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Optional actions: perform test run, squint at syntax error, mild swearing. Insert at any point for desired effect.
This sad face hat was made for me. :-( :-)
cmon noobs post python questions
How do I calculate the arc length of arbitrary piecewise continuous functions? In Python?
I already wrote a thing that approximates arc length by adding up a bunch of hypotenuses, but it's O(N log N) or something which makes me sad.
define arc length.
@Kevin It's worse in Delphi, because it doesn't use curly braces, but it uses do begin end for loops and I always forget the do.
for word in message.split(): print('define {}'.format(word))
@RNar arc = length.
@Kevin: just use your favourite integration scheme. Most functions don't have nice expressions for the arclength.
davidism's mask is terrifying O_o
Right now I'm being lazy and doing
def arc_length(f, x, resolution=100):
    xs = [float(i) * x / resolution for i in range(resolution+1)]
    ys = map(f, xs)
    coords = [Point(x,y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
    lengths = [distance(a,b) for a,b in pairs(coords)]
    return sum(lengths)
Almost a year ago to the day! Half-life 3 confirmed.
Which is approximately right. arc_length(math.sin, math.pi * 2) returns 7.64000144443 which matches the answer in this post.
... More or less.
I lied
solved 1 more
noooo must catch up
Fine, I'll get off my butt and do day 13.
do any of you guys have an iphone and ever recieve a text message where there is no number but there is a contact name....
Sup Smith.
cbg @AdamSmith. check out my title in SOpython team ;)
howdy fizzy, rnar
I like Bhargav's "hat".
bhargrav's really gunning for those hats damn
story time! I work occasionally as a dealer for a company that throws casino-style parties. Dealing craps, roulette, poker, blackjack, etc
Cool story, bro.
Hadn't worked there in over a year 'cuz my day job's schedule didn't jive well with it, but I did my first party in 18 months on Saturday
Are the rights available to this script?
@tristan: first finish Nerd Cop. :-P
one of the ladies at my table was part of their I.T. team and we talked shop while she played. At the end of the party, she told me to apply and mention her name.
iterating the lines in a file doesnt work in systems where \r is the line seperator (damn you OSX)
> I noticed a couple well dressed college students walking around. They didn't seem related, but one of them was winning big at my table.
so I might be getting a new job at BioTechCorp.
@DSM :[ fair
@JoranBeasley what? That can't be true.
@AdamSmith nice
@AdamSmith: in tristan's defence, this does sound like the setup for a movie in which you get a job at BioTechCorp.. a job which sounds great. Until..
for line in open("blah blah.csv"): print "A:", line ... prints the entire file and only one A:
@JoranBeasley you must be using p2. move to the dark(3) side
I lied a lot
@RNar yes you are correct in that assumtion :P
speaking of dark side whose going on opening weekend? :P
@DSM Well I did ask someone what they did at BioTechCorp. They told me they kill mice.
I didn't inquire further, because that's the kind of thing you don't ask about.
without switching to py3 is there a way to tell it that \r is indeed the newlines? that anyone knows of offhand?
@JoranBeasley depends on os where built. os.linesep iirc
with open('blah.csv', 'rU')...
awesome thanks guys :)
Yeah, that'll make 'em look like \n even if they aren't.
> supplying 'U' opens the file as a text file, but lines may be terminated by any of the following: the Unix end-of-line convention '\n', the Macintosh convention '\r', or the Windows convention '\r\n'
I feel dumb ... its so straight forward I just dont spend much time on macs
I know the feeling
and couldnt figure out why the heck it wasnt working
does py3 change that?
'cuz I swear I've never run into it
and though the amount of programming I do targetting macs is small, it's not insignificant.
I dont know :/ @RNar hinted that it does
this is a simple script our marketers wanted to find email addresses in one csv that also existed in another csv
and of coarse they all use mac (even though they dont understand shells, or *nix)
We're thinking a room meeting after NY by the way.
We're due a Winter one.
So sometime early Jan.
@Ffisegydd I'm hoping "NY" here means new years, and not that you're planning on "ending" new york.
