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heya @wim!
How can I download a part of a file accessed through apache2 with python?
specifically a video file
I think there's a content-range header that you can send... something like that - the server doesn't have to honour it though
11:23 AM
@Ffisegydd you can improve that answer to avoid using .readlines() and just ignore the first and last line :)
islice? :P
See: gist.github.com/joncle/9599d6903427e29b2387 - feel free to use it - not worth posting a brand new answer with it
anyone know how I can deploy a python file as a standalone .exe from a mac? I am unable to install cx_Freeze for some reason
@Ffisegydd thought that was Windows only?
11:25 AM
would that work on a mac? I was always under the impression that it was windows only
@JonClements , yes, there is a range header.. Now it's only figuring out the bitrate and converting. Thanks
@inspectorG4dget whats up? Whats the problem with pycharm's virtualenv?
also, I never create virtualenv from pycharm.
Unless I'm on windows.
I always create virtualenv with PyCharm, never had an issue (couldn't speak about it much earlier as I was on a phone)
hello every one
Just use the command line.
11:29 AM
heya @Faiz
Why? If I'm already developing a project in PyCharm I can just click a buttom...
or you can just hit a command :)
i'm just wondering is there any one who have experience with play framework 2 (Scala)
Otherwise I have to alt tab, open a cmd line, cd to my directory, remember the command...
@FaizRasool sorry but this is the Python chatroom.
Hmm, maybe its just about preference, but I try to do most things from command line.
@FaizRasool I have some experience, but I think you'll have better luck in the java chatroom.
11:30 AM
yeah i know thats why i just wondered.
Hyvää kaalta kaikille
ok i will give it try.
I'd suggest you try the Java chatroom.
@Games (personally at least) I think if you're going to use an IDE then you should use it to do what you can. Helps to not break my work flow.
Scala is the language that I personally see as mostly pointless
I do all my Git work in PyCharm as well.
11:32 AM
@Ffisegydd But pycharm has good command line tools as well :D
And run all my tests.
git I do on comamnd line
thanks to zsh it is the fastest of all :P
all ides are just slower
@GamesBrainiac let's say I create the projectdir and ask pycharm to create the virtualenv in projectdir/.venv. So far, pycharm doesn't complain. Then, it tells me that it can't find python in projectdir/bin as that directory does not exist - no sh!t. bin is in projectdir/.venv
As for git, if you use github, then use github for mac, much better solution and allows partial commits from within files. Honestly, the stuff that pycharm does help you with when it comes to git can be done from the command line.
11:33 AM
@AnttiHaapala You're right zsh + git plugin is awesome.
@inspectorG4dget can you launch pycharm from the command line?
@Games with that approach - who needs IDEs - use a command line for everything :)
I just need to see my prompt and it shows which branch I am at, if I have dirty changes or I need to push
I now officially love Unicode 7.0.0: codepoints.net/U+1F596
@JonClements I use command line for everything except editing python files :D
I agree with Jon. I /could/ launch it from the cmdline, but I doubt I'd want to fire up terminal each time
11:34 AM
(credit to J.F. Sebastian for pointing this out to me.)
I'm so glad Unicode has gone universal :p
oh the irony if we find out the vulcans use ASCII :)
That would be illogical Jon
@inspectorG4dget when are you not in a terminal?
Well, they could be: "It's illogical to have so many codepoints" :)
@Games all the time when writing my actual code? :P
11:36 AM
nope, I always have a terminal window open.
@GamesBrainiac fair enough, but each of my terminal tabs exists for a reason. I'd hate to have to open a new tab JUST for this
@JonClements Not if they're having to deal with Klingon. They'll be like "ONLY UTF-64? Trolls."
look, all you need to do is autojump into your directory, and then charm . and there you have it :D
no clicking :D
@IntrepidBrit Yo! Whats up bro?
@AnttiHaapala I'll bite re Scala. What don't you like?
