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On a similar note: my company licensed a bit of business intelligence software based on Oracle's Enterprise Performance Management framework from our software vendor who interfaces their point of sale stuff with it and builds the data ware house and blah blah blah
No communication, no operational consistency. If Ryan Scott or Mike Maurino deems something needs to be done, there's no deliberation or evaluation, people just do it, resources get dumped on it and it MAY get done EVENTUALLY
Any time we go to the software vendor saying "Hey we have accounting data saying that we've sold x units of goods, but your BI software is saying we've sold vastly_different_y units. What gives?"
Their response is: "Oh it's not meant to be an accurate reporting tool, it's just supposed to guide business decisions."
Part of the problem I think is that they scaled up to such a large business, so fast, they couldn't handle it well.
@Programmer That's exactly true.
They went from garage operation to printing billions overnight.
@AdamSmith That's inane. You have to wonder how some companies are still in business.
Although we've been with them for 20 years and they may be losing our contract come January, so
cross your fingers
There's not a single person in our I.T. department that wants to keep them
I mean, I have my own business. I have employees, I pay taxes, we make good margins on quality services, and we all make a living. We're not becoming billionaires tomorrow, but we operate efficiently.
Some of our clients are completely backwards. and can't find their own asses, but they're making huge dollars.
It's kind of bittersweet because we've formed working relationships with a lot of the team members over there, but sheesh it's ridiculous.
One of my largest clients is a company who does oilfield service, we'll call them "Calliburton"
They're going through a major divestiture right now and we're looking through some of their engineering operations
It's unreal how much money they waste on projects that don't make any sense.
What company are you discussing JGrindal? Riot?
@nash I was talking about Riot originally, yes.
off-topic: I'm reading through golang docs and read the term "untyped constant." They obviously mean "A constant that was not given a type," but because I'm not used to statically typed languages my first thought is: "How can it be a constant if I haven't even typed it yet? It's still in my head!"
I know someone who was an architect there, it sounded interesting but he seems to avoid talking about it too much. I think he doesn't want to get into the BS
As in there was a lot of BS
@nash Yeah. Don't get me wrong, they do some cool stuff. But in double the time and 3 times the budget that they really need to do it in.
Coporations are ostensibly organisms that have a goal of making profit, but in practice it's more like each sub-system has a goal of increasing their own power even at the expense of the health of the whole.
If manager X approves project Y, he gets Z more direct underlings, and he's happy even if the company loses W profits
Welcome to Kevin Corp
Or as it's called in the Valley, Korp
@Kevin Your best bets are hydrogen peroxide, meat tenderizer (!) or an enyme-based cleaner (including saliva, but unless your blood bowl is very small, you probably don't have enough of that)
@JGrindal Yeah I got the impression he was not impressed with the decision making at Riot
@Air Well I have this ceremonial saliva bowl... I bought a whole set off of QVC.
regarding the ceremonial saliva bowl He must have been drooling just watching that QVC presentation.
Oh, then you're probably set. Just make sure to keep the saliva bowl covered so you don't loose moisture and it stays workable.
If it came with a sealing lid, that's a nice buy.
If it's one of those "aesthetic" models with the traditional rough stone thing, plastic wrap will do the trick.
See, it's conversations about blood bowls and saliva that mean we can't meet nice people.
@Ffisegydd we can meet them, they just won't return our calls after.
Meat people!
@Air I just got to golang's pointers. They didn't seem too scary!
It does not help. I can't squeeze a multiline operation in a list comprehension. In your example the operation is as easy as it can get: i+j. — José 3 mins ago
Err What?
I really need to understand sockets better.
@AdamSmith I haven't messed with them yet, but Emrakul implied there's something weird about them, and that's all I know
they're these magical things that sometimes do what i want, but sometimes cause errors i have no idea how to fix.
I think it's better to call them magic then :^)
@Ffisegydd Speak for yourself, my OKC profile is buzzing like a beehive, and it's way stranger than this room
(Okay, there may be one or more lies in the above statement)
the only weird thing I see (so far) is that struct pointers dereference invisibly, so p := &some_struct, p.struct_attr works fine.
Ah ok sorry! I thought SO questions could be used in a more conversational way, not necessarily towards one thing. I'll just recreate one when needed then! — fassn 2 mins ago
@AdamSmith That... is a little weird. But not totally unwelcome, I guess?
proceeds to post 20 questions
I'm fine with that, if I get 20 accept marks.
warms up his close votes
oh lunch today is Pho ... score ...
