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this one is my favorite
Apparently I've been misunderstanding the abc module for years. I thought any class that implemented an ABC's interface was supposed to be considered a subclass, but it turns out that's just the behavior of specific ABCs in collections.abc.
1 hour later…
hi, where's everybody?
3 hours later…
Hey up
Hey, Fizzy. I should totally be asleep, but it's triple overtime..
Bloody hell
@user2357112 Oh, which classes are not the subclasses of ABCs?
Cabbage @RobertGrant
Can't stop reading that PHP_CEO thing now :)
@RobertGrant @Ffisegydd Have you guys seen this? datasciencemasters.org
So many resources! This summer vacation is going to be very very busy :p
I'm probably going to focus on MIT's Multivariable Calculus course and Data Science From Scratch
Thanks, that's cool
@IntrepidBrit wow, thanks. I will keep an eye on that :)
@thefourtheye: Try writing a class that implements everything specified in collections.abc.Sequence, but doesn't inherit from Sequence or any built-in sequence type. You'll find that issubclass doesn't consider your class a Sequence. There's also stuff like how issubclass(bytearray, Sequence) is False on Python 2 and True on Python 3, even though bytearray supports the exact same subset of the Sequence interface in both versions.
@IntrepidBrit didn't I say Mozilla should be a CA? They're a plat sponsor :)
@user2357112 I remember @MartijnPieters and @AnttiHaapala were filing a bug regarding this I guess.
Hm, is HN down?
But...where will I get my latest news about startups!? Oh no wait it's back up. Oh no wait it's not.
I saw the report. I'm not sure what the best way to handle it would be. There are ABCs in there like MappingView that I don't think could reasonably be detected without explicitly inheriting from them or registering with them.
any function in pandas or numpy to copy elements in matrix? like ravel()
sorry copy and replace
@nlper: "copy and replace" is a rather vague description. Copy what, and replace what with what?
copying element from one matrix and replacing it in another matrix
something like np.where(ds1.values.ravel()[:, None] == ds2.values[:, 0])
ds1 and ds2 are matrices
That... doesn't actually do anything related to copying or replacing anything.
Also, matrices don't have a values attribute.
Could you give some example inputs and outputs?
ds1 = [[ 4, 13, 6, 9],
[ 7, 12, 5, 7],
[ 7, 0, 4, 22],
[ 9, 8, 12, 0]]
ds2 = [[ 4, 1],
[ 5, 3],
[ 6, 1],
[ 7, 2],
[ 8, 2],
[ 9, 3],
[12, 1],
[13, 2],
[22, 3]]
expected output output = [[1, 2, 1, 3],
[2, 1, 3, 2],
[2, 0, 1, 3],
[3, 2, 1, 0]]
In pure NumPy, you could probably do something with numpy.unique(ds1, return_index=True). The issue I'm running into is that not all input elements have a replacement value specified. Pandas might have something more directly applicable.
How are you doing ?
Okay I guess. Leg pain reduced a bit. How about you? Did you get some sleep?
I overslept today ^^
I am fine
Good to hear that the pain reduced, sucks to have painkiller all day
lol, overslept? Thats a good thing to do I guess ;)
I should have done that earlier =d it's perfect :p
next week I extend my tattoo :D
@DSM how's it going? Still at work?
@Katherina What tattoo? How will you extend it?
I've got a tattoo on my arm, will extend it to my forearm
like a sleeve
Oh, cool :-)
But I hear that getting tattooed is painful
somewhat like this
@Katherina please don't post NSFW pics
ns what?
Not safe for work
Thanks :)
aha np :p
But cool tattoo
@Katherina Sorry :D but I get the idea now :-)
Good :p
Hey up
@JRichardSnape u are a god :) he solved the problem!
hmm someone has experience with 122/144 hz monitor?
Man I hate that cheerleader song
Puppy Cabbage :-)
@user2357112 I appreciate if you can update any try on thread
Cbg :) (of the non-puppy variety)
Where is everyone?
