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Crapping into your globals is always advantageous.
"you're why there's an island of plastic in the pacific ocean"
This lesson is best learned personally, by going through a lot of pain while doing it the wrong way.
trust click 5000
I got to look good in front of my boss today because of my mad grep skills :-)
@AirThomas haha those are cool
I think I got a few people fired today, since my code is about to do their job.
@tristan Apparently this "fake fried egg cake" is a thing (they are peeled apricots)
"we'll never find out where this link is hardcoded into the page!" 40 seconds later... "here it is in pages/etc/links/whatever.aspx.cs"
and it's called "spiegeleierkuchen" which is a bitch to spell
Although maybe I should have spent 40 seconds working, and the rest of the day on reddit, and still be perceived as a miracle worker. "he did the impossible in only four hours!"
@Reut: if one of those is my job, you and I are going to have words, and they're going to be short and of Saxon origins.
@ReutSharabani - You should put some marks on the side of your cubicle, one for each person you took down.
Man, SQL questions attract some of the worst answers. And people upvote them.
@Kevin: +1 for grep skills, -1 for not spelling it "skillz" in good retro fashion.
lol, they're just students hired to fix our DB from some inserts that happen in a malfunctioning component
that I mostly fixed (I didn't write it!)
@AirThomas yeah, because of compound adjective noun form, spiegel-eier-kuchen fried-egg-cake
@AirThomas it's like you're telling me to start answering SQL
^^ re: notches
@ReutSharabani Students hired to fix your DB? Uh... what are your actual employees paid to do, then?
Break it?
Herd the interns.
@AirThomas, long story short, they had a programmer before I got here, that wrote all sorts of stuff. When he was out the door I was hired to replace him (I was still a student). So now that we have many things running, and have some time to fix stuff that are only sort-of-running, I'm doing that.
until now we had some content in the DB that shouldn't have been there. students were hired to remove it when it happens (they also do some more stuff, but that's the majority of their work at the moment).
it's not trivial entries, it's more like looking at several entries, looking at external links, see if they make sense (content-wise) and remove if necessary. not something a query can fix.
not with that attitude
@ReutSharabani I assumed you meant they were working on the structure of the database, rather than just cleaning out bad data.
no, they're cleaning + inserting annotation data on content, but 90% of the work is cleaning.
cleaning is also harder than annotating..
I'm looking for an english expression similar to "doesn't follow"
but it's more like "going against"
something like that
that's good, but no
beats the purpose!
"defeats" would be more idiomatic than "beats"
I think we usually say "defeats the purpose", not "beats the purpose". Or "beats the porpoise", for that matter, which I disapprove of in general.
@Kevin: you and your fast typing!
thanks @Kevin. this is English, right: "which defeats the porpuse of having functions in the first place"?
"porpuse" should be "purpose".
Yeah, that sounds natural, after fixing the spelling
I always spell it wrong. Just spotted the same spelling error in my original post :)
From the rejected pile: Funny, it's only two letters. #hereallweek
@DSM It's all because I'm 0.000536819375 light seconds closer to the chat server :-)
I don't enjoy having to disagree with people who are usually right.
The problem was that the OP buried his question in the title and also posted a bad example of what he wanted.
It's clearer now, but still not a terrific question for lack of effort.
And apparently it's a dup of an earlier question by the OP, or so it seems.
cbg Robert
I'm having python2 tutorial woes
Oh noes! Can we help?
I can't pip install wsgiref, because the setup script uses print "" rather than print()
Can I just download and unzip?
          ( programming )
reaching peak ~~*adorbz*~~ on my profile
That's inspiring. I'm going to try it
@RobertGrant: I thought wsgiref was stdlib now?
@RobertGrant Maybe you need to invoke the 2.7 pip specifically. Try putting in its full address. mine is at C:\Python27\scripts\pip.exe.
@DSM yep

>>> import wsgiref
>>> wsgiref
<module 'wsgiref' from '/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.2_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/wsgiref/__init__.py'>
@DSM that's where I just got to. I'll try skipping it
Or maybe that doesn't make sense. It's hard to tell, my 2:30 torpor came early today.
If I'm reading right, the only time you'd need a 3-compatible pip version is if you're working with Python >= 3 < 3.2, which is crazy because 3.0 and 3.1 are basically unusable.