@Robert I'm guessing "Scala"? :p
11:38 AM
If you'd actually use PyCharm and its tools properly, maybe you'd have time to support mobile on your website (OOOOOOOH SNAP! (<3))
butbutbutbut additional points along the workflow makes the workflow inefficient
@JonClements :)
@Ffisegydd Acutally, pycharm's live edit shows its fine for mobile. Your device must suck ;)
@RobertGrant I like Java 8 :D
Don't hear much Scala is pointless talk
11:39 AM
@AnttiHaapala Try debugging java lambdas :D
Oh, okay, since the introduction of Java 8. I guess I haven't used the new features.
Scala is good. It just doesn't have null safety.
But the lamdba syntax makes my brain melt in 8
@GamesBrainiac Things are looking up. The people who hired me to handle "The Excel" have invited me to collaborate on their next project. It involves Python and Flask, and I'm not the one pushing it.
Or not melt, but it looks very weird and cumbersome
11:39 AM
@RobertGrant Debugging lambdas will make your head explode.
@Games how's your book going anyway?
@IntrepidBrit Now thats awesome :D
@Ffisegydd Minor set back, pycharm 4 came out, so there are a few new features that need to be covered.
11:40 AM
They fixed quite a few gotchas :D
@GamesBrainiac Yep. It's a brave new world. My next task, telling them that sending the secret/private key in plaintext over the internets is not secure
That'll be a fun conversation xD
How's stuff at your end @GamesBrainiac?
@IntrepidBrit Debugging a flask application. Its going great :)
@GamesBrainiac ddebugging java lambdas is still easier than debugging scala lambdas methinks
Well, I'm glad I plumped for learning (some) Clojure instead. Java's not going to hit that anytime soon
@AnttiHaapala Why?
@RobertGrant Clojure seems to be in high demand in the job market :D
11:43 AM
*scala lambdas will produce even longer stacktrace
yeah, I tried clojure, that is a cool language
@AnttiHaapala Doesn't that make things clearer?
alas 1 problem: no libraries at all.
@AnttiHaapala other than all the Java ones
but I was interviewing for 1 comp
So that's...pretty much everything :)
11:44 AM
they were looking for clojure porgrammers
and said "we are quite wildly successful with this clojure project compared to java project"
well, the problem is, ppl programming in clojure are more skilled :D
@GamesBrainiac Well, I'm not very good at it, but I did some stuff.
@RobertGrant Check out CPAN. ;)
if they would have assigned those guys into a java project, they would have done even better :d
@AnttiHaapala I dunno, I really liked Clojure for brevity
the problem with webapp in clojure is: currently you need to rewrite everything from scratch.
you have really nothing...
11:46 AM
What about Ring, or whatever it is
some half-assed sql libraries which make django orm feel advanced
some basic routing which will make bottle look enterprise :d
<300 rep to go...
and half of the libs were written by ppl who didnt understand lisp, so instead of doing a DSL, they would use datastructures as a pseudodsl
Apparently Compojure is the only web framework, but who knows what it's like
I did some tests
copypasted and wrote together from various tutorials
all the security concepts you need to do yourself, pretty much starting from csrf protection etc :D
11:51 AM
Oh wow, 24 days ago. There goes my "maybe that's the old version" argument
and 20 days ago I tested the various sql frameworks
if anyone says they are powerful, they actually never programmed in python
The routing in your app - you're going straight to a template. Can you also go to a controller?
it is maybe powerful compared to using JDBC
ofc, a template is just a function
Oh yeah, so template is a controller ish anyway, and the html file is the template
@Robert "compojure" is a cool name :p
11:53 AM
that is indeed the coolest part of it :(
no wonder if I had to do something very specific, I could do it in clojure
but webapp aint 1 of those :D
so @GamesBrainiac, any thoughts on the pycharm/venv problem
@inspectorG4dget almost forgot about you :P
@inspectorG4dget calling you now
so, is there any way of packaging a standalone python program into 1 windows exe, without installer?
11:57 AM
Is there a way to do locale -k LC_IDENTIFICATION in Python? I've trawled through the locale module doc but can't find anything relevant.
