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@Al.Sal how old is it then?
@Kevin I just tested it, it seemed to work for me.
The longest time I've owned a single computer is what, 4-5 years? Don't judge me ah hahah. How about you?
I've found the American dream's programming language - Falcon.
> The best things in life are free, as in free speech
@PeterVaro You're supposed to clean your keyboard?
Lifts keyboard above head and shakes it.
like shaking out a toaster...
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

4-5 years without cleaning?
oh, my.. I have to clean it every month -- otherwise it would look awful..
The perils of having the enter key close the backspace key.
When I was little, I would always eat greasy food and type. It got so gross. So what makes you ask? feeling self conscious about that keyboard duster?
@Al.Sal like this?
that makes me sad... it never got that bad! maybe my mom cleaned it when I was sleeping or something :S
when I lived at home my mom cleaned mine too..
but those days are long gone now..
I think I had that keyboard once.
I still live with my parents
I'm still a student
rbrb again
@IntrepidBrit So you finally solved the mystery of the logo on the toaster in the SU question I posted!
Who would start a company that sells bikes and frozen yogurt?
Chet Faker is good
@user3620828 I did?
nope I was thinking something else..
the logo on the toaster said Fabrikam
Which is one among the names in the links you posted
@user3620828 I uh. You're welcome
Got downvoted by the OP of an ambiguously worded question because I answered the question he asked, not the one he was thinking :-I
@Kevin There should be an appeal button.
@Kevin you should remember to turn on your mind reading skills
Lesson learned
Did I say rbrb? I meant cbg.
@Martijn well easy typo - the buttons are right next to each other :)
Sorry I meant CBG
@user3620828 where did that come from?
The keys are right next to each other
I didn't see it :(
I'm trying an Irc joke
Whilst I appreciate (and know) the joke, that's not appropriate here
Umm... I haven't checked bash/qdb in a while now :)
I guess I should have typed Yam you tomatoes!
Would that be appropriate?
wb @Antti
does anyone know a cmdline tool for
generating a combined changelog from git rep and its submodules?
and cbg
so I've decided that I'm gonna try to learn java.
Works well on linux
and I can try Jython
.Net is too windowsy
Though there is the mono runtime for linux it sucks!
I've spent the last few weeks working with Java. It can be pretty frustrating, although eventually you get used to it.
Morning cabbage to all.
Which I assume is to say that it doesn't get any less awful, you just get used to it as opposed to it gets less awful.
I can only speak with confidence of how this one Python programmer feels after a few weeks.. maybe something kicks in at six months and you suddenly start liking it.
cbg @DSM
@Ffisegydd 50 registered used on the sopython app now
Today I am annoyed because the flash game* I had been playing all week, Adventure Capitalist, wouldn't load yesterday, no matter how many times I refreshed the page.
(*since it is of the "idle" genre, it's more like a Skinner Box than an actual game. Push button, numbers go up, habit reinforced.)
Now I'm all twitchy. I gotta get my fix, man!
@vaultah I flagged the comment by Marc B on that post
It doesn't matter if that was really the sentiment, that's still no excuse to be rude to the point of calling someone lazy.
I went for "not constructive"
"lazy" is inflammatory and "you're cheating" is speculation at best
Some classes let you go online to get help. And some classes define "help" very loosely, so yes, copy-pasting the question counts
I picked
> not constructive this is pretty much a superset of "rude and offensive". Even if you don't personally find them offensive, those one-liner contests are often good examples of non constructive comments: "pithy" jokes at the authors' expense, "snarky" advice meant more to score points with the commenter's peers than to inform or educate, and tangential personal observations all fall into this category. Again, flag these wherever you find them.
okay... and the question has two delete votes on it
(not that this means the question is allowed by us; it just may be allowed by the instructor)
Well, I'm assured that I can find a reason to flag almost every comment..
@vaultah I'm afraid I'm gonna have to flag that message for...uhh...being clever.
can the Python room's mascot be the cabbage guy from Avatar?
(and every comment of mine)
Gotta love the cabbage man.
Gotta love the cabbage, man.
@Kevin is today the seeing how your pills work by putting them in your right shoe day?
That was yesterday. Today I am ignoring the pills entirely, giving them the "silent treatment". WHO WILL CRACK FIRST?
cbg @Ashwini
@Kevin so far - it appears the pills are winning :)
Yep, tough little buggers they are
I got to use groupby today. Doesn't happen very often :-)
I had a list of coordinates of squares and needed to group them by size, so I could separate them into animated gifs for this question.
I was on the fence between "to broad" or "tool recommendation" for that one, since they apply to each of his two questions respectively.
2 reopen votes..
I'd be a really bad moderator :)
How dare they defy the will of the chat!!!
That's really not a suitable question.
