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@tristan yeah hah I think usually Flask apps with angular front ends just return an index.html page then just use API JSON requests from there, or at least the ones I've done
@corvid yeah, that's what i'm doing
mostly landing the user on index, only changing the page for major events (e.g. moving to a map or account pages)
quick question about python decimal
suppose I have some money value in cents like v = Decimal('123.456')
can I convert to dollars safely with v / 100 ? Or do I need to use v / Decimal('100') ?
or call some other method on the decimal instance??
how precise do you need it to be?
you can look at the epsilon python is using via
import sys
also, which python?
if one of the values is always a decimal, you're relatively safe because python will do floating point division
or if you're on python3, where it's now the default
Why would you need a ConfigParser? I am abit confused what it is used for (docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html)
@ApathyBear "This module defines the class ConfigParser. The ConfigParser class implements a basic configuration file parser language which provides a structure similar to what you would find on Microsoft Windows INI files. You can use this to write Python programs which can be customized by end users easily"
i feel like you didn't read the first paragraph. did you read the first paragraph?
Thanks. I'll do a bit more research.
@ApathyBear not much research is required
it's so you can give your user a config file
"if one of the values is always a decimal, you're relatively safe because python will do floating point division" <-- this doesn't make sense to me
if one of the values is decimal, then shouldn't it NOT do floating point division?
@ApathyBear say you have MyCoolDjango app and it runs on your laptop and on some webserver on the internet. you could specify the variables that need to change in an INI (or any other config file) to cleanly set variables. that's what that ConfigParser lib does
I tested both Decimal('10')/100 and 100/Decimal('10') and they both return decimals as expected !!

>>> 1.0 / 2
that's the way it is in C as well
neither of your values are decimals, they are both floats
I don't think you understand what I'm talking about ...
^^ my bad, I just assumed float because that's what the typical question actually is
@tristan Thanks, I guess my question was more about Config files.
@ApathyBear no problem
my question again: suppose I have some money value in cents like v = Decimal('123.456'). can I convert to dollars safely with v / 100 ? Or do I need to use v / Decimal('100') ? or call some other method on the decimal instance??
same question as before : how precise do you need it to be?
@MartijnPieters made a minor edit to one of your answers, thanks for the content in it
i'd like to hear the answer to this question from the AMA codementor.io/ama/questions/3690341568/…
If any RO is around, you might want to get to trashing those spam messages far back: chat.stackoverflow.com/users/4844166/siddharth-dubey?tab=recent (just did for my room)
@Unihedron how did you move messages from the transcript?
@MartijnPieters maybe you'd have an easier time cleaning up those messages?
It needs to be lossless. 100% precision
@wim They're equivalent: Decimal's __truediv__ coerces an integer other to Decimal.
... and obviously dividing a Decimal() by a power of ten is going to be perfectly accurate unless you've chosen your precision badly.
anyone here written a Pygments lexer? Or syntax parser for Pycharm?
Django Question: if request.META allows me to access all the request headers, what does request.META.get('something') do? Is it any different? I can't find any mention in the docs (docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/…)
I do however see mention of HttpRequest.get, I presume that can be applied on any request object. Although request.META.get seems redundant.
@ApathyBear META is a dictionary (or something similar)
thus, get would be the same as [] but it wouldn't throw KeyError on missing keys, but just return None
@AnttiHaapala Excellent, thanks for the answer.
Ah, good, it's gone now :-)
@ZeroPiraeus having fun? :d
CBG! All
OP appears to be somewhat confused; that answer wasn't going to help :-/
Unbefsckinglievable. hand-holding OP through getting to what they actually had was like extracting teeth, and then they gave the upvote and accept to someone who had a dead wrong answer at first, but edited it in the grace period to include a throwaway reference to the right answer I'd sweated blood to get at.
Q: Get first occurrence of ID object in a string

Fairplay89I am using an Python API Wrapper to get a JSON response of car models. Depending on the car searched, I could get 0 to 50 'ID' results. How can extract the first occurrence of ID from my string yet ignore all the others? API Wrapper (from GitHub): # Make API Call .... .... # extract JSON ...

