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@Bhargav thanks
I've to stalk take a look at our rival [php] for some days also
@poke thanks
I use sublime text for a project on python file when I add some code and save add on the top this line # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
anyone has an idea how do I stop?
Can you be a bit more clear? Do those two lines automatically appear?
yes come automatic in all my files on the top of each (urls.py, adm, models, forms, ...)
let me say very basic project just created
when add an func or class and save add automatic on the top the two line
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
You are using any pluggins?
Yes, I installed a few pluggins but not sure which one you means!
Cbg Rob
if someone can give me an idea how to un-install the pluggins on sublime text I may try to find if the pluggins maybe the issues?
Just had a healthcheck and my cholesterol's down from last year. Woohoo!
@RobertGrant Partyyyy! With loads of burgers!
Go to "Preferences"->"Package Control"->"List Packages"
Exactly :)
That will tell you what you've installed.
Aha @Alexander beat me to that!
I was searching that around :P
:p I'm in this chat while coding in Sublime
@AlexanderHuszagh You’re chatting from within Sublime?
Multiple workspaces: awesome wm
I open already "Preferences"->"Package Settings" not "Preferences"->"Package Control"
Super +1 for solely sublime
Super + Ctrl + 1/3 for split view
Alrighty, Rhubarb all.
@Christine rbrb
a pleasure
Anyway, have anything in your user settings or package installs that autofills a new file?
take care @Christine
cbg @Ffisegydd
@BhargavRao in fact now you've said burgers, that's basically all I can think about
hi, I'm having problems with a regex and re.sub: re.sub(r'whatever', r'0\10\20\3', data). I basically need to replace the pattern (which captures 3 groups) with the text 0[first_group]0[second_group]0[third_group]. I'm having problems since \10 is interpreted as "grab group 10" instead of "grab group 1 and then there's a 0 character". Any way to "separate" capture group identifiers from the other digits?
Use parentheses
Use \g<1>.
sub = re.compile('what(e)ver')
as @poke says - or lambda m: '0'.join(m.groups())
>>> re.sub('a(b)c', r'\g<1>0', 'abc')
Aha I smell Regex here.
I am getting below error
(psycopg2.ProgrammingError) operator does not exist: character varying = integer
my database column is string field
and I am querying by integer
is there any way in sqlalchemy/postgres that automatically detects where column is integer or string and automatically converts the query?
@Bhargav your olfactory ability is not letting you down :)
@Harshit convert your argument to a string first using str() - although you might want to consider the design if you're ending up doing that
@poke that did the trick. Sorry for bothering, I'm a newbie with python and regex
No worries, you’re not bothering. We’re here to help :)
@Marco from the sea side! Check the docs, it explains that syntax clearly :)
well, thanks :)
Cabbage @IntrepidBrit
@BhargavRao I will, I kinda lost myself in the sub documentation and I thought this was more of a regex problem
its crazy, all these django packages. I wanna try them all. Not sure why though :0
AHH! That's what's been bothering me. I KNEW had something important today, but couldn't remember what (and it wasn't in my calendar). It's the PyAGM
@Bhargav what's the stuff you've added to the GM agenda?
Cheers poke.
I had one-too-many apple juices last night.
@Ffisegydd Yeah! Wanted to speak to you on that! I wanted the sub-headings on the rules page to be link-able (I dunno what you call it)
@Ffisegydd Is that code for something?
@Bhargav okay we can do that, but it doesn't really merit its own agenda piece, make sure to bring it up during sopython-dev
Yeah told @Jon Bout that.
@BhargavRao Anchors?
@Ffisegydd He wanted to raise an issue in github as feedback. But Aaron wanted more stuffs, so he added it as an agenda
Not anchors. The technical term is "linkable-toable"
@Alexander I installed ob sublime a few pluggins such as AngualrJs, SublimePythonIDE, Anaconda, CSS3, Bracket-Highlighter, Emmet, Ipython Notebook, Package Control (twice) don't know why!, PackageResourceViewer
@Ffisegydd I added it - appears only the DC can edit the transcript stuff
My bad :D
Yep, editors can only edit the wikis
@SomeGuy It's code for "I drank too much cider."
