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it doesn't show the csv file to them, it just imports its contents into a database
How is the data going into the DB?
@AirThomas sqlite insert statements
one row at a time
OK. If you were doing something like MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE you'd probably be out of luck, is why I asked...
@AirThomas @corvid here's the route/function
forgot link the first time ;)
see line 29
My work network blocks pastebin (and for some reason some people here don't like it).
that's where they need to see a progress screen at least, but ideally an updating progresws bar
dpaste seems to be the preferred alternative.
Regardless though, I'm about to head out for the day and I'm not much for web frontends, so don't worry about it
@AirThomas pastebucket?
Hmm, I see. My gut feeling is that JS will be involved, as well.
Or, even if pure Python, some sort of communication with another thread/process?
Really not my area, sorry.
no prob
what's the best way to handle user-submitted pictures on a web application?
@corvid Throw 'em into /dev/null. "Nobody wants your stinkin' selfies!"
I'm so good at web questions
I want their selfies. I use them to power my energy crystals
Now that is green energy.
@corvid well, depends if you want to save them as blobs in a db (not recommended) or as files locally on server
hmm just local files doesn't sound too tough to do. UUID them and put them in a unique folder? Easy
@corvid usually I have an uploads folder and if a single user has lots of uploads I might have a separate folder for each user, otherwise I just append timestamp to filename to prevent dup file names
@corvid what about using a generator function to render a template?
You can do that -- there's something called stream_with_context
@corvid hmm, I wish that made enough sense for me to use it - I have much to learn
I've used it once before, probably one of the more difficult things within flask
feel like you're trying to avoid js too much hah (and quite honestly, don't blame you)
@corvid yes but to only display a static progress page should not require JS
I've given up on the progress bar
I'll be happy with a static page, I can always put a gif on it that makes it look like it's doing something ;)
how long does it take for the CSV to upload? I think I know something hacky you could do
@corvid 5-10 minutes
$('form').on('submit', function() {
  $('body').append('<img src="/static/img/load.gif" alt="loading"/>');
something along those lines, but that's not complete
@corvid hmm, that would work I think
but not sure how to get it to work in template in correct block
Add a {% block scripts %} to the bottom of your body on your base template, then override it in your child template
@corvid to make it append to a specific div tag (not just body), do I just use that div id instead of body?
You could do that just as easily, I just don't know what your DOM looks like
@corvid nav, content, footer - all inside body tags
pretty simple
actually all those are inside a div with id 'container' also for my margins
yeah then you can just select the div that is the content and empty it and replace it with a loading bar until you receive a response from your back end which will return a template or redirect fixing your page
@corvid ok but won't I need some special js library to get that to work or something?
(I suck at JS, I avoid it at all costs)
that's not a great attitude to have, you're gonna have to at least have the ability to manipulate the DOM to get good at web development. My example was jQuery
@corvid yes, I just need to find the time to do a JS tutorial or course
yeah eventually you just kind of have to do it so learn a bit of it. I'm using angularjs with my Flask app... the angular part kinda sucks but eh
@corvid ok so I got that to work, but it doesn't submit the form
now it just changes the content
@corvid the python side still needs to retrieve some values from it, and I think they are gone too quick
any way to ensure it is submitted before changing content?
@corvid arg... that method just introduced a whole bunch of new problems - like the form not being submitted
oh well, thanks for trying
I kind of knew that that would happen it's just kind of a basic idea that needs to be worked out
@corvid I tried data-ajax="false" - no luck
there is no way to send the data for server-side handling?
tbh, it seems like there's not too much point in trying
@Dan I answered, but I'm not sure if that's what you wanted. Anything more complicated would probably be too broad to answer.
@davidism thanks, I appreciate the help. @corvid actually pointed me to the flask docs on context streaming earlier but I don't understand how to apply it to my situation. Your example appears to be similar to the docs
I think I now see how to apply that to showing a message to the user
@davidism I appreciate it!
@davidism I just can't believe it's this hard just to show a static page while something runs in the background
perhaps I just need to pass the file to a progress page then in the background have javascript 'submit' to get a process rolling
then do the processing on the progress page itself
SQLAlchemy: I think the intent of the "Team.games" relationship is obvious, and this seems to work, but is there a preferred, more idiomatic way? pastebin.com/AHsjCYH1
Hey! how come I can't see the starred messages on mobile?
not enough real estate I suppose
I can't find it in any of the menus though
Nvm just found it
@Dan the http protocol is stateless, you send one whole response at a time. The entire point of ajax is to get those responses asynchronously in the background
3 hours later…
As a shutterer of aviaries?