Note to self: do not attempt to help Fairplay89 in future.
Cabbage :-)
cbg @thef :-)
How goes your day?
It goes ... late ;-)
ha ha ha... My day is too dark... Its raining cats and dogs here.
Also I'm unreasonably annoyed at the end result of dragging enough info out of OP above only to have some opportunist get the accept and two upvotes for an initially dead wrong answer.
No rain here, but it's getting properly cold now.
I wouldn't say you are unreasonably annoyed there :D
And now accepted answerer is relying on the invisibility of their grace period edit to flat-out lie about having spotted that it wasn't JSON. Grr!
@ZeroPiraeus upvoted
@JonClements how's the head?
Thanks Rob :-)
Me too :D
@ZeroPiraeus I meant I upvoted them
cbg @Jon — how's things?
What happened to the puppy's head? :'(
@Rob why, I oughtta ...
(I joke, I joke)
@RobertGrant been better
Sorry bud
Mind you, after your story about Primrose Hill, you probably just have a caviar migraine
I'm just assuming
or just a Surrey/Kent boy migraine? :)
I get those as well
Coming as I do from the ham of Chat
lol.... at least no more nosebleeds
I need some sort of preview screen
That's good
I hate getting a nosebleed. So annoying.
Aside: I like how easy SQLA makes many to many relationships where the link has to be an object in its own right, with other attributes etc. Very slick.
Compare that to the Laravel docs and laugh the laugh of the narrow escape.
@RobertGrant yeah - only got 3 sets of bedding :(
Ah I'm fortunate in that I always wake up as they start. And have Counterstrike-honed reflexes :)
The worst is at work, because I have to walk to the bathroom through a very open area :)
make it red :p
Some kind of bucket attached by hooks to the ears might come in handy in such circumstances ...
@Zero sounds like a completely sexy way to walk around as well! :p
Yeah that's true
Rule 34. Someone's gonna be into it ;-)
Yeah but Rule 35 might mitigate your ability to reciprocate
Rule 35. And that someone is the Marquis de Sade
bah... bloody django
Last Django in Kent
What's up?
ahh fine - done
two local_settings.py
Is it the One True Config?
Oh, as in the same filename?
yeah - one is served, one isn't
@JonClements demand a recount!
Q: SE Election ballots with unexpected values

rolflIn exploring the ballots available for download from Stack Exchange elections, the Code Review community came across some unexpected values in the ballot data. Background First, the specification, as far as we can tell, for the *.blt file indicates that each ballot line indicates a weight/count...

Blimey, that's a weird gap in the voting system
@Zero blah.. I'll just run for 2016 :p
If you think it would help, you could resign as SOPython leader and then have us all demand you unresign ;-P
Then all we need to do is force a mod resignation and by-election :-)
@JonClements let's start our own SO. Then you can be the mod.
Hey up
@Zero lmao
Gets into the swing of Pyramid CRUD
@davidism I only see the three messages here.
@tristan: I'll see if I have a few spare moments here and there to answer more questions.
@tristan and thanks for the edit. :-)
hey i join. 1st time in chat
@JayVenkat welcome :) Check out the room rules
sure Robert :)
@StephanMuller cbg
Cbg :)
Hello my sweets.
What the UP?
Shitting bricks. I'm having an irn-bru to strengthen my resolve and/or turn my insides orange
Good old irn-bru. There's no other drink quite like it.
good morning
$.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/admin/movePosts/6' /* this room ID */, {
  ids: "x,y,z", // Message IDs seperated by comma
  to: 23262, // Trash can
  fkey: fkey().fkey
how big is the percentage of programs you write, that "only" needs to perform without an error, with little regard to speed or cleverness ?
All. I've not yet had to write a program that was speed-necessary.
if you get asked a percentage and answer "All", you will fail :)
About 20% for me
I'm also wrong, as I gave a percentage. I should've said, "Not very big"
@StephanK just because you can't parse "All" as "100%", that's not my fault :)
Hm okay, slightly unusual SQLA situation
I have many to many between Person and Timeshare, which is represented by an association object called Allocation. I want to show a screen that for a timeshare, these are all the available people, with their allocations filled in as values if they have an Allocation object.
i learned thus far, that i should spend a couple of minutes before writing something.. otherwise the code will look horrible and unorganized
Which doesn't seem that natural a thing to do based on my current reading of the docs, as I somehow have to get all the people that don't have an allocation object as well
I can do it some possibly rubbish way. I'm just wondering if there's a better way.
Or is that SO-worthy?
Hm, maybe the answer is Association Proxy
Q: Django-Angular's djng_rmi template tags do not expand

PureferretI'm trying to use Django-Angular's djangoRMIProvider to give my angular app that sits on top of django access to some django methods. The snippet I've copied in (and customised the my_app name), and added a console.log to is: {­% load djangular_tags %­} … <script type="text/javascript"> console...

