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@Programmer There should be a hat icon in/around your "badges" box in your profile.
Ahh. I don't think I have high enough rep then or something. Thanks
I was working on an answer to something and an OP then linked to a former answer of mine in a comment. o.O
How do you get the smiling mask? :c
please please someone tell me
A module is essentially a single instance of a class, so to speak, right?
I would expect hats to be available to users of any rep. Maybe the icon only appears after you earn one hat.
@davidism “all” ;)
Yeah, I probably don't have any
yeah, I know ;-)
ahhh, I know about the hats
oh i see, the smiling one is listed there
You may also need to "opt in" first, which it should have prompted you to do the first time you clicked on the snowflake icon in the top bar.
@QuestionC: chat is apparently down for you too. ;-)
The struggles of only checking chat every 15 minutes.
last year I got a bunch of hats day one, this year I've only got the "post on the 14th" one
Quick question, which do you prefer:

Foot.convert_to(Meter, value)
Foot.convert_to(value, Meter)

(Please ignore the fact that these choices are both bad and that I should do X instead)
Neither, you shouldn't use camel case for function names.
Neither, it's "metre".
I camelCase all the things. :^)
/me rants about the logging module having camelCased functions
@DSM meter is used in 'murica
I usually choose whichever one more closely matches the arrangement of words in English. "Convert X to meters" sounds more natural to me than "Convert to meters, X", so I would pick Foot.convertTo(value, Meter)
@davidism Fixed :P
@AwalGarg the standard libraries are slowly pep8-ing themselves, it's a long process
@JacqueGoupil still neither then, why is convert_to a class method on Foot?
@DSM I didn't know the spelling was different outside US, good to know. In French it's mètre.
I'd just allow passing Length subclasses to their constructor and having a standard internal way to convert them.
@RishavKundu: I don't mind Imperial units at all. I still think of short distances in feet and inches, and small masses in pounds. But introducing quirks into a system designed specifically to be standard is just irritating.
When I actually have to write conversion code, I usually do convert(x, "foot", "meter")
@JacqueGoupil Foot(Meter(5)) would return the correct distance in feet
@DSM I mean they use the spelling “meter” in america
I think @AnttiHaapala had a clever approach to unit conversion that used the new matrix multiplication operator.
@RishavKundu: I know, and I wish they wouldn't.
I wouldn’t make a “Foot” type since foot is not really a measurement one should use anyway. Just use meters for every distance, and have a function foot(x) which returns x foot in meters.
Is deleting, then undeleting a question to get a hat bad practice?
I’d say yes.
@RishavKundu follow your heart, do what you feel is right
But then again, it’s hats. Everybody is abusing SO at the moment for hats.
(I hate it)
such difficult decisions
@davidism The reason was that it's actually not coded in python but in JS, and that I can't wrap my numbers in a Length class everywhere. But I think I could actually make the class instance callables, that would be sweet!
So you're not asking about Python in the Python room? Good strategy.
Oh, JacqueGoupil is the fellow who always asks the Python room style questions which turn out not to be Python style questions. :-)
Haha, busted :)
(Good strategy because we're always right compared to every other language.)
It's because nobody understands the importance of style and readable code in JS. Heck, they use JQuery -_-
I don't mind seeing language-agnostic questions in here, but if we start suggesting Python-only solutions, well... You've made your bed.
Yeah, I know, but you actually gave me an idea, so all isn't lost :)
Surprised no-one taking advantage of the comedy value of "Javascript Foot? Kicked" ;)
Afternoon uk cbg, btw
What's the syntax for strikeout text on meta? I thought it was three or four dashes
I think it's just <strike> tags (or whatever the html tag is).
The markdown form is specific to chat.
Oops, on meta. Stupid AoC, it's got me trying to type too quickly now..
Daily blek: globals()["count_" + chr(letter1)] = count
:) thanks guys
cgb all
Cbg @RNar
Cagabe to you ^^
I just noticed, rbrb looks like brb, that might be confusing.
cbg RNar
whats the cabbage joke?
It's a chatroom subculture thing. sopython.com/salad
Has anyone seen/heard from Iplodman? I know he named-changed, but it's been a while
So many friends have come and gone... But don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened.
is AoC not workign for other people or is it just me... :(
Yes, it's down.
Christmas is cancelled. Everyone go home.
AoC seems to have returned! Christmas is back on.
It's a Festivas miracle!
Heh. I had a Chrome session on my laptop open for ~2 months. Closed it and regained about 2 gigglebytes of disk space.
