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While I was never great at sporty things, I wasn't terrible either. Except for throwing a frisbee, which to this day eludes me
That's a killer feature when you're hunting koalas.
Good morning, everyone, how are you all doing?
@Kevin hey, if Apple build an API for it, expect breathless blog posts on how koala hunting is just what I wanted to do with my phone
Home automation's been around for 15 years? WHY DO I SUDDENLY LOVE IT?
I could only star one message that featured "koala hunting" and while I originally starred Kevin's, I'm sorry but Rob's has pipped it.
Congratulations Bob, you stole a star from the starlord.
I just upvoted one of your answers Tristan. You owe me
I accept that as necessary for the good of the star sidebar ;_;
No you don't.
Maybe that makes me that green alien girl
@Ffisegydd You're right. I'm just trying to mask my motive for when I de-star everyone's messages but mine in the dead of night
Speaking of which - my wife hasn't seen GotG so we found it cheap on bluray and maybe we'll watch it tonight. Thanks for the reminder!
I think we need to star this whole day's conversation
wtf im australian why are people hunting koalas!
Is... Is that not a thing that's done
Maybe we're getting confused with drop bears again.
mate those guys just eat eucalyptus all day,
ye drop bears thats the ones haha
@Kevin looks like you have a lot of apologising to do to orphaned koalas :)
I will integrate into their society, and in time, our differences will be forgotten.
@Dracunos Thanks, I hope it was deserving of the vote.
@Kevin is that the PG version? :)
@Kevin i saw some eucalyptus on ebay!
@RobertGrant I'm not at liberty to discuss that with non-koalas.
We have a code, I assume.
Did anyone administer the oath to tristan?
do you swear your life to cabbage?
No. No I do not.
"I am the shield that guards the realms of men..."? Wait, no. "In brightest day, in darkest night...", hang on. "I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon..." Ugh close enough.
* /12 * * * test.py
will this correctly execute script twiece in a day?
Yes. Yes it will. (I am lying, I have no idea).
I am not familiar with that syntax.
What's it meant to be? A cronjob?
Some kind of scheduling thing, I gather
If so, maybe you should explain that?
@user123 Heh, misread. I typically use the comma syntax of H1,H2
@Ffisegydd yes cron job
is there a reason for having 4 freezer programs for python? im starting to see duplication of efforts all over the place. Do we need a hub that people can check for new/existing projects that exist that they can join before spawning their own? Also as a user i find it to hard to find libraries, it's inevitable after i finish a few hours writing some helper code i find it by chance on the web...
@tristan : )
freezer programs? You mean like "Convert my python code to .exe"?
freezer as in cx_freeze?
any suggestion appreciated
@user123 sorry,edited my suggestion inline 0,12
Open source projects are just like that, I guess. It's not like we can force the competing freezer guys to work together
we have cx freeze py2exe py2app bbfreeze pyinstaller
@tristan I am bit confused, can you please rewrite line
@user123 * 0,12 * * * /full/path/to/test.py
No worries, yours might have worked, I'd say test it in a virtual machine.
i mean, doing a project like that takes time, maintainers etc, and i know 2 or 3 of them started at the same time, i'm guessing out of necessity. Is it feasible for such a project to merge? I know setuptools was merged.
No I don't think it's feasible for them to merge, they'll be vastly different libraries with different code bases.
Even if it was easy code-wise, I bet it would be hard politically.
im not good at politics
Oh yeah definitely.
"So, which of you two benevolent dicators for life wants to step down? Or shall we have an odd-couple-esque sharing situation?"
distribute merged with setuptools because it forked from the same code with that intention to begin with
@Arden if you donate to my fund, i'll be good at politics for you
Listen, we'll just paint a line down the middle of the source code. I get the left half, and you get the right half.
code politics?
@tristan welcome to a much more janitorial lifestyle
All hail our new Malevolent Janitor For Life.
i know pyinstaller wants to get working on python3, but cx freeze already does that, just join their project
roll a dice etc
@thefourtheye I sent you an invite to slack yesterday, it should allow you to sign in rather than create a new org
I'm still waiting for my invitation.
Took me like a year to get one :-)
Hi guys
I'm looking for a free rich text editor with free file manager to use with django
can you lz recommand me the one you use plz
@ArmanceWissal What do you mean by "file manager"?
Veggies. Good morning, and happy Python-kind-of-day.
