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Morning cabbage for all. Chemical spill on my subway line, so it's been a very, very slow morning..
tell me about it @DSM
@Katherina You need a bit more rep before you can help with close vote requests. :-P
@MartijnPieters how much exactly do I need?
@Katherina 3000.
maybe in 20 years I will help this community with close vote requests:)
@AnttiHaapala Congrats on that mega bounty!
@Katherina Trust me, its not that hard. Once you start producing quality answers, you will get it in no time.
@thefourtheye I lack on knowledge ;) and I hesitate to post answers because my english is far from flawless. I will get downvoted
I haven't gotten myself any rep in sooo long.. I figured I'd go ahead and answer a few questions
@Katherina Ha ha ha, I had both the problems when I started answering. You know what? I knew nothing about Python before answering.
congrats @AnttiHaapala
@thefourtheye how did you answer question without knowledge of python? I don't want to be downvoted:p
YAAAY! An accept after 7 days!!!!
It feels like heaven!
@Katherina I watched other answers.
Think I can get to 1k by the end of today? :D
@Martin Yes, If you answer well!
@thefourtheye You little dirty ripper =DD
@Katherina your english is better than mine and it was never a problem for me
I'll do my best =_=
@Katherina and I never had to use any books :D I should probably start reading about Python soon.
....later though
@Katherina Actually there's nothing dirty about it! That's how a lot of people learn to code - you find solutions to others' problems
That's how I learned pretty much everything
Thanks alot everyone, maybe I should be somewhat more active on checking questions and give it a shot sometimes
Yeah for sure
I never thought about learning while trying to answer someones question
You can favorite the python tag so you can focus more on that
all I thought was that someone else will answer the question must faster as I can
But I know nothing about Python @martin
It will be a good way to learn
reading question and answer are a good way to learn @Katherina
You check others' answers, and see if maybe you can find a doc to get some more in depth info about whatever they are talking about
i'll give it a shot:)
Sometimes codereview.stackexchange.com can be good too
I've seen that couple times yes
not i've posted any of my codes tho
That site will help you get your code from "working" to "good"
melons everyone
A: Using Qt threads in pyside

Antti HaapalaThere's no "wrapper getting reused", just that the old wrapper object (that was deleted) happens to reside at the same memory address with the new wrapper object. PySide uses shiboken library to wrap the QObjects into Python objects. The shiboken documentation says the following: As any pyth...

I found very scary behaviour, detailed there below, I am not sure if I want to use PySide QT in any of my projects...
Ah they awarded you the bounty in the end? gratz.
@Ffisegydd thanks to @RobertGrant :D
my BFF :D
bahahahahah yeah just saw the comment.
so robert now has 500 rep worth of free pyramid guidance :D
He's never gotten me 500 rep ;-; what a bar steward.
too many languages use that $ for seemingly no reason :\
php... and ?
perl? and bash?
JavaScript seems to use it a lot. And not like, jQuery. Just people using it with variables
@poke what do you mean?
Peace be upon all of you im back
yeah it allows it ... but those are just php developers
I think anyway when i see $ variables in JS I assume that person uses php... and its just a carry-over
@Katherina You mention the unclosed <p> tag but don’t mention the misspelled rows (plural instead of singular). If you mention that too (instead of just fixing it without mentioning it :P), I’ll upvote it :)
ah lol =D tnx
done it, thanks btw:)
Good answer though!
Tnx both of you:) I can start chats now
@Katherina With great power comes great responsibility. Use the power wisely... :D
Way to go @Katherina
strange i was searching how to make a python script into an exe file and then sudenly aptana studio made it for me XD by selecting unit test :S
Thanks to all of you !
Will focus on Python questions from now on:)
somebody should know what it is
@Katherina Focus on all questions! I answered a bash question without even knowing what the f is bash
nice one mr rao
lol @BhargavRao thats quite funny
It is always like that!!!
Oh lol I can finally downvote ^^
@Katherina :)
Another mysterious superpower!
keep in mind that downvoting will take away some of your rep though, so make sure you keep getting new rep ;)
Impressed by my c# login @poke ? :p
Important Note! Before downvoting an answer, add a comment as to why you are downvoting
Yeah don't be an asshole
+1 to not being an asshole
I will, except for trolls
You can actually just flag trolls (if they are really trolls)
I mean, unless you want to be. But technically that's against the rules
I don't always leave comments when downvoting. Nowhere does it state you have to.
And not leaving a comment is not being an arsehole.
Add one if it isn’t obvious
Yeah sometimes it sucks not knowing why you got downvoted. Sometimes a simple comment allows the OP to fix up their question so that it's less "downvote worthy"
I hate being downvoted without knowing why, so I tend to explain myself when I downvote.
I always leave a comment even something like "this does not do at all what op asked for"
Downvotable? Downvoteable? I don't know what I'm trying to say
I hate being downvoted as well ... especially with no comment as to why
Downvote-worthy is a safe bet
I leave a comment, and if the poster doesn't edit. I go and Downvote it
You're so considerate @BhargavRao
@BhargavRao thats usually how I do it too
Q: Python recursion length too long?

