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#extracts to self-contained folder

#extracts to present directory
@corvid That just depends on how the zip file was built. You can give each file in the archive a path, but you don't have to. And if a file has no path it'll just extract into the current directory.
@corvid Some zips contain files, some contain just a folder with files.
Killer feature idea for unzipping apps: an "extract here if the zip contains exactly one file/folder, extract to folder otherwise" option
Oh... that's super annoying
Note that you can use the -d option to specify a destination directory to override extracting stuff into the current directory.
Hey up
@Kevin That sounds like it will work here... len(zip.get_entries()) could be used
@corvid You could write your own custom unzipper using the zipfile module; it's pretty easy to use.
Alas, I am using Node for this... python's zip module is far easier to work with :\
Ah, ok. But surely Node gives you access to the archive's list of names. So you just need to inspect those names to see if they're simple files or paths.
(that image should have been bigger…)
Is that a file name with a hyphen in it? This displeases me.
Hey @poke. datetime.strptime('{} {}'.format(dayOfYear, year), '%j %Y') is really slow. I just did a timeit test, and Cyphase's datetime(year, 1, 1) + timedelta(day - 1) is about 10x faster.
The image is taken from r/programming discussing this btw.: quellish.tumblr.com/post/126712999812/…
@PM2Ring I don’t really care though :P
can i ask django question in here?
@nope Sure, but you should read the room rules
Can you check my other solution too?
@tristan I don't like rules :D
@nope Too bad
It seems insane that the fb app is that big. What the heck's it doing?
Some CRUD?
That crazy daynumber question inspired me to look up my old C daynumber code & translate it to Python. It's 15x faster than Poke's strptime code, but it's a bit inscrutable, so I won't post it on that page.
@RobertGrant Giving various corporations and governmental agencies access to your personal real-time data. Concealing that being a CRUD mobile application with enough bells and whistle to keep the average idiot clapping and happy takes a few megabytes.
Say I want to filter and sum data for each user would I filter by user and aggregate (sum) and then in the template loop over each and show the total data for each user? Would that be correct way of doing it?
@poke Sure! I assume it'll be pretty fast.
@nope Be specific. What is the data that needs to be summed? Is that data coming from a DB?
@tristan that sounds plausible :) did I say congratulations? If not - well done on the talk!
Considering making "You must love the rules" as a rule...
Also "obey all rules, especially this one"
@RobertGrant Oh, cheers mate. Code and slides live here: github.com/tristanfisher/ffi4wd and I'll post the video when available
Awesome, will definitely take a look
considering adding "we don't care if you don't like thing. thing exists for reason"
@tristan specific hu? Yes the data is saved from a form into the db, the data itself is amount spent and I want to show how much each user spent (sum) is that specific?
@nope amount of time spent? money? is it something that needs to change while the app is open or is it just a static page? if so, sure, you can do it in the templating language or in the DB
@nope why not make the total a @property of the user model?
As a general rule of thumb @nope, try to keep as much calculation out of the templating as possible. Sum it in the view.
or sure, @jonrsharpe's answer is one too
@IntrepidBrit why not?
code smell or maintenance reasons?
When I see you guys reply with @nope in your message, I keep thinking that you disagree with everything that’s being said…
@jonrsharpe Will sqla try and use the db to calculate something like that?
because i'm sure that profiling would be done to determine which is the bottleneck
@poke me too
Gateway drug Good practise reasons. Today, it's summing - tomorrow it's accidentally running queries on the database, grinding things to halt.
@RobertGrant django doesn't do sqlalchemy. it has its own thing
@tristan money and yes static
@IntrepidBrit I promise you that running sum on a table in postgres will be normally faster than doing it in python, but sure
@IntrepidBrit that is where I am trying to do it
Oh sorry or Django even; I'm just curious. But more about sqla.
and django has some support for offloading selects like on his static page to read only DB slaves
slaves replicas
and whereas the views are in python, you're taking that GIL while doing that sum
(But that is clever)
Hi! If I have a simple Python question that probably has an easy five word answer: Can I ask it here, or are you guys not interested?
i'm not playing whatever slactivism game people want to do
@StewieGriffin Just ask
Hi, I'm using spyder, where a lot of modules are imported by default: numpy as np, matplotlib as plt etc. This is great, but the editor gives me a bunch of reminders: "undefined name: 'np'". Is there another way to get rid of this other than re-importing the modules? Or is re-importing actually a good way to do this?