@vaultah Definitely close-worthy in its current state. But it looks like the OP is about to post some actual code...
user image
he's probably just going to prepare dinner for his family
@tristan That is me, during our world domination fight :)
considering changing my avatar to this ridiculous thing: images.tvnz.co.nz/tvnz_images/mofy/2014/03/…
My reputation is over 9000!
wrap it up @Ffisegydd
Need an 80s montage for the last 1000
@Ffisegydd "
Need an 80s montage for the last 1000" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXuNa_h804c will this one do?
My usual go-to montage is the Rocky IV song "Hearts on Fire" but I'm willing to branch out
shotgun "hearts on fire" for my cajun bbq restaurant name
Now you're just giving away all your ideas
puts the finishing touches on flatsuperhero.com
still annoyed that someone grabbed the .de version after visiting the .com i have
Actually I quite like Starflat 64
does anyone[0] use doctest? [0] i mean obviously someone must, but i've just never seen it in the wild
Using doctest would require documenting your code though...
my documentation is largely ascii art, slurs, crude drawings of genitals using ascii art, and ad hominem attacks
It's bad that the more I read about Big O notation, the more confused I am, and the more I want to make a Big O joke
Just how big is this O?
@tristan the same size as this "O" ?
i laughed
I didn't, I sighed.
After typing, I face-desked in self-disgust
i'm sure your genetics can't be that bad :V
@tristan it's easy to do - have you seen the size of my head relative to my neck... gotta work out how to get my head off the desk now :(
Basically most of the people explaining it on the internets say it's what I thought it was, ie quicksort is nlog(n), and a few say that actually it's an upper bound and is much higher than that. And the question is - in an interview, which sort of person do you get?
why do you believe that it's n log(n) ?
Because it splits the search space in half each time, which is a log(n) something
As for why it's nlog(n), possibly it's not, I just thought I remembered that. So that's even less defensible
And what is Big O a measure of?
The worst case time complexity of an algorithm
If you can explain that, you'll be fine with either sort of person in an interview :)
Have I explained it enough?
If someone really wants to be strict on big O (and this is why it annoys me when it gets brought up in an interview -- people do "big O, kinda"), it's N squared
Is that if it's already sorted in reverse?
You know what Big O notation is a measure of, and you know how to explain your answer
if it's sorted in reverse and you want to reverse the sort, maybe quicksort is a poor choice :D
Yeah if you know it's sorted in reverse :)
But if you give me an algorithm and ask me what the complexity is, I will quite possibly take a long time to give you the wrong answer
^ lol.
how can i use pandas with nosql
like app engine datastore?
i think sorting in reverse will still be log(n) because coefficients are left off
@tristan I tried doing it for a short while, but it just didn’t feel right since it made the normal documentation so hideous.
@poke yeah, that's what i was running into. i was trying to give good docstrings and note return values/param expectations for doxygen or something in the future and the doctests were just making it a mess
@RobertGrant Big O (and little o, and theta) isn’t really about the worst case. It’s also not necessarily about run time either (you can use it for space complexity too). It helped me a lot to understand that all those big O thingies are just a set of all possible functions, separated into complexities.
@RobertGrant i can't find the image, but this might help stackoverflow.com/questions/10376740/… there are terms for best/worst/something-between-best-and-worst
what @poke said too
At uni, the notation really put me off at first, since it was always something like f = O(log n) or something (where f was the function we analyzed). But in fact, O(log n) is a set of functions, and instead of the equals, there should be an “elements of” symbol.
Cbg ;)
Is that the curvy E
∈ <- that
not epsilon
not epsilon
Teaching by negation
It's funny, at uni I really got into this and was good at it, but it's been a long time
i don't know how to do strikethrough
i thought it was three dashes
I don't think it works in chat
And I bet no-one here can prove me wrong and show me how to do it waits
And the difference between small O, big O and theta is basically this: Small O gives the lower bound, so the function can go well beyond that, but never below. Big O gives the upper bound, so the function can go well below that, but never get worse. That’s why quick sort is in all cases O(n²) – but also O(n³) if you want to say that (not that it would be useful :P).