Bounty Ahoy!
Just bobbing in to say I enjoyed reading your AMA @MartijnPieters - particularly liked the style and tone, glad to read "And I answer at Stack Overflow" as a way to learn - I wholeheartedly agree.
@JRichardSnape Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! :-)
I so f*cking hate micro$0ft
@AnttiHaapala miss the old days of MSN?
Could I do this more efficiently?
p,s = bubbleSort(nums)
passes += p
swaps += s
In [34]: x, y += 1, 1
  File "<ipython-input-34-734fd60e56de>", line 1
    x, y += 1, 1
SyntaxError: illegal expression for augmented assignment
Shame :(
man, recursing is boggling my brain
Does it boggle your recursion?
So much rain. It's glorious.
So I accidentally created a dict with an object as the key. It seems really handy in my use case, but at the same time really really wierd. Is it bad practice? Will lookup be slow?
Might be weird if you mutate the object
I guess lookup is done by the pointer to the object, not it's contents?
I assume it calculates the hash based on the object's value at the time
In which case if it changes at any point, my lookup fails?
nah, just tested it in live interpreter
Although you will still be able to find it if you iterate over the dict's contents
Goes and tests it as well
class foobar:
a = 1

foo = foobar()

mydict = {foo : "foo_val"}


foo.a = 5

well I suck at formatting
Ooh, you be right
That makes sense right? How I tested it
Just tested it as well
Yeah I think so
I am iterating through all the objects, and giving them a score. I then pick the best score. It seems easiest to put the object as the key, then the value as the score. I can then pick the dict value with the best score, and the key already gives me a pointer to the object. Saves extra vars to keep track of things.
Still seems weird to have anything other than an int or str as the key though
class person(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

p = person("rob")

