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why is code-review not an option when CVing a post that belongs on another SE site?
it's pretty darn frequent
because it's not that frequent
CR keeps saying "please SO, don't send your crap here"
very few posts could be migrated
that's a good point
CR needs very high-quality, well-formed questions to begin with
come to think of it. All the ones I've seen have been very low quality to begin with
would be a pain to go through that code on CR has a heavy user
and it's a general rule that "don't migrate crap", but with code review it's even more dangerous, lot of crap efficiency-related posts would get flushed there
and with a smaller community with very different dynamics, it's really not helpful for them
that's a very good point
man...I feel like such a jerk
I was looking for the latter, found the former first
I'm gonna simply close those posts from now on and not suggest
Don't:) It's not trivial from our side until you're first told this
yeah...now that I know it's very obvious
Suggest to those where you see that OP is making an effort and is also capable of putting together sentences.
and include in the suggestion to not just repost there, but go around CR.SE and look at how upvoted questions look like
I at least do that...so that's good
Now that I've read the CRSE version again, I realized I should comment whenever I see a custom CV suggesting codereview...
oh that's bad
1 hour later…
I just showed up to my hockey game tonight that is actually for next week. I am a winner
at least you weren't injured.... (were you?)
*there there*
my wife just poured me a scotch
that's love
all's well that ends well
or with rehab
I'm not under the affluence of incohol
well that's a first
@idjaw are you editing?
nevermind, I'll rollback
that is what I was going to do yeah
I was thinking how to best proceed
go ahead
seems like the best approach
vandalism --> rollback, leave comment
if they do it again, I'm never sure, I think a second rollback raises an auto modflag
I did that when someone decided to fully format an OP code that actually affected the reason why it wasn't even working.
third rollback is definitely a no-go
@idjaw well I didn't say rollback --> vandalism:P
lol how is this not closed yet
you were saying?
and people are feeding the troll
kwality post
it has 100 bounty...and it's horrible
the title confused me
then the post never ended
then I see the bounty....wtf
already the predecessor is horrible...
it's a code writing exercise, with horribly unclear specifications
I'm on the fence about leaving a mod flag to close it up despite the bounty
but it's not blatantly off topic just enough
but it's so bad and confusing
but OP's certainly giving a run for their rep for answerers
must be a 40% assignment or something for that kind of bounty
problem is that between the previous post and this, OP has 20 upvotes
that's enough to balance this bounty
I know a certain user who did the same for a while
asked bad questions, then bountied them, then was never satisfied with the answers (which usually told him "don't do that!")
that user happens to come here every once in a while:P
ah yes...I love when people ask for help, get the help, reject the help, and then are back at square one because they don't realize that they should have listened to the help. win.
I think this 100rep OP has a sock
I'll modflag and we'll see
a sock?
sock puppet account
flagged it
I noticed in the mean time that the two users registered 3 minutes apart 8 months ago
what are the odds, right?
I wouldn't be surprised if there were other accounts involved
I'd be surprised if a brand new user instantly realized that they can/should game the system
is this still with respect to that bad plot question
well, the asker is one of the accounts involved
odds are both of these accounts are socks for someone else...
let's hope the mods figure it all out (they're pretty good at this, I'm told:P)
good night
I saw you edited a question afew mins ago on processes. Can you take a look at my answer? @idjaw
are you sure that will actually allow you to open multiple applications at once?
well the person who used it said it worked for them the only prob they had was that it occupied to much memory running to many processes at once
Fix your indentations. I would probably run a test to make sure it actually works for the use case that the OP is looking for as well.
Also putting a comment to your answer probably wouldn't be best. You should just explain what the code is doing and how it can solve their problem instead. Which points back to making sure this actually does solve their problem
ok thanks
2 hours later…
I am facing this issue while installing pyaudio. Any suggestions pastebin.com/ybdsWsyx
Cbg all
Cabbage :-)
@AnttiHaapala This might be of interest to you. Node.js: Use system random generator in crypto
2 hours later…
greetings :)
I was wondering, I want to sort a list of pairs of values and would like to sort them on the first value any idea how?
I have this sorted(points, key=itemgetter(0))
But it doesn't seem to work.
Have you got a from operator import itemgetter ?
it doesn't throw an error the values are just off
Okay... can you elaborate ?
first value (-17,9) second value (9,17) third value 11,-16 fourth value -12,8
>>> sorted([(-17, 9), (9, 17), (11, -16), (-12, 8)])
[(-17, 9), (-12, 8), (9, 17), (11, -16)]
You know that sorted returns a new list - it doesn't affect the existing list?
divid(sorted(points, key=itemgetter(0)))
left = sortedPoints[:int(len(sortedPoints)/2)]
right = sortedPoints[int(len(sortedPoints)/2):]
> You know that sorted returns a new list - it doesn't affect the existing list?
actually divid is the left= right = function
Ah - yes - I see, sorry
Dunno that was a normal message
Any unusual characters in it?
