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@JonClements That's one reason I dumped Windows for Linux 5 years ago. Haven't looked back.
3 hours later…
Cbg all
pretty deep here
@thefourtheye were you at the PyCon IRC chat yesterday?
I just saw your nick there.
Yup :-)
great. I wasn't around. Now going through the log
I am still in that room :D
@thefourtheye kernel coding yet :D:D
@AnttiHaapala Nope :'( I want to do it but not finding time
@Bibhas FB?
@thefourtheye get a sick leave
@thefourtheye oct last yr, after the dinner of pycon.fi I broke my elbow
@AnttiHaapala ha ha ha, I have been working for 6 years now and never took a single leave (even on Saturday Sundays :D)
it didnt hurt coding though :P
next week is .se
So many events... But only one in India
Rootconf from tomorrow
What is that?
question: what again does a 'b' mean in expressions like b'text'?
@Alex bytes literal
the text in b'' must be ascii only or escapes:
python 3

>>> b'äö'
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters.
on 2 however, b'' is synonymous to '', and has no difference whatsoever, it is meant to be there as a porting aid
so that you can target the same code for python 2.6+ and python 3.3+
ok thanks, I think I understand...
>>> type(b'abc')
<class 'bytes'>
thus b'' is the python 3 way for concise raw binary data literals
cbg aIKid
Y'all banana?
cbg @aIKid and all
@aIKid Hey. Its been a looooooooooooooong time....
Hmmm @Jon don't suppose you're about for a quick minute?
I'm working through the Comments database at the moment but it's taking a ridiculous amount of time (40 minutes to do roughly 1/3 of the XML file). The memory being used (green in htop) is only 600MB but the rest of it is in cache (I don't know if that is common). Also the VIRT for mongodb is running at about 12.5GB (not sure if that's something to be worried about). If you are about and could give it a quick glance to see whether it's ok or not that'd be grand.
shouldnt this one work:

