Verilog, standardized as IEEE 1364, is a hardware description language (HDL) used to model electronic systems. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction. It is also used in the verification of analog circuits and mixed-signal circuits.
== OverviewEdit ==
Hardware description languages such as Verilog differ from software programming languages because they include ways of describing the propagation time and signal strengths (sensitivity). There are two types of assignment operators; a blocking assignment (=), and a non...
Hi, I use django pytest. I have an user that has image. The problem is when I run test, every time it creates image into directory and it does not delete it when the test is done.
In a while my memory gets stuck, so somehow I need to remove those profile images once the test is done.
del statement now is allowed in Python 3.2+ in enclosing scope for free variables, but when running this code Python 3.3 doesn't raise NameError: global name 'N' is not defined since the variable already deleted
instead it raises NameError: free variable 'N' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope which made me thinking that del statement in Python 3.2+ doesn't delete the binding of N from the enclosing scope ?
so del statement deletes N name value, the 200 assigned to it and keeps the name N in the enclosing scope as if it's waiting for the control flow to evaluates it ?
I'm attributing it to the compiler, since we're talking about lexical scoping, that means the compiler binds any names in any assignment explicit or implicit (e.g. import, def) to a scope, in our case it's the enclosing scope, and del statement or the code mentioned in the answer in that page is no different
@direprobs A small piece of advice. After you feel that you have found an answer, do ask a question on the main site (with a complete [MCVE]). I'm sure that it is helpful for others (atleast it must not be lost in the midst of chat)
All I know is that I tried booting up a Windows VM for comparison and had a relatively easy time, as in half an hour to set it all up rather than vi'ing for at least 2 hours.
Want to hear the best part? I spent 4 hours debugging a problem with our *nix installs. Turns out that it didn't like having non-alphanumeric characters in my password.
@BhargavRao I was just about to post code & two timing runs for that on Python 2.6.6: one run shows it's faster without parentheses, the next run shows that it's slower. :) Of course, the actual difference is miniscule. But the question's been deleted.
@khajvah Please use language that's appropriate for a professional space.
OTOH, if you really need to swear here, use the Salad Language words "tomato" and "yam". :)
@arcanesorcerer: The seek() thing works, but it's better if you can re-organize your logic so you don't need to do that. Eg, you can read the 1st line before your main read loop, and then inside the loop you make a copy of the previous line before you read the next line, so you always have two lines available.
There are 2 reasons for that. 1: stuff that involves system IO calls is relatively slow, 2: not all file-like things are seek-able, eg you can't seek in a pipe.
@vaultah Hey, at least the OP did add some code to their question, and they tried to explain where they were stuck. Unfortunately, the code is insane...
@khajvah I have tried: Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Javascript, Rust, Go, Haskell, Scala and currently working in bioinformatics field using python at this time because where I work it's a requirement. I try to write a small game engine on C++ now and I have admit I love GLFW and C++ pretty much.
@bereal No it won't. :) Assuming C != 0, then C/C++ will give a result of 1. The ++ after a variable doesn't affect the value of the current expression.
IIRC, the reason it gives that warning is that there's no guaranteed order of evaluation of side effects between sequence points, so the complier is free to do the incrementing either before or after the division. So what I said earlier wasn't right. Sorry.
My Answer - The C Lang Specification puts ++ at precedence level 1 and / at level 3. So the expression c/c++ is evaluated as (c/(c++)). (c++) executes first leaving 1 behind and changing c to 2. This is used in numerator. So it is 2/1, which is 2
Note that (in C, at least) ++ is applied to the variable c. It's not applied to the result of c/c) - it must be applied to an lvalue, i.e. something that's legal to put on the left side of an assignment operator.
British GQ: "Writing's On The Wall by Sam Smith is predicted to rocket straight to Number One." Russian GQ: "Sam Smith's new Bond theme song is a disaster"