@tristan Doesn't take two months for that for me :)
Umm... has anyone seen how the hats have made stackoverflow.com/teams/50/sopython-community?tab=members interesting? :p
The madhouse is just a little more mad :-p
Everone join that team, we need more patients members
@davidism I picked a suitably pythonesque role to join with.
I like that none of us can just be serious for 10 seconds
It bothers me a little that we're not team/6.
@MartijnPieters you need to join our ro team too, the invite's on trello
I should write up a standard "So, you're trying to get us to help you with a data processing task, but for some reason instead of showing us your actual data file, you're showing us a modified version of it which your code won't run on. You thought this was a good idea why, exactly?" page so I can link people to it.
Sometime I worry that our apparent culture of wackiness comes off in a manner similar to Fran in accounting who shows you her "hang in there" poster and says "aren't I just the worst?" as if it's the epitome of workplace chaos.
@DSM Can we also have one for "That's just a copy pasted version of your homework assignment. Now go away please".
@davidism done so now.
we're still on the front teams page sorted by members, but we can do better. I won't be happy until we pass the Stack Overflow team.
@PeterVaro, ooh, that's very nice.
@davidism If you pin. Many others might see it and join :)
@BhargavRao We had it pinned for a while.
Guess then we need to wait. :)
only missing @DSM and @PM2Ring, get that invite from trello
so how do i join
@BhargavRao I just saw your link in your SO page today and I'm flattered. Incredibly.
click the join this team link in here
You're already on the /5 team, and the join link is in the description of the public team
@RNar Thanks :) (I'll remove it in a few days :P )
Ok I stared at that gif for five minutes and I can't conceive of how I would reverse-engineer it.
Consider yourself dared.
With some effort I could write an equation to describe the surface of a 3d cinnamon roll, but 1) it would spiral inwards forever, rather than terminating at a roundish nub like the above gif does, 2) the points on the surface would only change direction W.R.T. the axis perpendicular to the plane that the cinnamon roll lies on. The above gif appears to have substantially more lateral movement than that.
@Kevin I think it all depends on how much frosting you use.
Indeed. smokes pipe. Bubbles rise from the bowl.
So, on a golfier topic. Someday I want to have this level of arcane knowledge of Python. codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/66538/38770
Oh, clever use of random there.
Are the little circles in that gif moving in circles, or are they moving? It's really hard to tell.
That's not Python knowledge. That's just all-out madness.
@QuestionC Tricky to say since they get bunched up in the trough of the wave, but I'm convinced that each point moves in a cycle.
advent of code: 1 star :D
@Kevin I'm sure you could reproduce this given ample supply of spaghetti and walls.
I have an idea for implementing lateral movement, but it requires tricky math.
Is there an accepted way to find the length of a function? Ex. Consider sin(x) from 0 to 2*pi. How many inches of ink is required to draw it?
Finding the length of a curve using calculus, yea there is. It's been a while though.
Basically my idea is, rather than draw the points at fixed X intervals, draw them at fixed length intervals.
yeah there are length of curve formulas, has to do with integrals and stuff.
You basically integrate the tiny arclength differential. It's like integrating sqrt(1 + (dy/dx)^2).
SOPython: The place in your life where Calc 3 problems get people excited.
This sopython field -- "You need a role! What would you say you do here?" Cannot read this without hearing Bob from Office Space
Hmm, I figured calculus would be involved.
This is a little beyond the math I remember from school.
Everything past Junior year of high school is just static and "here be dragons"
So for SIN, it would be integral of sqrt(1 + COS**2) dx right?
you'd think that because I relearned this stuff last term, I would know this. But my lack of time spent in lectures is really starting to bite me in the derrier.
@QuestionC Yeah
Thanks all, this is a good starting point.
I kinda think that picture is just a bunch of circles whose centers form a spiral.
Quite possibly. I am interested to know what kind of spiral it is, though.
I don't think it's a simple r = C / theta parametric, because I'd expect the center to have a lot more loops.
Hmm, it bothers me that my graphing web app of choice, Desmos, doesn't have a "share" option.
I could save graphs if I got an account, but I'd rather have something that encodes the parameters in the URL. There's less link rot that way.
@Kevin Looks like it could be a logarithmic spiral / nautilus curve?
ooh, maybe.
very interesting...
r\ =\ \log \left(\theta \right)\ \left\{\theta \ >\ 1\right\} has a similar nubby center, yeah...
how do I view the private leaderboard?
how do I view the private leaderboard?
3 hours ago, by Kevin
@DSM You go to the AoC website, and click on "leaderboard", and click on "you can also use a [Private leaderboard]", and enter the thing in the box, and click "join"
If your next question is "how do I view a private leaderboard without joining it?", good question. I don't know if that's possible.