def read_addresses(filename):
return [line.strip() if line not in blacklist for line in open(filename, 'rb').readlines()]
Open the file and then use a list comprehension within your with statement
So something like
def read_addresses(filename, blacklist):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        return [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if line not in blacklist]
If you use a ternary expression then you have to give the alternate (if it is False) so you'd need line.strip() if line not in blacklist else pass
ah i understand, that worked perfectly thanks @Ffisegydd
No problem. If you don't have an else statement then it's usually better to use [x.whatever() for x in y if test(x)]
You can use the ternary expression at any point really, not just in list comps
a = 'foo'
b = 'bar' if a == 'foo' else 'baz'
thats pretty cool :D
I've got a situation where writing: Dictionary[1] = list(socket) gives me an error.
TypeError: 'socket' object is not iterable
All I want to do is put it in a list, and have that list be the value for a Numerical key.
But I don't understand why this produces a: "not iterable" error
Try this
Dictionary[1] = [socket]
Isn't that the same? Okay one moment!
@Owatch list(socket) will try to convert socket to a list
Whilst [socket] will simply place socket inside a list
I thought it would create an empty list, and place Socket inside.
No because you can do, for example list('owatch') which will convert the string to a list
So I could go list("Hello") to get ["H","e","l","l","o"] ?
Ah, you beat me..
['o', 'w', 'a', 't', 'c', 'h']
Finished rewriting my irc server
with stackless
Now I don't need those silly threads which would send my fan RPM up 500
The question is now, how fast can ONE microthread handle all sockets on one server...
Can someone help me with a WinError?
Just ask. If someone can then they will.
When I disconnect and client and send something with another, it just spews WinError 10050, and doesn't stop.
I don't have an exception statement to catch Windows Errors, so i don't know why it keeps looping.
The error says a remote host closed their connection, which is true. But that still does not explain to me why the error loops... :<
cbg... sorry - late start to the day :)
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just seen your ping... wassup?
Just after the ping I explain it
I'm running the Comments database, about 2/3 of the way through.
Oh... I'd better read up then :)
It's taken 2 hours so far
I was just concerned about memory usage basically.
Okay... 12.5gb seems a bit large :)
Mate it's up to 28.5 GB now.
In VIRT anyway
I see you have htop'd :P
Yeah... hmmpph...
Okay... don't think we're doing this the smartest way, but since I need to think about it a bit, let's just pretend the system's put the decimal point in the wrong place and let it run :)
Yeah ok. On each iteration I'm clearing the root so the memory used won't increase too much. This means I can't use a generator expression inside insert but must instead insert each dict
It's on 28mil / 36mil comments processed
That's quite a few comments :)
Once Posts is in there we can cross reference the Post ID and remove any non-python ones
Imagine if that included deleted comments... would probably be twice that
I'm basically following the recipes given here btw
Yup - that's the way to do it regarding lxml - good bit of research there Stewie!
I added in a running tally so I could check how many comments had been added with a print statement then half way through realised I could just do db.comments.count() in a mongo session >.<
Well, an ongoing print out is handy... gives an idea of progress :)
Yeah that was my thought, just slows it down (not sure how much)
Especially when I could check it using the mongo session
You'd be checking different things... the .count() will show you the committed insert count... not the amount that Python has requested inserted
It's finished now anyway
And I can't remember if mongo stores the count as metadata about the collection, or has to do a full scan of the collection to count (which would slow it down quite a bit)
woo hoo
That was a 7GB xml file...The Posts and PostHistory combined is...64GB...
Here's a good teaser... help you get to grips with the aggregation framework - what's the Post id that has the most comments?
Thinks that bother me: people advocating changing the default encoding.
cbg @Martijn
How the hell did that get 4 upvotes?
Also, questions closed for 'minimal understanding' because they didn't include a code sample of their attempt.
It's net zero now... not the greatest suggestions... sighs
Having the OP do sit-ups to prove to us they did their homework.
78 results for sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')..
That reopen is very borderline... I would have left it closed personally, but okay, I'll run with you on this one
That Jon Sharpe is remarkably active :)
Leaves good comments and has good answers... strikes me as a nice bloke
heya @FlorianLudwig
@JonClements hi :D
Never could get the hang of Thursdays. My work uses an ORM that maps columns from the database to attributes on an object, but it's pretty strict on naming conventions - column name MY_BIG_FISH becomes attribute MyBigFish.
enough downvoting; any answer that advocates changing the default encoding over a score of 6 downvoted. More tomorrow.
@Kevin Pretend it is Monday instead?
We've added a new column to a table called FISHCODE. Somebody forgot the underscore! Now the attribute will be Fishcode, and the code style validation tool will complain that it's not in proper PascalCase
Rock, hard place
@MartijnPieters It irks you that much then? :p
"FISHCODE" sounds like an awesome version name for KevinScript
I can try a number of workarounds, but due to the string-and-duct-tape project construction we use, sometimes changes made to library X don't propagate to dependent library Y.
Have you tried turning it off and back on?
So I might be testing to see if workaround C works, but library Y is still using the version that only has workaround B.
@JonClements One time I had to reboot twice to get it to recognize the new code
I don't even... Why would it take two reboots.
@JonClements It's a cargo-cult solution, being bandied out for anything that throws a UnicodeEncodeException or UnicodeDecodeExceptionwithout anyone understanding what it does or when it'd actually make a difference.
Like setting the codec at the top of the file, the other Unicode problem cargo cult feature.
If highly-voted answers like that don't get voted down, people might actually think it is best-practice; while it is really a terrible idea.
@Martijn I like your broken leg analogy
The issue is though - it appears to work... it's just not a solution to the root cause
@Kevin well, the second one just really hit home you meant the first one, so it decided to take you seriously
I'm suddenly thinking of that XKCD: 'You know when you wake up in the night with a jolt... well that's what a segfault feels like... check your pointers' or whatever it was
nope, no spoiler support in chat..
Yeah, broken leg analogies are evocative, but I think people really need an example where this breaks some functionality. Like "this will make all your ñs display as ë instead" or whatever
If you say, "this is a bad idea", they'll reply, "well, it worked when I tested it briefly, so I don't care"
Hey, is it possible to have a thread run in a separate Command Prompt Window?
Or at least, print stuff in another window ?
Maybe not 'run', that's a little vague.
Last time I needed two prompts was for a little experimental chat program. I ended up just using a Tkinter Text control, styled to merely look like a command window.
Good Evening
I don't recall whether I found that two command prompts was impossible, or merely too frustrating for me to bother with.
I have a pretty low tolerance for BS, so your mileage may vary
Oh I see. It's just that the 'main' thread will be printing stuff as well, so I didn't want to have this big hassle of constantly scrolling up to see what I was having printed in between.
Hmm, you could just send all of the main thread's output to a Text, yeah... Although Tkinter gets a bit finicky when it comes to threads...
Opens .txt, reads, quickly closes and then reopens
It updated!
has anyone an idea why progressbar always gives me that it's not callable ?

