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Same. Rhubarb.
They migrated my optimization answer from programmers to SO. :/ Not sure what to think.
I guess "rules of thumbs" are too concrete for the other site...
But does that mean that math is too conceptual for this site? Who decides these things?
well it gets me closer to my goals on this site, but I was looking forward to building rep on programmers...
@PatrickMaupin so what's new?
Is verilog similar to prolog?
No, prolog is for logic and verilog is for logic...
Verilog is for creating and testing chips.
Verilog is close to the C/pascal tradition, with simultaneous stuff going on.
Verilog, standardized as IEEE 1364, is a hardware description language (HDL) used to model electronic systems. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction. It is also used in the verification of analog circuits and mixed-signal circuits. == OverviewEdit == Hardware description languages such as Verilog differ from software programming languages because they include ways of describing the propagation time and signal strengths (sensitivity). There are two types of assignment operators; a blocking assignment (=), and a non...
Looks cool.
It is cool. But fairly low-level.
My wife is feeding me a salad made with heirloom tomatoes, speck, goat cheese, and balsamic vinegar.
Yeah, women do that. But is she giving you any meat, or is that the entire meal?
I already had some Buffalo wings.
Appetizers are good.
I'm not a glutton, I hope.
I had 8 of them. :P
I can usually eat 20. But I'm a glutton.
Oink oink. :D
She picked them up from Whole Foods. Good as a place that does just wings, and probably a little cheaper.
That's interesting to know, especially since I'm at Whole Foods Ground Zero.
It was 14 in the box, cost $8 according to Nat.
I think that's pretty good.
I'm glad to hear you got two more than your wife.
She had something else, those 6 are officially leftovers. :)
2 hours later…
hi guys
how can i import this project into ecclipse pydev?
CBG all
congo @MartijnPieters for 400k
(• ◡ •)/
@MartijnPieters congrats, it is official now
Good night everybody!
Congrats Martijn on winning the Internet. How do you feel? What are you going to do next?
cbg ppl
Finally, the last feature I was missing in Python.
jeffknupp.com/blog/2014/02/04/… Is the virtualenv thing highlighted here a standard in the python (3+, if that matters) land?
@AwalGarg it's been de-facto standard for a while, since 3.3 it's included.
alright :(
Python has been giving me a lot of surprises since few days
That's why you shouldn't use Linux, you should use a real OS like Windows.
Windows is awesome indeed. Linux is an abomination. ~_~
> We strongly recommend you don’t use Learn Python The Hard Way (sopython.com/wiki/What_tutorial_should_I_read%3F)
gave it a whip yesterday night hoping to fill my gaps in the language and trying to learn conventions etc. It was basically disgusting.
We even went so far as to edit the official Python wiki to remove it (and by we I mean Antti)
haha great!
@AnttiHaapala, @VigneshKalai: thanks!
Hi, I use django pytest. I have an user that has image. The problem is when I run test, every time it creates image into directory and it does not delete it when the test is done.
In a while my memory gets stuck, so somehow I need to remove those profile images once the test is done.
@prog.Dusan Surely there's a tear-down method that you can utilise to tidy up after yourself?
Let me see. I'm pretty new in using django-pytest. I think that it does not any teardown, it's automatically, if I understand well.
because pytest uses fixtures which replaces setup/teardown
Disclaimer: I don't use pytest.

That being said - when you delete a file on Django, it persists outside of the database, unless you tell it to actually delete the file somewhere
So your test fixtures may create and tear down the FileField objects, but doesn't clear out the file.
Catch a pre_delete signal to delete the file before the FileField object is deleted
Sounds as a good point. I'll try to do use that logic.
Excellent. Well that's my good deed done for today, I can now torture some kittens to offset it - cdn.gifstache.com/2012/7/9/gifstache.com_203_1341886083.gif
Sometimes people want strange things stackoverflow.com/q/32778820/770830
Seems he's seen the error of his heretic ways
Sigh (puts out his torch).
Unfortunately, now he even cannot delete the question.
and it will chase him forever.
He could go for a pyrrhic victory and edit the question into horrible racial slurs until his existence is purged from SO history
Congrats @Martijn for .4M :)
4M? You mean 400k?