On the 14th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... Frequently Asked Questions!
Try this link. Not sure if it's individualized for me or whatever.
@Kevin: thanks for the desmos link. Oddly enough it gave me an idea for a visual API interface (guess it's not really an API then!) at work.
I'm glad you found it useful. Please feel free to accept... Wait, that doesn't work here.
Ok, if the cinnamon roll is a bunch of circles whose centers form a spiral, and the spiral is a logarithmic spiral, how do I determine the radius of each circle?
What is the optimal complexity for day 13?
i would say anywhere between O(really complex) and O(extremely complex)
sounds complex
Agree with R. My solution was factorial complexity.
Luckily O(N!) ain't so bad when N = 8
What problem's more interesting to do, 13 or 14?
I think I liked 13 better.
I think circle radius may be arbitrary. Unless arbitrary doesn't work, in which case it's not.
I think there is some super clever solution for 13 that utilises dynamic progamming
@RishavKundu O(2^n n^2)
unfortunately, i dunno how to do it
I haven't done either but it looks like 13 is more interesting. 14 looks like it can done in a very simple O(N) (translates to O(complex but only if you make it complex))
If you plug r\ =\ \frac{\theta }{7}\log \left(\theta \right)\ \left\{\theta \ >\ 1\right\} into Desmos' calculator, you get a spiral whose successive points are all mostly equidistant, except for the innermost spiral. So if you say "the radius of all circles is constant throughout", then it will either be too small for all outer spirals, or too big for the innermost spiral.
Day 10 remains the best.
Intuitively the answer is "each radius is exactly big enough to touch the circumference of the circles neighboring it, one spiral outwards and one spiral inwards" but I don't know how you would take that observation and actually get numbers
Hey up all
Hey folks, is a question asking how to import all python packages installed on a computer on topic?
@Kevin Check out Steiner chains if you want to see some examples of how that can be done
day3 is my personal favourite because I found a clever, incredibly golfy way of doing it
@wnnmaw well, it's about Python...
@Marcus will do, thanks.
@wnnmaw In the interactive prompt, you can do help("modules") and it gathers a list of all available modules. I wonder if there's a programmatic way to get a list of names like that.
noo, why did you delete that wonderful gif?
Didn't realize it would take up so much screen room
Too much gif. Good Marcus.
heya all
@Kevin Link to your animations github?
@Kevin, amusingly help("modules") does what I need it to do, thanks!
@RishavKundu Yeah -- there's a cool animation for Soddy's hexlet somewhere
I'm seeing different things than you when I look at the gif, I wanna take a crack at this tonight.
But I don't want to do the hard work part of making an animation framework. =)
Huh, wikipedia just served me a “servers are overloaded” message
@wnnmaw I thought import pkgutil; print [thing[1] for thing in pkgutil.iter_modules()] would do it, but it doesn't seem to list all packages? Like, math is missing. Or am I misunderstanding the difference between "module" and "package" again.
@RishavKundu you can't trust anything you read there. you should go to a .gov or reputable .edu to see if they're actually overloaded
Considering whether I should necro this post to mention iter_modules...
@Kevin all your fractal animations are making my head hurt. yet I cannot stop staring at them. help me.
Take two aspirin and continue watching.
those weren't options i can see forever these aren't my hands!!!
> They call 'em fingers, but you never see 'em fing. Oh wait, there they go.
that awkward moment when I forgot I linked my aoc account to my real name. must keep air of msyery
Has anyone here played around with rethinkdb at all?
iter_modules() includes os but not sys. I am baffled.
I consider the two roughly equal in builtinness, so I'm surprised that anything would treat one differently than the other.
Could it be that one is implemented in C, and the other in Python?
:( picked the wrong low hanging fruit question. life is about the choices we make :/
Oh, you have to do sys.builtin_module_names if you want to see math and sys and friends. Apparently os isn't on that list though.
Antti is knocking 'em off..
@Kevin My goodness, well builtins aren't part of the problem, so its all good
Well I decided to necro that post, because I think it's useful information and maybe I'll get a hat.
solved AoC #5 with 1 regex
or 2 :D if you consider both parts
dunno if that is nice or naughty
Regular expressions are never nice, so I guess they're naughty by default.
I never even thought about regex for that one wow
Ooh, I got a thumbs up for my pull request. Someone acknowledged my existence on Github - what a milestone!
@RNar which one are oyu
No offense to anyone in this room that has starred/commented/pull requested on my own repositories. Y'all don't count.
@AnttiHaapala the anonymous user because anonymity in this big-brother world is something to be proud of.
