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I was wondering why all the starred comments I was looking at were really great. Then I realized I was looking at the ones I'd starred..
@MartijnPieters @tristan whoah, whoa, attribution required! That's my close reason. :) sopython.com/wiki/Linkedin_messages
@davidism i asked in here... sorry, do you want attribution? i'll edit it in
no, I was joking, I don't care
I used to write a lot of callback-style code, but nowdays I don't give a func.
you can link to that page in the post if you want, though
Received a spam email about "a chance to improve my nursing skills"
Dupe of the same garbage collection bug that every Tkinter user eventually encounters
If you are finding all such lists as recursion unfolds, that's an awful lot of memory. Consider two identical 100-element lists. Then at some point you'll have 99x2 lists, 98x3 lists, 97x4 lists, &ct all in memory simultaneously.

The only solution to Project Euler-y problems like this is 'be clever' really.
@Kevin what a fun quirk
It's #3 in my Tkinter grievances list.
you should add those dupes to the canon!
I'll make that graph this weekend.
@QuestionC, I know there won't be many lists. And there won't be many matches in the lists. Say about 20 matches for 3 size, and they go up to 10, at most. When 5-length is already rare.
My point being memory isn't a problem. I need something simple that works
Possible approach: find the largest subsequences. if none exist, return what you've found so far. Otherwise, slice the most recently found subsequences out of the lists. and return to start.
I'm thinking about doing the naive approach with a generator, but I have to find out what's wrong with my initial approach.
I wonder if anyone's ever collected statistics on how many questions in have at least one answer containing the substring "you don't need" (or some variation on the theme)
@davidism yeah it looks like I may need to do some ajax stuff, but was hoping for a solution using generators / context streaming which you may have provided, I'm gonna give it a shot in a few
btw, cbg all!
@AirThomas - I agree. Most questions I answer in can be done easier with Python's string methods. +1 on your solution btw. :)
Although I'm not super fond of magic numbers...
@iCodez Yeah, that's fair. I can't think of any one best alternative so I went for the direct route.
Splitting three times is kind of ugly.
That's a case where sometimes I take advantage of the fact that .strip works on sets of characters and not contiguous strings. I've been known to write things like p.strip("POINT()").split().
Don't get me wrong, your solution is good. Just the 6 and -1 feel a little hardcoded. :/
The hardest!
I think I broke my keyboard when I coded those
@DSM I sometimes wish split took a set of potential delimiters.
Yeah, maybe a tuple like starts/endswith.
Would be nice to be able to do, e.g., 'POINT(-122.106035882 37.397386475)'.split(['(', ')', ' '])
(and get ['POINT', '-122.106035882', '37.397386475'])
Could just use re.split instead, I guess.
"Don't use regex! Use regex!"
I'd definitely go for a split-based approach either way, though: right now I think all the solutions will break if one of the numbers uses scientific notation.
Well, lat/lon doesn't vary so widely that I'd expect that
re.split has a tendency of dropping empty strings all over when I use it
@davidism I ended up using jquery's prepend method to just add a loading screen ahead of the form on the same page. Works good neough. Thanks for your help though!
@DSM didn't actually know that, by the way - TIL!
I usually do something like s.partition("(")[2].rpartition(")")[0] when I want to get at the inside of a string that has a set of parentheses.
Could maybe do: p.replace('POINT(', '').replace(')', '')
partition is a little nicer than split because it only ever splits on the first character it finds, and no more, so you're less vulnerable to nasty surprises if there are more parens in the string than you expect or whatever.
Can anyone think of why this would be running so slow? Maybe it's on a phone?
@iCodez Hardcoding the prefix/suffix is almost as bad as magic numbers, and less readable
I disagree that hardcoding the prefix is as bad as magic numbers. The prefix documents itself in a way that a number doesn't.
Of course it still fails for strings like "POINT(1,2,3) POINT(4,5,6)", returning "1,2,3) POINT(4,5,6" instead of "1,2,3", but there's not much you can do about that
@DSM I can't figure out how to get .strip to work that way...
@AirThomas: sorry, I've lost the thread. :-) What way?
Oh, never mind.
Brain fart.
as a weight loss supplement. I try kevin.strip("fat"), but it doesn't do the needful.
