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6:01 PM
Incidentally, some data types do support the "I change automatically when the user types something" behavior. For example, the StringVar type in Tkinter. (cross-usage isn't possible though - StringVar won't work in QT, for example)
hrmph. Having a bit of trouble with python's email module.
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server.login(os.environ.get('email'), os.environ.get('email_password'))
there's your problem, 90% of your function names aren't even words.
@Kevin or for that matter the fileinput module
@Kevin Is there a way to set a Widget a name in pyqt4? so you cna find it later?
@Inthuson of coarse ... self.label = Label(...)
6:05 PM
not label
Having never used pyqt4, I don't know. You could just have a self.named_widgets dict, though. {"foo": foo_widget} kind of thing.
Label is a widget
i have a tab widget, with widget insside them so there are tabs
ergo ... anywidget will work the same
now i want to focus on a tab
6:06 PM
ok, so self.named_widgets["namegoeshere"].focus()
@Kevin no ...
(or whatever the focus method is called)
ahh you edited
i was gonna say focus()
oh okay :D
Theoretically, focus without parens could work, if widgets have really weird getattr behavior ;-)
(they probably don't though)
6:07 PM
in pascal that would work
and maybe visual basic
and with really stupid class hackery
in python
>>> class DumbWidget:
...     def __getattr__(self, name):
...             if name == "focus":
...                     print "you activated the focus functionality!!!"
>>> x = DumbWidget()
>>> x.focus
you activated the focus functionality!!!
yeah :P
thats #3 above :P
class Dumbwidget2:
     def focus(self):
         print "You are dumb for calling me without parenthesis"
how to do which in python
addTab (self, QWidget widget, QString)
6:11 PM
figured out the problem, was google's default security settings
So you need to put it in a dictionary?
no way to index the string?
self.tab1 = addTab(...)
self.tabs[my_string] = addTab(widget,my_string)
#2 would be adding the string as an index into a dictionary
Q: 'which' equivalent function in Python

prosseekI need to setup environment by running 'which abc' command. Is there python equivalent function for 'which' command? This is my code. cmd = ["which","abc"] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) res = p.stdout.readlines() if len(res) == 0: return False return True

6:14 PM
o i c
I had no idea about that
Thanks @JoranBeasley
@JoranBeasley I am lookng for nodejs in path, it can be called node or nodejs or node-js or anythign like that, and it can be anywhere :D
@Inthuson it may just be an integer to the tab index instead of a pointer to the widget its self
    def SelectProduct(self):
        product = self.search.text()
        Type = Query.GetProductType(product)
        tab = self.TabNames[Type]

    def BottomLeftBoxFill(self):

        self.ProductTab = QtGui.QTabWidget(self)
        self.TabNames = {}
        ptypes = Query.GetProductTypes()