I'm working on Codepen demos
They're so much fun
I don’t get why people develop within codepen/jsfiddle/etc.…
I develop with Sublime. I just post them to Codepen to show them off
Now who edited first?
I think it might have been you, by a second or less.
I saw it change on my screen as I was pressing enter.
Again that moment where I wish that chat had proper timestamps..
hm i have 2 lines of code that look identical to me interms of symbols used but one throws me an ascii error
cursor2=db.points.aggregate([{"$match":{"amenity":{"$exists":1}}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$amenity","count":{"$sum":1}}}, {"$sort":{"count":­1}}, {"$limit":10}])
that one does not work
that one cursor=db.points.aggregate([{"$group":{"_id": "$created.user", "count":{"$sum":1}}},{"$sort":{"count":-1}}]) works
Please give the actual error, don't try to helpfully paraphrase it (as it's not helpful at all).
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
Is that the entire thing? All lines?
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file C:\Users\Stephan\Documents\projekt2querry.py on line 24, but no encoding declared; see python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263 for details
It's the - sign I think.
Can you put the file into a pastebin? Chat changes things.
the minus sign?
When I copy that into a string I get:
s = 'cursor2=db.points.aggregate([{"$match":{"amenity":{"$exists":1}}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$amenity","count":{"$sum":1}}}, {"$sort":{"count":­1}}, {"$limit":10}])'
In my console a - sign appears so it looks like {"count":-1}
i am pretty sure the problem cannot be there since it appears in both lines
In one line it isn't a hyphen, it's some strange non-ascii sign, probably the unicode minus sign.
It's the double hypen :)
mhmh you are right..
The one that always catches people out if you copy/paste into a webpage from typing it up in Word or something
it was the sign.. if i had looked more carfully
In [8]: s = 'cursor2=db.points.aggregate([{"$match":{"amenity":{"$exists":1}}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$amenity","count":{"$sum":1}}}, {"$sort":{"count":­1}}, {"$limit":10}])'

In [9]: s.encode()
Out[9]: b'cursor2=db.points.aggregate([{"$match":{"amenity":{"$exists":1}}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$amenity","count":{"$sum":1}}}, {"$sort":{"count":\xc2\xad1}}, {"$limit":10}])'
i would have noticed the different color in sublime
It's an —
Or {"count":\xc2\xad1}} in encoded terms.
honestly i did not even know something that looks like that but isnt the sign exists
thank you!
They look different, depending on the font, iirc.
Is it just me or does the pastebin only show that dash in the raw view?
One is longer than the other.
ok my eyesight is bad.. even on a 30"screen
cabbage all
@JRichardSnape cbg!
just out of curiousity, i load my thing in my local mongodb database, is that saved permanently, or just gets deleted as soon as i close the command prompt for the database?
should be persistent.
ah found the info on it :)
It's permanent, and accessible as long as you've got mongod running (usually as a background process)
BTW does anyone know how I can nicely use PropertyMock? If I want to be able to dynamically modify the return_value within a test, I seem to have to do...
mock_property.__get__ = Mock(return_value=False)
What is “nicely”?
Well, without an explicit dunder method
@RowanKleinGunnewiek Thanks for the vote of confidence :) I haven't been deified before :D Just glad to get you going - super hard bug to find and very unhelpful error message
nice python3 patches merged into pika master
now... the next task: get the ppl push supervisor4 out
@MartijnPieters... i just read "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15751979/grouping-python-dictionary-keys-as-a-list-and-create-a-new-dictionary-with-this" that was really great.
@AnttiHaapala awesome :)
Well done
@Ja8zyjits Glad you found it helpful!
This answer is a duplicate of the accepted answer. It was posted 3 minutes later than it. Should i flag it for something, downvote it(which i feel like to be honest) or leave it as is? stackoverflow.com/a/8280919/4230591
my rep is asymptotically approaching 25k, guess SO devs will soon come up with the concept of fractional rep / rep decay... :D
@user5061 My opinion - it's a poor answer as it's basically link only and as you say the accepted answer above is a (much better) duplicate. I don't think there's any bad intent here - if you look at the timeline stackoverflow.com/posts/8280871/timeline, probably the asker was still researching and found the answer in parallel with the other person answering and wrote up their own answer (the right thing to do) but badly. They accepted the other answer some 40 mins later
I'd tend to downvote and move on
maybe leave a comment saying it's a link only answer and could be improved or deleted
Right - a little cheeky fried egg on toast - had enough of alpen recently :)
Ah man I miss alpen
Got about 2kg of it in the cupboard - help yourself :)
Although the fried eggs on toast have gone down a treat :)
Morning cabbage
Eggs should be poached, not fried.