@Kevin That's because it only works on the outside of the Kevin. You need to do kevin.strip("skin").strip("fat")
Careful with that -- you'll also lose all your taft.
And all your sin!
when was is added?
@Tshepang I saw that on HN the other day, not sure if it was only added then though.
I have removed my skin, and every tiny air current is like a million tiny knives slicing over my body. Please advise.
Are you using Skin 2 or Skin 3?
Do: kevin.strip('feeling')
(Yes, I just re-used an old joke, I don't care!)
(It was new to me, and I liked it.)
Jul 22 '14 at 15:43, by Ffisegydd
Are you using Skin 2.x or 3.x?
Jul 22 '14 at 15:44, by DSM
Okay, that made me laugh, distracting my officemates.
Well, I was half-right!
Can anyone help me understand a confusing conundrum in this short function? It is running the code in the if block but printing the text in the else block every time. Why?
Apparently my sense of humour is relatively fixed.
Oof! Pow! Biff! Sorry guys, you were conversing with my duplicates that were created by the strip methods. Luckily, it doesn't mutate the original (me). I've kicked those other weirdos to the curb.
Well played, sir.
@Dan Maybe the function is being called more than once.
I must go now, but I'll leave you with this question: Are Kevin's mutable or immutable?
Are they what, now?
@Kevin but then wouldn't I see both printed messages?
@Kevin oh wait! now I see it!
my apologies
I thought that's what you meant by "it's running the code in the if block". Which is to say, it's creating the database tables, printing "Database tables created...", then printing "Database already initialized..."
@Dan You are absolved. Say two PEP 8's and one zen.
@Kevin it was but I missed the output because it was obfuscated by the flask output
@AirThomas haha, import this - ok I knocked out the second one
so does importing a function run it automatically?
because the only way it should run twice is if it also runs when imported
No, but importing a .py file will execute all the "top level" code that isn't in a function
@Kevin it's in a function, but I set if __name__ == '__main__': to run that function
but I would think if being imported it wouldn't run it, since it wouldn't be __main__
Assuming the if __name__ == '__main__': is in the file you're importing and not the file that's doing the importing, that should work.
(well, it could be in the file doing the importing, if you really wanted to. It just wouldn't have any effect on this particular problem)
@Kevin makes sense, I'm going to remove the initialization script from the models code and only have it in the app code, see if that helps
it still runs twice
I need to figure out where it being called each time
it still works when called twice, first time it creates it, second time it realizes it is already created
but still weird
does a flask app maybe run twice when initialized?
@Dan Try printing some information about the environment/caller from the function when it runs?
@AirThomas ^^^^
it's flask itself, it initializes twice in debug mode
Aha. Interesting.
at least I know it wasn't me :)
That is always nice, isn't it?
@AirThomas indeed!
on heroku, can you make a staging area before you post to master?
recommend pyramid over flask... for the very reason that it is very hard to initialize it twice by accident
cbg! :)
the pyramid design defence specifically says that the "do not have side effects during module import time in framework or in example apps or whatever" is 1 of the design rationales
I like the flask addons but wish all the flask stuff would be on pyramid :D there is nothing particularly exciting about flask itself
I haven't found anything exciting in pyramid either
Yeah, they seem equivalent, just living in different ecosystems.
in pyramid you can change pretty much anything
it is made so that you can change the framework by plugging in your own policies
they just do not say much about it
@AnttiHaapala cbg, I'll have to check out pyramid
though.. .as a downside...
definitely has a bit more learning curve
in my pyramid application I needed an admin interface
so I plugged in flask admin :D:D:D:D
yeah I learned flask for simple one-off tasks (which often never seem to be so simple after you start them)
but I probably just need to get better at Django and use it more
no :d
django is the dead end most of the time :D
I just have a hard time with django because it makes it so easy to do stuff in the admin interface that I want to use it for my whole app haha
@Dan yeah, the reloader starts a separate process. The real answer is not to have code that could conflict if run more than once during initialization. You'll run in to the same problems if you run on multiple processes in production too.
