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who knows how i can get a new ARRAY from postgres that is the pairwise difference of 2 other ARRAYS?
I can do select ABS(v[1]-v[1]) as abs1 from TABLE
but i dont know how many elements a given row will have
Can anyone explain this to me? ideone.com/IWHxKf it's python golf
hello hello, what's up?
What'sup? I made the mistake of looking in the 'creative' section of checkio and now my head hurts. That code above is ridiculous.
rewrite the lambdas as named functions, and then try to understand it...
@gecko oh wow, that's really clever
2 hours later…
remember True == 1
Derp at the derp and I noticed it herpderp.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@gecko this is hours late, and I came to it from @DSM's starred message, but can you use visitor pattern if you want a pattern to deal with lots of different factors involved in the attack?
And have an Attack object you create on attack, or if that's too stressful (or stupid) then make the attacker responsible, who visits everything registered that is affecting the attack
yay... that's some Windows development out of the way... w00t!
I'm pretty sure I should be able to do this in 1 line, but I can't figure it out. Any hints?
a,b,c = [int(n) for n in my_array]
result = a * b + c
@StephanMuller stick with that
Is it better to use map there?
Yeah I was thinking of reduce
well, one could use a,b,c = map(int, my_array) - which will work on both 2.x and 3.x
Oh no, because then you'd have to list() it, and that's probably less readable
as result is a single value
@RobertGrant you're either implicity unpacking a list or unpacking an iterable - the result is the same
Ah okay, I wasn't sure after I wrote it
result = reduce(lambda a,b,c: a*b + c, my_array)
should work right?
That doesn't look right from what I know of reduce from clojure
you have three elements?
Because won't it operate over every element of my_array?
Also it's way harder to understand than what you had at first, which was nice :)
right, I'm mixing up things again
and yeah, that's a good point
nah reduce probably isn't the way to go here
@Stephan nope it isn't - there wasn't anything wrong with your first two lines to start with :)
also - being overly clever leads to confusion and not being able to read it later :)
look at the comment thread caused on this post
cbg @Jeremy
@JonClements Good morning/evening/noon/night [choose one or more]. :)
Can I be greedy and just say "all"? :p
Sure -- but just because it's you.
@JonClements the second solution's very good, just because it's highly readable even without comments
Reads the docs on iter
@JeremyBanks LMAO - not sure if that's good or bad
@JonClements You spread more than enough good cheer to warrant four greetings. Though I suppose it's not just you -- this is a darn friendly group overall. :)
It's a nice thing to see.
heck - I'll stand up and say this room and its associated community is the best on SO :p
Understands the iter
@RobertGrant The next step is become one with the iter.
@Jeremy I might be biased though :p
I've tried, but it's exhausting
@RobertGrant Exhausting? But I thought iters were often lazy!
(I'll see myself out.)
@Jeremy haha... you're always welcome here mate
anyway shameless plug - if no one has has already upvoted my answer on stackoverflow.com/questions/16801322/… - go for it if you want :)
whistles innocently
Done already :)
I know I keep banging on about it, but I love Far Cry 4. It is brilliant.
@JonClements Oooh, that's clever.
Where else can I stealthily approach an enemy base from any angle, only to be thwarted by a random tiger attacking me
@JeremyBanks too "clever" apparently - read the comments :(
Windows stuff done, can reboot into linux now, rbrb
feels like I've just had a shower
@JonClements It's only too clever for people who've never used iter(). But I guess it doesn't hurt to have a comment making it explicit that you're creating an iterator out of an iterable because you need the consuming behaviour of an iterator. OTOH, doing that sort of thing is what iter() is for IMHO.
well... it got me a populist badge or something... so not bothered :)
@JonClements That's smart
I like it :D
Mornin' all
@JonClements Interesting, thanks
On a similar note, this breaks up a sequence into even sized rows.
zip(*[iter(seq)] * rowsize)
Note that if the sequence length isn't an exact multiple of `rowsize` then the last partial row gets dropped. But you can use `itertools.izip_longest()` with a fillvalue to get around that, if necessary.
I likes that
Also,once you've done `rows = zip(*[iter(seq)] * rowsize)`
you can do `cols = zip(*rows)` to get the columns.
