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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

sooo... weird question
how can I take a block of text and make it look a little more like some paragraphs?
add spacing between paragraphs or indent the first line?
use a serif font?
I mean. I'm trying to make a computer generate human-like text, images, formatting, etc
so instead of just a string of 100 sentences, it includes blockquotes, code lines, images, new lines, maybe even italics in somewhat arbitrary locations
use lorem ipsum?
I am, but the module doesn't seem to make it into paragraphs
you would need to give more details if you really want an answer
i am not seeing your screen, after all
let me give you an example
ah okay this is perfect: proko.com/gesture-vs-proportion-time
see how there's pictures, block quotes, paragraphs, and videos? I want to fake that. Just make it resemble it but contain no relevant information
granted it was made in Haskell... but the source code is available on github
yeah looks like it has a web API so that works, thanks for the help
glad to help
check out blog.codinghorror.com/the-eternal-lorem-ipsum for some more interesting links
3 hours later…
Do you use BitBucket @MartijnPieters ?
Nevermind found my solution.
cbg guys
1 hour later…
Cbg all
This guy is really annoying me. All his edits are just lazy.
also cabbage @Ffisegydd
That guy is a pain. He throws out a serious amount of crap and then just deletes what gets downvotes
I should really stop staying up so late. Rhubarb, see you all in ~6 hours. :)
Rbrb dude
1 hour later…
hey @Ufoguy do you know what is this all about
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Mirano\Desktop\recorder\mouse_recorder.pyw", line 185, in <module>
    label.configure(text=str(datetime.datetime.now()-t0)+"\n"+str(lineCount)+" lines")
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1271, in configure
    return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1255, in _configure
    cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 114, in _cnfmerge
    for c in _flatten(cnfs):
Cbg! :D
@Mirac7 I have no idea
I have never been more puzzled by an exception...
hello folks
I'm creating an app for a friend of mine and suddenly, in the dark depths of Objective-C, I am realising how beautiful Python is
That is a common occurrence.
oh sweet, sweet python, how i miss you
@stewie got any ideas about that exception?
I'd imagine it means that an integer is required...
no kidding... where exactly in this line is the TypeError:

label.configure(text=str(datetime.datetime.now()-t0)+"\n"+str(lineCount)+" lines")
t0 is datetime.datetime as well
Can you str a timedelta?
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=2))
And lineCount is just an integer number of lines?
it increments when f.write happens
Where does label come from?
Or rather what is it meant to be doing?
Tkinter's Label
Ah it's Tkinter
def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
    """Configure resources of a widget.

    The values for resources are specified as keyword
    arguments. To get an overview about
    the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
    return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
So presumably you're including text as a kwarg in **kw?
yes. it's tkinter problem
    label.configure(text=str(datetime.datetime.now()-t0)+"\n"+str(lineCount)+" lines")
except Exception, e:
    print str(datetime.datetime.now()-t0)+"\n"+str(lineCount)+" lines"
it can be printed out, but not set as text in label
I see.
If you go into the tkinter code you can see where the error is.
cbg @Fenikso
@Mirac7 Can you provide a whole runnable example?
@Mirac7 OK, how about minimal runnable example which demonstrates only the problem? :)
i'll make something...
I don't understand because looking at the docs it should be passing a tuple of (None, {text:'......'} to _flatten
Which should pass a tuple straight back out again as you don't have lists or tuples inside it.
Ah wait a second
I'm looking at 3.4 source code
it seems to be the problem with pyHook, not Tkinter
@Mirac7 Right, Tkinter has no problem with that. That is what the minimal examples are for. So, what is pyHook good for anyway?
you can catch system events like keyboard and mouse button presses and stuff like that
@Mirac7 Like globally?
Ah, keylogger. Cool :D.
but if the problem is pyhook, why is tkinter raising an exception?
Did you try to do str(...) around everything you pass to text= ? Just a thought.
Does your minimal example throw the same exception yet?
as you can see here:
    stringToDisplay = str(datetime.datetime.now()-t0)+"\n"+str(lineCount)+" lines"
stringToDisplay variable is a string
This is an exception (which occures on mouse click, not when the script ran)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Mirano\Desktop\New folder\example.py", line 22, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1271, in configure
    return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1255, in _configure
    cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 114, in _cnfmerge
    for c in _flatten(cnfs):
TypeError: an integer is required
Hmm. And in the example mouse click is not supposed to do anything, right?
def onMouseEvent(event):
To me it looks like threading problem. BTW: did you realize how often you go and update your label?
yeah, that's only in the example. it is updated in the same place in the original script, but it keeps generating pil image, so it's called only about a dozen times per second.
Even if I close the window, I get the same exception.
you clicked your mouse...
I do not have pyHook, I have disabled that part.
Then you shouldn't be getting an exception...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Python\Examples\tk_textupdate.py", line 23, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1202, in configure
    return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1193, in _configure
    self.tk.call(_flatten((self._w, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".23115776"
If I close the window.
That's just attempt to update a widget which no longer exists...
That's what should happen
Now that is fun. I have installed pyHook and added sleep(1) to your loop.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Python\Examples\tk_textupdate.py", line 28, in <module>
TypeError: an integer is required
i tried closing the root window, it raised an exception
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1486, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1808, in destroy
    for c in self.children.values(): c.destroy()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 2060, in destroy
    for c in self.children.values(): c.destroy()
TypeError: an integer is required
Q: pyHook + Tkinter = crash?