@jonrsharpe what you mean by property can you explain it?
we pick words and meanings and use them so we have some idea what each other are talking about
@tristan You can always execute the postgres sum from the view if that level of speed is required
@tristan that's pretty offensive to someone who can't speak, etc
@tristan ty
@RobertGrant i mean, like, i get it to some extent, but every word to denote "you must do the thing i tell you otherwise the person in charge will kill you" is going to have issues
@IntrepidBrit i..think you're agreeing with me?
i'm saying that if it's a numerical calculation that uses inputs from the database, the database engine is a fine place to do that math
@nope no problem.
@tristan Absolutely. And that can be instigated from the view, not the template.
@IntrepidBrit oh..uh, sure. but if the sum is coming back from the query, the view will just vomit it back as normal
unless i'm totally misunderstanding what you're gearing at
Ah yamming heck. Ignore me. I misread ages ago. Sorry @nope, @tristan. I thought you said that you were summing it in the template, not the view.
@StewieGriffin I generally don't like to depend on an automatically imported module, since it makes it less likely that your script will be compatible in other environments.
Excuse me while I go drown my sorrows in whisky strawberry & vanilla water
@IntrepidBrit No worries mate :)
@IntrepidBrit Thats cool don't worry about it :)
Relocation fee wholly/partially refundable if I leave company within 2 years - normal?
For example, if you have a problem and post your code on Stack Overflow, then you'll get comments like "I'm getting 'name error: np is not defined' and your code doesn't run. Please provide an MCVE"
@jonrsharpe TYVM
And then you'll have to go back and add in explicit imports anyway.
@RobertGrant If you leave or if they fire you or just if you leave?
If I just leave
Or if they fire me
@Kevin, good point... :)
But not if I'm made redundant
Sorry that I can only half-answer your question - I don't know how you would disable those warnings.
anyone currently studying CS?
nope, nope
@Kevin, so you would always write import numpy as np even though you know it is imported?
@StewieGriffin Yes, but in full disclosure I am on the far right end of the "let the IDE handle things / let me do things myself" spectrum
Fanciest feature I use is "turn tabs into spaces"
@StewieGriffin Plus, if you ever try to run it outside of spyder, you can't count on the automatic imports, so it's better to have them be explicitly imported.
Random aside - straw poll. Who's a tabber, and who's a spacer?
Which one does "My IDE turns tabs in to 4 spaces" fall under?
I'll admit to my deviant tab ways
I'm with Morgan on this one
Spacer I guess.
I'm accidentally a spacer in my current project, but only through not bothering to work out how to make my editor make a tab into 4 spaces
@nope we have some regluars in the room in CS programs. why do you ask?
It's really annoying
Although prior to discovering the "tabs into spaces" option in Notepad++, I was a tabber.
@Kevin tabs 4 life
Yeah, I've always hit tab, partially because my spacebar is super loud.
should i press this key once or press this other key four times? oh, pressing tab is too hard for some people? i guess as an industry we should prefer the stupid version now
There's nothing too flagrantly bad about tabs except that you no longer have byte-perfect reproduction when you post code on SO, because markdown translates them into spaces for you.
But now with PyCharm I can pretend I use spaces.
But that's more a fault of SO than tabbing, really
Yeah, I translate tabs to spaces because stupid crap like markdown and other people
Other people == the worst
ugh i wish i could be a pure beam of energy when writing my web apps
Yeah but does Other people == the worst evaluate to True or False?
Pet hate - when vim turns your tabs into spaces transparently when you copy and then python complaints of mixed indentation types
>>> Other people == the worst
  File "<input>", line 1
    Other people == the worst
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@RobertGrant Neither. :/
@MorganThrapp weird. works on my machine
@Kevin, @MorganThrapp, thanks... =) And tab is obviously best!
>>> other('people')==the('worst')
all(person == min(people, key=lambda p: p.goodness) for person in people if person != me)
@Kevin i was wondering why it got quiet.
Would it be is not me?
He says poetically
Depends on whether you want to count clones of you that are also your roommate.
Ah, swish!
@RobertGrant Sounds like the "Shaggy - wasn't me" version
fires up the ol' lobotomiser to remove that association from @tristan's brain
lol. From @poke's retweet
@RobertGrant please do.
r/programming discusses how the bloated Facebook iOS app has over 18,000 classes; this comment wins the whole thread http://t.co/kEm4bQIcOS
"She caught me red handed, it wasn't me".
Aaaaand, that's going to be stuck in my head all day.
@MorganThrapp She even incremented the PyRef was me counter! Wasn't me
@poke Oops, sorry :|
"Ugh this Facebork app is so bloated! 120 megs? goes back to taking 12-megapixel photos of food"
"Is python sensitive to indentation or something?" stackoverflow.com/questions/32052060/…
@tristan and cats! Gotta catch every hair
(just don't)
Morning @AaronHall
I envy your monitor nuppy
Ooh, these fancy cars have seatbelts.