Mind you, I only looked at old Python 2 docs...
I currently just do
    cmd = "LANG=%s locale -k LC_IDENTIFICATION | grep -E '^(title|language|territory)'" % localename
but I'd prefer a pure Python solution.
@AnttiHaapala as in, with an embedded Python runtime?
@AnttiHaapala: py2exe or cx_Freeze
@PM2Ring and what does that return?
Well, if localename = 'en_US' it prints
title="English locale for the USA"
12:05 PM
@AnttiHaapala what about the Akka thing? Just remembered it. Thought that was meant to be cool and Erlangish, but on the JVM and looking less weird.
The full output on my system for LANG=en_US locale -k LC_IDENTIFICATION is
@RobertGrant haven't tried but I think it is the same thing there
title="English locale for the USA"
source="Free Software Foundation, Inc."
address="59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA"
@PM2Ring I tried to get the name with nl_langinfo with 786432
but "unsupported constant"
So, I downloaded a chunk of a video file (webm, VP8), and it downloaded fine. Now I try and play it and it doesn't work. Any idea why? I get "could not determine type of stream" in my player.
12:09 PM
@AnttiHaapala Oh well. I tried something like that with nl_langinfo earlier today & got a similar result. But I was hoping there might be some peculiarly Python way to do it. :)
@PM2Ring you can do ctypes
>>> clib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so.6")
>>> clib.nl_langinfo.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
>>> clib.nl_langinfo(ctypes.c_int(786434))
b'C/o Keld Simonsen, Skt. Jorgens Alle 8, DK-1615 Kobenhavn V'
@AnttiHaapala Nice!
should start from that number onwards
>>> hex(786434)
or maybe 0xC0000
Umm... he nl_langinfo() function accepts one of the following keys. Most descriptions are taken from the corresponding description in the GNU C library.
>>> locale.nl_langinfo(' _NL_IDENTIFICATION_DATE')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
>>> locale.nl_langinfo(786434)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: unsupported langinfo constant
>>> clib.nl_langinfo(ctypes.c_int(786434))
b'C/o Keld Simonsen, Skt. Jorgens Alle 8, DK-1615 Kobenhavn V'
aka, thank you python for protecting us :D
and always lol at the C++ tag :d
I keep reading my starred message as “I made a thing. You’re welcome.”…
@MartijnPieters Hey when did you start with C++? Thought you were 100% virgin Python
12:22 PM
virgin Python? o.O
@BhargavRao err - it's remarkably rare for anyone to be single language :p
@poke yeah so did I :) until you pointed that out, in fact
Martijn and Python are synonyms
@poke Came to know how you reduced Patrick to Poke
@BhargavRao There was a meta post. I do have answers in languages other than Python, but usually because there was a Python connection somewhere.
@BhargavRao Are you sure about that?
@MartijnPieters For a second I thought you were saying something like “There’s a meta post on what languages I do”
>>> name = "Patrick Westerhoff"
>>> import random
>>> for i in random.sample(range(len(name)), 4):
...     print name[i]
HI @BhargavRao, @JonClements & everyone
@poke Isn't there? There probably should be. Together with my usual operating hours.
12:28 PM
@Fev Hi, Cbg
@BhargavRao Where did you get the P from when your range() starts at index 1?
I wanna learn Phyton, but my campus just seizes my time , hehe
I'm going mad. Anyone knows how to get a part of a video from an apache server? I see the streaming player doing it on the website but I can't figure out how it's done!
@MartijnPieters Edited
And why sample a range() when you could just sample the name string directly?
12:29 PM
How do you do that?
@ReutSharabani HTTP Range headers?
I used range, and I got a part of the file, but it's corrupted for some reason
random.sample(name, 4)
I tried raw.decode_content (requests) and nothing so far
@ReutSharabani it depends on the video format what parts of the file you need to play parts.
Presumably the video player got extra parts that encode metadata, for example.