Next problem: what the heck is a wheel
New post-egg packaging scheme.
hi everybody
i am using python cgi program
but i cant import any package
on plesk
example pymssql and gcm package
if i run python shell means i got exact result
same coding i ran on plesk means i got no module error
so please any one help me
Sounds better, but with a worse name. Gems are to Ruby as wheels are to... Pythons?
Having said that, what the heck was a pip doing installing an egg
wanders off burbling
@karnaf can you import built-in modules, such as math and threading?
s i import some built -in modules they r working perfect
Have you installed the broken modules? How did you install them?
s i installed 3rd party package ..using pip
Side bar: it's official, poppadoms are my favourite food ever.
I don't think of them so much as a food but as something you eat other food with.
Update on installing a wheel on a win32 system: py_bcrypt-0.4-cp27-none-win32.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
wanders off grumbling
Wait, are you working with Python 2 or 3?
@DSM I'm pretty sure I could happily eat poppadoms forever.
@Ffisegydd: don't you kind of want to use them to scoop up sauce or something, though?
Nope. I'm sitting eating them on their own while my curry cooks.
@RobertGrant: I'm just guessing, but that cp27 looks suspicious.
Oh yeah of course
wanders off muttering optimistically
@Ffisegydd: Indian food on a non-Friday. What will the British think of next?
how can i configure sorted to give me this order, 1.0, 1.1, ,1.4, 1.10
I'm a rebel without a cause, but with a curry.
@Arden there is a module called natsorted which you can installed with pip that does this.
1.1 and 1.10 are identical numbers, so they'll always go next to one another while sorting.
@Ffisegydd nice
@Kevin even with natsorted?
natsorted will work on strings, but not floats. Are you trying to sort ['1.0', '1.1', '1.4', '1.10'] or [1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.10]?
essentially i need to look at the values after the decimal as a seperate number
either or
Assuming they're strings -- for the reason Kevin gave, floats won't work:
>>> from natsort import versorted
>>> versorted(['1.4','1.10','1.1','1.0'])
['1.0', '1.1', '1.4', '1.10']
Although if you know that it's always of the format digits-period-digits using natsort might be overkill.
If you're like me and are reluctant to install external libraries, you can supply your own custom key argument to sort.
seq = ['1.0', '1.1', '1.4', '1.10']
seq.sort(key = lambda s: [int(x) for x in s.split(".")])
@DSM i have strings, but i dont want more external librariers
And he's back
Then Kevin's suggestion is a good one.
Even if the reluctance is often unjustifiable. :-)
well i tried to pip
but my windows is missing dependancies
and imnot sure whats involved to get it to work so
thanks kevin
what does this mean? For level of education, it says "Bachelor's degree (+- 16 years)"
South African?
I usually read +- as "give or take" but that doesn't make sense in this context
Unless it means "if you got your degree no later than 16 years ago, or intend to get your degree no later than 16 years from now"
SA people say that to mean approximately
Not sure I've ever seen that phrasing before.
Come to SA
I assume it means they got their degree about 16 years ago
plus or minus 16... years old?
Maybe they mean "if it took approximately 16 years of education to get your degree. No slow or super fast learners please"
got your degree at age 5? Get out of here!
Oh, I thought it was a CV
@Kevin 16 years might be a slow learner :)
Depends on where you start counting from. Freshman year of college? First grade of elementary?
I'm currently in 21st Grade :P
I consider myself a student of the world. </smug-satisfaction>
You wanna know where I went to university? On the street! (Penglais Hill to be exact)
(serioustalk, I do consider my university education only the beginning of a long path of learning)
I'm fresh off the university :D I'm missing 0.5 credits though, because I completed some courses early, and they got extra credit in the following years.
So they are checking to see if I can get my degree without the hassle of taking another course.
Time for cabbage. (Which will now have songs from Annie as the mental soundtrack because of some ill-chosen words on my part, but it's my own fault.)
ok , enough work for today. Later everyone!
The ol' shallow copy of lists dupe
Hey guys I have a quick question. Is there a way to move the cursor in a terminal up multiple lines to replace a line of text? I know you can use '\r' to replace the current line. But, say I want to print a few lines, and change the text of the first line? Is that possible?
Basically, I have a progress bar, and below the progress bar I want to be able to print out what is happening, while updating the progress bar on the line above
There's curses for Unix systems, and the third party module colorama has a semi-secret "put characters at XY position" functionality, which works on Windows.
There's no ASCII character you can print to go up a line, though. \r and \b are all you've got.