And I think I found my error for now
I now have weird stripes on my screen
... they're coming ...
Wish me luck
I think
Mmm - good luck
Morning @joncle
Alright different computer that one just died
how goes it @JRS?
Well - not often you hear that
(the computer thing - not a greeting from you Jon)
@JonClements I'm well - have to distribute chocolate goodies imminently
I also didn't remember the clock change, so have only just realised it's nearly 10 am
I hope the easter egg you got me is dog friendly chocolate!
But of course. Teleposting it now...
Woo hoo! waits eagerly...
Yep biome something error, gonna need some new ram for my other system
:( Does this also explain unexpected sorted results?
Probably at least I no longer trust anything that system did
Luckily I have 6 computers laying around me
@Thijser are they laying around you in pieces as a warning to what happens to computers when they don't do what they're told :p
@Jon well one has the CPU torn open the other has it's fan next to it the third will soon undergo RAM surgery the fourth needs a new battery but is relatively well otherwise the fifth is sitting in the corner largely unused (runs some server stuff) and the sixth is sitting on my lap right now
Oh and I have a large number of CPU's and RAM components somewhere laying around but those are ancient and prone to failure
So I guess
Sounds like a silicon junkyard :)
That one is an example to others
That's definitely one way to enforce discipline amongst the machines. Just hope they don't take over Skynet style - they may seek revenge :)
Well my current (working) system is called AI_core_rebirth and I'm beginning on working on research in AI (master computer science specialisation in AI with secondary skills in computer graphics, security , networks and distributed systems)
Sounds intriguing stuff... as long as your real name isn't Miles Dyson that is :p
Nope but if you can pronounce my user name here you probably know my first name.
Is it Bob? :p
Almost, hint the ij is pronounced as the german ei
and it's a dutch name
I only have school boy German and that was years ago - so I'll stick with Bob :)
@Jon don't be so disparaging of other peoples cultures and naming conventions, his name is obviously pronounced Godfrey. (Quick non-joking aside: I would like to know if I pronounce Martijn correctly in my head)
I just go with how he pronounced it in his introduction on the video he did where the host kept getting it wrong :p
pronouncenames.com/pronounce/martijn suggests that my head was wrong
That's probably the right method, the ij is pronounced as capital I (i)
So Martin is literally "mar tin" with the i being pronounce like the i in in. I always thought it was more "Mar teen" but I have absolutely no evidence on why it should be that way, just the way I made it up in my head.
@Ffisegydd just call him "Marty" - he loves that :p

Martian Pieters...

Nov 23 '15 at 20:42, 44 minutes total – 13 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Nov 23 '15 at 21:27 by Ffisegydd

I often end up going as either thi or this.
A vote for @zopatista is a vote for correct name spelling! Vote Martin Peters :-D #stackoverflow #soelection
Easter Sunday and I'm sat watching a horror movie about a girl being possessed, but it's based in Yorkshire - hard to take the horror seriously with the accents.
"Get away with thee tha greet big possessed wench!"
Says the Welsh guy? :p
It's based in the 70s too, so the clothing is fabulous - right up your alley Joncle.
That's where eastern comes in with it's many colours
(or are you not wearing extra colourfull clothes on eastern)
Hey, anybody know if there is any problem with Pypi? I am trying to use pip and I keep getting this failure.
Could not fetch URL pypi.python.org/simple: connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.python.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /simple/ (Caused by <class 'socket.gaierror'>: [Errno -2] Name or service not known)
@Inbar behind a proxy?
shouldn't be.
Try a different lib maybe?
Let me try one now
i was trying to get suds
Pandas installs fine for me with pip install --upgrade
@Ffisegydd You're just jealous of my style bruv...
Let me try suds
# ping -a pypi.python.org
ping: unknown host pypi.python.org
ping -a pypi.python.org
PING prod.python.map.fastlylb.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=6.23 ms
well, now I have to find out what the IT guys screwed up.
Ruh roh.
hello martin or martijn
someone just logged in
Martijn Pieters? Yeah it was his name we were discussing pronunciation of earlier.
Oh man this Yorkshire horror movie... "Who are you?" the words "a friend" are mysteriously written on the glass "Well tha can bugger off!"
Cuka actually just logged in
Hello, all. I have realized that python libraries often have setup.py, requirements.txt, init.py and cache folder, is there any brief tutorial that exaplains where to there files should be located in your lib?
@Thijser a room expression - sopython.com/salad
where did that come from?
I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!
@Thijser some insane people
Always bring a banana to a party
a good?