This looks like it might be good: store.steampowered.com/app/65980
I'd be more willing to accept questions like "how do I extract the pixel data from one frame of this image format?" or "how do I detect the position of a white spherical object in an image?"
@vaultah Yeah, but it reached 3 delete votes
@JonClements And one undelete too..
someone is being stubborn there..
starred it to track it.
@Martijn interesting
I wonder if this new civ game is going to be similar to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascendancy_(video_game) - use to be one of my favourite games
you know ubuntu has very poor default settings, but once it's set up it's awesome
so is Ubuntu running without any problems now @corvid
yeah, it's actually awesome with the addition of work spaces and changing the default text
Umm... are there no good strategy games anymore?
How did you solve the lag? @corvid
Age of Empires
depends, Jon, what kind of strategy?
I had some fun recently with the Advance Wars series.
@user3620828 oh you mean my computer freezing? I think it was a display error somehow, broke my main account
how did you solve it?
(up until the point where Hawke loaded up on anti-air units, on a map where you're forced to use only air units. Haven't been able to crack that puzzle.)
made a new account haha, not entirely sure why it worked
Sometimes Linux is unpredictable
Every thing has be fixed by hand and there are no magic tools
Once my desktop was blank
Well, I enjoy space strategy... turn based is better as I can think about stuff after flicking between bits and bobs... don't have the time to sit down and pay attention to RTS' anymore
Somehow the cinnamon package got uninstalled
So... hopefully that new Civ one is going to be good
I use to play Rise Of Nations, Starcraft / Warcraft, Dungeon Keeper - those kind of games...
(Transport Tycoon/Capitalism/Sim City)
You mean like RTS, then?
that's my kind of gaming style... don't have time for RTS now... hence looking for turn based
Did you play Age of empires?
before that is
@user3620828 nope - think I went straight to RoN
I heard Divinity: Original Sin is a somewhat challenging turn based RPG if that counts
Ooo.. I use to like the Ultima series
I still haven't opened the copy of Pokemon I got for Christmas... I don't have the enthusiasm for games that I used to.
I don't know if I'm getting old or what.
I think Faster Than Light is an indie game that's pretty good for strategy, from what I heard
I just have this... magnetic desire to talk about Roth IRAs and cereal with bran in them.
any fans of Amnesia
I love it
I played Amnesia's prequel and NOPE'd right out of it after the third enemy or so
I am not a brave man.
I didn't think Amnesia was scary enough :\ but then again, when I was eight I made a hobby out of exploring abandoned buildings
Play amnesia on drugs. wierd stuff happens
I was really scared at the water monster level
The fear of the unkown
it had good puzzles though. That's what I really miss in games, when they were more about solving puzzles than mindless fast-paced gameplay
django rest framework serializers are so weird smh
@JonClements I'm thinking a mix of Civ5 and Alpha Centurai?
@corvid aaah the tyranny of the default
@Kevin Advanced wars is amazing. Kept me sane through my American Greyhound travels
@IntrepidBrit I think a lot of brands succeed so much just by having really good defaults, cause people don't have patience to figure the system out
It's in my "to finish" pile next to its fantasy counterpart Fire Emblem
@corvid FTL is one of the best Indy games I've played. Period. I thoroughly can't recommend it enough for the price. I used to play it on the train all the time (and the "new" DLC was free to boot :) )
@corvid Yep. Look at Mac
@hanleyhansen In what way?
I'm guessing at least some of you played Braid?
I never really like indie games too much :\ although appreciate the vision of the developers. If only indie game developers had more resources, a new golden age would arise
@IntrepidBrit i have a nested serializer in one of my resources. when i go to save the parent serializer instead of setting the attribute of that serializer to the nested resource it creates a new resource with the nested object. wth??
Q: Django REST Framework Saving Nested Serializers Without Creating Them

hanleyhansenI have a serializer like so: class DataSetColumnSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): custom_target = target_serializers.CustomTargetSerializer() class Meta: model = dataset_models.DataSetColumn custom_target uses the following serializer: class CustomTargetSerializer(seri...

@corvid Unfortunately, those resources come with limitations. I really need to get my old game Grav up on Steam
@hanleyhansen Make it a free to play or something
@JonClements I am seriously looking forward to it. I love Civ V.
We'll have to play a game when it comes out.
@hanleyhansen Uh, misclicked reply
Meanwhile in Devon - wormcharming.co.uk
@hanleyhansen Taking a cheeky sneak peek just now
@Ffisegydd definitely :)
@IntrepidBrit thanks!
Cabbage @Johndt6
@hanleyhansen Did the answer work?
no =(
can't get it to override for some reason
that seems like the way to go at least for now
i put an issue in on github and got this
either or is acceptable behavior which is fine but nothing in the documentation or anywhere indicates how to get the other behavior
Answered my first SO question :D
dumb ubuntu question; can you have one screen NOT switch workstations?