Eggs should be bought, not poached
@RobertGrant - You sure called it. I'm looking forward to it. Was almost going to give in and pay for a cert.
@IntrepidBrit I have an image now of chicken keepers with shotguns :)
It's a sad reality in the West Country these days. Another sign of "Broken Britain"
@IntrepidBrit I'm so pleased that that website exists - thanks for finding it
I hate it when MBAs make money off stuff that is basically free to produce
> [Build] Running for 18.7 hours
The power of continuous integration!
In another 5.3 hours you'll test how free your build system is of side effects :)
@RobertGrant Yeah, me too
Seriously, told everyone around at work about it. Kept saying, "I'm so pleased this exists."
They're all listening to music now
I told the people I work with (currently) too. They didn't understand. Stupid electrical/mechanical engineers :(
What are you on about?
love the new TLS vuln
soon no one can keep track of anthing
@IntrepidBrit :)
That's pretty cool.
Can't work out this new headset I requested. This will become embarrassing soon.
Just make sure you don't listen to Christina Aguilera until you've got it set up.
The office doesn't need to hear you blasting "Genie In A Bottle"
Nah it's to plug into my phone :)
Worked it out
Just got to lift the handset when I want to use the phone; there's no headset mechanism for that
Sat in a convenient coffee shop opposite where I'm having my interview.
Wow, another interview. Nice.
@Ffisegydd ahh... I thought you'd said you had one today... you all calm and collected? :)
I got an email from Facebook Careers 3 months after I applied, rejecting me.
Weird that it takes that long
Better than a year :P
They should ask some girls I asked out, their rejection process was much slicker.
This is last one for a while.
Also the wifi I'm on is frankly w***.
@RobertGrant You want Facebook to kick you in the nuts?
Liking that lets-encrypt . Thanks for the link Interpid / Robert / whoever found it
@SomeGuy it'll have to join the queue by the sounds of it :p
I received a standard email, but from someone who is presumably a real person (not [email protected]). Do you think I can email them and ask stuff?
Worth a shot
By George I'll do it
Good to see you haven't gone native living out there.
Also I said something patriotic/stupid on Quora today, which made me feel good.
Ah Quora. I have genuinely no idea how I got signed up to that. But now I have a place to look for platitudinous advice and patriotism/stupidity.
It's not so bad
I follow some cool Data Science people on there
Some of the questions there always make me laugh . Saw one once that was something like: "My six year old son likes the color pink - is he gay?"
Yes - it's good for that
I'll take your word that there is genuinely useful content too, Some Guy. Can't believe it would survive otherwise
@JonClements Haha, and there's tons of people upvoting that crap too
I don't like Quora, I don't have much quantitative data for this belief though.
I was thinking - omg... I've got a salmon pink shirt and a pinkish coloured tie in the warddrobe - have I been living a lie all these years!? :p
I just get sent the headline ones rather similar to Jon's example. Or macabre military stuff like "how long would it take me to die if I was shot in the head?"
@JonClements You do like a lot of female singer-songwriters, Jon ;-)
Quora takes a lot of customization to get use out of
But to me, it's been worth it
I found so many online courses I'm going to be taking later this year on there
To be honest, I don't have much quantitative data to back many of my beliefs. Heretical as this may be for a scientist (well, engineer)
@JRichardSnape similar to yours: "Did people jump from the WTC towers on 9/11 because their rooms were on fire and they were about to be burned alive?"
