Bear in mind though that if you literally do intend to ask a significant amount of questions, you may be better with codementor as we'll soon lose patience (obviously we're giving our time for free)
@RanaZubair The chatroom may be free to enter, but our time is not. You've got a limited audience before people get tired.
@RanaZubair django is about as close to laravel as you can get, except it's way more stable, has better docs, and autogenerated db migrations. You may take a bit of time learning python vs php, but the jump from laravel to django will not be significant.
@RanaZubair Coming from PHP, it will take you a little while to get used to the Python way of doing things. A different mindset is required, and if you just try to translate PHP directly to Python (or vice versa) it will be painful. So spend some time working through the Python tutorial and experimenting. Don't expect to be able to do everything you can now do in PHP after a few days of learning Python.
Thanks Robert Thanks a lot and final question i have a cpanel shared hosting which use for my freelancing projects and wordpress themes etc. But when i try to move Ruby it requires Heroku etc. What will be required to host a python/Django application? and whats its cost i you like to mention?
Also, don't try to learn Python & Django at the same time. Get comfortable with core Python first, and then start learning Django. Otherwise, you're likely to misunderstand lots of stuff. So many bad Django questions on SO come from people who tried to learn Django without learning Python first.
I can second @AnttiHaapala suggestion. As a new learner of Python and Unix and other packages, spending some time going through these online tutorials is a good short cut in terms of total learning time. Then as you apply and run into trouble you can not solve, then ask the questions.
@Cam_Aust you have it backwards. You learn a language by tutorials and experimenting yourself. Period. If you run into specific problems, then you ask on SO
Hey can someone help me with installing opencv for python? I keep on getting it's not installed even though it is installed. I have a Mac, latest version and latest python version.
@AnttiHaapala Um, yes I meant your specific site reference. I did not mean tutorial services by others. Have not even thought of them. Sorry for not being more specific. I mean the basic docs supplied and on the website dedicated and hosting that thing you are learning about. So for Python the Python master site, for Graphvis similarly.
@Andras I have looked at so many tutorials, messed with site_packages and probably shouldn't have, not really understanding anything just trying to see if it works and now when I start up python2.7 i try to import cv I get no module named importing cv2 gives me a error no module. Python3.4 the one I want it set up with doesn't work at all.
No I don't have a fundamental understanding of it I have tried youtube videos and looking things up. I've tried to install it through pip, home-brew... everything basically...
I think I've had a package installed both in pip and through apt (ubuntu package manager), and it wouldn't work until I removed the latter, or something
@RobertGrant Yeah. If you don't understand something, and try it anyway, you're very likely to try to run sudo rm -rf / to speed up your computer, or type Alt+F4 to see the cool new chat features. Or run a DoS attack against
@RanaZubair Um, just want to add that I find learning Python and Unix and other packages not as easy as it seems. I think this is normal for a good portion of people, so I suggest do not be discouraged. Sometimes it is the simplest missing comma or missed spaces, and when your new your mind does not recognise these small errors.
@AnttiHaapala yes i saw you codementor profile and you have 20 years experience... and you are the first from helsinki i am talking with , the county of linux founder linus Torvaldis
@RanaZubair As people move past that early difficult stage, I think the human mind just forgets those more difficult times. Some people are just natural programmers so this will not apply to them.
I don't really know much about installing packages. Like, I've installed many before, like selenium,mechanize and pygame.. and so I don't know why this is not working. I usually just do easy_install or some package manager.
I have a faint idea about how Python import mechanisms work. As you mentioned, you have no idea. I know that manually mucking about with site-packages is a bad idea. Unless you know that I'm wrong, and can clearly explain why (especially when several others here have the same advice), you should probably start with a clean foundation :)
grrrrrrr....I exported my iterm preferences when I formatted my laptop and now it won't accept the file....I must have forgotten a step...that sucks. I had a good theme set up for my terminal...
And you're right - I have been messing with site_packages, I have no idea what I'm doing. Heck I don't even know how many python versions I have on my system, I don't know if I altered the default, And I don't know if I messed with PYTHONPATH... How can I delete everything about python and start again safely?
No I didn't. I've also "tried multiple times in multiple ways" in a lot of packages I've tried to install also. I really think now it's a good idea to start over.
@BhargavRao Opps still getting hang of this. I was about to leave here. Saw you enter and wanted to say hi as I did appreciate your welcome and comments last time. Leave you to it. rbrb
(but don't just try commands blindly. If you don't at least have an inkling of what a thing is doing, research the terms/commands. Use the manpages. Use google.)