Ugg , I missed the decimal point there
Lot's of typos today, new keyboard :(
@BhargavRao thanks! (4M? I wish!)
@MartijnPieters A small decimal point there :P
We all wish that you get to 4M someday
I'll get there in about 30 years time.
Curve extrapolation!
Some math involved in extrapolation :'(
del statement now is allowed in Python 3.2+ in enclosing scope for free variables, but when running this pastie.org/private/ov1cljxnreuyxe5vv5dg5a code Python 3.3 doesn't raise NameError: global name 'N' is not defined since the variable already deleted
instead it raises NameError: free variable 'N' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope which made me thinking that del statement in Python 3.2+ doesn't delete the binding of N from the enclosing scope ?
Frantically searches for Zero's answer ^
so del statement deletes N name value, the 200 assigned to it and keeps the name N in the enclosing scope as if it's waiting for the control flow to evaluates it ?
@direprobs I remember this being asked earlier in the chat room. But I am not able to find the exact message.
@BhargavRao Why does the python website list it with O(1) efficiency? along with lists? maybe a different constant time for each? — pyman 2 mins ago
@BhargavRao got it from here stackoverflow.com/questions/24707379/…
So you have already gone through that? :)
@BhargavRao talking to me ?
Yea, but the code mentioned in the answer implied another story for me
that's a bit strange somehow
Hmm, bit confusing.
400,000 pineapples, @MartijnPieters (I told the greengrocer to deliver them to your front garden, hope that's OK).
@Ffisegydd Star of shame
:D I'm glad there are at least two of us who think that should be starred for posterity
I'm attributing it to the compiler, since we're talking about lexical scoping, that means the compiler binds any names in any assignment explicit or implicit (e.g. import, def) to a scope, in our case it's the enclosing scope, and del statement or the code mentioned in the answer in that page is no different
I lean towards the suppression of heresy than naming 'n' shaming
by no different I mean, the name is bound to a scope without a value, I'm assuming that, but not sure !
@direprobs Are you wondering why it changes from 2.7 to 3? Or why it works like that at all in 3?
@khajvah you assume that I'm shamed by this? I see it as a victory.
I'm wondering how it works like that
in 3.2+
@IntrepidBrit Reformation style FTW ;)
@direprobs A small piece of advice. After you feel that you have found an answer, do ask a question on the main site (with a complete [MCVE]). I'm sure that it is helpful for others (atleast it must not be lost in the midst of chat)
Pub lunch today. I'm thinking mixed grill.
@Ffisegydd shame is in the eye of the beholder
@Ffisegydd I am assuming it is a bait
Assumption is the mother of incorrect conclusion.
@khajvah I've spent the past 3 days setting up Linux VMs. I appreciate Windows infinitely more now.
@Ffisegydd Decent. But a waste if you've had a proper friday morning bacon roll
@Ffisegydd What distro did you try?
@IntrepidBrit I have not, I've had an apple.
@Ffisegydd That's not Linux's fault, that's because VMs are a bloody time sink
Saving yourself, I wholehearedly approve.
@Ffisegydd Then a mixed grill is a wise, wise choice
Just setting up Linux in general is a complete and utter ballache.
@IntrepidBrit true dat. Have you tried setting up a Windows VM for comparison?
Windoze sucked till I had to use it. (Now I can't help)
@Ffisegydd Not really. Ubuntu, for example, is easier to install than Windows
Lies. Filthy lies.
@Ffisegydd bah humbug. 5 minutes to set up Virtualbox running Ubuntu. Depends what you want it to do, of course.
@Ffisegydd Which distro did you try to setup?
I'm not saying that *nix is bad, just that setting it up is horrendous.
When it's all set up, as long as you treat it really, really carefully, then it's easier to use than Windows.
How is *nix related to the set up process?
Just make sure you don't modify the wrong file, or you then bork your entire distro.
@Ffisegydd Ubuntu is literally, Next, Next, Next, Setup time, Setup username and done
With great power comes great responsibility
I'm feeling very confuscian today.
Or is that confused? (in b4)
@khajvah Directly. If you can't install it, then you can't effuse over its ineffable efficacy
I like Ubuntu over windoze as I can access doze's partition from ubu.