        for Type in ptypes:
            self.TabNames[Type] = QtGui.QWidget()
            self.ProductTab.addTab(self.TabNames[Type], Type)
            products = Query.GetProductsForType(Type)
AttributeError: 'QWidget' object has no attribute 'focus'
for path in sys.path:
    for fname in os.listdir(path):
        if "node" in fname: yield os.path.join(path,fname)
@Inthuson at this point you have enough info to figure it out :P
6:17 PM
I'm going to reiterate my disclaimer that I don't actually know how to focus a tab, so just calling focus() probably won't do it
@Inthuson at this point look up the docs
11 mins ago, by Kevin
(or whatever the focus method is called)
@JoranBeasley haha okay x_x
@JoranBeasley something like that but it is not sys.path, also
6:19 PM
sys.path doesnt include the path and all the ext stuff?
sometimes the thing called node is something else and then node.js is called "nodejs" and so on...
sys.path is PYTHONPATH
its definately more than that
I have like 2 items on my python path ... but sys.path has a ton more
including all the paths from os.environ["PATH"]
or maybe im crazy
ok I lied
you are right and im wrong :P
for path in os.environ["PATH"] + os.environ["PATHEXT"]
Looks like I have a new pro-forma comment in formation..
> Since this almost certainly about your GCSE programming problem, please do read Open letter to students with homework problems
The GCSE questions are coming in with ever greater regularity.
thats a good response ...
how do gcse questions work
like is there a human who looks at it that also knows the student? ie those really short answers that we write to hopefully raise flags with the grader
or is it basically if it runs against a known data set and generates expected output 100% else 0% ? or somewhere in between?
Cabbage y'all
6:31 PM
Basically, you want to know whether writing a one line answer with __import__ and lambda and triply nested list comps will get the student an A or an F.
@JoranBeasley I don't know what the rules are, but submitted work presumably is going to be judged by a examiner.
@JoranBeasley I tried focusWidget() and raise_()
neither work /: but they dont throw up an error either
Any ideas why my accessories aren't getting my category assigned?
        if category in {"coffee", "tea", "cocoa", "indulgent", "espresso"}:
            cat_img_dir = "/_ui/desktop/common/images/icons"
            product.category = {
                "%s/packs-k-cup-pack.png" % cat_img_dir: "K-Cup",
                "%s/packs-k-carafe.png" % cat_img_dir: "K-Carafe",
                "%s/packs-rivo.png" % cat_img_dir: "Rivo"
        elif category is "brewers":
            product.category = "Brewers"
        elif category is "accessories":
The problem specifications allow for too much variation to automatically test the code.
category is "accessories"
6:34 PM
has gotta run.
is is for identity. You want ==, which is for equality.
@DSM Okay
Anaconda has told me to swap = for is before and I'm having a hard time differentiating when is better
I basically only ever use is when I do if x is None:
anyone here?
Erm, yes
6:35 PM
I'm trying to send a private broadcast using Websocket using tornado Web Framework. but don't seem to figure it out
@DSM still no good :/
Anything other than that, and you're at the mercy of the implementation details of the distribution.
Also it wasn't causing me problems with other kinds of categories
that is my current code.
@Martin: then you were very lucky. There's no promise that all instances of strings are the same.
6:36 PM
Okay well I'll stick with ==
@Inthuson so they are likely just focusing the tab ... I think you want to actually activate the tab (switch to the tab) that is likely a method on the tabpanelwidget or whatever the parent holder is (the panel with all the tabs)
But I'm still not sure why only some of my accessories are being labeled as ssuch
But I don't see any debugging lines there. Toss in things like print(category, type(category), repr(category), category == "accessories") etc. and see what's going on.
I did like just before
@eddwinpaz Looks fine to me.
6:37 PM
print(category) only outputs the category sometimes. Other categories it works every time
@Kevin I'm trying to post only to 1 single user.
Thing is that it's getting the category from the key of a dict
(Interesting that you're using is, which is what we were discussing when you came in. But it seems like it should be fine for your use case)
I need to grab the session from connections and make a comparison.
How can your code only print out category sometimes? Where did you put the line?
6:38 PM
Example: userA wants to message UserB
        print("Category: %s" % category)
        if category in {"coffee", "tea", "cocoa", "indulgent", "espresso"}:
            cat_img_dir = "/_ui/desktop/common/images/icons"
            product.category = {
                "%s/packs-k-cup-pack.png" % cat_img_dir: "K-Cup",
                "%s/packs-k-carafe.png" % cat_img_dir: "K-Carafe",
                "%s/packs-rivo.png" % cat_img_dir: "Rivo"
        elif category == "brewers":
            product.category = "Brewers"
on a list with 100 people.
So literally right before
It doesn't even print category: or something, it just doesn't print
that code post to all users except for me.. its fine..
but I need to post to 1 user not all.
6:39 PM
If you're only seeing the category sometimes, then you're wrong about where the problem is. You're not even getting there. (Plus, it's a better idea to use repr or something so you can check for trailing whitespace.)
self.TabWidget.setCurrentWidget(widget) @JoranBeasley Finalyl found it! Thanks mate
@JoranBeasley how I can extract it from connections = [] ?
I don't know how it could be overlooking that, since I do get the product later on
Ok, so if somehow_get_username(c) == "UserB": c.write_message(msg)
6:40 PM
@Martin: I promise you, Python isn't sometimes deciding to execute that line and sometimes not.
I'm aware, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what it's doing :/
the issue is that connections array does return a strange object
silly me had 2 tabs opened for answering :D
6:41 PM
tried using c.id
You'll have to look upstream.
and self.id
then answered my smtplib answer into django data driven app :D
still does not work
Yeah I'll try and simplify and try to reproduce
Actually I think I know what's going on
6:42 PM
I don't know much about sockets and such, but the server could help each client identify each other client when they sign on. Ex. User A signs on. Server sends message to him saying "welcome User A. Other users in room: User B (id <whatever>), User C..."
And the server sends a message to each other user saying "User A (id <whatever>) signed on"
And everyone updates their name-to-connection-object dictionary accordingly
I want to access this object
<__main__.ChatHandler object at 0x11062f610>
you need to have a way of identifying which one you want to access ...
my code only returns self as an identifier
what I want to get is the ID. so I can do. client.write_message()
other wise I wont be able to send a message to only 1 person
you need to fix that so that when a user connects you store it in a way to map to their username or id or whatever
yeap. Im doing that..
6:47 PM
client.write_message sends to only 1 person
only that client
so stop asking how to send to one client that is how ...
Well. Im sort of confused.
you need to be able to select a specific client
To clarify, a connections set doesn't count as a mapping between a username and a connection object.
you know how to send a message to one client
I get this when I do print self
<__main__.ChatHandler object at 0x105a6ec50>
6:48 PM
a set is not a mapping. A dictionary is a mapping, though. Try using a dict.
connections = [<client1>,<clientBob>,<clientTim>]

