it then. At that point, I'll also have my macbook air as an auxiliary worker for that sort of thing
@tristan No, thanks, it's as good as it can be (9 PM local time). It's just that it depends on quantum fluctuations (the wife) if I can join in:P
FizzyGirl is away for a week.
also sad, obviously
We should all jump on a hangout and mock Tristan while he tries to play.
@AndrasDeak I think I'll make this a semi regular thing, so if you miss this one, you'll be missed, but there will be another chance to take part
@Ffisegydd the twitch lag would make it less effective
@tristan awesome, I was hoping for this, thanks:)
"Every woman you've ever been with has been unfulfilled and you made a bad choice with that Engi."
Of course I'm not a key player in any way; I can only watch. I'm interested none the less
Yeah, the 15-45s lag is pretty barfy. I think in the future, I'll do a private stream to a server I control for people in the room to get that lag down to ~5s
love gaming finds a way
Yeah Hangouts is the way to go for lagless, but of course that means it isn't streamed to anyone not in the hangout.
The motherboard I picked up has a concerning failure rate newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132565
where does the oil go?
oh this is just the mobo
What was the name of that fake hifi brand Dixons used to sell in the 80s/90s?
Hey @AndrasDeak I wrote a SO Meta answer telling people not to edit closed questions, and not to close them while they have pending edits, a topic I know you have strong feelings about. :) meta.stackoverflow.com/a/328069/4014959
@PM2Ring oh, very nice, thank you:)
@PM2Ring perfect answer
@AndrasDeak Thanks! I noticed the question in the Hot Meta Posts box, but I guess I was a bit late to the party to score all the juicy upvotes. :)
let me just downvote all the rest:P
Ok so what I was getting at was wondering when/whether the Saisho aesthetic (as exemplified by @tristan's no doubt technically excellent mobo) will ever become retro cool, or always appeal only to 13 year old boys.
fancy words alert
I'll give you my fancy words when you take them from my hyperborean necrotic extremities.
I don't think it's really retro cool. I think it's probably closer to making computer hardware look "bad ass" with a side of shrouding sensitive regions of the hardware to prevent users from increasing failure rates
FWIW it looks pretty badass
Needs more LED.
When I was a teenager, I did actually care what the inside of my computer looked like, and would even repaint/modify/otherwise put work into routing wires and spot-lighting
I care in so much as it increase air flow.
I'd like to see kawaii become a thing in component design.
Yeah, now I'm concerned with "will it be quiet and not cook itself"
Forget Google Material, we need Google Kawaii.
When looking for help on a website it should give you a little kawaii clippy to ask if you need help senpai.
I'm so glad that image exists and I don't have to spend a week with a dremel and light piping just for a "heh" from ZP
Clippichan °(❛ᴗ❛)°
I'm pretty sure everything you'd think of and everything you'd never want to think of are already on the internet when it comes to hello kitty
rule34 and whatnot
What is the word for those anime personifications of tech?
@tristan davidism'ing? :p
I'm already surprised at the concept
I find them excessively difficult to look directly at without feeling a little sick and embarrassed
no please stop it
haha oh god i hate this so much
oh dear
that's the programming equivalent of Ben Stiller movies
holy hell that verge link.
I know.
Yeah, that's quite disturbing.
I'll never look at Silverlight the same way again.
they do have a point, there are so many pervs among programmers (present company excluded)
haha tristanovka walked in, looked at chat, walked back out
Kept on walking.
Never to be seen again.
Not that he'd care, the man has a gaming PC now, he doesn't need a girlfriend.
@tristan it's funny how that image seems to suggest that between IE and firefox, firefox is the mentally challenged one
@Ffisegydd almost related: I told the missus that maybe I should start doing project euler-like programming challenges for practice. "---So I'll see you even less?"
Oh no, if tristanovka left, my life would be legitimately terrible. We're a pretty excellent team and she enables me having a life that's more than code/drink/sleep/repeat
@Ffisegydd yeah that's more like it:P
@tristan looking for the English equivalent of a "high ball":P
Where's Opera? (jk opera only continued to exist because web developers tested for it, which brought up the browser share to the point that web developers tested for it)
(a statement which can be easily replied to in a way that doesn't benefit you)
i'm a big boy, i can take it. seriously, i'm too heavy and i doubt it would move me
something about baseball
@tristan oh, sure, but this should be a family-friendly chatroom, right?:D
should it? is it?
Starting work from tomorrow. \o/
that'll be quite different from edu.
Yep, True.
@BhargavRao Congrats! They'll be lucky to have you
Thanks :) ... Moved to Mumbai.
Lol, Hope so :D
I'm sure you'l be fine. Or you'll fail so horrifically that you'll be pretty unemployable. Definitely one of the two.