Ah, now the latter I knew and use every so often. I have very much enjoyed the zip(*... notation in Python - it makes me happy when I've been used to 20 lines of boilerplate Java to do such things...
It's pretty cool. I was mystified by it when I first saw it, but it's pretty obvious once you think about it.
Cabbage everyone!
I decided to clean up a "debug-my-codez-quick" question & give the OP a little helpful advice. I wonder if they'll actually heed my advice... stackoverflow.com/q/30182213/4014959 . One problem with debug questions is that they often contain multiple problems, which makes them less useful to future readers; also, the answers they attract rarely address all the problems. But I think my answer covers all of the issues with the posted code. :)
Cabbage, Katherina! I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you. Have you recovered from your auto accident?
I have @PM2Ring ! I was in Germany for 2 weeks
@PM2Ring that cols thing is cool
@Katherina Excellent. How was Germany?
Awesome ! lovely country
met nice people
Some of my ancestors came from Germany, but I've never been there myself. In fact, I've never left Australia.
Germany is nice
Cabbage @katherina - nice to see you back
Been a few times
@Katherina cbg
Why would you leave Australia, it's awesome! I want to visit Australia one day
yeah Germany is cool
@PM2Ring I like your style there. I try to do that kind of thing every so often for new users. I hope they do heed your advice, some do
@PM2Ring Is there an explanation for why that works somewhere?
@Katherina Long-time-no-see Cabbage :-)
Still Alcoholic @thefourtheye ?
Nah, I broke my leg's heel I think. So, I am in a lot of pain killers :D
aw! how did it happen? I know exactly how it feels, using pain killers all day
@Katherina Exactly. :)
@JRichardSnape Thanks.
You should try Morphine :p
@Katherina I don't even know why it pains :( And I got used to pain killers now-a-days...
I am doing good ^^
no more pain killers for me
@SomeGuy This answer gives a quick explanation of the variant that uses izip_longest, but the principle's the same.
@PM2Ring Wow, that's smart shit
Where is mister blue @MartijnPieters ?
Even the mighty AI needs rest ;-)
@Katherina He prefers not to be seen around mere mortals, I believe
Yeah blue @MartijnPieters has gone to live on Mars for a while as he decides the fate of humanity
=D haha
yet another quake in Nepal
:( flip
@Antti yeah I saw, Tila hasn't been in recently so can't ping her.
Good morning to you all o/
Cbg cbg
@Paco you're 18 hours early
@Ffisegydd the second quake was at 12:51 nepal time, so that'd be about exactly 2 hours ago and she was last online: 2 hours ago...
Ah good call :( shame she hasn't been in chat so we can't ping her.
finnish embassy in kathmandu says: "phone lines are down, please use facebook" :D
@AnttiHaapala damn you, and your wrong time zone :P
well at least I am at even hour offset, not like those Nepali
@AnttiHaapala HEY
Nevermind, you're right
Being GMT+530 sucks
@SomeGuy though india has a nicely balanced timezone
why isn't Spain in the same timezome as the UK ?
go to uk often? good to have the same zone with france
though why not the same as portugal
Not really
Spain stays in with the rest of Europe. Interestingly Portugal not
Yeah, same as portugal/UK/Ireland
that would make sense
lol, my country is barely visible without zooming in
I like this map
I couldn't even point to Mauritius on a map @Jerry :( my knowledge of geography is woefully inept.
I wonder if the timezone +14 has problems with computers
@Ffisegydd Hmm You know Madagascar?
Yeah I've just googled it now :P
It's in the +3 timezone up there right of Africa
I thought it was further east
then go to the +4 timezone just right of it
there are two bigger than the other dots around
the right one is it :P
Just show a map, people will talk, they said.
It always works
I thought it was the one in +6 D: which I've just found out is called "Cocos Islands"
@AnttiHaapala speaking of quakes, after shocks felt till Chennai, which is at the south end!
@Ffisegydd Lol that's fine. You know now :)
Should I ask questions related to tags on Meta ?
@Paco yeah. Definitely don't ask on the main site.
Hey Antti, I've updated my answer to "Sort a list to form the largest possible number". The update shows why my comparison function and your fractionalize() key function yield the same result. And it gives the sketch of a proof for why they actually work. :)
Wut? Antti's answer has only 3 up votes? :D
It certainly deserves more - I'd give him some of mine if I could.
