On a similar note: my company licensed a bit of business intelligence software based on Oracle's Enterprise Performance Management framework from our software vendor who interfaces their point of sale stuff with it and builds the data ware house and blah blah blah
No communication, no operational consistency. If Ryan Scott or Mike Maurino deems something needs to be done, there's no deliberation or evaluation, people just do it, resources get dumped on it and it MAY get done EVENTUALLY
Any time we go to the software vendor saying "Hey we have accounting data saying that we've sold x units of goods, but your BI software is saying we've sold vastly_different_y units. What gives?"
Their response is: "Oh it's not meant to be an accurate reporting tool, it's just supposed to guide business decisions."
I mean, I have my own business. I have employees, I pay taxes, we make good margins on quality services, and we all make a living. We're not becoming billionaires tomorrow, but we operate efficiently.
Some of our clients are completely backwards. and can't find their own asses, but they're making huge dollars.
off-topic: I'm reading through golang docs and read the term "untyped constant." They obviously mean "A constant that was not given a type," but because I'm not used to statically typed languages my first thought is: "How can it be a constant if I haven't even typed it yet? It's still in my head!"
I know someone who was an architect there, it sounded interesting but he seems to avoid talking about it too much. I think he doesn't want to get into the BS
Coporations are ostensibly organisms that have a goal of making profit, but in practice it's more like each sub-system has a goal of increasing their own power even at the expense of the health of the whole.
If manager X approves project Y, he gets Z more direct underlings, and he's happy even if the company loses W profits
@Kevin Your best bets are hydrogen peroxide, meat tenderizer (!) or an enyme-based cleaner (including saliva, but unless your blood bowl is very small, you probably don't have enough of that)
It does not help. I can't squeeze a multiline operation in a list comprehension. In your example the operation is as easy as it can get: i+j. — José3 mins ago
Ah ok sorry! I thought SO questions could be used in a more conversational way, not necessarily towards one thing. I'll just recreate one when needed then! — fassn2 mins ago
entirely because OTHER pointers need to be explicitly dereferenced (i := 4, p := &i, p += 3 (fails because pointer arithmetic, but...) *p += 3 (works))
Well there's different meats you can use and some places make it differently...I was going to ask for a picture if one is available so I can drool but whatever man
The main reason I don't eat Pho more often when I have to buy lunch is that I usually have a library book with me and it's really awkward to read and eat a giant bowl of soup and not splash on the book all at the same time.
wednesdays its free, buffet style ... but its mandatory :/ weekly meetings for all 150 of us and all ... yesterday was meatloaf and mashed potatoes and broccoli
@Air so Go slices are Python lists, and Go arrays are, well, arrays.... Both arrays and slices can be sliced. Even slices need max lengths, but they can exceed them. This language is screwy.
The nice thing about posting at relativistic speeds is that the rep cap is based on Earth time rather than subjective time. So even though only a day has passed for you, the cap has reset thousands of times.
Also all your loved ones are long dead, so it's a tradeoff.
Nerd snipe: choose a new mass for earth and a new velocity for the GPS satellites so that special and general relativity cancel out, so no compensation is required
I'd been using vi for 3 months before I learned about the "very" flag for regexes, which drops you down from a ludicrous number of escaped characters to only a probably excessive number.
It's true. Between that and collections, I have been saved from hand-rolling almost everything I thought I'd have to roll by hand.
The only thing that I wish was in collections was a reversible dict.
class ReversibleDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
dict.__init__(self, args)
def __getitem__(self, key):
val = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
reversed_lookup = {v: k for k, v in self.items()}
val = dict.__getitem__(reversed_lookup, key)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError
return val
@MorganThrapp The trouble with reversible dicts is that value-uniqueness is far from guaranteed, and there's no obvious default behavior. Also, if I were to create such a thing I'd just keep the reverse-dict around instead of rebuilding it on the fly on every miss, that sounds terrible perf-wise.
Then prove that simultaneity is meaningless and leave the court a free person
@tzaman I've looked at that problem before. and decided that the only sensible way to implement it in Python is to maintain two dicts, {k, v} and {v, k}. That's super-efficient in time, but a little bit expensive in memory.
If it requires others to help you brainstorm an entire solution, then it's probably not a good fit. Yeah, I'd delete it.
Although you can try to salvage it and get it reopened, but that would be an entire rewrite. And I'm not going to devote a single brain cell to assist.
Great. Thanks again for your help. It's one of those situations where to know the question was too broad, I'd essentially need to know the answer to the question (or a plurality of answers). Solutions don't jump out at me through Googling, but I'll find it somewhere now that I know there are many possibilities.
And yeah, I don't expect you to devote brain cells in assisting. You've already helped me plenty!
@tzaman Yeah, in terms of rebuilding it I suppose I should just update it in __setattr__. This is part of a larger class that enforces uniqueness of values, but yeah, I don't know how you would do it without that.
I've been wading through those. It's not yet directly obvious to me how those will help me achieve the desired result, but I'm sure understanding will come through more reading. Thanks for the hint that I'm at least on the right track.
@Shane It's not necessary to delete it yourself. The "roomba" process will most likely clean it up before too long. Deleting your own content manually feeds into some other processes to detect vandalism and low-quality contributions, the workings of which are a little obscure, so you might want to avoid that.
(They don't trigger based on single data points, though, so deleting things now and again is generally not a problem.)
@tzaman I saw that. Looks like I'd need Cloud Pub/Sub API which is a paid service. Given my implementation, though, it would be almost free, just because I probably only want 5-10 push notifications each day.
Someone's probably rolled together a good module for accessing pushbullet's API
though if they haven't, it still shouldn't be very hard. I put something together for a tiny little tkinter app I used to interface with Twitch.tv's services a few months ago. Only took me a couple hours between "Hey I bet I can solve this with Pushbullet" and "Hey that was easy."
That's my favorite type of project (easier than expected). I hadn't heard of Pushbullet but it does look to be a promising (if rather indirect) approach.
If anyone here is into jazz, this medley arrangement just came up on the SomeFM station I'm listening to, and was interesting enough for me to look up: Maiden Voyage/Everything in its Right Place
Contemporary, very relaxed piano trio with some neo-soul influence
how can I get [0] to iterate in for key, value in enumerate(self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"][0]["Value"]): so it would go [0],[1],[2]..etc in my loop?
so thats the value of one "entity", but there are a lot more there with other values, so i want the values of each entity which is possible by changing the index..
so when I was doing for key, value in enumerate(self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"][0]["Value"]): I was getting the value of of "Value" key inside the first dict
Isn't there some Go structure that lets you access items like they were attributes and vice-versa? Or am I really confused and thinking of something from Vimscript? heh... I'm all over the place today