What kind Joran?
@Programmer posts 100,000,000 questions to change logo to Stackoverflooooooooow
Pho fo sho
entirely because OTHER pointers need to be explicitly dereferenced (i := 4, p := &i, p += 3 (fails because pointer arithmetic, but...) *p += 3 (works))
How many kinds of Pho are there?
Pho too many, @Air
Well there's different meats you can use and some places make it differently...I was going to ask for a picture if one is available so I can drool but whatever man
@tzaman Pho cryin' out loud, let's not start with this...
Phocks sake guys, don't even start.
Oh, meats. Sure. I tried a bowl with tripe and tendon, it was interesting, but not sure I'm going to order it again.
Can you guys stop phorcing these puns
Ooh, I got bitten on an answer because lambda (a,b): expr isn't valid syntax in 3.x
The main reason I don't eat Pho more often when I have to buy lunch is that I usually have a library book with me and it's really awkward to read and eat a giant bowl of soup and not splash on the book all at the same time.
well shoot. How am I supposed to unpack a key-value pair in the key argument of a max call now?
Something something catch a grenade Pho ya.
Through... JAZZ HANDS!
import jazzhands?
Awesome module name.
Yeah, we should figure out what it would do
Obviously the best way to write libraries is to come up with an amusing name first, and then deduce its purpose from the name using pure reasoning
Randomizes a list's order
Because that's really useful
I'll write the code later, if anyone comes up with an idea for it then ping me.
I want it to be like fuckit.py but with more glam.
@Ffisegydd picard.jpg
Pfft, you're just jelly because you're too slow.
Were you scrambling to register for PyPI?
Or maybe it returns random gifs of people doing jazzhands?
Yes, I am as distraught as my latency is crippling
Maybe something that triggers at the end of a script.
beef pho ... the chef has been simmering the broth for 48 hours :P
So you can run your script and then jazz hands!
@JoranBeasley where does one get pho like this??
Look, let's be methodical about this. Let's write the API we'd like to see next, and decide what the module does after that.
(hehehe.jpg "methodical")
at my work :P all for the low price of 5.00 .... deductible from my paycheck
what? You get to spend pre-tax dollars at work?
your work makes food?
But for Python.
Must say...I'm jealous
How very fiscally responsible.
Our work makes food, and by makes food, I mean that I make sandwiches at my desk.
I cook my own food with my post-tax dollars pounds :(
how many pounds? Is it heavy?
> This module is like violence: if it doesn't work, you just need more of it.
yeah we have a full time chef who cooks breakfast and lunch and you can buy it at below cost :P
import time
while True:
    print "\r/ \\",
    print "\r\\ /",
You're up in WA, right Joran? Put in a good word for me when I apply today. And tomorrow. And the next day. And forever.
I can refer people to BigCorp btw. We have American offices.
Are those American offices on the east coast?
:O I may need a job soon lol
Do they hire programmers?
They do hire programmers, they hire all of the programmers.
BOSS: Joran, that *friend* of yours is in the lobby again.

JORAN: Well once you've fed him...

Not sure of location, but I suspect all over the country.
wednesdays its free, buffet style ... but its mandatory :/ weekly meetings for all 150 of us and all ... yesterday was meatloaf and mashed potatoes and broccoli
Yeah, but at least you get fed. We have mandatory weekly meetings and don't get fed.
@Joran Reminds me of the bit from Futurama. "My fishing license came in the mail! And it's mandatory!" dramatic music sting
Looks like Mass, New York, Connecticut, Washington D.C, Florida, Carolina, Toronto, and Colorado for the major BigCorp office locations.
Woo we won @MorganThrapp
oh i just got my page that mine is ready :P
laterz :)
rbrb, gotta get some sleep :)
@Air so Go slices are Python lists, and Go arrays are, well, arrays.... Both arrays and slices can be sliced. Even slices need max lengths, but they can exceed them. This language is screwy.
Don't all languages suck? I thought some just sucked less... cough python cough
Right. This one's screwy.
KevinScript doesn't suck because no bad program has ever been written with it.
enumerate is range. (for idx, val := range some_list { do_stuff })
because everyone thinks keywords are clearer than built-in functions, right?
ah yes, and for idx := range some_list is a valid construction, because that makes sense!
@MorganThrapp you need to get to 3k so you can vote too
I'm working on it. :/
I'm almost to 2k.
