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I think would give you the same values
My gut says there are corner cases...
It would be fine if all the elements of the input list were one digit long
@JoranBeasley [43,4,45] -> 44543 Nope
sorted(seq,key=lambda x:map(int,str(x).lstrip("0")),reverse=True)
ahh it still isnt right
In any case, it doesn't fall under the 'easy' category.
@Intrepid geek.com/science/… for your perusal.
Unless brute force.
@QuestionC However in truth we don't need to deal with any of these things while doing our day jobs.
Fun though
at least not me.
@abhi Yea, that's what gets me. These are puzzle programs. People need to be able to fizzbuzz, but I don't mind working with people that are not enthusiasts.
>>> import itertools
>>> interleave = lambda a,b: [x for pair in itertools.izip_longest(a,b) for x in pair if x is not None]
>>> nums = range(1,10)
>>> ops = ["+", "-", ""]
>>> for op_seq in itertools.product(ops, repeat=len(nums)-1):
...     equation = "".join(interleave(map(str, nums), op_seq))
...     if eval(equation) == 100:
...             print equation
I am now convinced Kevin is a genius.
#4 in particular strikes me as "Project Euler"esque, in that you probably need to have some profound realization about the underlying math of the problem before you can write an efficient solution.
What're we doing now?
Talking about this:
18 mins ago, by abhi
How many of you have solved this challenge?
which problem is the hardest/most fun?
Okay, I got a question about embedded systems communicating with networked APIs... say they update a status by POSTing to an endpoint, what do they usually do if it fails?
#4 is hardest if you want a solution better than O(N!)
Subjectively, I enjoyed #5 more, when I wrote horribly inefficient answers for 4 and 5 just now
Ehh, #4 I've seen a few times. It's a good example of where cmp is easier than key.
@corvid your embedded systems talk HTTP?
Maybe not an "embedded system", just an interfaceless system really
oh, so "embedded system"="service"
good services will retry, exponentially backing off
Depends on what side it fails on, no?
^^ that. and the purpose of the POST
and how much metadata is read off the post (e.g. backfilling time series data)
Phase of the moon too.
software is pagan
france is bacon
true is lies, lies is software
perhaps i've been out in the sun too long
Wat is sun?
You mean the angry glowing orb in the blue?
We calls it The Wretched Day Star.
Sun is the company that was swallowed by Oracle.
If nothing else, I am consistent
Except perhaps in my capitalization of "wretched"
@Ffisegydd Yes exactly
> Ever since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.
I've asked him a question but it's not abt kiwi
"All answers lead to the same answer [duplicate]"
this is the best
Hmm, that's a dupe target I haven't seen before.
Perhaps it, too, should be hammered.
curious dupe target on that one. i would support hammering that target as well, yes
def fib(n):
return round( pow(1.618033988749895,n) / 2.23606797749979)

while i < 10:
i++ isn't roght
Sorry my javascript tourette's is acting up.
On my phone so can't remove my own message.
send me a picture
That's ok. Phones are not designed to edit.
You don't want fizzyvision. I see the world in a bleak and depressing way. Only those who have been hardened by living in North Wales can hope to view it and remain sane.
Hey, I am living in North Wales too.
I'm not familiar with that closed-form equation for fib numbers. I only know (p**n - v**n ) / sqrt(5)
Whyever would you do that?
Here are the GPS coordinates : 40.212872,-75.278816
I bet your N Wales is nicer than my N Wales.
@Ffisegydd That's a weird "glass is slightly less than half empty" outlook
"yeah, my glass is half-empty too, but my the glass they gave me is dirty"
A cursory wandering around on google street view suggests that nothing is obviously wrong with abhi's area
come to think of it, that's a weird expression. glass half full of beer: hooray. glass half full of poison: probably bad!
The glass is neither half empty, nor half full, it is full of water and air.
My glass is full, but it could be more full, you know?
Pedantic self-five
Sup sup
@Ffisegydd how was the interview?
@Ffisegydd not in space
I will be satisfied only when my glass is full of the densest possible matter.
My glasses are resting on my ears
@Kevin nascar fans?