@Adam both.
leans into microphone that's correct
Maybe he meant "after sopycon New York"!
*drops the mic* *picks it back up because he wasn't finished talking* Yeah we'll get some kind of agenda up before Christmas.
in python3, you can change the open method to use a different newline
ahh ok
yeah idk shrug
You need it to open csv files correctly now, newline=''. That's the only time I ever use it, TBH. :-)
uh oh, @AdamSmith is joining the aoc race.
Advent of Capitalism
TIL a python int can't start with 0.
It could in python2.x -- But that means that you're inputting an octal literal. python3.x fixes it though.
If we hadn't tried to be too clever with it, we could have allowed leading zeros for base 10 without any confusion. :-(
@Ffisegydd It's currently before Christmas. Where is the agenda? C'mon ya slacker.
@DSM -- python4.x?
Really, the problem is just with integer literals ... e.g. int('010') will still give you 10
It's pretty rare that you actually want to write leading zeros on an integer literal (the only time I find myself doing it is when I write dates . . .)
int(convert_me) is definitionally a base 10 conversion though.
I had an int I was appending to the end of a python file that I called zfill on
@mgilson: my request for 4 is to have {} be the empty set and {:} be the empty dict.
datetime.datetime(2015, 01, 07)
Ooo ... That's an interesting idea.
What's funny is that Fizzy linked to the actual agenda.
Though, I wonder how much traction that would get . . .
I'd like to have some way to make frozenset from a literal.
You're all hilarious. cries.
I assume the leading 0 thing is a carryover from the 70's or 80's when octal vs hex might have still been a debate.
I'd also like to have a frozendict type.
Which transitioned into Python through C.
Now frozendict is interesting.
Zero traction -- the benefits over set() are marginal. But it's how I would have done it.
We should have warm ints that are mutable.
Yeah, it's hard to get traction on ice.
It'd definitely make sense if there wasn't backward compatibility.
@RNar lol yeahhhhh
I'd also like a better way to create OrderedDicts. :-/
I want a boiling dict. It randomly mutates until it becomes sentient and finishes my program for me.
gotta do something on my lunch hour, right?
you'd pretty much have to add the {:} syntax in python4.x and then transition {} in python5.x.
What site actions give 2+ but less than 10 rep? After getting edit privileges, that is. Tag creation and edits? Asking questions that get upvoted?
I think just asking questions.
aaand done
all of AoC so far that is
@AnttiHaapala don't tell me you did it all today?!
@davidism 3 hours
and 8 hours of sleep now to try to get the 15th AFAP
and I even parsed the inputs with regexes
but I cheated in the logic one :D
I did use exec for that
stackoverflow.com/questions/34276356/… How do I make the browser run Python.
@tristan \o/
@MorganThrapp That doesn't seem like a bad question. The answer is just "Learn a framework, flask is one", instead of code.
Well, according to their most recent comment, they have Python running in the browser already.
I'm very confused.
I don't always run a programming language in my browser, but when I do, I choose Python.
if is_friend: stay_thirsty()
@MarcusStuhr Do you know the liquor laws in this country? Know what? Come with me sir.
where da hat list at y'all?
@MorganThrapp Note sure how I missed that, thanks mate
welcome @theship
@tristan No problem. If you click "Winter Bash" in the snowflake menu, it'll take you there.
Still working on it?
"Stack Overflow is a professional site that tries to maintain a prefossional conduct at all-"
"we have a snowflake menu"
Points on the upper curve are constant arc lengths away from each other. Points on the lower curve are constant X coordinates away from each other.
foss, n: a moat or ditch. prefossional, adj.: of or pertaining to before the moat.
Points on the upper curve exhibit lateral motion, while the lower curve does not. This is fairly apparent on the third point from the right, which moves in an upright figure eight.
This may be a feasible mechanism for getting lateral motion on the points in the cinnamon roll gif.
aaaaannnd i cant edit. there goes my impeccable spelling and grammar record yeah right
Rendering will be slow as dirt though.
note to self: {(0, 0)} and set((0, 0)) are not the same thing.