Apc0243I'm working on a checkio.org problem and I've built a solution that uses recurssion, except when it runs on the 8th test I get this error: RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object, count_gold, 16, count_gold, 29, count_gold, 29, count_gold, 29, count_gold, 29,...

That is the best way
is this not because he use twice the same name? as in
bitstr = bin(perm).zfill(len(pyramid)+1)
bitstr = bitstr.replace("b","")
I actually reckon I downvote without comments more than vice versa. Maybe I'm just a git though.
Oh, yam! I just spent like an hour answering SO questions lol
I should be working on my own stuff
I leave comments if the person has obviously made effort and has just made a mistake somewhere. But if it looks like they've made zero effort or just want teh codez, then downvote and go to the next Q.
@Martin I have an exam tomorrow and I am in this chatroom!
Lol I feel better now
If your exam is about cabbage, you're probably doing the right thing. Otherwise, hit the books.
I never used to revise the day before an exam.
@DSM I am afraid that it is not about cbg.
I would always take it off, the afternoon/evening at least.
Rbrb all
Revise what the day before an exam? (Never did get used to the British use of "revise".)
To "revise" means to look over what you've already learned I suppose (i.e. to do "revision")
@Katherina No, that’s perfectly fine. Example:
>>> foo = 'asdf'
>>> foo = foo.upper()
>>> foo
The second assignment just overwrites the first one, but it’s totally fine here since the second assignment is based on the original value.
For NorthAm speakers, revision is the process of changing something because of the second look, not the second look itself..
Yeah it can also be used in that sense here.
@poke ah I see ah well:)
In any case, I'd never study the night before an exam.
Q: My background-image is not working

HellixSThe background-image of the class .content is not working. PS: Wait 10 secs for the preloader to fade out. How the folder is setup: #loader-wrapper { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1000; } #loader { -webkit-anima...

