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Do you have any recommendations for a language parser? I have been trying to use PyPeg2 personally, but the errors are unwieldy and wondering if there is a better alternative.
2 hours later…
@DSM it's really easy. I've got several (none of them really complete or maintained but whatever)
"I noticed that we're being rather silly with our lack of support of ISO 8601. Now we shall resolve it once and for all. Now get on with it!".
It's only been recently that Java's SimpleDateFormat can do that as well. Such a weird omission.
and shit for situation in Turkey
this outcome is the worst of them all
There was a young fellow from Ankara,
Who was a terrific wankerer.
Till he sowed his wild oats,
With the help of a goat,
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
this, though it wasn't the most diplomatic poem possible from someone who's the Foreign Secretary, I believe the message is correct :D
@RobertGrant but even back then %z and %Z both parsed each other
and as I read, XXX should parse anything correctly
1 hour later…
cbg all
quick one
Hi, there are many alternatives that come up when I search for this, so I'm wondering if one module is better than others...
Can anyone please suggest me a module for scraping information from a website such as [this](view-source:m.finn.no/realestate/homes/search.html?location=0.20013&locat‌​ion=1.20013.20243&location=1.20013.20220&price_from=2900000&price_to=8000000&no_o‌​f_bedrooms_from=3&property_type=3&property_type=1&filters&page=1)? I need information from the sub-divs of <div class="unoverflowify">
Right, chat formatting doesn't work on multiline messages, forgot...
let's say I have this varia = [[0,'1'],[1,'2'],[2,'3'],[3,'1']] How can I turn the last part of the sublist into an integer, please , and have this varia = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1]]
Hey @StewieGriffin have you heard of scrapy? -> scrapy.org
For my question, I tried to use map with this
varia2 = [map(int,x) for x in varia1] but I have this instead when I'm doing a print [<map object at 0x10480f4a8>, <map object at 0x10480f898>, <map object at 0x10480f9e8>
I'm a complete newbie in Python, but this works at least: [[(x[1][0]), int(x[1][1])] for x in enumerate(x)]
It's probably complete rubbish though...
@StewieGriffin nope it does not work
don't worry mate, we all started somewhere
Out[21]: [[0, '1'], [1, '2'], [2, '3'], [3, '1']]
[[(x[1][0]), int(x[1][1])] for x in enumerate(x)]
Out[22]: [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1]]
my list is bigger actually
Isn't that what you want?
it is what I want
but with a bigger list
the list has 20 sublists
I thought there was something simpler
my list would something like this [0, '1'], [1, '2'], [2, '3'], [3, '4'], [4, '5'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '888'], [8, '6'], [9, '7'], [10, '8'], [11, '9'], [12, '10'], [13, '11'], [14, '12'], [15, '23'], [16, '14'], [17, '15'], [18, '16'], [19, '17']]
aim is to get the max sublist in that big list
Still works perfectly...
But I don't know if it scales to much bigger lists though.
I did this [[(x[1][0]), int(x[1][1])] for x in enumerate(BIGLIST)] and i have this IndexError: string index out of range
[[x, int(y)] for x, y in big_list]
much better
@vaultah Where were you 5 minutes ago when I displayed my complete lack of Python skills? I could still pretend to be a programmer if you had been 5 minutes faster! :P
Hi @vaultah providential very much providential :p and @StewieGriffin you are a programmer :)
okay, I didn't know that word :)
@AndyK I've taken 4 credits with Matlab and 4 with C++ and I work as an electrical engineer... My resumee begs to differ :P
But it is fun and useful though :)
@StewieGriffin You don't want to use enumerate here. You use enumerate when you want to iterate over the items in a collection and you need an index number as well as the item itself. But we don't need an index number here, we can do the processing Andy wants just using the contents of the items.
And even if we did need an index number to do some kind of fancy processing, with the example data Andy's shown us there's no need to get enumerate to generate indices since the sublists of varia already contain their index number.