Can my cappuccino have more quantum foam, please? It's making me pessimistic
Good. I managed to suggest something that they've not considered while they were explaining a project. I also managed to solve all the errors in a code example.
How was Reading?
Got a phone interview Monday and another interview Wed.
Full of traffic.
I also had an interview today
Oh. Yeah...
Actually a much cooler company than I thought, so I was a bit underprepared
But I solved the brainteaser and the coding wossname
JUST KIDDING how was your interview Bobby?
I do very poorly on brainteasers. :-/
It's the sort of company I wish I'd joined when I was 23
Now I'm 33 and looking at cool coding positions from the point of view of "is it too late to start that stuff now?"
@RobertGrant an ice cream shop with girls that attend the local uni?
ping pong tables, beer, an office dog?
oh, and 80 hour work weeks?
Rather than now when you're used up and old?
Beer, yes :)
But enough about that, check out our sweet dog
@Kevin are there life guards? my dog doesn't know how to swim
When I was 23 I was too busy being irradiated in nuclear reactors to worry about careers.
No, not a startup. They do custom dev, but have grown loads
@Ffisegydd comments like these are why you're one of my favorite e-buddies
I'm so used to using enterprisey tools. It'd be cool to do some stuff more with a bare language
what language and what kind of dev?
They mentioned Java, .NET, Python and Javascript
Custom systems for clients, could be all sorts
They seem to be the South African equivalent of Thoughtworks. Or even more, the version of Thoughtworks projected by Martin Fowler
But anyway. I may well not get it, as I might've priced myself too high
My interview was with a big data analysis place. It was originally spun off from the university.
I was applying for an analyst position, part data, part working with clients.
@DSM I also do poorly on brain teasers :P
Sorry, it wasn't exactly a brainteaser. It was just a simple puzzle, but apparently I solved it in about half the time people normally take, which seems weird given the puzzle
just curious what was the puzzle?
On an analogue clock, which is the angle between the two hands at 3:15?
Had that one Bob. Did it pretty quickly.
I've got a good one, let me type it up.
@Ffisegydd is analyst the sort of thing that you can do for your whole career?
The way you can as a dev?
Not that that's a problem, I'm just curious about the position
"Consider being blindfolded sat in front of a table. On the table are 20 coins, 10 facing heads up, 10 facing tails up."
Split the coins into two piles where the number of heads in one is equal to the number of heads in the other. Similarly tails must equal tails.
So NH1 == NH2, and NT1 == NT2
Clever. I think I have a solution...
This isn't "Remove the blindfold" or other shenanigans?
Don't share it. Or paste bin it.
I was about to say take off the blindfold too.
Nope you cannot remove the cloth. And you're wearing gloves so you cannot feel the faces.
@Kevin yeah I was writing that :)
I normally applaud such thinking, but it's a little on the nose.
Nah, I wouldn't. Not seen it before, but similar with playing cards
I cannot hover due to phone D:
Ok, pastebin it is in a minute
Same (on phone)
That would be my guess too, assuming a non-jerk setting up the coins
Looks like we all came to the same conclusion :-)
Yeah that's true actually, it doesn't work in jerk mode
Same as mine
Bob wins a gold medal.
What about instead of all in one, do it for half in each?
what specifically does the jerk do to foil that plan?
Make them all heads face up
No. They are split evenly at the start.
Or put them on a table, such that they're pre-sorted to one side
But the thing I just said will fix his wagon
ohhh I get it, haha
Oh, split evenly
10 and 10.
Well, if we're ignoring the beginning state, then he could replace all the coins with mousetraps :-)
Oh yeah, duh :)
Solve that smart guy B-)
The coins are covered in ANTHRAX
I guess scan the air with your hand, finding the experimenter. Once detecting him, hit him repeatedly while screaming "DO I HAVE THE JOB YET?"
@RobertGrant trick question you were dead the whole time
Wouldn't matter how they are sorted at all.
Surprise, the gloves were there to keep you alive.
@Ffisegydd course it would! ...wouldn't it?
hows that work?
I still dont get it even knowing the solution now
All heads; split them in half, turn one half over - one pile is heads, one is tails
@tristan Dramatic reenactment: youtube.com/…
But if you do the thing I said, where you turn over 5 in each pile, won't that always work?