Me too, I'm almost there...:D
I do finally have the bronze Python badge, though.
I've managed to get a working Python install at work so may start answering again.
I'm looking forward to 33k so I can get a second racing stripe for the sports car you get at 30k
One racing stripe just doesn't do it for me anymore
My racing car has one single racing stripe that covers the entire width of the car.
@Kevin I just heard Jon Skeet got a second Harrier. The first one has fifty-seven racing stripes. I bet it's fast!
I'd be closer if I hadn't offered a bounty.
Jon is more racing stripe than man, at this point.
list comprehensions, how I miss thee :(
Trying to do return [[f(x, y) for x in range(columns)] for y in range(rows)] in the golang tutorial
The nice thing about posting at relativistic speeds is that the rep cap is based on Earth time rather than subjective time. So even though only a day has passed for you, the cap has reset thousands of times.
Also all your loved ones are long dead, so it's a tradeoff.
@MorganThrapp actually, that's the wrong dupe
they are reading the input as integers, but they don't know how to format strings
Relativity is just, like, a theory, man.
@davidism Yeah, you're right. I flagged as the wrong dupe initially.
I accept any theory that makes my cell phone work better.
Adjusting GPS coordinates for distortion of time in a gravity well = good
Or however it works. I'm not a GPSologist.
Does GPS take into account General or Special? Can't remember.
... Yes?
It takes into account at least one of them.
Both. Apparently.
I was about to link that :-)
Nerd snipe: choose a new mass for earth and a new velocity for the GPS satellites so that special and general relativity cancel out, so no compensation is required
3 mass, eh?
That sounds like a relatively difficult problem.
@Kevin Yup.
"How fast do you think you were going?"
"Um... 30"
"30 what?"
"30... speed."
We should just start measuring everything in units. Then everyone will know exactly what measurement you're talking about.
Think about it, life will be so much easier. Space ships won't blow up because of confusion between metric and imperial.
I think I might need to rename BigCorp to MassiveCorp.
Instead, space ships will blow up because Johnson filled the tanks with 30 volume of fuel instead of 30 mass.
"How much does that weigh?"
"How much liquid is there?"
If you take into account the entire company, not just the sub-division I work in, it's 85,000+ employees.
So much easier.
You're supposed to know from context what "30" means, Johnson!
@Ffisegydd I now know enough to determine your place of work....i think
Of course, assuming I'm telling the truth.
I briefly tried earlier, but I couldn't figure it out.
@Ffisegydd My BigCorp has more employees than that and I still call it BigCorp, so I think you're fine
It's not really a massive secret, several members of the room already know, though I'd appreciate it if you didn't start screaming it.
@Kevin really!? Okay, I'll just call it TinyCorp then.
Lol I understand, I was only kidding though
I think my company is actually one of the few pieces of identifying information that I have never disclosed by accident.
@Ffisegydd What do I call our company then? We have 15.
It just doesn't come up in conversation like my True Name or number of siblings might.
I can't be bothered to get my journal out to get all the dirt on you Kevinson.
Kevin Kevinson is quite the name
It's a delicate mix of laziness and trustworthiness on everyone else's part that allows me to lower my guard :-)
I feel like the next month of writing Go is going to be a lot of :%s/for \(\S\+\) in/for \1 :=/g
because that is legible
<3 vi.
Oh man it's that dead time of day and I have nothing to do
I'd been using vi for 3 months before I learned about the "very" flag for regexes, which drops you down from a ludicrous number of escaped characters to only a probably excessive number.
for obj in objs to for obj := objs, right?
My Vim-Fu is weak.
yes, though that's not quite right in Go anyway
it's for idx, val := range values
idk, this is nuts.
rbrb for a bit
string strstr ( string haystack, string needle). PHP. That's too many strings. Too many. Step away from the strings.
I still can never remember the syntax for a "2D" list comprehension
Of the 7 words in that function doc, 5 of them are string.
@audiodude [[x for x in y] for y in zip(range(10), range(20))]?
[['a', 'aa'], ['b', 'bb'], ['c', 'cc']]
and you want to iterate over each item
let's say z = _
[i for i in j for j in z] is what I always want to write but I know it's wrong
[j for i in my_list for j in i]
you read it left to right, as if you were writing nested for loops
yes, that's how people always explain it to. It has yet to stick. :(
Yeah, that's kinda weird.
I much prefer the first one.