Hi @PM2Ring thanks :)
@AndyK That's ok. But my remark was actually to Stewie. :) I guess I should write something that addresses your question... but didn't we do this the other day?
yes you did ,your comments are meant for Stewie but they are constructive for me too. That's all :)
alist = [[4, '5'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '888'], [8, '6'], [9, '7']]
keyfunc = lambda t: (int(t[1]), t[0])
print(max(alist, key=keyfunc))
[7, '888']
keyfunc = lambda t: int(t[1]) also works, but the previous version also compares the t[0] fields if there happens to be more than one sublist containing the maximum value.
Each of your sublists contains an index integer and a number string. If there are multiple sublists containing the maximum number string my previous keyfunc will return the one with the highest index. If you'd prefer the one with the lowest index, then you can use keyfunc = lambda t: (int(t[1]), -t[0]). And if you don't care, then you can just use keyfunc = lambda t: int(t[1]).
If you just have a simple list of number strings, then you'd use enumerate. Eg,
a = ['5', '5', '6', '888', '6', '7']
imax = max(enumerate(a), key=lambda t: int(t[1]))
(3, '888')
belated hi, @StewieGriffin :)
although I'm just going afk
@idjaw Thanks for the Transistor recommendation. This game is awesome! The combat system is really cool.
@Ffisegydd: then I may ask you for help. The tricky part is handling a third-party binary dependency.
@DSM sure, never had to do that myself but willing to at least pretend to help while just Googling furiously.
I've found the docs less than excellent for setuptools et al.
unclear / too broad stackoverflow.com/questions/38411167/… gimme teh codez
Pretty impressive. That output code looks better than half the cargo-cult questions we see on SO. :)
Hi. I changed my db engine from` sqlite3` to mongodb. I followed instructions on how to add mongodb from django-mongodb-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/…. I didnt have any models prior to that. After following the above steps, I set up some models. But I'm getting an error - ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware django.middleware.security: "No module named security"
Please advise...!!
Sounds like you don't have a Django module installed called security.
4 hours later…
@Ffisegydd if I had to ask you some nooby d3 questions about optimisation at some point, would you be okay with that? :)
@RobertGrant Sure.
Thanks :)
If I answered with mockery and general unhelpfulness, would you be okay with that?
I guessed that was coming :)
Not at all
Familiarity is comforting
We're in a head to head battle with a rival tech in $client who use Oracle Apex, and I want to kill their rubbish attempt at visualisation dead with my (relatively) amazing one
Also, Apex. What a joke.
Who's the rival?
Well, they aren't going anywhere, but who gets to do what is up for grabs a bit
Actually, we were given the work, and have done the work, and now one of their teams is saying "we have something a bit like that, why don't you just use ours?" We have good reasons why not, but I want to make the gap bigger
Anyway, not for now, just wanted to ask :)
I've started a retainer bill.
It's basically needing to handle up to about 5000 calendar events, and draw a calendar view with them on with filters that can...filter them
At the moment every filter just redraws the whole thing, which is fine for hundreds of events, but with thousands it chugs
So I'm wondering about using exit() as well as enter() and all that jazz. But yeah, why am I telling you this now?
I charge by the character, so we can talk all you want.
@RobertGrant hey - that's mate's rates... he normally charges per bit... you got a stonking deal there...
I charge by the bit. Newlines and dropped packets count too!
You all get mates rates in consulting. I give 110% for my friends for 150%!
@MartijnPieters "I notice that I sent you a 10GB file that never got past my unplugged router. How unfortunate for you that it's still billable." strokes white cat while enemies are eaten in nearby piranha tank
The landlord at my local always use to have a running joke for NYs eve... Bottles of beer for £1.50 each or special deal, 3 for a fiver... it was quite worrying the number of people that took him up on that :p
When's this stream happening then?
@Ffisegydd The MTFL is doing one tomorrow
Is it tomorrow?
I need to go outside but the Pokemon Go servers are down, what's the point!?
heh. cabbages all
@Ffisegydd What's "outside" again?