connections[1].write_message("hello bob!")
will send a message just to bob
connections[0].write_message("hello one") will send a message just to client1
I understand that Joran. :)
online_users["bob"] = self
you want the name mapped to the client ... not the client mapped to the name
let me try that
6:53 PM
if you have online_users[self] = "bob" ... you will need to search through and find bob rather than just accessing it
I need to check if it exists
how I can check if self exists on online_users[]
after users connects I add him to an array
online_users[self] = json_values.user_sender
if self in online_users.values()
maybe ... thats not a great way to do it
I need to pass the user the user_id
online_users["A persons name or identifier"] = AClientObject
def on_message(self, msg):

# Decode Message JSON values
json_values = json.loads(msg)

if json_values.type == "subscribe":

if json_values.user_sender not in online_users.values():

online_users[json_values.user_sender] = self
6:56 PM
... maybe
i dont know what user_sender is
but assuming its a name of some sort yes
noobs :(
don't want to come online and accept my answer when I want to get 200 rep
Man, I gave an OP the riot act because his question was vague, and he replied to me in a civil manner... Now I feel a little bad.
@Kevin The one wanting to hire someone?
6:57 PM
I often think that I come of as brusque in comments, but I'm just trying to get in under the character limit
Nah, it was this guy
Q: Python function getBetweenHTML

alga tronicThis is a short question: Where does the function getBetweenHTML() come from, e.g. urllib2 or something i am not sure. Could anyone also give me an explanation of this function or better alternatives, thanks. Code syntax: import urllib2 url = urllib2.urlopen('http://google.com').read() scrape...

@Kevin: that wasn't nearly as riotous as you had led me to believe.
It was only a little riotous, so I feel only a little bad.
@Kevin I'm also kinda disappointed
7:00 PM
I suspect that people perceive me as badgering if I ask more than three questions in one comment.
completely justified for this question
That's probably not a bad limit.
Been a while since I've seen -12 for a non-deleted question.
I think when I make a comment in here about a comment I made on the main site, you guys can take it as a given that it's borderline at best.
Or it's really awesome and you want to boast.
Q: wxPython. How to open a folder with wxWidget (python) hyperlink?

RustyI want to create a hyperlink in my wx widget which opens linked folder on clicking. Please help me how to build that. Thanks.

