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That's why I'm now leaning towards a multi-pronged attack: The Q would contain both GCD, which the "broken mental model" readers will identify with, and fib or a tree traversal thing, which will discourage the "just make it iterative and forget it" crowd from muddying the waters
@MartijnPieters Nice answer there. You could have mentioned that py2 you gotta need 2 args :)
@BhargavRao this is about the one argument case.
This applies to both Python 2 and 3.
That Python 3 now supports a 0-argument case (which really is the same as the 2 argument case but more magic) is immaterial here.
@MartijnPieters Wut? You can use a single argument for super in python 2 also???
Thanks a looot!
I never knew that, I was so wrong
super confuses me.
super is super-obfuscated
s = super :)
I'm usually lazy and just do ParentName.__init__(self, args)
That's the best way!
The "but what if you want to refactor the ParentName class by changing its name?" argument doesn't hold much water for me. I know how to use grep.
I don't often do multiple inheritance
I think I've used multiple inheritance like, once, in the past year.
I needed a class that was a Tkinter.Canvas, but which also implemented the EventBroadcaster interface, which I had just made up five minutes prior
@vaultah Err! You change your gravatar daily?
More often actually
Q: Identicon changes unexpectedly

vaultahHere's the problem (don't know if it really is, can't tag the question with bug - don't know if it's reproducible). I recently noticed that my identicon avatar changes frequently, although I haven't changed the email address / Google account since signing up to StackOverflow ~2 years ago. The "...

Ninja knows everythin
I'm surprised that meta question didn't make it to the Hot Posts box :/
super is really awful though :P
Some troll guy
@MartijnPieters "Python's super() is well-designed and powerful", well that is "primarily opinion based"
@AnttiHaapala I have come to appreciate super() and agree with the 'opinion'.
@BhargavRao yes, a serial troll with serious mental issues.
Odd to devote an entire blog to it.
You need to do something with his blog post too
Actually, found another account for the troll..
Err, can you wait till he posts some troll and then delete the post and his account! Nevermind
Oh Oh .. That has a long history on meta too meta.stackexchange.com/questions/251415/…
@JoranBeasley there are more trolls.
there are the occasional quick account to say something they think is funny trolls, and there are the regular nutcases that keep coming back. Not many of the latter category, but they exist.
But that's not the only one.
you know who im talking about i think
I know of at least 3 such cases. There are probably more.
He also checks the transcript of this room :I @JoranBeasley
well in that case
no satisfaction :)
@vaultah and tripped off my "some idiot troll is trying to dox me" honeypot
@vaultah there is also an impostor. Someone that uses the name. The transcript reader is probably not the real deal.
Oh wow
Yeah, they are that nuts.
the real one i dont think has enough wherewithal to read the transcript imho
no that looks like just a bad question to me ... but maybe im wrong
or maybe a troll no idea
thats clearly one of the "im gonna be funny" ones not the crazy ones though
I must be dum, I don't know you know who :|
naw his stuff gets closed and deleted pretty fast ...
(and maybe its not all the same one ... but the reasoning in them seems aweful simillar)
but he must spend hours creating accounts and finding new proxies ...
Dont they have any better job?
Speaking of, ahem, interesting internet personalities. I wonder whatever happened to the Temple OS guy.
Phew answered like a blog and still got no views
@MartijnPieters not trolling but there is too much inheritance in that video :D
rbrb, dinner time
Welcome @Seanonymous
Or "hi"
I've just read the help page about this chat room and was a bit confused about the language we use here... OK, it doesn't matter. _Cabbage_ to everyone!
I've been googling hard to find out if it is possible to write text in the middle of a file (or anywhere I want). I found out that it either can't be possible either is too difficult to implement. Please wait while I'm typing the other part of my question. This one's getting too big.
Would be quite nice to be able to cv-pls the TPP, actually.
There is no program that "writes text in the middle of a file". While text editors may appear to do this, when you actually save they're writing the whole file out again.