Mate's reminded me I said I'd tidy up his website at some point... I'm no designer... but 10 minutes and err.... it's looking a bit cleaner...
"Hire a classic car in Surrey! Ride in a vehicle appropriate for the decade this city was left in!"
Beautiful morning! It's all over, and I'm not questioning if I did a good job or not! Could have been better, but at least I'm motivated to examine the job I did and look for improvements instead of loathing the idea.
Surrey != city, Mr Doubleshot Americano
@JonClements Yeah but I fear that the Italian descriptions of each car rather miss your target audience ;-)
(I changed Bigshot American, probably for the worse)
@JonClements Looks like a random startup launch site now :/
Needs more lens flares.
Yeah isn't that Classicly?
@poke well yeah... needs some more styling...
Or was it oldbangr.io
(Got there in the end)
What is a "smart interior"? Smart as in "integrated with Facebook", or smart as in "clean and well-detailed"?
@RobertGrant Yeah, not opening that at work.
@tristan yeah that is cool
There may be a mismatch of expectations when one rents a car expecting satellite radio and merely gets a brilliantly polished gear shifter
@Kevin snickers
@Kevin for the time, a clean interior and rear seatbelts is pretty unusual :)
Also catalytic converter
@tristan "Special attention was paid to the shaft"
Ugh they had to focus on operating the machine back then? Must have been terrible
@Kevin faints
The contract also says that I shouldn't be involved in any other undeclared commercial endeavour, which I guess is fair enough
@RobertGrant Yeah. You can just front-load side projects somewhat vaguely.
I claimed to invent the internet and to have established a business that's a 100% overlap of what my company does in my non-compete/prior inventions/existing projects.
YMMV but I doubt it as I do that every time.
thoughts on which answer i should accept here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/302441/… ?
I'm leaning towards the recursive joke.
I kinda like the top one.
I liked the top one, but yeah. I think you can't go wrong...unless you pick the really bad third one. Other than that, the world's your oyster!
Coin flip it is
Ah, the anticompetition bit
Even if we fire you, you can't work for our competitor for 6 months
This is all fine and good, but the C++ typo never actually got fixed
@Kevin Oh, I thought that it was decided that it wasn't a typo.
You should only accept an answer if it's from a dev and contains the phrases "it's fixed" and "I will now perform the apology dance"
I guess at the end of the day, I don't really give a shit
This seems like as good a hill to die on as any other.
@Kevin :]
How come I can't edit this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/32052573/…
@poke to time your 2nd example I had to wrap it into a function, and I had to add leap-year handling code. Even though the leap-year stuff is just one line I put it into a function because I use it in several places in the program: I use it in my daynum_to_daymon() function, and I use it in some testing function so they know how long a year is. Here's the code:
def is_leap(year):
    return (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0)

def daynum_to_daymon3(dayOfYear, year):
    ''' Poke 2 '''
    months = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    months[1] += is_leap(year)
    for month, monthDays in enumerate(months):
        if dayOfYear - monthDays > 0:
            dayOfYear -= monthDays
    return dayOfYear, month + 1
@MorganThrapp there's a pending edit
@vaultah Ahhh, okay. It would be nice if the UI showed that.
You can edit it now.
And here's my code that uses gnarly arithmetic:
def daynum_to_daymon1(daynum, year):
    ''' PM 2Ring '''
    isleap = is_leap(year)
    d = (daynum - 60 - isleap) % (365 + isleap)
    mon, day = divmod(d * 5 + 2, 153)
    return day // 5 + 1, (mon + 2) % 12 + 1
This thread's now the first Google result for me, YMMV. — PM 2Ring 11 mins ago
Now I'm wondering if I should've been a contractor instead; then I don't need to worry about conflicts of interest etc
is there source that provides live astronomical data e.g. planet co-ord.?
I don't think that's really appropriate for a python chat room.
How does anyone live in temperature like that?
Air conditioning. I have solar panels too, so it's essentailly free cooling and dehumidifying the entire day.
Then I jumped in my pool after the sun went down.
My air conditioner is on full blast at 80 degrees and it's still too hot .-.
@nope I suppose you could get live data if you really need it, but you'd probably have to pay for it. Computed data is generally adequate for most purposes. Take a look at the various options at AstroPy
I have no idea how everyone else managed. A lot of places in San Diego don't have A/C.
100-110 isn't bad. With proper stillsuit maintenance, you can lose less than 15 ml of water per fortnight.