This suggestion seems ok, but I'm not exactly a python expert, is it removing too much? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/13028895
@JonClements Outside is where the pokemon are.
seems dangerous..
better not go alone
@Felix maybe better to just not go :)
hehe, yeah let's stay safe in SO's chatrooms
just had a nightmarish vision of chatrooms being invaded by bot pokemons
That's be err.... interesting...
I hope there'll be a hat related to pokemons
like... let's go to shady places of the site
Jon's a huge fan of bots invading chat:P
@AndrasDeak I am? :p
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier already been done in a winterbash of yore.
If you got enough hats collected you got a pokemon hat; gotta-catch-em-all style!
Just a baseball cap with a pokeball on it.
@JonClements well, I imagined a certain puppy running around chasing all sorts of bots:P Sounds like good exercise
there's something about moderators, ninjas and python I can't seem to quite figure out
Hi Folks, Anyone running Kivy on Fedora 24 w/ Python 3.5? I finally got it all pip installed, but the "hello world" script on their site doesn't work. paste.fedoraproject.org/391774/14686934
"doesn't work"?
oh, that's the link
> pygame - ImportError: No module named 'pygame'
im using ubuntu and have messed python
installed both 2.7 and 3.5 and many things
i want to remove everything python related for a clean reinstall
How about a clean reinstall? Of ubuntu? :P
@Ffisegydd 3pm EST, 1900 UTC, I think 2000 for you
started my pc build, but it won't be ready until the gtx 1060 can be purchased and the cpu cooler arrives. willl take suggestions after or just do a DOOOOOOOOOM stream
@tristan really wanted a twitch stream of you assembling your PC
Oh? I can do that if you want
It's a fairly uneventful build - 4Ghz i7, 16giglebytes of ram, a couple drives...
Wow, didn't know i7s went that fast
And sorry, I was just being an idiot - not a big Twitch fan
Yeah. Got a good price on the K-series too. $10 more for .6 more gigglehertz
Very nice
Hah, I realized that you might have been trolling after and felt bad for making it weird for you
Though I did watch a fair amount of that Twitch of the P-A guys doing live roleplaying at PAX
I had a lot of fun doing the last stream. If you're not busy, you should check it out tomorrow
The first guy, one of the actual P-A guys, was a great DM. The second one wasn't and I got bored
My greenscreen won't be here in time for the stream tomorrow, but it should be for the next one
I say a great DM - having never done that before I don't know, but it was entertaining
What made him a great DM?
I think I'm going to either build a new PC or overhaul my existing one in the Autumn.
@tristan just quick witted and entertaining
@tristan cool - URL?
If it wasn't for having a great time streaming and friends suggesting games to stream, I probably would have just grabbed a PS4
@RobertGrant Coming up with a name for twitch today
I believe Patrick Rothfuss was in that D+D series Rob
@Ffisegydd yeah the author? He was the bad DM
Probably just nervous, but was constantly at a loss for words
That's a shame, he's a very good author by all accounts but maybe it doesn't translate well to DMing.
after hearing/reading about "the crazy internet" is still alive around youtube and twitch, i want a username that's as dissociated from my IRL as possible
I've always wanted to try D+D
@tristan What about Tristan Fischer. See, it's spelled differently.
I'd play
@Ffisegydd it was live in front of a huge audience, so no doubt it was nerve-wracking
My understanding is that it's way different and better in person though
@tristan room6 - easy to remember for those here and strangely mysterious for everyone else :)
@JonClements +1
@Ffisegydd I was thinking about going by "justin" to add at least one level of indirection
Haha yes also good
@JonClements taken. every username is taken. including "frag" with 6 "G"s.
What about fragggggthats6gs
They collapsed the usernames of other acquired properties into their UN pool
No-one finding that
i really wanted "tactical goat"
Umm... "no6project"
or room6streaming
was hoping to also have it lined up with the name i use in game
@tristan oh... "puppy killer"? :p
that was one time
@Ffisegydd lol
yeah, maybe if i was any good at python
Or pew pew.
as is "beepy beepy"
@tristan which is?