Hmm, so there's no cross-platform way of doing it without installing colorama?
Not sure. That's just what I use because I'm not usually concerned with compatibility.
Yea unfortunately compatibility is an issue here. The script is for synchronizing files on a web server on my local machine which is Linux and my friend's local machine which is Windows
I bet there's some kind of curses variant for Windows, I just haven't looked very hard.
I'll take a look
I actually think he uses a terminal emulator for windows that is actually runs like a *nix terminal. Would that work?
You could Frankenstein up a solution using both:
    import curses
    def put_char(x,y,c):
        #todo: use curses to place a character
except ImportError: #oops, must be on Windows
    import colorama
    def put_char(x,y,c):
        #todo: use colorama to place a character
yea that's always an option
Not sure if colorama works on anything other than the standard Windows console. Browsing around its source, I see a lot of windll.kernel32.SetConsoleWhatever calls, which I assume only work on consoles.
I guess it depends on whether a terminal is a console, according to Microsoft.
I have strong feelings against everything Microsoft
first thing i did when i bought my computer was install Ubuntu and wipe the entire drive with it haha
I just use whatever has better tech support. Theoretically, Window's larger market share means I'll find more people with the same problem as me while I'm googling for solutions.
(although I wonder what the market share is like when you only count people that use computers the same way I do, e.g. for software development)
(the zillions of people that use their computer as an email and Youtube machine are not likely to contribute to my troubleshooting adventures)
The market share would definitely be a lot less in that case. But at least equal if not more than that of Linux, or *nix for that matter. There are a lot of people that use Windows, and the market share also accounts for businesses and people who need IT help to log into their emails
Exactly, at least with Linux I know that anyone else who has this OS will know a good amount about computers
But like you said, the Windows community is a big one
I'm definitely going to put some flavor of Linux on my current computer, the next time I upgrade to a new one. I was going to do that for my previous computer, but the fan died.
@Kevin for Python, speaking as someone on Windows at the moment, the Windows support sucks
in Python-cgi when try to connect Db through pyodbc/ pymssql , I got login failed error..
can u help me with this..
@samrap don't forget the people that developed this site
Are we talking Linux or Windows @Robert
It's probably a twenty minute fix, but only for someone that knows where to put the X
@samrap Windows
can any one help me with this!
in Python-cgi when try to connect Db through pyodbc/ pymssql , I got login failed error..
I've always found it funny that people do web dev on windows and 99% of them use a unix server xD
Web dev is my thing and I could never imagine doing it in Windows
@karnaf Perhaps your script does not have the correct credentials to access the database.
no when i try to connect through terminal it hits the DB perfectly.
Is your database on localhost? If its remote, check your database settings to make sure it allows remote login
both the DB and the hosting place is same in Remote location.
Here my connection info
conn = pymssql.connect(host='SQL01', user='user', password='password', database='mydatabase')
Sorry, I have run out of ideas.
fine anyhow thanks for the try Kevin...guys any one have any idea..
tried to ping SQL01 to check if it's up?
yes in SQL its working fine..
getting crediantial error only through coding.
even in terminal also its working fine.
Cabbage having been cabbaged, I have returned.
bloody power cuts
England obviously needs #puppypower.
@karnaf what sql implementation?
and how are you calling it on the command line from a remote client and having it work?
i have a pandas dataframe
key count(*) year value_1 value_2 value_3
0 2 2012 12 15 1
1 1 2012 12 15 2
2 1 2012 12 15 3
3 2 2012 12 15 5

sometimes for items in "value_3" it will skip over the +1 value. So it skips from 3 -5. How do I write a function where a 0 will be inserted every time a value is skipped like that.
key       count(*)     year       value_1    value_2     value_3
0             2        2012           12         15           1
1             1        2012           12         15           2
2             1        2012           12         15           3
3             2        2012           12         15           5
What's your intended output? PS: any reason you didn't just ask this on the main site?