@Kevin: nonlocal
@Kevin I had the idea but someone else implemented
Unfortunately the unit conversion help seeker was looking for a language agnostic solution, so he couldn't use your idea anyway :-(
Python is borderline pseudocode. I think its answers in general are language-agnostic.
Sure, they're compatible with good languages that have operator overloading and such.
If your answer is dependent on the weird parts of python like assignment-is-naming I guess it's not very agnostic, but that style suggests it might be bad code too.
In this particular instance it only works for languages that let you use @ as an operator. Which is a little off the beaten path.
@JacqueGoupil If you're converting between units, why not X = Y * U_METERS / U_FOOT? That's how I was taught to do this in 10th grade chemistry.
StackOverflow is UTC for new day calculation, right?
passed @davidism in AoC
not hard, since I haven't touched it since Wednesday :-)
@Ffisegydd That's the most adorable Ettin I've ever seen.
Whoops I forgot how to calculus.
I figured out how to use the fundamental theorem of calculus to find the derivative of a thing, which is exactly the opposite of what I wanted to find.
f(x) = lim h-> 0 of (A(x+h) + A(x)) / h is real useful if you know A and want f, but not the other way around.
dunno how ppl solved #7
now that is interesting, I had the most awful solution of all :P
@davidism you stopped at that
I started on Wednesday, stopped when I got tired, went to Disneyland on Thursday, and my hard drive died on Friday.
! That's no good. (the HD, not the Disneyland visit)
So I've really only put in one day of work on them so far.
@RNar that usage is just plain wrong
all my data is on a terabyte disk, I think it's just the four year old 60gig ssd with the os that died
now that I have some time I can boot a usb and see if I can recover the os
That's a little better, I guess. Still unpleasant, but less so than losing data.
oh I am aware of that. I have no idea what to say though so I'm just going to leave it :/
then it's back to debating whether I do advent or close Flask/-SQLAlchemy bugs
Is there a hat for long-absent net.friends, now making a seasonal visit? ;-)
I love the winterbash -- It's like my favorite time of year.
I hope so.
I want them all.
How's it goin @DSM?
Oh hey it's mgilson. I feel like I'm in a very special reunion episode.
Still crunching numbers and hanging out on SO to pass the time. You still working for the Worldmind?
I'm now at a Startup.
Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!
Gonna change the world or somethin'
More likely, we'll probably run out of money and I'll get back to being a scientist ... Or something else.
But that's a little ways away.
@davidism did you store anything on your SSD or purely OS? Just wondering because I have the same type of setup at home.
@mgilson I've been working for companies that I wished would run out of money :D
but it didn't happen
The world is full of possibilities. Most of them involve numbers though and I'm okay with numbers, so I'm fine for the moment. :-)
Yep. That's how I am.
@Programmer it was just OS, that's why I got it so small. I have steam set up to install to the disk and then I move the game I'm playing to the ssd if I want speed
I'm slightly optimistic that my new gig will give me the opportunity to teach myself some things about Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, so ...
That's the draw compared to the "Worldmind" (they have enough money to hire people who already know those skills).
Knowledge is good. #emilfaber
@davidism -- why are they raising a string subclass?
And a string subclass that can't be referenced from anywhere else in the code for that matter.
Why isn't the parcel tracking changing? Where is my parcel? D:
Wait, can you even do that?
@DSM -- Do what?
Track packages on the internet? Damn Canada really is behind.
Har har har. No, I mean can you raise something which doesn't derive from BaseException.
There should be an AoC hat.
The only way I can think that code could have worked for him is maybe if he's running a really old version of Python.
@DSM -- Yeah, it's a leftover from python's dark ages IIRC.
It might be disabled in python3.x
I don't remember.
To my shame I remember I used to write raise "some error message". But I was so much older then; I'm younger than that now.
Meh -- Javascript programmers do stuff like that all the time I think . . .
I feel so sleepy
can't get more of the AoC done today
Of course, javascript is just kinda weird in a lot of ways . . .
pretty damn fast for one day antii
I was coding Python today and I kept trying to comment with // ;_;
Im using a java wrapper language that uses ' as comment blocks and it catches me sometimes in python :/
It took me a while to break the habit of // and /* for comments.
sometimes when I switch back and forth from JS to python too rapidly I find my python code has ; at the end of the lines -- Fortunately I always notice before I check it in, but I still feel embarrassed in my head. . .
I don't have trouble with semicolons, but I do forget that non-Python languages like to use curly brackets for flow control.
Typical action sequence: function do_a_thing(), newline, tab, thoughtful pause, sigh, left left left left left, left curly bracket, down

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