What kind of curve is that?
AOC day 3 done...
It's a piecewise function that connects together half-circles. I don't know if there's a non-piecewise equivalent.
@AdamSmith I made the same mistake, my answer was off by 1 because of it ;_;
Time to go begin the hometown-friends circuit. Monday rhubarb for all!
cheers dsm
Tell only good stories about me please.
Hmm, I should modify the top curve so all the points have constant velocity. I have no idea how to do that.
i feel like you can reuse some of what you did for your centroid wave code somehow...
There are undeniable similarities, in some ways.
Are you making an animation?
@DSM -- Pleasant rhubarb to yourself as well.
hats for days. any way of making splinter not open a browser?
as the leader of the tmnt, I would suggest letting Splinter do what he wants.
splinter is a cult leader
And Krang be like, "He's a hard worker but he never gets anything dooOOoooOoooOOOonnnnnee!!"
Hi guys
@RNar As long as the pizza is shared! :)
how do they get money for the pizza?
I'd like to ask you is python is the programming language for Apple Devices ?
no, objective c is
or swift
@tree-stand April O'Neal probably pulls down some good money.
so, where python used in ? @RNar
@Augusta 1) Local tv reporters don't make that much money. 2) She came to them after they were already well established in their pizza diets
Maybe Splinter writes self-help books or something.
That raises even more questions.
@tree-stand I thought Channel 6 was bigger than that. I mean, that's a pretty hefty building they're in. I may have misunderstood the coverage they get, though. New York City is not a cheap place to live by any stretch.
Why would he be literate? How did he get an agent? How does he get recurring royalties? What address does he use to receive mail?
I thought she was a new reporter
@AhmedHillal its a general use scripting language so its hard to say that theres a specific area it is used for
Your point about their diet being well-established is a good one, though.
@RNar Like "Java" we can say right ?
I'm assuming Splinter is literate because of the way he speaks. This is a terrible indicator, though; talk to someone for long enough about anything they're already knowledgeable with and they'll begin to seem smart.
@AhmedHillal not really since Java is mostly used for Android development
Anyway I'll save the TMNT stuff for when it's dead-er in here <3
holy christ @tree-stand i thought you were tristan this whole time.
@RNar What's a tristan?
It's a thing you prop cameras up on, right?
Oh, that guy? He's a butt.
O, no wait, "tristan." It's a peg in a tape deck that feeds magnetic tape through a reader, or somesuch thing.
It's me. And @RNar, you could be 'R Nukkah'
Can we casually change our display names like that?
I was beginning to question reality when I tried searching tristan up in SO users and came up fruitless.
We can
A thing is learned this day.
makes sense since authentication uses email and not username so it's not a huge deal to change
Man, I guess it takes a while to propagate proppa'ly.
-waits patiently for her stupid holiday joke to make its way through-
same as everything else on SO
Fair enough~
stackoverflow.com/questions/34277863/… for dupe of least astonishment
jk the deed is done
Guys Regarding to SQL

Can I delete only contents without delete whole schema ?
what do you mean? DELETE FROM table; ?
TRUNCATE table ?
probably not DROP table
probably something like DELETE FROM table WHERE expression
randomly got a secret hat... can't figure out the trigger... ;_;
I mean to delete contents of table but without recreate it
@JoranBeasley Yes you are right
For sites that have hats on by default seems to suggest that there are some SE sites that have hats all year?!
@RNar I think that's supposed to mean that some sites have hats turned off
not that some sites have hats TURNED ON ALL THE TIME OMGZ
@AhmedHillal This isn't python related.
@RNar What if I told you there are forums about actual hats? Some whimsical, some not.
@tree-stand what if there was a hats SE that didnt allow hats.
@tree-stand I know but sql room no one activated right now :)
@AhmedHillal Not really relevant to the Python room =/ ask a question on the main site
@AhmedHillal That's not a valid reason.
@RNar this is the darkest timeline.