Jon Skeet broke 700k.
@Johndt6 gratz
thanks :)
700k meh.
@Ffisegydd just got Hacker Evolution Duality bundle with all the DLCs for £3.99 - I seem to recall I liked the first one many moons ago, and besides, the game itself is £14.99 without the packs... so not quite sure how that one works
that's like nothing
I predict he'll crack the million by mid next year
@hanleyhansen I've not used serialisers in absolute yonks so I'm not up to speed on them
@vaultah cbg
@hanleyhansen What version of Django are you running?
@hanleyhansen Sorry, wish I could help, but my rest api is very simple, so I haven't had to deal with that
That moment you realise when you need to sort out the paperwork on your desk... I've lost cables to it now
@IntrepidBrit 1.5.7
I think I am intoing flask wrong again
my question hasn't gotten much attention either so i guess not many people are having this issue
I guess not many people have embedded serialisers?
guess not
i think it's a good question tho! lol
Well, it's something that the Django guys are looking to clear up at some point
I know it's on their todo list (like database migrations were)
1.7 is going to be awesome
we're waiting for 1.7 to uprev
Okay, dare I ask why you have a serialiser within a serialiser?
aargh, help vampiritis.
I feel I need some garlic now.
The OP asked a Python question but keeps broadening it to general computer theory on binary representations of numbers, which really don't apply to Python int objects in the first place.
Rhubarb all :)
@IntrepidBrit the nested serializer gives me a serialized representation of the object as opposed to just the pk
@hanleyhansen whoosh
by now skype looks just like another microsoft product
broken as designed
@Antti well - they're consistent in design - at least you always know it's going to be broken
@AnttiHaapala It was rather broken before MS bought it.
What happened to Skype? Is it sucking?
it sucks so much that it blows when trying to suck.
Whenever I get a question with a lot of follow ups, it reminds me of this Louie CK standup bit
was so awful that I even didnt want to read
@Zhouster You'll here the wind whistle through the cracks of your windows when you use it.
@MartijnPieters Smells like a homework problem to me
I did copy paste some text from skype to python
surprisingly microsoft cannot do copy paste anymore
I did analyze the data for 1 hour in python
Haha, so is Google Hangouts the new Skype?
Feels like it.
then I noticed that the fsckin text in """---""" in my scrollback was different from what I had selected in skype?!?!?!?!?!
@Zhouster That or Facetime on Apple products.
but I do use Hangout a lot with customers that are a little the wiser on tech, yes.
@MartijnPieters Obvious isn't it? They want to find_best_shifts :)
cabbage people
We are indeed the cabbage people.
♫ ca ♪ bba ♩ g ♬ e, come and join us at the ♫ ca ♪ bba ♫ g ♩ e-eee.
We are, cabbage cabbage people. But we always got time for new friends.
I'm trying to bring the cabbage language to the Electrical engineering chat room
and ofc I needed to analyze the data from paste
I hope they understand it
bc I have autoaccept files in my skype at home
Yea its been a while since I paid this room a visit
and it is on, and it autoaccepted all sent files so that I cannot accept then on my laptop
@Funkyguy I wouldn't worry too much about the cabbage language - it's hardly a lingua franca :)
With Jon wearing the indian chief outfit.
I like it!
My Italian's not good: would that be lingua insalata?
what I don't like is how Flask runs on raspberry pi either 2.7 or above 3.3, and the latest version of python for the rPi is 3.2
(Not sure how to make a noun an adjective.)
And all my scripts are written in python 3.3 from my computer
we just started using sococo at work
@Martijn you've been into my warddrobe? How cheeky of you sir!
the metaphors in the client are more like being in an office, then something like google hangouts, where you have to go more out of your way to start voice coms
it's pretty neat
we still use hangouts tho
dang i'm implementing pre_save() but it's not getting hit for some reason
@Funkyguy you are talking about some old raspbian, not raspberry
@Funkyguy I did install later from some backports, do not remember the specifics
also 3.2 was buggy as hell on raspb
@AnttiHaapala Are you saying there is a debian based OS for Rpi that does 3.3?
And you could always install a newer version manually. Had to do that when the RPI first came out
@Funkyguy nope ubt I think i installed testing pkgs
@JonClements wait, what? You actually have Village People outfits in your wardrobe?!
@Martijn well yeah... keep it separate from my gnu image manipulation program costume though
I've mainly just resorted to adding "legacy" support for the scripts. basically if version==2.7 blah blah DO THIS, otherwise DO THAT
I guss just this
@Funkyguy dont
Bad idea?
bad idea to do anything with 2.7 :P

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