was like 1 minute later lol :D
Yeah, that happens all the time ;)
makes you faster tho
usually its 2 second split
The common response then is to further improve your answer, so that it might be later but a lot better, so people will upvote it instead
with skilled programmers, I had to open one of my own css files to see exactly the url lol :)
Finally 17:00, time to drive to home
I'll brb :)
@Katherina rhubarb!
rhubarb @Katherina
Ahh...The danger of chat rooms over different timezones: I check in for lunch and get reminded "its five o'clock somewhere"
yeah just finished my lunch
Where's everyone from?
@JGreenwell: I settled on wishing everyone morning cabbage even when it's not morning there because it's morning here. Works well enough in practice. :-)
@DSM well cabbage is always good
@Martin Florida, for the moment
I'd say we have about a 1:1:4:4:8 ratio of users from South America and Africa and North America and India and Europe.
@JGreenwell must be from the east coast USA,@Martin must be centril south america
Don't think we have any non-Indian asians, or Oceanians.
My first job (was in middle of US), I had to work with programmers in Germany - always fun setting up meetings
I'm in Quebec!
@Martin: if you're a Habs fan I'm afraid you'll have to leave. Nothing personal.
Sometimes I hate linux.
there was some chance of that i suppose
so @Martin is from Northern Mexico?
Lol I take it you're from Boston or something? @DSM
I just hazarded a guess based on land mass in the aproximate timezone
@Martin: my father grew up in southern Ontario. Do the math. :-)
Gotcha lol
Speaking of 5pm… I’m heading home too :P
It was one of the two :p
Rhubarb @poke
I'm getting used to this salad speak
Sometimes we all hate linux....then we start writting powershell programs and thank god for linux
My uncle was a Habs fan. He's dead now. I'm not saying the two are connected; I'm just saying.
@JGreenwell I’ll take PowerShell over bash any time.
I'd heard good things about PowerShell. I was very pleasantly surprised. Who knew?
Powershell is not bad. Give me a Mac any day of the week.
Try running SSH out of it (yes, you can using .Net)
@JGreenwell You do that in the same way you do in bash; you run a program that does it.
brew install apache-spark vs 3 pages of someones blog for an old version that I'm having to wing as I go.
If I type ssh <something> I get the same experience as on Linux.
I was never entirely comfortable developing on Mac. ports vs brew vs fink meant half the time I couldn't get something X-based to compile.
is it bad to iterate over the result of a query, rather than making the query more accurate?
All I want is Apache Spark ;-;
ehh...more sour grapes due to managers asking for crazy things, rather then any failing of powershell
I do have to admit it is a neat little language in its own right (though I do miss running perl or python "out-of-the-box" or with little configuration)
if i type ssh in powershell I get an error ...
@Ffisegydd: most of my datasets are small enough they only take up ~10G or so and can fit comfortably in memory. Is Spark worth playing with?
if i type it in bash it works like i would expect
woo, just finished a pretty cool program in javascript... analyzes World of Warcraft's auction house and determines the highest profit margin crafted items every hour
@DSM it's "The Next Big Thing" so I'm playing with it even though it's probably not necessary. In their latest version they've released Distributed DataFrames which work with pandas which is very nice. If you just do a quick Google for 'apache spark pandas' or just 'apache spark' in general, you'll find blog posts gushing over how awesome it is.
You have to import SSH-Session, then you can only run single command easily....building interactive SSH terminal drove me slightly insane
@Ffisegydd: huh. I'll check it out. I have a cluster of *nix nodes in the back that aren't being used for much at the moment.
wait....I came here to talk about python, who tricked me? ;)
As the starlord himself said:
Jul 29 '14 at 16:11, by Kevin
Python is an intuitive dream and requires no troubleshooting. This explains why we never talk about it in here.
I approve of this message.
@Ffisegydd: I just came across your cabbage function. I'd forgotten how much I liked that.
Prodigy's new album is a disappointment :’(
The Prodigy are still going?!?!?
how many web sockets can you reasonably have open on a website? I'm thinking of making a small game
Of course they are. Without them, nobody would be able to start a fire?
Okay guys, time to say rbrb for me
@vaultah: they warned you they were the pain you tasted.
@IntrepidBrit: ahh, you beat me to that kind of reply. :-(
New album after 6 years of silence @Zero
@DSM But mine was sub-par, due to my haste :/
Haven't heard anything from them since Fat of the Land, what is it ... eighteen years ago.
Ah, nostalgia ... Jilted was my standard getting-ready-to-go-out music for quite a while, back in the day.
I liked their BGAT era
Cabbage for davidism and Antti.
The new album has ~6 likeable songs and 6/16 is eh.
This is just my opinion of course
Spark is now, finally, installing on sopython-server.
@Ffisegydd bet that's trashing it a bit :p
Not too bad actually. 3GB of RAM being used but not much processing power.
I tried it once and it failed, think I had the wrong version of Scala.
I wrote my first Scala program here in the Python room (?) a while back.
Okkkkay yeah now it's thrashing the server a bit.
Wow... it might even overtake the minecraft server in usage shortly :p
@davidism should adapt the sopython-site template, make it a small MC admin panel thingy, then we could rent out some MC stuff on a monthly basis :p
Huh? X files is returning for a new series!? wat wat wat?
What's it called when you kinda automate stuff on a server? For example if we used Apache Kafka we'd have to make sure that Kafka is running before the Python code ran. Is stuff like that know by a general name?
@Ffisegydd depends if Kafka runs as a deamon process... or whether it needs an entry in a cronjob/supervisord
@JonClements I remember one of the writers mentioning it in a Reddit AMA thread.
Hi folk! back
Seems like they have a lot of original staff returning.
by "staff" you mean "cast", right? :p
Not sure what to think about that. At its best it was enormous fun. At its worst, rather less so.
@DSM I was a fan of probably the first 6 seasons - massive, massive fan
@Jon: third time's the charm. :-)
@DSM yup... sorry for pings :p
fun->fab->fan ... plenty of other variations left I could have tried :p
@Jon I'm not sure if it's daemon or not, but it was just an example. Is there a generic term for it that I can look up?
Anyone familiar with the screen utility?
@Ffisegydd errr... can't think of a term for it off the top of my head :(
I use it regularly, but don't do anything particularly fancy
I need to send a stuff command to an open screen session and I can't seem to send both the newline and use an environment variable
right now I use something like this:

screen -S ${NUM} -X stuff "command $NUM"`echo -ne '\015'`
after reading some SO answers... But this only works with single quote, which means I can't exapnd environment variables in the command
Okay Spark is installed but isn't working properly :/ Loads of exceptions when I try stuff. Gonna fix it later.
@ReutSharabani Huh. There's got to be a way to do it. I can't imagine that you're the first person to try
I'm not at that phase where I'm trying the wierdest things.
Annoyingly, I can't sit down with you to tackle it as my carpool is due any minute
If you find a way around it - ping me
cbg all
Also - you sure the correct screen is being targetted?
like `screen -S ${NUM} -X stuff $(echo \'command test\'$'\n')
Rhubarb. that's them here.
Do we have a canonical dupe for "How to run python code contained in a string" (e.g. eval(some_string)?
I'm positive, I've echoed the command and when I use it manually - it works
so it's something about the quoting
ast.literal_eval :D
@ReutSharabani OP in this case is trying to run actual code. I think their example was an import statement. Ill-advised, but I feel like we should have a canonical somewhere that we can point at that says in big red bold letters "Hey BE CAREFUL WHILE DOING THIS"
we generally recomend against running strings ... but yeah if we have to we try and use literal eval ... remember eval expects to return somthing exec executes something
@JoranBeasley right, but the question isn't "How do I run a function based on user input," it's literally if I have the string s = "import this", how do I run it? The only good answer to that is eval(s) (or exec(s)? I've avoided them enough to not know the rules)
But it seems like a common enough question that we'd have a canonical somewhere. Someone suggested stackoverflow.com/questions/1015142/… on the, er...question in question.
exec there.
since import doesnt return anything eval would fail
I usually just assume those people asking this stuff dont know wtf they are doing and there is a million and one better ways to accomplish the behaviour they want
Even if it did, it wouldn't be syntactically valid.
oh yeah statements
@JoranBeasley I'm not above giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with.
yeah me either ... but i would really try and fgure out why they thought they needed to do this particular thing and try and provide an alternate method...
Fair enough. Thanks.
@Joran: come on now, you know the difference between answers and comments..
i didnt feel it was worthy of an answer
Ha! @JoranBeasley here's what he's trying to do
I was trying to create a program the seems like artificial intelligence (it's really not) that helps me out with my computer and can learn new things and create new functions based on what it has learned. I mean like the 'def' function, I wanted my program to be able to define new functions with the 'def' command, and the name of that definition is going to be the string. – jumbi533 16 mins ago
oh yeah
you know. Nothing major.
Just HAL.
eval and exec are the least of his problems i suspect
I knew it was xy though
how does a program seem like AI and generate code exactly?
that doesnt seem like AI ... that is AI
What Q are we talking about?
a dumb one
Oh, right
Q: Execute a string as a command