@khajvah great. Now get the networking and iptables set up. Oh and don't forget to spend half an hour getting yum working with our proxies.
It takes me about 2 hours of vi'ing to fully boot up each Linux VM that I'm working with.
proxies are hard. Nix or otherwise
^ Truth
I blame BigCorp.
I also blame BigCorp
@Ffisegydd I said Ubuntu. Networking is much easier than on Windows (did you try connecting to wifi with PEAP authentication?)
lol wifi. No, we don't use wifi here.
@khajvah I did that on Windows 8 and 10. Took half a day
and, most frustratingly, I think I did exactly the same on the final time (when it worked) as the very first try
19 hours ago, by Bhargav Rao
Does anyone face a prob connecting to wifi in ubu 15.04 or is it only me :/
I obviously didn't, in some way, but I can't tell what that way is.
@JRichardSnape My university wrote a fucking program that was just setting it up.
All I know is that I tried booting up a Windows VM for comparison and had a relatively easy time, as in half an hour to set it all up rather than vi'ing for at least 2 hours.
@khajvah We had a three page document at our Uni. To get onto eduroam :(
@khajvah Use asterisks while using holy words
Eduroam was awesome though, could login to wifi at any educational place with it in the UK.
@khajvah keep the profanity down, would you? It's completely unnecessary.
@Ffisegydd Wow - that is a bad experience man. Had no-one trodden your path before
Wow, calm down boys. It's just the F word. Famous F word that you hear everywhere.
Sorry - W***ows 8 and 10 (@jonrsharpe ;) )
@khajvah that doesn't matter, please don't swear.
Want to hear the best part? I spent 4 hours debugging a problem with our *nix installs. Turns out that it didn't like having non-alphanumeric characters in my password.
@BhargavRao that tuple-time-complexity question is completely bewildering, not sure where the OP got the idea that in is O(1).
^ that's very weird
(It wasn't *nix itself that didn't like it, it was our RDP server)
Yeah that's weird
@Ffisegydd Ah - makes more sense
I only caught it because my test accounts were working (and they had simple passwords for easier typing)
As in - it is a senseless thing, but I can rationalise it now
@jonrsharpe Srsly. I had to again search though I was sure that it was O(N)
Anyway - half day for snapey today. Rhubarb for a bit.
@JRichardSnape Wheeee, we can use us some pineapples!
Is cell phone communication really not encrypted?
I'll be disappointed now if nothing turns up.
@khajvah depends.
@Ffisegydd The voice communication, I mean.
@khajvah The Investigators are constantly listening.
@BhargavRao If it isn't, anybody can listen.
It's crazy and stupid.
Q: Are phone calls on a GSM network encrypted?

Ram RachumWhen I make a call on my cellphone (on a GSM network), is it encrypted?

@jonrsharpe linked the same question :D
Ha, so you did
In the analogue mobile phone days, you could listen in with a scanner
I think, it's trivial to sniff, nowadays
I wrote a script to check the difference. 57% times it is faster for w/o parenthesis — Bhargav Rao 14 secs ago
OP seems confused.
To put it another way, you script shows no difference? Or do you have some tolerance for the same performance (what's the other 43%, basically)?
With parenthesis
Clarified the comment
@vaultah 33 IYKWIM
nope :(
Argh. 33 left for you to stop posting [dupe-pls]
Wow, I got a tweet of mine on #Soreadytohelp 'favorite'd. Unprecedented stuff
Nobody has ever favorite'd me
@BhargavRao oh haha
cbg @PM
@BhargavRao I was just about to post code & two timing runs for that on Python 2.6.6: one run shows it's faster without parentheses, the next run shows that it's slower. :) Of course, the actual difference is miniscule. But the question's been deleted.
@khajvah Please use language that's appropriate for a professional space.
OTOH, if you really need to swear here, use the Salad Language words "tomato" and "yam". :)
Hello guys! A quick question if somebody could answer: How can I check if next line starts with a specific character or is empty?
if I used file.readline()
@PM2Ring I am still executing that code for 10,000 trials.
@arcanesorcerer I'm afraid, you'll have to read the next line first.