The simplest solution I found is to read the whole file line by line into a list with `readlines()`. That's OK, but what to do if this file is _very_ big? I'll run out of memory then.
Is it even possible to write text in the middle of a file without those lists and lists manipulation?
You don't have to read the entire file into memory, you just need to read each line one at a time.
BTW, does chat support Markdown? code formatting doesn't seem to work for me
Oh, it worked this time
Markdown is supported, but only for single-line messages. And for multi-line messages, but only "fixed font" and only if you want to code format the whole message, and only if you precede each line with four spaces.
Open two files: the one for reading, and a temporary one for writing. Read one line at a time, edit it if necessary, then write it out. After you're done, move the temporary file over the original.
hi, a flash question:

my_list = ["jose","ricardo","pedro",None]
name = None
if None is name in my_list:
..print "name is 'None' and my_list contain a 'None'"

although this works , is it considered bad style or not?
(to be clear, by "single line" I mean "does not contain any newline characters", not "it all fits on one line when you submit it")
Uh why didn't I like/listen to the Burial's works before
@JoseRicardoBustosM. My gut says yes, it's bad style.
@JoseRicardoBustosM. that code doesn't do what you think
@JoseRicardoBustosM. Personally, I would do if None in my_list.keys():
also, press Ctrl-K to format multiline code
@MorganThrapp a list doesn't have keys, so you probably wouldn't do that
Hold on. Is that line equivalent to if (None is name) in my_list? or if (None is name) and (name in my_list)? I forget when operator chaining happens.
@Kevin that's what I was getting at, it's the first
@davidism, that's what I've read on the Net. But since we can do file.seek(position) and then write starting from this position, is it possible to overwrite, for example, the next character after that position?
@davidism Oh, oops. I misread that as a dict somehow.
Incidentally, this is why I said it's bad style. If I can't figure out how the line evaluates without looking at the docs, it's too complicated.
@Kevin if (None is name) and (name in my_list) .... i expected
Could we re-open stackoverflow.com/questions/30192597/adfgvx-key-brutforcing? I think I understand what the asker is saying, or could suss it out of him with a comment.
@ForceBru try it out. seeking then writing will write over the existing content
@JoseRicardoBustosM. I would be pretty mad if a co-worker put that code in any code i ever touched
@QuestionC make it clear first, either with editing or comments
@JoseRicardoBustosM. Ok, I think you're right then.
>>> my_list = ["jose","ricardo","pedro",None]
>>> name = None
>>> None is name in my_list
>>> (None is name) and (name in my_list)
>>> None is (name in my_list)
>>> (None is name) in my_list
if name is None and name in my_list:
    print('name is None and my_list contains a None')
This seems to indicate that operator chaining does occur
it does there was a question like a week ago about the same thing
bottom line is that it is confusing to the reader ...
@JoranBeasley then this is very bad style .... thanks
it is not clear what the condition is to the reader
intuitively it is if (name is None) in my_list which would be if True in my_list... I know this is not what happens but even being a good python programmer when I see that I see if (name is None) in my_list
@davidism Done. If you ignore his code the question makes a lot more sense.
@davidism, just tried. I had a line Test in my file. I did seek(2) and write('Y') then. So, I got TeYt. OK, that works. How do we remove the Y then? So it looks like 'Tet'
write a zero-width space character maybe?
I tried write('\b') but it gave me a non-printable character after 'T' LOL it seemed to work as charm at first
\b is backspace
@JoranBeasley, I tried this but it gives absolutely no changes
I'm pretty sure there's no way to delete a character the way you want.
sort of ... but theres still bytes between e and t
repr(s) would print teY\bt
Either read everything into memory, perform your manipulation, then save the result; or line-by-line read a chunk, make your changes, and save the result.
@JoranBeasley, that's the thing I was talking about in my previous message. It didn't work
So basically, what davidism said half an hour ago.
it does... your text editor may not render the "\b" how you expect though
but the bytes are there
@Kevin yes ...