@Wayne That's cool. I don't have any formal experience in programming by the way. I',m learning this by myself. I think I am doing pretty good. To learn I go on stack overflow, and youtube. Can you recommend something else?
I'm trying to research Big Data technologies. My question is about Kafka - Can it be way to distribute messages to certain parts of the echo system depdnding on message content. For example, NIFI does this, I'm trying to understand if I need Nifi if I'm already planning on using Kafka
@ThatProgrammerDude SO and Youtube are pretty good resources. I learned a fair amount in school, but honestly after my first year or two, I ended out teaching myself way more than I learned in school.
@Dave I didn't actually say that you'd broken any rules, but we do like newcomers to be familiar with them. However, the etiquette here is that you just ask your question and if someone has the skill & desire to help, they will do so.
@ThatProgrammerDude The best advice that I have for you is to learn how to learn. And when you come across something new that you don't understand, learn about it
And I'm aware of how I read the manual. The issue is I'm reseraching something I know nothing of, nor does any one else. I'm aware it's not the right business decision etc, but it is the position.
There was a time that I didn't but yes, what @idjaw said :)
for instance, at one point I was playing around with sockets
I knew a teensy bit about sockets and TCP/IP, but very not much
I was trying to figure out how to tell my socket to always close, because when my process crashed it would hang onto the sockets - sometimes even wrapping it in a with or try or something
I ended out searching a bunch, and learned about socket flags, and that SOL_REUSEADDR stood for "Socket Object Layer". If you search google for that and you read the first several results, you'll probably understand that fairly well, too.
@ThatProgrammerDude As well as the man pages GNU systems also have info pages. They generally have a more expanded explanation, and maybe some examples. But I agree that man pages can often be a bit cryptic. They're good if you already understand the thing and just need to be reminded about stuff, or to get exact usage details, but generally they're not so good to learn stuff from scratch, although there are some exceptions. Eg, I learned awk almost entirely from its man page.
@idjaw If I could setup an irc bridge or bitlbee interface to SO chat, I'd be pretty much set. I use alpine for email, and we've got IMAP access to work email now, so yeesss.
tmux, vim, irssi, and alpine are pretty much all I need
I have bookmarked a single page in this fresh install of Firefox, and yet my bookmarks menu has nine items in it. This seems like bad design.
None of "View Pocket List / Subscribe to This Page / Bookmarks Toolbar / Recently Bookmarked / Recent Tags / Unsorted Bookmarks" are useful to me, and none of them can be deleted.
the only tmux gripe that i have is with screen you can be like "if another client isn't looking at this particular window, then just make it as big as possible"
with screen, all screens are as small as the smallest. So if (like me) you have the habit of connecting to your computer from a macbook, phone, tablet, and the computer itself
then you have to detach the smaller screens when you move to a bigger one and the smaller one is still attached
minor annoyance, but there it is.
I'd also like to be able to change the screen-split highlighted character so it would "point" to the pane that I have active with <, >, ^, or V
I have a fairly ancient Firefox on this old machine, but I quite like Recently Bookmarked. I use the actual Bookmarks Toolbar quite a bit, as I find it very handy for JavaScript bookmarklets (in fact I use a plugin to give me a multiline Bookmarks Toolbar), but I never use the Bookmarks Toolbar entry in the Bookmarks menu.
screen is very useful for one of the dev stacks I have to bring up that runs on a single vm. Allows me view each component as if it is deployed on a separate server. Very handy. tmux is for when I have x machines behind a loadbalancer that I need to do things on simultaneously
is that if you hit alt+f4 or command-q or whatever closes your terminal window, rather than cursing up a storm you just open a new terminal and tmux a and hooray, it's still all there!
I'm happy enough with the KDE terminal, konsole. I normally have half a dozen or so tabs on my konsole. It also lets you split any tab horizontally or vertically, but I rarely use that feature.
Honestly why do people use linux distros like arch etc for private use... why? Mac is more compatible with things out. Windows is shit, so why not get a Mac.
Genuinely I've never thought the Mac UI was nice looking at all. Looks to me like boring brushed metal at the top and Disney-like giant icons at the bottom.
@ThatProgrammerDude Vendor lock-in, primarily in the form of keyboard shortcuts. If I hit alt-tab and it brings up the volume menu or something instead of switching active windows, I'll have a meltdown. It's not trivial to unlearn decades-old muscle memory.
Also depends what your use case is. A while ago I had a netbook and needed something really light weight, so I installed crash bang linux. Worked great