12:30 PM
it's webm vp8 if that says anything to anyone
AVI has an index at the end, IIRC.
I can get more info
@MartijnPieters Will try and revert back .... Hope I get what I expect ;)
Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'XY/videos/nope.webm':
Duration: 00:01:30.87, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 295 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Video: vp8, yuv420p, 426x240, SAR 214:213 DAR 107:60, 15 fps, 15 tbr, 1k tbn, 1k tbc (default)
Stream #0:1(fra): Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp (default)
that's from ffmpeg
in h264 the moov atom is needed to decode the file; usually this is located at the end, but can be moved anywhere... </offtopic>
12:32 PM
@AnttiHaapala But where did you find that magic number (and where can I find more of them)?
@PM2Ring /usr/include/langinfo.h
@PM2Ring just +1 to that, it returns empty string if no value found for that key
>>> import random
>>> name = "Patrick Westerhoff"
>>> count = 0
>>> while True:
...     count += 1
...     attempt = ''.join(random.sample(name, 4))
...     if attempt == 'Poke':
...         print 'Found nick in {} attempts'.format(count)
...         break
Found nick in 15048 attempts
@PM2Ring also, this is not compatible with anything ;)
@AnttiHaapala Ok, that's logical. :)
Came so close ... @pokeWill be up in a few tries
>>> for i in random.sample(name, 4):
... print i
12:34 PM
@AnttiHaapala Oh well. I guess I'll stick with my current os.system() method then.
@MartijnPieters Da hell ... Had to try 15048 times then :(
Now - the challenge would be to find the seed that gets it on the first attempt :)
Speaking of other languages with Python, I did a Python / C question a couple of hours ago. My C is a bit rusty these days. But my answer got accepted almost straight away. :)
Bah, wasn't so lucky
>>> sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Partick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
@JonClements nice use of iter() there, puppy!
Getting closer...
>>> sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Partick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
>>> sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Partick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
Next exercise: finding that seed value.
Hrmz, is there a way to reverse engineer a seed?
12:44 PM
Well, with a weak PNRG you can predict sequences...
From desired output, produce a seed that'll guarantee that outcome, without brute-force search through all possible seeds?
Python's default is not so weak, I fear.
@MartijnPieters Thanks ninja! :p
well, mersenne twister I believe?
Mersenne Twister is predictable if you can capture a small sequence of the output.
Why are you using Partick instead of Patrick?
There's probably a pre-computed list of all runs for all seeds somewhere
12:46 PM
@PM2Ring Yeah, @Jon, why are you? :-P
checks his code sample for the error. Fwew
Sheesh, can't a puppy typo? :p
@PM2Ring negative, del os.system; from subprocess import Popen
I got a better result with the correction now.
>>> sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Patrick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
Am sure there is a dupe for this stackoverflow.com/questions/28045709/…
I remove 7 lines of code, and get criticised for a typo? :p
12:48 PM
Argh I am so stupid
I have always thought: "what is the pattern to turn iter into a function"
Anyway - did I miss why all of a sudden we're doing this?
@AnttiHaapala ?
>>> random.seed(40);print sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Patrick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
@JonClements I needed a function to count from 0,
so itertools.cout().__next__
for defaultdict ;)
yep, defaultdict(count().next) is used occasionally :)
So if you had a string, and wanted to assign unique numbers to each letter or something
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> from itertools import count
>>> dd = defaultdict(count().__next__)
>>> text = 'abcabza'
>>> for ch in text: dd[ch]
>>> dd
defaultdict(<method-wrapper '__next__' of itertools.count object at 0x7f8482fa5648>, {'c': 2, 'b': 1, 'a': 0, 'z': 3})
@MartijnPieters I’m sure the reason is the swapped r and t
Not sure what I should think about you all abusing my name like that…
12:58 PM
@Jon that's mental.
@poke you should be honoured (that for some reason I can't fathom at the moment) we obviously think you're worth the abuse? :p
@Ffisegydd mental good, or mental bad? :)
mental mental (good).