But your answer is also a good one!!
@BhargavRao When? Today? :O
See news!
But I didn't feel anything :'(
Lol! Same here! But heavy aftershocks felt in Kochi
Anyone from Kochi here?
@PM2Ring Nice answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/30182213/… .... It needs a little editin though
'kocchi' means 'here' in japanese :P
@thefourtheye Do you know this guy? stackoverflow.com/users/3160881/itzmeontv The only one whom I could find on SO from Kochi
Nope :(
@Katherina I'm about.
Just a little busy.
@MartijnPieters Deciding the fate of humanity?
Martijn Pieters - The second AI mod .... First being Community
@SomeGuy Deciding the fate of community, perhaps. :-P I aim small (if 70 million visitors per month is small).
@Ffisegydd I sent a mail to Tila last week, she is fine it seems.
@BhargavRao Thanks. And although Antti's method using a key function is faster than using a comparison function, his answer is a bit mysterious. So hopefully my update de-mystifies both my original answer and Antti's answer.
@thefourtheye yes but they had another quake this morning.
Oh dear god. Why :'(
@PM2Ring Edited your answer!
@thefourtheye That too when the Nepal Parliament session was on
When there is a natural calamity, our constitutional order will not matter much I guess :D
I dunno if this article is true indiatimes.com/news/world/…
But just check it out once
@BhargavRao Ok. I agree with the putting that stuff into a properly formatted list. But I don't see why "Note" needs to be italicized. But while you're there have a look at the original version of the question. The title was horrible, and most of the text (apart from the code itself) was fluff. I've improved the title, but I'm still not totally happy with it, so if you can think of an improvement, go for it.
@PM2Ring I dunno .... everyone italicizes note :P
Nice to see people from my country here in the chat :) @BhargavRao
@PM2Ring As far as the title is concerned, it is way way way better than the original one!
@user1977867 @thefourtheye is also here!
@user1977867 Cabbage :-)
wow thats cool. I never got the meaning of cabbage :( whats this slang mean
@user1977867 Check this out! sopython.com/salad
thanks @BhargavRao I thot people abused saying cabbage... just like "kaddu"
@user1977867 So you're from which city?
@BhargavRao It depends on the context. If "note" is acting like a kind of heading, then putting it in italics or even bold may be appropriate, although merely following it with a colon may be adequate. OTOH, when it is being used as a verb in the imperative mood then it should not be italicized.
I thot of posting this, but i thot i might be dow voted :p gurgaon btw and you
@PM2Ring Then I think that it should be sumthing like "Do note that I use"
Yep! I think you're correct. Italics there looks bad too
@BhargavRao banglore I think ?
@user1977867 Yeah, Bengaluru
The main issue is that the "Do note that" in "Do note that I use" is redundant. Just say "I use"
hey guys...
@BhargavRao The "Do" can be used for emphasis, but it's not required. A milder alternative is "Please note that...". Note that all of these forms are rather formal, and would sound weird, or at least old-fashioned, in spoken English. :)
quick question: what is the best sorting algorithm for "plateaud" data? Where my data jumps in plateaus (and is within a plateau complete random, jumps are increasing but about half the expected variance within the data itself)
Oh and about 10 million entries in 300 plateaus
Actually I don't know. I'm just guessing based on the word plateau
@RobertGrant I suppose the "Note that I use..." is a little redundant, but I wrote it like that for emphasis.
entry is a simple floating point value btw
and data is currently within a numpy table (wondering if I should just keep it at that and let the underlying c code handle it)
@PM2Ring I learnt English in a damn old school started in 1865 ...
@PM2Ring it's years spent reading emails from HR :)
Can I ask this quesiton on SO?
@paul23 yes
Actually, no
Why am I answering immediately and badly
@BhargavRao And I've been writing it for almost 50 years. :)
Well I would also ask if I better go for C for this (I need to repeat above 1000 times for all measurement data)
So fun, automated measurement of crack propagation in fatigue tests
@PM2Ring :D :D Same here!!
@RobertGrant :( I guess there's still no SE site for these things
@RobertGrant My condolences, but I guess that's not as bad as reading stuff from Marketing. :)
@BhargavRao Ok. :)
@PM2Ring yeah, they have just as inane stuff but it's also more manipulative
@paul23 Are the 10 million entries already grouped into plateaus, or are they all just totally mixed together?