@PM2Ring lol I like the translation "mild swear word" "strong swear word"
@bereal can I peak or something?
peek - to read and then seek back
The word you guys are looking for is "peek"
Hmm seek() right? I'll try that thanks @BhargavRao
@PM2Ring my mistake :D it's peek right :D
Hmmm, code execution ended
parenthesis 5523
w/o loses badly this time
@arcanesorcerer: The seek() thing works, but it's better if you can re-organize your logic so you don't need to do that. Eg, you can read the 1st line before your main read loop, and then inside the loop you make a copy of the previous line before you read the next line, so you always have two lines available.
I've always wondered if professors go on SO to find their questions being asked after the assignment is handed out? — idjaw 16 secs ago
There are 2 reasons for that. 1: stuff that involves system IO calls is relatively slow, 2: not all file-like things are seek-able, eg you can't seek in a pipe.
@PM2Ring Yeah I thought about that too. Thanks!
Ugg, UP Clock isn't available for Ubu 15.04
yep it's for 14.04
@BhargavRao Note that the OP has cleverly inserted some typos to make their post harder to search. :)
Too many HW ques these days
@BhargavRao Python tag is relatively good one though.
Try JavaScript.
it's hell
Python tag is good coz of this room which closes all such questions. JS on the other hand is different :)
The best tag must be php...
The best tag is , Not even 1 low quality stuff
C++ is nice too
@BhargavRao Not even 1 low quality stuff
@khajvah That would be
(P.s Icon was a precursor to Python)
> Your task is to find out how often each letter is found in the string.
cbg @Programmer
BTW why is it a in grammar but e in programmer?
@BhargavRao Because it's program - er
person who programs
Lol, :D
I wonder if I convert to Haskell, do they have better quality questions?
Pretty sure most verbs turned into a noun end in er, but grammar is just a noun
Preparing for GRE :(
"just a noun"? that's verbism!
@BhargavRao Hate those words stuff. I wonder if GMAT is any better.
@khajvah In our country there is an exam called GATE. To get an MS, I gotta be 1 in 100,000.
So GRE is the better alternative for me. (Not interested in management)
@BhargavRao I think most universities in USA accept GMAT/TOEFL combination
Yep. GMAT is for MBA
@arcanesorcerer regarding your comment, it's simpler with Counter.
I wanna do MS
(^ sing this to the tune of "I wanna hold your hand")
@BhargavRao oh I see
I wonder what test should I take for masters in Mathematics
@vaultah Hey, at least the OP did add some code to their question, and they tried to explain where they were stuck. Unfortunately, the code is insane...
@bereal Oh I didn't know about that, that's good. I'm a python newbie with C/C++ background
Counter is relatively new. It's in Python 2.7, but not in 2.6
> C/C++
Currently using 2.6.6
Counter is great
Time to upgrade my friend
Yep. Actually I have many versions of python ;D
btw, I wonder if the result of C/C++ is defined..
does it first evaluate nominator or denominator?
@bereal It is, if C != 0, since ++ is applied after the division. :)
@bereal it's terrible/terrible: indeterminate form
@PM2Ring how come it is after division?
@khajvah so you are saying C and C++ programming languages are terrible?
@arcanesorcerer Yes.
C++ is less terrible though
nice, I'll go grab some pop corn.
@bereal x++ says use the current value of x, but then increment x. ++x increments it first and then gives the resulting value.
@PM2Ring I know that quite well, I don't see why it first divides then increments;
@khajvah Well, I like them.
@arcanesorcerer That might be because you haven't tried anything else.
using python in linux is there a way to look for a specific type of hid?
>>> c = 2
>>> c/c++
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> c/++c
I have tried Python, Java, C, C++, Erlang, Haskell, Clojure and Go, and still like C/C++
That's what I got on 3.4 at least
This got an answer
@bereal Please, don't call it C/C++
@Programmer Python has no increment operator.
@khajvah or else what?
@khajvah I have tried: Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Javascript, Rust, Go, Haskell, Scala and currently working in bioinformatics field using python at this time because where I work it's a requirement. I try to write a small game engine on C++ now and I have admit I love GLFW and C++ pretty much.