@davidism it does a check before doing anything, so no harm if it runs twice
well, pyramid sqlalchemy scaffold makes a "initialize_projectname_db" script
it just was confusing why it was running twice
I learned a valuable lesson on my last flask app - why I should never write my own orm
so I need to learn SQLAlchemy
sqlalchemy is better in sql than 99 % of programmers :D
it it will also be better than any orm that you write in 10 years
@AnttiHaapala on the bright side, I did learn how to implement connection pooling in mysql using python in my custom orm
because zzzeek has been writing it for 10 years :D
I was too committed at that point to turn back ;)
but yes, the lesson was: never again
"too committed" is always a bad thing
after 10 years, 1.0 is almost out!
one should notice that the investment is a bad one and stop wasting time
so many pending improvements
yay for that, just posted pull request today
@AnttiHaapala the code was only relevant for another two weeks from when I realized that
it only had to work for a single purpose
@Antti noticed that this morning :)
sqlalchemy is not only the best orm for python, it is definitely one of the best orms for any programming language ever.
ah just noticed your highlite
How do I even respond to this
Q: Is leap smear condition np-hard?

jimmyEarth's slow rotation will add up a second this year. The extra second will be counted on June 30th, at 11.59.60, when clocks will stand still for one full second to make up for the added time. I read a blogpost on leap smear saying this - “If a computer is asked to carry out an operation at ...

I voted for requires SSCCE
I need a "OP has fundamental misunderstanding of the underlying concepts" close reason
@MartijnPieters Oops, sorry. I remembered that other question and realized that both the questions are very tangential.
wow... I'm brain dead - took me five attempts to log into my own laptop
You need a simpler password. I suggest puppy3.
think it's like trying to remember your own PIN number or something, if you try to think about it, you don't remember it
@DSM How do you know my password?
must be some term for that - "not being able to remember something if you think about it, but if you don't you just do it anyway" kind of thing
@JonClements he he he, its in your muscle memory. Put me in front of my computer and ask me to type my bank account number, I would be able to do that in a second. But if you ask me to tell you that, I would not even remember half of the numbers in it :(
At the moment I can only use my credit card for web purchases because I can't remember its pin.
New Tkinter grievance: when you do print(my_widget), it shows something like .50109912 instead of <Tkinter.Widget instance at ...>. The meaning of this number is not documented anywhere.
That's #16 now.
That's crazy talk.
@DSM my bank allows me to login and show my pin for the cards
I'm 99% sure that it's some kind of key value that uniquely identifies the widget during the lifetime of your script. But who knows.
sadly, it also asks for a memorable word which I can't always remember
I entered my computer password wrong yesterday and the hint was "you know what it is". Don't sass me, past Kevin.
@Kevin - That's the widget id (used internally by TCL). You'd need print(repr(my_widget)) for the other output.
Ah, just as I expected.
@iCodez You might scoop up some quick rep over at What is the meaning of .xxxxxxx in Python Tkinter, if you're feeling inclined.
@Kevin: is your password TI_Feat_Wyclef?
I was offered a position that pays 20% more in another company. It's PHP though. I'm still considering...
@Kevin think my hint once came up as "almost travelling to the place you were almost born"
@DSM I can neither confirm nor deny that.
Ooh, that does look good. If only I could get a docs link...off to googles!
thanks me for leaving myself a riddle to solve
"Time". It's usually the answer.
"almost born" indicates to me that your mother was a globetrotter while you were waiting to be born, so their was some uncertainty as to where your eventual place of birth would be.
Then "almost traveling" would indicate some mode of transportation that is almost sufficient, but not quite, to reach that country, with a starting point of wherever it was that you wrote that hint.
Therefore I deduce your password is "a helicopter with not enough fuel to get over the Channel"
omg - how'd the hell'd you guess it!? :)
Also the callous on your thumb indicates that you're an olympic gymnast, and the mud on your feet indicates that you currently work as a mason. adjusts deerstalker cap.
I shall ensure you have a suitable looking wooden pipe for xmas this year Mr S. :p
{| :-)
Damn, iCodez found an explanation for the string representation of widgets in the documentation. Now I have one fewer grievance.
Not quite. I'm still digging for a link to the docs.
That it's called the "window path name" in the help() message, means that its meaning is no longer 100% mysterious.
cbg again
It's not morning. I will fight you in real life.
it's always morning, because I am always drinking coffee
it's always morning, because I am always half asleep
Morning, more like mourning, because I'm gonna beat you up... Wait, that doesn't really make sense.