Hmm I could just first sort in the x,y,z axis.. And only after sorting that I would then flatten out the time axis and sort along that. That would reduce the operation to merging 300 40k sized sorted arrays - while maintaining sort order. Would that be faster than first flattening out?
Well they're grouped by x,y,z,t - where in time I expect it mostly to grow (though huge measurement errors are in place)
Brief Rbrb ... Gotta go to some hotel and buy food!
So it's a 4D array of floats, and you want to sort the floats numerically. Do you need to keep the (x,y,z,t) indices attached to each float?
actually for current purposes not
I'm after that grouping and making histograms to compare measurements
FWIW, Python's built-in sort function, TimSort, is a hybrid sort that uses merging techniques, so it's quite efficient on partially sorted data. 10 million entries sounds daunting, but that will easily fit into memory on any modern machine. You might get a bit of speed-up going to pure C, but a lot of the work being done by Numpy and TimSort is happening at C speed anyway, so the speedup won't be as big as you might imagine.
morning everyone
Cabbage @corvid :-)
caw indeed, the crows outside woke me up too early
I'm wondering why stuff available in numpy won't just sort the array as you like, with acceptable performance?
Making a sample array that sounds like what you want, shuffling it and then sorting it takes about 1 second on my box. I can put what I did on a dpaste if you like
oh didn't test it
I just wrote my own function
I think you might be over-worrying about performance - I put my little testcase here dpaste.com/0MZNN1G
See if it roughly matches what you're doing
I suck at CSS :\
@AnttiHaapala: I posted this earlier, but you might've missed it, since I didn't @ tag it chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/23245100#23245100
hooray for waking up after a couple hours of sleep. not sure if i'm looking at this code incorrectly or if it never worked in the first place :)
don't worry, it'll break again soon and the cycle will once again repeat!
Can someone enlighten me why argv in learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex20.html is assigned to script and input_file? The former is never used in the script. Am I missing something or is this just a typo?
@RomanLuštrik it's unpacking a tuple
>>> example = ('corvid', 'crow')
>>> bird1, bird2 = example
>>> bird1
>>> bird2
@RomanLuštrik you can do anonymous unpacking if it's not going to be used later, like this: _, bird2 = example
so to get the second one I guess he also needs to get the first one
But that's just another reason not to use Learn Python the Hard Way :)
Why not just do bird1 = example[0]?
Could do that
I one-liner'd it :)
`sorted(a, key=lambda n: Fraction(n, int('9'*len(str(n)))), reverse=True)`
Ok, so it's a personal choice. That's all I need. :)
Yeah you may find yourself using unpacking more than indices in the future, but you'll get a feel for what's readable in what situation, I think
the way the book does it seems kinda silly. I'd use argparse personally
Hi guys, if u got some time left could u take a look at the question I asked earlier? My friend searched 2 days for this problem but cant find a solution. Maybe you guys could give him some feedback? would be appreciated!
@RomanLuštrik people here often recommend Dive Into Python 3 over Learn Python the Hard Way
I recommend the actual documentation
@RowanKleinGunnewiek stop begging for help
@Tristan was just asking polite. but oké
You've asked twice.
because I felt like being ignored, but wont ask again
@RowanKleinGunnewiek people answer if they can; you can't expect free help always. No point in nagging.
well if it isn't bobby grant tables
how's it going mate?
Good thanks. Applied for a job at TfL yesterday. Unlikely to get it, but that's part of the fun :)
TfL? (transport for london?)
Product Owner
Interesting. Are you going to work from SA if you get the position?
About half of which's requirements I'm overqualified for, and the other half very under-qualified
No, we'd move
I'd love a grace period where I could work from here for a few months, but I assume that's unlikely
Given my getting the job would be a stretch
Come back to the promised land! We can drink Scrumpy and talk about how stupid Salad is.
The food? Yes, salad is a waste of time.
maybe rabbit friends
Uhhh...yeah...the food...sure...
(I hope that's the right video)
The kind of friends you can make with salad are not the kind of friends you want. Rabbits... Hippies...
how come none of you arseholes said happy birthday to me
Is it your birthday!?
I don't check the page everyday, I've checked it now though.
Oh crap, 31st
thanks :)

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