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In that case, I suggest using email as a unique identifier.
@İnekŞaban why not just get them to set a user name? Or use the bit before the @ - and then increment that if it's taken etc...
Since it uniquely identifies already ;-)
A family of 25k people..using the same email? :) That's worth of a network suspension ;)
@İnekŞaban if you are in America, you'll get sued. :-)
How do I get a variable inside a if condition as global
I agree 25,600 is bigger than a small Amish village.
@Ufoguy You wish to declare the global variable or merely set its value?
Cos they really love their email accounts and stuff :)
I'd use the email, but it shouldn't be too obvious what email it is. Then I also have the added bonus of one less query
Access it outside the if
The Amish don't care about email accounts or bank accounts for that matter.
@abhi How so? :)
@Ufoguy I haven't had coffee yet, so could you please post a snippet?
or pseudocode
Also, an extra trip to the database to check if it's already taken is to be avoided in this case :/
@Ufoguy variables declared inside an if statement are visible outside it by default.
@İnekŞaban A large family would sue you for not letting them use your service with a single email.
if True:
    x = 23
print x
#result: 23
Now try to access x outside the if condition
It will not be accessible
I just did. that's what print x is doing.
Yes it will.
print x is outside the if.
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2

with open("State codes.txt") as f:
	state_list = f.readlines()

print state_list

state_code = raw_input("Enter the state code:")

if(len(state_code) > 2):

    strip_code = state_code[0:2]
    print strip_code
print strip_code
c = re.compile("{strip_code}!".format(x))

for line in state_list:
    print re.findall(c,line)

state_code = state_code.lower()