AquaRegiaConsider the following example: from Tkinter import * import pyHook class Main: def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onClose) self.root.title("Timer - 000") self.timerView = Text(self.root, bac...

i'll just use try, except:pass
on the whole loop
9-year-old bug for the win.
@Mirac7 I would think of using something different than Tkinter. I even recall that wxPython has some global hook capabilities so you would not need two libraries. However I think it does not have mouse hooks.
If it can't detect system-wide mouse events, I'll still end up using pyHook, and still get the error, since the bug is not in the tkinter itself
@Mirac7 The problem is how Tkinter event loop and pyHook event loop inter-operate. Using another GUI library may be a fix anyway.
I'll look into it...
@Fenikso maybe it is a wrong integer...
@Mirac7 Also look into this, it seems that the guy found a way how to make it play nice together. Not that I understand it :). stackoverflow.com/questions/12278570/…
Seems like I just delay the tkinter a bit and it should be fixed...
@AnttiHaapala It is even funnier, as sleep accepts floats.
possible to have 2 interpreters and they could get confused about types :P
heya people, I need some help with cookies in reuquests module
@Ufoguy Cabbage!
import requests

r = requests.get("https://aptransport.in/APCFSTONLINE/Reports/VehicleRegistrationSearch.aspx")
print r.text
c= r.cookies["_utma"]
print c
this is my code
but it is giving errors
That does look like code.
dpaste.de/PP38 this is where I posted the errors
And what do you think that error is telling you @Ufoguy?
i have no idea.
hmm... it seems that i just had to return True in the mouse event function.
@Ufoguy have you read it?
And you're not able to comprehend any of it?
Sorry but no, however I think the following is related
@Mirac7 Huh. Cool, I guess?
KeyError: "name='_utma', domain=None, path=None"
@Ufoguy Yep. Ever seen KeyErrors before?
no. I'm sorry but i'm new to debugging
you are trying to access google analytics cookies by force
@Ufoguy I refuse to believe that you can't comprehend at least some of it. I think you simply want people to spoon-feed you help again. I'm not willing to waste my time doing this.
when none exist
@Fenikso I'm unsure about this as a solution when I take into account how many people on the internet had this problem, but there was no solution.
@Ufoguy Ever used dictionaries in Python before you started playing with Requests?
no it does not
@Ufoguy Ever tried to access a key, which was not there?
what is the code in untitled.py (what a wonderful name)
So I'm trying to accessing a key which is not there.
@Mirac7 Yeah. I would be hesitant too.
and what is it supposed to do
import requests