d = dict()
d[p] = "This is rob 1"
# Output: 'This is rob 1'
Sorry, my mistake
Weirdly I was reading about how you could exploit the fact that it does change yesterday, but it was quite an old site so maybe they changed how it works.
Intuitively it makes sense this way. If you copy an object, your only copying a pointer to the same thing. Not making an actual copy.
So if your assigning a pointer, not the actual thing.
Yeah, maybe it hashes the pointer
Otherwise it would require some kind of hash
Yeah heck, maybe it special cases objects
bah, best not to lift the covers on that one. It works, I'm happy. And nobody has scoffed at it as ugly programming.
Well I'm not the one to do that, so maybe ask again when real programmers are here
You're a real programmer Bobert!
On my way to another interview. Reading this time. Getting closer to London D:
That's what I was after there :)
Oh flip, working in Reading. That's...fun.
But good luck :)
I'm in Maidenhead, not much more :/
I thought only bankers worked in London. The rest of us work in the real jewels of towns, dotted along the M4
Heya, I've found the following code:
Limit=10     # Search under 10 for now
factors=[0]*Limit # number of prime factors.
You don't like Reading Bob?
I'm wondering what the second line does? I pasted the code in pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=display and it seems creating a list with a size of 10. Is "[0] * var" a trick? If so, is there a "normal" way of doing so?
@Ffisegydd well it's a bit commutervilley
But I've only been there once, a decade ago, so that's probably unfair
And done
hello all
Have you done something momentous, Intrepid?
I didn't vomit on the people I presented to. That's momentous right?
Nice :)
Absolutely. Vomit free is usually considered positive
Melon guys
Anybody knows the technique in website used to show the same section to user even after the page reloads?
@Intrepid well done mate. Think any of them were particularly interested?
One guy has already got me printing something
Some of them were clearly sent by their bosses to attend
Had this one guy, had tats up his arms (starkly different from all the suits in the room), asking really insightful and interesting questions
Had a good vibe
@BigByte you mean with AJAX and stuff?
(the whole session, not just the dude with the tats haha)
@RobertGrant yeah something like that
I think that if you're trying to create a site that uses that you need to use something clever to manage state in the URL, like React Router
(Obviously that only works with React)
If you want to make something like that for the intellectual exercise, that or Ember's source code might be useful
Good stuff mate.
i couldn't find it, i thought it's some JS trick.
Have you got an example website that does what you want? You might be able to reverse engineer what they're doing. There are various ways to retain state after a reload at a variety of levels of sophistication.
@RobertGrant What i'm asking is, for example: if you are reading the footer of a webpage, then you reloads it and instead of showing the header it shows the same place (footer). got it?
That awkward moment when you realise something you've been saying for years has been adopted by the Tories. And you take a good, long hard look at yourself
What's that? :P
No race mixing
You really should've seen that coming
@JRichardSnape example: facebook.github.io/react
Although, I was talking more about regional areas than just cities.
@bigbyte - have a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/17642872/… - is that ok?
@JRichardSnape Thats what i'm looking for.
@intrepidbrit You just start to ask - what's the flaw in my reasoning? If they're doing it, there must be something wrong...
@BigByte Glad to be of service
@JRichardSnape I think the devil will be in the detail of how it's implemented
A very apt choice of phrase
Sat in a coffee shop with no wifi. What are they? Barbarians!?
Definitely luddites
Wrong. Wrong is what they are
morning everyone
Hey up sunshine.
too early in the morning, the dreadful sun is up :\
Espresso con panna and stroopwafel. Winning.
So that's what those things are
Always wondered what the name of them were
I've always understood them to be "them crosshatched pancake hingies"
why does iTunes have so little music?
@corvid how do you mean?
i find that it has most popular/non-obscure stuff
Every time I look up music I want to buy it's never there. Maybe I've gone too far down the rabbit hole of music
it's possible that's the case
If your music isn't in iTunes, then you're weird. Ditto if your phone doesn't do exactly what the current iPhone does. No more, no less.
for what it's worth, my workflow for getting music is mostly itunes->soundcloud->download from youtube->private site
@RobertGrant Yeah, the iPhone is really the dominant device in the market. The new one is too fragile and lol at the fablet they made for the asian markets, but it's still so superior to android devices in every way
I dunno, I'll take my HTC One M8 over an iPhone any day.
the only thing that would pull me over to android is google fi because it's holy crap cheap
They don't have Vomitus, UneXpecT, Dystopia, Maximum the Hormone, or any of Dir En Grey's good music :\
@tristan screen isn't, from what I know
android's os and offering is just so weak. there's not even a decent music player on android
aww, i wanted to see that image corvid
And taking photos is so freaking fast in top android devices. No time for a cartoon of a camera shutter to clunk down.
Ah, I don't really listen to music that much, so I'm not so bothered by that. But I guess that's what Soundcloud is for
On your phone?
I don't own an android phone, I'm just saying :)
@tristan just been through your slides. Look good. Nice message.
also, iMessages rules, the app store is so much higher-brow than google market
keep in mind that I really want to like android
I just don't like Apple's policy of "The file system doesn't exist".
What's the difference between iMessage and Whatsapp?
@Ffisegydd cheers :) the audience was a mix of technical people that just nodded in agreement and soft-skill/project managers, so i had to make sure to appeal to both
Other than you can let people know you have an iPhone by saying, "Can I iMessage you?"
I want to be able to go in and delete stuff that's eating through my storage.
@MorganThrapp android does that on non-secondary storage
or, i should say, whatever bloated version that manufacturers lock you into
My Nexus 7 is pretty unbloated
@tristan Nope. EsFileExplorer + Root means any files I don't want on my device, don't exist.
