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7:01 PM
lifetime sofa membership
Well it's a short walk to my parents so we are at the park across their place :)
Only four more upvotes until gold badge…
@poke C#?
@JonClements it seems ninjas are my kryptonite. Good thing we are a team
@Bhargav Yup
I can almost feel it already.
7:12 PM
The tag with the top guys in it. All the best :)
It has been a nerve wracking journey…
Hi Chat,
I am learning about lists in Python as I am trying to represent a `mxn` matrix. However, there seems to be multiple ways to iterate over a list of lists. Is there a better solution than using lists of lists to represent an RxC matrix? I need to populate each item individually based on previous input.
@poke hope that helped. :) congrats. Well deserved
@idjaw Oh, thank you <3 Now I just need to wait for the numbers to update ^^
7:15 PM
That annoying wait :D
Ethan's been waiting for a bronze one for days
stale stats...
I've been waiting for a gold in [list] since 1 year
The tag progress UI is super weird. It actually went down by one..
Yaay! \o/
@poke Congrats!
(the tag progress window is still on 996 points…)
7:21 PM
@poke congrats:)
Thanks :)
time to downvote
@poke Click on the gear and select C# Wait, you must not be able to do that
Now… let’s close some C# questions! xD
7:22 PM
Hammer so #
@BhargavRao Yeah, it tells me I’m done, but then I choose “track the next one”, and C# shows up again and there the progress is on 996
@poke Perhaps we need to wait till UTC 3AM
Is the data explorer cached?
That explains that
7:24 PM
The script runs once in a day
Melon for not being IRC. Will not vinegar \\ Green Bean Rhubarb
D: My votes don’t hammer yet.
Gues I’ll call it a day then :P
@poke Upon [list] now
I've finally figured out how to elegantly write the workhorse function in my emulator without using costly abstraction. Anybody want to take a peek and critique? pastebin.com/XBRamq4B
@BhargavRao Oh, our progress on is actually quite similar!
7:33 PM
Why does the django tutorial define views functions with a parameter that's not used?
    def detail(request, question_id):
        return HttpResponse("You're looking at question %s." % question_id)
Source: docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial03
@poke Yep
I need to stop slacking and start answering more stuff though!
Looks like I've got a typo in line 46; self.adds[op] needs to be self.adds[2][op]
@HEADLESS_0NE Look at the urls.py - that uses named capture groups in the regex to automatically pass it - it's previous in the tutorial :)
@Aaron3468 Line 11: Don’t shadow dict (even in a generator comprehension, that confuses me ^^); line 53: ' is not escaped (syntax error); line 55: setflags => setFlags?, similarly setsubflag => setSubFlag?
Shadowing? That's the special word today!!
7:36 PM
@JonClements that's passed via the request argument?
@poke Fair point on the function syntax. The shadowing is a tough one; I can't figure out how to make the lookup legible in any other way, short of unrolling it back into a giant if/else statement
@HEADLESS_0NE Scroll down a bit on that page and note the part that begins with: "Wire these new views into the polls.urls module by adding the following url() calls:"
@JonClements Gotcha! Should've kept going before asking :P
@Aaron3468 Just use d instead of dict? :P
Ah! Alrighty
7:39 PM
Also, it seems like there’s something missing at the end, and the last function is incorrectly indented
@poke the indentation is an inner function because an addition opcode handles flags in its own unique way. At the end I have a bunch of helper functions that interface with the class that creates a virtual memory space out of a file.
ah, I see
So was that snippet good compared to a giant if/else with a bit of redundant code?
Because it's doing about 25-30 times the snippet, writing 512 elif opcode == 0x##, or figuring out some other way to map the 50 addition operations together
8:31 PM
Okay, I've refactored more code to be like that snippet. It doesn't blow up, runs with almost no performance cost and it looks much better that way ^^
@poke Thank you for the good critiquing too, I didn't notice that I'd shadowed dict
It’s not really a problem within the comprehension since it’s only being shadowed within it, but it’s still making it easier to comprehend if you use another name :)
it's a good habit to get into to not shadow built-ins, at all
except file, as I'm told by Antti, which is not a built-in in python3:P
In Python 2 it'd also shadow the "real" dict too IIRC, due to the variable leaking.
But then Python 2 is a silly place.
Haha, I don't think anybody intentionally shadows built-ins; they just come up with clever, meaningful abbreviations that coincidentally match built-ins
@Aaron3468 yeah, that's why you have to get used to making a conscious effort to avoid that:)
8:36 PM
And then their code punishes them with weird errors
Mar 6 at 15:17, by Ffisegydd
I actively use file as a variable as a big "middle finger" to Python 2. Even when the name file makes no sense.
file = { 'Aaron' : 'cool' }
In the middle of a 10k line production code, or something xD
I could imagine how happy my boss would be to find that
9:05 PM
@Ffisegydd OK it might have been you:D
hey @Aaron3468, if you want to up your cool factor, fix the spelling of Dijsktra in your profile;)
@AndrasDeak Oh man, did I really mistype that! Alrighty instacool
so much cooler
Did it just get cooler in here?
A few minutes ago, I had to give Microsoft Edge a lobotomy. Somebody decided that working as intended meant it could be the only default pdf reader, so within seconds of changing the default to a dedicated PDF reader, it changed it back.
9:17 PM
Microsoft, 'nuff said
The fix was to tell the windows registry that Edge can't open pdfs, so don't let it change the default
9:53 PM
I think the note in this answer saying that the accepted answer is faulty for not actually allocating an array in the numpy test, is wildly underappreciated
10:18 PM
And was this in HNQ?
10:57 PM
Ok appendicitis it is then
11:10 PM
@AnttiHaapala I might be missing context:P
are you having appendicitis?
11:25 PM
@AnttiHaapala I'm going to sleep, so:
if answer=='Yes':
    print('Shit.\nPost-op or pre-op?\nAnyway, get well soon!')
    print('Ah, OK then:)')
(ignore the case)

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