Rich text editor... With like, embedded images and different font sizes and stuff? Microsoft Word.
@ArmanceWissal Assuming that you mean an IDE, I like Pycharm jetbrains.com/pycharm
@tristan I'm actually very conservative with my voting here
@tristan He means a box on a web page that does styling, images etc
The file manager bit I've no idea about
@RobertGrant Oh like a WYSIWYG editor
And that's due to one important factor.. I have to understand what the hell they are talking about
something like ckeditor and CKFinder
a file manager to manage images uploaded with the editor
(but ckfinder is not free)
@tristan yes
I want my reward to be the honor of being your first chat room kick
@Dracunos I'll take a pass on that, thanks :)
What movie should I buy for a plane flight today?
Sex and the City.
Final Destination. The first season of LOST. Cast Away. Flight of the Phoenix.
Saving it for someone special?
@corvid Alive
Yeah, @Kevin definitely wins
any idea? what
what WYSIWYG editor do u use?
@corvid have you caught up on Silicon Valley?
Mu. I don't use a wizzywig editor.
I don't even know what silicon valley is
@ArmanceWissal If someone currently in the room had a suggestion he or she would have likely suggested it. Unfortunately the question is off-topic for SO, but you can probably get help in IRC
@corvid imdb.com/title/tt2575988 please watch this, I think you would really enjoy it
I just bought the most popular episode, I'll check it out
8.5 on IMDB is pretty good
I just watched some clips based on an earlier tip from @tristan - it looks pretty good.
@corvid Serious: The Wind that Shakes the Barley; Restrepo. Adventure: Maidentrip. Silent, adventure: The General. Classic: The Odd Couple (movie). Art documentary: First Position. Science: Your Inner Fish. Funny as anything: Mortified Nation.
I haven't heard of any of those
If I had to pick one, I'd go with Mortified Nation
@PeterVaro, refer to chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/24124722#24124722 the next time you need a film to watch :-)
@Kevin woah! takk!
Oooh, this looks naughty (YAFV - Yet another flash vulnerability) - web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2015-3113
If we're recommending films... The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello
voting on flags is fun.
It's a short animated film and this is its kind of crowd.
Guys, please stop voting up the "merge dicts" answer with all your sock puppet accounts. I know what you're trying to do and it isn't going to work.
Wait, I haven't used my sock puppet accounts yet today. Link, please?
I'll downvote it if you like.
finally, some cooperation.
Um.... I just need to know which question to not have my sock puppets upvote.
@corvid If you're into books, the Soul of a New Machine was a very good book about Silicon Valley types. Won the pulitzer for nonfiction.
Yeah, that's a good one.
I don't know how to read
Feel free to upvote my answer guys. It's starting to lose steam, I need my free 200
Kids in the Hall! I haven't seen their skits in forever.
News Radio?
@QuestionC done
It occurs to me that Family Guy ripped off that bit like 90%
Everyone knows that Family Guy is written by Manatees anyway. Manatees aren't ashamed; they'll rip of anything.
@davidism Melons :-)
@QuestionC I realise you probably meant that as a joke, but if I ever see you asking for upvotes again you'll be booted out of the room. That goes the same for anyone else.
For the warning, that is.
Hey man I know you meant it as a joke :P it's just if someone else was reading they may not understand that and decide to start asking for rep.
Sorry if I came across as harsh there btw :3 I just looked across at the screen and saw someone asking for upvotes :P
Yep, it's important to curtail the appearance of preferential voting, or else the mods will grind us to dust and scatter us to the four winds.
If you're going to beg for votes, I require some monetary compensation, not just groveling.
Drink a proper drink like coffee instead.
Fashion emergency tea from the leaves in your yard
@QuestionC Aaaalright
In a pinch, green construction paper can be ground into a rudimentary base.
Also - @Ffisegydd what?
I wonder why I didn't upvote it the last time I saw it
The only good tea is green tea. Everything else is crap, drink coffee!
Seems easier to do it in a crucible.
Pardon the libertarian bent, but I think everyone knows asking for upvotes is not likely to end well for the asker. I don't think we need it to be a rule. It's not listed in the room rules.
I miss kids in the hall. I wish they had it on vaughn
The only problem with that is that not everyone knows
@Ffisegydd The problem with that - is if I drank as much coffee as I did tea... I'd be in A&E with a caffeine induced coma
rbrb - need to get all serious mood and address some email stuff... laters
Well they can find out when they get downvotes.