@RobertGrant imessage is either a message over a web service with the option to downgrade to sms if the other party doesn't support it/the bandwidth is bad
@MorganThrapp yeah, you have to potentially brick your device
and then when you want updates lol
@tristan yeah but...only to iPhone users. That kind of makes it terrible compared to Whatsapp
@tristan These days the chance of bricking your device is super low unless you're using a random cheap Chinese knockoff.
if you're seriously suggesting "my motorola/verizon android gives me more control after i root it to remove bloatware/spyware and can't accept updates from the network" as an argument, i don't know how to continue here
@tristan Is the room okay with strong language or is it preferred to not be there?
@tristan And yeah, you have to go back to stock to get updates, but it's like two clicks with RUU.
@RobertGrant every phone has SMS. not everyone uses whatsapp
@corvid preferably not
@corvid i think as long as it's not expanded (e.g. add "rough language") after the image and it won't expand
@tristan yeah, every phone has SMS. Almost every phone has Whatsapp. A few phones have iMessage. Therefore iMessage?
we're all adults here
Exactly. As a child I swore a lot.
@RobertGrant i don't have whatapp. i can use imessage and it downgrades when the other party doesn't have it. perfect
@MorganThrapp yeah, but that's rooting it. you can do that with an iphone too
oh hey, found the same picture without any language
@tristan whatsapp is the one that lets you do messaging to groups, voice calls being rolled out, send images, video etc to almost everyone. Might be worth installing.
@tristan Can you jailbreak the 6? I thought you couldn't get past the iCloud auth.
@RobertGrant pass, imessage does that and it rules
You forgot the almost everyone bit
@RobertGrant almost everyone i know has an iphone or skype.
my understanding is that whatsapp owns, btw
i'm not saying that it's not awesome
Yeah but skype messenger sucks compared to whatsapp
I'm saying whatsapp is a far better overall thing than iMessage
@MorganThrapp not sure, but "potentially bricked, hacked out phone" isn't apples to apples to "experience you get without wasting time trying to make the default experience less sucky"
Even Blackberry (old and new) and Symbian can have Whatsapp. For me the pointless lockin is a reason to not buy iPhone.
@RobertGrant oh, maybe. does whatsapp install on the desktop too?
Yeah through a web client
one of my favorite things is getting messages streamed to my desktop or my phone
oh, meh.
@tristan Fair enough. I think it comes down to the fact that I like tinkering.
Except for iPhone, because Apple haven't deigned to allow the APIs for non angelic beings
@MorganThrapp yeah, me too
@tristan So I'm willing to put in the effort to get my phone exactly the way I want it, and I just can't do that with iPhone.
Oh, so whatsapp has that, but not for a majority of employed americans, got it
It only doesn't have it for iPhone users because iPhone doesn't allow it?
How you turn that into a plus for an iPhone is a symptom of something bizarre
@RobertGrant however it happened, it still means it's missing a feature for me
@MorganThrapp eh, at its core, i still prefer iOS to android's look and feel. no cheesy boot-up screens, a nicer market place, nicer looking/feeling hardware
But on the plus side you can have full chat features with any smartphone on the planet, not crappy SMS
sms kind of rules
Sure, yeah. Send me a photo, would you?
it's super thrifty, works on almost no bandwidth
I'm overseas, obviously.
@RobertGrant omg are we finally at the point that we start sexting?
i've been waiting for this day sooo longgggg ~~~~~~~&
I hope the MMS gateways work out nicely
OR: Whatsapp.
i'd probably install whatsapp to chat with you :)
i ain't religious about phone stuff -- if someone expresses a preference for a medium and it's not super bloaty/scammy, i'll install it
Yeah, I installed it to chat with my then girlfriend because we were in different continents
@MorganThrapp to this end as well, i really hope that ubuntu phone is awesome and can be installed on decent hardware. i have incredibly low hopes of this being a reality, but omg a linux phone would be awesomeeeee
Rbrb you custards
I don't know "custard"
@tristan Yeah, that would be amazing.
is it better to override a library's function to provide functionality you want, or make a new function and call that library's function within it?
yeah, brb as well, switching to work computer
I'm a fan of Threema (for what it's worth)
They've got their encryption done right (imho)
I really don't think team ubuntu is capable of doing anything correctly
Yeah you've mentioned them to me before Brit. Tis getting others to use it that is the issue.
100% agreed. My SO is now scared of it xD
^^ I don't need end-to-end encryption for a message that's like "lol meet at the bar k"
"Swiss Quality
Our servers are located in Switzerland. The software is developed exclusively in Switzerland."
oh good, i love my messaging apps with a side of xenophobia
Has implications to data security tristan
Ie - if it said: "Made in the UK/USA", I wouldn't use it
Everything is better with xenophobia.
lol like what? people think companies in switzerland don't share data with other governments either intentionally or unknowingly?
But it's better than being locally forced to put in a backdoor by aforementioned governments
yeah, because switzerland is above that.. because mountains? >___>
Because I don't think they're allowed to request it via law
Which puts it above being hosted in the UK/USA. Besides - I trust the crypto and they can't decrypt the messages on their servers without the keys
dumb question, how do people make functions where it has arbitrary numbers of arguments, followed by some kind of callback? Eg: my_func(arg1, arg2, ... argN, callback)
"For your protection, at least one of the characters you entered cannot be processed." lol my bank doesn't allow question marks in "send us a question" forms
@corvid *args, **kwargs
citibank is awful -- a bunch of third party company JS running, debug messages in the console, sigh
Q: *args and **kwargs?

MacPythonSo I have difficulty with the concept of *args and **kwargs. So far I have learned that: *args = list of arguments -as positional arguments **kwargs = dictionary - whose keys become separate keyword arguments and the values become values of these arguments. ?? To be honest I don't understan...

Also, not a dumb question.

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