7:03 PM
Because I don't comment about comments I think are fine, and I don't comment about comments that I 100% regret making.
this kind of question demonstrates a fundamental failure to understand programming concepts
I get a KeyError when I run an executable made through cx_Freeze eventhough the pythong script runs fine?? any reason ? :S
because you have a key error somewhere
 def TotalSalesPlot(self, tab):
        year = self.Options['Year'].currentText()
        month = self.Options['Month'].currentText()
        monthint = Query.MonthStr(self.Options['Month'].currentIndex() + 1)
Wild guess: the original script depended on an external resource, such as a text file, which is no longer accessible when you bundle it into an executable.
7:05 PM
it says the KeyError is 'Year'
@Joran: ehh, I dunno. There might be an OS-dependent way of telling the system that it's a hyperlink and to treat it in a given way, and I have no idea whether wx has a handy pattern for that or not. And if it's just a factual dispute, I'm not sure that you can say it's a fundamental failure.
I bet key error is also Month
How is self.Options created? Loaded from a config file perhaps?
as for why see kevins answer
or message
about loading external file
oh shit yeah!
7:06 PM
Im guessing self.Options is an empty dict
it's from a database
that's probably returning None
sorry guys x_x
print is your friend.
If you're about to ask "how do I get it to read properly?" I have no idea, which is why I don't use cx_freeze.
@DSM to think that a gui front end is what makes a file explorer window come up is a failure imho
it is 100% decoupled from a gui framework afaik non of them provide this
@Kevin Well your wild guess was right! :D
7:09 PM
Explorer window? What are we talking about? tkFileDialog.askopenfilename?
buh. I am so bad at mongo
@Inthuson it wasnt that wild of a guess :P
@Kevin no ... close though
he wants to literally open a explorer window
@Joran: That's a pretty narrow reading. If I ask "how do I get my Tkinter app to open a file in Excel?", it's not because I think Tkinter somehow contains Excel as a module.
Interesting. I always opened an explorer window with os.system("explorer <path>"). I didn't know start could be used in place of explorer.
@DSM ok fair enough ... but does TKinter have anything to do with your example question? or is the question really "How do i open a file in excel?"
@Kevin lol i didnt know explorer was a command line command :P
awesome learned something new
7:12 PM
Information exchange complete. Victory screech! Ulululululu
speaking of screech ... didnt he just knife someone in some hillbilly bar somewhere
It looks like explorer is an actual executable in System32, and start is a command that doesn't exist anywhere in particular. I guess this could make a difference.
@Joran: depends on the details. For all I know, wx has a standard pattern for interacting with the OS which it prefers so that you can exchange data back and forth along a connection, which os.system won't do. Or maybe it doesn't, I honestly have no idea. (When I do Office automation, for example, it's via the win32 api, which does keep an open handle).
start is just magic
Pet peeve: using // to mark up comments in Python code in Qs and As. Why not just use ##, which works equally well but preserves executability?
7:15 PM
Man, the windows command prompt needs a command that tells you all the commands.
@DSM, my pet peeve is similar: using asterisks on lines of code in an attempt to make them bold.
@DSM yeah I see ... i still think its a failure
All more evidence for my "users don't read their own questions before submitting" theory
oh man
Cuban sandwich - Grilled sandwich with ham, pulled pork, Swiss cheese, mustard, and pickle on a hoagie roll. Served with fries.
15 more minutes
Sounds good
Both ham and pork, eh... I prefer single meat sandwiches, myself.
7:17 PM
The magical pig
Although now that I think about it, last week I had a wrap that contained both chicken and bacon, so I guess I'm a hypocrite.
There's a spot around me that sells delicious pulled ham and pulled sandwiches
I think its a inside joke from that simpsons episode
I was thinking of that episode, yeah :-)
7:19 PM
Ugh my host key isn't working in vbox >_<
I think OP must have sneezed while he was writing the title for How can I improve my algorithm runtime? cpmoptimithe not to propose
cpmoptimithe? Bless you.
I remember CP/M.
How did OP know that "C.P. Mop Timothy" is my name(s) of choice for my hypothetical future firstborn son?
cpmoptimize? and he spelled in his catalonian lisp?
7:25 PM
That seems reasonable.
Hi all..
Q: On which Stack Exchange site can I discuss about a technical project implementation details?