What about "I didn't realise Davidism could smile"
@RobertGrant i typically just use "keen", but that's 5000000000 levels of taken already
Snake Charmer.
Or some such.
Snark Charmer.
James Dean
Cockney rhyming slang for keen
Might make you sound like a James Dean fan, I suppose
Umm... okay, picking 3 random words from a dictionary doesn't appear to be a good idea either...
which James Dean? :D
[['golfed\n', 'ramblers\n', 'tendinitis\n'],
 ['solubles\n', "lobotomy's\n", 'protagonist\n'],
 ['parks\n', 'lottery\n', 'racoons\n'],
 ['Wyeth\n', 'quavering\n', 'Amazons\n'],
 ['chests\n', 'druggist\n', 'transverse\n'],
 ['tallied\n', 'memorials\n', 'traditional\n'],
 ["snowsuit's\n", 'solving\n', 'Newfoundland\n'],
 ['Homer\n', 'oversold\n', 'harkens\n'],
 ['drabbest\n', "divination's\n", 'cooped\n'],
did someone turn on debug mode on the puppy?
@vault you'll go blind mate.
heh, is there a professional scienceman named james dean?
Yeah. Sure.
isn't the other guy Deen?
not that I'd know
welp, they should sound the same
(the names)
okay yeah, ruined my own joke
It was still a solid joke, spelling is irralevant.
@tristan "keeninastraightjacket" ?
Right... gotta reboot into frigging Windows so I can access the partition via linux as apparently it didn't shut down properly last time... bbiab (I hope...)
@JonClements :(
rhubarb all!
Do any of you know if "deleted dupe target" is a known bug to happen?
such as here
"exact dupe of..." kind of closure to now-deleted OP's own post, but the target was deleted a week after closure of the source
I suspect that this should not happen
but I also suspect that there are a handful of related bug reports on MSE/MSO gathering dust
Normally there's a check in place to prevent deletion of something that's a dupe target - however - it doesn't appear to apply when the user was deleted...
that was my suspicion...
I'm searching MSO now for a bug report
only 1 similar (but different) on MSO
Bah... as I'm in Windows - might as well watch Hp 7
OK, the general concensus seems to be "deleted dupe target usually means that the original should be deleted too"
I'm OK with quitely deleting the original
1 hour later…
Hi everyone :)
@Distriker cbg
I have a doubt with how to make one thing in Python. Is appropriate or better in Stackoverflow?
you're the only one who can determine that before actually asking
Okay. I'm working with a CSV file and my purpose is merge one line with its previous line if the field "Face" is "B", I mean, merge the text of all columns of both lines. I have doubts with how to select the previous line to append A and B. Anyone could explain me how could make it?
cbg, tristan
Another doubt, what means cbg?
@Distriker please read the room rules
and what exactly do you mean by "merging text"?
I mean if there is four columns (face, two, three, four) and there is one line with text (A, text2, text3, text4) and another line (B, text22, text23, text24), I need that the B line merge with the A line with the result of: text2 text22, text3 text23, text4 text24
I don't know if that it's the best way to explain it :/ If not, I can upload a graphic example or something more clarifier
you mean you want to concatenate each pair of strings with a space
and what do you expect the first column to contain? "A B"?
Basically, yes
I'm not particularly experienced with problems like this, but I guess you could use csv_reader to loop over the file, always keeping track of the previous line
Yes, the column contain A or B, B has text that share with A, but I need content that it's only in the B items, but in only one line.
if the new line has B, then do the merging
@Distriker what?
I didn't exactly understand the second half of that sentence, but it seems to contradict what you've said so far
let's focus on your actual problem, then:)
What I mean is that I need everything in only one line: if B exist, merge the content of B with its previous A line.
yeah, OK, you've said that already
but you didn't answer my previous question about the first column:P
doesn't matter, you'll have to write the code anyway
I'd try csv.reader, something like pandas might provide a higher-level solution, but that is probably overkill
wonder what is going to happen today :D (sunday)
Hello everyone.