@bereal C or/and C++
Oh yeah. Got me confused, I remembered doing that in C :D
@khajvah yeah, and GNU/Linux
@arcanesorcerer Shit man, you must be good.
@bereal and Linux B|
@bereal No, that's different. C and C++ are completely different
@bereal To be more precise, the value of the expression x++ is x, but it has a side-effect of post-incrementing x by one.
@PM2Ring my point is that C/C++ will depend on whether the nominator is evaluated before or after the denominator.
in the former case it's 1, in the latter it's C/(C+1).
or wait
@bereal Not saying you don't know it but C/C++ is a terrible name way to refer to those languages.
goes from left to right
addition will be first in that case of course
@bereal No it won't. :) Assuming C != 0, then C/C++ will give a result of 1. The ++ after a variable doesn't affect the value of the current expression.
But this is really a topic for a different Chat room. :)
int c = 1;
int x = c/c++;
cout << x << endl;
that is actually surprising lol
@PM2Ring Yeah, he should try Lounge<c++>
"current expression" is not a thing.
Try this you get 1
Bbbut, @PM cPython is written in C
@bereal Bizarre. But I should say I don't do C++. And my C is a little rusty. Give me a minute...
@arcanesorcerer still 2: ideone.com/GfaEes
@bereal www.compileone.com/share.php?aqf=code_56053eaf05dd5
@bereal Right to Left evaluation
strange :D
so that's undefined by standard and depends on the compiler.
Feels like you're discussing UB yup
We had that in one of the interviews.
Yep guess so
@BhargavRao so is that really undefined?
@arcanesorcerer That is one reason why C and C++ are terrible
@bereal I am not sure. We hafta look at the lang specification for that
I have to leave now guys. I'll join you some time. Have a nice day
Have a paper submission in 3 days. Yet to write the abstract. :(
Ok. I'm not going mad. GCC says:
warning: operation on ‘c’ may be undefined
Here's my test code:
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c, x;

    c = 1;
    x = c/c++;

    printf("%d\n", x);

    return 0;
And the output it gives is 1.
For me it gives 2
Your same code
For me too
x = c++/c gives 0
what the f yam
BTW char d = 'aa'; is valid in GCC though it is not in C Language Specification
IIRC, the reason it gives that warning is that there's no guaranteed order of evaluation of side effects between sequence points, so the complier is free to do the incrementing either before or after the division. So what I said earlier wasn't right. Sorry.
Ok. I guess I got the answer as to why c/c++ is 2
@BhargavRao what's that?
Just a sec, framin the answer
FWIW, I'm using gcc 4.4.5; and I compiled that code with -Wall
@BhargavRao Also, this
My Answer - The C Lang Specification puts ++ at precedence level 1 and / at level 3. So the expression c/c++ is evaluated as (c/(c++)). (c++) executes first leaving 1 behind and changing c to 2. This is used in numerator. So it is 2/1, which is 2
@khajvah I'm reading C specs, so I dunno C++
Note that (in C, at least) ++ is applied to the variable c. It's not applied to the result of c/c) - it must be applied to an lvalue, i.e. something that's legal to put on the left side of an assignment operator.
@BhargavRao It's the same with C
Will check the other code.
@BhargavRao That just means that ++ binds tighter than /. It has no bearing on which one is actually evaluated first.
@khajvah This is quite simple
It is just that it is doing 1/2 which is 0
... C++?
And that's because C does not specify order of evaluation of sub-expressions unless there are sequence points involved.
@Kevin evaluating C/C++ in C lol
@BhargavRao Correct, sorry.
Now atleast let's get back to Python :D
British GQ: "Writing's On The Wall by Sam Smith is predicted to rocket straight to Number One."
Russian GQ: "Sam Smith's new Bond theme song is a disaster"
Chinese GQ?
I don't know Chinese :D
@vaultah not necessarily mutually exclusive...
Thank you for all your amazing messages. Today is such a special day for me and I am so grateful to everyone supporting this track xx
Everyone hates it, Sam...
I don't hate it. I nothing it.
I don't give a yam.
I'm not sure how to feel about it yet. Should have added "apparently" apparently

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