I knew I was missing something!
@Ffisegydd Enjoy it though? :p
There is a drink called Appy Fizz here!
So we can make that Apple Fizzy!
How droll.
11 hours ago, by Aaron Hall
@JonClements it's simple enough, put this in the description: "Chat rules: 1) Be nice. 2) Ask for help on Stackoverflow, wait to ask here. 3) Don't ask to ask. 4) Use dpaste for code samples over 12 lines long. 5) Don't star for thanks."
A point from Aaron
Okay? Bring it up at the meeting.
@Ffisegydd thanks, Humphrey
@DilMac It’s the IPython Notebook package that adds the stuff.
Yes @poke
I am not sure where the two lines come # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, but IPython Notbook pluggins already installed on Sublime
the rest of other pluggins installed manually
@RobertGrant You thought of making your auto-scheduler a premium plugin for an existing framework?
No, but I'd happily do anything that involves the word premium
Seriously, what framework?
I wasn't specifically gunning for any particular framework. I just happened to be on Redmine and was thinking that alot of the "grunt" work (tickets, milestones/versions, etc) is already done - surely there would be other frameworks you could use
And utilise, just concentrating on the actual scheduling part?
@BhargavRao Awww. Not enough rep to see it. I need to actually start doing Q&A on the site to get my score up
I fixed the error
ctrl+shift+p than type remove package
removed Ptrhon2Fixer something like that
Deleted at the time I posted here :(
now the two line # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals is removed
Thanks @Po
Oh That's cool @DilMac
@IntrepidBrit yeah that may be a good idea. I was wondering about plugging into JIRA somehow as well
Thanks @Poke, @BhargavRao
@RobertGrant You could always be super cheeky and implement your own SaaS, create an API and then work on maintaining various plugins xD
But that'd probably end up being more work than its worth
Ah yeah sure Atlassian, you can create a plugin to work with me :)
@IntrepidBrit the only thing is that not everything gets captured in JIRA (or, I assume, Redmine) and I'm trying to work out how best to combine task-based stuff like that with overall estimate-based stuff
Ah damnit
Labmate complaining about a result
I'm sure there's some way to do it well
Realizing he changed a character in his string so the regex didn't pick it up...
I guess in theory your estimate should come from a summing of estimates of each task in your tasking system, so maybe it's not such a problem
Aye - it'll all depend on the features you want to use for estimation
I guess I could get them to tell me the estimated effort if they don't want to use tasking, but if they do then it'll get more accurate
Because I can look at dependencies, task assignments, etc
Yeah - that would be ideal
And would allow people to see how much a proposed task would impact the current workflow
Then they can just do either
Yeah, that exact feature is where the whole thing started
cracks whip Well, what're you waiting for? :)
A mate runs a small dev shop and we were talking about this problem
I'm just trying to work out how to make it generalised and still useful
Yeah I will get on it :) I got stuck on something stupid with pyramid layouts, which I was hoping @AnttiHaapala could help me with :)
I decided last night to convert it all to use them, and then I hit a problem with the one thing I actually needed them for
Brief rbrb, going outside to buy some food!
I'm also going to meet the guy I'm doing it with so we can whiteboard
Well, it's exciting
Do you want to be in that session somehow? Or shall I let you know what we come up with and you can tear it to shreds? :)
I say somehow because he lives 5 minutes away, so we'll meet
Depends when it is - I'm pretty busy right now (moving into first flat, getting products out the door for different clients, fire-fighting for other clients and doing 3D printing seminars)
So the latter might work better
Okay, yeah don't worry :)
Definitely don't be involved; I'll minute the conclusions anyway :)
AAAAAH i want to be coding it now
Man I love having a project
On the plus side - you won't have me taking you off on wild political tangents :P
"What's...what's that mus- is that Scotland the Brave?"