@MorganThrapp the first one accomplishes something different than the second
it also uses more memory
Right, I just want the first one to do what the second one does. That syntax just makes more sense to me.
[<expression with what you're extracting> for <sequential steps how to get to it> if <condition>]
@AdamSmith Yeah looping over a bunch of items in Go is not my favorite syntax by a long shot. That said, neither is it the worst...
"@DSM I don't see a purpose to the dichotomy you have in mind... Perhaps you should be helping people more and not fuel spats Dr."
@audiodude and someone has forbidden you to use itertools.chain(*z)?
@Ffisegydd Is it some sort of AV company? If so, you could probably help me out with something 'simple' :P
@Air never heard of it, I'll check it out
itertools is the closest thing Python has to crack cocaine
It's true. Between that and collections, I have been saved from hand-rolling almost everything I thought I'd have to roll by hand.
The only thing that I wish was in collections was a reversible dict.
class ReversibleDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        dict.__init__(self, args)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            val = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
        except KeyError:
                reversed_lookup = {v: k for k, v in self.items()}
                val = dict.__getitem__(reversed_lookup, key)
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError
        return val
Admittedly, the crack joke might make more sense in the context of Python 2, where fewer built-ins are automatically iterators
Oh, I thought you just meant because it's awesome and addictive.
rbrb everyone
More standard library jokes: "Once you .pop(), the func don't stop"
That one can't decide if it's a collections joke or a functools joke. Time to be distracted by productive work.
Harking back to the earlier question about "How fast were you going?" - the obvious answer should be "When do you mean, officer"
@MorganThrapp The trouble with reversible dicts is that value-uniqueness is far from guaranteed, and there's no obvious default behavior. Also, if I were to create such a thing I'd just keep the reverse-dict around instead of rebuilding it on the fly on every miss, that sounds terrible perf-wise.
Then prove that simultaneity is meaningless and leave the court a free person
@tzaman I've looked at that problem before. and decided that the only sensible way to implement it in Python is to maintain two dicts, {k, v} and {v, k}. That's super-efficient in time, but a little bit expensive in memory.
It only makes sense as a 1-1 mapping
Otherwise the semantics get muddy
@holdenweb In the Game of Quantum Mechanics, you win and you die (until observed)
yeah, if 1-1 is broken things become problematic very quickly
Ans while you wait for someone to look you eat Schrodinger's catfood
And while you wait for someone to look you eat Schrodinger's catfood
Fucking Chrome
@bereal Bit of trivia here - Georg Brandl wasn't attributed for that quote. He deserves a lot of respect for everything he's done for and in Python.
But that quote is the thing of his that I like the best
Hi All, apparently I've asked a question that is too broad: stackoverflow.com/questions/32765576/…
Could anybody explain to me how it is broad?
I think it's because one can hypothesize many different solutions.
^ I agree --- way too many possible approaches. The problem needs to be more constrained.
OK. Thanks. That's good news for me then: too many possible solutions, not too few (or too complicated)!
You could try that on quora, it would possibly get answered there.
Or maybe a reddit
I should probably delete it here, then, right?
If it requires others to help you brainstorm an entire solution, then it's probably not a good fit. Yeah, I'd delete it.
Although you can try to salvage it and get it reopened, but that would be an entire rewrite. And I'm not going to devote a single brain cell to assist.
Just trying to manage your expectations there.
Great. Thanks again for your help. It's one of those situations where to know the question was too broad, I'd essentially need to know the answer to the question (or a plurality of answers). Solutions don't jump out at me through Googling, but I'll find it somewhere now that I know there are many possibilities.
And yeah, I don't expect you to devote brain cells in assisting. You've already helped me plenty!
Asking good questions is hard. Some people seem able to do it easily and repeatedly, but I'm not one of them.
It certainly is a skill. In life, too, not just in SE and SO.
All three answers in the Q you link from yours have reasonable information to give you directions to explore, IMHO
@tzaman Yeah, in terms of rebuilding it I suppose I should just update it in __setattr__. This is part of a larger class that enforces uniqueness of values, but yeah, I don't know how you would do it without that.
I've been wading through those. It's not yet directly obvious to me how those will help me achieve the desired result, but I'm sure understanding will come through more reading. Thanks for the hint that I'm at least on the right track.
@Shane where are you intending to be receiving your push notifications?
some webserver? or just a python process running on your local box? or what?