@Kevin I'll keep that in mind once the water rations get worse.
I guess you just go to the library or the movies or somewhere that does have A/C.
@davidism The freezer aisle of the supermarket's good, but you can't loiter there for too long. :)
Or become Mr. Freeze
Yeah, then you can stay cool by just saying one liners.
Unless you're Arnie
In which case you make a lot of money looking silly saying one liners
Or James Cameron, where you make a lot of money dropping one liner
And your name will appear before George Clooney's in the opening credits
and when I see the name I think "allow me to BREAK THE ICE"
Or McBain in the Simpsons - ICE to see you!
what killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!
@Kevin You were making some cool animations a while ago, this demo reminded me of them.
Actually the best ever one-liner is in Last Action Hero, where Arnie yells "EVER WANT TO BE A FARMER? HERE'S A COUPLE OF ACRES!" and kicks a guy in the crotch
I'd really like to learn how to make some of those effects with Python. Some of them look reasonable to do.
Morning cabbage.
@RobertGrant: did you come up with the "dropping one liner" line right then? If so, that's impressive.
Yes I did; my brain is strange :)
If I didn't think advertising were a hideous waste of a life*, I'd probably come up with persuasive yet vaguely funny slogans for a living
* this doesn't apply to anyone you guys know and like, of course
To split hairs - I'd rather have SOMETHING Architect as a job title instead of Principal Consultant. Any major reasons why not? (Other than they might say no, you're a consultant)
Architect is certainly a cooler title than Consultant. But (and I'm reaching here, but you asked for reasons why not) that might imply responsibilities they contractually can't delegate.
Did someone say Architect?
Didn't think that would come in handy again, but there you go :)
@DSM thanks - that makes sense. The conversation I had definitely talked about doing that level of work, so I'm happy.
@RobertGrant Downfall architect sounds good to me
Great pic, Bobby G
what's that in the background?
@RobertGrant I'm loving the tooth sparkle :)
I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.
"list comprehension just saves me a few lines" <-- sigh
@JRichardSnape well spotted :)
@DSM Yeah, that question makes me angry.
@AaronHall it was just the background of a stage where a mate and I were doing a comedy magic act years ago
@davidism pretty nice. Wish I knew how to do motion blur like that.
@MorganThrapp: the comp is uglier than the loop; less clear than the loop; and cost him far more time to sort out than a few extra newlines is worth. Cargo-cult belief that somehow writing horizontally is better than vertically.
@DSM Newlines are free and they don't bite. Use them as much as you want.
@Poke: I decided to add my timing code as an answer.
I missed the conversation but I'm a Data Consultant, and yes I did give myself this title.
Data consultant today; knowledge solutions architect in the future.
@DSM exactly
Information Architect is already taken
Wanna put "architect of thought" on my business cards to see how many people get the Magic: The Gathering reference
"Kevin Kevinson, Mind Sculptor" might be a tad on-the-nose
@DSM I think it's more than just the desire to put things into one-liners. It seems that a lot people think that list comps are superior to plain for loops. Sure, the list append process used by a list comp is slightly more efficient than calling the .append() method, due to the special LIST_APPEND bytecode, but the speed benefit's generally quite marginal.
@Kevin The important question is, which version?
@PM2Ring not me - I hate using append in that situation. Feels dirty.
So marginal that (and I know I'm tiresome with this point) it's almost always outweighed by the time to get a nontrivial one right. And if at any point you need to debug it, you have to break out the components anyway to add a print.
We did discuss this list comp stuff here a week or so ago, but just in case you weren't here then, here's a good article: Efficiency of list comprehensions
@RobertGrant I'm not talking about explicitly calling .append() inside a list comp (which is weird & evil), I'm talking about the code generated by the list comp syntax which actually builds the list. And comparing that to a plain for loop that appends to a list that's initialised outside the loop body.
Yeah I know
I mean a for loop with append
It's as though millions of Java instincts cried out and were garbage collected
@MorganThrapp First edition with holographic foiling, because I'm ~just that fabulous~
Oh, ok. I prefer to use a list comp for siple things, but once you get more than 2 or 3 nested loops happening I generally prefer to revert to simple for loops to keep things readable, and easier to debug (as DSM mentioned).
@PM2Ring That’s not perfectly fair.
The year is a compile-time constant, so the is_leap_year should be constant too
Cool :)
@poke Sorry. I was waiting for some feedback from you before I posted that, but you disappeared.
@poke That's reasonable. And I guess in typical use you'd be calling the function multiple times with the same year, so you could pre-compute isleap & pass that instead of passing the year.