print state_list
I'm getting error
At print strip_code
What should strip_code be if the len isn't greater than two?
You got me!
I can't believe I was so dumb
As long as I'm here, I'll diagnose the next error. c = re.compile("{strip_code}!".format(x)) won't work, because there's no variable x defined in this script. Perhaps you meant to do c = re.compile("{}!".format(strip_code))
@İnekŞaban What extra trip? Do you plan to keep all these unique keys in memory - and not in the database?
So.. with the code I posted here it generates 19-20 long strings.. with md5(4byte time+string)+digest always 22
@ypercube No, but I want them to be generated at the moment everytime
A timestamp + randint looks unique enough but there's risk of collision. So I thought "why not the email?"
Ah.. I also have a limit of 1 post/0.5 sec.. does that help if two people post with the same email?
You could eliminate the possibility of collisions by using the full unix timestamp instead of just the last two bytes.
If you base64 encode it, it's only five characters long.
That should also solve the problem of family suing :)
@İnekŞaban It's not clear what exactly you are trying to accomplish with this. Find a unique key for posts? or users? During a user sign-up? Something else? Where will these keys be used later?
@ypercube The former. They keys will be used to retrieve the posts and if possible save a query or two to the database
If you are storing the posts/users in a database, why not just insert them and rely on the database to provide unique auto-numbers? Databases are good at that.
I like that idea.
Not sure I even want to think about the logic behind: I was wondering if there is a way for me to do this piece of code in a recursion loop? As it would get tedious to keep re-typing the iteration if there were more than 4 suits in a card deck
@Kevin By only using a timestamp if multiple users post at the same time and the requests are handled by different machines there will be multiple posts with the same id
I have a distributed setup
and a distributed database?
If you have multiple databases, then data integrity is an issue far beyond just generating ids
@ypercube The id generated by the db is too long, like 30 chars. You end up with an url like post/124352ndget25sgs53728hdyet37/this-is-a-post/
@ypercube Yup
@Kevin CouchDB
It works as Master-Master replication
If one goes down the other should back it up
That's bizarre. I'd expect the id of the first post to be 1, not a 30 character alphanumeric string.
I can afford to lose two or three posts
On the client side I save a snapshot that is then updated to the database if something fails
Sorry, I'll refrain from the subject further. I meant SQL-products with "databases are good at that." CouchDB not familiar with.
@Kevin Yes.. That's a side effect of NoSQL
@ypercube No problem :)
In any case, is it so important that ids not be 30 characters long?
Would these ids even be visible to the user? Why should they care what they look like?
I'm new to databases. Can large strings be saved in them
Are posts in a blog generally stored in databases
Kevin. It would be no problem for me really, but I'm afraid that people will complain about that :/
@Ufoguy Of course ;)
Which is the easiset database to use with python>
It's like if a SO post was like //stackoverflow.com/questions/73hd6steg46352gsf35sf2gsre536d/generating-a-md5-ch‌​ecksum-of-a-file instead of //stackoverflow.com/questions/3431825/generating-a-md5-checksum-of-a-file
@Ufoguy The easiest? SQlite :P But it's unpractical for non-small projects...Otherwise Schema-Free dbs should be the easiest as they don't have to be defined beforehand
But it depends on what you want to do and what you know
@Ufoguy I believe any db can be used, but a lot of it is based on the operating system and stuff.
For example, if you're hosting on *Nix you cannot use MS SQL SERver
@Ufoguy Yyyyyyes. Probably.
I though about enforcing timestamp uniqueness even in the event of multiple users posting at the same time with the same email to different machines by doing a time.sleep(.1/.2.3..) before generating the id.. or is that crap?
Well, in the hypothetical situation where your forum becomes wildly popular with hundreds of people posting simultaneously, it's probably a bad idea to force them to wait their turn to make a post
Umm yeah..didn't think about that :/
@İnekŞaban why the link to your network profile is dead?
Or, I guess it doesn't matter if they all have different emails.
But putting a sleep won't fix collisions, because if two people post at the same time, and they both sleep for a second, their timestamp will be the same.
Or if you're suggesting that the sleep amount be different for each person, then there will still be a collision if a sleep(3) user posts a second before a sleep(2) user
I'm trying to make a number tracer website like vechile number , phone number etc
is numbersindia.com a good domain
off topic
Is it memorable
No, it's a "garden path sentence" url. I thought it was "number sin dia dot com" initially
Its meant only for indians so I don't think that is a problem