I tried to host a python site in IIS(Windows Server), i did installed python and all the related packages, when i try to get the DB connection from python terminal it works fine, the same when i try to implement through coding it shows <class 'pymssql.operationlError'>
what db?
ms sql?
s ms sql..
and what do you mean python terminal vs "through coding"
exact same code being run with python my_script.py ?
just wanted to see if I could get an answer here first
key       count(*)     year       value_1    value_2     value_3
0             2        2012           12         15           1
1             1        2012           12         15           2
2             1        2012           12         15           3
0	       0	   0	            0		0	      0
3             2        2012           12         15           5
formatting is a little bad but thats the needed output
Tristan- when i run through Python-shell its working fine.. but the same coding not working in Python-cgi
exact same code? @karnaf
running on the same server as the same user?
does one version specify the hostname and the other not? what do the server logs say?
be specific in your problem description, otherwise people are just shooting in the dark
@samrap from what I heard (could be wrong), IIS has the highest market share (blogs.iis.net/erez/archive/2014/08/01/…)
Partly because nginx is eating apache's lunch, but even so
Hard hitting unbiased news from blogs.iis.net.
Well, true :)
I really don't buy it either.
I'd like to see their methods.
I find that really hard to believe, but hey, who knows
Uh oh. Joe Kington has started dabbling in Julia as well. Time to up my game.
But this was in the April, so it's not a big move from here: news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/04/02/…
That was 33%
I'll have you know that Kevin Information Services has highest marketshare. (among left handed third generation Lithuanian folk dancers)
I know that microsoft runs server farms just to keep market share up in surveys like this, but I also just don't buy it.
Their tracking software only recognizes traffic from Internet Explorer ;)
they still don't mention their method in that post, so they can just hush
@DSM At first glance I thought that was "Joe Klingon" as in, the average Klingon everyman
@tristan they run server farms to get their stats up to impress people who care about % of the zero-profit webserver market? :)
are they looking at server signature? because nginx/apache users are far more likely to turn that off
@RobertGrant yes. and browser use.
All right, I guess two hours is long enough to try to wheedle a full code sample out of someone. How to change a entry widgets border color in Python Tkinter
Ah, free browser use :)
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
D:\inetpub\vhosts\Domain name\httpdocs\cgi-bin\hi.py in ()
8 #cnxn=pyodbc.connect(driver='{SQL Server}',server='server name',database='DB name',uid='user name',pwd='pwd')
9 conn = pymssql.connect(host='server name',user='user name',password='pwd',database='DB name')
10 cur=conn.cursor()
11 cur.execute('select * from MobileNumber')
conn undefined, pymssql = <module 'pymssql' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\P...Additional\Python\lib\site-packages\pymssql.pyd'>, pym
No doubt so that their search provider, Bing, pays them more
Pretty sure he read and then ignored my request, as I made my comment 25 minutes ago and he last commented 9 minutes ago.
cmon @karnaf don't be lazy, you're asking for free interactive help
actually, nevermind, do what you will, i'm checked out on this
@tristan they link to their methodology, see what you think: netcraft.com/active-sites
Rbrb all!
I've been reliably informed it's bedtime
@karnaf 9 conn = pymssql.connect(host='server name',user='user name',password='pwd',database='DB name') wat
"Only sites with unique content will be counted.." lol
this is the way to connect with Db through pymssql@AirThomas
their methods are crap
@karnaf Oh? Your server name is literally 'server name', etc.?
...and you created a test database that you named 'DB name'
hrm... well that's new... there's a Lynx outside
Well that's unexpected.
Beaten by 8 bloody seconds.
"General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server" what do i do now
@corvid what's his name?
hi everybody; could anybody give me an equation / term for the following dataset:
step 1: 5
step 2: 13
step 3: 24
step 4: 38
step 5: 55
@corvid Aren't they usually outside?
Wait, what's unexpected, the appearance of a Lynx or naming a server "server name"?
@MarkF6 oeis.org perhaps?
@tristan there actually is a small zoo in town that has a lynx, I forget her name though. It's fat and sassy
@DSM The parameters.
@MarkF6 3/2*(x^2) + 13/2*x + 5
actually nevermind it's just a super lame bobcat or something
give me my money back
Tsk tsk. Teach a man to fish, Kevin.
@AirThomas: that makes more sense. Lynx are everywhere these days.
linear recurrence?
bloopy de blorp math de murth
@DSM Their range does seem pretty large. Surprised I've never seen one myself, actually.
@QuestionC Or I can give him blueprints to my automatic fish acquiring machine, polynomial_fitting.py ;-)
I know how to fish. Doesn't mean I catch anything.
(code not suitable for general consumption. results may vary. where we're going, we won't need eyes to see)
I buy my fish.
forking to remind me to read it tomorrow
I am officially a fishing jinx.
