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Cbg all!
2 hours later…
cbg all
cbg shuttle
just porting parts of a python 2 project that was running on pypy over to Cpython 3.4, ran into a bit of a bizarre situation. NameError: name 'buffer' is not defined
I take it I have to use memoryview here?
Specifically I'm trying to port this:
import array

data = array.array('I')
with open(self.tempfile, 'w+') as fd:
What's the original format of the data?
Hi guys
Is sum1 here working on nlp?
in python prefarably.
Neuro-linguistic programming?
Natural Language Processiong
Nothing natural about what goes on around here.
@PatrickMaupin it's an array type
I didn't know there were other such acronyms
I am undergraduate and got stuck at this problem. Please help if possible.
Q: Replace single quotes with double with exclusion of some elements

Abhishek BhatiaI want to replace all single quotes in the string with double with the exception of occurrences such as "n't", "'ll", "'m" etc. input="the stackoverflow don\'t said, \'hey what\'" output="the stackoverflow don\'t said, \"hey what\"" Code 1:(@https://stackoverflow.com/users/918959/antti-haapala...

@shuttle87 I think in 3.4 you can just use array.tobytes()
oh handy
any pointers for the questiion?
I don't think you're going to solve that with a one-liner.
what conditions . Do you think I should include in addition?
@shuttle87 Yeah, but not so handy if you want the code to keep working on both 2 and 3. Though I suppose if that's the only use of buffer() you could define buffer to do the .tobytes() for you in 3.
I am abandoning python 2 support entirely. So I guess I'll just change to open(self.tempfile, wb+) and be done with it.
@AbhishekBhatia To figure out quotes in the most general case, first you need to know all the grammar rules and then you need to know that they are broken quite frequently.
Along with using array.tobytes() as you suggested.
Actually, if you're going to a file, I think you can use tofile() instead...
Well looks like I didn't RTFM here
Yeah, just do myarray.tofile(myfilehandle)
Thanks for the suggestions, this will save me a bunch of time
Sure. You probably know there's a six library. That's overkill for most things, but reading about what it does will probably give you some clues about things you are encountering.
@PatrickMaupin Makes sense. Any useful links?
I did know about six but I'm trying to drop python 2 support entirely, this is just an in-house thing and I'd rather keep it simple. I did run 2to3 over the code though.
@AbhishekBhatia That's domain knowledge. I can tell you about NLP in my domain, and it's neither natural language processing nor neuro-linguistic programming. No, it's Superior voice quality with patented Non-Linear Processor (NLP). That's actually marketing-speak, but whatever. Sorry.
Not "long play" in my domain
Ahhhhh! Just noticed Tristan sneaking up on me
NLP is actually nat lang processing in my domain, but i wanted to make a joke and I'm probably top 5 moments in the most exhausted I've ever been
In a good way?
@PatrickMaupin I'm not like...sexually exhausted from a tour of eastern europe, but I did have to talk to a lot of strangers at a conference today after a week of working in-office when I'm normally remote.
Equally as wearing; perhaps not quite as many good memories, but you won't need as many shots, either.
Good because I talked with a lot of great people, but drained in that I give a talk in 11 hours and I'm waiting for sushi in a hotel after a social night of drinking
Diseases are merit badges that you truly earn.
Sushi's probably good right before bed if it's good. Even if it's not, enough wasabi will kill most things.
One of the last things that will deliver in "the city that never sleeps"
Read the first paragraph of this -- that'll put you to sleep.
I Also Like to Write My Questions as if I am a Staff Writer
I'm always amazed at people who can figure out how things like bits and two's complement work, yet somehow cannot grasp that they can work with more than one bit at a time
I find that surprising too
Now, me, sometimes I only work with one bit at a time. Flops don't grow on trees, ya know.
@thefourtheye Do you document the code, or do you write extra code for the document‌​?
@PatrickMaupin You, sir, caught me off guard :D
I was just about to pen a comment to that question including the term batshit insane. You may have caught me in time for me to tone it down. Whaddaya think?
No problem :-) I am reviewing a PR now, I ll look at that question in a while
Somebody upvoted it :D
That seems... odd.
I think I am going to vote to close with the reason Primarily opinion-based
It's a plan. I just made an answer, but I'll remove it if you just want it to go away.
No biggie one way or the other to me.
Anyway, sorry about the poke -- I was just amused by the juxtaposition of that "add code to make the doc better" against your "remove the code if it makes the doc worse" post of several hours ago.
Oh, I didn't mind the poking :-) I was just enjoying the weird/sudden weather changes.
It was sunny in the daytime and it rained 5 hours continuously at night
Now its back to sunny mode :-/
And you're OK? When it does that here, I have to give my dog Benadryl :)
I spend most of my time within four walls (I am definitely not in jail ;-)), so I am okay.
My dog's inside most of the time as well, but thunder and lightning drive him crazy.
Dogs, huh.
Or maybe he just pretends for the drugs. Who knows?
Well, I should go to bed, so I'll say Rhubarb and good night.