On the plus side, it's easily comprehensible in spoken conversation
A good URL should be conveyable while shouting at pedestrians from a speeding car
I've bought it so I can't do anything about it
Just checking wether it was a mistake
Well, it's spelled correctly :-)
Also I have a blog paranoidbob.com Please review it
@ypercube What do you mean?
@Kevin Yeah I know :/
In the meantime I've found something using base57 and looks like it's short and readable
What do you think about it?
@Ufoguy Your blog articles need better spacing and formatting.
@İnekŞaban The link "network profile" from your page: stackoverflow.com/users/3644644/nek-aban shows error
Why do I need more spacing?
I am not sure what you're trying to say with Use a hips firewall like Comodo. (This is not recommended if you don’t know much about computers as it is complicated.)
Using Hips firewalls is complicated
Not for a normal user
Yes, but then you should not be saying "Don't use it in the next sentence".
@ypercube That's weird.. Will contact the team about that issue
instead you should say point to some kind of reference resource
@abhi You'r right
I read the article "How you get infected by malware!"
I should point to wikipedia
Can you really read it without the spacing?
I had to take an effort to read. Nobody wants to do that in today's world.
How do I change the spacing in word press
also honestly, it reads like something that has been copy-pasted from other sources.
So, with that shortuuid thing I get a 22 long id and it looks more readable than a base64 encoded one.. Wonder about collisions
No, I worte them myself
post urls would read like post/rgW97vVjdga6j6du9APpWP/this-is-a-post
It is not surprising that malware is spread through torrents and file sharing sites. A large amount of malware spreads through so called cracks or keygens. That is why it is advised to stay away from software piracy. A bot or a hacker uploads cracks or other so called hacking software which are binded with malware. Torrents are a bit safer than file sharing sites for cracks. Some bots even seed the torrents from infected computers.
Yes the last sentence is misplaced
@İnekŞaban If you're using it in URLs, it can be dangerous to rely on upper-vs-lower case to distinguish IDs.
The sentence Torrents are a bit safer is almost a pun on bits and bytes.
Unintentional I hope.
But first how do I increase spacing
in Wordpress
@ZeroPiraeus Why?
Just use a different theme I suppose.
@abhi While everything but the domain is theoretically case sensitive in a URL, some software doesn't always respect that.
@İnekŞaban why exactly can't you just use a numeric based key like SO does? (If you've already explained this then sorry, I've only been paying brief attention)
I'd just use a random digits + lowercase letters string. For a given length, it gives you the least possibility of collisions.
@ZeroPiraeus we got over conversations mixed up. I am talking to @Ufoguy
about his blog on wordpress.
Oops, sorry :-/
The sentence Torrents are a bit safer is almost a pun on bits and bytes.
Unintentional I hope.
I don't get this @abhi
@Ffisegydd They explained that this is a CouchDB limitation.
Ah ok.
@abhi What do you mean by that
@Ffisegydd Don't worry I'll explain :) The current db generates an alphanumeric 30 chars long id. What I want to do is 1) Do it like SO and use an increment id (but that would assume a trip to the db to determine if the id was already taken, or at least probability of collisions) 2) Generate a random id based on some unique or/and random combination, but that should still be shorter than 30 (<20 if possible)
And then I have a distributed db environment (CouchDB works as Master-Master replication)
Right I see. I've not used couchdb but I've used mongodb a tiny amount and they have a similar _Id field which is unique and automatically created for each document.
@İnekŞaban Wait, can the db generate auto-incrementing numbers or not? I thought you said it can't.
@ZeroPiraeus That still doesn't solve the problem where multiple users post at the same moment and the requests are delivered to multiple "masters"
@Ufoguy If you don't get it, don't worry about it.
I gather you're not familiar with puns.
In python, I can check for empty arguments by checking on thelength.
if len(sys.argv) < 2
Is there a better way to do this?
@İnekŞaban Why not?
@ypercube It can't as far as I know (it would be a limitation in a distributed environment like that). But you can create a doc that stores the counter and is incremented each time a "normal" document is created. But then you have an extra trip to make to the database.. And I'm not even speaking about deliver to multiple machines at the same time, which is most likely to happen
@İnekŞaban Delivering to multiple machines is going to happen anyway, so that is not an issue - if you don't have to wait for the delivering to happen.
If this counter is guaranteed to be unique per node, you could use a URL like www.site.com/posts/37-12345/post-title where 37 is the node number and 12345 is the counter.
You say "random digits + lowercase letters".