And OP’s question never included the year in the input. OP was always assuming a fixed kind-of-year (actually hardcoding every single day-range). The year parameter was only added by that other user.
@davidism Sorry, I've already voted on that one.
@poke Sure. But the OP's obviously a newbie - no experienced coder would write something that looks like that! :) IMHO it's quite reasonable to bring up the leap year issue in daynumber to day+month calculations. OTOH, I agree that the way I implemented it in your code's not as efficient as it could be.
FWIW, in the Kernighan & Ritchie C book there's an example that uses a 2D array of month lengths - one row for normal years & one for leap years. I've always thought it was a tad wasteful, but I guess it's fast. :)
OK, now that I've exterminated the tag I can go back to looking at pictures of cats.
No, those cats are looking at me.
Or are the pictures of cats - looking at you!
oh dammit - you just Kevin'd me
Considering that I have a lot of work to do today, this probably isn't the worst thing ever, but it seems like a slow day for interesting questions in my niche.
My (technically) incorrect answer received 4 upvotes and got accepted
@Poke I just timed a version of your code using a 2D list of month lengths, and it's about 1% slower than the version that does months[1] += is_leap(year)
    months = [
        [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
        [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    for month, monthDays in enumerate(months[is_leap(year)]):
Hi guys!
cbg again all
Can I ask you guys CS que here ? I dunno
@direprobs please read sopython.com/chatroom
I know
I read the rules
> my problem in stackoverflaw
@direprobs and you don't feel rule 1 covers this? Just ask!
@davidism yes, wasn't sure if that was a legitimate typo or snark
@jonrsharpe Lol I do!
So technically I'm going to major in CS obviously and I heard the program is ABET accredited
What do you think about ABET CS accredited programs ? I have no idea in terms of their standards
If you can formulate a less opinion-based question, it might fit on academia.stackexchange.com, but you should consider asking for help in their Meta first
Up until a few minutes ago I'd never thought through why the bridge of the Enterprise is called "the bridge".
@DSM Why?
@jonrsharpe ok
Googling suggests it's a carry-over from the steamship platform between the paddle wheels, but I can't swear the term didn't exist before then.
Don't worry, we're all idiots sometimes. We won't hold it against you.
@Joker welcome, please read our room rules
rbrb all.
"Helpers Helping the Helpless" is my favourite name for a service agency ever. #weekenders
I remember that show.
Two of my colleagues resemble Lor and Tish. I'd tease them about it but (1) it's pretty obscure and (2) they're far too young to get the reference even if it weren't. :-/
(This was sparked by the "Helping Yourself Help Others: A Book for Caregivers" link left by the guy who was frustrating jonr.)
My library books came in today... Should I read 1) Wind-up Bird Chronicles, 2) The Fractal Prince, or 3) watch cartoons instead
I'm two episodes into Psycho Pass but I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for dystopian scifi.
@DSM Wow. It's amazing how arrogant people can be when they're asking for help.
Stream of thought: I'm feeling inspired to propose that my meetup group run a weekend bootcamp. Maybe something along the nominal fee & scholarship model, with any fees going to the umbrella nonprofit. I wonder who it would make the most sense for though. Programmers new to Python? People new to programming in general? All of the above? Limit attendance to say, 5 per moderator/instructor? Thoughts?
You need to offer something that they can't get from tutorials + SO
@Kevin beer!?
Yeah pretty much
ha! no beer. hands on guidance? yes.
Definitely beer.
Definitely gotta code sober.
Nah... debug sober... code drunk
You can already get hands-on guidance in chat, unless you're going to be spoon programming
Kinda annoys me how MongoDB gives back a 1 even when no records were updated...
so my idea was like, start at 8, set up version control, environment/container, ssh into a server, 9 - interactive python, 10, write scripts, 11 put jobs on server, 12 lunch, 1, set up no frills site, 2 parse csv with pandas... etc...
That certainly rules out people new to programming in general.
yeah, what if they did an html class in high school and they're good with spreadsheets?
Work together on a cool but achievable product, like making an automatic door lock with a raspberry pi or something. Then they could actually use the thing they made
Maybe they've got a graduate degree, and they've played around with R?
That's a pretty wide range of possible experience to handle.
Maybe they know some Python and want to drink a beer?
What if they want to drink snake beer?
Also, that beer is 136 proof.
Right, but if they know some Python and want to drink a beer, they can come to regular Tuesday night office hours. What I really want to do is bootstrap promising people into a point where they can either create a lot of value in their current position or could possibly qualify for a junior dev position.
Dear god.
Maybe they want to drink beer with a python?

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