And theta is the combination of both, so when you can say a function is theta something, then you have an exact representation of that function, and it will never go beyond or below that. Of course, that makes it a bit more complicated to proof what theta complexity something has.
Yes I read it was n³ and that totally threw me :)
what the f is the ∈ symbol called
Why is it n³?
And most people are just interested in the smalles big O because that’s the worst complexity of a function, and if it gets better then that’s never a problem.
Because any function f ∈ O(n²) is also f ∈ O(n³)
@tristan “element of”; the TeX name is \in
i thought that little bugger had a name though
Ummm... not sure if to answer or close this
@poke why would they have both complexities?
@JonClements maybe close as a duplicate of "when do i use generators"?
@tristan Unicode calls it “element of” too
works for me
@RobertGrant Because O(X) is a set of functions which time complexity doesn’t go beyond X. And any function that has the upper bound is also bounded by since n³ > n² for all n.
But then where does that stop?
It doesn’t.
So all n^2 are also 2^n?
Since n² < 2^n for all n > 3, yes.
blah answered it anyway - it's a nice example of using islice
This is basically where I got to in the book
That’s why I said it’s important to understand that they are sets
O(1) ⊂ O(n) ⊂ O(n²) ⊂ O(2^n) etc.
So that confuses me - the set of 2^n complexity algorithms includes all log(n) complexity algorithms (for example)?
Since log(n) is actually even better than , log(n) is also better than 2^n.
But surely 2^n isn't the theoretical upper bound for quicksort, it's way past it
Because if you're measuring something up to the most complex, it also contains things that are less complex
Yes, that’s why you’re not interested in the bigger complexity groups. You want to give the lowest upper bound possible, to classify a function.
I think I'm more trying to find out what's useful about a measure that basically says all algorithms are the same complexity :)
So for quick sort, that would be n² since there is a case where it’s n² but it never goes beyond that.
Oh sorry, that's why you said the smallest big O
Sorry, I missed that, and it basically makes all my questions redundant
So you say quick sort is—at worst case—O(n²); it never goes beyond that, so you have a classification for quick sort.
Okay, that totally makes sense now
And you can even go further and say that in the average case, which is very likely, you are even better than that, giving you a better classification.
Although I'm not sure of the usefulness of treating the complexities as subsets of one another, but that's probably for another day
And that's where I grimace a little because if n^2 is its most complex, why is it popular to state logN?
@RobertGrant because there will be some set of inputs in which it's less complex.
@tristan I mean going the other way - why would an algorithm of worst case n^2 ever be in the set of algorithms that are n^3
@tristan Because if you consider all possible cases, n² is very unlikely compared to the average complexity. And for normal data, the worst case is extremely unlikely to happen randomly.
e.g. running a bubble sort on a phonebook that's already in order is o(N), but if it's out of order, your input is o(N^2) complex. still useful to classify your function
@poke but if we're saying "by definition" that big O is for most complex, why would we not honor that?
timsort is best case O(n), average nlog(n), worst case nlog(n), which is better than quicksort, which is nlog(n) in all cases
@RobertGrant Because O(n²) is a subset of O(n³). But think of it differently: You develop a new algorithm and have no idea about its complexity yet. So you try to analyze it and proof it’s O(n³). Later, some other smart person also looks at it, and actually finds out it O(n²) (or O(n² log(n)) or something). Then, since he also proves that, he is right—which is awesome, yay—but it also doesn’t make your proof less correct since O(n²) is a subset of O(n³).
So then it's a matter of most specificity?
@tristan It’s not “most complex”; it’s just the upper bound. And the upper bound for quick sort at average cases happens to be better than n².
I'm taking exception for "average" vs asymptotical bound
Not sure what you mean
that's probably not good - just flagged a "possible duplicate of" comment as complete rubbish as they'd put a meta.SE link in, they then corrected it with a correct link, so I dupe hammered the question, and my flag's still active... sighs
I'm kinda expecting a "declined" now
The comment's already gone because of the closing... so I'd expect my flag to be auto-declined, but... weird
@poke if big O is "most complex," i don't understand why it we'd be willing to go with a classification based on average complexity
Because e.g. O(n²) for sort algorithms isn’t really useful. It’s really easy to provide a sort algorithm that is O(n²); most actually are. It’s a lot more useful to say, “hey, it’s O(n²) at worst case, but most of the time, it does get a lot better than that”.