Weirdly we used to regularly sing that in junior school
(Aside: I love my own private repository, glad I don't actually share it with anyone else. Contains such gems as: COMPILE BEFORE YOU COMMIT DUMBASS and Uh. Solution file wants saved, m'kay?)
I guess it's an awesome song
It's certainly a tune.
Yeah, working with Heroku or Github Pages in particular creates a lot of version numbers for my commits
@JonClements Your one liner comment made me challenge myself... - try new_df = df.join(pd.Series(name='idx_2',data=df.col1.str.split(', ').apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index(level=-1,drop=True))).set_index('idx_2',‌​append=True).drop('col1', axis=1)
Horrible, but in one line
Umm.... has anyone invented that being able to stab people through the internet device yet? ;p
apparently yes
@JRichardSnape your original answer was great... I really appreciated it... helped me understand the logic, and went through step by step... I don't care if it can be done better... at least I can come back and read and understand it later :)
I almost edited that into my answer, then realised how ridiculous that would be. Fizzy could probably do the same in one function call :)
Yeah - it's just an insight into how my brain works, really. If someone says "there's probably a one liner...", well, I think, there's a challenge.
@JRichardSnape ummm... at the moment sounds like the consumption of apple juice might prevent that occurring for a little while - so I think you're safe :p
Awww... got re-retweeted by Deborah Meaden - woot woot!
Superstar status
Current state: Installing Erlang…
not sure how I feel about that
umm... she's only got 202k followers - I need someone bigger!
@poke cool :)
I learned it for some great good, and then left it there
@JonClements, you suck up
I'm not very good at that sir! May I pour you your morning Scotch and you can tell me how please sir? :p
Oh, Clements. You spoil me.
But you're worth spoiling Mr Grant, sir!
I'm so watching Jeeves and Wooster when I get home
Very good sir! Might I add that one has exquisite taste.
Man I love that programme
Must be amazing for someone who's only seen Hugh Laurie in House to watch him in that or Blackadder, or A little Fry and Laurie
Good old Fry & Laurie :)
The theme song is pretty iconic
Yeah it's great
Soupy twist?
Ummm.. haven't heard this in a while
As much as I like Laurie & Fry, I never got into Fry & Laurie
Mitchell and Webb FTW :p
They're pretty good
But I can't deal with the cringe
Have you seen Ambassadors yet?
(I'm eagerly awaiting the 2nd series)
I've not actually. I've had so little time for telly recently! I'm woefully behind on everything
Aww man - that's a must watch - Mitchell and Webb in a serious (yet still funny in a way) role
Ahhh... ooops.... using pandas.sql_read_table on the transactions table and not the summary table - that'd explain the wait and the memory exception coughs
@RobertGrant ?
cbg @Antti
Oh no! The terrible has happened! EpisodeCalendar is pushing for payments now
Can't add ambassadors :(
@AnttiHaapala :) I've added an issue on github; it's here
@RobertGrant {{ panel() }}?
it is a function afaik
Oh haha I did {% %}. Maybe that's the issue.
yeah jinja2 syntax is pretty confusing in what makes what...
Haha wait for it...
Hot damn you're right
Now I get a different error :) But I think it's just because I don't have mako installed.
Does that
Hm, no the problem is that I'm not passing a variable, except I am returning it from the view. So I assume it's not being passed into the panel correctly. Investigates
cbg @Jesse
I red the python room language and it means good day people?
@Rowan errr... okay :)
He's not wrong :)
hehe nvm, I am wrong, red it wrong
Yeah but in quite an easy to do way :)
Good try, I say.
@JonClements, can you tell me the dates for sopycon, please?
It's not anything official @holden. I think it was more of a joke :p
@holdenweb okay - firstly you know it's not an official event of any sort :p
@JonClements sure, but it seems like a neat idea for a get-together
Or maybe we can just piggy-back PyCon UK?