@Kevin I have these values from the following task: at the first step, I have 5 matches. The figure becomes bigger, there are now 13, etc.
i thought i could do something with:
step 1: 5x
step 2: 5x + 3 = 5x + 1*3
step 3: 5x + 9 = 5x + 3*3
step 4: 5x + 18 = 5x + 6*3
step 5: 5x + 30 = 5x + 10*3
oops, that polynomial only works if 5 was step zero. Fixing this is left as an exercise to the reader.
a trawling mounteback if you will @AirThomas
♫ something something unexpected lynx ♫ something something fishing jinx ♫
arg i can't paste into this window
i made it out of the unicode + regex cave and my tests pass
@MarkF6: that approach is fine; you just need to recognize that 1,3,6,10.. etc. are the triangular numbers, and use the formula for those.
@tristan Stop trying to make fetch mountebank happen. It's not going to happen.
(actually I don't care what you try to make happen, I just wanted to make that reference)
That's the first pop-culture reference in a long time I had to google. On balance, I think I'm proud of myself.
so treculent...
It's a surprisingly solid film. Must be from Lohan's pre-self-destruction days.
Lo Han? Is he a Chinese director of some sort?
Dunno. I don't see race, I just see ambiguously gray blobs. (please take me to the doctor)
Lo is famous for Flying Fists of the Samurai (Who Killed Me). Hasn't done much lately, though.
i imagine that at some point, i'll have some government contract and i'll have to explain black humor and trolling to someone that refuses to blink
Bah. Should have gone with Shaolin Monk, I'm crossing traditions now.
Random thought: the "I hereby revoke all rights Facebook has over my posts" status updates that people post on FB, are probably as effective as "to all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt" from the first episode of Breaking Bad.
Further parallels: both are probably made while the speaker is not wearing pants.
Yeah, the "I reject the authority of this court!" approach has a bad track record.
And candy crush is kind of like methamphetamine... I think I'm on to something here.
Maybe if you drop the "to"..
I had half an energy drink for lunch, but it's making me less psychotic than it normally does.
Hm. I just catted a bunch of CSV files together but now I have a bunch of header rows stuck in the middle of the output file.
Anyone know a simple solution?
perhaps there exists a "snip the first line off of this file" application you could use before catting?
@Kevin people post that on facebook? so glad i don't use that
header rows?
Yeah, same
tail -n 1
oh, someone put headers as the first line of the csv?
is it just inlined on the csv or is it on a separate line?
It's separate.
durr that's not it either. i need to go to bed
I was hoping to be super lazy.
These file names are obnoxiously long.
I suppose I'll shell script it.
throw them in a dir and glob
I was already doing cat *.csv > output.csv
ls *.csv | xargs -n 1 tail -n +2
I had a "duh" moment and just filtered the data rows out in Excel and deleted the remaining
Let today be known as the day that Excel solved one of my problems
@AirThomas tail -n+2 *.csv >> concat_file
I consider Excel to be one of Microsoft's least awful creations.
@tristan tail outputs some extra stuff though
@tristan the only problem is that tail will write out a line every time it starts a new file. But maybe there's an option to ask it to stop?
when you're doing more than one file
@AirThomas if you do the command I put up a minute ago it won't output extra stuff.
yeah, xargs will avoid that extra line
alright, sleep time
take care all
@CodyPiersall Reading up on xargs before I paste and run stuff willy nilly :)
@tristan rhubarb
@AirThomas xargs is an exciting wonderland which you will love greatly!
Belated rhubarb for tristan.
Hmm. So ls | xargs echo is like echo everything once, and ls | xargs -n 1 echo is like echo each once
Since the command above calls tail with only one file, it doesn't output a separator.
I'm shamefully inexperienced with non-DOS shell commands. "I should install Linux" was my "I should buy a boat cat" spirit animal of choice for too many years.
anyone here familiar with using a sobel operator on scipy for edge detection? Getting some unexpected results.
boat cat? sobel operator? When did this room become so incomprehensible?
Looks like you'll have to google two references today.
@DSM "I should buy a boat cat" is the meme with a cat reading a newspaper, captioned along the lines of "I should do X"
I was reading that as "I should buy a (boat cat)", not "(I should buy a boat) cat".
Was wondering if you lived on a boat.
Haha, I was thinking something similar.
A half boat, half cat creature.
@DSM No, but my sister does! I worry about her! Ha ha, oversharing

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