>>> import time
>>> from progressbar import ProgressBar
>>> progress = ProgressBar()
>>> for i in progress(range(80)):
... time.sleep(0.01)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'ProgressBar' object is not callable
I thought of that, but it seems rather unnecessary. I was hoping it would be an easy thing to fix.
You are calling the object when you do progress(range(80)).
Are you sure that's correct?
@Kevin it's exactly what they do on the hp: pypi.python.org/pypi/progressbar/2.3-dev
nvm, I guess it must be correct, since it's a direct copy-paste from the project's home page.
@Kevin yes exactly :D
@MartijnPieters Are you covering javascript as well? :P
Cbg everyone
cbg @Sabಠ_ಠ
well, progressbar won't install for me, so I can't help. Sorry
Is there a way to limit the number of characters per line without actually stripping a word?
there's a word wrap module
Without textwrap.
cabbage good ol' fellows!
Cabbage @PeterVaro
word wrap ? progressbar seemed to be such easy ...
cbg @PeterVaro
So you don't want to wrap or strip words... What do you want it to do then? Raise an exception?
heya @Sabಠ_ಠ how's it going? any luck with the GUI project?
hey @Caffeine
@PeterVaro I paused a bit with the GUI. I got exams starting next week.
I'm trying to practice some stuff though.
what i have is just a huge list for which i want a progressbar so i know how much time it is going to take to iterate @Kevin
Ok, but since I can't run the code on my machine, there's nothing I can do
thank you anyway for trying ;)
This is like the sixth library in a row that I've tried to get from pypi, and it didn't work... I am detecting a trend
@thefourtheye Only when it relates to Python tags these days.
I have a few jQuery and HTML answers too..
or was it CSS?
Oh, I saw you editing a JS question. I thought that you have started digging deeper into JS
Ah, no, that was due to a Meta post.
@Kevin could be worse, try macport ;)
Q: Syntax highlighting is wrong

jcubicI've create a question here Higher order function name with javascript code but it seems it show lisp syntax (I have lisp tag). I've try to include: <!-- language: javascript --> But stil got lisp syntax. What's wrong here?