Let's assume that 1000k ids are already generated, 10 of them could be the same. Like:

        random digits            |            lowercase letters             |
jf34h7rf348dj389jdu34h8 + ddjewysygsgegshdg
nfbyyq736b3847hdf38gyd + ndwjdbhhjbhbdjhab <- This one is duplicated 300 ids forward
You know? You're right and that gave me an idea :)
Umm ... possibly a misunderstanding. I meant random (digits + lowercase), not (random digits) + lowercase.
A pure random string of some sort is by definition the most secure against collisions of any possible scheme.
Maybe I should generate the id like -> 4 byte timestamp + (?)byte node identifier + 2/3 byte random value
I am facing an odd issue with this code: pastebin.com/d5wHkXDt
the slice thing is throwing an error in 2.7
i am passing a value of 4 in my command line argument.
@ZeroPiraeus You have to think till how much isn't a random going to collide?
So e.g. 12 alphanumeric characters is a keyspace of 36^12 ~= 5 * 10^18 possible IDs, and you're likely to get your first collision after 2 billion IDs, on average.
@abhi: the exception message should give you a pretty big hint about what the problem is. (Aside: don't use global, simply pass the length as an argument to the function.)
What do you call the feeling of just discovering that the answer you've been referencing to solve a different problem turns out to be your own?
@ZeroPiraeus He! not likely to affect me in the first year or two then :)
If your alphabet has N characters and your key has length M, your keyspace is N^M, and you hit a probability of collision of 50% at N^(M/2).
Looking into Peewee (an ORM) case-insensitive ordering I searched for how SQL Alchemy does it. After formulating a hypothesis it turns out the SO answer I was referencing was written by myself.
I don't even remember writing it.
There's already a word for discovering that the answer you're referencing was written by Martijn Pieters: "unsurprising".
@Martijn always a bit disconcerting when that happens isn't it :)
Presumably that applies to you too..
I have updated htttp://paranoidbob.com
Please tell me wether I should place pics in posts or not
@DSM why won't global work for me?
@Ufoguy I see that in your excitement, you typed "t" thrice
@ZeroPiraeus Guess 20-22 chars are going to protect from collisions for a long time
@abhi: it's not that it won't work, but there's no need for it here. It doesn't scale well to multiple functions (some of which could be calling each other.)
@Ufoguy Consider making fewer http requests if possible
@İnekŞaban That'd give you a likelihood of collisions with 3.6 * 10^15 IDs, yeah ...
@Ufoguy You shouldn't feel sorry, I'm helping you :P Also, add expiry headers too so your users don't have to load css/js and image files everytime
I have a technique.
I inser affiliate links in pictures
@ZeroPiraeus I was just overengineering..
Like Avg antivirus
@İnekŞaban Any scheme that reduces the entropy in the ID (using the timestamp, email address etc.) increases the chance of collisions. Random is the way to go unless you have a pressing reason to avoid it.
@İnekŞaban I don't get what you mean by http requests
How do I do that!
I'm new to wordpress
@ZeroPiraeus I'll do it with a friggin randomint and be done with that :)
Can you give me instructions
@İnekŞaban If you need to be able to reliably recreate the same ID for a particular document and still be safe against collisions, well, that's what hashes are for.
Avg seems like more of a virus to me -_-
I can insert Kaspersky affilate link too
I prefer Kaspersky, but I didn't yet apply for affilate program
@Ufoguy Your website has 23 external Javascript scripts and 4 external stylesheets. They should be combined into 1 or two files if possible. Many browsers have a limit on the number of requests they accept
I can't do anything about thay
A request is for example when you load a js file from a website
I just use wordpress
I have no control over what wordpress does
@Ufoguy You can do that with Wordpress too
Can you code in html,php?
@ZeroPiraeus Wouldn't hashes introduce performance issues?
@İnekŞaban on a completely different subject: are you aware that your SO profile says "please remove me"?
How can I encode a string to unicode?
import codecs
I can't code php
there be a wizard, in the high mountains of Niflheim, who knows the many lost secrets of unicode...
s = unicode(s, encoding="utf-8")
@Crow how are your youtube videos coming along? Hav you produced any more?
@ZeroPiraeus Haha yes :) Actually it's an experiment to see how they determine that your profile should be deleted. I changed the "delete" to "remove". If the profile gets removed I can be sure it's a real person doing that. I'm trying to have the same functionality and want to see how they do that
@İnekŞaban So you're the Louis Pasteur of SE ;-)
@Ffisegydd not yet keep getting pulled into random work... got some freelance web dev going
@İnekŞaban Well you wouldn't use a hash unless you had that requirement ... and there are some fairly performant ones about if you go looking.
it's frustrating working with people who don't know anything about software engineering though :|
@Saphire: that's the other way around. That produces a string (decodes bytes), not encodes a string into bytes.
@Ufoguy Umm.. Well, then begin by passing your JS files to closure compiler closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
and CSS files to refresh-sf.com
They can be further minified
@Crow fair play, when/if you do produce more let us know
You shouldn't have comments in production files my friend
@ZeroPiraeus Going to look for some :)
probably gonna make one tonight when I get around to it and can't sleep
Louis Pasteur?
@İnekŞaban Python settled on SIPHash as a good speed/reliability compromise for string hashes recently ... of course your requirements may not be identical.
@İnekŞaban He famously experimented on himself when developing vaccines.
@Ufoguy Your style.css is a beast (17.3KB) I suggest especially to minify that one
That one looks good, I'd be not needing it now, but will surely in a few years from now on.
@ZeroPiraeus His name said me something :P
I don't like to ask something so trivial like that on SO.. that's why I silently try it myself
in pycon sweden
Anyway your blog is cool Ufoguy :)
should I plug so python chat :D
Do they like cabbage in Sweden
@JonClements I had a couple of Swedish houseguests make me some rather good borscht with cabbage in it once.
@MartijnPieters We may have to add it to our common questions. Do we see that often?
@Zero ergo... all attendees to PyCon Sweden love cabbage and thus sopython chat... my logic is flawless
@JonClements Yes, that looks like a watertight argument to me :-)
What do we consider the minimum sample size?
@tristan 3.
Hold on, I'll ask
Is the use of cabbage allowed if we actually mean the vegetable? Seems like there should be a rule against that, it'll just totally confuse everything.
It acts a wildcard word if needs be... so it gets even more wild :)
@thefourtheye Not that often, but with the question open I believe it is easier to be found through google.
@MartijnPieters I voted for reopening already but won't search pick up the closed questions?
It should be escaped then. Like precede it with tasty
I didn't see it crop up on the first page of a google search for 'with python'.
Again, closed as lacking minimal understanding by Bill the Lizard.
votes to reopen.
Although that one actually is Too Broad.
I might close that one as a dupe of the one we reopened earlier.
back. today I am frustrated by strong typing.
Damn you C#, I just want a dictionary whose key can be a tuple containing an indeterminate number of immutable objects of unknown type. Is that so much to ask?
I hate cabbage
@MartijnPieters But if we reopen now, will we be able to close it?
And while we're at it, I want anonymous inline functions, and a sandwich
I like Cauliflower better
Funny you say that, my wife just brought my a sammich
@thefourtheye I hold Mjölnir, remember?
Please insert the sandwich into your floppy drive and email it to me
Who has floppy drives?
I have yet to VtC that post, so I can still apply it now.
Can I save a method to the global context of a flask app? I want to do the following:
People who frequently need to send sandwiches
You could use the cd drive in a pinch, but only if the sandwich is circular
voted for reopen
So, bagel sandwiches, or sandwiches with the crust cut off
then close it as dupe

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