@JonClements Doctor who fans.... whovians :P
All hail the almighty octopus for we are nothing but his servants
I'm sure you mean "The Almighty Cabbage"
No we all know the almighty octopus created this universe, it's the only reason space is dark
but space isn't dark - it's just a really weird shade of teal
the best is the ridiculous amount of options that are available with that error message
at that rep level you would think they would have flagged for a dupe instead....
heya poke!
happy Sunday!
You mean Happy Rabbit Day?
YES! there are chocolates all over our house
our kids are hunting for them
If they are clever then they try to hatch them
start a farm
we all know you can hatch eggs by sitting on them
@Thijser Don't tempt @poke to start a rabbit farm - he probably will :p
just tell the kids to sit on the eggs rather then eat them and they will have an infinte number of eggs
*tries to hide the rabbits behind himself*
@Thijser I think that'll just mean that @idjaw ends up putting more stuff in the washing machine than necessary :p
What a better way to spend the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. By eating chocolate eggs and bunnies
Can someone help me from pulling my hair with a very tough (I promise) bash + python question?
My daughter already washed her face with chocolate
enough washing today
@poke does it need to be - looks like you could just perform two edits and let the situation resolve itself
I don’t know how tags work.. :P
So when I retag those questions, the tag gets automatically deleted?
yup - when a tag no longer exists on questions - it goes bye bye on a daily job
I see, thanks
synonyms are generally used for when there's more than one common way for a tag to be described but there's a canonical one preferred so the system automatically re-maps them. In this case - 2 questions with the vague tag - doesn't shout out that it's needed.
glad to hear you're getting less curry-ridden, Jon
haha - thanks :)
Does anybody else find this +100 bounty question terrible?
OP responded to some questions of mine in comments, but it's still way too broad
OP is used to having others write code for them
(I've also incidentally flagged OP for other reasons, @Jon, *nudge nudge wink wink*)
yeah yeah - it'll be in the queue :p
:D No rush here
It's just that I didn't flag that bountied post for "not being able to CV this poo" because that would've felt too much
even though the two are unrelated
Oh wow, I love how some users are just bitchy about “apparent copied answers”. This guy wrote an answer with like 10 lines of code and no explanation. Then four minutes later, another answer appeared which generally followed the same idea but had about 4 times as much code and explanations. And the first guy just commeted “isn’t this just my answer”?
flag as not constructive:P
provide those diamonds some work to do
@poke Yeah. Someone else got mad at me because I edited my answer to provide a detailed explanation and while doing that, someone else posted an answer-only answer...then got mad at me because I invalidated them
@AndrasDeak Already did that
@poke cool, cool
@poke and on the topic of answer copying. I found this one particularly hilarious. A not so good answer using my input sample as a base, that was referenced and then providing one of the three answers i provided: here
they might not have noticed your answer
read their answer
they referenced me by name and used my input sample
I know
you mean the counter example
but they might have just stopped with the example input
it's 5 answers to a question in fairly quick succession
usually a sign of a simple question
answers are bound to be similar, especially in python where there's one obvious way of doing things:P
oh I'm not mad about it. I just found it funny.
and quite few people are willing to self-delete if they notice that someone else beat them to a solution, or gave a better similar answer later
yeah, I do that
especially if they do something that is very simple with a standard module that I completely forgot about
*pats back*
^ Just to get an idea…
import CSI
avatar of the short post's author looks like Chris F's
(I know the name doesn't)
wait, @poke, why are you looking at code with braces in it?
Yup, C#
@AndrasDeak Good spot btw :)
oh, thanks!:)
a toddler on too much chocolate throwing a tantrum for more chocolate.....it's too early for this.
@idjaw just add some red bull for real fun!
redbull is made out of toddler
it's the only way to get that much energy
that's why you don't get them started on coke
And I mean cocaine
try to divert them
carrot muffin, broccoli smoothie...
they'll never know what hit them
one of them is going to swim class and the other is going to the park
balance shall be restored
Swim class on a sunday? You monster!
hi @Bhargav!
> My not very educated guess would be to try Java or Javascript (dont really know the difference)
It's simple Javascript is Java with a surname.
I want to put that question on my wall
actually just that java, javascript quote would be good enough too
Well, if you write a script in java, that's javascript
Y'all wish we still had a "lacks minimal understanding" reason, don'cha?
did that really exist?
that's amazing
and was put to good use, but a lot of times abused, and unhelpful for OPs
can hurt self-esteem too
it was lacks minimal understanding --> too localized --> too broad or something
this --> this if you're interested
@Shog9: Well that feels like a problem that should be fixed then. You're probably in a better position to request that than I am (as a non-mod) :) — Jon Skeet Jan 17 '14 at 18:24
o.O The Skeet is not omnipotent... ^

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