Did I miss anything exciting?
Isn't \b the backspace character?
Yes it is.
That might help if you're deleting two characters (one replaced by the backtick, the other backtick'd)
But writing \b to a file does not cause that character and the one preceding it to be annihilated, which seems to be the desired behavior here.
It's still in there, but any level of file editing can be accomplished with a sufficiently janky display program.
For "Works on my machine" values of accomplishment.
I can't open this jar of dip D: evening ruined. Crisis averted. Continue on citizens.
Try rinsing it under the faucet.
This either 1) increases your grip strength, 2) makes the lid looser, or 3) is a placebo
Just be careful. I managed to cut my thumb pretty badly once when trying to open a jar by hitting the glass with a knife.
I opened it by concentrating on my inner chi and turning really, really hard.
Or wait, is this the kind of problem where I'm supposed to give emotional support rather than presenting possible solutions?
Well, that's a pity that one can't do this so easily... OK, thank you, guys!
That must be so hard. I've been there, man. You're still a worthwhile human being.
The best kind would be a solution that does both at the same time.
Wait, I'm wrong, melon, everyone!
The worst kind would destroy emotional support in a practical way. That is, having the GF do it for you.
Hmm. There's an edit pending on an answer of mine which proposes (1) to change the filename to match the OP's, which makes some sense but means that it's not really a transcript, and (2) to remove the chevrons which prove it's a transcript. I'm not sure about that.
Basically all solutions of the "try not having such weak noodly arms" class aren't suitable here
alright @AnttiHaapala heres your chance... sell me on why I should upgrade my rather large existing code-base from 2.6 to 3.x? and estimate the difficulty of transition(based on your highly biased gut feeling)?
the arguments against are "if it aint broke dont fix it"
well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it...
this is more of those shitty libraries that are in PyPI, they should be migrated, if your code is not public then it is only your problem.
if the code is public it suddenly becomes everyone's problem
My friend was talking yesterday about 2 vs 3. His company uses 2 and just bought a company in Spain, now everything is broken due to lack of UTF-8 support :P
So they've made the choice to upgrade from 2 to 3, rather than mess around fixing things for 2.
Wrong link
@JoranBeasley what you can do for all new code, and should
@QuestionC reopened :-)
@ZeroPiraeus Thank you. I was trying to explain things in comments and never would have gotten to itertools.
is to use all of from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, always, for every file... especially not using division is an error...
then perhaps use unicode_literals too. There are some things like WSGI that are complicated with unicode_literals, but most of the time it should be fine.
I have to admit that it took me a lot longer than it should have to grok how unicode was meant to work because Python 2 let me get away with all my bad habits. In retrospect, I could explain to former-DSM in five minutes everything he needed to know, but he's not strong enough to learn without reinforcement from negative feedback..
@JoranBeasley also... one other thing, now that the behaviour of dict.keys() change in Python 3, then document why you are using dict.keys() or otherwise use dict.iterkeys(), or even better just use list(dict.iterkeys()) as it is explicit.
I think .iterkeys() there is a little noisy.
Surely you should use set(dict.iterkeys())?
@DSM ah good catch, say .items() or .values()
I could be convinced to use keys for symmetry. TBH, I sometimes wonder if we shouldn't have had the default iteration be over items instead of keys.
"sometimes only", I wonder that all the time
hint hint @Kevin
@DSM default containment test is (naturally) for keys only though, so iterating over them too seems more consistent
it'd be a bit weird if name was a proxy for name.keys() sometimes and name.items() in other contexts
If we're making changes, I wouldn't have a problem with requiring x in d.keys() if you wanted to know if x was, well, in the keys of d.
alright thanks for the tips :P ... that will at somepoint lead to a transition :P
x in my_dict still tests against keys right?
@Joran: do you mean in 3? Yep.