will drive you crazy im sure :D
how to limit characters per line without affecting a word?
@Sabಠ_ಠ, Please provide sample output
wow, a whopping 36 jQuery-related answers.
Ah, I see that edit now.
As much the languages impress me, the libraries dont... :(
Except underscore.js and lodash
Oh, so you do want it to wrap. I thought you said, "no text wrapping"
I meant not using textwrap function
Ya I want it to wrap.
I'm trying to mess up with files a little bit
So what I want to do it open a messed up txt file, make it easy to read and overwrite the file
Only part I'm stuck with is how to actually limit the characters per line without messing up a word.
does maybe someone else has any idea why calling progressbar gives me a "module not callable" error as i am using it exactly like described at the official doc: pypi.python.org/pypi/progressbar/2.3-dev ?
Try from progressbar.ProgressBar import ProgressBar
Yeah try that and see
That error message suggests that ProgressBar is a module
>>> from progressbar.ProgressBar import ProgressBar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named ProgressBar
>>> from progressbar import ProgressBar
Dunno then.
sorry - was afk for a moment
@Caffeine are you sure you've installed it properly? I just installed it and it is callable
Though I didn't use the 2.3 dev version
I used 2.2
yes totally sure that it's installed i used pip
tried to installed it again and it gave me: Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): progressbar in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Cleaning up...
Hmm I'm also using Python 3.4
Lemme try 2.7
I can't figure out how to do it
Limiting characters per line
without affecting words
Nope it works on 2.7 too
@Sab have you looked at the textwrap module?
@JonClements Yup but I want to make a function to do it without text wrap
hmm thats confusing o.O
Well honestly @Sab you can't expect too much help you when we've given you the solution of a builtin library.
i found one progressbar here: code.activestate.com/recipes/577871-python-progressbar/… and importing it as a module would be one way, but not as classy as the official progressbar ...
Why won't you use textwrap?
Because I want to learn how to implement my algorithms in code.
Ah I see
The Smart Developers room? Really?
cabbage all :)
@Games cbg buddy - how goes the day?
@JonClements Been exploring Python inspection.
@JonClements Want to try something?
Err... care to elaborate before I say yes? :)
@JonClements Its pure evil. It involves inspection, (perhaps) metaclasses and seeing things that are better left unseen.
I'm in.
cbg all! :)
Anything that involves dirty, evil, black-magic-python.
how have you all been?
Classes and stuff? I ll pass
if @Ffisegydd survives... I might give it a go... way to go giving yourself up for the team Stewie! :)
@tristan been good thanks... how's you doing? (still no CV received!)
Like the other week when Kevin wrote a decorator that changed the names of the function it was decorating.
@Ffisegydd yea, well thats just changing the __name__
No no @Games. He changed the name in globals
Unless that achieves the same thing.
@JonClements okay! i'm doing alright. i set up an LLC, wrote a bunch of legal documents from scratch, been working on the website for my consulting business (and i know about the CV, sorry -- underestimated the amount of work that it takes to do business as a consultant in new york (as a non sole-proprietor ))
@Games just? Most people don't even know it exists... let alone know it's mutable :) Don't belittle work now :)
also, did an interview for hackerschool last night :) hopefully i'll get in
@JonClements everything is mutable in python, you just have to evil enough
@Tristan awesome... and no worries... I know what it's like setting these things up :(
@tristan now that is the opportunity of a lifetime
wish i could go to hackerschool
New York has this strange requirement of publishing your business in a legal newspaper, which is expensive, tedious, and requires a bunch of other stuff to be done (like getting together the paperwork to open a business bank account)
Wait until you have the fun of auditing :)
Yeah, hackerschool sounds like it would be amazing. I really, really want in.
Selling a business is worse than starting one :)
Hahaha, oh god...yeah, I can imagine.
Okay, so how do you know an object has the attribute __name__?
I'll probably hire a responsible adult to help me with the process of selling a business.
@GamesBrainiac dir(Object), object.__dict__, the inspect module, by looking at it?
@Games I throw the bones... chant to the cabbage... and if The Cabbage chooses to bestow such knowledge upon me - it shall be so
you sure, you can find if a type has __name__ with just dir and inspect?
go into pdb and type the object name?
really? thats going to work?
That awesome moment when you realize that your program will not be accepted because it is not fast enough.... :'-(
I think so?
all right almost done
I was sure until you asked the second time.
note that this will only work in py 3
if you do it in py 2, you may lose your soul
I think I've already sold 49% of my soul - I figured as long as I have the controlling share it's okay, right? :p
I am in love with my "sign in" page
@JonClements depends on your operating agreement :)
how i found out that you have a __name__
Oh, you mean if you can eventually get .__name__ from a superclass?
@tristan yeah... should have probably read that more closely, but signing it in blood was making me feel a bit woozy... and the red skinned bloke with tail and horns was putting me off slightly
@tristan yup
but try doing this in py 2 :P
@GamesBrainiac Oh, sorry, I thought you meant if there was one hanging off the Object itself
Remind me later @GamesBrainiac, I will :)
@tristan thats simple enough, but it just goes to show you that dir is not always the answer
@JonClements haha, that's why I wrote my own -- I know every line in my contract, operating agreement, and what it means.
@GamesBrainiac Depends entirely on the question.
@tristan but yea, get into hackerschool :)
Yes! I really want to write a peer-to-peer socket protocol
@tristan have you even sent an email yet so I know your email addy?
Sending now
@Ffisegydd by the looks of it then, we're going to have to stick with the current server... (and maybe even upgrade it later)
subj: "Tristan from the Argument Clinic"
Ohhh, actually, now i have everything needed to finish my updated CV :)
@tristan But someone already wrote a bittorrent protocol using twisted
Oh yeah, I don't want to do bittorrent
I need to update by CV
But I'm just really so lazy :(
I might use some of the code to set up the peer to peer part, but I really mean that you should be able to go to /dev/[email protected]:80 and hit a socket on my local workstation
Weird... not quite sure how people are getting hold of the sopython.com addresses....
My Dearest, my name is miss Nyankuir,l read your profile today at {www.alnoor.se}, and i choose you as the only one whom i can give my heart as far as love is concern.
to know more about me and to view my pictures, please contact me at my privet email,

My dear i want you to understand that there is no age,race,colour and religion bar when it comes to true love.
Hoping to hear from you as soon as possible.Thank you Miss Nyankuir.
That and google's spam filters don't appear to be working :)
There is a grammar bar when it comes to true love.
Oh man, 'grammar bar' is a wonderful name for a language center
@Ffisegydd i thought you would have like to know the solution according the progressbar, using version 2.3 instead of 2.2 solved my problem ... thanks for your help
@Ffisegydd the next plan up is £96/mth... not bouncing with joy spending £60 as it is...
We must try and drop the DO server this month though

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