4 hours later…
Hey up all
Hey up fizzy
2 hours later…
cbg all
Hey folks
I'm trying to raise a list of numbers to an increasing power, and I was hoping to increment that power inline. Any idea if something like this is possible?
[n ** p++ for n in numbers]
where p has a starting value defined earlier
Obviously the ++ part isn't working in python, but p += 1 can't be used inline in the same way as it doesn't return anything.
ah, [n ** (p+i) for i, n in enumerate(numbers)]
thanks for the help rubber ducks
or alternatively [n ** i for i, n in enumerate(numbers, p)] I guess
yup :p
I like list comps
They're certainly very useful :p
What language do they use to program twitterbots?
Have a look for twitterbots and see? :p
I was guessing it was Python or PHP
Could be C++/C# or Ruby or or or or or...
Ah ok
or APL
Or node or TCL or or or or :)
2 hours later…
Foreign function interfaces for web developers - Bloody foreign functions, coming over here and stealing our lambdas!
Tristan is giving his talk!!
@Aaron is it being video'd?
I have a front row seat! Yes on video!
Awesome, let us know if/when it gets released.
As part of our RO board we have contact details for each other in case of emergencies, looks like it's time to test whether he's turned off his mobile or not...
@Ffisegydd that'd be evil :p
user image
Please do the needful and print out the above to hold up during his talk
I really want to trash that.
Why would you trash such a beautiful piece of art?
He's looking and pointing right at me.
Seriously though: Are we having bets on whether @tristan vomits during his talk or not?
He's taking questions!
5 sopython dollars on "yells "PHP 4 Life" before dropping the mic and walking off"
Oh man. My head is swimming trying to think of troll questions!
Something to do with 2 vs 3 and vegan hippies...
Talk is over!
A thousand years from now, historians will look back and say "This talk marked the beginning of the downfall of statically-typed languages..."
@Ffisegydd And I missed it. Too young for Woodstock, too old for Tristan's talk.
It also marks the beginning of the Cabbage Wars.
Well that explains a lot.
Thanks @Ffisegydd -- saw that during Q&A and stopped talking mid-sentence for a full second
Congrats on surviving!
How did you see it? Did Aaron hold it up? If so, give him a medal.
Oh, and yeah well done @tristan, we're all proud of you for not pi**ing your pants in fear.
@Ffisegydd although that'd have made a youtube video worth trying to get viral :p
@Ffisegydd He caught my attention and spun his laptop with the image there
Amazing. Seriously. Go buy a medal and give it to him, I'll post you the money for it.
@Ffisegydd Hey thanks. Was fine after the first 3 minutes
@Aaron that's for you until tristan gets you a real one.
@tristan Congrats! When are the videos coming?
@SomeGuy Thanks! Early next week
It's great to read that it all went well, Tristan.
cbg and congrats on not vomiting all over yourself tristan ;)
@davidism Really? I thought... HEY, GET OFF OF MY LAP!
1 hour later…
So I'm shooting myself in the foot hard with Git. I'm just trying to merge to dev branches together and it's fighting me the whole way. Do you guys have a specific reference you look at when Git starts being annoying?
(thanks everyone)
cbg, all.
@Seanny123 Something that helped me clarify my mental model was think like a git
That's looks pretty interesting. Thanks Patrick.
But even then, my mental model had a few warts I had to clear up
Yep, it's always a journey with Git
And not in that enjoyable sense where you learn tricks to work faster like in Python or Vim
As we like to say at work, all models are wrong but some are useful.
And that includes mental models of git. Not everybody's is useful.
I'm just implementing a custom set type, and after years of heavy usage of python's sets, I just realized at this very moment, that I don't understand why they pick | (__or__) for the union and & (__and__) for the intersection.. I mean -- maybe it is just me -- but something AND something means bigger than something OR something..
(maybe I'm just too visual.. but still.. :P )
@Seanny123 after I first read this book, I finally arrived to nirvana => gitref.org
git is extremely logical and well designed (one of the best piece of softwares I use on a daily bases)
but you have to let everything you think you know, and accept what model linus created
@PeterVaro So you would have them define "and" and "or" completely different than everybody else who uses set stuff and boolean logic? I suppose it could happen -- they went their own way with what "/" means to cater to non-computer type people.
@PatrickMaupin naay.. implemented them as they are in the python world -- all I'm saying is: I don't understand why they are the way they are :)
sure, we got used to it a long time ago, but we can still ask questions: "why it is created this or that way?" and such..
think of it as "it's something in this OR in that"
cbg puppy-boy, 'sup?
I think it works better if you think of the universe as 1.0. That means everything else is between one and zero. Math gets funny there -- multiply two numbers together and they get smaller.
hence a union... or & as "in this AND in that" - hence an intersection
@JonClements that's clever by the way
@Peter doing fie mate - how's you and coltie doing these days?
@JonClements we are suffering 'cause of the heat.. otherwise I'm super fine, so is he
great to hear!
(except the heat thing)
oh, I just wanted to suggest you a nice uk series, if you don't know it already: have you heard about endeavour?