Very good advice, @Dracunos
What? Only vote if you understand what they are talking about?
Nah, vote if there's a lot of other upvotes, that means it's good and you don't even have to think about it.
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being ironic. It's a subtle difference.
Usually when something is upvoted I find its already got an appropriate amount of votes for what it is
I try to vote early and often.
@JonClements ask @IntrepidBrit, he solved a similar issue recently
Yay, another flag vote.
It's a little odd to see the flags not coming from javascript chat or c++ lounge ;)
why do people think they can get away with sh stuff?
maybe it's a different server?
It depends on the room. Some rooms, foul language is allowed.
Does reverse psychologically trying to get votes count, @Ffisegydd?
Pretty much every flag in Lounge and JS is invalid.
Here's my post.. Don't you DARE upvote it
well I'm imposing my values on other people, and it feels good.
@Dracunos I'd just avoid trying it in general.
is confused about this flag voting of which you speak
All 10k users see all chat flags. There's a meta post describing it somewhere.
Do you see who flagged it?
Only a number indicating how many people flagged it
Ah, I feel bad even flagging as a joke
I don't care, I vote "not sure" for 90% of them either way
I cringe when my typos get starred. There it is, up in lights. "Look at that, he can't spell! He uses the wrong homonym! Hahaha!" :D
@RobertGrant Mods see "who" flagged it - they also see moderation only flags on top of the spam/offensive ones... think that's in the meta post David might be looking for...
I was looking for the one about how the valid/invalid/unsure votes are added up.
I'd love to know that.
@davidism cool - I'll find it if / when I want to have a look. You'll be pleased to know I did search "flag vote" on meta before asking and didn't find it, but have only a vague interest.
I think the people that open the popup and then dismiss it without voting also get counted...
Probably something like valid=+1, invalid=-1, unsure=-0.5 and dismissing half an unsure or something
Anyway - stop being interesting people - I really do need to get away and do some work... rbrb
So, we were talking about cicadas yesterday.. One decided to molt right outside my door at work, like a little present just for me
It's creepy how "whole" those molts look.
Here is a gif of a cicada molting. It's kind of amazing.
It's gross.. but I will admit that a single cicada can be considered a cute
The shells remind me of really close up pictures of fleas
Fun fact: there's a pokemon whose design is based off of a cicada's empty husk. It has 1 hp and steals the souls of people that look inside.
ninjcada or something
It's all about the krickitune, if you need a bug pokemon
Anything that's a kickable offense should be in the room rules. Anything that not in the room rules must be ratified at a special biweekly meeting welcoming all room regulars by a simple majority in the case of internal affairs, but by a 2/3rds majority in the case of more weighty matters, such as kicking.
Shedinja is the name.
What happens when someone invents a way to be bad that isn't in the rules? You just have to put up with it?
Aaron is tempting me to turn the room into a bureaucracy, which is pretty tempting for me because I'd be near the top of the power pyramid
@AaronHall that's nice and nonspecific
Hey, I have an idea (actually, I'm stealing Kevin's idea): there's a time and place for everything. Bring it up at the next meeting.
Jon said he'd bring pizza
To register for the right to ask Python questions, send $50 and an ID-ten-T form to Kevin Kevinson, PO box...
plans to steal all the peperoni slices
For the longest time, I thought pineapple was gross on pizza, but now I realize it's pretty good.
I actually brought pizza that I hope is still good to work today.. Pepperoni and jalapeno, the best pizza ever
@Dracunos that sounds awesome
Speaking of Pizza, we had a really great pizza at the R Open Statistical Programming meetup last night.
When I worked at a pizza place, we called Jalapenos stinky pickles.
Most pizza I just regard as an excuse to eat delicious toppings. If I add pineapple, then there will be less space for assorted meats, which I simply can't abide.
We do a poll to rate the pizza: bit.ly/pizzapoll
Yeah as we're the same person, I have the same preference as @Kevin
The pineapple chunks serve as sugary little fat sponges. It's not like other toppings, it's a meat catalyst.
Whatever Meat Feast, Meatacular, Mighty Meat or whatever pizza is on the menu - I have it
@QuestionC but it takes away from the delicious taste of salt
I used to always get the meatiest, but now I like vegetables on my pizza
Hmm, if Robert is like me, and DSM is like me, is DSM like Robert? Does similarity associate?