Mayank JainI want to discuss and take recommendations from users about a technical project which I would be implementing. The project is to be implemented in Python. On which Stack Exchange site can I discuss so? EDIT: If anyone can suggest any site other then on Stack Exchange network then too it would be...

Thoughts ??
I think it's fine to discuss it here @Computerone
7:30 PM
Mondays can be strange.
on SO ??
No, in this chatroom. I can't think of any suitable SE site.
I am often frustrated by the apparent lack of a welcoming area on SE to talk about high-level design. SO is well suited for problems spanning one to fifty lines, but not much more.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 5 mins ago, by Frank
yeah, he'd be better off asking in a chat room.
Wouldn't it be closed as off-topic ??
7:31 PM
High level design can be argued unto INFINITY.
@Computerone not in a chat room.
SO is more a Q & A site.
The Programmers SE seems like the best fit, but it's still not a very good fit.
It's true. I can't think of an SE site which is good for that. Programmers occasionally ventures into those waters, but by the time it becomes specific enough to be useful it's often OT.
Mostly because of the subjective nature of the discussion.
7:32 PM
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 10 mins ago, by Frank
SE isn't supposed to be used as a discussion (forum) site.
It's a sad consequence of the fact that content can be interesting and constructive and programming related, but it still might not belong on Stack Exchange.
We can't be everything for everybody, even if we do show up at the top of every google search.
When I google search for "stackoverflow Python", "Stack Overflow Python Legend Martijn Pieters" is the fifth result.
I am envious of his SEO juice.
How do you guys normally organize your objects' methods?
Alphabetical, order of use? Other?
Or, I guess not Search Engine Optimization, since he didn't do anything specifically to boost his rating, other than being an excellent user. I'm envious of his SE juice.
7:43 PM
Life is an optimization problem.
I don't have a formal ordering system for methods. I just try to group together similar ones.
A: On which Stack Exchange site can I discuss about a technical project implementation details?

FrankBecause the question you are looking to ask is more ambiguous than most SE sites will want, and you point out that you want to discuss things (which isn't suitable to SE's strict Q/A format, I'll suggest that you post your question in a Stack Overflow chat room. Specifically, the Python room. Be...

www.vbforums.com is where you want to have your discussion. :)
If one function calls another function, and that's the only time that function is called in that class, I'll put them together.
Cool, I tend to do the same
7:45 PM
All the double underscore functions go together.
I guess I like to put __repr__ last? Probably because that's the last one I write. It's usually an afterthought during debugging.
now browsing pep 8 to see if they have any ordering advice... Doesn't look like it.
Free for all!
>_> <_<
Ideally, your functions are well docstringed, so day-to-day users of your module shouldn't need to go source diving to figure out how a function works. So "order function by the order of frequency of use by the user" seems unnecessary
So I guess you ought to optimize for ease of comprehension for maintenance workers - people fixing bugs or adding new features
Which could very well be you, in a few weeks.
7:52 PM
This objective doesn't give a totally clear procedure for ordering, though. Who knows what that worker will find most easily comprehensible? Such enigmas are in the purview of psychology, not engineering.
(I was trying to reference "Meet the Engineer" at the end there, but I think I mangled it)
"That would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy". There we go.
If the maintainer is you, perhaps the best system is to use your own subconscious and just let functions fall where they may.
The place where you first think to put them, is the place you'll first think to look for them in a few weeks.
Heh, hopefully
But yeah I tend to have an easy enough time navigating
Half-joke answer: each module you write should fit on one page of code anyway, so navigation is not a problem.
40*80 characters ought to be enough for anybody
Mm, let's make that 3/4s joke. It's pretty stringent of a requirement.
@Kevin: for work it looks like I'm going to write a DSL for our simulations. Is there a reason you didn't go for pyparsing for KS?
Or just since it was for learning purposes anyway, you wanted to low-level it?
8:03 PM
Here's a sneak preview of version 2.0 of my README:
> Have you considered using [insert grammar-reading/token-lexing/code-generating/compiler-writing library here]?
KevinScript subscribes to a policy of radical compatibility. It ought to be able to run on any machine that has any Python distribution of 2.7 or higher. We don't want the user to have to download anything else. And anyway, implementing it the hard way builds character.
Also when I started the project, I don't think I knew that pyparsing existed
You already have a lot of.. character.
my parser lib is starting to grow some warts. Yesterday I wanted a non-terminal symbol named and, but I also wanted a literal token named and, and I had to hack in some ugly functionality to get both to exist without destroying the other.
basically I had
binary_op -> and | or
and -> 'and'
or -> 'or'
This was necessary because all the arithmetic operators are defined like
arithmetic_op -> add | sub | mul | div
add -> +
sub -> -