Nope - but if you're recommending it... I'll look it up for sure
it is pretty nice, I like the atmosphere there: 50's and 60's great britain
superb characters, nice dialogs, everything is in its right place
@PatrickMaupin that's actually not as surprising as pow(n, 0) which gives you 1
(but we've already talked about this with Ffisegydd and Kevin..)
Anybody bought/used/recommend a really tiny computer with really good specs for not really a fortune? Intel NUC, Gigabyte Brix, Lenovo Thinkcentre Tiny, etc...
with which OS preference?
But I've been known to scrape off windows if I have to.
Thanks, but I meant a box, not a laptop...
And an i7, not an i3...
ah, they sell desktops too but I've only used their laptops (though I am quite happy with that purchase)
anyway, lunchtime rbrb
@PatrickMaupin I know it is not i7 nor i5, but still a lovely piece: endlessm.com
That's cute, but the low end version has about as much SSD as I'd like to have RAM.
Is that one of your designs?
@PatrickMaupin sadly not mine -- but still a good thing :)
@JRichardSnape you available?
If you have an issue, you can just ask.
Probably better than pinging someone specific on a Sunday evening.
Hi. Agree with fizzy. Please don't ping this evening as I'm working on something else, so only around intermittently. I've seen your questions in the other room. They imply you haven't read the comments in the code I wrote and/or my messages. Please do that and I'll reply if / when I have chance
Of course others might be able to assist if you outline your fundamental problem and context
bah... someone should buy me a lamb shish kebab for being an awesome puppy
lamb sounds delicious right now
Did you mean baaaaaa
@Patrick yes, yes I could have... my punning fails when with a rumbly tumbly :p
sheesh, Jon, I lambent the opportunity ewe missed there. I hope I've rammed my point home here.
Evening cabbage for all to go with my atrocious effort above
We'll let you off... :p
Excellent. I'll take that as encouragement for further word based nonsense ;)
I'm now on my "do my administration" hour, so expect more procrastination.
smiles I note I've already encouraged the exit of one esteemed room member. I promise not to pun any more unless it's entirely unavoidable
Given that the web runs off Linux/Apache/MySQL/Basic, I'm not sure it's ever avoidable.
(Well, newer version of Basic, but it's all interpreted, memory managed stuff, really.)
:D I like it @patrick
3 hours later…
Late, wilted cabbage folks
Anyone about?
cbg Intrepid
Don't think I've been in the Python room this late before
I presume you're in a more sensible timezone?
an earlier one at least (its 1845 where I am)
Currently 2345 for me.
see for the nightowl that is a perfectly acceptable timeframe
now 0500 is bedtime
actually when I worked nightshift I remember getting looked at funny cause I was drinking at 8 when everyone else was going to work.
People must've thought: "man, that guy must really hate his job"
cabbage @Jhun
well, I was an MP (military police officer) in the Marines at the time so I think most other Marines just realized it was required - can't be called back into work if you've been drinking
Ah right, gotcha
seriously would sometimes splash jack or beer on myself when I heard a knock at my door cause I knew someone was going to ask me to cover a shift and I just wanted to sleep ;)
Oh, I can 100% appreciate that. I served some time with HM armed forces (nothing exciting, was a reservist). Because I generally worked the bar for the rest of the lads (and ladies), I would generally be sober and when somebody got themselves into trouble, they would always come a' knockin'
Guess it's a bit different when you're doing it full time as your job though!
corvid is still teasing the kitties it seems
"But kitty doesn't want to code"
its worse as an MP because if you get in trouble at the bar....your getting picked up by your own command - instant notification O)o
On the plus side, you don't need to stew wondering what the MPs are gonna do to you...
Right? Right
ugh, the MP unit wasn't going to do anything - we were part of the administrative command and they hated us giving them tickets so it was always going to be bad enough from higher that we just yelled at the guy or had him fill sandbags
So, it seems like questions slow on Friday, then speed up again on Sunday (PDT)?
I suspect our punishments by reservists (for reservists) were less professional...
Cyphase - probably to due with the regular working week
@IntrepidBrit, I know, it's just that Friday and Saturday seem to be the slow ones, as opposed to Saturday and Sunday. I'm in California.
@Cyphase Need those questions, huh? Looks like you're on a push to get to 30K rep by Thanksgiving :-)
Oh I seeeeeee. I misread.
@PatrickMaupin, I'm sure I'm just in the honeymoon period :P.
@Cyphase I'm [barely ahead of you](stackoverflow.com/users/3577601/patrick-maupin?tab=reputation) but the first derivative of your rep is a lot higher than mine -- 0.01% in the last week.
Which one of you guys is smart engouh to program a twitter bot?
Definitely corvid's cat
All of us I hope. Whether we all have the skills at the moment, I don't know.
Ok let me re-phrase that:
I'm not even smart enough to make all the links in my markup work. I'm still not sure what I screwed up there. Anyway, gotta run.
Which one of you guys currently have the skills to program a twitter bot
My answer still stands
Depends on how intelligent the bot needs to be.
It needs to create followers each day by retweeting some hashtags without being detected by twitter
so these hashtags will change randomly each time period
Sounds fun yet antisocial.
Battle of the Bots. Hide-and-go-ban.
We will get very social when we are able to advertise :)

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