Yeah... I think the plan is a few beers/loads of food... a meet and greet in person kinda thing :)
A load of us has spent so much time together here... seems about time at some point
I just said July 'cos the whether would be nice... :p
August, people
Although I should plan that properly first, in case I can't make it
umm.... 70 text messages since 9am regarding PPI and accident claims
time for a new number me thinks
@holdenweb will you be attending our Spring GM meeting today?
in this room
what time?
3pm UTC - so 4pm for me
4pm for me too, now I am once more resident in the UK
did you settle in the south in the end?
I'm currently staying in Chislehurst, Kent, where my GF is renting a house. Looking at Hastings for when we buy (assuming I can earn a crust)
But that won't be for a year at least
@holdenweb ahh... I'm not far from Faversham :p
@Ffisegydd we should make youtube.com/watch?v=25TKskR9qLY the room theme tune or something :p
I love the fact that 34 people have looked at that pastebin
but but.... had to click!
Of course you did. I formally recommend that be the official SOPy theme song :P
Maybe I should add that to the GM minutes...
@IntrepidBrit 35 now. Pedantically I take issue with the last line of the chorus, given that Pythons are constrictors and not venomous
@JonClements Faversham near Canterbury?
@holdenweb that's the one :)
@holdenweb I grew up in Medway :)
@RobertGrant sorry to hear that :)
@holdenweb I bet you're the kind of person who goes around popping balloons at birthday parties =(
(+1 Steve Irwin award for knowing your snakes)
@IntrepidBrit what an awful thing to say - I have grandchildren!
...and they're the only ones with intact balloons
WHat have I done to deserve this calumny?
Wow, great word
Wow - not heard that word in yonks
It's made me unusually jocund
No need stultify the topic
Does anyone here have experienec with Mongoengine?
I'm not sure I understand how reverse_delete_rule works.
Sorry - not me
I'm guessing it's some sort of delete cascade, but no clue :)
Hello guys, I am currently reading and doing previously given exams in an OOP class I am currently taking. The language of choice is Python, and I was just wondering if some of you had any extra tips for what to do to sharpen my skills to be 100% prepared. Currently I am trying out different things in python shell that has been asked in the previously mentioned exams. Any resources, articles etc. that I should check out?
Hard to say without seeing the course curriculum. So, the course curriculum?
^That is the mandatory books w/chapters.

And here is the main book's index with chapters marked:
Go through the official python tutorials and documentation
Sorry that my first question was so broad and really wasn't what I really wanted to question.

What I am really interested in is finding resources that will have exercises which is like the ones I am gonna get on the exam, like these:

@tristan I have written a few assignments, atleast two where it was over 500 lines long (not that it is long) - now I am just more interested in the conceptual theory exercises.
Puts your life in harsh perspective when your old uni colleagues are posting this sort of thing on your FB wall - home.web.cern.ch/about/updates/2015/05/… because they're helping to work on it -.-
@MrJensenn comp sci theory or knowing why python is doing?
because if the latter, reading the docs will tell you how a thing works and why. the official tutorial will cover that sort of question
Thanks, I will read on that. I might have lost some of the learning experience of the docs because I was "forced" to write PyGame assignments which used less python (imo) and more PyGame than what you would have used if writing pure python.
i was referring to this docs.python.org/3/tutorial which has stuff that even experienced python devs can use as a reminder
I understood. Already have it open in a tab ;)
@MrJensenn it's great to jump in and make something, but also very cool to be able to understand the fundamentals and advanced stuff behind that. You'll enjoy it :)
(I'm enjoying it, anyway)
Haha, yes @Robert. Before I started on a Comp Sci education I did some coding, but I never really did study the fundamentals behind it and such... Not that 01010101 is so interesting or data structures are that fun... but it might be useful one day.
I need to do another self-answer so I can rep-cap today
What do you do if you see a question and think: where the hell do I even start?