That's beginning state changed, robert, not ordering
No I mean it doesn't matter if you accidentally split them into all heads and all tails
Oh, yeah
Definitely not, yeah
you guys make me feel dumb I still dont get how that guarantees the same number of heads/tails per pile
As when you flip the (say) tails then you get 10 heads and 0 tails on each side
Let's see if I can write up a formal proof...
but your blindfolded
so how can you know you have a pile of all tails?
@Ffisegydd sure, we were only discussing if the start position could be "all heads"
Let's say you split it in half randomly. You end up with 3 heads and 7 tails in the left pile.
They did ask me for a formal proof which I couldn't do in the interview.
@JoranBeasley flat distribution, even likelihood of each side becoming heads or tails, right?
Then you have to have 7 heads and 3 tails in the right pile.
See it now?
@BobbyG tris tris mentioned that case though.
im closer
Oh okay
oh i see
I mis understood the problem
I have another good one but you'll have to wait until I get home for me to draw it.
I thought 2 piles each pile having the same number of heads and tails (ie nheads == ntails for each pile)
now I really feel dumb
Oooh yeah that would be hard :)
cause then the problem would have just said each pile must have 5 heads and 5 tails
The answer to that, which will get you a management position, is, "Hire an assistant"
ok now I understand
That's the thing that makes the problem tricky. Everyone assumes evenly split implies 5-5, but the wording on the problem is very exact.
Oops I guess I was beaten
now I fully understand it
it was all because I suck at english apparently
That might do for a formal proof as well
I had to write a fibonnacci primes generator in java, which I hadn't done before.
Oh crap, I just realised it had a bug
Anything involving primes is getting into "guess what sieve I want you to implement" territory
If someone said "do you want Eratosthenes or Atkin?" I'd say "you pass" and move on to the next question.
The HR person eyes you keenly. "I'm on Atkins and I hate it. Tell me more about this Eratosthenes plan. Can you have carbs?"
"Yeah, loads"
You have chosen the option "spin a web of lies". This is effective in impressing the HR person, much more than explaining that they misunderstood you. However, it must be convincing enough that they don't discover your deceit until after you're hired.
When they ask "how do I spell that?" so they can google it after the interview, tell them you don't know.
to be fair I usually implement either of those primarily with google "python seive of primes"
Or, if this is a web dev position, give them a nonstandard spelling, whose first google result is your own website set up ahead of time for just this kind of situation.
The technical interviewer will admire your preparedness and ability to fool normies.
So, any of y'all use stripe before?
@corvid no but it looks awesome
No but I have read several article titles about it on HN.
ah most excellent, because I am writing something with it write now
brief cbg
Its supposed to be very easy to use ... I always do their CTF contest (cause it is amazing)
Hey guys. Got myself confused with session logins for flask.
@app.route("/api/v1/login", methods=['POST'])
def login():
	cursor = conn.cursor()
	user = request.form['email']
	password = request.form['password']
	cursor.execute('SELECT password, id FROM users WHERE email=%s', [user,])
	returned = cursor.fetchone()
	if (password == returned[0]):
		print "login worked"
		print "id: {}".format(returned[1])
		session["user"] = returned[1]
		print "bad request"
		return bad_request()
	return ""
So, I log in (ignore the bad security, that's next) and set the session to the ID. So when I try to call my other API methods I still get 401s.
How can I start calling api methods from the client side after an async login?
Isn't a JSON web token usually returned, or is that a much later concern?
I'm not sure if we will do auth tokens, I think a simple user/pass login with sessions is what's desired. We don't want to pass API tokens over so many ajax calls
Have you thought about using flask-login?
Was just gonna link what Adam said actually. If you don't want to, the relevant code is still there github.com/maxcountryman/flask-login/blob/master/flask_login.py
That's what I'm using. It's pretty idiot-proof, though I still managed to screw it up (thanks again @JoranBeasley)
We're not using templates though, this is a rest api
So the login form isn't tied to the application
doesn't the session live in the application?
I've used it on single page apps with angular
Sorry, was working with my co-worker
He helped me fix it. Since we didn't want to use auth tokens the app has to serve static content
/me tries to make joke about "baba.oreilly", fails
Because the session cookie value didn't persist cross origins (duhh..)