@JonClements I just wish everything in python was a function :(
iterators should be functions
for should be evaluating functions
@AnttiHaapala get out, Clojure boy
Clojure boy sounds like a rapper name.
1:00 PM
As intended :)
We already have everything being an object! Isn’t that good enough for you? :(
<- closet Clojure boy
@RobertGrant love the fact that everything in clojure is a function
Yeah it is awesome
Except when it's a macro, and even more awesome
a set is a function as such that evaluates to true when argument is in the set
1:02 PM
Hey there, Clojure boy
Swingin' down the street so fancy-free
Nobody you meet could ever see the loneliness there - inside you
Hey there, Clojure boy
Why do all the girls just pass you by?
Could it be you just don't try or is it the clothes you wear?
Not as intended :)
Oh come on - it'll be a #1 remix :p
@poke Abuse? We are figuring out a way to deduce a nick name from a full name. ;)
@BhargavRao so why would a nickname have to comprise of letters from a real name?
Functional languages are weird. I tried Haskell once, but I didn't inhale.
1:05 PM
Good way to avoid Haskellitosis
I already told you in the past that it has nothing to do with my real name…
It's to do with Pokemon
wild swing
@JonClements Yeah, Only sometimes, E.g:- Puppy has no relation to your full name :)
Well, for all you know, it could be my middle name :)
Oh .... Secret name?
1:08 PM
That's a name that'll dog you for the rest of your life
@Robert was that an attempt at barking up the tree of humour? :)
@JonClements well deduced! Your surname should be Inspector. Although not if your middle name's Puppy
@JonClements: oooh, forgot about defaultdict(count().next). I used OrderedDict to get unique characters in order the other day, then enumerate() to create a new dictionary.
On the transition matrix question.
I've impressed the ninja twice in an hour? Did I wake up in the wrong dimension today or something?
1:10 PM
@MartijnPieters Example?
I feel sorry for this guy stackoverflow.com/q/27996532/4014959 but I don't know how to help him.
I guess it's a job for Selenium, since the pages are aspx...
Oh-oh. He's just made an exact dupe stackoverflow.com/q/28045849/4014959
VTC'd as dupe and hammered by the pup.
1:26 PM
A: Calculate transition matrix of letters

Martijn PietersThe code you link to is counting on the sequences using integers. The integers can then readily be transformed to indexes into the transformation matrix (1 is translated to index 0, etc.). The algorithm you linked to also only works for unique elements, the matrix built there is 3 by 3, not 10 b...

Wish this database copy would finish... I need to be working on it, not waiting for it to complete... sigh
@Martijn ahhh, recognise that... forgot I'd answered it
@JonClements Updated now to use the defaultdict(count().next) trick.
Why is this tagged python? Just because his pseudocode is Python-like?
>>> random.seed(856);print sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Patrick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))
@MartijnPieters only 1 problem: count().next is not polyglot
1:31 PM
@Martijn think you need count().__next__
op is using 2.7
I gave this to my colleague yesterday
needed to convert json to csv efficiently
though it is still a twopass op
@Martijn I'd probably go for defaultdict(lambda c=count(): next(c))
@JonClements now wouldnt it be fancy if iterators indeed were functions :P
@Antti I use to work with a system that decided it would continue doing stuff because it figured you typo'd and assume you meant something else once :)
good old SAS - how I don't miss ye
@Kevin I guess so. OTOH, some people like to use Python with Excel
1:35 PM
I've tentatively removed the tag. I won't get into an edit war if someone puts it back, though.
@Kevin did you climb through the window trying to sneak in or something?
Of course it's a programming problem. I'm writing a program to access LinkedIn and I need to know something fundamental about how it works to proceed with my implementation. How is that "not a question about a programming problem"? Also, LinkedIn has officially decided that SO is the only place to get an answer like this: developer.linkedin.com/blog/stacking-api-support-linkedin. So someone better tell them they can't do this, if questions like this aren't going to be answered here. — Joshua Frank 3 mins ago
I try to enter as mysteriously as I leave. The effect is rather spoiled when I put my foot through the coffee table, though.