I'm going with no.
I think it follows the inverse square law.
I think it's weaker
... where distance is, er, Levenshtein. Yeah, that's it.
Depends, if you're bipolar they might repel.
Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
The law that says that giant ants are unlikely to evolve and attack New York? No, that's the square cube law...
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
You make me sad.
I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an empereror just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!
Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!
bloody peasant!
Oh, what a give away. Did you read that, did you read that, eh? That's what I'm on about -- did you see him repressing me, you saw it didn't you?
Holy tomato, stop quoting the entire movie line by line. It's annoying.
subverts authority
If you want to reference the scene, just post a youtube link.
That cat looks so soft and fluffy
Has anyone used rethinkdb? It seems pretty new so using it is making me nervous
Holy quotespam Batman
def group_by_commas(n):
    return '{:,}'.format(n)
How the heck does this work?
Kicked for quoting Python in the Python room.
It takes numbers and turns them into a string with appropriate commas. So 1000 would be '1,000'
Not interested in that type of conversation again. Bye.
Oh, there might have been a case of salad-speak in the wild. Scalia's dissent of the ACA ruling described the majority ruling as "applesauce".
Or this type
I just looped backwards through the numbers and every third number I stuck a comma in there
@Dracunos sorry but what's your question? :/
@Dracunos Correction: I think it is putting a comma every n indexes or something
I don't get how that pasted solution works to stick a comma at every third-from-right digit
You're using string formatting and you've added , after the :.
It's even in the Python documentation
@QuestionC Drats. Looks like the language has breached containment again, we need to send the men in white suits.
> Using the comma as a thousands separator:
and then basically the above code
it's just a built-in format speficiation language feature
I see now.. So the {:,} is a specific syntax just to solve that problem? How would you use that to stick a comma at every second digit instead?
I've read through that doc so many times, I must have not been paying enough attention
You wouldn't, because that would be silly.
I like the way how JDK 9 Release/Development plan is laid out
makes notes to bring up at next meeting
@AaronHall you were kicked for spamming. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Drop it.
In other countries the symbols are separated differently, what if you wanted your script that added commas to work with other countrys' dollars?
@Dracunos e.g. thousand being '1.000' or '1,000'? if so there's a lot of stuff in locale that i haven't touched, but wouldn't mind going through with you next week
It should work depending on where your localisation is set, otherwise you can modify it manually using locale
I was actually interactively quoting a movie with another member of the room. I don't think any chat room on earth would consider that spamming. It was actually over.
But I'm not 100% on whether locale will modify how string formatting works so someone else might want to chime in/you may wanna test it.
It was excessive. I was about to kick you myself.
I see. I'm just fishing for reasons why my code was more flexible :p
A recent OP says of his code sample, "I hope that's formatted correctly". I don't understand this. Is the preview window not visible to this person? I'm not trying to be snippy, I really want to know if there's a UX issue here
@davidism Me too kitty, me too
Stop posting cute kittens :3
My dog doesn't recognize other dogs that appear on television. Not sure if a bit dim, or just poor vision.
Yeah it's against the rules.
@davidism I've always wondered this.. Some animals will react to other animals on a screen like on tv. And some will completely ignore it. I'm sure it has something to do with smell vs sight, but I always wondered if animals that ignore other animals on the screen are stupider, or actually smarter?
lookit that catte
Next meeting we should vote to add 'kittens' tag to the chat
My dog doesn't notice me on the couch while she waits on the deck to be let back inside, so she may just be nearsighted.
@Dracunos I think it has to do with interest. If humans don't respond to reality TV on television, are we more or less stupid?
Room mascot is the bunny, I just don't have bunnyoverflow.com to refer to for gifs.
I won't comment on stupidity related to reacting to reality tv : p
You've already been told to bring it up at the meeting. Stop posting.
I should try to expose my dog to the bathroom mirror... May have interesting effects.
I swear, when it comes to kicking people, davidism is to me as Kevin is to DSM.
Hey, apparently there's also dogoverflow.com.
I honestly think it has more to do with the animal's dependence on sense of smell
Wait a second, that second one's not a dog! Impostor alert!