Yeesh, tkinter docs are virtually nonexistant. I couldn't find a single one which explicitly mentions that it is the id number.
I may have seen something in An Introduction To Tkinter, or maybe the new mexico tech docs.
Something about getting a widget, given its id.
Dipping my toe into multi-language support. Want to be able to differentiate between en-US and en-GB (rather than just en). I know I could in theory use the locale package to get the RFC 3066 esque codes, but unsure whether it's wise to use that
I suppose I could always make my code handle the current system locale and try/catch back to the default locale if they're using a weird and wonderful one that hasn't been translated yet
@JonClements Aphasia? Muscle memory? Blocking?
I wonder how much functioning software (for some generous definition of "functioning") someone could produce just by hiring people who don't know how to write code to post questions online asking for other people to write each individual piece of the code
Apparently I registered an account as Maria Something and set my gender to "female" on some site, and now it's spamming me :C
At an incredibly low wage, of course
Apropos of nothing, I'm disappointed that bogosort doesn't stand for "buy one, get one" sort. I was imagining all sorts of fun shenanigans that might ensue.
"Would you sort this list for me?" "Sure! Here are your two lists!"
"Hey, these aren't sorted!" "Sure they are—the original one comes first, and the new one second."
we create GCM service for Android using Python GCM package, it is working on local pc but in Remote Server it shows Authontication Sender Error, ans also i added my Remote Server ip in the whitelist, but still getting the same error. please help me with this issue.
i need source code — user7379 1 min ago
One more cv there
Hey, NSChat and C are empty right now, but might anyone in here know Obj-C or C enough to help me out a little?
Oh, cool.
Stop spamming @karnaf
Well, I'm trying to store a CGVector. It's not actually an Objective-C class, so I can't stick inside an NSMutableArray like I was hoping. It's actually a C-struct holding two different floats
1 message moved to Trash
I was wondering which would be the most effective way to store it.
@karnaf Sorry, but if no one knew the answer to your question the first time, they're unlikely to know the solution if you repost it again a minute later.
I could wrap it in an NSValue class, which is an Obj-C class. Then put it in side the array
But I was going to ask over in the C chat room if I could store the struct within another struct.
Maybe it would be easier to just wrap it
That way, I don't have to deal with the immutability problem of Structs.
And let Objective C handle the Mutable Array part for me.
I love the moment of enlightenment when you're on your way home and you're having a moment of clarity and realize: I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE CODE!
@ReutSharabani I had that moment in the car on the way home from the last day of work before the Christmas vacation. I didn't love it.
Fantastic! There is even a selector for what I want to do
NSValue valueWithCGVector
@AirThomas I had it in the parking lot so I came back here to fix it! And it works!
it was a stupid misplaced break
I find the shower an effective place to solve things
which I shouldn't be using
@Kevin I'm sorry too, it would be great if reposting a minute later resulted in instant knowledge.
Mine would have needed ~20 minutes to fix anyway. I probably wouldn't have walked back into the building to do it; I carpool.
Ehh, maybe I was unnecessarily rude. It's RO's job to handle such situations. Sorry @karnaf.
you just have to be more clever with your "stop spamming" message ;)
I do some good design work at the barber shop. If only my hair grew faster.
finding this really annoying - the intro and the main keys are almost identical to another song youtube.com/watch?v=mp7qWfDANrU
nodejs :| why doth though torment me so
The horn section is quite 1950's Grease-esque
If I use soundhound on it, it returns the actual song; which is great... not what I'm trying to find though
First comment says, 'Backing track is almost identical to "Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight"'. BTW, I don't recommend reading any more comments than this one. For that way lies madness.
Fairly sure Grease was late 1970's :)
Sorry, I'm confused by the past.
when you finally finish/have finished/will finish/have already finished the LOTC, I shall offer forgiveness
but yeah... it's definitely Olly Murs... sigh
We were making good progress this month, but then Stevenson botched the binding ritual and now the station is under siege by a battalion of vacuum elementals.
should probably listen to these "talent shows" more
"Elementals made of nothing, how does that even work aaaaaaaaughhh", says their most recent transmission
@Kevin you forgot to take your tablets again haven't you?
Oh, I misread my doctor's note. I've been taking a lot of tables recently.
Just kind of... Removing them from people's homes.