I cant think of the last time i used my_dict.keys() anyway
Confused to cv
Answer reduces to - "Enter python nameofyourfile"
@JoranBeasley in pika, there were many uses of my_dict.keys() and most of the time one couldn't know if it was a typo...
for example in for loops...
so it should say something like:
# use .keys() here to get a snapshot of the keys, as the list is modified concurrently
for k in my_dict.keys():
then it is easier to port.
as for the iteration over dictionary, well, Java Map makes it explicit - they're not iterable, you need to explicitly iterate over .keySet(), .entrySet() or .values().
@JoranBeasley in any case: division, absolute_import, print_function are like absolute must on 2.6; and also use unicode_literals in each file where it works correctly, all binary data with b''
IFF you will port, then it will be easier this way
@JoranBeasley also polyglotting code is really easy if you know the differences.
it really is almost no-brainer
yeah I think its not so hard for future code... to be 2 and 3 compatible ... but its almost always a smaller part of a very large codebase
and the thought of converting that thing gives me nightmares (even though im the only person here advocating for pushing to py3x
Hello sopython chat! My first message is a request, I'm afraid: does anyone run IPython under Python 3.3+? Can they confirm what I'm seeing in this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/29500262/…?
so you should be pushing for the use of all future modules
@xnx Mac?
look for an environmental variable PYTHON_STARTUP (I think) ... print env right before you start ipython –
it will make the migration easier if you know whatever is binary and what is not, and what division you're supposed to be making
@JoranBeasley print(env) ;) fixed it for you :D
also if you can you should migrate to Python 2.7
there is more compatibility stuff there
@Bhargac Rao Yup - Mac
yeh :P ... its hard when theres a bunch of legacy code and everyone is afraid to break anything :P
2.6->2.7 shouldn't really break anything... though can't guarantee it ofc, modules need to be recompiled etc
@Bhargav Rao, @Joran Beasley -- I don't see PYTHON_STARTUP in my env
we are using 2.7 for all our web-app stuff now
so thats a plus
all our desktop stuff is still 2.6
@JoranBeasley also: do not use an extension library that does not already support python 3 at least in some branch
@QuestionC: were you able to find a solution that matched his hash? I wasn't.
@DSM He posted a hash?
ok im going to get some coffee ... be back soon
@QuestionC: in the comments.
Ahh, got it. Typo on my part.
@QuestionC: but I'm afraid I think you'll need to change which itertools function you're using.
@Joran Beasley Maybe I don't understand, but I don't think this causing it. The file code.py in the local directory is being executed when I start IPython, but only on Python 3 and only when I start within a directory containing a code.py
@DSM Yea, combinations_with_replacement more matches his code, but I doubt it's what he actually needs. I was going to leave figuring that out as an exercise for the reader.
@xnx: I think IPython has its own code.py which it's probably trying to import, and yours is confusing it.
@DSM That's what I was thinking, but surely this is a bug, then?
@QuestionC: since the key contains duplicate letters, combinations isn't going to work.
@xnx NAME
code - Utilities needed to emulate Python's interactive interpreter.
that is how python (how stupid that is) works, the current directory is in the front of module search path
Hmm. I just added a code.py and started ipython3, and it didn't seem to import it.
@Antti Haapala does this mean IPython is trying to import its code in a way that searches my working directory first?
@xnx worse, it tries to import the code module of Python 3 installation
I am super unfamiliar with hashllib. Does this look right?
>>> code.__file__
    strr = "".join([L3, L7, L2, L1, L4, L5, L6, L10, L8, L9]).encode()
    if hashlib.md5(strr).hexdigest() == 'a50e38475041f76219748ee22c4377d4':
(python 3)
@QuestionC yes except for empty encode
@AnttiHaapala: but I'm not seeing that.
@DSM different versions I guess, but it is plausible that happens on @xnx's version
empty encode = UTF8
@DSM Oh... I've just tried again with a clean directory and one-line `code.py` and when I start IPython I get:`hi!