@tree-stand you dont want to be in the darkest timeline. things exist in the darkest timeline that you would not even be able to utter without breaking down into some sort of self induced seizure.
any way sorry guys for go throw different topic :)
no problem
@AhmedHillal no need to be sorry; now you know.
@AhmedHillal oh thats quite alright, you just need to repay us with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. and to answer the question you did not ask: yes, we dont accept equivalent paypal payments (made payable to sopython)
shush, you
I'll accept equivalent paypal payments (made payable to me)
@tree-stand for real tho, community reference?
@RNar yes. hell yes. DOUBLE HELL YES.
beginning of community season 6 is some of the best tv i've seen (on an airplane). yahoo! really f'd up on distribution/marketing
I haven't actually watched that season :(
I saw the first few episodes. It's incredible.
Got through the first several AOC questions and going back to reimplement them in golang now. Really good practice actually
kinda wanna start doing it in C++ to get back into practice before the next school term but god did I hate c++
I've managed to stay clear of /C.{0,2}/
Look at you go
I'll get that edit right one of these days
i first learned programming on C++ then I had to learn a tad bit of objective-c and man oh man python is just so much better.
If I have a few dicts and a specific key should be in one of them, does it make more sense to make a stack of nested try..except KeyError checks, or to see if the key is in each dict with if key in nDict: return nDict[key]? Or use some horribly long n0dict.get(key, n1dict.get(..)) chain?
Any of the three will do the job, but I wonder which is preferable in an idiomatic sense.
@Ramaugstdan Use a for loop.
..I guess this is a Programmers question.. =_=;
@Ramaugstdan agreed with the for loop
So something like for D in (n0dict, n1dict, .. ): if key in D: return D[key]?
Yeah, that is my thought
there is a ChainedMap in py3k
that does this under the hood
There may be a backport if you need it in python2
I'm using Python 2
I can take a look for myself, though; you don't need to find it for me.
Thanks! I hadn't considered using a loop like that.
cool. :)
I guess I could as easily use return next(D[key] for D in (nDicts) if key in D) as well.
Yes, you could. Except if the key isn't in any you will raise a StopIteration exception
At least, I think that is what would happen.
next(D[key] for D in (nDicts) if key in D, None)
I forgot about the default argument. Nice @AdamSmith. :)
next((D[key] for D in nDicts if key in D), None), rather
Although in the actual application of the thing, None actually makes a thing instead. :v
It used to be that on StopIteration, it made the thing. But I can just move that part off on its own and do it all at once.
Cool, thanks
The funniest thing just happened
I was on SO and saw a question where someone had offered a comment about a tool that might have been useful, though strictly speaking it was off-topic
OP basically bit his head off
I chided OP for that
And a few minutes later, someone upvoted three of my recent answers :)
I'll have to remember that technique, next time I'm within reaching distance of 200 :-D
@mgilson hello stranger :)
Hey @JonClements
ltns - how ya been!?
Hats! Hats! Hats!
No programmer is a stranger to me, for we are all of the same country
I don't think I know this one.
I've been well.
same old (ltns = long time no see) :p
Ahh -- Yeah, I'm not around much these days :-/
I don't have code which takes a long time to compile and run anymore. . .
Hey, look at that. Someone said PHP6 is better than Python 3.5. Shun the nonbeliever! SHUN!!!
(In the starred comments on the right)
It might be better for some things.
That's the whole reason programming languages exist.
@mgilson Yes, of course. But it still feels blasphemous :)
However, I will say that the set of things that PHP is better at than Python is probably full of things which I couldn't care much less about ;-)
Hello everyone!
Heh heh, well put
Hey m_callens
Greetings and salutations
time for me to get some sleep - @mgilson if I don't see you around before - have a good xmas and new year
And you too!
I should go too. Just wanted to post that funny story somewhere. Ciao
though I was not present during that conversation, I have a feeling tristan was NOT being serious. just to ease your mind @TomZych
@RNar Could be. Bye.
You can always go back and look at the transcript: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/27505681#27505681
Spricht jemand Deutsch?
eh transcripts are useless when a great majority of what is said is sarcastic and ironic in nature

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