r = requests.get("https://aptransport.in/APCFSTONLINE/Reports/VehicleRegistrationSearch.aspx")
print r.text
c= r.cookies["_utma"]
print c
Is all the code I have @AnttiHaapala
so wher e does that '_utma' cookie supposedly come from?
What do you mean?
@Ufoguy Yes, that is what KeyError is all about. Thats it. Debugging WHY it is not there is another story.
>>> r.cookies
<<class 'requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar'>[Cookie(version=0, name='ASP.NET_SessionId', value='1fxc1g45y2c4sc553zg4d1ap', port=None, port_specified=False, domain='aptransport.in', domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False)]>
@Fenikso So you're saying _utma is not being set by the site
first, are you sure it is _utma or __utma
second, __utma is a cookie set by google analytics javascript on client side
ok So i guess it is set in Javascript. So I'm not getting it
which is why you get keyerror
since your code requires it to be there
only if some one had poosted
which leads to questions like: "have you actually used dictionaries before playing with requests"
I'd have solved the problem earlier
Thanks @AnttiHaapala
yes I did
@Ufoguy It is not being set by whatever your code does. Maybe the site does not set it. Maybe you do something wrong. Maybe the site refuses to talk to the scripts. Endless possibilities.
Further question: did you bother to Google 'Python KeyError' before coming in here and asking for help?
@Ffisegydd I googled KeyError: "name='_utma', domain=None, path=None" and it gave me wierd results
I understand it now. Sorry
That Google gives me no results whatsoever.
@Ufoguy I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to stop doing it.
You're taking advantage of people in this room, and it's more than just me that is noticing it, and eventually you'll simply not be welcome.
But on the better site you've taught me a lot of netetiquette. but sometimes i get confused. I did not know what to google for
If you get an exception you don't understand (let's say AttributeError) then leave out any of the extra text and just search for "Python AttributeError".
Then you'll know what an AttributeError is. Then you can search in more depth if you need to.
ok will do that from now on. Thanks'
But chances are if you'd searched for "Python KeyError" you'd have gotten this result
That does explain a lot.
hell yeah now I know how to make sense of my errors
BTW I'm looking at Faker source code abnd it is cool
Can I do this in Python Django??

users = UserProfile.objects.filter(user__date_joined__lte=some_date).values('user__id')
note that UserProfile references User as a Foreign Key.. So my specific question is that can we do values('user__id')???
cbg all
cbg @tristan
@tristan Cabbage!
cbg :)
@MohammadRafayAleem sopython.com/salad
I finally completed my script thanks to you guys. dpaste.de/RAUm
CBG @tristan
cbg @Ufoguy
on fivver a guy demanded 35$ for it and that was too much for me. So yeah! I couldn't have done it withput you guys
@Ffisegydd You shold put some googling techniques on sopython.com like the one you told me for tracking errors
So that people won't be spamming this chat like I did
You shouldn't be spamming the yamming chat whether there are links on how to Google or not.
To help the help vampires learn to be human
And as far as sopython goes, that's not its purpose.
this is the first time I saw you use a cuss word. You must be mad
Take it easy. It was just a suggestion
since you told me to google I am not posting silly questions anymore. I'm learning and am a slow learner. you may be mad but I have respect for you. I want to be a programmer like you guys someday. But alas my memory is weak. But I like python and I will not negatively affect the community that helps people
let's play the library game
here are the libraries I like faker, beautifulsoup4, xlsxwriter,requests
Post the libraries that you use
xlsxwriter is simple and very easy. But I don't think it can read excel files
@Ufoguy have you looked at xlrd and xlwr(?) - I've used them with success in the past
@Ufoguy and, of course, everyone loves requests
requests killed my father
I've used xlrd, I actually had to look because it wasn't painful
Hey @Fenikso thanks for pointing out at sopython! But I was wondering why not just plain simple old school english?
@tristan sounds tragic, you father was presumably urr=llib?
I use numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn. With some Flask on the side.
he...he was raw SGML sobs
@Ufoguy check out xlrd. i guess i used it here github.com/tristanfisher/parse_xls/blob/master/main.py because it's in my repo, but i don't remember writing this, so i supposed i should try to adjust the doses on whatever medication my girlfriend slips into my morning coffee
Does anybody here know of a library for generating bargraphs or pie charts and stuff like that?
Or seaborn (which uses matplotlib)
@Ufoguy while in python or do you want them to be drawn on a webpage
On a web page @tristan
Ah yeah good point.
Use Javascript then, Flot maybe. Or mpld3 if you really want to use Python.
Check out [d3](d3js.org) -- you'll want to export your data to JSON for consumption by javascript
d3 is amazing but has quite a steep learning curve. Flot might be a bit simpler.
bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms check this out @Ffisegydd it blows my mother-effing mind.
also, i really need to get around to writing that "how to ask good questions" document for sopython. i finished everything for my contract on friday, so maybe i'll do that today
@tristan Learning to do stuff like that is on my to-do list...I wish I could just take 6 months off between the end of my PhD and starting a job but...you know...rent...
Nice humblebrag
Ta <3
"yeah, i guess i could learn some pedestrian things like javascript, but I have this PhD to finish..."
*I should point out it's a PhD in experimental quantum physics...
Oh, should you?
I should.
cbg, btw
forgot this tab was open still.
I'm downloading matploitlab using pip. Soon I'm gonna make graphs and piecharts of my college resuls which I scraped using a pyhon script
One of my projects is a data import/JSON export API for dataviz purposes. I'll let you know when it's done so you have an easier time getting started @Ffisegydd
cbg @MartijnPieters
cbg @MartijnPieters
That'd be awesome @tristan
Q: pip fails to install numpy error code 1