I just read a code example with `lambda *x: x[-1]`, what does the asterisk next to the variable do exactly?
@AnttiHaapala regarding what?:)
regarding the world.
Perhaps north korea will launch ICBMs
@AndrasDeak Yes! I'm trying with csv.reader but I have doubts with how to track the previous line :/
@Byte google splat operator
Thank you!
it's for argument unpacking
@Byte means "variable number of positional arguments"
turns your list/tuple into multiple input arguments
thus that lambda as a whole is a func that "takes n positional arguments and always return the last one or throw IndexError if no arguments were given.
@AnttiHaapala sounds fun...
something positive perhaps...
PM resigns in Hungary? :D
@AnttiHaapala HA, I wish
there's exactly zero chance for that, mathematically speaking
he's way beyond any sense of self-criticism or humilty, along with the rest of the government
you don't resign if you shit gold
but maybe we exit the EU and the economical backlash is so hard that it underflows and we become filthy rich?
wait, that would not be positive, we could buy all those tanks to invade our neighbours:P
stack underflow? lol
Ah forth.
Thank you for your help Andras Deak! I'm going to try to solve it :)
@AndrasDeak "It should've been Hungary-Austria"
@Distriker good luck
@AnttiHaapala I'm told a very gentle fellow is in charge there now:P Or was there something about redoing a fraudulent election?:D
Thanks :)
@AndrasDeak realized one funny thing about UK.
they do not use European route numbers for roads at all within the country
At some point EU subjects will realize that regularly describing not being in the EU as some kind of tragedy is kind of insulting to the 93% of the world which isn't in the EU. We manage to get by just fine..
@DSM European route numbers do not have anything to do with EU.
@DSM If you were from the USA I'd ask how well those executions are going:P
@AnttiHaapala: the thought was sparked by the "maybe we exit the EU" line from above, but I guess you probably think this song is about you. ;-)
@AnttiHaapala so what's funny? Does this not mean that it doesn't interfere with brexit?
@AndrasDeak: ehh, you could anyway, if you like-- I'm one of the 60% of Canadians who support the death penalty, which is probably the least Python-relevant thing I've ever said here. :-)
I mean, just yesterday I was in a car on E75 and I realized, shit I can take this road all the way to Greece via Hungary
@DSM then eval() my previous message:P
but in the UK, they're like "What E123, sounds like a food additive"
@AnttiHaapala except we don't want the likes of you in here
I know :D
but as an idea... some time ago...
I think there was a short-lived law that cars with foreign license plates could only spend 24 consecutive hours in the country?
like "lets number these roads north-to-south, west-to-east"
something about gaming the tax system by using foreign cars here...
@AnttiHaapala I see your attempt at standardizing, and raise you a set of imperial units
except E75 kinda sucks because you need to have an amphibious car or take a ferry from Helsinki to Gdansk/Gdynia
ferry is cheaper, right?
plus you can drink on the ferry
well you can drink in the car if you're not the one driving :D
(blink) Is that actually allowed?
of course
I think that's OK here too
driver shouldn't even drink water as that's distracting, but the passengers are fairly free to do stuff as long as it's decent
you're allowed to drink even if you're driving :D
but not drive under influence.
you can't go commando, as that would distract fellow drivers
@AnttiHaapala heh:D
Here a driver can be charged if there's open alcohol in the car anywhere. i don't quite know how the exception for drinking champagne in the back of those limos works, maybe because there's a "separate compartment" rule or something.
the police always will have an alcohol meter
@DSM but at least the officer says sorry for arresting you
After reading a bunch of Canadian limousine site FAQs, it seems like there might not be a compartment exception after all, and it's just that everyone breaks the law. TIL.
well, sounds like it isn't a blessing to live in Canada after all :D
the cultural pressure to be nice to people must be crippling
Maybe that's why hockey is so prominent? Releasing all that pressure;)
It is satisfying to cross-check a guy who deserves it and just take the two minutes.
*googles* we call that battery
@DSM "whatever, i could use the rest anyway"

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