When I was a tot, my grandparents had a little wiener dog called "Freddy." I used to take grandma's makeup mirror and use it to tease Freddy. That poor little dog would go nuts. Grandma didn't stop me--just told me that when I got bit (and I did!) that I would have got what I had coming to me.
i like how one of the cats is being sat on and doesn't mind
Grownups were more willing, back then, to let the world teach you a lesson.
@WayneConrad Yeah, they were. stares into the distance
If by "the world" you mean "the box" then yes.
Morning cabbage for all.
Hey up
@tristan: I see you're tilty now. Welcome to the team.
@WayneConrad I think that's part of the problem with parenting today
Morning @DSM
@DSM Cheers, thank you.
btw, I think we forgot to mention. the room is always under attack by vicious monsters and we have to fight to stay alive. Don't tell the non ROs.
The next wave is in ten minutes, good luck have fun
Also one of the ROs is a spy, it's your job to uncover the traitor. Maintain constant vigilence.
I forgot the least important permission. You're now the owner of a trash can, congratulations.
Don't forget the evil Ruby programmers.
You mean the rubels?
Those tricksy ruby programmers, always trying to get our magical python egg that's the source of our power.
They will literally bite your ankles off to protect their Ruby.
You know the scene from Aladdin where Abu is in the cave of wonders reaching for that bigass ruby? That's mo-capped from an actual Ruby dev.
@davidism lol
So it's Disney vs Monty Python?
Does that make Wayne a Disney princess?
It's going to get ugly when they finally work out ruby-based light sabers
We have that rabbit, though
I mean, I know each of us can summon a phantom snake totem that's invulnerable to physical harm, but still.
That rabbit vs yoda would be a good battle
It's hard to get burn marks out of the carpet, is all I'm saying.
Is deleting messages something that comes with RO or is that a permission thing?
@WayneConrad What is your avatar picture of, btw?
@Dracunos Sea otter.
@Dracunos It's an otter. Oh man, your day is about to become great.
@tristan Only mods can delete the messages of other users.
@Kevin Ah, thanks, figured.
Moving to another room is the best we can do
Hence, the Rotating Knives
Also, ROs can see deleted messages in the rooms
Is that over one and half minutes of watching otters hold hands?
I used to watch them fish... they dive, come up a minute later 50 feet away, and roll onto their back. Then they put a rock on their belly and smash a clam against the rock to open it. I can watch them do that for hours.
That is probably more interesting to watch than them holding hands
@Dracunos You have no soul.
Now, watching kittens hold hands, that's another story entirely
Those zoo-goers are pretty noisy around the sleeping otters. That ain't soundproof glass.
I went to the san diego safari park a couple months ago, and it says specifically not to stare at the gorillas (who were pretty badass and a bit scary looking). There were literally hundreds of guests staring at them
I don't get how people can work with dangerous animals, just looking at them from afar strikes some fear into me
The sumatran tiger was crazy, too, we couldn't believe the growls were coming from him, he wasn't even really roaring but the sound shook you deep in your chest
Someone put up one of those vids of a big cat trying to get at a toddler through glass ...
ty :-)
Preferably without embedding it in the chat
"Can't... Reach... misshapen zebra"
Poor choice of colors for a day at the zoo
@Dracunos this
Adblock is a nice extension for cases like this - you can nix individual images by right clicking them
@Aaron your behaviour in this room has generated the overwhelming majority of discussion amongst ROs recently, and not a little anguish over your unwillingness to get along with established room culture, combined with your tendency to shout "I'm being oppressed!" [1] when pulled up about it. It has been making the room a less pleasant place to be for for the people who have put the most effort into making it a success.
You apparently believe you are being targeted. The reverse is the case – the phrase "walking on eggshells" has come up more than once in out-of-band RO discussion – but you are making life less enjoyable for multiple human beings, and they are becoming less and less generous in their attitude toward you the longer it continues.
To be clear: this is not your room. If you don't like our party, you don't have to stay. If you spoil it, you will be shown the door.
[1] Yes, it is ironic, isn't it?
@Kevin Oh, yeah! I forgot about blocking individual images. Thanks for the reminder.
I'll bring it up at the next meeting. :D
cbg @poke
Hey up
Group effort
Greetings. :D
And no one even said c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!, proud of you
You did start with punctuation though.
What dictates when the line of dots appear between chat messages?
And do we all see the dots in the same place? Between corvid and poke's last messages, and between me and aaron's last message?
bookmarks, maybe?
I think it's "here are messages you haven't seen yet", or supposed to be.

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