I understand your confusion - if only our medical experts that'd spent years studying medicine could learn to write properly...
On the plus side, I've developed a kickass fort in my backyard.
sooo, if you're using a front end framework when developing with flask, is there really any reason to have anything other than models, app init, and a file to run the web app?
So you're a klepto-table-taker? I'm sure in the US some shrink could have a field day with that one :p
Only if they can get past my fort's Chamber of Trials.
Including but not limited to, "only the penitent may pass", "the unblinking eye", and "assembling the three pieces of the golden monkey statue on the first try"
the CIA/FBI will be so flummoxed by that, they'll never touch you :)
who has authority over who there... is it NSA then CIA then FBI?
Okay guys leaving the office
@IntrepidBrit rbrb for now
Enjoy your day/evening/elevenses
Office-departure-flavoured rhubarb for you.
One more cv to [cv-maybe]
@JonClements Good question. I think they make jurisdiction intentionally confusing so they can better spook the populace.
@corvid I just have models and app.py usually :)
@corvid but I'm no expert
@Dan eh, I put mine in /api/v1/ as a few files, that way it would be easy to upgrade the api
@corvid you still need api views, need to validate incoming data, need to serialize outgoing data, etc.
@corvid good thinking
@Kevin the UK has MI5 and MI6 - not quite sure what happened to bother missing numbers though
@davidism trying to use flask-restless to handle that, but I think it might be a bit too thin to handle all the use cases, particularly user authentication
I expect there are other MIs, but they're not as exciting.
Apparently most of them were simply renamed and absorbed in various reorgs.
The Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) was a department of the British War Office. Over its lifetime the Directorate underwent a number of organisational changes, absorbing and shedding sections over time. == History == The first instance of an organisation which would later become the DMI was the Department of Topography & Statistics, formed by Major Thomas Best Jervis, late of the Bombay Engineer Corps, in 1854 in the early stages of the Crimean War. When the War Office was subsumed into the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 1964, the DMI was absorbed into the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS...
I like MI18: "Used only in fiction."
Kind of them to set one aside.
Not used... As far as the general populace knows.
Operations of the service are required to be proportionate and compliant with British legislation including Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Data Protection Act 1998 and various other items of legislation. Information held by the service is exempt from disclosure under section 23 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.[10]
M18, secret cryptid control unit. Tranquilizing yetis and relocating them to the Rocky mountains, let the colonists deal with that mess.
And so began the great Yeti vs. Sasquatch conflict.
I smell a Syfy network movie original...
I should be working, not thinking of how to combine this with odd historical facts about northwestern Canada.
/me writes "wendigos???" on notepad, circles it several times
kebab time! yay me!
can recommend Charlie Stross' Laundry fiction to those who don't already know it
Did you know there are almost no sasquatch sightings up in the North? Hmmm.
@Zero have you read "Richter 10" ?
Nope, any good?
probably one of my favourite ever books, so I'd say yes, but with bias :)
Never read any Clarke in fact - keep meaning to have a go at the Odyssey series at some point.
wb @AdamSmith
Richter 10 is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Mike McQuay. The protagonist is Lewis Crane, who develops a hatred of earthquakes due to a major earthquake hitting his house when he is seven years old, killing his parents. The book's title is a reference to the Richter scale, on which 10 was considered (when the scale was devised) to be the most power an earthquake was likely to ever have. The plot deals with predicting earthquakes months or years in advance, and eventually banishing them forever from earth by stopping all tectonic activity. == Plot summary == There are four defining episodes in...
So basically, Batman as a geologist?
not really - the interplay of characters is far more complicated
Nice concept. The criticism I've seen levelled at Clarke is that he's great at the science and not so great at the fiction - which, given his era, I can believe.
Couldn't be as bad as Asimov though ;-)
I'm actually a fan of Asimov. He writes great "Don't think about it too hard" fiction
@Zero the "idea" was by Clarke, the writing was by "McQuay" - who actually, I think far out classes Clarke in character development
@JonClements Okay, interesting ... I'm in favour of people knowing their limits and delegating.
@AdamSmith Asimov's ideas are great, and at short-story length he can just about handle structure. His actual writing is abysmal.
I admittedly much prefer short stories to full length works
Nobody doesn't like The Last Question, as far as I can tell.
I really enjoyed Prelude.