Python 3.3.5 |Anaconda 2.2.0 (x86_64)| (default, Sep 2 2014, 13:57:31)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.`
@QuestionC :D
@xnx: could you look at IPython.core.magics, and look at the relevant import line? (in magics.__init__, I mean.)
@QuestionC but yes.
@DSM I got an answer
@QuestionC: does it start with a d? ;-)
@QuestionC you can create 1 md5() object, and call its .update method with more data too...
@DSM I'll try... can you remind me where IPython is likely to live on an Anaconda installation?
instead of joining all the large strings
@DSM Yes =)
@xnx: this is IPython, we don't need to guess. :-) import IPython.core.magics and then IPython.core.magics??.
Or the following (for more general packages)
In [24]: import IPython

In [25]: IPython.__file__
Out[25]: 'C:\\Users\\Pizzey\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\IPython\\__init__.py'
@DSM Got it: from .code import CodeMagics, MacroToEdit
@xnx ahha :P but that can't be it :P
I am surprised I needed itertools. I thought just fixing the loops to be in the right order would solve everything.
And itertools was going to be the "Now let me blow your mind kid" part.
someday I will finally be a kitty cat
That didn't produce what I was expecting. I'm running 3.4 in the 3.0.0-dev branch (I haven't gone Jupyter yet), and I see no local code.py import.
@corvid I believe in you!
@corvid Is being a crow that hard?
Carrion doesn't taste as good as tuna :\
Carrion: Chicken of the desert.
cbg all
@DSM, @Antti Happala OK this is weird: I only see the local import when my PYTHONPATH is set, and only when it's set to something with a trailing :, for example export PYTHONPATH="/Users/xnx/research/OCO2:" in my ~/.bash_profile.
@xnx: ah. I can reproduce. Not immediately sure why that happens.
@DSM glad I'm not going mad :)
In [4]: 'code' in sys.modules
Out[4]: False
@xnx: I was starting to wonder if I was, because my working theory was that the import scheme changed between your version and mine..
indeed IPython works, IPython3 I add warnings.py in my working directory, and I get a crash :D
The dangling colon seems to mean the current directory gets added to sys.path.
damnit, this is big
@DSM guess need to start complaining on Python mailing lists
the import subsystem is broken for Python 3
cannot write safe programs anymore
I hinted at something like this in my original SO question, but couldn't get anyone to look at it until I talked to you guys.
ah no
@xnx: questions with simple algorithmic/stdlib solutions tend to be more popular, I admit. :-)
@xnx it must be a bug with IPython actually...
Let's see if there's any manual sys.path magic..
ah no...
hmmhmh... so did you have a PYTHONPATH yourself?
@AnttiHaapala But I also see code.py being executed when I start bokeh_server, which doesn't use IPython?
the trailing colon means that "" is added to sys.path, it will mean the current working directory
don't use that in PYTHONPATH
The actual line is export PYTHONPATH="/Users/xnx/research/python_modules:$PYTHONPATH" but I guess $PYTHONPATH isn't defined before that line is executed?
@AnttiHaapala: that can't quite be it. Regardless of PYTHONPATH, I see '' in sys.path. OTOH, only when I add the trailing colon do I get /home/dsm/coding in the path, and the corresponding local import.
@xnx: yeah, probably not. Sounds like you can answer your own question with the way to solve it, anyway.
@AnttiHaapala, @DSM Thanks for your help: I can certainly see how to stop it from happening. Not sure why it only affects Python 3, however. Will post an answer when I get a moment.
@Kasra none of the words you put in code tags in this revision are code. Please stop making these types of edits.
@xnx Do ping me when ya finish writing the answer
Also, you weren't even consistent about it, as you didn't re-format QueryPath.