@IntrepidBrit either start digging or move on typically
Ie - he wants to output XML (but by his example he wants to output some mangled JSON)
And is doing like a trillion things wrong, which is all culminating in his personal hell
oh, add a comment "do you want xml? because that's how you get brogrammers"
Oops, excuse me sexism.
@IntrepidBrit yeah, don't assume it's a guy just because it's bad
@MrJensenn as an answer to your example question, Python will print out SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print' and exit ;)
Exams from ancient times, dated back to 2010, @AnttiHaapala.

Ancient times of Python 2.7.x... Before R.R. Martin got his hands on the number "2".
I will assume that any questions relating to Python will refer to the current release of Python, unless qualified :d
Yes of course, but I did say previous given exams ;)
do they use Python 3 there?
As of today we use Python 3, but in earlier years before the release of Python 3 they used Python 2.x.
good, if they'd still used Python 2 my next question would have been about the contact details of the teachers :D
morning everyone
Hmm, should I submit an answer that's 100% guesswork, or should I take 20 minutes to install the required third party library needed to confirm my hunch...
installing libraries? Psh
If I can answer in pictures:
I'm kidding, I think it's okay.
Given the OP lots of pointers
I get that reference.
I generally assume you get every reference I do, and more
Getting reference that you didn't even know you made :-D
Smooth! That's how you do it.
I'm lorst.
That's a good word for someone who isn't getting references: lorest
Hi lorst - how are you?
(Pronounced lorst)
@IntrepidBrit that's a snark from Half-Life
Ripe for a midair crowbarring or just a race
Attention: if any has any issues they'd like to address in the Spring GM 2005 - speak now - so it's not under AOB :)
The number of mistakes in @JonClements' announcements
That's a dealbreaker for me
Din't know they were called snarks :)
3 odd years and I still do that :(
Also the fact that I can't use the markdown stuff correctly and want a preview
bah, the hype over react and aurelia is getting kinda annoying
But react is a very solid concept, I think
Aurelia is a pretty good Magic: The Gathering card. Additional combat phases is nothing to sneeze at, I tell you what.
@RobertGrant maybe, just seems like every year there's a new "thing" that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon for
And if you happen to have an Adarkar Valkyrie and a sacrifice outlet, well... Don't get me started.
@Kevin I played a sacrifice deck last night
2rd round - had a 15/15 flyer out
Nice :-)
@corvid be glad you are at your age now and there's this explosion of exciting tech. When I was (around) your age, it was Java or this new-fangled language PHP :)
@JonClements woah
touche, you've won this round
or was it 12/12 - doesn't matter... that's end game
I have a deck from high school that's based around sacrifice. I pump out a dozen or so creatures with Beacon of Creation, sacrifice them all to Blasting Station, then draw the remainder of my library with Fecundity.
Throw in a Phyrexian Altar for players that have the temerity of having more than 100 life
use to have a good P
I use to play really strong greens
they use to play middling black
@Kevin wow that looks like a good combo, having looked up the cards
It's pretty much the best deck I've ever made.
That, and I invented Bant Pants a few years before it got really popular in Modern.
Yeah, not an obvious one to counter I guess
so I use to if I worse forced to throw a card, throw my strongest eldarzi, they then use ressurect it
heavy hit points for the team... but then you get all their cards they scarifice for a heavy hitter
Only problem with the legendary Eldrazis is, you can't use sorcery-speed resurrection on them. You need Strands of Night or something to pluck them out of your graveyard before they shuffle away
ahh - this is one of my favourite cards: gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/…
That was an odd call from a friend. "Wants to get something sorted." Ominous
I like the name and art. Very spiky.
The hovering head ornaments drive home the "extra-dimensional elder god" theme
Yeah :)
Very cool
English question: If A depends on B (B is a dependency of A), what is the adjective that describes B? “dependent”? Isn’t “A dependent on B”?

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