Haha, I was just reading this rationality.org/checklist
Seems relevant
Oh, also, you guys might like this metacademy.org
@JonClements Exactly. Useful stuff :p
@SomeGuy if I could find it, I would give you the link :)
It doesn't have a feed of comments you made, bizarrely
@SomeGuy I tried "existential angst". The page didn't exist
Haha. It's mostly about STEM subjects
breaks down into maddening tears Why don't you just trust my self signed cert? I signed it, you're my computer, I trust everyone involved hereeeeee
The guys who made at are feeding topics in manually, so progress will probably be slow
"My friend was forced out of a house at gunpoint by the owner. Was it legal for the owner to do this?"
@IntrepidBrit I trust you Intrepid, I do. Truly. Ignore the non-believers, they just bring you down
@JonClements I think I've actually seen that one.
"I caught my younger brother watching me bathing. How do I deal with it?"
Quora has cool things like this: What is the future of war?
"I have one month left to live. What should I do with it?", "What do I tell my 15 year old daughter who came home with a "hickey" on her neck?", "What is it like to be a geek in a prison?"
Just looking at the occasional quora digest email I get - more than enough to make me chuckle :)
I like the prison answers as well
We should request quora.stackexchange.com :)
Hi guys, is there anyone who can answer to my question related to PyQT QThread?
Just ask, don't ask if anyone knows X.
okay so here is my question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30329462/pyqt-qthread-multithreading-does-not-work

ekhumoro left a comment but i couldnt understand how to figure it out ;( can anyone help me?
@JRichardSnape Thanks. I appreciate your support
@IntrepidBrit I'm sure we're all with you at this difficult time
I'm with you too Intrepid...I'm behind you...staring at you...
Fizzy, are you in the bookshelf again?
I've got a secret camera in the top left corner, in between your copies of "50 Shades of Grey" and "3D Printing for Dummies".
@IntrepidBrit No, he's in the tesseract!
Built by future humans
And he's going to save planet Earth
@Ffisegydd I'm more mortified by the fact he thinks I have a copy of 50 shades. You're CLEARLY not in my bookshelves
@SomeGuy By watching the back of my head, quietly? That's disconcerting. Do future humans know the meaning of micromanagement?
@IntrepidBrit Hahaha, evidently not!
I was just showing how much I disliked Interstellar :P
Everyone knows there are 256 shades of grey in any reasonable coding system
Get out, Interstellar was great.
I'm waiting for it to arrive on <YOUR ONLINE STREAMING COMPANY OF CHOICE> so I can watch it again.
Haven't seen it
And you're waiting for it to arrive on Realplayer Cloud?
Hii all, is it possible to store python list object in redis db without losing its type to string. So that I can retrieve it as python list itself.
@Ffisegydd "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space"
I laughed so hard at that part
Love and neutrinos
My cynic senses are tingling
Worst part? The people I was watching the movie with didn't think this was stupid at all
Yeah I'm also that guy
I'll just go :p
My wife says I've now ruined a lot of movies for her because she also laughs at them
I see how it's poetic, but it's also stupid
I can appreciate something that's cheesy/whatever for a good movie. I've had lots of practice with "physics" in films.
Anne Hathaway arguing to go to that planet because she loves the guy on that planet? Her reasoning is so flawed!
@Ffisegydd Hey Fizzy. How did you enjoy Gravity?
Didn't watch it.
Dude, you can't, like, watch gravity
You can if you become a Level 8 Physicist.
You get +3 to Wisdom, +6 to Cynicism, and a new spell allowing you to see fundemental forces.
I think this is a weird definition of cynicism
When you start reading something, do you assume it's rubbish regardless of evidence?
It gives me the ability to look down on all other sciences without feeling guilt.
Hello everyone
I'd like to ask you something
it's not exactly about programming itself, but it belongs to it
Is it about python?
Is it dire?
not too dire
I'm soon going to start my undergraduate program in software engineering, and I'm nervous about something or things
Python doesn't bite, you'll be okay
I brushed up my algebraic knowledge, but still nervous in terms of what will happen next
I wouldn't leave that sentence hanging for too long...
You won't exactly need algebra
"what will happen next" in what sense?