@Shane It's not necessary to delete it yourself. The "roomba" process will most likely clean it up before too long. Deleting your own content manually feeds into some other processes to detect vandalism and low-quality contributions, the workings of which are a little obscure, so you might want to avoid that.
(They don't trigger based on single data points, though, so deleting things now and again is generally not a problem.)
@tzaman I was hoping to receive the notifications on my Windows PC.
good to know -- i'll keep that in mind
@tzaman I saw that. Looks like I'd need Cloud Pub/Sub API which is a paid service. Given my implementation, though, it would be almost free, just because I probably only want 5-10 push notifications each day.
Do you have a mobile phone? You might be able to hack a solution using Pushbullet
They receive pushes all the time, and the pushbullet API lets you push out ridiculously easily
@AdamSmith I'll look into that -- nice idea.
Someone's probably rolled together a good module for accessing pushbullet's API
though if they haven't, it still shouldn't be very hard. I put something together for a tiny little tkinter app I used to interface with Twitch.tv's services a few months ago. Only took me a couple hours between "Hey I bet I can solve this with Pushbullet" and "Hey that was easy."
That's my favorite type of project (easier than expected). I hadn't heard of Pushbullet but it does look to be a promising (if rather indirect) approach.
I was using it anyway to sync pushes between my phones and computers
If anyone here is into jazz, this medley arrangement just came up on the SomeFM station I'm listening to, and was interesting enough for me to look up: Maiden Voyage/Everything in its Right Place
Contemporary, very relaxed piano trio with some neo-soul influence
how can I get [0] to iterate in for key, value in enumerate(self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"][0]["Value"]): so it would go [0],[1],[2]..etc in my loop?
I don't understand the question. "it would go [0],[1],[2]..etc" -- you mean, you want the indexes in key to be wrapped in lists? Or something else?
I see your question on SO but it's not immediately clear what you're trying to do
i want to be able to count up that index as my loop goes..
because right now, it keeps printing that same index's value..
In your example, self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"][0]["Value"] == "30098742", correct?
So what you've written is equivalent to for key, value in enumerate("30098742")
That's not a useful thing for what you want to do
so thats the value of one "entity", but there are a lot more there with other values, so i want the values of each entity which is possible by changing the index..
>>> list(enumerate("30098742"))
[(0, '3'), (1, '0'), (2, '0'), (3, '9'), (4, '8'), (5, '7'), (6, '4'), (7, '2')]
It's enumerating the characters in the string
ahh I see..
So you need to back up a bit and probably enumerate self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"] or something like that
sounds like you want for idx, picklistvalue in enumerate(self.queueCode['PicklistValues']): value = picklistvalue['PickListValue'][0]['Value']
yeah, what air said lol
(I'm assuming self.queueCode['PicklistValues']["PickListValue"] is probably a list with one element: the object he wants)
thats the thing, I'm querying autotask, and it returns a mess of nested dicts inside lists..
but I'm trying this out..
no, heres the thing... self.queueCode['PicklistValues']["PickListValue"] is a bunch of dicts, each with the same keys but different values..
wait, no, huh?
so when I was doing for key, value in enumerate(self.queueCode["PicklistValues"]["PickListValue"][0]["Value"]): I was getting the value of of "Value" key inside the first dict
then yeah sounds like Air is right
I wrote an answer to your question, try the example code
alright, let me check it out..
Are these actually dicts? They look kind of like namedtuples.
same thing :P
Eh, kinda-sorta, not really.
namedtuples are like... __dict__s.
That can only have string "keys"
Air, your example gave me this: AttributeError: PickListValue instance has no attribute 'value'
because the attribute is "Value", right?
@feners heh, I dun goofed
I wrote plist.value instead of plist["Value"], etc.
ahhh lol
That's what I get for messing with Go
argh I know
I still have the Go tutorial in another tab
I'm on interfaces~
Interfaces look alright. I haven't gone through the tutorial yet, though.
Yeah nothing non-standard there, other than no implements keyword. I like it though
It worked!
Isn't there some Go structure that lets you access items like they were attributes and vice-versa? Or am I really confused and thinking of something from Vimscript? heh... I'm all over the place today
thanks man
haven't seen anything yet~
@feners No, thank you, for bringing my attention back to Python. Baby needs a new set of close votes!
hahahaah np!
@AdamSmith Ugh, no, it's Vimscript dictionaries
what an ugly "language"
I've managed to keep myself away from vimscript
quittin' time -- rbrb

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