Everyone fails to some degree at his/her first couple jobs.
The two extremes are the only available options?
Damn, Then I need to work hard to achieve the better extreme. ;)
I got my first job at 16 as a trainee programmer, ended up the IT Director 6 years later (I had no qualifications) - anything's possible :p
Everyone fails to some degree at everything. At least, that's what I tell myself as I cry myself to sleep.
I don't cry myself to sleep, I fail at even that D:
@Ffisegydd that's deep
growls - spend 40mins trying to get a working solution on my last answer (it's a massive kludge) but it works, and nothing sighs
> All I did was for "Nothing"
as in no response from OP?
No scooby snacks from OP
Yeah... where's my scooby snacks?
I think it's okay though, I'll just nip into @idjaw's place and take the brandy and some snacks... he doesn't mind that :p
@JonClements Are you sure they want the name of the variable rather than the value?
Ah, on re-reading I see they've said that's ok.
inb4 comment saying "where are my double quotes?";)
At the risk of seeming like a lickspittle, +1. And yes, I only said this to show off that I learned lickspittle two days ago.
I learnt the word "lombriz" yesterday.
Best part of FG being away? I can have Japanese food.
Hell yes :-)
just found this in a colleague's postprocessing script: less infile >>outfile
Finally got a new cable so I can use the soundbar instead of laptop speakers
It's like copying a file by opening it in visual studio and saving it under a new name
@AndrasDeak >> will append rather than replace... perhaps there's a reason?
@JonClements no:((((
here's context:
less infile1 >>outfile
less infile2 >>outfile
less infile3 >>outfile
less infile4 >>outfile
that's what cat does:(((
I'm a sad panda
well, yeah...
@AndrasDeak I don't have visual studio, so I take a screenshot and then convert back with OCR software.
@ZeroPiraeus that could work too
@Zero and as I'm in a S&G mood: youtube.com/watch?v=L-fIO7_HJBo
Also nice :-) Once upon a time back in Bolivia, a marching brass band passed by playing "El Condor Pasa". Couldn't tell whether it was deliberate irony or not.
@Zero and youtube.com/watch?v=HwX0ej2wwzg always sends shivers down my spine...
@Ffisegydd she doesn't like japanese food?
@tristan She's allergic to shellfish.
oh, good on you for not being shellfish and not ordering it when she's around
@JonClements If you're in that kind of mood and run out of S&G, here's a potential direction to go next: youtube.com/watch?v=svitEEpI07E
@Zero LC - very under-rated
fantastic writer and singer
Yeah ... and we can always pretend "Jazz Police" never happened ;-)
Wait, like police who play jazz or police who police jazz?
The latter, I think. Not posting a YT link as I think it may be banned under the Geneva Conventions.
Ok this has all gotten far too melodic. Where's @corvid with a piece of unintelligible Japanese death metal when you need him?
And this should be our room's theme: youtube.com/watch?v=25TKskR9qLY
this is already our theme
Note to self: don't search for "soapy" on youtube in search of alternative theme songs.
I really don't see how being covered in soap could be considered erotic.
@Zero still no contemplation being an RO again? Once an RO always an RO...
I did just disappear for the best part of a fortnight with no warning, you know ...
Zero "Room Dad" Piraeus
@ZeroPiraeus apart from the obvious, I'm fairly sure I could check your login history :p
(but you'd have to do something for me to warrant doing that sigh)
Or someone nefarious would have to make a claim that he did something that would warrant it.
I think all here wouldn't hesitate if you wanted to be an RO again...
Me neither
Things are pretty chill in RO land lately
@tristan I am secretly Swastika Avatar Guy, so there's that.
We've got 12 RO's... from different timezones... and 2 active mods
technically, Martijn and I don't need the RO status
Is there actually a gap at UTC-0400?
(although it is nice that we're listed as what could be deemed "founders")
@ZeroPiraeus oh - someone always needs a kick at any point :)
Eh, go on then, if you insist ;-)
@tristan @Ffisegydd what say you?
Of course I'm all for it. Zero, you're great and I'm glad you're around more lately.
Unrelated to ZP, Pup, I have an idea that I want to run past people in dark cabbage council
@Ffisegydd only you can get me out of this thing now ...
On the one hand, not sure we want a dangerous Corbynista on the RO team, on the other hand it's Zero...So conflicted.
No bricks through windows, scouts honour.
Well, Woodcraft Folks honour anyway.
I suppose you do balance out my dangerous Tory leaning...
@Ffisegydd 2-1 - would you do the honours please?
I'm eating, someone else have the pleasure.
@tristan okay, I'm in slack
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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