jumbi533Is there a way to take a string and use it as a command in Python? Something similar to the example shown below. x = "import time" x time.sleep(1) I know the example above won't work, that is just to help you understand what I am trying to do.

"I can't let you do that Guido"
^ what HAL said after Guido proposed the new typing syntax?
Who's the BDFL now?!
@DSM I think he was trying to get rid of map, filter, and reduce. :D
Umm... BPFL (Benevolent Puppies For Life) are just so much cooler... could be biased though
i think a new keyboard will improve my coding skilss , does this happen with some else also ? lol
well the spelling's are not going anywhere
well, if the keyboard stops my wrists from hurting then does that count as improvement?
When the keyboard is noisy, it SOUNDS like I'm typing faster.
That makes me more productive by circular reasoning, which is the best kind of reasoning.
I'm notorious in the office for keyboard smashing. My keyboard is deliberately clunky so it can take a pounding.
take a pounding or be used to pound other misbehaving hardware?
Well, it's the code which is misbehaving, but the keyboard gets the brunt of my displeasure.
the enter always gets the worse of me :P
Gah, loading the post for editing doesn't ever complete..
its the same as playing a game "pressing the attack button will damage more "
This feels more CRish to me but I don't know their tolerance for this stuff. Thoughts?
I'm two accepted answers away from 1k
I'm kind of excited
Time to browse to see if I can answer some really easy ones
@Martin best of luck
Melons :)
Next goal: a gold badge of some flavor
Aww - just seen on FB that a mate of mine has "upgraded" their civil partnership to a marriage... looks like it was a good day :p
@Martijn somehow I just knew that was going to get an answer from you ... though I kinda expected it to be one of your "long discourse on python internals" specials :-) Anyway, +1 and barring a very unlikely better answer in the meantime, an accept ASAP :-)
@ZeroPiraeus I was just back from a meeting.
It took me a beat or 2 to realise why. I looked for a d.clear.__func__ but for built-in methods there is no such reference.
(apologies if the comment is in any way chameleonlike; just thinking aloud really)
For those following at home, the mystery goo oozing this morning which brought the subway system to a halt has now been dealt with and normal service is being resumed.
hrmph :\ mongodb is acting weird. Does this seem logical? Products.find({}, { $in: { _id: this.productIds } });
with an empty array, it returns everything.
dam i tought ill read python books for syntax turns out python object oreinted just messed my head or is it just me ?
OOP is easy once you get the self stuff straight
@Kevin you might have just invented a new tongue twister....
@kevin is the same like this in c# but its acting way stranger
No. There's nothing strange about objects in Python.
Apart from the fact that they're haunted.
Well yeah. I figured that went without saying ;-)
@Ffisegydd yeah 'cos, italics make that all the more realistic :p
The weirdest thing I found about objects in Python is why they're coloured like Mr Blobby
@ZeroPiraeus: no need to apologise, I responded anyway. :-P
It's the necessary flourishes like that that makes the difference between a Registered Scienceman and a mangy pooch.
i dont understand shit what you guys saying byez need to dig deeper :P
Googling Mr Blobby... Gah! Looks like an escapee from the SCP Foundation.
SCP 173's more photogenic cousin

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