Anyone else think this would be better for programmers.se?
I thought that's what it Big O was supposed to provide though -- the "worst case" of complexity.
No, it’s just an upper bound of the complexity you are looking at.
And then that would be n^2
For all cases, the lowest upper bound is n², yes. But for most cases, the upper bound is n log(n).
@JonClements Cabbage! Just discovered sopython. I never thought someone would have created a website with this purpose.
(to be safe, i'm not arguing, i just don't understand why if we're saying that Big O is a measure of an algorithm at its most complex, we'd be satisfied saying "well, generally, it's not that")
And Big O is a measure of all cases, meaning it would be n^2.
@tristan “is a measure of an algorithm at its most complex” I’ve never heard that.
No, Big O doesn’t say anything about what you are classifying.
It’s just a means of classification.
Then when is it alright to say "worst case" versus "average case"?
cbg @shortfellow - is that a good thing or a bad thing? :p
i.e. why is quicksort generally regarded as n log(n) v n^2?
Interesting thing for sure :P @JonClements
For sort algorithms, everyone has a worst case, and those are usually easy to construct (e.g. reverse-sorted for insertion sort), but also not very practical. The usual data you look at for sort algorithms doesn’t show those properties that make the algorithms go bad.
So yes, worst case is important, but average case is a lot more important to choose the correct algorithm.
@shortfellow hopefully "interesting" is good :) Welcome to the room
Still with you, but I'm just thinking of by definition of Big O
unless there's a "average case Big O" and a "worst case Big O"
“In mathematics, big O notation describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity, usually in terms of simpler functions.” – That’s Wikipedia’s definition. There is nothing more to it imo.
tends towards. satisfied now.
@tristan No, you describe the average case by using Big O notation, and you describe the worst case by using Big O notation.
You can also choose to describe either using theta—if you can.
@poke Ah! 100% with you now.
yay :)
hey, i really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about it too
No problem :)
@JonClements Melon!

Salad language is kinda nice. Rhubarb for now
@shortfellow rbrb :)
cbg @Ffisegydd
cbg again. edit nm, widget didn't update
C or F or K?
ermehgerd I just realised that Kelvin Fahrenheit and Celsius spell out KFC :o
@tristan You do realize that with your edit, this all makes no sense, right?
so FYI readers of the logs: @tristan’s weather widget was showing an outside temperature of -27°C.
@poke I like to think that you just made some future Internet Archaeologist's day much easier...
@poke there's a history on every edit
figured "it was a bit cold that day, edit: nevermind" wasn't very intetersting
@tristan you can see your edit history, because you edited it. ROs can see all histories.
But other users cannot.
I did not know that. Thanks fizzy good.
Actually they can.
@Ffisegydd "5k years ago we actually had to physically interact with a computer and type letters - as you know children, these days..." etc...
Really? I could have sworn edit histories weren't accessible.
@Ffisegydd omg - you've been using chat for how long? :p
@JonClements It makes me happy to think that humans 5k years into the future will read our chat logs.
@Ffisegydd deleted messages aren’t.
@poke they are to ROs
@Jon it'll be some future internet researcher studying the rise of the Great Cabbage Cult and the ensuing fall of mankind from everyone being forced to learn Python and no one being able to, for instance, perform minor surgery.
And the depletion of natural resources as we convince people to give up C and use Python
Hello future humans in 5k years! If you have discovered time travel yet, then please be so kind and send me a chocolate bar next to my desk. Thank you!
@Ffisegydd oh yam, if the great "Cabbage Cult" takes off, and their "bible" becomes our chat logs... I'm not holding out much hope for their future :)
@poke Welp, I guess not… :(
At least their bible will be consistently formatted...
year 2027: python has become the dominant programming language of the earth. the state of Texas in the country of New Patriot Heroland (sponsored by Coca Cola) has been transformed into a 300 freedom mile squared data center
@Ffisegydd “well” is very subjective. Nvm.