I only really read sci-fi, fantasty, horror and auto-biographies... so
The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin is another great sci-fi short story
@JonClements Can you handle a little crime noir?
I've got a load of umm... looks at book shelf
Jeffery Deaver - that's the guy I was thinking of
Disclaimer: I know the author. It is really good though.
Do we kick-mute people for spam? ;-)
Heh ... okay, intended as a genuine (if you like fantasy and horror) rec, honest. Feel free to delete and/or kickmute if I've unwittingly crossed a line.
I think linking to a book when we're discussing recommendations is only sensible! Did you know the author beforehand?
Before publication? No.
Before I read the book, yes.
Unfortunately the only person I know who became a published author (long after I met her) writes mostly YA fiction. Her books are really good, but they're unlikely to appeal to the room. Although they are oddly popular in the UK for some reason.
when are you allowed to round up GPA? I have a 2.97. Can I put 3.0?
I've only ever heard of GPAs with one significant digit, but then I've only heard of GPAs in TV drama.
I've rarely heard of GPAs other than 4.0, for that matter.
So you can probably round to that ;-)
@corvid usually that is one number you don't round, but it matters less in some fields than others
the question is, are they going to check your transcripts? and if so, can they fire you for falsifying that information
I have a 4.0 GPA in my illustration minor. Does that count?
FWIW, I wouldn't object if someone rounded 2.97 up to 3.0, but then I'm known far and wide for my reasonable-ish-ness.
How many classes do you have to take before you can actually get a 2.97?
math people, go!
297 classes.
jk, I have no idea.
like 4 I think
from itertools import product, combinations_with_replacement
from statistics import mean

def find(gpas, target, tol):
    for i in range(1, 21):
        for c in combinations_with_replacement(gpas, i):
            mu = mean(c)
            if abs(mu-target) < tol:
                return c, mu

gpas = [4, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0, 1.7, 1.3, 1.0]
tol = 0.01
target = 2.97

print(find(gpas, target, tol))
@AdamSmith it would actually depend on how the institution calculates gpa
In [9]: print(find(gpas, target, tol))
((3.3, 3.3, 2.3), 2.9666666666666663)
is my best guess.
I was assuming a flat [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] grading scale. Do they give 0.3 for a + or -?
@AdamSmith my institution used something called quality points to calculate gpa, and some courses didn't count towards gpa (pass/fail and 1 cr. hr. seminar courses)
each course had up to 12 quality points, always awarded as a whole number
but most schools use this:
so all we need to do is append 0.7 and 0 to @DSM 's gpa list
Doesn't seem to change the result from a min of 3.
@DSM good point
Well, if an institution dedicated to academic rigor is getting results like 2.97 because they rounded ⅓ to 0.3, I think you have a responsibility to round it back to the 3.0 you'd have got if they did it properly.
GPA are weird :/ why not just have a percentage?
... or something sensible like First, 2:1, 2:2, Third ;-)
I can kind of see why you'd want to collapse different grades together (so you don't have to pretend there's a difference between a 92% average and a 93% average), but it introduces new problems, because there's no difference between a 79% average student and an 80% average student.
:p Yeah but we actually have these based on percentages
@MartijnPieters cbg
We did in schools, and in many courses before the final GPA mapping.
Ninja cabbage for all.
Grades should be colours, continuously variable between green and red.
"What grade did you get in your math class last semester?" "Mauve."
I got rgba(0, 51, 102, 0.5) :(
Everyone should get the same grade, regardless of ability.
also a trophy and a pat on the head and ice cream after class
Why does puce vary in meaning?
I might have been more motivated in school had I gotten ice cream after class
Just realised that with my proposal, grade inflation could be called blueshift :-)
@ZeroPiraeus <slow clap>
He only appears to be such an attractive candidate because you're looking at his GPS while he's approaching.
People will only agree to do phone interviews so they can call in from a train.
The implementations of set.discard and set.remove are really redundant. Wonder why they didn't have set.remove call set.discard and then check the result. :/
Anyone with experience in maps stuff?
I've a lots of latitudes and longitudes in database(sqlite), what is the best way to find all the lats and longs that lie within a particular region(say 5 Km) to a particular lat, long?
I think NASA has a formula for that actually. Best to copy and paste it
@Kevin's list.append(The Game)

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