@Kevin nice
Best use of G, F, C ever
@Kevin Fantastic song.
I wish I could more reliably remember the title, though.
Every time it's on the radio, I'm like "It's Teenage Wasteland!!! No, wait..."
Yeah I'm sure that's what my first MP3 of it was named
oreiley.org isn't taken hmm
@Kevin The official title is "The Biddly-iddly-oop Song", right?
@ZeroPiraeus I can't prove that it isn't!
Pete Townshend won't return my calls :-(
One of the best Who songs.
Okay so who else went and started playing it then? :-)
... Me
I had to to remember what the heck that was the name for.
Kev ... Hammer that if possible ^
Why request a hammer specifically? It'll get closed if it should be closed.
@Zero it's still playing for me :P
:) ... I like hammers
Yes but it's not exactly cricket.
It'll get closed if it should be closed. ... Words became true!
The more code a Q has, the less likely I am to hammer it. It becomes more difficult to verify that the posts are similar enough
"It's not cricket" is a fantastic term to confuse non-British people.
@Kevin It was a exact dupe ... The Op asked it somewhere and it got migrated here only a few mins after he posted it here ... :|
is just waiting for the tag update to run ...
Oops :-)
I guess I should modify my algorithm
@ZeroPiraeus Congrats!!!
Moving the "check for word-for-word dupe" subroutine above the "bail out if it's long" block
Ta Bhargav :-)
Okay, I'm out. rbrb all ...
Now I can disturb ya also do hammer
@ZeroPiraeus rbrb
@Bhargav I realise you're probably kidding, but I'll say it anyway because I don't want to mess about: Please don't specifically ping people for hammers.
ping ... Naw .. I'll neva do that
Don't ask people either.
It disturbs too much!
cv-pls it and leave it.
Oh Ok ... Fine
Asking someone specifically, whether you use ping or not, is unconsciously putting pressure on them to do your bidding.
Oops... I did not think of it in that way :( :(
Aha! I'm on 821 long way to go ...
Never asks anyone to do anything again
^ Will follow that golden rule :)
Damn straight Bob. Get back to your cubicle, code-drone.
Career counsellor: Your last two statements have led me to believe you are perfect for a career in HR
Don't ask questions. Protect the company.
Anyone knows how to use nested map in this stackoverflow.com/questions/30246764/… ?
I am breakin my head from that time :(
Aha... 105 today.. Not bad
Dead night already
Rhubarb all
Running through an Angular tut. Good stuff -- thanks for the recommendation @JoranBeasley (I'm pretty sure that was you...)
Can someone go to sopython.com and tell me if it's up for you?
I think the network at work is just slow to update DNS, but want to make sure.
Nothing here either
but we have the same problem a lot ;)
I think it probably was me ... I like angular ... if i have to use js at least resolves it to
which is webfaction.com @davidism
yeah, that's right, just waiting for dns to propagate I guess
Does the downgraded server have a new address?
That's a pain
I moved the site off Linode to my WebFaction account.
OH ok
that makes much more sense
sopython.com working fine from here
what's it resolving to, @JRichardSnape?
Sorry, hang on, out on phone - need a terminal...
ah, was resolving to, but just this minute gone to unknown host and I can't reach it
my work's DNS was resolving it to which I assume is the old address
that is unreachable right now
the address redirects to webfaction's home page -- possibly their internal routing isn't fully propagated yet?
but google points there
and I just got a giant pile of data entry dropped on my desk, so I'm off.
grumbles rhubarb
Yeah, I've got to head off soon too - bed beckons here...
Ignore the IP I threw I'm the mix earlier, red herring sure to my inferior equipment, I think
Got what's happening now. sopython.com is resolving to and working fine here. www.sopython.com (autocompleted by the browser when i typed on phone) is returning unknown host, which was then redirected due to setup here which is where that other IP came in. With that, goodnight
Is it a big accomplishment to find and fix deadlocks in a big system?
I'm working on my resume and I am not sure what my accomplishments are supposed to have been. It's all "doing my job" to me.
sure why not

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