PimI'm trying to install numpy using pip. When I type pip install numpy in the command prompt it goes to work but won't install the file and returns an error code 1. I am using windows 8 64-Bit and python 2.7.This is the final bit of the error message Cleaning up... Removing temporary dir c:\users...

:) would be my pleasure @Ffisegydd
I'm getting the same error with matploitlab
@Ufoguy Windows?
Get what you need from lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs
You'll want numpy and matplotlib at the very least probably.
In fact numpy might be a dependency of mpl, can't remember
command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip_build_root/matplotlib
Storing debug log for failure in /home/alan/.pip/pip.log
Linux @Ffisegydd
 The following required packages can not be built:

                        * freetype
Urgh yeah I know this error, I had to fix it on me Mac.
Oh God, Mac and freetype. I have had those pains.
It's the same with Linux
True, that
I remember all kinds of library incompatibilities on Ubuntu 10.4 (I think)
2 hours later…
It's funny how you bump into people on SO. I just realised that the guy who writes seaborn has answered one of my matplotlib questions and in fact I've also answered one of his...
Didn't realise he'd written seaborn at the time though
this advice is so goddamn good youtube.com/watch?v=DN43sCyEanA
Could you please give me subtitles? :(
Dude, sucking at something? Thats the _____ at something :(
first step towards being good?
that's first step at being sort-a good at someting
dude, sucking at something...is first step at being sort-of good at something
Tis true
Thanks guys :)
> A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
no problem @thefourtheye :)
Also good @MartijnPieters
I'm going to watch and read that quote every day while coding C over the next few months
That's generally true, but there are always exceptions :)
My 2 cents :D
Don't talk, act. Don't say, show. Don't promise, prove.
~~~~~dance like no1 iz watchin~~~~~~
I'm always watching o_o
~~~*eat wingz like no 1 is watching*~~~~
That one is better.
thanks :) i agree entirely.
i think the intern next to me thinks that i've lost my mind. i'm transferring notes/pseudocode that i wrote on the subway into vim and flipping through papers like i lost a winning lottery card
Start muttering under your breath about cabbage.
And occasionally just stare into space and then whisper "Avacado..."
@Ffisegydd Err. That would be me... ;)
BANANA, BANANA, yam yam yam lettuce? AVOCADO
what's a good city for arts that also has jobs in programming?
i think i'm going to move to Berlin next July/early August. One last summer spending time in NYC, say goodbye to my friends, prepare for the next thing.
isn't Australia absurdly hot?
I don't know if Canberra is a good match, I just thought I'd give a random city on the other side of the world.
all my work is done on a VPN lately... wish I could spend more time here.
This is kind of hilarious (via hacker news): http://pangoly.com/en/build