Well, that's not true, but not like equations
They'll probably teach you the maths from scratch
I don't know people scare me about "tons of maths" "tons of equations"
Where will you be studying?
I wouldn't worry about that too much.
@RobertGrant China
Ah - I don't know too much about that, I have to say.
Ah okay, I can't help you with which universities are more maths-heavy there, sorry
I studied math from a self-study book
Look, the main thing is to jump in. The stuff you don't understand straight away, you talk to lecturers and teaching assistants. The stuff you do, you can run with yourself.
There isn't heavy math there at all, even discrete mathematics is optional indeed, but I'm worried only
Just don't give up if you don't get something straight away.
Personally? There's absolutely no point in pre-worrying. Your imagination can usually envision things much worse than the reality shrugs
E.g. we learned a tiny bit about lazy evaluation at university, but it was only several years later that I read something that actually explained it.
But how much math do I need ? I fear that
I was going to say something similar to Intrepid. That goes for all concerns about University (not just math). You always imagine it to be more scary than it is. Also - the bits you do find hard (and there will be some) are often not what you expected and you can get help.
@JRichardSnape I agree with you, but do you think I need more maths before the program starts, I know algebra, and the non-sense stuff like polynomials ..
@direprobs depends on the university. In my experience, none of the maths I learnt at school was useful for my degree. They taught us the CS maths from scratch.
If you're a chronic worrier and won't relax if you're doing something? Then there's nothing wrong with shoring up your own maths and perceived weaknesses
@RobertGrant what did you lean about CS maths ?
I don't know the Chinese system. But here in the UK, to do 1st year, you generally don't need much. Basic manipulation of equations. They will teach you all the stuff about Big-O algorithmic complexity if that's what you're worrying about (just guessing from the mention of polynomials)
I went to a pretty maths heavy university, admittedly doing general Engineering but specialised into software and electronics. They taught everything we needed in maths - including re-teaching some of the A-Level stuff that everyone there should have known (i.e. they would have had the high school equivalent certificate)
@direprobs I can't remember all of it :) set theory was the first thing, I think. Notations for things like finite state machines. Information theory.
Can't remember the later stuff because I was lazy
@JRichardSnape then taken your words, I'll stop torturing myself learning non-sense high school algebra
May I ask you a question ?
well - certainly stop torturing yourself :) I'm not saying stop learning. It can all be interesting.
Sure - fire away - no need to ask if you can ask
When you started your undergraduate program, did you ever programmed before ?
and that was very useful
At my University, they taught everyone a language they (probably) hadn't used before to put everyone on an even footing
Good old Haskell
So, if you're starting this year and haven't done anything before I would absolutely recommend learning a language (Python is a good one to start on potentially - but check which one your course uses and learn that if possible - my course assignments were in C++)
Ooof Haskell
We did a bit of Haskell in our first year :)
I wouldn't start with that if you're of a nervous disposition
Yeah, no
I already know some basic programming in Python. But I didn't continue reading the heavy book you may guess it (Learning Python 5E), I stopped learning Python now, I may continue I don't know, but at the moment I know most the stuff except for class object and on.
Hey! I liked Haskell. (Didn't hurt one of the creators of Haskell was my lecturer)
@IntrepidBrit where did you go to uni?
Haskell is wonderful. But hard IMHO
University of Edinburgh
which uni?
conceptually, I mean
The first time I learned a programming language was C, it was very painful hahah
nothing is impossible
Ah, assumed it was Glasgow
@direprobs that's the best one to learn first, I'd say
C is definitely good to learn. I came to it late and wish I'd done more earlier.
With @RobertGrant on that one. I think C should be the first language everyone learns, because you rapidly hit its limitations and you learn the first important rule of coding. Use the right tool for the right job
(Oh, and it teaches you probably everything you need to learn. But that's not important ;))
@RobertGrant I enjoyed it very much, but because I was worried about my skills in maths I decided to stop learning programming as I know some basics and to start learning maths and so now I have some ideas about the two subjects
@IntrepidBrit strangely, C was my first language :)
right - gotta go - seminar. Rbrb

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