@Ffisegydd well, you do have to sympathise with him somewhat - as far as he's aware - he's doing what he's been told to do to get help :(
@Ffisegydd Oh, if it's an official LinkedIn decision, I guess we have no choice but to lick their boots!
1:38 PM
@Jon eh. He's got 2k+ rep. He should know about the site. But yes it is ultimately Linkedin's fault, not his.
indeed... he might think that linkedin has some official capacity etc on SO...
github.com/firasdib/Regex101 <--- btw go and comment there how regex101 should work W.R.T unicode escapes
@AnttiHaapala polyglot smolyglot, the question is tagged with .
You can use a lambda, but that's slower.
>>> count().next
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#115>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'itertools.count' object has no attribute 'next'
@Kevin it'd be pretty mysterious if there weren't a coffee table to begin with
1:41 PM
@RobertGrant @Kevin's feet are surrounded by spacial rifts - be wary - it could be your coffee table next
You could stock a furniture shop by walking round a warehouse, stomping out tables
@JonClements Yeah, I know. In Python 3 it is spelled __next__.
The room has a metamorphic field with a sense of humor, so it's always materializing inconveniently placed coffee tables, unnerving sad clown portraits, pointy lego pieces if you are barefoot, etc.
Here's a virtual environment question guys - is it possible to install modules to my environment by installing what's on my vanilla/system-wide python modules? Save me downloading everything each and every time?
@Intrepid you can make the global space available to your virtualenv.
1:43 PM
@IntrepidBrit You can create a wheel instead.
Create a wheelhouse directory, use it every time you install stuff into a virtual env.
@IntrepidBrit or cache pypi downloads locally with devpi
Wheels will be created for everything not yet used before.
Then the wheel will just be unzipped for stuff you did use before.
nextfunc = lambda iter: getattr(iter, '__next__', getattr(iter, 'next', None)); .... nextfunc(count())
@cel wheels are basically cached local compiles.
@Kevin you're the Sideshow Bob of real life
1:45 PM
Hey, that comparison is un--(gets smacked in the face with a rake) eeeeeugrhehrhr
@MartijnPieters fair enough
Cheers for the suggestions guys. Like the idea of using wheels
starts reading up
@MartijnPieters you know about single-exe distribution method?
"cx_Freeze does not support building a single file exe, where all of the libraries for your application are embedded in one executable file."
@Kevin my favourite is still when Sideshow Cecil appears, played by David Hyde Pierce
or at least that I can have the standalone exe on usb stick
1:48 PM
@RobertGrant I can't see DHP without thinking "hey, it's Niles!"
I never really watched Frasier but I still liked the idea of snooty serial killers.
@JonClements yeah
@JonClements he voice acted the fish man (I forget) in the first Hellboy as well, which is strange. Especially when Ros is in one of the animated Hellboys
I'm curious as to what that guy thinks elif does.
@Kevin well, were it bash, it'd end a file statement? :)
1:52 PM
And even more strange is that the actor who played the physical fish man has such a similar voice that they ended up using him instead for the voice as well, starting with the animated Hellboys
Thus endeth the lesson on Hellboy
How can you be "stuck on it for ages" without once thinking "I wonder why Python has both else and elif, when they apparently do the same thing"
Then you look it up and discover that they don't do the same thing, and voila, syntax error debugged
@Kevin that sounds like pre-SO thinking
@Kevin x = "\"70\"" seriously? Not even going to mix aposts/quotes there to avoid escaping? :p
His ' key is broken. It's also why he never uses the @ symbol
Damnit Kevin if you'd use them the other way round that joke would have been way better/easier.
@Ffisegydd wow... that could have a serious impact on the implementation of KevinScript :(
1:59 PM
My brute-force search is getting closer...
>>> j=2109;random.seed(j);print sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: random.sample('Patrick Westerhoff', 4), list('Poke')))

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