@poke maybe the one's that have discovered time travel haven't gone through the archives of those in 5k years time that didn't... patience! :)
@JonClements patience doesn’t make sense when talking about time travel.
no... but I hear it's a virtue or something - best to show a good example for our future generations, hey?
Maybe they tried but the attempt caused dimensional instabilities that consumed the Earth. Gee, thanks poke!
@Ffisegydd And I still didn’t get my chocolate. What a waste of time.
@tristan and @poke, sorry I had to duck, thanks for talking me through this stuff
@poke yeah, you destroyed the future of our species for your selfish need for a chocolate bar... good job poke, good job
Mind you - I have just found some chocolate hobnobs in the desk I didn't think I had... so bonus
maybe at some point I say "Hey future people, can I have some chocolate hobnobs please?"
@JonClements Do you want me to bite him puppy?
being time travelers, maybe they placed the chocolate bar in your stomach by placing it where they knew your stomach would be at that second
@tristan my major problem with time travel is if I jumped 6 months into the future, the earth would be on the other side of the Sun and who knows where I'd be in comparison to the solar system's and milky way's movements
@thefourtheye no... be passive... maybe you biting @poke causes war between humans and puppies in the future...
i really love smbc sometimes
@JonClements hmmm, though they are no match for us, lets give them another chance to accept us their masters.
@RobertGrant I think it's assumed that if you can time travel, you have some mastery over being able to make sure you're spatially in the right place :)
@thefourtheye we shall rise against them should they stop giving us scooby snacks! Until then... remain peaceful my evil twin :)
@JonClements We would try to rise just because they would stop giving us scooby snacks?!? Fine by me...
@RobertGrant if you time travel forward, where do you go during that duration? or has all time always been, never being in the "future" or "past"
or are you non-existent for a period of entropy, somehow remaining unchanged
@tristan yes, we're all time travelling, at 1 second per second :)
we're all time travelers, but you know, like really bad ones
@tristan well let's face it - even Dr Who is a lousy time traveller
and a lousy show
that's fighting talk that is! :p
True, it is a lousy show.
well, you guys enjoy that, i'm going to go eat lunch
@thefourtheye feel free to bite @Ffisegydd and @tristan :)
@JonClements But, my evil twin, they both feel that I am cute :) blush blush
@thefourtheye you are the best puppy.
And most certainly the most adorable.
okay... I'll do it then... after I can lift my head off the desk that is...
@Ffisegydd Awww :)
@JonClements Puppy, I ll not let you bite them. Ready for a barking fight?
@thefourtheye yes... can you help lift my head off the desk so it's not completely one sided though? :(
yay... 53k! yay me! woof woof!
@JonClements lol, you are such a sleepy puppy
always sleepy... but after face-desking, it does take some effort to lift my head again... really should have a bigger neck given the size of my head: (
Or you should try sleeping in a bed :)
Hello Jon,

We’re really pleased to let you know that blinkbox Movies is now part of the TalkTalk family.

You can rest assured that your movie-marathons and box-set binges will not be interrupted and there’s nothing you need to do - we just wanted to share the news.
umm... I knew Tesco were trying to sell it off... didn't expect TalkTalk to buy it though
@JonClements where did you get the puppy image anyway?
I think I "borrowed it" from a "learn how to draw cartoons" site
think I originally got it for a mate's daughter's 3rd birthday and she really liked puppy's, but couldn't have one, so I got a card made with the image on...
To the right, you can see that my dog is actually pretty generic-looking. You might even call it a 'mut'
awwww.... I take offensive to the person I stole borrowed the artwork from already
Send him/her money
cbg @Martijn
Actually - I look fairly cool in B&W :)
if we got @PeterVaro on the case with that template, I'm sure I could be sopython coloured and tattoo'd with the logo :)
actually, a sopython collar would be awesome
like a medallion thing
@thefourtheye good answer!
nice to see something with that isn't @Martijn :p
Martijn was probably on toilet break or something.
didn't realise the initial SkyNet project required toilet breaks...
@JonClements they're programmed in to make it less obvious
They added that in v1.1
Final Step - Give Your Puppy Some Legs and a Body!
Alright... now that you've got the head of your cartoon puppy drawn, it's time now to move on down to the body. The simple smaller circle helps a great deal in positioning it with relation to the head.

As you can see below, I recommend you begin with the legs, and then work your way up from there...
perspective Jon, perspective

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