... And I needed to preserve that structure throughout all the infix operators
And I couldn't have changed the line to and_not_a_token -> and because the name of the non-terminal indicates which dunder method to access; when it parses "+", it calls __add__, because add -> +.
Every problem can be solved by introducing a new layer of abstraction. Except having too many layers of abstraction, I guess.
8:12 PM
So now I've got a number of hacks - distinguishing nonterminals from literals with the same name by using quote marks, including spaces in the grammar with the special %SPACE% token, uh I think there's some way to have a literal pipe character that isn't interpreted as a separator of possible grammar terms.
None of this is documented anywhere of course
Luckily this is all happening at a level that actual users of KS will never see. I'm only punishing myself.
@davidism "What's your question?" "How to do it?" augh that bugs me
Think I'll go with "too broad" for that one. I understand what he wants, but there are a lot of ways to do it.
I could write a nice elegant grammar for the Backus-Naur form of grammar specification, but then I'd need a parser to parse the grammar that my parser needs to parse things.
8:38 PM
how Can I search based on a list value?
in pyhton?
list = {}
{'eddwin': '0099', 'rafael': '1234'}
want to search by 0099
instead of eddwin
if '0099' in list: does not work out
that's a dict, not a list
if any(value == '0099' for value in my_dict.items()):
oo sorry
If you're going to be doing a number-to-name lookup frequently, you might want to build your dictionary the other way 'round.
@davidism: typo there, I think.
items returns key, value pairs.
if any(value == '0099' for value in my_dict.values()):
Yep, that'll work. Although I might write '0099' in my_dict.values() instead.
8:43 PM
@davidism that will return a true/false?
@eddwinpaz yes, although DSM is right, you should just do '0099' in my_dict.values()
@eddwinpaz: the real question to ask yourself is whether you only care about knowing that someone has that number, or if you want to know who has that number.
I was puzzled why my code wasn't working and it turned out to be because of a log_e vs log_10 disagreement. Feel like I'm in high school again..
9:01 PM

EdwinPaz SocketsQuestions

EdwinPaz may have lots of questions he should feel free to pos...
9:16 PM
thats alot of messages ... and you didnt even get em all
I decided to leave the first few, that was a short question with a short answer.
That number of posts is a prime example of garlic.
heh yup
the end solution was really short to .. just had to tell him a few times and fix the minor typos in my example code :P
(I dont believe in edits)
9:39 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/28952040/… unable to reproduce (did not save)
totally awful questions
stackoverflow.com/questions/28951877/… this must be the best GCSE today...
That's a British exam, yeah?
guess so
The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by pupils aged 14–16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. One of the main changes to previous educational qualifications in the United Kingdom was to allow pupils to complete coursework during their two years of study, which was marked by their teachers and contributed to their final examination grade. There has been a move recently from doing coursework and modular examinations for part of the course when pupils would...
is this what the OP was looking for? stackoverflow.com/questions/28950252/…
9:54 PM
@zachgates you could simplify that a lot
Okay, time to start preparing my escape.
Evening rhubarb for all!
10:24 PM
your castle is in another castle
And due to Timepuppy technology, the castle on the inside is bigger than the one outside :)
unbreakable kimmy or whatever that new netflix show is .... thumbs up from me
Oh... I was looking at that... couldn't make my mind up whether to try it or not
I recommend
I'll add to my list for tomorrow if I have a moment then :p

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