@DSM it is the ipython that later adds the '' in the path
just try import sys; print(sys.path) in foo.py and python/ipython -i foo.py
sorry... put foo.py in some other directory :P
and then you'd notice that the containing directory of foo.py will be added to the beginning of the sys.path
@Antti: is it possible I have some weird config? I see '' in sys.path regardless of IPython's involvement.
well, that sounds really broken
ipython adds the '' there
it seems
No, that doesn't seem right. Look here for example.
'' shows up in lots of non-IPython contexts.
What genre would this band even be classified as?
@corvid pop punk
@corvid Whatever it is, I'm sure it has a J- at the front.
@BhargavRao, @DSM, @AnttiHaapala I've written an answer to the best of my understanding of what's going on here, but feel free to edit if you have something to add. I still don't think it's ideal that IPython is doing this (even with my wonky $PYTHONPATH) but at least I know how to stop it.
J-Pop Djent
Oh, it's a medley.
@xnx Do add the permalink to the chat discussion. It will be helpful for others viewing your answer --- chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/23255726#23255726
Djent is basically just pop music really
i've been into this sort of stuff for coding lately: youtube.com/watch?v=rtggxrckH98
I misread that as Christian Laettner, and was very surprised.
@tristan it's pretty good, but so slow
yeah, i just use background
i can't code to metal for some reason
I listen to podcasts while I'm coding. I think I may have mild ADD. :P
unless it's instrumental (russian circles, animals as leaders, etc)
Aha! Finally an upvote today.
I better call the day off ;)
Rhubarb all
Time to sleep :D
take care
I cant code to music with any language in it ... it has to be just background type music
It's all about piano/jazz and rainymood.com at the same time.
oh man, youtube.com/… + rainymood.com that's so much better
Through The Fire And Flames <3
haha i appreciate that song for how cheesy it is
also for weird al yankovich as a metal singer youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s
Hmm, I guess I can't tell the difference between cheesy <genre> and sincere <genre>
I like this metal band just for their description on wikipedia: a unique amalgamation of different metal subgenres like progressive, technical death, black and melodic heavy metal, and of other styles of music including classical, dark cabaret, opera, jazz, funk, electro, ambient, noise, and circus music.
fingertaps + doublebase + reference to dragons or lord of the rings == cheesy
p.s. dear me: open a metal bar named dubbel bass
@Ffisegydd if you like dragonforce, you probably would also like ensiferum and related spin-offs youtube.com/watch?v=XtCZxF_tm3k
I'm not particularly a fan of the genre, it's not something I typically listen to.
It's good stuff, just I don't usually listen to it.
is itertools.combinations_with_replacement() implemented in C?
I liked Metalocalypse :-)
That's what lower case means right?
Or is that, like, offensive cultural appropriation.
Did you see Metalocalypse rock opera?
"How dare The Man take our way of life and make it into a cartoon for manchildren" etc etc
@QC: yeah, it's in C.
@QuestionC Yeah
@Kevin No. Metalocalypse rules.
It's hard to watch that show when my parents are in the room :-I
i don't know a single metalhead that doesn't at least find it mildly amusing that metalocalypse exists
Ha! I had two separate classes, and I thought I had too much duplication between them, but it turns out they're different enough to justify being separate objects. Score one for me, though no one will ever know.
"I thinks this is calleds a Foods Library. Foouds Lehbrahry. Feeuoods Liberry."
"It's a grocery store, you douchebags!"
That band is great
I... Trumpets? Theremin?
show owns
"do you folks like coffee"
"Blacker than the blackest black, times infinity". It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.
I have a soft spot for fiction that takes a ridiculous premise, such as "what if one metal band had more money than the GDP of most countries?", and follows it to the logical conclusion.
What's the one liner for splitting a list into n evenly sized chunks?
Here is the common Q, but I don't see any one-liners specifically there
They're more 2-3 lines.
Or, no, that's for splitting a list into evenly sized chunks each with length N. Which is slightly different.
I guess it's isomorphic to "splitting a list with length M that has evenly sized chunks" by letting N = len(input_list)/M...
Assuming it divides without remainder.

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