If someone keeps up with socket and processor revision numbers, he/she wouldn't be looking to a site like this. Also, lol at the "pro" box with an overclocked i7 and 16GB of ram for "software development" like IntelliJ has harder requirements than a video game
Ugh, I'd write some Python in vim, but I only have 8GB of RAM and my dual SLI video cards haven't come in yet.
What is a PC configurator and why would I want to build one?
You need to build your PC configurator so you can use it to configure the optimal build for your PC.
"AMDdicted" Die.
I think I might be the target audience for this. I have no knowledge of hardware, but I want a machine that can play Minecraft at 120 FPS.
the only thing better than writing code 'close to the metal' is the smug feeling of false-superiority for connecting some idiot-proof components together.
I am comforted by these large labels and friendly checkmarks.
I guess I should select the "Miner" option, as that's the logical naming scheme for a Minecraft-optimized machine.
I was thinking Rome, Rome is cool, right?
Actually Rome can get pretty hot.
I went sightseeing in Rome once. The most interesting part was when the tour bus hurtled through these little winding streets at an alarming speed
come to Oulu :D
nothing is hot here anymore :d
The ice cream vendors and the Colosseum were close contenders though
Proper gelato? Lovely.
i.imgur.com/xtvdHtq.jpg finland <- definitely cooler than you think :P
I thought I'd like the sistine chapel but it's natural lighting only in there so you can't make out too much of the ceiling
@Kevin I taught a class in Rome once, and had to read an Italian paper so I couldn't see what was going on. And I don't know any Italian
Also I was somewhat disconcerted to find that the Coliseum is essentially in the middle of a seven-lane circular race track
Doesn't look like a lot is going on in Oulu
Come to Bath, it's got plenty of culture and Bristol is only a few miles away and is doing quite well for technology/jobs I think.
@tristan you say
@tristan now there is rumor goin on that microsoft will fire the lastestestest mobile developers of remnants of nokia in here and close down the unit,
sounds like nothing is happening?
Come to New Jersey. We have, uh, the ocean and convenient transport to Philadelphia.
Will they just shut down Oulu if that happens?
Doesn't say much about my state that the most attractive points are the escape routes...
@Kevin it says, at least the escape routeS as in plural are attractive
I heard your state has readily available heroin, so that's nice, I guess.
I can neither confirm nor deny that.
none of the escape routes EXCEPT for the airport, are in any way attractive here.
6 hours by train to civilization
or 8-10 by car
but at least there is was nokia
@Kevin where in NJ? Western? It's not like Philadelpha is that great of a destination either.
Yeah, western. I'm fifteen minutes from Camden.
Camden! The Shining Jewel Of The East! (said nobody ever)
:) Camden, chief importer of drug addicts and exporter of sorrow
Did you know that the Camden police have a tremendous net attached to a crane, so they can incapacitate a full residential block full of criminals at once? Very efficient.
camden, our primary export is crippling depression
It always amuses me when I hear some place in America and it's named after a place in Britain. It shouldn't shock me really but it does.
|population_ref= ( and wards ) }} Camden Town, often shortened to Camden (ambiguously also used for the much larger London Borough of Camden of which it is the central neighbourhood), is an inner city district of London, north-northwest of Charing Cross. It is one of the 35 major centres identified in the London Plan. Laid out as a residential district from 1791 and originally part of the manor of Kentish Town and the parish of St Pancras, London, Camden Town became an important location during the early development of the railways and is also located on the London canal ne...
Yeah, I grew up in New England, soooo
I understand that Old Jersey is an island mostly inhabited by sheep. Sounds like a nice place.
Sheep and tax fraud.
I mean, the place I grew up is quite densely named. Portland. Land of Ports. I hope the founders didn't spend all morning thinking of that one.
It's entirely possible that the sheep just aren't aware of the tax codes.
Pssh I live in Bath. And yes it's named after a Bath.
There's a Bath, Maine, as well.
New York was once New Amsterdam. Why they changed it? I can't say. People just liked it better that wayyyyyyy
Bath, Maine, named after a place called Bath that was named after a bath.
If you're going to be a moron, at least be a creative moron.
I went to Rome, everyone thought I was Italian. Supposedly I look Italian
Upon further research, the Wikipedia article for Jersey doesn't mention sheep even once. I guess I just assume all UK territories are charmingly provincial unless proven otherwise.
cabbage everybody
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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